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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1886, p. 7

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- -qý Imm - .>'s'~ .S J , FRWAY. JAXUAEY 18, 1SS~ Wl WiTiLE 1 (r. WfetIAup's ouCMUi» FîUM !M lidfw --.41Es J. SKITOH Xerhat Tamr le stili on the Ilaid.efth& etrk for everything in the taIlfl ino R. IlJAvV..1*1T EgCNKVgD.i FINP STOCK OF1 Zuglish, Scotch and Oauadiau Tweeds, QeutW ]Yurniuhlugo lad Ladtn' KMan~,geood,ý whlch wo will b. sold at surpriffingIfies WraiEl b lbouaht Sm M premua Mea isewbl*o "bave t u8m TrSMM0 mad made op RioweeI poosbi. vraft&A DONI' FORON4T THE PLACE. q'wOorcs West of thé singer sewlnq machine oftive, Kont-sI. TnayOet. 28,18&.-64. The Peterboro Rteview asys.: "Some' ;M- nIorant or disbonoat roform jounal. are asserting that Mr. Mowst in a btter c<un- atitutirnal lawyer thaîî Sir Johi Macclon- aid. %Va challenge them to point out whero Sir .Iohn has beenl fotund mistakien In conrstituticliil law> and w îîndertal<e for each instance ta name at leait toni blundors made by Mr. -Mowat in such rnatters."1 An Ottawa despateh to the Tt)rt.nl-) World eays: Mesuréi. 8hicids, IMatiiiitii-, MNacdlonald ,and Hqat who have been in the city for the last couple of days, en- dea~voririg to, efleot a sStlînelit of their différcace in commoi~tion with section "iW' Bq contrant, C~. 1. R., lef t fnr home tn-i i4ght. It in nhi(erst<)n< that liti. or no prors tsîwards mettioment tbas been made,1 iowiîîg to the exorbit&nt demanude of otnc (J thQ coli trtors." 2n4-WM YM nom au bmba gop Pen M u wu.ntW aawitIk To t. .smdbea W fA.Grang Trm ~ b..sM aem ro th »W»bfaldu aosaglue ort Eh En adnimuo af yl laicvs lmfulyjoti& b lb.g feelngth« .09t sd mo itou h i h pMulavg..s f tanhod wbt bu9 sbdue04Wbt eot h e dlonnema Befutu De Ioi. Im lolnodl ZsLmpiujumt aiuThe lpocaa< of nunt u, ut i.naOb wulth gfme iasgthehuu thon aof ba» more privara" meN uoosay ia eble tha h lnmel! ku IIIwu &ud fIlladitodhannuel rôeoi sd eile botto we doe l8a *0 aU ohrm WtMn eono en luioman c be nog od-Z acgentean d, yonr obd. ouvmg ITo the Editer of Tas CÀXAI>uur PUsi.1 DEàaR Szi-WtlI you slow me t80 w that the. t it Cof votes for' 8h.moa&i ridina of Victoriaunadai' "The EbectoeaL Franchise Act" are nov bisgpr.arsby My Clent. Mr. 'W. H. DPan, mMd t : Ma' tisaq entlied te voteat Dominion "iCttoes, but whoe namnes are flot tipon th. Ontario votera' îlotts, lor upon th.essommmt rM9 for Pron Wi te qualify tbem to v3te et ucà el'toniuat maire apllcatlon, If ther w!mh te hsavu, their namsu Don the Iat firit prlntsd, fot later th" Me 109à &WIa of 1'e6brutiry nxt'. Partie@ so wlahing thirum o bepu Spon 8h.elots 0M1tut Iollow C.a* oui indicated by thé aubjoInedreM 0lu adopted me , meeting of th.envlslug offi- cors fer Ontraro: IlThat ln h organised districts Un namneothalh ho added to the PrWeumay lst which dm.. fot appeer on th. lesté revised Aasesament nl:, or Ilest nvied ulg of votArft, unisseas application la made ln wrtting by the porion deelrlu tc be sdded or biv ,ome one ln hl% beha1f, dimelosin« ogroundi which would, prIma facle, entifle film to e oput on th. prelhts- mnarv voter,4' litt, and the. sa14 application be filltd wlnh the revlstngfficemr." IlThaqt the revieing offier ln receing' the wpplication mentioned la the next pr.. ceedinit remolution, shaih only act upon the sine when It la aupporteat by a sitatutory defflartttn, mr mue-h nther evIderic ama may reaa4onably sa4isfy the mind of sucb n-a The offie ofe the reviaing offloar for the gnuth nlding <if Victoria 14 liq Blgelow'o, hlockz, corner -f Kent andi Yer"-ta.,Lind- say, entranc8 f uom York-et. W.. W. DEANq, R'vlelng Office. Linfsay, 12fth Jenuarv. 