Wm. ~ Som Sdlomw OIUa- ths msvom W">Fo»tu» l vld Ss eu:»maIlq et o à -WeLA2 La aWunom eete@a*** am ) A WRM uat.cmltiy 16.U OY UDR (J. wetigerup'la 0 tOu) ,WA U Ar N' bupstuh «t atlaith"i vaaumpal.- l sudft.obseubgIW êmoum Ufle rad I ,et &»g vith dgangertothe Doo - Saunas betv.eUpotMela eide ra ift m' viOl. u@"ulg dmr e *M f BUPaUB10 linefole u tiMd vhich hanm W hia. bhuMthe miarlt Y, vesmat eL du FARMERS PAINTINOlmml p thé fubtur net Oreimaw. v ruis v )ld onstoinion.asButno au-fomqm CARENTIS IL- isela-te e n îourouliss<Hez, w» gimbytbOtorteof tho otherpro. CARPt...gLlevlsotehusvieve. h vatahi r t ihoos vho cale "e eounductothe salon, mbialllan the tory liernit, (H ovffnmueude dofitait$ wu But vkou there a breui la theQuobees Mixed Pin e ady fer Um., on0-u hik bc tm0ill the tri agertoA tioatP __atediticlms no mercis isin - French POQ14200o, unltOd -lu the tory la., ~ax giDI OALANDwoo Ur. aMMc-aofettereutwould bo a public bleamingi (Liah. 1 lui El » pR oMFTY AT WOD TTE EOAIU~ter) À more oquaily dlvided Frenchi puna- mi~ ICR» POB£T&l AT160 »T im M»GTlv Oi XM . lation, epice fiwoiild voshenthe tory lu- Pal pRICES, Fou CAsIL As minister of justice I have bal te adilu e treet, la &publie dangr. odleughii.r.) me p oseunnectiem, il ueur ycapital cumisu-mdlIdo ut formet I ay& oe qaly dtvided French pope. B ibehoete hoisvy guspnsbil htilbigauson lotioe ý :% a t my Judamoni th"thei.P 'Wt s i 'o on * h I m tlié'VâCaaies arls unit ou thie que.- lb 'm'., ibasa hei bud u lsme t ltSflu(Hasi.> For theo sa-me ba-mepa Liadi'! 4<.Tt. g W~5-57*f.asd death sa-nil eta- a hrendmani -purmeuso! promoIng ra-ceir:ulasd ________the Moe dîficulî by remuaet fie lamNe gilg1ro cdifr 1 ihe6 m y ofEnelsh a t ~~ measure of dlislan vuuted lauthons, sud Fonti, iey aae ere.ouwd by the min- vi eI j xpromaod Ilate.word "ciuaneny.0 1Iknov Istertal pre-im. Butil believe thistoiSubu but cf bey much thoasdîfficuliles an enhsuced a dodize, and ihat there "ila'amonget ihemi, gu -- - ----by boaiod partimsnsud popular disoueston, am amang the other rat-e., mare division, et be la whluh diatortoil vievasuanmlmsprfeci opinion. S.-àmai lu be. Lot unuiseéud Do PI Y JAN 2. 11V spee'clat1on ut fiace likely te prevail. divide, 1 ay once more. on goad !ru-fe 1 lzir I ave beau falsey sud watouly acousud son, argument and opinion, and neotmmace li R. BLA K E ÂT~~~~an orv±.~ 5~ riyal.oPnnaa1u crood. (Choute.) c fo col ai er a s ho,èe1 TIM COMNG DEB&TU IN PARLIAUENT, te ANEOQU~TR VI ~o.' EEwouid deprecate nov, mach attackeaocuMin. Itoeaa rs httexluoth--oi EL 0 VEÀV.Rsvgw OZTER itersunion ma-de vih good sud aufficieut'1 Oedtrstitthexien lr-m POLITICAL SITUATION. rosasce. Sa délicate lu Mr opinion Ia the lng somovhatabatod,thfutherdlacuaaoa am - - exorcise cf this prorugai that, whilo r lu the promu and among the people may bu ne, i fontloîîod fraom firit PaRC.) have momnetimes beou ana-bis toirocunollo lut my judgment tu thatt the prgent Mini@-mor ranquil; thst ta-ah and hamty lange ei Trhoeribvee Rebuihlbea. 6tors lu capital cus, a-vs filittho u ma-y bu avolded, sud that when. vs muet lu tri Nowr, gcvernment &Il ibis timne bas bes ouIl on the whols te bu allant than to rteas pilamentwor ma-y engage lu dobais ln a Euo luusy with political Intrigue, vlth a debate; and Ieau ros-iyconosive, in fut -1r4alaimtsin uwab. u forreîîîîn obaîîu1 huvo knov cf caus lu vhlah, tho natnoual dignliv sud regardful et Oui man u s leunîe e tan go bann oia lt C5durer trom the conclusion o!eh 1tlonal uulty. iluar.)Re jîP'~, wt vlthh ruaiuutmnaurIs0ldjtrfin Now, on vhai lUnes ara e oi e d!wlth ci cu rvt ).lc ith ta attacka on thua for honeatîy "a <a- lins which 1ii ' toàl all-et Tooo!u t aur pivateI>tis~eiim wt ho ha-vs not eugaged 1u the proliminaty M ibe pravinccai4, that mourums ce have had necould net f011ow- dcusslou-who an trene snd unfttered, NO tUt;le or u'n:tf.ar tse dlschlargo ut is mcat ANUNQONVAELBitignm. te vhcm t lisaopen, unembarrameed b>' an W - ta1 inipcrtant dnie't. It marksd But vs mueti bu ulded inuaob came by prira-nd pramatue declarations te raez i iv il j db >îofits noluletuent offica b>' lisova clrcumia-ncuu.The ight ut dis- unhliamed conciuslas-havo, I conceliva, tht. N a-1Il %V.4 r&mIllan o! lut 1W9- (Ela-) cuaon, of advloe, oonebuba. de» wuam tcia-i utets ihmam n's [t lias, 1i leleva, nisekerlthe lottlng isaunes "" Weantohaltucbtaln Infoma-flou on il or ils iiiivl'a'.' y the Northwent robellion nidb ed gmnaeilorgui. Tet ail pointa now obticure; -we are ta liaten teai of 1:~5 (l kr.