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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1886, p. 1

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~W-* oeww --.- - if ~ - vm n~ - w--- ~ I w~f~ - - - - ~ I 9r oe# - - - ~ ~ vmew vu t ~I~ f IL ~ay. WL, ~AY~ - il, îsS~ hi, hé -~ ~-. I. t . I -.Ibn -tOu. 'kp<as ~.ià m~ arn Mr s~icCZa*?(lot 1NZAU.F. L ô( thro peMM4mie tonniiniori Om I thepw<lfiek.k 'The Y tfrs> xe frow it uawd e tai- teto 1t dof tb@r t» .lm00n.5<&ol #ftowhm dwlee n kl, ndtbi"dCf*b. dOmsttt4r ÀIi .lnttoweeta"-V lOW 10 ftechfitOfl ulheftheheCêSdUttqi mi.eeit of lt o otht IIWeloPiGuS 65f blrïpi t thIw i i.mthe ol UeM ta mr oariWluI0thrfariner5UOfli aofmer. mont r t. arOg*a01en, ol I m: evty proMfcflyýte f 10Ueta l pvhhty thmet rfa¶l[rad 11854 m19 0çotpoitt t fo atel ndVSfOfs uhoei filther F,4leutuawegmno owmle rge 4mt fam e i uelftOphTIIMd moa« ltvte set. timen mh1 t(fsilfor p«ti. isuif amstl lerl bu %lit a"ttbirmwleiWM., 0»4 e. faey ond mil au" l» t&Gffetnwmrl em r t the ton hiel fouimtii. oilsga 11 mel f te o»try LiefuIles 5 itote te ehs b~j15O4 ies owA wm shmei lit the fr -*he ulki bogit go oountr y ~.lrswtu4the lucruuse cie btpfcaprei'ftô 'C4rIF lum ôbLt.o PIU<(Ar1014 ON TURt1PA*'f Kir A,. Sff«MmKW10umasl f(W à. oshrt. adtfer it e34 Onll, readb * short p'tpeS ",r.tklmol eUF4rquaeluM 8h. ]PWM." lt wâ* poifttSdau4% 1155me omeynitl Ride of farugl4o swtM4 am. mii (eef fhoIi"*it itucetuof0& eO4tI¶eIlchslctfTht e m 4aSlé workinif cf lantd tô e ftM.10 *PwUVlm hôs ,filit eapftty, cilei fWr&s lsov Ieel e4irnittVy, 9" ca W» flOal umle tte thefsmer, Ahhbowlld tou lmd@s, * orop«re eecplm .ô! . *M otsfaci. e1îuUO.Tht i peliwu ( e mmooudemM* # mag O%Loft4neI In s44ltO0.6ft«&»V dulb5IW plion tê otn ~5 uA u.. us ta at4y he W, rd 110= is.plom Md o4k XM0 ê,tpect.'i4 ha Si.mso1Sa w6W4l e fPee4 dw i th f ho pruslS t< lIe Vl eo me hq -tllef foîholgfv..a Ê,h*Aie,and oyen 1W prcnM fuas <bo *oiY KCouId eret. (>Il T a t.r f fÔ pflelpà4lMafe a*Mdihwlsfwte op" amS on &4 *<Vciltf.l À , bus of p(ki %'ie çS'hoole."Thit cl 0Sb* ethoutq wA4 ôtth* Ch.uMM i poUaoMMM Me~rhdsnre Lb. ont? deSuoim saa- abw 1)y nrt t 61>1 pipeW. 6MI41dea IWat ho pliblIic. rehool of fal47yeaago becwimore eù'lYÎC.ctw fm # au- bave »M mubSft(i à ftoM s nfu 41à., %* airais SIW ad vaff 4re of a Molho oig deaIM ""f grîwi nvalule. ,If.& .hee ma àfeldor de4rttin bPU4'AImau.veor *08m ti t Iyid boe i 4 e palM ýuý>4j~r7 -"gmtimi tt 14501 1#.rf efwere dile tô lfkftuuoee pute aeSlvity (V t-lie .én:oolq o e Lii MUS,. Wsc .W< r, en w ,ônilg Md uofy pvwe wam ilie timle to dieft s Ob 15 àfýwlg. )ifpîllt, 01401hitsiel" th I5* esciidif b5ut Lt BLoIIIImg ha tMOw tn' l.hctf "imi. r @"» *u4n1 domo.AwlIe~upo ftadwha-s bos gSe ai6~I lnIOfWVM @aba mt lit o * mmên mon. A tig themm" a01i L îrnç,at'lknWÏWIW« A"4 1goiubait Sin Ob lois of ko"udg& .A&' bo 84,6Wt,y m44 ghq ~ÔemdmesfI 50hoprt, w eu" S" Niro 0**"egbS MIl alla Mut. cut 1 fi id -4Sk wImafy auset1» Wdl ti e mai mue t. ai s thama eeuaaL a nia pefo A l at vl ivstma mml p it me oli pses bs1 ilsrn, od"ue. aIbmSwU slosool aidZaplet lmm muab «au als lsm ss ~am.swa"Li l~wm~~tuwm col a -m am.