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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 May 1886, p. 7

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n - * XAYJI~1~.1 Moi- lemu _ _ tha wthilob - - --0f - .M- w - um~ - DU NmNt silosfil biai, aten om ~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ YOU 1 8 BD 1 .bIIlf Foliffl MIL~rna gsehaame of evwN& o1,i bwuau wu .~U~ ~ ol Oote uodw Imb todimvw Iw~y.~~[ i Proe ly .Omrai o il *~~u,~ m*,me b -uI ai0 Meia Aolakm ilt.piugo .D.1 IWh __ o ~w r wy~pnWl! ktm7~ whilch, the Efon. P. A. MEb uet aguelai UP A - _ officers ofthte boad.the noler la Supgg" -. 1se:. Ur hSh U ~ ~ ;~&Ie~=- WB" STOCK or FUR .a 'h. leim Sof £Ife la verth'mmue mee£e s.dgm~~.m et ~ge.Ia.. Ae uWi" -uêsL a oe im than aIl the Id Min"s of CidIfonUi..the &.vomoaductsd h ar= ver Mines Oredabied.. Cr uà9hasir - Mmw B"« Te ate0fusumMatle vPtb c*, Tho Science of.uit. Umhy mg m oo1* ma m.Am. e.. arpali. Inn InfMemmm=os fmuME.hemb-..Pe un et lb. e n ce et Lterhf th e ' lt M __M m & . . 0 f &a [P Ilu n meeked-Ma*'efeP frmr.buiuL aEIE The Science et Lite le ef ureat'value Ibis oen«M4ta Mhexpet uof UUIIUg Up ' ... umm- -Va" miA______ ail the med odalvrke pubUsefflla Ibiscolin- th MaM&M0f Cg h.uumia emi~t hehuab0tht . aatV» sv Ufor the putI 5(9 ear-AJaWa sCondatum. ag. ht apot - Uêpt&A o .-__dig£1 W1 WLaU &il1.1L48 lh. Sclenoeo et Mm.fiyu mit a th 0fA ora ..*» LNO neUeo me u r"o= a*cwu.wre - " 7bRa7G 0D LW MK PT7 TCWTtELIEP rfe"t Xt .mÂ. obt ,D9SURwkNCE CO1P1umtt There launo member of musoletylawbom oru.T.vr.mnaBatt~g5gu& wva.si hatl' M uODE"ATECHAMUM mEGATXMÇ Pelenceof et Lite iiinos b.u beta, vho eUS Urnbwd t W" Io b u * ef t L» jou til Parent, MUSditUO, lUnato«or U'eea OWii rlUd M WU Mz cbu P0oUL1Bib.- ~AUUUInuNIf3F odrus th, Poaiod edcglZnatM sor w.%= tiaulistML-- ]Dr. %V. H. Parker. no Bulnoh SMMt -ou W.HSn-nnV3499a ton,.Mams, vho m*y b. couenltsiarn aiàtdba. J. 8 iru, Mut SS L Y ~ 5y weiram eues requirîfiuski mman PloUasChlme 1 toueue, mus .... ...... à and obsinate dlseusuthat bave baflfiie A. Duiuaym............ oumlte%18e....GAGO akkif ilohe p.solnfaupclll othh Geomgsya.ezm frAui.73St- IEimeUfMM But &PaMsa..pemuu s vasa73thruu uiTe. deetion Tun IPnwr. 1,InduaY, Onr.85I. uUs4opm15aoui.. i Ttupuhuu 61» lim «IN *com **o*fgfg poptai ierLTi esuceai tndn q ata. H. CU'uuLmgmhE!oRnaL L L R rom à* MpsaW Mme"arbar ttsiu que . puma soute. &1101* ed1laulToba - - mwmcuum.b tépay 0101 to thet arobs ti f lnk5 qC4 L.LiuisCwe 'g Q. lateag '»..&e,, f1 sr GlLii Ximi' l. 3107hier.Fr atcuasorrts p LINDSAY, eDT A ,85 h tWu ba Ifrms0~ro ~QC..0 oat;5 laei PaW<t i! Nres I ffom un zwSrm Ga"in eb, Ud.NBEffl "mu Aetfo ldn m C.Vctra ~1zi' ~IU4LthePLCistme? iid 8f at or bPvoeut lhum vues 7guassS a an . suane fibd wfh r ithutproit LOCAL MATTEIEe. MW UM'by the 'LbondPÎ ma *i miMsss.Si-s- i , 7 es Nm W l,:= adgeu h"theg mmmt p p aag f lisser.w 0fCa.utw. Ni uw U mLiG1. NL ariposa, Geoum .. .- . - .