> it le unquostionablo. (IHoar.> Minilsis t hoarguments ntthoillewhiut tavsi.akuu aide; s ;.,AiISLAY ANI) XMIANAGEMIENT. are rospousible lu ibis saIn ail other ca-aus. vo are te cansiiidar cf the w-hole case when 1 I~~~~~~~~~ w»tiat tt îtiIst-ihIhv a mymaîf Instrumentaîlunprocuting ,.umn u; and vu ara te etr vea.er tibi f ui 1 vL1ll(i gahi') ctaUs o-igh. 1hav ite refcrai vhich made thima ure; sud the ma-tia a just and statellmanlike judg. n ,lae 'ajî~p rlanentateay.Remerahor rlghts whlchlIhplped to aucune formry mnflyto usie of commons. (Rer.) D tuiai lh, lzornnent vas very pecially i-o- country 1 vili help to maintil. (Her> W tedev to oltuat5, » fac> pn Oporumîlîle for diligence and liberaliiy lu, But 1 ied "aie t athe .occasion mue b tordu the deoisian, race sud cted sudPo grave whlc o tenes dIcuimonupporiu»,e caethe commoiusecfCa i Stueoi dgýtlx,; wt'I te lorhwet ecaëeofand te .case pleur i hrendors consua vth a- voices sd In a mnie whtch otly PU for'uucr aýv-'t,.aitibec,ýuge lt a 5auLlan. uPeient. Wh, thon del hm d ibaieibisafteribuse boata have cooied .snd the.ef hi - a.lQi cointry,auuuircratically goveru- la palîva cleu tur psrlamentary uilam- eminis have cleared, mhafl iaify a-nd COnPn" eui. 1 ithuVe,. neverthens, shovo boyond mien? For several ressens, firm. (Bmwa.> ani ail d >ut,iiit!o! the selected papoes brougbi Boca-use the trial la for au uxtraordina-ry xOT A PARTY QUESTION, ami down im îxîdr comapulsion by geverrument, pottcal cifeuce, s s'est agitation ba 1 bolieve v cannut, If vo would, malie fil( the inost usandalotis u.-'lect, dplay sud -upervened, sud various queritions ýhave of! i*isa- part>' question. (Huit.) After'rn zni.tflhnsgetielt. Cheem.bbeeaud which cannot bu dlspased of Wj'uh a-it enormonls Iradiain expuiidiini'êsaive afier fuit debate Inl partiameai. full rufiection, 1 do nlot onterta-lu that de- Mt theAy 1ud the Itidîiris tarzeiy 1l)a a iie0 ie ote ohrra duit ie cel htaar ) rreibut uboedit atîonwandI diuqui"it iseve yeri imor u isue. Because nmre ruminnt uPOrters Of resui c-ff16 bu aeoorpliehect 1 exorcise vi (i Il. n, l the govurniment va declaredithsthiy necompulive er constrainiu# force over (FI w ml i ar t knoldfeof' atiedon lbava beau misled, deceividand beiravyad thé opinions of tho libers! party ou tiIs or 1 fuit daîoe ef ofy, th disc >' ythe poverrament- a-nd ibis charge muiit amv car qusqtin; a-nd Ieniertasîn hl. tr ( ofa!te dniu ota, repréoena . ivuuiAt. <> dclar . pression thst with us, as vith the tories, de .ttt j t i nris, reiqotit Rerpeut- Bcause these mon &ac se hâ;go.thon are differnoes et opinion In the tank. mi presure a-nl remnonatrances, ibe>' rnuent acted, net on prlnciple, but ounetlkl't ucmaesdwîh1 if v(ltittino iiiszta setlAs thea daImA et the e ieyt ecmosd n he ,e s' ~'.sl laif-reeusta ikaretmet , Party coumuderationa, to puLlsh as old of. any raie, shalh ma-keo n endeavor te con-.c vu,- -uu'~ I huume i Maîtba-frm 17% feceant igrtify tsehaie0ota secion orirai taa-party cd. Farafterallihcilah Ir - ~taihoge a n t anita fit. va.0theli-'supportera, a staiementi which.de- at iret bluph ino ma-y reuret part>' dlvi. tul la,-a-,. leLimadentl, (Httseida anti ions, yet arnI jg!ad tathleaea ot ihia ci 1 ilor>BecauRe auappily eta ai «,s d tion. wilitu.n teytia, acted It vas In a lame, before the trial,the goverrament, dellning Por the easons I have given, I de oide- &C n' t,4.atiu a-ii halting senge, and viithathe h ilgh o poition cf neutrality sud lndiffer- nll'8 a party confliet on the Regina trawedy; ira :1,au~. akwumvntut mrod xsstaitrc once, vblch, a-s the repraoentmtives cf pub. I do net propoe te corsruet a olitia wr,: itILitwSa ii titi after the commis- le, Jul«Ssepublic marc>' sud Public 1polleY platfcrr n olo!the Rigtns maffold ; or to aum,% Oitdthey