11M. BUTTErINE vss. (100.0BUTr.mz From the Peferboro Revlew cf a roenit date ,Ne ta.ke te followlaoe Isterestingocor- BF-vruAxy, Ont., eZr, 18MS. ifllicon, CI itetoet, kwq., Pefcrt.orci. DnAfl Srn,--Thore IR a. rnovement on foot t'i establlh a creaniery ln thi. towni4hlp. Pahlo n.tir5a e been held. to dIacuse the u.~t in ýtU itti he%,ings, the noces. sarv fJu lilit ýii jI1b1Zforthcomlng, and st pre. sent thé onflook lR favorable. Thee ame soiiIç, hnwever, wha feel dlaposed -to heM tw, hiniig thar, posbly the prosent kew prire of n.iry butter may net be per. Di t.cWt. Ail :hrnurfh thiq aceti on of country your nnnPr' hcirn fer yearq Po eboelyconnoct- ed witiît tàohtr:ter business that aay'VI> mna-lcm made h1r yen would have conslder- abhît weight. If you have any sugestions te maire, or any informatinn bearlng nn tht. question that you th!nk Ini thp.aublie Interest ehould I I he morA wiîleiy known and tb6-OnghlY un- lViniiipeg ProsPres: "The Rieliise eri oo-, T vinliip. plnaaed to hiear frein la a dead iune- withoi ita ny intent to per- -Yol' at earllest cOn venienve. -Bel iove mo to lievtsrrsvery 1I "l, J. -. P. --rq. liserate a gh.atly puni. li Canada thons S, . .reaneryCern. is i'ery little dillurexîce cf cspinionu on the- aubJect. But there are livo and bburnilr i j, '. iLh 88, ââsnes hefone the people by which the i<stv. 'vtss. Isetlîiny. orilrnelt t îunust. stand or fail. 8(s1fO(.ne ua-, Frn l,-Atr,-pl'y ta,5our latter of the 23rd rra~s'sîibloforthriluis nsîollnn. nh , 's., p.rint lue L -tay ttiat 1 thluk yslr rt,41,.iisile fo the arerrtbolri-. - her'.aetiî>g wîaelyin lethîsir fforta elecots (d Calladit. must dvcIde hether it 'ri îsUîpr.ýin kp s-.rLtacet hepreuet vas the oppostion, who have beeînlt f1slc'lss-raWîe condition of tie buittpr market. Office for over gleven ye:Ir, or the gov- IJiry httrter rp'A<ed ln firkinça iii. îe eraimeuit, vhc have been woaaant ly mis_ >pi ie aamsu'ritirniî.nd tIbroughttrosmarket. rsuing the counîtry sncs the." intlie h.anurriuforexporttion is, 1may my, a tisesa of thé p,.it. Bittpnîne han tairon -The Sarnia (Observtretiqs: "A rrPcnt . t *r i (u .î t he rrediium qualittos décision of -the courts iiito"roato placess ,f i ltt.s isi'yntter, i:snd C he latter the u';ilr.td a1 lmpanios beyond te -'l- Th.li itie o C,.', IlaSsii rstieluoo l1it1encîo <f Provincial laws. la the e t-oC>.sîula. v-varYpidotsvsrtL- A ('escr va Grnd TunkXy C).,theOmars> .wlir nt tîl Y.-si, ryPtrebseos will M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~nl týUgv.(rn rn 'yG. i~posm> rio'0tt tîlîsUt$5,O0-and tair. court. ipl'd that the Midiland railwary ié. ne t:iu other in 'rr uLindmay, Keea. arsd Preerl-horo i hi:re will prebatily h. sot xaiîw aDtkuninion rnad, and that the de- fanort - KOî)lesm roney paid for feltart vers rlot lhable for aan cidi utter this yeaur ian la the fal ef 1884. 'ri:î, whIli t<e a.' ci4 lct te otarmers, la which occirred ewinig te aiiexpoued frog, fet;it M à *e hy :e.epravh the duty cof paek:uug frogs boing impn'id nrairey fr e .'M of ltntrer tg generally Coli- -tdenî'd a-4 boionizinar persoualiy toi the by an(an tarieotlot, to vhich a Domniusitur Çer ife-tc, anrt site apenaisi It in buyfng rend is uîrt subje-ct. This à onue îuut«îCee sorlvis f,'rtlinhst,îehold. tAwr pan the of the cvii arising cut of t11. gra"pimt. cri-- t. cf uttrn lu hia ieighborhoo, tadmIS- polic of Rr .1hli ILodt.iallwü u..Ine xpt v 'Si.wtit ai,iit 0entqpen pound, poioy f ~r Jhn .