----- -'a.- à-wâq fou:69-or &am. t «Mram 4AAs6 s<e- , ---- - - no amtf a 1tUs m rmalt slMiu amis bebsMW bedusidi mgi ta 40C Wbffldb vueM te iMutni - oerWIêummrOM=9it9 Chmmut bnoweuMi le auhwpmeancr a buam Mws« à -iaole Ruba - hml » osOU ndm nvo ha MW a M& ..i:.!mm--u-n1 - -un mlsatiob. maWm Wi 5tWiubfam etgfw ifhh ho lin b Iesin éiRave Oum oe lI uw b.ta ba au iv M-ets fJe NIe.g'M i&"ai pair mat ellashblauniaum.etm Mulsa.. lb - ~ k-b. ya ,. aImueaimIm s amia Md ibovg»a s as"et, mau uMe dw bau 4 MI vlan- Sq Cf ses ievlni mltammswU sufis.li tvééue nous" Mgnmaes hIlom Mwlb. M» dé vn -n-inlP Obmd«4M4 fael.mMisis l am lm@ ne". Imamlé b aumimwmme rund ~r~Jrim iota pkemba.uaf»l MM slacm om W m mut Wgbmb aima-s'O -a i muma~w» Sb *u&laWou* dmasiWou, lm SO a ip ow £-Ir- am n~~~~~o os km. la~ a Wu fwmbie bq, W t 1 loa m~, MWa boitbek It u ,wiB> ormad 0- taowa4pssdb~upe mob to oma dmom nemmb ""u -mb - -mn b.Ohm* -- wdi etde mm lmé tbiqmkn.smm» 15.palat lym faamaW 6m leS I h - a. on -. lb. - - wfl & OMM*..Is Ine BC, ;m dm a. mag . . Wn'.imà manermMe i db .ud rn h.a, hue h emwb ~au Rai ~ lis lbmami h os, d.wsgImmihhd -a -dur vu* yuhenu lem -Nomme&m -flrmmt itZqr.gu m fl~t9"dW -1 p I r I I I s I I r r I p I I I p I I I I p I e 1. r e B i i w e b I. a ue .m dkl bwi m t o1 âimeeiuEuhui tie..Ibosel- hue~~~~~b metui u e1.wiiag m .M. - 1l aiEisS mSh abi gaeml. oi*giedeéihmb gdoiombeum dbsimq Cpuunih veuy mi b.uilodamma amemb-ta oa dusaig. TMs *@bus vondeb"b Md au peulemn la us unmlb h vue wmb mamRtbai.»hamosmiws bu hms Mitha M ma oal à" TaUi-4h-ematelu.m Opu -b. s.wmso db~ ~~ c si b, am bu labm tmadlméM d boaim S Umlnmil mm us la --- b16mil......Mà h. bu Msvar l bud t tamus mm -1Wtukl abet a - ~ - ta mob ta k. x;. -a u'bà n waftima.s MD hé"e MEdmmlét M& b. mmr *Mn, b. - »ai1 MMI Lb. mae au dme. C"Ia if pegk db pagi lvbe Emnaueeb.iii -&" obuemiuta'hhm mias lé~~c - pam 9a immeo bml b., e. alitbab ].bmabamuo h. e milhvMlme - .i ta b. w impe lé ivw tle ar- ai~l MimaIilLýý ilmssmaat b eu achlyi he aclté ol u.4Man hMai Mlt trf ladn ule.W. Uatouay ébmsdblm0" * musei.sdmm.d evetLT. m dbaluatafmai mietsIlbmm et hémul e iOboiM ladb atm. lu~Nw mUé mi e - bai Uw~a d~Nv e wuli - t&a UI MMI6boi mil alm a 16j. ovlemeUalb. ta baémt. b w t uituy l 7w= 618 a a id m mew»w*wtb. à"é%"Ohm a[ 1 Il! m lump- 1b.v b et le aia. amowr m nm#& L am ~m.r M- tdb » bobo wobw adttamI» met o aw'0 M- w col" est a- F 1 9w &rr ,lm a m a.L[, scw - E smb. tIr ~a Wh.oebum pIbme fouw y am- pmmRt A ff i't t lm&ontet sui4-v-bB, l- miL Ot qmmtàm e ba ce"- ai héléab.ubuiSdm bua1&. unia ta . -5m IMbdsé ~LdI85mlUl.4S ?b mt et tim boutée a bm haOb a- bu wavm pAwNo va e - i thW» tu m t - f Isy off tâm gd& dWwt. pet tb.w b.uoNutdaoth& 8"bmp um -ote «MW unthan ub.s-mléca V" sM alotu M-bol bumdêpt . u& lài.w dosa dmmp l boter m a" duo@~ asdmua &m b sS t limmtiouéla b.iv mitab bI *& midb ta mUe 1.i buho. w la Sb«matub D atm 8g I.mpm. .am ~lmieadb-MM ~ t b.ailébyhéwumkdoe& oustafmmm lbut umtanct Me M4 .aRiet amm a b U vmU*ut* mmiLba. "mmii bhra» sUn ~mpvkobaumâi f K aML vhéw u - w B bmgassL. Wb-mmdb del semai.ffam lut aimi....a..uur mm muzmt doub immusm àb ara.m uma a Mt at obfflu b tu MdaW- MdLm i a m M--a-, e 1 fi ~Ldbs m t u~b.buO - -I ma Whaffl .1 Al -r lép.ta la dbu&i la EL L1JEU.L y& uf. * NIme un -t leht~ là b i un. 9Uléé éu Mm b m n dblléa db et db hé unot x auatbehét bmun Nwo L LIboz a wé L m bgmiwnt - ý"bbmb 1 - theermttu w&atata lb. imemamiri heAgdbbrmuok ath bufm the ,.m M oept e I~il a"W= Z. mueotte.mj.(k b t l - ý6e -ffÉà&---I - lunasuher a pulmka tiatutu oda WdbnuMbctiras utn ~héary L.Otiuéhek ln 031" MpldbhOUmuée Sua witateilol ~héaiatunems cd pr- te cao~e Ma.T ore mre tad.b b. r «è@Mý1=12 for food. 1:6; aI MM huý 1:54 lé promth,l:&..0, ThUOIROMUfe R. i or aia"te .etun lhcý W&Wt. ireaU»adae" ~b.ingh tdbeialowiu= par b ba-1~l..gm, a Ib&mm or ,&lb.& otmuet. Fk.ra m-linu Mou, "8lb am s dbumsspieaw&asti~vefor fat. intoel n i l94b- .ot -e3haO. Cao" d (2)ibm.hcy, 4Olbs. roari sb., 4 b., rliv mmml, anti ') Ibo. il S~ lb. mauga W. ahdné e t ir unltundbéla tew ar antLad qgut Tblegm reult w»a t b CàLMPRBuu4Midé that bati d lsaleu tom iotmaret ionsandmaa tba liti afeetby ProL PantOn t tdb à homi et Qetarlo coulti ecm mi plsthey abauld 0 Wl.~ ~~ft mmt i. .unraltaotk. 46 lDm ID Ibo,. hozm a&Char, alto. iù w cmetu abut N1% ct. poedafor i, LM lbi. animaL Sa eL mn Uttie coau. a w0b. u" ieIl o'lak, the chai! i;et 20Ibm.. raotÇ l ~uasaib.mnekth" uttkau etma k if d-l-e t b hm&uw Iu"oelimoletd. Tb& reault» con eti =9atUIM ls atua wor cersth &RuM mimai. winub*r, bu h. bella#a EL&W aL â, u P urn de.as" =Ze ÏM& C& eILlé«mti.mom.y au * ~PuEzuwrhm~.ttmtaLthot lb. tbitdnusetnu aà enafreel, Md am" ehflr-EL Ir.Dix mait ru&ia papon MEfDIzs ilénd modeây b. p& Msp»m as; dbeftoozx but w»a met ut&admet "ulahan."a» *ur l Lak ammmihliosee-be la their papie oe l.u ti"M ftwnathsdr couima wýbmc. Tbt emuaacmathair mWeue mee r e tSysaammLr jub. pUBz assuma dt" ammmr and *hsMieCZdbulatarMMUaItbilas. the b Su tai u & lm adr, It- SUI& bnnlt aumaoalU dha.m e. NoWb :zadifre nature, léémtidopyhear»nima pamibla la mSem" de AMamthat car L»» metb. aeb.gethu.mou. 2 mebfaim. mmwqi n db ithe -u-.aboulà b. or- luy. &e, lavexy umon"t a u o ~ ut à Et" icast oSonly sebut ~pmbe t marantsucoma la mar lulédomiplh the1m ixmgnàl mpDor *bc" trpaclea t n uyas WUabae o arecs Imoortuncete, émir-mulufa -a1 Mouemants, mme~ lé mitl .y, my Mot tu tmum