yielded. (IÎear.) they should haie mainsin& erl cwd eea-te orcommet partv tiema vlîh the blooî th al4 hatthecharge wblch I preterred mglt cf becondemned. To appyword* 1hbve t tU-i r~*- --lttutci-fm' o ie Mnlibathen, oftiegieci, dola-y snd misme&nage- airosti>' qaotud elaovhere, in anothwuanate, itth * u,î~tWi ltretide, Mnitobuat ment lu Northveat affairs vaes the défonce 1 i ut îcure twtari., t înuîih pres4et and provéd fer ja1te1pihnra ueslgie ovo at etempt the friturea porta-la *ith the pasai'aawn s, ~ aefrea tarecgni- o se ti iubstatntialiy private parties. to the cana, lbioousted koy." o No v tt uhe>' deaIt with ii Aprit,1835.a.nd In ffi erstlnq théir defunce ou tho (Cheon.) Nv, as you know,rYbave beau go S*othtr,%' condemnation. (Blor.> a-hent fi-cm Canada fer saine moanuhe; but va "tui uon 't t-3 t-ho la-nd office, the I auaw-m edia ri ats ince ni 'ratura, 1 have r 'a-d wth cuire litcb of apuaut.ý ul usInlfu niy h uv miglit be deepiy guilty-govern ment fur ppmAcudid hl h»aem )fa w-iftt.- i oisi for cîxtrai, the m >"'y«4,uegleci, deaasd miameagaWment; sndpaoesIcud d.Wiehsebea and i thii eu awaavatd hy1 heIncite- Sli-- i tuvsu-u'mntfdaling with nella's ta the Indla-na ta revoit. Botzovern- THE INFORMATION1 REQUIRE» FOR A JUST at, t-v, onhu and îeDofls were ail i - uti .rtk -îd l,, hî.-uthy, iu-.capaeity, regleci, pro- mrint Idenifiaitdthoir cquittul wit thibmJ UeGMEN -at. niuna-iut -)iàazlljz_ <Che,-r;4.) In prtsoners'emvictlo4ndînuim uallied ounosma pointe te net buibre ue. <Huar. tali -t.r, ial in ju t iar-dilil e ra ~ttîîemselnven for just Judgmansý. (Rom.') eqi aauenecoyfw i àl kt(ftleiCr.Fot' thoesuad fliFer' raamena I deprecate I thirik we eur*nateiecp fc .,à tt'.'~ (u hi i.c-tais atatemrpt ta evusie or dolay te paril.-thbevidance and proceedinga et the trial, vi TuIla- 4 ur ,' , A.\'lEBU. mentasry dîscutiqun, and aa rua-u to an d aie o!the papers !ound a-i Batoohe, il Thr? ets- aauulstn'that smmer tel t- fztclitl)te en far as I eaau thbeventilation orthprdcino hew»efs b m *O. Ail 'tii kt lsehcen adinsted, the tEue whole al eastlon, lnciuding the »menn-the gpvroduction buf v ich a-srlume b>eh uçhih wre Idu istruaiens r -4 ficpriâonmient ar4 ta vbieh I mi 'boe ormnbtwhc paimetm hop- ihat gavera- houiti sep, thrather ihat a. mînistpr ba» _1W-' .1, armaI w-lt theru lispaver broen. ment viii vfthoui dola-y deail with tho ol aue uli nee i sthpus îîta, iir. lu-trgentenclesinlaa-large sud mdEroliziaris. gs'&a-' importance Ua bfeculna RIml'sýpon i 1,ua Vy fltt ew é usmth.ra, te>' knev hoe (Chuera.) tiOensud tending toconiradiot the suega.ai wsa 1 rn îie ne tutdag-.Sir CIARACTIR CF THE DISCUSS.ION, tien tho be ailhimnueif irocnued the lau. a ! ";lu n krt it. SrJir~n Mac- vitatiriri tu corne ie the Natrth-weat. d to, - Ii 1*ýiitiv lu, Sir lettor l,.nitivinknév But vbile 1 amnof dts.opinion, 1 ho" (11er)>1Ithiuk vo require explanationýbM t., S i'J- \ul ,!Ihe Can kn-w lt-lte whoieetaroDU Vîewm esthe baruterot thels aivyiiiaeneuateuttîc --o1.- -4.3 .8 aAuu 1sentence, Bieltvasaut put outrtasl for mur- 1ar-taîra he subject befomretlIa-ment RACAN» SL!OOUSFfl105, tsttaI.(ui>Ltt&àeo e nt t -n 1 of la-st session; unIthe bouçie bowevsv, unies, sMd viii hore 511efi efface h» 19ba surfbwaisdb. It laletge reduof gwthma t l-umaft il. 'îm.lvý)red; vt norpa-aruaw;%oererlid Iinea'lhat tboe teefwawof 0» e éaiziesl. thon cou& Br.ibsiet th -e aP fM rttrnne.vflace or of oeblosd. boetut lmsa 88 tim rns t S 'n~ ~~~~~~~~~o Ot.n -tvir ae m odnl-po-cur a oProvince or origin. Bio; e, maîtooe neceear>",vadspue.lh, c' sua tia-tnuteruuu>rerovtethicker th'-u vater. eu ng MaPlhdSlfou l iusiaad ';.tee drov it wfts. Since The condiion r affixl* tbfeth"t oBth" lk I d t »& th&th& tf aiî~ '--~ t- ha-n im t ie-d he'ua'-nhaoutai faunilthair appual ou th*onu enuaelo avu ro ispion - j [-'-a Ifl-mt aes-ýian rno longer &a--principléet ofjustIcerouicu Md Volley M> bdom tb* tribuum W ovdeà by themui- t t1-of t ýi;-ii-suppotern h%,vo alreedy plicabte to ail &11111% and ehouldeuaud n lgl o liaWS bug.Ymay i l t 99 r- 'W . ilia o v-rnmp.nt wa wreg, epectal favbrsby reecuof provice, mma, lvt a ivd u.'sit - a* -.ba b-- eV' the>' would nov, repeat or crseti. strbunmAd apeal poi Os-uurmsth * l. U-:àThoso! UR Who Wontrte Otl.rA-dit O aivaythebs'reueUpm e rat rNa? ~tNTF,î TYS-Lfa. pi-vv'tcesh îvIvIorduty tue -to ma-k a-mple ddcifmOf ethe eu aebfb zo id ~VAi a-I e ,for, - méof tre anMdth te attendant ru. aiblliyotgsvoa"r \\,i . h( ent .yfra.de re i ph a ; u ai ua rtb eez t M n, a b oom mtadi a w L aa* *-i p:~r-laicdtheeie aad rv.sltfi? l uaxe @raeura,jaMttand sner0tu vtevs, guetu sti ftgL~ZdftflMROad 11ia-taithv l ii o(er da-ys the>' w,îîd W##eiildwl bere Leorelét. u of thi.oblgmaP"-edmia ru< a'IIi.ear;h, 1Thsearam ourrnatir é Uq a duntous.(Ciesa.> OI*h"eoualegMa tviser, tbe poutica lavieor~, moto p Pec t'a-'ty l fl-mlie; tuB'-'D'h asu ACS AND CRt»I V Pt!s. apMdkr.ttbeezctitln"MM aM SNOt ;j&, tl -~ . c.' tuo rii, It le but a A$te ulou- for pltàmu -Poupom ! W .bl(ewêsw simon '.lepY) v: t'n7 hava etMed. oe wmar 'crSud, lrroaomtxvu utpolitIii S~mng tlba&Iu*omded ourB.tse" a-i a ia'ln y haverletairofmy îlmyuatou: l7Iwbuezruu" t.s i.restiya cfontepol oifftemtes rnvewXmg-u eluhotbedem-etaufriauIl. 1 cl a 4 ard-4%r fMyfaé i yme M,ott.tiio&:W <Usiepe- . b mr..as iwV 'qMI The]rteorignlg oko<r souIy or rW5.. fr W ~ h 0 ~ ê .SinoeVe le oa!the ontbruak an~retftn wU mmi~auf f ps1.-wm E1UWu-I, Uoaumsd the public siotionf, M-d *tua n1: .- -ý -1 - î -à- is foSIrtssciburls - __ me w ýàï.- - b ig beMu*its M aMb.pus 1*a = umm Mt1aoewie BU&t ; ubi oUlm b. - .ih -i eze emt -, a Im o»W Mr à WCoth eue* -'le &F aeIme et e ut. LkakcoiL Um » eh au tu& utmtbun n seprios f5tUIOS 7 wksio- Mdo the a!he uhve auohm tb ut. mumsmmduu 1s that Lt vil! ousv a toir uCID 11oi 0fiiosas-lt b» owed tf7ihf alty Wlmhae the tip. If AuLthe e ml ot pirpt e bswe eoluoui mad otg W;at hetbretione o ibmawhtw aeld ha r.mo&h»ousat uuIingo.hi Le ihukusaeud ae b.eidso Pre = à huevich be lntauimoau )eroemade rmasudhaf.re. A ipel mu ; sud, the rmati oattiude wu oset ad vouai;- and a, strong impromalon.bas atxirally bien preducod. But the stats- sent le lua*elvod tu oontradietozu4 for I nid nu the memorandum tho foDlovlnK .z- rLot from the ovidenco.- Ne ie!> a iii albu that Ithe sot thoémssho FOIidat the itmUsed tt.ufst»p 4 ado theoothor nalohthee.mat ue. le mid, «"Bofore the m rela that h¶ati Mr yon wlfl mue fbelma la coeun- r. H e aad 4"Iwtt! omuono:e d@Mnatr~ Q, bota. ia linI i one OMB dumrsitho lrth- ma sd.tain PeuOMuaM ut thse tt. Mi." Now, howeverwlcked, absurd orlndlca. ive of a dtaordored mimay iive beum àeau vorda addrsmed to the mman he w» mltiungthuy am inconastent with von. Lty. Mono 11gbt la waaied hure. (Eos.) OTHER PABTI% OF TI CASE 1 nov carne tO mofithe muet Interuai,. rmâ mbebnoo m mas - @ *aetur pelly, ihat St la bebmg ume umwmd mea, & druaIful blm*th"t Imumahr et Lama-tien, *uetou, ex- e rude for ft mmay ov te t hé geveramet are a&fi- cm>n=tuoutaima; tha" the peopla vtheu uladoa of emu7dî%'ô lôi," Our oppoments'; #4t long& butei.g fruit; hétésem mout viiib. voaher ibis meuien, sud umbu Mhi hreatter, wU i f vs de oe M Uduty, . odefei et the poile. fLout oheera.> A%, in my oleot«oramotests, 1 have made RO pa-Vato canvasubut "hae dpuadudos Mry publie uttoce, se mi a poliiieui leader, my hope o! uaing. strongth for My paue bave rested ouly on our public peheon the pollcy vo have paopound. edti Prml". we havemahuneL <OMM&r) 1 have for smre dm belleved th"-»evra supporters of the gomerment have beau dhaeUaled-have tort that they werNOu o the questions o! the day and of MOs immediato future, more lai accord wich us tha wih minimiors, anud have recog- nlsed the expedleney of a change. (Hear.) ThuY -bave mmusthat aur counutry-whlah ba. greai and salld naturel rjsourceus, vhich eVOIR nOW-thank- God r-las how. lu« lamorne quartersa mlgnàbof recovery tram %moefuthe e vius hiilleted un lu by Ise rxiIere, which la Inhabioed by an Intel- llgen ituîrious anda"progravueulen alfrdlglue minelumunta of raipros- poilu; which requie. unly jnat sud piu- dent, fair aud stateamanlike goverumeni ta permit Its adace en bath. the matertal and the Moral paies-rune gruat rlak If th mpuent uvil counsels ars to endura. <er) Parcy îles, the