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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 May 1886, p. 8

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t - .J Y CONCISE COMMENT ON CAIPET&£ CO P ETE tM lep 5s- hpu l wtm E L GOUP.LAL, 40PLVB ___n_____ DUNDAS& LiA'VELLlE BROS W. ÀI od«Oýu *wp 1~ 1frui~uY tauFBo uiltsn ot ~touw wlw that 1h. poile W1lIv*imsô-404L. loisir' T auLComes. i'I~olvMu.mmth. Crowu CoMmi Gmsa~~ Bmu&u k Lum- 903. r~-~rr ~ i f '1<;,' '4 t- i 'i <i L43 ~ ~- 4' 4, r1 * 4 'i 'i. 1> - 'i -i ~ ~: t,'. ~'- -~ ..----- ---- -----I Biec!e (op Sale.- J. Ilrittoni. MAlrrSra.Jlp Dchon., leolir imele.-Gkgo. A. Wecue. unr!!!atqe Hale.-J. lttIIert@on. To lIn Publie Ofahitii & ailgiw. l'or >-iifme.r WcVorirng.- J. S-kit t Sefftlbr harpoJ H. Wilsog. ('o1rt of lievitsiO,-.T.wn of JLindsay. Notice)o eto or. Xef cLenuan. 1)oMr lé hePfopewy for SaIe.-y. C. Taylor. flot-hoiePluits tuBsw Wm Othbert. The Rfed Trnink Ehoe flonse.- il. G. M[arlatt. *Auratillon 4afr.--Ttrn,4toe.r Pt *rdrwaChureh. Nc'w Brtbertng Buii'n.-W. J. William. bol.. 1' Xclr@1tonto NiegsrA Plall I'tcrboroOdd. Lttb lo ltailn arriaRe !41£oto7 and laning LTNS YIMI1,fAY,_MAY 7,IRM. [Ç'orresepolidencc of Tite 1>04.] 1l'«rrinu -\rithan Tomn 'das lias Pul'hgtewl thAt wl.-nw trcttlng hOrso "BfllIy Marden," whith li çrAportýei tob)e the faotent in thoe towri8hip. Tiine, lOoftesmloîrenr'tj orf>ChfJ>o4., liIT. rrirlT.~A lerwy youifg W*!rlent o!La'ytot-n n btsanly bee* hl poe' oi fathe~r tI, e iaýy'. ,'jti;i,-uonlm sud thréew. lin oui, Ktiire Ibarll. The oI14 m&aI %'kêf4 ettiffl 8a-biw ag'iit.S, II i lq sOW- gr:tnarv,buî. tthe son i ijt-'lan4 1,.4 Iresai, oetruck llm'ntwn or t-hrppiec4 'an tite face. A (aey;g;, Trr<-.few ovening% a»~ élit- of Mi'. 1 -.1110è 'oro3rYýrws rinie lhome With tite :Iair " qha-r-<d #Arir ~tai. Mr. Porter kuOwt% whc, th8 vportil are that Dçcd M îY ài%%- r tIreY ivii le etvpoqed té err~*r'~.- ay 1-ftortowt cg MOrrd tv f ast for' lowm-anýville. IMAeL spent r.'* vîa1~< iddin,4 good-bye to the- mournnoe fr hitCroo'&actb h .c t ' akitijc Ita plare. roi !oine SitrrIrdpv lîtt.Mr. tori"rr, Me . i eh whatmivuht have heen a very tt c. - î Il areer'rsrl iraeIrriheroller foir th ;p-r .) f arr'Mgin ! mrnoe prt ot the à a- ' tfr',,nt co? rhe, ho sn (ýavng 't ;t "Dy a fbillit eghr jysar6 nt age, Rit. MP. : ý ire1 cvr.4 erîll;lýtn e'avthe lu' :i ~ iîr.hn 'r 1 n,.*,-ha n I.; te olli(Py Vml si h 1 ps pu'- i wrfq on Ms feet oagain ,Iiia- rmé or mtirt,,r1r'rhed 1h18e .yPe, Rave a f.'w vlgrOUI W ~fr~ > hd hë t >!ir4Ir.- <if ýlrrthe in r ut. hs.hot, IVIro #Athé 1-ioreq be. bc "c-u '.. nt'-~lrlin e'he îrFp2.4 in Reh a le rt1~ prn1-ibilî.y the rneana c f bj s1-* >a le ot thé,rorlrirsaelon of!80 t0>ý S.' h cremed Io .njoy thre whole îES RI ~ ith intpnqe rei h.We >eartli Pt ri "' ' "ak on thp -roi-uit of the- W 8rrré J4n...r(i to ico i iror rni iri ar p. P l O ebioi'itiroly unat-toliidr by lianger. W: ICfo0fespofidmeeof The Pcet.], 1 M Vt'Týl.EN1RVXI) H0nO *rf-At tlhê lia efcEne voeo&ion o! Qniepn'w ugç'st, Xitag*! , th#dgpe of I.D. wm. cowfrredii oo- 'Rev. D1q'd- atrcl', 'nt-ntmeof M dfoctor an-%y ileétetéourrond«.h-- I3ev. fls'id Wsion, NLA., Was hor-Ilhi h li-07 .', gSC<1aé, de aisin hi. safly mvwlai ed ufee Stt wrOyU .e4dm1,r Cenada h. t4ô*& l-Ïbthe ldon,' distwa Mld ~'a a ,'u egdùasft ebaçp 1f. of ]li 'upluufteg Ifavin ' lehi*tuitl"n-b s réiene e!'eiium IlE thefr pm<feustoi. a# the studied t .it* aQue M lls am e M Mo de'Pi.