W Al owoimý. HEADQaARS mer msr olIUDhI SuIte-l. A. mis& lmisa-PaetTolly V4rd-I)r. J. Spouca. 140cal-John Dobgom. 8%potacl-lP. Las.t. Pari Locas-.A. Puims. Nçotlo-Samuul andocol. Card of Thanku- S. Cornait. parm for Sale-M. Buennan. Igeotiuliocsoamlcm intitute. Paoatirui Wanted-C. D. Biarr. Rot Wfter lIeUnqý-R. Wood& llanos endt Orpns-J. Wotlurup. Ébrni !Ar sale -P. W. Cronsbai'ry. Towri Lot toiSaI-W. Mofloamd. 1ro, l'ire'lC.oapo Ladderu-D. M. Leny. Alnctiolt Sale>-Kingaford, 1Brook k ers& gag;k ~ ZlWEae. mmes Ru~ au~ Nul w~ Jacol Toww ~orzmua North ntaIUIYoW00olin MlU-HcvbetTailoe. ZÇaw 811k Md i. SS.rocade.forIre uà 4eo f ).uu~gdGooe-D)unda & YlaveffaRiTTcMum'-IS.2 arc&. TIhorouahbisi. Durhami Calves foS al-%%ba C0110,011. bna fl1. ________ _______ Patboem fUesuds. é9Las a * CaiulmgWsTburedow, AMrI Ml 12 %aémOPUI ef t mdsayThurmdag', .&pwl2L rut £May, at Omemo., Tuusiay, Avril MI. L1lDAr, MDIAT. APRIL 23, M1800.bwdul~ e etam« hebail rnllIum[etthora b. a Sciaoiî. rH'oW.-TIie followlu s. b iave. eb *gethrcUIV port, cf s. 11. N4,.2, Fenalon, for 0tu Ssm that Mr Bassebu a "il ts5.lcmsas 5Udl,:ic April 22nd, I1l. lTh. e nos mofflîmt'thatholde il;evoey l four !n seuilclams ame laarted tu ordes' t Merit. Theu'ê arenomne whoee nmreII 8fa»r CO1 to app'ýir, awtnito iecesury abnomdur- * Thero has beau, a terrble amouut of nul" fnmof th.e eamtnatloue. .Nomber on lbu ctboxe%. bembte, caSs «àami.hmvtthe vo i lur.e 50o. Fifth cîaut-Colln mur. Contrumceq duruam Benir. àThe Prpis ehl'~,.Hot,~Mn~Igvun.ROMM.fOu'd suen av* Su u g o«epoulme sw IFOIr Içlfnrd. Fatnrtli las-Mary Gli- ospe ai e.hrl4,, l)ýug&iI lhl.4¶yMEcau ea~flvoh nln ape,- Ah\-. iMnithlt4rn. Thîrd lase*-LtànaEl- tme coarstlsnPeokafe.ml o ue vemi.d mo- foni, :UAry Jiluitilie, Itbht.l %eCamxlll Mmd OM qpO =gM flulinif 009 --n odgy Dlavid t rahb'în eqju&l. flrrict.Gib olveIr.5a1ndsywn stmn ~ .m~ Seiirecoad.- Johus Rthvell, Alx. Xc- amuet c Mt ns' . Padyarp, Nei MREchern,sanuuel ilcLène. rg muse e miy£V& a; iblnp Jutniop muoaod-earais Sponice. Goorg il w rlhtusmotvs usl mevtis son, Rilen Btintlnar Anuite Tolmnle. Senior B«wee Ul»ea feu. eustmmmil vl fra - f.igl, Wkison, Arthur Moyne*. t, u*Si 01mm.Ob s iya fev msu ommei.mxIu santa WIleon Anginte Morces. Jinlovfrst W u "ne e.1 et or dunhie lia, eae Gé;o.B..tK tVAi91 ., teaCh«. ou MI um~e - -~ Tueeday. Wedumudan&ai.ThumaSaet0fitis wealtvare rad eerardan lalsM*myIady% N EN SCROOL lLi-The new ball for uco asdan an atlonimto dosehopplm lb te tbe pli iichool has errIve.d vol lieu beeu beautiftul brilht asud lntersteinImein«bb. put ini ts olace. It ha@ a bebutiful, clear t on vîswat JamesSt5118111'L A ovelly la ma.l (very tom n e arty st*Als.ts " ipagvsdm~v en ugB mier )itui h.ard t e.u teOW.tefl& Ws h »sendr h 'W m<nPiq Favra.