nma auhowmm VO- .U T - et the Mmt bhamdont caillugla the 1, ma a usmagaita #M oM&WrIF uap SM h.aum& dbmgomeu Infrating léMost Ii dbmrdmw ith faim wkmaaumab @f db g *reet- mi buM&M te humms. A iIIItuaï-f Mme somméa , mil b. mmovudiIf fera- m whU m le b. -mm yM ad ader' Uy,é li m» hanéftbmalaieti urmewa cun e at a l.unàM ta ccesaecS -t bwmutmmmml marchent zl dtMM ta a lé oe ibu ls e- immtnoaheW" ah sa desa pl. hua me, ~ m»p W vma a bà" aet ahie umitathuiboeielé i» memilli db ~ ~ md Mde.N. st se m atm BS -J. M I I -W* :bo w S-maumf ta Msoit a"wuMtuM i h ________________________m a_____ ________________b a sé______________________________ ici asa sk.. Tht .wbmm Mt kot é w mm - t bmou - T la b tMWbu to muiRaMM bun M a léehb . eTtemuh. Tb.atoeb mm-to mabanua tta *0 gdÈm.Bu Un amn" ýmu*hý. -n-Umm" u dwaa loo aIs amuéUs d nWlà eul iMu t abws mbu barma u h oIÉ umm volPàCwllé - la1- ,- &ama ieoa éan un é Me - a i M l up aibu" hum bwma" beShi,3héSewma6 aob.mue. Km c mMI , lftt" wmohm a h Wb-à flambé unpdbbunb.mn til qm chélh-abcil. mf qlimtas - db diibm am.@£ caw vmie.b*am mo" -a s qal iLmSbh.-4 .,16-u eu ;zniPia&'ea -ea.un u 1 ; Imm - e * m -u Im*eI c b ý Ir 1-15 prPia. Ârseau dth"irQue Impaiém thiftwla db&eMdlcle t m o d" umMi oUah. ilage. Same sismre&mtai ati =» easanlai-burdaak fat laice. un Cetthlasa..uueCu aoit co dbe raat4but la about Mxm eekg Ihmr mee&b. elght or tan. othera. Podmula gm-wiebard 10 bAil athey proctal& tmS tb roSt. TharougILli illage mnb butS remedy Sur ezpeiug meeds. Veode muât b. am*baroed out-keep than.éb. ta. UgkS. lt h.fU drili our ildsand la dbe sprlnacuitivatamuei. W"m mae nt ao clillltte gos itofbue 0i.di tat Il»ate o athelb.trouble a et gIL Lt m» n.uimmense trouble te geir le WMit om"..Thorm a& a t'a tula b" umedt teripeas aady.Thea put lu mof» liAnt hat ripae seiar my rbariy. rot- les LIAs sith claver an&thlb.clor uIIh tuixtiga, Tbf, mlaht eemi uu ot orcia bu Wb"the maet ar un la PLà5TU O019CLOVSI Lsrm A diacum ncame up mat ou fbot b, aM eqMmade yp r.. GrUtan a te thed relative valu, afi lstar aim antire n a cframlng for tbm 1.11, whtch.brouabat. ars ce the. auiee to thoir ebot aMti icea md &ritePrea. MIS t b atatemom " uts Thmre as ne nitroge n 1-ple-%r wblch W»n Flime aUnedctiSWUipr. N waë taSt hUat iebr soui liuwe a 'arr siong arasaisofai aniMmd la smr.b. clovarmoulti by Mans at long rueu abuln up &M t" moU propertiasvalmbe n mazure. la u&c a came as Iwbl tmm. un a veuy gSat dremlng, but net hb.. ove, fat Mtmils. A ASiJ 5LS TO FZýW Caming bock te the quesado aikomgIm tbe fam clea, Pria. MWix.laraply toau mmqury Mdaine " dbcultivalme. set ùieLtdb advice gimabp aaid Quaekme ferm, Who ma iho.b kil andi boIttI w» hug,; iubd it beib t mn »mmry ad etamzumeta before ta wundirty. Thié TEE DKÂXLS&L3E uibs &S&W Ounmquhrg &M r. D 1>. &exo, Vomi. ville, biauth dbeewctm .batik ta t* maetb. tdiamoa& Be