-..Mine, opm I. E LJZfDSA Y TOWN COUNCIL mg st qum bu sudWiduw» gtasause tterny0flb -T&EWIWTESÂLLT MixE» VITE࣠Whaff. Nsaure, mi tfaItCambay . =m le Uotld b. FAIMabu m ý,.S WNANO HOI T MaÀk iqE MENhS .Duhi bytu 0f.h~v SUGr, ITWILL Bu pou» r'tirrowN*i ~4TO IFAVf Tg£ 4COTT AC.7 Uve xxuDs.-r.v RYm' __ uass S' hturue msuib.eb.ui aida MM a ~*wu vii tht A EYEPOILING 1w aa - »M Mo m w uimusm~ im <luflgt)J Dit WinSE ANDl »MMER OL» - , t voulibeas Wluplume poey l'ut m ntua ftinuaim somme c«B' O5IW5 ifV~ vths av COMMUNXGt4lCATIONO- REPORtTS OPCOU POIUt »0PIM te a mei wS hW- 0ftht vi! b.va. mains STIDDE.Ç COLDS, CIULLS, CONf-. Mw "mens fmierus. M N.fsth.emS= lel 'U ITTRERi-S'REXTgwrATERfIG CONTRACT gu~..WISt fulhu.. .cocs iuum t ilS paWo mbg b n GESTION OR STOPPAGE i C'()»r rtao W - *- '**BLAGSM ITH 810 protassiigamet w~m k~bIt0uak1g Bprios n 2 eaceh, 5 fer 8OLO :î. AI ri Lrns m-ma 99 w» il&fa tu bu lttva buliaSau mim im CIRCULATION, a 110t78I4-81I7NDRT LOCAL MATTEU, I* geSjeba@@»l ai qu a I à r 111091à 1Z. M-S&L we Ineicarlae M%oday nlgbe VSBwu vsg ugft fou ltebmk hbI UUe&on - braiesu aali t 0f ý wva ib& '%ER AND BOWE.L COMPLARnS _________________________ mrebsns Wb" lt tji.........l. veWOaAtm ea&. vhtewmumoflmuà.tbobdagus B0XETHRIOAT, &c. .OKMkn.WICA EEA.LUE town Iounciil. Locatuiaraulf stefor the vogoi elat-l&-M unliai 1ktbatht Ornu hmil u" ma" auA»= M M paut few day. lid Iai hUvery Importat;pousbl ouéb.dm.Ttioer -ahutU*estu. EV1IWC BSEXE-EL,» j1LMÂH.0Y.«OEEEOf<GASPOALT quetions woold b broqU u Md i Tue 21097tam0 Rat~r~ -- EFP~YUPR I poeeeiofltat hee monthly mesttug for My ia AMal. - lifiuL Dr. o ite-- th* â».mmm *B-.....MÂE> MI 'INNTua DNEO'OEELx The î'valiable rooni outie lhe.coundi e. VU wwm Ihti 9si liâ b dte w hie s AI E EEO IN T PiJ»[à N KA I I,.w e..~~.a serve waaflhled wîh ~ ~ ~ Cous. C"Wn»z=run a» lt raigbuse b ssib ol AISW PO ..YLR SBthe.N TL if ere proce1ed ngem comnece il ht freMdft vowtas -@ý Tht vil, ou mmluaghlm bu.ha à»b.SPRAINSBRUIMES, EEUXA.. Fouader -lr aftr pocedigecomenot I, hécoommlctbhu am »o uF tedersfor tlitù oIwiwarnâaIughompmt TISM, NEURALGIA, SWRLLRDn inember8 were preseuit, Incladlag Couo. 1C554L vatu ami rcsade liaiJ scr gup rwuasg uso lxE, 1XOTACRR, aihecosi» lvmt ccdss hmbue stmita affowLe ym ma f d-FA P B Wa" : ~W ~ Tesbcl. lhe elto h ulctt besute swutégr= the urne 0f atams . BLURS, PBOS'I' BITES, &C., &C. XANUVACTIIEERop 'PrevPeîd troin tbkio0.hie t MsAucehi. ' batEnapMibu .F&>wtuEZOR AN» TIEd flect ion te office lut Januas'y. Mayor the âamouisueme oliau-r 9b. ,I r WLp >UEUIU.ke "&WouMn m Dearon presided, anid In eider ho place o.,COor tiosth lia urr eM111rali bnmi z evaas f ImitatUM&a. -M e 1 W-gse sd&a uu.. rga lt eivra r Who Wall pree t the officiai- ll i ron A. ahela & uasWCM t oSm itbornai bDrtle t O ltv o _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ made up ot Raeve Walter@, Depaty.reeve.trust go hold gba i vite >Ps? rth mntwilt wtib Iu5buO. Yan.i ~~~ ytecncit l3arron and Bryane and Cou»e. Toyl - - ]d« to#«P" Vos; Md m-11 i M ws l boue tto lhntirymlse i a Oiyclosing the tm a oeet incris' ofi a.vim- .i f *.