-Mrany of our boy. melut 9"o iae Of ilsopaMm' by g§»1101L ,fMtiI;1gthd3 western Essor. Qlte a n mut-Kayran hum ecioste wvliowseabut ber have Ieft wililri afew days and more cuit the beamsof dOli.Bol." VUndaerngmlight M~ gninw. Thelu doitutlon le. mosvly the handeomegMode vIlle shevîlmet oolmn Ille -lùies." We vltsh theni luick. No gained In oftuuee amud ridlneuecf appeuamos. douht Il, wili ma» eil. a litto lonenome tu The large and mieomemhowroumw va. u "?rnt' ,irl I 1eft behind me."g eut vitt Indicesanuloue rW e sesI stau 1 r é - v lt)oM î,< &x -The boom sa.a end wh t te estbli.hmae liai. te oor.Cf 4"z44 iii contiatics hste, fthe pricos meawly theersveral lumutreti foralu md home*mads (li cloiàtiinu that oisurrotimding places. Gooda the emesse athBe voil vndone on tBe pn aWO lioing slasphtérett andi a bilg pupneu imuse lèatrehamai.dbonnets. vs have aaly bednu doné gjueeralv ta ettmtctwae. Soins '0shavout vhac exqulsl t ing Of thn merce»nt are talkinar of pctitionlm« Sha ape Inesto Me turba, bonnets. Iomall tihe Gt8" nink railwa-y ta hava chesp aJlarge.Straw*art every fashlomabis. a&W Satut ,: ,çurilon.. frokii Orllla mund othet e A aaayusadtifr hilmmlng. Floveuan sU" vnr~-andi puwqh rchls la buud ta largeIF uned. Notoaly ver thue uUur oi attreet atrenmtion andI prompenpoe er.adoe u h %U",Cr L. rethsvery lwa RSome mequllecent nua" am.Mun ilist openeti out tht' ti1neel. lot of mliauy dolmsmsand male eeeehown and routved, m Ierv "uîjhLt ta rechin, ail of the vosy trom ladies desrvodaattton. ES sme tebc lezt-nsyleg. lRste tihmed ammi. untulm. ths prorotive of Gulum'a milluory depait. Med ftrom ecien contenpvrar<ss. pauties mentta W ad.te tende la reepea t rauee cf dse.rinig a new eprtig ha-r vii .l and b. y bavnl meuytimg ,re. * e.by acis hi stck. 4' .il recognition oftChe bamsome vay la vhich 8uuItnor. I&pouT. -The tollowlng in thbe the miflmey show room va. mnamga,màm.be àtand1tnuw 'ifthe opuplie ts Inte "nr cleAsea artlette work on vv rateotwguueoee uBMe i thoe *.'cY Instituts for the monlth of staffandMlDaXleon.e latu omr e M3ar h. Tjnnamesi of Jour la <ach clams deparimet._________ whin o, ntaluied ie htgheat number of gem Na. Mark-4 i rt themonthareglven. Namas -Atemoetiegheid. et the Curling riait lms Cl- lrdeionBreBU ThurM&y nyalht iw»sdeoldeai.o brlmg on Bse fi. l)îuvH. ottiGeite. Tunelrthi annue181club dinmer, ami. a commines nm . Claa: WU1l.