~cs'u1idwhis:sand iLMan f1terwardamoI 't % M i n.- aima tri centrAlize aIl pnver at (ttavwa rry wlhi-lr"ale st frein 10 to 19 cours, 'The E ia ii2 îs a ipîr-,y provincial r a1,arl tilrI in l ut res.i1t Wwat1ihiwor4el yct l' i Ut net f rariinîent tt is Titi'le ', i t ' 'fl',si thora , toruixty shillings iper 112 pcunrhiq, atit h. bssawerc mrinous. a- D'onionii railway and the lava passea 1 '[hi-', , sserîhue u aln u hy thie province for thé protection uf fn.re f s accept draught4 mode aoz=e cou- zailway amplfsyeegàl )a the genersi publices-îg:ru'xsa(if nnvisn buttpr. sitbereis are said tL) bcocf noeffraot againit h vyltegig.rwr.0rltesru rail way copoaton."ugiaudý are ail discouraging. t will give - ailex tract trorm a letten trorn <one etfcMy IsulnAdvertiser. I8cm. of the or- LjîrsOu ousem, te whlch 1 h>ve bSui t4nS ica' inghtter for fertyy emra- gang of the federai miuiary have inud- Bt,"rnui.-Tii.re L'sun»n seilfnu, and inttet tliat an ouli-mce.should b. hati be'cios.ar' qut. oe i .IrnisiOu Jais 51 tve~u th Outrjo ib-eral1and.iir U v.'r keut, le offeriu«st M i bi leto7o tweci te Ouari. lieras an Si Joh miillI-4il'. hout 13 cent-t here) wthrmebuy. Maccsu'îl'sfollowjns<z. No suchb iiiiic? erq, s, (jrk4 freush, b ie1) -e70 ahliî- inoga; anud trld, whleh are gooi butWe, 59 Àspmalss.A mnre profligato pnspsautusn il ?0 ieuv ~3stlli?-Xis iciCork <(&bout 'cotid i )t be madie. The, Outario liberal jq,,oi *)', ents ir C-aa< uîas ar ioomne t par?>' are sot se Anuicus ko shuire iu. thel ynu try a tamail shli,mentg vs ewoîul@sue 9pnîla of office that they vnîild sacri-fice 1V.u'; we. catilid o. burt if iL dors net seil vo vouh: rit ric-u.sttakn more. Bre*b botter the principles of ra lifetitue for the. rnko cf i ltg NiTtdpi-ri! iful iand buttrrnue suip- allving-thainu.lve with the ma\s vii. car. pires ,'i the wanvt.- fthe, trais." rîe ti. eryuundr 111 ani ii.frn- The orest con,41doratlon la the bntto riedthe «,raian« bll ad tehurn ,ue'sa l Is.tn n<i iv as ffsahas paisible chie st, au n inleady at any isse to te rn'rket. 11>1 ctafnot iouy eli bedou 1, li ia 'rv ibutter, as lit le nov handii .c1À. pt~~ositionl for the purpose rcf !fiswit ron. W't% .0wticrernery the bbiunm lating againt hose wiio are Pr-iticaliy %% nid be ars concetaterd,iand the, but- te.'- cmui1d ht"pu -I Itr.-q teatly la air tlght oppoueci t-ohim. 5Sir.John Mcosl' ifr-'rrai e ete.Tem> rplitical-caeer for th peut seven'yearsr uik % oil: h e in the transipment Enm&e hou hen 1>-sthe Ist degr. ietrmenta fnrrit ii mny opinion 18 vonld ho botter te hasbee ithe tdgrudetimnta et&-jtabas scseaniscrîlin jour vlclulty chas toi the publienlutereste. lHe las mare var -o t h 'sliie isedn.ent uneaststooe a. upeu 8h prvinialgejieauont j : >eiin41R)twhilfyon are disconsslar ;M Oornpei"lod thsuu te exponti contideral-le (lt .'que5ti5i1n Sm>,eand ds'ie v htc sassa eof mono>' andi no iitnidrbc' oîî u ienîst ci, %arab!e uadeataking portion of their attention mand h4r ener- ac .m»yor s ch..-. fuctory. CuadsUà i dofonding uhir antonens>' s. cainst ciieeeid vvery popular la Ecu¶iod, » ac mut.Nothing mas show moreROh%t Montff eesi m e ha ve las-g deouly the oxceuit te whzok lh. proces e t;ýIa ai LiraI sIF . IA of piioRIdenoulisation bas boss skinglt1880lad s a"i, fW theaeehh cf is part ias :o . li. putelguW u N ab syouuslvstuea1aS Csa -V a »o q tis mugouon io ul uo.mee 1 lediliue vu bigum W. eum mm E. v , I ~Imm ai lb. ~l ~S~S1flW5 hil~ ~ usBna.