bonds of friand. ship, long habit sund assocataion, the con- mciuumesoc havlng4 borne a paut, though ruluctantlY, lnu mre thinkva now condumn- ed, sud othor conalderations of varions kindi have long rustrained thum, snd rMay ruotrain thm lill But I do flot abandon te ho pethai somue vill hortly cornu oui fron.thu ranke to vhich they nu longur la huart bolong, and co-Operatu wlîh us fraklY in eftotlàg a change la the public counsel. If îhey do not, vo.'wiUkontinue Su ftghi the mSad ilaht, wlth a atout heart, a. huaivu cmn vithout thurn. But if thoy do, I amn auro yoil will gladly -wulcarne accemulons w oOur foras. so obtatued. (Cherm W. KOW. Tu' Wxnm Ir xALYCONCEEN PAY UP! 41 PaillaiWho baiercuivd mtatoqgmthmrT acoumut i notlf.Lte mttl. MM i t arlat Poumble ooavmnioizc. EoMY i iraM ut tis "m of the 7mi, aMd ail houLld iquau 12P Proeptly. Tlambugm Myaumeveus ousteMur thulu pa-atfayots. ma« bapiute moiti a useuamaset fleuame, vhia vIrét. ouf*v MF ia atenflea. W. HOWE. Lindsay' Tan. l2tb.1M&8-45. J. LBzzr To WEA.RRS of LEÂTHER GOODS. ,REMO VAL! To beglu thé Nov Yoar I bava remavail r Boot sud Shua Stop tw the store oppoeitete Dule>' Houae. farmori>' occupiod by Mra. Kee. 1 bave wo thank te public for a vory hea-ri> support during te jeur, and I topo te bu able la a>' now promiseuu ta givo Lite best satIs- faction te &U cutamrnur. I viiib. glail te have ordure for an Idnds o! IRD-101f BOOTS and SIIOES. Noue but thé test Lea-titru and Fludinga mced and testylo and qaaliy a! vark-iurned out 1 guarauieu ta b. firat-alaum I whU gîvo cuatamers ever>' attention and try te tut u ot wark ver>' prornptly. ig paria of the came The quastion o! Bielle com ul rrwmoe aUdrd aAaJV Ms~S~.,~.La entai condition las une Suwhfch -1 ama atLong bave -vo hopod fer a luarvuai frornil.,E. BR UXER. ruent dispm&sdta att-b. gr«tÏ-im. the esd wu have beer. sowlng. Tri u .o ber-ec 2th urimtanco im, s1ijuilgedamthe meraivernt basbeau slow e o!amluw. Somoimeau nda.fu.21.1R. ibie. (Ruar.> But Y thlnk ail vil agros t hbusee al f thé seed hbail perishuil. Geo. A. MI1ne. at vu an ceior' nilulldtohave butoeaBttritma>'havu beon dormant cal>'. - 3, Ie hepnt heI'O itions te M Y hvegeminte n - Soon may itTÂ LOiIN!. ilaon, whlch le reforrei tu b>' the zou. tufud rw ht a' riment. Toit viin remombor the ou.envut. <Cheerw.) If I coutld raie my tueble dr loting rurourc mato te.character endvoie beoenilthé limite oft iis bail, sud GLU. Ad. K ILIIE aulteeot the enquit>'. Tbouah. Umoe lea s>' *word lnte uar o!f m>'cauntryrn inh on vhich vs cm andi eught tae uch t iru Canada a-i large, I wontd oxheri inclusions ludependeut ot the modica! thernta cornuforvard. Cornufoi-yard, jeu 5 YEARs CITrER TO JAME ï CRAHAM) tmnu>, jet tiislc a p art ut the cam who caun c"iltivate andt waiur, wutceau help Ha-s Commoo u@in lm nta tubent which, us shulilnet: dcidé. te mture and ga-ther lu thai harvesi 1 Do 3ear.) your duiy ta jour countiry! Taku up thé No* 69 ti nk aise ibat vo abould bave.a utate. ruuponaibilitiua, as .jon etuj e> heD àeLb.f« lent he beMunda ou vhich goverureni priviluges o! citizenmhiP. Give jour Lime, la lthe asfop as a. ,J. movilo., etiies agmat the recommendaflon. to oui energies, pwur labour, tu the work!TALRN A cu"whlch me>' ha-vo beupert- h he t bu ut1» artI, jet trust FINE IOIQÀ SPEOIALTY. xt>' cor-ract, but which ougbt te bc «. vu luthe Supremu Goo-ineta! Wé believe lain "! (Rueai.> Sud berb I rav 5>'t " outca-use lais u suadtruc. We balleve Gnlmn nt aeyuagretLt- regret tlut v do not hou- the grencdof that trathsud uatcelshaU [in God'a good G hatlemqnal1Utamo maie yb>'attc beot>ta at recommandaion. Unsuvai Lnav bcuacu; lu ruaÏ lbebouées, but sE a muca les. cost. W. aboulA aise lam a omothiàg of thelat.Elle ways are net asa ou vaje, a-nd munctrhe lut rsuptn.otvhlchsvuMMlHia usufa-bomable purpeosswu mnefot àAPaior MNust Ivumi anta **4. comt imeha eau, alven, unsuaoft «. ga-ugu. Baittis w-e knaw, ihat lu oui- et- Frenc oitWestd dbo * &00 raordiruii na-ums.