~mRavk.'r. Y.. T. bMeftmepoluged tW arrang ebais.The prqmzul Obri. M.r. Lllt.nPorr»L .ThrtiClas.e: mbrae sasraldaIdgrumeeMmBe usueldn fI. Ir,diiv, Eti. 4arker,. Phllo Kihoë, uer formulro, msudmunioemend spuodlie f ane Kat 't! W. CONNOLLCY, teacharM~ns ae - -0- - ~- Peecbors canoeft me wvalla,.Can WYOoLu VIL i L ato9.ollrtam actartmg-.live busa (CormoondencofThe Psiquiet l ilSth"oa ferthBe lm t toase , The stIO itWc4swnw.-f he ee- _suageon. ehas benma dm ULndye nlu.uI fair v*s heldhe1m on Frday last, cu a-muf Joint remm Ma stabllsha 16til !I atelel tce na~-r eje.challenge tropley, to le enpetai. h mnaly 'The iLiy vveail that could bc dpeirot, and behwm M tweo club&s Je vU aise pffl lu nutw m.i la inthe paslng by that the drso. hlId ajoint eprlmg nueet o0fB e mibet be tons t3holdCitertain the One cf thoîr mumber Limdasy. Peteiboro Md ]lobeaygmonclu&o Whuo %wnn lucky enotigh to name the luth. seIt the quean'e b Ulaulâmlar tW Bat hmelm u hap ý0 nngtpyanaed Intp a proverb that Phow day long. jacob'sle i or aturgeo Poant v in N W'îjt e sure tb bewet anti dls'"reebIl .eiueed nlaceasfor holdinitBe ut Ts buit 1. nîehiR h» .Ail l psc wyadnai Imuubereof fthe tluee clubs voula wip to UiIo .,,u, o omdwllle show day May le ra* on Saday eveningani. remain overfmdy t~tLi fues d ySftheseu. t wllibe the 2.th. on vlulch«yday ing aMi.diln npsilufor me te gise your readers autythlm oeolm"ag 11kt v ctàrr ut-t acrotint aBcd wtion0 euhaI -laPaesdilwareao-, iUilividuai nnfieal tswae ex îlbited. Idm Ut S W lz e c mu" &W Cahi noday sunr' hrit ail those present coutld nor but e bcngtio,~ s w'l1 bleoa;t,'I withhe lstock. The condtoof "tulostuglaoosnoorau ail ilk. ianioale exhibited anyuMu os. oIà msodu.u0 ~es Whm ttuId irdioestliard t itues o thaïthBe atm 3 15 ummtof m eliea ccxx ntry a t!n & state of or next thlng ho ew& u tg tehorses. lt lhe Iniportoti druak,,Sou nz rat& GQufnne «Carawath" wa assin Baevutar9d es h ddio te thp ron. wlnunlg the rad. tlcketýwWbIeh te voesoevaimm X.Zsu ceii)y dofflmrvawvtlout quessioe. H le Umua~tale amWm . Dmbr t I oMo of tht' liest animale thet oser atsra Of-un.Te aI v a sa «e osn show 1nfz. i ruther féritre whljch added much lseu eeots MtW UnS t the h0 mluthl1Ahome such a favorite W" is * besirrbeak exfi leae 1111h tut .