-A pou. u~ vIE le ~UU55L IUf. esIp.u.,te - Jhm un uer ~11 eiU~ vNk Be emuy. JM. w!Urnn ButaI 04Sb~s. .mtv~hgasvuqr ku~ ipaste ~aIlm~ofs~ vftkmt huBekpy. N.. E, P~ ILbe VU6ewbq -Cou"mmmi oh o d imk leuqmaI *u& E. nowble W UMos, Olbumu e et uo*wg et e mesamsw.0ws ,I b iet temb[uws- bteb*q" th th mi.em hmbt ooldots elwg fur lm ta e fuie bof M ,UuW he tA. busSMr aNi. Wlbum e o.thmu fye 1U5 8 the uu uo o* ef the mbm mftke c ke v.Wlou a s ag. muai opmdmm (s e ilkm Ponti us~~~~r usW Mm ~ . L. XJan L7tle b.luget *0ome8h oOiz11111M mml Pso ethWis.ss e mmTh i tmln4% uet Vtoekbam omii.. --. Mm~ WiU@o= sd Etie bave boom vlsltlng Tbovuilke hbu uslu Torants... .Ur. A. E& How f UcGluhs&b-au-. anboom.in Tome.. ..Uz suMd EahM& s mul am- M, Xr. J. cumalas. .. . W.sU ROse y . DruauaUpvear1 onol mmat W. ILs Ns rau' TEacRmuES.-0mw astfof Ilt y... am MI Mr ph. && shoI. "as- nie sud iMs Foi lth. bepublie soool lit G, EL Thmof " btVMIOia.h»6boom refflguma fatà1 D.uslubýge peble meboola sMd pruotdtt hbe mutr- to, fher ups, U mob mor ioboue in uagd aNoew L, simo. couuty; IMlistnae Slâhba om in tt bZt Oakwood cbol qw*=etthe stetiS soool; Nias D. A. Thomas go.. gob sachool mmea m"oe y"Us eeUGTYLIN T ýtomrS.-l becosos A feffsy.onoouun¶uab e cou- Sundpries, asoubis Wsy bousTormat o«a the cars4, Whouh.ovusmMet sud et tacksi by m, reformew tuosWbltby, viso offoed scouveratim ffl Oim oe n% at su" by= da eaou %Loa'MSs bis vhereehtzs inStis mecondutor co" od ge Part wlth. diffuumae huk fere W. umi bue&=, mr. odftor, Y om viM n- vise yonv alet mm .. ok lmes Md oblig, Ji ao~lC tuiha th oseacbm. ol auhas bos Wr MloeProvsimplfsvoefficient thor WbIU at bout, sdh.domtnla Lng bere ha. ione a v.rysuceusfu rD"e and bam novab cmploteimoueS st«ck convouumoe aehmiug ommahvaos a gnolv iel et fousuet .'is Le miibis f -mkt4 a e. u ,ob1 Md ocau. , by"a 'i 7owPl" est or ED.h-Ltbe Wedino.bdagte bot m §= or m inu, s to!e.yi ad m t M ' W Kmea. hurlas, s W'uy Daoipe, s lae aboutthe ue oe, s muse Nu. Ibm boysi g haie toy ita ont &f vhlc re havlng=buts botsud tblih»a S u ~ 'b dUmeo 7 WIIefamme"=utcku andS the 11W. felov w»asm s sirrouadd by theiagemet" E.bern e dsooig vas tak.ottf bastg u vs hue Ct h.i baIS mavellousiy momapo&,.Thb.bàllt ba stmoc rne brams buckle of th. soumpender which care over iMR e aoilfir sedby pemet oeng bi sput lisfore. A raaq. ged bol. w» owuim abaith e buckl sud 8hbie t bof e*d be fLui Md> ing buai spot abou tuviemalu etquarcavot & don"ai'onst*vie u* eet hW bout. A docor ba ss osmamu Inbut lv v» hom* Chas hi. mvicu vume« wsul1ed, m b- Y»od 5teg sWarslewunla-[De. vlew. A sILtNy ACeunsv-*q u msiy hoame LIlico t NrvIonaWse ro bornetro . M-'absuiy. meStu lake, and" !dbwuuuI umumetas- cms. Wbul e ug lg .LIma. be the midaoatume e hm fhaveIslegs bei- IU«ue" &"broi.. Ne w» talest. r Abty Osudu wig uet Oumseoito huel m iabomevio04 Osaeavlmgla vovu h. vu tâtes te a douae'.srga su Mde à IjuwuSm fb S s-e0 CIýobodt. evsstoselb e Ao'ruu Wàuv.-Pehebum te be attractive uas ma.phvl bee " Oumelwatt, a.vos yo d, wbe ho"s fume Tonutýs, ionSa de iyuleb taCher nt !Uxbrugs, u Um wua àvas pt ou Bemais He b ikesWsos port Bop&ePMUama But le ïle vu aon ia PtaubomiE e le via sodo Be m bs D buI soi resouuine uzb dsuoomdte ogvo Ome ore hb W 500k hl butkte the mu, sd hlm drov Sbe*at etlosi B pm oft he Car> go. B-"boy, sudObs mai.,et îbuoo* te hie hUbem D B 0" m eS O»iau" s et DM -yul prebmv me aoM Ore- Mm DI.