(Boa-r.) torts vs are lu thoeUne o! dut>'. We hope, A Fine Disait Worstod Suit for -29.o5 Palier Inormtion sesme to lberequire uilIdeui te make Our vievi' preval; but. & pasoe t umde outa wl ]Rue a-to the groumi cm whlcu govorumeut Win or lamse te-day, vo know thu w e @hall Nmp, (Ihuigos dyem. -iza bonght the uxucuilua neumeas & sea recelve trern the faitul dijacharmu of dut>' Wti. ("sr.) anexcuuding grusi reward-the anly te- Note tite Addrees. Wam upotn ftheLi t>.I4en rard hfh l surth ataiingheo,ý N . ,Do e y io id deceivad ihemn. We vant the evidenc As Mr. B'ike cou clu-led his speech, N .6 oin l c fthin. (ER.)> Tisey "aim elege that vich, vas -liétenedto ta hrangbout witb Lindsay', Duc. 2,1&.--3am iverameut, scted Su gratif>' the ulirsi for 'irea-hlessattention, interruipted oui>' b>' lng aul. respect et the Scott murder, burmiéfa- ! iallîttC, the utele Immense __________________ ____ aIc seton et te supportera of goveru- audienrosMe ta their foot sud aheored hum wni, andi ou acoid-blooeddcalcnlta-iiof ueuhuulëa llv for severa i rnteu. oliui cal gnalud tous*mas u heceunlea, ather thanuon general cenaïdertions cf OAKWOO1D. ave charge vs vaut lIghi. (fuait>MABIP04,&A GRICULTuRAL SociET.- CO.aof he s Traulurnn A. SUSPENDETh Tsnnasi meeting cf tho Mariposs agri- L5. o=ts. fer the 'nteod taae.,&iàu.dm FINAL DG3IENT~ cultural sacici>' as beid t uthe tovu t'alt, Unlaanoe. Gernm.-,y.eutc. H..ritiBook aihaus Pat ent ire.tTill-*tv-aaaýg-'n eamr,' ex-errance. Ilviii oa»mefamiler. lr ae foemc te s Okvood, Thurada>', l4th Januar>', 18M1. Pnnobtainea thauitUN kCO. are notted muluela is-tsou tie mcorptetMca-us, The treasurur, Mr. J. F. Cunninge present. la thé e rETwr irîRx,.-- the larmi est. uana oui ihea reoortv ozllbrane» shootffortthe W"e. ; iî~eda enrttttian dintere2ttu [. horsuac utuovrsl ranhueme> af e uar 1885, ahowlnq lte receipts for the yu-ar tonmatios,. pCimetoc4 bpy f .1 lýtA 5ieuillA Mer. h. gomoral rmatl4it le ifuting t Mthé Lu have buan M0.82, and distursmenta atin ment ire.. Adt',%l SUNN '% CO.. Scir-airxa matonaloi for decIsion ocm ever>' branch 068488, luaviug a abalance lu baud o! $8.94. f51<11< O CI c.2u loa.wtay, INew York. hould bie vallable beur tor amiytcu Tghe foiovlngoffieus w-cie élucted for the THER LIVERPOOL &ND iLUNDON ad awuacm a gaula»n; sidomaulogyos.-L-'reelden-, W. Pairkinson; £ AD GLB NUACCOP.I id anonmlua.sner-l agmen; a-ivoepraadent W. Mark; directots: L. T.LOEIUR C OMAY bereomauhtas 1 ahoulhave pro-Pasuce, W. M Swain, W. D. RoNgers, P. PI E. DLI . d>' visbed te comunmicate t u ea.MoCarue, . Dames,,M. MePhadtien, D. J. PR N I E vidus wnrasouYhuilas Laaelt B MKnnon. W. A. Silva-r-wond, Richard Ther.a- rireFus lasance Compan>' la isobare, in>'dii>uhieà , as >Uwl! bau. Bmauaditors: R. P. Butter.W. Cassid ay; teWol nen. I conslderte iea-s$u;:caiiislans a«ear>' udreasurer, John F. Ctuuninge. Capital .......... .......i.0. 000M sut cl, ysaimnlgatrerneb.reulon ~Aocurnulated Funds ........50.50.0 [opinions whlih voulil b. at bou but suiRY'S(JR6EEX. Inveated inuCanada .......... 0.000 a4 ptoi, b*, typthee@4Md ub-Rates andi proînluma as loy as a-ny oLter ru- wtlal, corma f aie bypthla. daa-[CorroubondeuceofThe Pot.1 apectablo compau . Thoeamtemeut of loaes mci u crruilo sudIUVeW*(Riit> DEATEPomA Kicic.-The joungosi prompt anti lberal. The remources andi standing h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a levu i t at-sdaginnce ofe Mr. Bnamin Stauth, a bright lad o! this oompasy afford thm ns eured in it pur- we, U manthie essnorthffleWuTlk aburi elsuu am of a-godied on tues27th foot auaudritygiat oeé. rthot W1IOOS Otilhaî u5dnver5Ia& et rom ti u i erls rucaved tra u te kick a Lut~5I . )t bclmade. urar.) u oleiaom> laS, vbihîfractured ti» ekull a-bout a Assurance offectuti vith or 'wititaut profits et est ho ails. (osi-) kprevtus. Hi. romainsearu interretimoderato ratea. FonifthBo t profits given tu T o me paiiz mii o eibor aide, vise lathé Presbytertan bniylug-orond lu thie wUotcy hldetrs. For particulars or rates auply .uu methîng le te b.eea-i U odtseother, planconcos tise 2W h uit. The famil>' have tLOIF. C. eA u Loir, Y' -risu- thai vu eboulit have IDom iEhit theulinmesymuatby ofthe cew munît>'. Agoni fat- Lindisay a-ad Co. Victao-la.' uay b., viii b., --- efctq.Biuios NAGDTetrttc