rreo1» »d sputeaofidrainage br mmüdclMMjth.am mkil f l meoult b. passIble Io gaktdb govaummntotem moMxWiFeumue aet sIm peamaS. atâues n ne pomtmi ta drainagem wa. n ve bic is, s o n demllngquik in"d amé dl ll rim Mr. Bop seadSkate thl Le uMgahve valueof Mante éaata théle dbltiuIe th. &U! adlbM la tW .baie-MarimMl namiPStitaM wb t hoa I rof. uloMiW" eIMla e@e"eu coIf the on mUé db vale t "d Ma. = la ta moo-Aahiem .il mn ehoul n Mumin lflful ar a a km puia am Onthe&Mhuau..m a s onmt"lb" 4ke me. db i mêlm t" lécub. lai ma objwtms a" mai uncontS b" WISS~I1IS~n@@siorlme as la bef M- la"asa The ieut" m elt db un a u et *Mn ta *0quaersa --A. -A sia Uwe hé Um hm i ilet u&- mhs ,mm la lma M&amiatIsmt -à, uhi c'met ~I S OI anmtib My7mrsThtezpmalm mmlb. a m llmuefl iei Rs b- "a bdy, uta uaialak %0 moa a aé tu hlm a l&iat m u àa miSe.lMemeM rasmai m a eua hMbaa lv a St mumabo Iltammu. hlumêl-,iaka hmi »oVar, lelitutarta d*8oM» or am at o tla IIeI mmai bMis. (hwk. mbb -austmm tù ori Maki= As a "ml lk 1 ~tIm.aasut~ auillovm eai àmsmdm tbmursaX j bo ma thu.. Likr %aete dooaoebu& egg.sjt g*Wo d n lokasth»ime= ba@Ziad og t ialwp.UF emmmd mu of «M» or sh mr naveeaL d= p inp l the hast weaLher .uttrel jt bw =dothe grak Ima aofa a l& bu-vmau l Me or utnmagln farm work la a ri mmaer Notouly lat oftb.ag buta agraat comabet to a&l conerumg . rork Umem tu bechamgad l a D11 u mm tb ha a. datlu k ndalng w um erytoïnc Me& .hartaoaionmy aMd fa mý wrk csm t» doue whem we danlu arer ou the farni me a»folio a-Omo> for tho M&» Who Obmervea ie a tarmWUI be ruyarcuh job of uek a it cammmd&to bIa &ça ahedahL W vork lmu iofbi& i drivoan hm. L'hi* l& a gret mlvantaae te &mF arlmerfur whem & mou Wla aMu lalng M kth.wmk lom baulL bave due Imat wmk.ho la coutiumflyIct 0 roui. êgcln ordor la a gm stra.r mkvmt W& AU know tbm& shrouakhdeu- iawý &mack MOU ut iuanuemerlabaris donse by work uit being proparly dlrueI éad by prepariug Implumeatsa hurm»a&I& toia that sbotild bmw. boasmil&U m amg bofore uaeded. Âfthoukh bo am Sm nmtnt waya the Most suceema, IL chink wo a oid MIam impovemmai la Our fbrea Mmd faru.work if w&paW& IMor attention, te mgieultuiammm. Thme Ib blwmaMeoma a tm m (ri by fOthr ur uuWEcempdUy brma m IZDM ee risubi ect the ma. COMa u3b Mmd evoey fmer ahould bug Ob thmeg bock accouasaofmau hia bainoa traummUOttMsd exparimantsIo@&Ma&m Prouit cathe dltreat kinds of DroI.. Doat UaMM&anMy litie Or, ne attention te &o~W"y nots nowf ua h(whytu dlnaclaly rosX. 1mfthodù about the Prt&amd lams.théfr arame, mot%, inck Ne, a at they rmAnd Oansoa ahi ou .ormy mU& wlthaut a oberi or COMPM& t Oozkulg thia hN"i.0& tempSLa todo anrthlnelkejutlc.toa Mi jact of asgrmA importmne, il t rmar be dme mes»aof laducl Mome hrtet jm aeattew:ion ta aider a buahmm à=hhc~rawr tb. wrtter I&a Pir WW« eED& L»WL &S

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