- CSDJY kC.Asnni oî or7ng cmus!I i Sinclair, Crandeli, Connelly, Nlallo,"tehg, anud WM@ 5lW u *' tPte Nusm, famvt* WCI__POTEYan h.no o an Fisher and H. Walters h lr si fCr »~~UN& anduitfsfei Montuae ' v».atIb i. j __--h~ aetete ÂTEWR. c th iue adàsmnmyo oom(g &Oirlmütuadsw»mfoui! aluA! uilib. uum lu effective luuml o 1T 1i lie~~~to miue n aaîmrwc eot "M" aOi4 aiu nesmi taiv. bsb pdoses, acte without~- of a fecw Cemmlttces, atter vhlch 2Mmyoe *.PIPyu,"'~v telos use 0fPMU@&) u miptgrpn, aeno t>eacon addresmed the audience at lefgch rasIls radeli, #»00pur yesr fou'vAlisS andtamas lmoes* A50 1886 on a variety et matters, andi heu th. floor lem goCesatisfactinh les f f ta ier N ouen h thtte a.bivsi - on naea, and --rt lb . U.-9y witheilf; Interruption tintil 1. 15 o1lock. By .Te hluiittto......,,. wth"neauc te*i x. thin time the ceuncil were gettiug relie, Dae, be amcpted Mai thgh. lmeavantai w a dubeOf sav -I he gablcma- ai;do nuiv of the And là tmely and appropriaI.ps'ottfuom i te conwmd, glviag secuzty for <tu, = l vuo t DsýCiiitiPutr . liguai catlîâiticéi "u" . G7PVZ ÀL Cotin Kefh tothe efectthatthe cnnei 011 thu 0=r cwcoitummainAm spu thle questin lthae lcmmat- yn!;e(dith bad other. and btter business tb do tIbis nde 561706 dt» lie pStis pmes' *t b. oiasL teviidaiatg fort of TilTq, &c. TEES EN U aIn sot OfsU.-JasesPitklp. Mad clmluei.tu Ltditlu Arai Chu ý - thoe. &il night while the Mayors allai lilajusticeté tieothor oostctoru, hAction tiContu. aChrie moun Ucm.~îsnx:v iîj C.ximmfuspthe h'jlist .' ah ake gthe m t àiciwto t ti- hl lq.c ad the de.ired effect ef petitilea aboulé motl lwis ass....... .....D1 L QC., iami Jdsrllu k s - Lb. or complainrou ïhttltioff the flow of oratory, but DtROI usaisBarres sai Ihersaeed to u» beorbepan before th.qtown finances, vater.worîa,de- iE tdhdu. ____________________________________________ itspcde i hgl ecmmnedfo pe ___ ferg iaiulse attts oS' eteots and tien, lisccallygadopteddforfot eheure ofWLiaulmof.esKareh t0,eImSla L8duclanl a fineesmforhhe cure of bring 10,bomses Swvift (Cîrrent. Scot t t.grain ware vlt'out CDDauihng thie cous1.... ___ and cattLivrate geneal 'oed ceDdition. IDis. 4îougset reet..waeri no sanà enralaM. Conaelly movai Il, lhetlflon o f ilk aidtdi bafab. buT ÂUADLu o _______________ycr î.. ho a motn r-lje. aostment of aide Ilamîsexhal hen cu n I &or eofMUr. Parisieab». ur-mmm&WM ;mýoeid* F IneF. --- ou uydvi.tpon. Throupbut the evefin sid d'h.oa't.61.br-iesi Md Iabmdte h a i . ÂÎÎ. Ain DYT<pF?5îÀ. for Iaorsaulaoe Ibm 3sttDU doii-hmereda and o UMii the report b. lis pIaimt fl14"¶JsiMU, CONSIPATI0OCon %îvnn4Fs. o0e isafwr M& Semn ma11&1110. tvewler trmmalOto 14 mos. oid. anldeb way svemied tovlew the precem sD mendadilby avrlna thse coanuet» f tatsetlmFRi b. lTANT RIIO RM mPortei Crulcksihank buls. WIUIb. l tosqetyafrigae'raetpsil '<rt of puhblicentertainment, te vhich psrwAu... .Thtemou&vaomsul 8401 lidmuyhsvayai br psueî >i AI51QVf'M5 ON TRE POST.