c O AL NY 'hoin ame vlilu a e, tom rUivrS 1gb. ..f. N.10 have eauragudiai isSharp asLF 'eAL NYB mstig mie prjuiles, e ativo t>~'J chs-r fartihe prasa-nt joar. It la tae b c H . l-IU flIAht sa-clusicus, wl, p, romi ichuo>od thai ber advent amatag navill hé D eiilîlIjE-, hrjIl 9rltt. (hos)the awn eof hrigihtar daja lu store 'for eue r EN 1? ibe nebool ......hoci Mr. Stinacu, the sucesuaful analM M Tir.0 Mu s h» o u "u plt. aenougoia teachar lu No. , ha& beun ta-eu- c'hu.Bg Dm4 CODITO PWE Mitas bu bus Sali aboutpOiliosiai. uaIb>'the*trUatous a-i an lucrease o!f iit)I~CN~INPIJK a-ss -i ast I bi oeetiu WIsis>. FOR HMIES A1110 AITLL Énov 017 mm& -To a mse mala r DwucrvuVrsif.-In a reent coin. ashalmodlrsta~, uxuiaiim foanNorh Vrulanx certain This povuier h. highly tecommended for pro- "mhnoramn'kregariug the flon. M-. Rom.& were dueinza finle smooth sacin a-nd bringlng Imorses îtract vus auzyons outaille t my mm a trbyated te joue B. G. correapr.-rdei.î. andi caLle mb a eueral gond conditio. IL acta art>'. tiss v«rwishsd fooie.Ogk No mach remark ekaruding Mr. Rotm or b>' comnuinug thrme.auj important requisites:- b. cutsu> t hslIslit umm uem~ oisa paso voeematte use cf b>' yaur lhligîeBei corinspo aeu at he N.V. scribe vii Uoz-e&ainc the Ëvapetite, wub*a- t .ea- t lu t Pzutc MiluW ~p1kâs.. tai. a nattéofthe tact and applye .'ParfecUnag itheDigeatton. tev% se li99tte oMait-s, s. muts-b oin w.rasndy se hliwhly recommoudete LOottera. Cneuetyalfordhnic tegrestest por-alblu 019703*ilei:bstbimittu b8 ut am m aIAureMrT-Otaiane-eautit rdfi-ma given uantuit of fod ih 110103is ver>' unti'fctv. Owing [O ibé stuortusi Lime. Ta-T A.PAO QD.r utyplutavfw tIclutessiut Sc II- awtiehdmàhail traingoe orih Lna> y 1« MîgULêeow. IML PutF ShMibu IcPROuant ge9MMoUtM Chs uit" r es email la sot roceivut a-t I«Udrsuulia eiHu e ti Ittie loup,the 0011ce until a-fier darký and amibhe mail Mu tâp@M.hm* mm iitue. o ari> ou ntheceuncty aud provincial Revu. fw rSaulis uotteir p ila-y,~;ssUie paps s -rvmou Saturda>', poisons troim wNlài, if ubvelop a ur ra mut& edtanemuai elter vatu ntil Monda>' s,- wth.psU Ibmeo> aitrItii- u t eor-raimu vith their niail &t artu uuesson. .tMtMtbW MWsi Uibas, < m> Buta abis buon Satmurday night. If tte mail uWarf olfu-iday a-Il ibis, wculd ho avoiduti, À PDSIQlU . llfM endtb.oe volil houneeitry ot crewd- Affanwwle a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~igh u wzPUWL LiNu galaoffice ou Sasturda>' nighîtateobtlsa Oub Odni' Cua- m1 -d et- tIc uiront noo!the vuek. The ahanes il TAUERSq Laud~uthebt-Uml>a.dani. Uulà met cause a-aaimilnaI labor or lngwlgwtomun 8à e- . ýs snd voniti bu ranch more ceuvan- Em'-. ---Luw Kw, 4 Sat a uit la 181LW. tuethat[b. p.o.inspectai wiU Remialeuca(Mr. Nnugent>. Sonuthendi 'l tte IPs'Bnd te ihe matter hofore long. Feou Terra.Carnbrid6-e-st. sileidndeuab" e fatou-ace baud oun [ axou-M John Pletand Miqss u.iiy0fhi5mg tint o~g, WI& -Amuis Donmauha havoenterodth ie mati- egaritwu. u. (sa-r Soubave mmu uat together. mal, the>' bave a :rmmaie WWMàMYu M beS ammUr - i«Mieasand eroqperoua voy'age over the 1usutomtbs ovomumu,- lsu k vea-fuuu 5 u tas Tvaoui atone tatuil>' ittin = x4ii b dt tud bis-missio. WIon- thtres ,o'hi a s ar> ood record. North Lindsar, Sept. S81.57 MrWouo-offr wai!g tluraiquin erulam e ndiSornervilie aneat preseuti jj FO AWAWMY ý pàwr euailibtis respect witb other places ta OT VICTORIA @&*gr&M81. Bu Qàsoe. 1f. nb Mx obahjcaunudtou- m&ti ,haâ-AEâmTURAL SOCIETY. haThe anmU meieuting of tuemembueseorthe tu m -Ub Iagba& plaa llau Msltedub>'e an. tlrudia Soulli Eldnget the Conutno Vcoi dmIte M î mm-p. M elenumsi ths formulla or a impi e eatabe j Agtiauituml Society' 'iii tbeld.in rmjy fer ihe uped>'aad permanent ansomet. ~ lor la ta Tova Hal, b wlogemag et thir aiutu nlbm M& Ions misa £Positive--N nott""R" it nabfl ý M i.iiai cmar l- ervons Deitit>' md.au, ~2 hJm 8' -hcitlt h»-*nomc l humuQum At m i 0ll Pisa the atlrcmi. Ufor th pu M mfrua the u es 0sf MIKAùm RN. gar»t~uia ona unb. aven by 'adduag Â.L. WALTERS& Calmo Grossie Co., N. Noe. MD m-8T4mSe*pd. DUNN'S BAKINO POWmDER THE COGKS BEST FRIEND &101 OF CIIURCH PROPERTY. above property by PUBLIC &UCTION, at =0 oclock P. m., cm kturday, the 3th Iannu, 1884 FR08. THUMSON, Tx'eaurer. W.R CXVýANA. Alctianeer, Victria R'id, Jmn. Sth. S .