& oh," Wh c Lowon IAretprise, rbt.Bssnvils maeahI am"t1 fil1etg f aeanua dm Ieyou"i osle cf e usa I CnaaA hors.mai'lbes prtIs.wlmm »Ci Y4 not boag oti stock tioms. Dut vheu a The Bobea"c camonsudW!rovlg Imia. borsts paremas lotI lts. w tuaites le lae u, Coi &b bean ie.la Beh mly aqnuf ugain avert deirable asial nad a greu an. 5pelig Ivwage5mi. homearch.thé sonm g~af4onsotueaootîn r ta coumnIr, V I lib. abé-lfhbu leaem m . seosind rlzt. i n ros3 fuch bettox. @have lilasheurte content. 1Ni'. s oîi.dhmeoet l e asathi#% ime laut. Tar. He is m(XI i0*pu, Xi'.Wr. EdÀË& 5Me X.7 C ~~~ ~ _ne I ldaaSud mhWIm1-- oullmmThe rio- t 11 ba iIowtqd et fairt Lima IasesOn, aUbhe b aetupeu e&l;e .90MJ ndges tlouffishe ehonî4 have iu8r a [ ~ IaSt f. Ph. .A I.Year eMd coit slovn 1 Msss. àU42 hi.*. f lTi l ýi6 t fDaba L* a rery pi0flwa$ UPliU"s: ug meadaImm i he ho e eW7Ny CeCmà gâvoaUe .AMM1: % e s a e e s e B. wsk aum>. bmmwuI ou bme 11ea v dem a MdâMU81%MM ma WmvbWm Thie povier n»ver vartea Amrai - ma chia tmd heoiaemkne.sud am- motse bo«sain leompetituon-wlth the mli. tu". et Iow teut doit eelaht et.. or vho& wwde âWdouly iii cama. ROYA I"zze 1OVDER mO, 10J6 Wall-et., irov 1prA mnE OWNLOTS OHEAP. MrtN : nt in hisparrm f UM94fre 1 etOrM1ugTe uro w lnn I»WrRK-Cttl wil betaken on B~Uea~Troi.n =r wter Md idw lik à to JA M W A BSJW '"OSIRTO> EET.-That good, cow- Rg&fmel oumm mEl 4t. tW mut, f" &.qým9wmi.anm morM a haitet &ppirte PRIHAD UT SALCHI>?.-Sods Watoe 7omIhOMS"mw Case, 4&sa Ioap 13 cetglme U42, Tle PILEIN, r-g' ~ au4P~kW P. G. TJTNI~±~ICS INSTITUTE - ~*a - V BeLlmdw Imuoeuua UITMETI bii.mthhelnsslms. on as oesm. 1A~ 8AC~ JoHN DODblO~ *%&,non*-mir ~ uu~~ B ~iw s I L mam. J v mi enw ?mWli a"WM WN&TAND OATB. Fa--r Mr XWC. AnowU AMD STOCK-l PRIXTIDi AT aseBeLINIJAT. ONT.I dos. 17 .a FIEENILD PMPIT lS. WALTM COSKAITEle nsict- a1*1cm= tIe o dIuDoSi amai. et ~~. uru Um E te «" uuiq, te ehiBar et Ua" lum as oc!s . . e olvtg valumble LotS, con. Si Eu G wtIlimbury, lu Bhe Coma- TYok4 ontmig40facr5.moreorlem mm mdim reway M te braol ot BI&.& Quinvi t, m mor MWsfmmffniewm itii Toruato. The lme- posas illge t utte la 0.17 idrmiles diaatanie.ina mev Mm u1tlghh'«e ml mUR tnbs matinilot. meieiltep=ms sm i vi e giwrten.Tomeuteknovn o a et sale Fm furdiirpeutulams ply thBuauctica. av. eutte, or ta neoam I N GBLPORD. BROOK£ & GREEXN Barrbsease., Butte mmi. ormat.Imm GREAT ~*II~ DAMAGED VE. WILL 1 OFFER FOR SALE NEXT WEEK A LRGE QUANTITY 0F 00008 DAMAGED BY THE GREAT FLOO1H IL LOOK OUT FOR BARCAINS@ DIJIAS &FLAVELLE BROS 1 do îwt I shattfeelpîcétasure ini skowing the goods et anyiY- t/aill a, Sm:t Oe.A. Mime, Blot wmtAe?4sa ct I&oen. Mon rmust enatys wel« iaa yLi gck< Set yor SUITif you &havn ç t SUTgot Uwàm eatzjre cownsicrecd ftrst, value?1mzt Mil pftcn kmaL NEW T ERM ORS TED SHOML'-SPZNS <and Jaie Une Of PR&C VSTw ATI S PANTS s. 