& ajoeuta"dhmwUa nu aue v - wUmm uS lme orbo a for' uos vok Mi vE aipom *bgoemr gum" ow 'W. Ne - vu. -u. *Emv 1 TO HOUSEKEEPERSe We havejust received a large consign- ment of Fresh Groceries, including ail staple. Urnes. These have been bought very advantageously and we are selIing at ex- ceptionally low prices. We particularly ask the public to -try our Teas, which we dlaim to be superior in value to anything offered elsewhere. Ask for our Teas., - SPRATT & KILLEN, 8h.« etatrougk w»sM he .three rus bock t.e bt t**y thoogt iusai.distanc. BUS 8ta topc h. tee. grauod agmiasit eth- _4u ail u=bntfastead ef remalaing. vbreisa 1 vnas »ftrcod hackward, strlk. = ,*, Gob Nuron oUw fabdomeu axid ensil ai esouon the log. 18 vasVAt mm smis hat vth, former wan e.or-lsy ba=, aMd h.W- tahen tate h.mty, Wh" eve.mting pooolble vas dons for hia. . HdJ.d Dot survive the effectu, et-the blow, dylng at eleven. o'clock the next day. floaes.d was a. Jounger brother oetàrti:rm 26eG rm os.-, liveay stable koopers, sui vasWoiu knowa la. Peterboro. CAMBRA y. lUammmdmu O t The Posti] SABBATx SCEDoL ÂIINIuRSay.-The sabb*shoot tu conneclon with the Methediat cburch Vambray lntoa*i celo. bwtlgtbhr firet aavoa.ary hy spocla airvioï& On Sabbsth vthe ehldreu willl addumet 2.30 p. m. by thei. puttr, the, Paev. C. W. Wateha; and a s;ermon will be uEn et &a 630 by th. Rev. H. Fugee. : Iridg nait711Dm. their will be free = = 12a--6 a r ciludrors, ta whlch 8h. _ pa antear vttod. The program for 85e la ta cousiatet of inu. lm by UnCh.hldemn, roadlgsrecita.tiànâ PxmETA&Troy.-The members of St. Jobs>. chua'ch Cambray' and Cam cron, pre.f holday, u C. sap eta fnscoon .1cla MILL~kua WILLl.Ir SRETLIDIAT, Iron Nashiniat Szaand SMîng(e 2UMil ae&»pôf.'t,7(wvp&~ steam Ez.g4n.a 0 st«» sPmo&p&w T eslarge ausetmisg et Geais! Pattesfr the aboisdumltimatof u -~---A.ff4ginbotham. OLD ENGLISHCONDITONPOWDER. Recommended by Joseph Staplea, Man- vers; Geo. Wherry, 31anvens; Dr. Fisher, Lindsy; Hm a ckT-s,, . ..' ,rJ "- - .__ Lindsay. - - 1 BF.FORF, VICTORLI JOA . Trb. TED AND T]ID- RAI oit U LCorruauundace ai Thea P(,rât.1 1GOLiXIe. Iteiltble.old0 lgng CMU' CIFAu.RL & Co. from Liudaiay i eaaford ta le wiSEom havO911ELponott UP & stu store here. Alilarei giai Co sme they baève a little cons! derati an .. ..BIGIyBf ami tboy na sccodinx to theo vîmes. Tires Ln.tN-ov. 3lqs. j88..65. belng bei Bhey asilthoir geais cheap se. ,- ________ cordingly. ve.sael in the braila.A» h. vas la membor LUMBRu.-Our enterprisînog ssw mU o f L. O. L. 0)96, tho funeral w». conducted Reoltou', Wr.ltehie restes, le dolng s wlgh Orange cereoenes, about sixty ~nsluguuieultheInmber traue,ewing hrethren beinig prosent. Bolde ticie te8h b dm B mill bu becns hut down froru thîs loca iity thore verlo reprqeota. Ier iv. ais but niow thet pleaRant buzz of tives et the Lindsay, Burut River, Glonarm. thessW la.&erdal ave r the villaae. andi C-Lmbray lodit,, but the, intenme cold PEUIINGSAzRA-SiSthe. rire ut Vie- and r,.uih r.aadm kept avwtu niany who tioi Sd oef the vllagere have eni -' wnruId oîhu-rwi,ehavc sweL>-d thse meuar- ompboy.i s Utltwstch. It le onliy fair ICll roesc.The Orau1.renmen, wlth a to vua oope that don't know cf k taIf urled banner anit a drum vreathed la he b elu blinde nalled down at the bot. crape preceded the heanse, whicli wau foi. toM, M ae Dot ODIY dos ar duty &à nigit. luwed bY Lthe re.ttives cof thfa decoased ln vutck oubie but vau caught veeping c.ulriaaets, aud then came a large« number tlroueh dmeWindows et h Johnton