-4. WHITE PINE BALSAM THE GREET REMEDY FOR C«eaicol".a EOCZ-aeznuaa, A.tbxnaBrou- obitiià, Croup3. loo9lï=Ëcougtztc. c ORP<>RATE>Ž OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIIA._ Noticac is gu-u~ iven tiiat the Municipal Council of~ th2 Cor- poration of the Oounty of Victo-Iat, WI meut ln the Ceusai! Chambur, la t»e Cou'rt ]3ruro, Lindcsay. --ON- TuesdayT, the 26t1i Davtof Jan., SS86, at 2 o'clocl., r. ni., pursuant ta stat ite. T. MA.TCHETT. county Clerli. Coutity Clerk'm Offie, Liadziay, 121h Jan.. i NTOTICE !SERiY LE thtitt x'i wbn~illbe mde ta the legis- lature of Onîtio iü t lh. ntx ebion un behalt of A.NNE LAhr.W, ile ofGzioL oi~ DL.LW. of the Tovnshtip of Btncley inite Cotmnty of Victoria. and the -aid Giioîtcz L.tLLW; aLISQ on behait 'r-t tLIZAFIRI ENUAL LiDLAW. GEGEocE LEDw.utri L.%1AIDW, JAMES WIL.LIAMf LaIDLàw anid KATHAMfNE :.;uý!Fvk LAIDLi1W. chlldren cftLthe baid UtJ Eoia LiJLAW and ANNE LA] 1DLAW., over 0,e age ot twenty-onu years, for an act to authorize lte TORONTO GENERAIL T1ZUŽn'fS COMP>ÂŽY, as truatees under an indeLrure dated the 141h da3' cf Oc- tober, 188, ta invcst a portion of the trust estate belL thereunder, flot cxceeding -l817,0e in lte purchase f unencuniber2d freehold lands in the l¶ownsb.ip of Ilexley ila the Connet of Viutotîe. moiznis &McNAa3 Sclitors for A pplicanta. AUOTION SALE VALUABLE FARMA IN' Tr18- To WNSHIP OF E KIL Y. Under the power of sale in a martgage f romn Francis O'Leary trt the vendare, whjch will b. roduc-at th,. ýiaie or Sie, tend on default bengmide in p*yret o!the nmarneys thereby eecureit. titere wil bc aotlered fur sale by Pub- Uc Auction at Tm 13»80ON Roula IN TEZ TOWN oU LINDSAY -ON- SLTURDAY, the 23rd Day of January, 1886, at 12 o'clock noon, by GmSrge MeHugli, auc- tioncer, The eouth half of lot nunîber savon n te ninth concessionofl thc township of HEw.Uy. coniAtining fflù wure3 imur*i or le,4s. exceptirug 2 acres on thu cohr~ et iner ahereof. About 50 acres are eaid ta Uêe vle.-rcd, and undur :ul- tivatiôn and well feticed. On t. e prenises are said Io bu a log-house with kitchen, also a trame uaru, stablean eheds: nisa an orchard. TEIMS: - Ton pe-r cent. at tine oa iae, fit- teen per cent. within a niontit thereaftçr, and [tte bitlance ta be secured by a mortaage of the promu-es forive years with interestt ut evua per cent. yearly. or stnch other terras as niay be arrangpd at ameot sale. For Ltraher particulari appI4 ta A.O'LFE&1tY. Emq.. Idaay. or ta MOSS, FALCON BIDGE BÂWC. Deuember 2S'h.1f8l. - 73-4. Toronito. FOR S ALE.- Ona of the best and maut desirablu In the Towui,»lhip of Manvers at the Village of Janotville. TE OETlraHAIl or LOT1NO. 5. in -excepting f1ve acres off the forth end, cou- veyed a,*my for inilfl rjroses. .118a excepting the small tramne bouse % [tii two acres in cou- necetion tiierewith on the nortih-ea,,t corner ut the ioc- containui wt acres. abouUt înety acres of «vhich are cleared and iitier ahivatia., over W0 tcre8 f ai aMplowing already done theru- o.T!ý*t souis a cly loain. A sinaill never raal- i ert-elruta:s acre)s-à lib lot, i41011 LXare leaa good weli at the hlttto The hua;iii itau ~rfrarnea andconifortablo. Ther.~ i~ talsuinvaiîotch..rJ tfai - jout 0be&r' fruit arec-3 on this iproprty. ".d a goud mchoi at te-door. Alan LOT so.S. IN TEE lit ClNC"aZIOi OU MANVES, -exeeptingt 37 acres sold off of te.outh-weut cerner - witit a àuiuil clearance thereon, tho ru- mainder being woud-iand. The undersi aaed tare instracted ta offer tbe above po r4for sale in separate pa.rc-ls B.Y B2LED TENDER, -LP To- Un 1M d"y of! 1bruarT nM±ý i.TosswiIlbe mad enfyte maapow rte am irfEJ seS- ernu« cuit od entai Lient.4 atenteti ateuteil utente4 lttntai atentod. tatenteil umtenta uauento pihtengu tatentaI, iatente patentod tolitae& tent& ptent paient patenti patent Pot£ nti patent ptel patent paen patuntq ptenl patent ptent ptent patent1 patent patent paent patent patent patent patent patent paienli t. 1M* rer. Tr-. ri 1