'I IME HETlLR W. J. KObsOi. W* me. ROBSON'S. 14 s Viis m a n d yfYr mo ln WUy~~ et pte& Mdhid tbàte s ama. bauum ed&m - heo -t NOW OPENMED OIJT -A - W W- HAROAND 30Fr FELT BTS, For Men and Boys. GEO. DOUGLAS-NANILLA. MamNis, Norokif. l-~ CLOSINeBUSINES. Seil Out 1et Oost bvfg -à grv upu b b w - me te gr. OBAT amMaurs, @mulawoIvu ~OOB OBLYNEW. gImI~saIh d~bD~Ggj~ mai se,,CbO§ s JBROADL. A. W4rht. ;BOOTS AND SHOES ETETL SAL W<iè e . UmaoInce tiwst le iais opene outt in the store ol M:eus and NVonen's BOOTS auiid .SaO«ES, Ms,.ft e Mv» mb ub plemmure t. me« oi hi% oEel en*i- èom, M " »MsmSmeb-prime e. a.e*M.. T~ ss wM b. MMmarbuge M uni mwmi, mmi auped5leBau mymweicIed. Pricete b. à* emmdimg wiIl e WOBRK A BPmammTY Arn esuJ&4&m. ___ m~. Vtck'rePlpa) GizWe Guide pins t ~ 8 ad P Ur et hob ~B1enI unMe.PIe amu bàésd CHEAPSALE GOODS.U I Y Ca ~tI, A' t. ta "n 41 *~ M2.*~ t '~g7fI V~1 ai ,. h- Q $ .4 ~# s' -'1 YI -6 I '-w ~ * TO THE LADIESa Wïli(you kindly oblige me by ins'ecting my new. stock. ask yOu to &u tess any article rnay suit, but wozd zisûi yoie the same. INthe alilaroft ne PoLi Au r mustt.Lve, y= an baGusabout âlLwbmtlba.u, aBrSg oal edofwbuts 8"8am ie tlwolLaus M M$& u..IV"M owoumvemllpm w.amoi upmmoe- la Bwmldm w m.vobw lm etlthbhidie u 0 flla imutfor Baiam bmrou.t Iealgla ierltban havemma jht M 1 . dowc huar no eut gauma, Iw.lasevsd mm hobo% aobm M NU w uwtfbrdtee. N lNo ~ Dïutw laai. caL f 1 -à 'i le la --i mahs#daslbmg çoeillt lanýpa nwshawal- Ou gedea lanti. mi sw hW* ut. LZew, M Ihae US la e U Ibsa lime MmG. câLmi P. e&6-t wutiboa gool Ides, Mz Muser tbesblaubaokWaet iiiulugr Pair woulLh aIt'le, as Lam usn you anm tubur a fewgsaien mod.a woli athe rut Do Oum but, sulacribors, and dot diso-ag mb eW. ww.cmuot do witheut TuPaO*. G. Càiv. [Wéam m&oblgd tecurworthy friand f twe u w ur Mmoae- mmcml GOERLL-GLAan-.b the tilet tBe. 3C BmfeWBrooMk Wos 3809aUk&-The naine strikaS a ohlfl to a Mottehaameahne.roailees what a "mmr pumaladylv la Wlth a boulie of Pain-lu, tbiehsromeltht1il a a Moim »swefti utaif hteir1.d.toa XSUCE LD» r«ofte Ea oue %mmbAý 1 immuow, ALyni MN Imm-eu-& - - - - - - ----e ý - dmo"b.74hý dh 1 y your convernence. T'kankingYou Iôrbast patrotagre, 1 atit resbecýtJzdy yozu-s, 1 1 'rýladmr. AVOL 14. ML Y IMOCIL. y. Undý. AWH 2& 9 Zi~l Amant nu__Uwt r