etor iendos ad acquain tanreg on foot. Mi'. bouee l itofehedancvotry and t.ee BnnIroY vas not quite .17 years aId sud vho w» her.. lesves a wide w i.nd four bons, three cf DAsoczA anRAPn.I-Tii leut Tight cf whom 'are growvalit). t1he ser Mr. W. H. Joiinatcn ha-1 .. very __ sejoyalle is ansaupper whlch w ra MILAND DISTRICT NOTES voil! ttoded. Dualngh. aven ing awatcii vumed ra ndiof on oby Z. llau.la.'i. s -A Toront-o mua sch %ired i wth fraud, eommercIal tamieller from Toronto. RH, havini sold a. "ton" cf hay OeJi la. short va resiy zaisd t isvlug an rîh a valabi atice, s ommrcil rav ler. wright. vssy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h sedmaeaI .bu aee fti BrIdgt -"t. Mticitchjircl,Belle ville, besut' ai 'uL. cfCh. na rflleinuwiilcb the con ftreuct fur the union. et the Metho.lset deunatirlns la Canada Ts7MLON FALS.w»s eld wuastotalIIy de4troyed by ire lest TMVouv.-For aseve. swauLon, 1:L); Wednesday eooca. Dkdm«4 0&-Severai chlldnsn, rangnX trom four> te CIRM »e MEI--A Chrstms tmeCwelve YJmoa f age, sick with marie Cbe N. u v-A CMrtma i evfoer, vere aandionadby a gypey pair la Be~ ~ M No. uvac us ensited wlth sa Kingston aileft ta peri" with cold. POUise mWsaing aiea $20by Mr,. ad Mrs. Frtint i ghbor% diacovered tLiem in Gou et Ymenel ,the. procede ot a îsocial1 lime Lu save their lives. bel e tef rudeeelaDecemnber. -Mr. Alfred Keech, centrevtllI,,va» F£ýTATWe-XI**Lotle Lechesti kiliied '],iay or Lwe ffao clecmlag frotu vio as taught tluth. Feuelon Tuila scbool the vflodt. His hor.-efq rsn awav, throv- duang the PM twler thrseeyeir4, and ha ng Wlr. Keech off the sieigcb, hreaking hie 101W bossaugeafat lu ber fatht'r's exnrch, srrn andsinabri-ng la his brama, flie vas bu o DuviiÎon to tike charge ot fôind ou- the roasi viere ho vau rhrowu sb :=hothoe;asd lés$ Nenday,eu i heeve Off. of bar, degastuOb*he va presien (ed ut'the - DtuTng the t-lal of a case In the Peter. maw» wkh»veutlng825 and an baoepOltce cuurt th 4tstiLve-pipes full down addus., vbi lakttis, wlCh 8the reply there- andtitlikd th. room wlnh amenke. And te, viiib. toai bWowo:-Dear Mlie. Lac. Chi& la the face of a placard statlng "amol- àernt-We. thobom adbsronts and Mnendu ing expre'taly prohibited la tua rMoorn 49 C". PnosStara ehregret verynuch The cour,. adjourned with =udfgzsifed UM mhedmeies uiWd ven the coanection haste. vblhoh uelon mae d botweonuns la about teeumaveo& Au M rgaule yen bave always -The Cubourng iremen have boss cafli 1leu *viiaswillinand esergetbo mid, and out saocf ton f; or n ai 1ir;u or rire csuaoi vuMlge iios.AndS befure exohangîn b l>ytue bin UIEL40out of a particuîla.r'chlmmy Oserbm a sem Jami un ou behaife0 6= mmtg<,presât jeu vih -hi that on tii. occasien oft hir lest tuaiont ~ - uuauhbeg lm )80accopt lv as a they declareti tiiy oy venst tara out- msfuioeafl~ios erye&gain ta;p watch that rotten, dlfty chlmney ýv uoala U- ew ev SIiof labor upon A M Yn lm bout toouter.-NIujmed ou hebuit A'aMi-e cf tho e rt la te b. pus- ofS -- - _ -râ@04 àhm Airef S Bttcd ti the.menisera cf E comipany of Uff» u. KUXARTum . the liidi sud battallon, Port Hope, bu ~ Loe.ei rpfod as foelniv:- been completed snd le b.ing paise. ronuf »« koi..-.WhMI baqameornlut for the amoug thoso intereoteIS for inspection. U~m1dldno8ezuounY run1umdOratoa Tiie ISeiga n »d ngrsving la 8he vcrk of a uwimosbasutdmimwoyr yurpe 1ME, . .T. Smnithi, efA. W. Pnlngle a oUtah- Iir qlo lMymmg ail teMbeuis vielisisment, sud h. very appropriate. lavasabmsi tevuruls Ibis bandueme purese -A Kinicoton corstabie wvasaent ont to utkusate si a mncerely vWJlshUrio behaîfSydenham te bning an. slleged Insane vo- ~ amon, r. m8he Iareble ' outeti.ssin. ubi ariaih vue lae oi tbowua the -Ob matoathe llgeluma tO hi arrvlueot eb "'d'ftua thelIhiMui a saue f eeibsgou Uuson DuIa.