-Psdrti oomable rcsFo u pi'ja enftroa lnquttytodta r<e t1êkttiihart heen irn ad Ilb. T* md lia ot hie equust gnedailibeau . RI"RDSTATL OP' TUE ëTO- Ls edn isturet »ti aeaitt ONCXOLlt9.cn .hi hreIrm. APCAE eiprl'mitîzà drninnly whpn & a pint van. SMN70RcIPLL TaEsCwOr ACT.* t5t bmls~ I o uhnai MACIH. * ga*<aiserntan~~hiaasfflen aPUp t a ONCN OltioG .a. ldayUd ocMyl~1S5-0ew ,tord y îtert.eke, lton hni OzroLvnudueuaeIIjosOtlm e 1hW »ie ot emalWho oastht flitfcneb1n b______et____Il___mm___lmO it! reet and bridge conim ....e. Fres -w%" -m O M MUptrec - -- UU -Fy smeSmîî»b.ipts&1i 1y 1 1. 1csaniPa tain '%Ir. NV. Flavellé e eariluf tocertain lm. ilumîo .seriproaI 5 smsifor ht ut lvnty su, r lhe MeartPrompt resuits-vWini~t~J U provemnenta uhIci ho propouai go tuait Sarohls' bue npeoluhtit iS lU untih df at ofuu b atsb foliev fi tuse la cases et Suilden rex Cmhlceand Peel-eta Mur. Plavelle uami- 3. Tiattheas iote a ~psetfthe tmo *6700155SUiCO» J 55I uiby Acuts or Chrenlo Dîneasci, andi lu the ed m iigairt u h J - ed titIthe tous couicili sioligrat htis umia.y wu by wme mu. tvos i quslaiilfand emmiiS vmkea CatmisawaS inpale p& 141 ffikifnt tifs te kIeep te ti ufas di'atuiieaectore, nsmisrindb l -1 via-lemuvstiéfipousi AE -1.coveryfeImWang Fevers. No ~biaglust umce luaceai for aul leth lree, T'he Irprovement wvolcoul ili@t iuteaied la tli lvabyalaswlmsJanlly. kJsmafr piatm son alii k 3t remedy wil gie moe peedy relief li Hick Mid T .2U. 'rhe cosl veuli b. providai by bIla' 4. Tiat your ptioltlmw ue 01ea uara f&Wdefsahg sPepi rIdietoIt cin iieif, Ixut. some tlues venu eoasmyeo n- uorn tIndaigestion,émialwy 'lie r.actionsuw . on3 VId fo srfae raligur ta b4is mai 'oft omslsvrailss . tie stomach bel»g Chat et a gent!.oe mmyeoir..I gratef ocmerataé maifeUlyinathe 1=51of5mm- " larmieu tonte, excitaIn tie sc liîla v OYFIACSle province amd DombiIn aralyamisé J ubm l fote MV digestionS. actien, an ium= n Imm EUam oen rai tars o ti d coas c Ch at rats______ im denderitenlm 0fui I Jlat.ulear Dm Dyspepala.t wonid lho a daflccv Ibis e ar asI ubI c 81 -- Ic"1 emyfr t burgt of eloquencelS rav Cie rbotut alWdWru rA..BMB tl acbeO "Z1=1 atea a for doalimg villa & aill sqwen" stwe t 2r5puiieet lis tg*le hersmawî sv liasbrou ne 0111,or0f im nl Dyqpebl, wldch la apt to eSuor l tb.te uies fA lihonîders oethîe ouacti.* dt lile uiuelo t htbcamat a IS 1 'wne - m , * lte auf 0f »erM o0f lit i1tar. Tus k.-s131Oashona. b bsom evwASth té i.uûma* Br o nc k i L cil f4hould coualderhvh th& tlCDob.mst iwa h u m Milui etA - ----Aht0f-Po where lt se Sco at se n v t. plAMu 19ar fi lms li Oia,, = O":p t C m aiN K N R L I RC o u A o p n the fuatutés gov«atmaè. .lf0d1hUl i! » itueruLm l utnI. m.lpro OEEADNJ 8" u --m » m- là o" lis u M Prom slîestesEuas - aiaie ]mm& DOOTH Tirem taiv a cuébla uut i5s iahiNului, l.unosbitlarsll a seilotpearmls 'su t ------- Mmuémupvenue ~mi ~ maim -e-s - 1 - goulum seIsla utiu dsti mbeUmpea .~ïm Mt d i - ZA&GE MMUpOliosth* J' IL, e Mdx e-- t a i

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