-Ne .fmriy e wuv5a mmodis±oy snrrundi bu' soan" leS ~ ~ ~ ~ f nosl oa.bet om. tlnedied ail thew veselu tbe village, vho Wd 4hlms audeusy &MuiWiuay mornîi.ne ()a t hothy vere determinnont te aiiov, Tmssovenîn ha teit as vani as munai, iuiite takrs hen away, sa aie va. net as ^ ~ w»Whie tes dowa gown, reprosenveti. Ber'huebaad, wio asu ith, gbM tyo'c aLu M& lu Melariands the policemin, and agalna.t vhom strang 0Ms, vhir, ste vlklmg& a vbtle .SUC fr211 flexisted, was attackedad bai vo deva e t e s8.windows aMd corn- fles for mafcsîy. The. oficIai vascomplaff uhbuSd~p .bnln Ms li i vhmcnute ratura te iUg.tan. a. oBplt e mulho Chouglit he -Ia tii.municipal adoin t lngr. ola n d aoeordlngly arosie &ton L'tdy ChurehUIiami ber"plos a" Wuu" am pom win*la 8 aide- -maltinb vore copied. Mis M yhil leeI» .met.atmomu, asie u eoft he dot':ated candidate, mashalotu. b- lo u ieva»s641Ughtby u. c.forces for ber huebani. 3Mas. u Dei, ÎÎum M. Beboé E1Ilocti, vho siator of G. W. McàMuUezescrsi u'.L U uiulud hmkI Ete hmmor sd&aid Wblinm. 8h. vouli xWe8 ave tlsPort MM m 'B Me e â e oo, v e .broke bei Ce lkonusivtetulbes bss.alma. a tele a la mi d EMMuncd to sefono.. la shefropiM- donNsbut the Word venu a bbftwbMbm m i vu - pse aamd t"NMr. Wbubugwue Vises la M &oeiM.h bM g» a i P Ms au ui .m mnrwwý mE leMv bea" u Us Sot ut utS k ue *0 r-- I ' e vuq*hm OW u* mmo m i » s cl s e â W a Mts' p% F m Sm a B e m a Reucimnded by Wm.Br&di. Udas. Wm. HErndouck. Mar. insay.osCaas APTEL. nom Il WON'T NUI LUT ANIM ~>T4MDrnsùgLinday. "H e pVs e l n o 8uT. fer a__avor by mentioninie TEE Par. STRYW EIFER.-Cane into, my k pemeu lt I.co.ItO» about lit of Nov.IMa yer od Ëfly-Owuer Oaa *havesu oan qu rovini'popryaybpalg ex- a.petu, FRAI MJO±<DAN, Gps De. lDrh. r QTAYEDfromthe rerns« f the >.. K undrsignd, TWO H 1FF e is 1 pid one s darred wth wh thespot-the=r . i a grer heifer, amuiler than the red'one. In. formatnion that wlll louIS t thoir rscovery wil be tiauktxiy recelvodt or mitably re. warded. D. J. SCULLY, DownervMle. Dec. DU NN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COKS lEST FRIENO WillEF£ INE BALAMI TME GIEAT swmy P Ur& . elle & M a- R04 . N euU- - th u Mis'.Tuas, Fmb emm.t BPE LIVEPOOL AND LONDON- TL Am GYLOB URAcECOMPANgY. Im. iârus l- i"eIwmeGme~S Invested in Canada.......... mmo Rate. and premiumes as 10w as any ol2ier ff. spectbl3 compniur. The seutlement orf bies prompt aidliboral. Tite resorce and standing of this compaay affiird those. laured in iz pot- foo soouricy againîst los. Am8uise effected %%ith or witflout profits at UOdustO rates. Four-tif thut ofprofits gi'.en te PUC7ie holders For particulars or rate5 appl7 tafo. Ci lAFLOR, Agent B lday anld Co. Victoria. B 'I2L HOUSE AND LOT IF .R TA B ENXDERS wlU Le recctlved by the urtdcrsigned until &aturdY, the 161tn day of Janîiarv next, 1886, for the purchase of LOT NUNUEiCt SIX SouTE 0F GyN KL£Gz37.. . £AT. In the Town of Lindsay. T111-1lot 'rTts:- Cl .a quarter of -n a(cro ut t gil.:d, Wc;Ii f z- il . plaated witl h Lt&.Uru~ Therois on tt.u 1ûr a flOfoi) I!:C o-? TAGE. nearly new, conitalinili llvj routo-'0 gether with sumnier ]ziL.-hen andwudh; goodw',illand ale'v'u ."~px, iavde,.rbl- ituiat, 1:1 tus nss patofthe tovv4n, wÎihin th-sŽ ý If deposit is nflo t i . :t l sin 11% o, t * notice of accecputnce c.,,~ L -. v property wij, ibŽ c e.~ F ~~ For furthez part uh ilt', t'P. Lindsay )l)Cc. 17,. 7 AUC10ON TSA-LE VALUAI LE FARMR -tn TuE- TOWNSHIP Or 'Under tho e O ? Sto .-aîurtnl ; Francis O'Leary ttri u venlir: v. iij. Nv.L J producied ut the rime tof - 0-1,t, i I eî'rtlt boing marlct in psy1mctu, : t' .n~t accured. ti.atre wt.I bu Lt 'r-& lic Auction ut TM BENSCN UiuUG-lx IT112; SATIJRDAYtlie 23.-C,~ c Janna.ry, 18 at 12 o'clottk noor *:t'-st tioneer, The south hait of 'r, b :n- s-ho ninth couesi4"'jn of ut"ý sî-swnhip et b-F y. acres on thé-sni:sh- ter.-." .iO acres are Ia' aP sL :. t t ': tivationaud-:' .t On thse pu u , -~ 'c îidIta b"a aloga c with k,.*.:Ihu.n, iv o ai eb.ut: ;fA A sheds: cisc an c:. r TERMS~: -'l'on p;'r - tît. tr':s' sf' if- teen percînrt. i:"n s aî-,7s rs*a Ii the balanu sub' z sjt' I*t.the: premihvs f .r . n-' v." ,i g er cent. y in<rsti .tr ei:. be a-rso, ý .!; : - -:". For furth r prtvst sI"to or to Decembs'r-2Y.ls Iý.. FOR SALI.. One cf the lie- rt' In the Township of r-.- the Villi-ge of JinetjvîII-e. TIM SCOUND CJS*CE;ý:Ž_-4 --excepting five avrs-rtî* ~r tiis ii.!'n veyed uway for mili ý.st e* the amali rmre bos- %%v. v ' .' s .. .-, flection lie!swrsS .tl j the lot-conrairsnpg ' of whivih arne ûtarr-i tîîlds.' over M ) tereâ ot;:' s ' -u. gd weli tti ias- The c in-,~r-s t . * . . fruit trocs on this prop-rs!. c.i .i a 01u ut thre door. .\140 LOr NO.S. IN TEF i ::tC oN MAiNVERts. cerner -Viti .'[ ,îîss " maindi:r behiso.' , t The undn-rsgIIed I rs b-' rs ' above propertiete for s55:,. inla BY NIiXLEIb T;f\ I. TEhe lat day of F ~~y L.t 1888. Ternus w; 1. 1b,, ri'-: *- j- t vile; or te Lindsay. Dec. 22. I-*"' 7,6 AL"CTION 'SALE VALUABLE FMWI>" And Far= Stoc. ant! I.. o I am intructel '1- .;.: .' ' :' ,, - t. Shenif f tthe s'drmt.-- "5v. n of Public &ustiju, on tLte ft: ti list 1'e- ý e scribed, un Wedesdiythe 02Ot *Iaîa~ utoee ec1ock la h- rtes-uis'ot. 1 brown borsf-. f-urs".:ihs5 !-- i ;r ad 1 hi>'numitre. s-s s'l: I':t l ' 1 set bbtiir s !%ù .21ln * si? ir s: I tanns nii 1sfplat CLt'nis',-:i:".t plow: 1iron z s' e!-;r:s1 U:-,- s. '.1 double lighr îlrivitusc lu'rrs'-.:i r s r- nesé; 1 wheelbarrow: 1 si trou. le "t.!Uw.: M.e- tres; i auga et e :ni.'c;z , 'vrL'."": acythes; 1 cutting bo\; I . i tue. t.: TERMS.-Cash, or appt,-Jd to:, crsY "1 all nm iover 810, payabic iisse ' inu!I date. wlth7 per cont. iurer-ut. Aim wvilbe soîrI ut sarne tht'and ci . 22Ms enthall e f Lot S.I.i î.ztc 4îh Ce& o0f the Towuaiu-3 c~.%: ..u: la thse County of victil1: 1,1t') e'"s' cisire& . reic froni stm:sîsp' -s .'- ne-: t i fonces, and unster ast id -t. s s stý About Wttactes a sltlst ... - - .. 040 gcd trame dctî'hse"t."-.'- drLvlng houpe; tino!ts ii; ii'. ;-'t two good log bsn;s sidh- u n s pump; a stuall orcr-îî'-d. LiÎt2sss -A-:s . ou thse >hitis-, Po;- Psîy i1t :U Y s' a&bout tvaumies tramrnys 'raicn. Tiis le a t-ciaïsfer;.-: luit. ha bain, froc frouimustard and wl'1oat 8e J l tarr vl boesî)ld Si1î.cst to :!îo msort~se. : cumbrauces, about et .&)O. TERMS.-Trtn per cent. clown z-1 tinle cf male Sai the balanae l n o nuondt hereaftter. iwi h. out lateai For further parcbculare appl>' !e JOHN INOLENNAN, EsqgreShriff coze cd Victoria. Mem USPT &JC SON. *MletoeuLinduay; or t0 THOMAS W. DODDS.upaths premisei. i~éuSZEAU" aL IU itetol 4enfl 'ented tented, 6ton"e ,,tag .1 r misce-uaneous. mi 1 EMIL Y. a

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