#of LArift 1861 alter &iuF e lshmedueefbs% a959. A~ «« l8ihi edhl4flVSt OM im M wwl --Ib; W. xffwb»thb le MPUse g. qM yneuaneà a h . ou, aLmip loiuul &dm. WWêea-1 dlawwt Wskhgmmel g u no! usm imua ehl , 6br h l r i ee o . M O' m . eCMoreitani otogabrimni iw~~N,,e~aw~ dwà- l nid- ae. ~~~Iuwd.aê~. A Wusu cMMar ýta Of aMsMOoluuei Glaawars. Aim a. wsl.as bd Tu-sets, Creva- ceami Swray. (>a&. a Gliea Kroewwioe-oest and le l xviHstth Cofet»"ae AiU t»edu« I& abovya msat &.8. RIT- teIlow% Psbsbou ontemplate roimg arn-s 1 cuuoatoNt.ar- ala iaGrand Trunk rail. way, ~ ~ on Miuai.diiues c 1"uag le Jutn% Psuirno. by a opwetaft truai cif in- clam s ases, wishout ohamgeor cmr, o1 s,PrOmemee. lndsay, Uxbrid5,Soi Vi.tare a" lobe $3.l0 hntneroture The an l to c 8--e nd r tnm enPeter.1 b«ore .5 anti reura ImmemOmsre2.00aMd rUtwrntmiu-LludoqW.P- --eiMrates tro ether place.abD-vs easl 1ei. Tii.toiswt begoui-otaed~a a.ai b7 li" - Dw- _ent et$ tWn=* afltit for a. lonem efe. The. train Willpass through Ltnduay at about 7 a.m.- Ail mntewll ie completed thts Week. Tht. wI e ni Wutnp. pieamu= fer or Im oovenisme. Pam ee gr wEb I m o cm-lieAmoetul tre o!extra ohargo. Re- tnrnng sansdar-brspeci train. afterwards byrrregulartrain. 1eep the date in mina and taie an- somuge --fisla Wd the. Grand tmunt andi, sa»n BgW 8 eaPitalists an having a survey madae o an air lino ftwm-tawaoya point usai.it te thé Sauit OhBt Ma thm a 00ecn»« et ithre NohSrn Pacifie. 1hernew Ula te ruil as stralghu a& mauseMn nahh. and wlllot ire many miles C nurh of Hallburton. -Tii. WhltbY Gazette Baye5 the Grand Trimnk IalWIaY CempanyPurDos.buildingnaJe in, C !rom Caifego6te nk coustrutinga hatis tunnel under'thé Oauboro grad,,,,buildin double track froni Nh ti tltby, andia Je Ue tromn Whtby te Millbmook, anid utillyàingfllo T'bronta andi Ottawa. raurvey .Thts reportha4 -u denlat. -EM bate bfeu rednced eni the Mdlmt- division o!t the Grand Trnnk te the actual mile. Y e. even-ttsmls. W-For Instance iteboro te lnumy.fotuely25cte, now 15s.Lindsay t&o rormnto, formerty L 10, la now 82 0&. Roture tickets, %aed for mix dar for $3.45. insteate three day'e as formnerly. oTePeterboro the fana s 70a. Inatad cf 75e.; rature train P'eterborough, $1.20, M ami meon.- The.redlictian t. urniperau ln smre respcs but as a- Penny sa.ved ilaa PefnY r'a.ne amu , nwith a gmotidaet ortravel- Lug-might camna~ handeomAo eaux by these retino. TL. alnual conve.ntiorettire Eut victoria achos< ameoclaticzn- wi . rehelti lu the iî lcol buildings, Lldmsy, on Thiuràday anud. ri. ST le. May, l3th am&.litr, 188&. T"i oirlow 27asrsda, ilfayn l3ta. 10 a6..-Presldont's atidres: Rumbas, ap- I pelntment o! committtees, ctc. - 1l a.n.-rmr wi",th, ciie-D. jàÉnsm, ebceaygeen. 2 p.m;%Iennmtti ihtourth mentor lan 1» 3 pi-Ii1itchla lecturnschaptertor-i. J. 'l p.m.--Variatleu er scirool wurkc-dmiuPs;., ow, Lindîtar'. 8 .-Publiemrnreln the-ope,'a hnse: .A pa entr Ntioal dueatieà-"-.LJ.Tiller', asq. Adam Eutisprth, si., ehairmnixU ndam Iz oani-of edujiatiou. will pripside kîLL coturc. lîýida/, Zaftqj lU. ba.m.-,BUaloa, reeuîvîng reporte or cemmit Y'0 t'a. etc. 9.30 a.m.-Dnuwnff lu Public sciraole-Min tntrUndsar Y .î a.n.-ThoulxtnrT1l ggegtj.rn'rta teuh. i-P. PalmerBorro a-s. in ' 1 '10.-I~th ojfter rLiauat' béant et hoyklth. a :pi-Màmeatoacirg-J. j.TlIlcy. L.Z DC 3 A~kpsahimtor-yE G. Sherwood, ft fw,.A 5-I TOTIE LEa# àWiL'jou Mindly oNige me tby àssActing my new tock. a&kyoj« ta y antsanyrgjcf'e may sunitbut wouldd isk you r £4alfr ef/deasure in s/àoing the gokd at any hou,' that may suit your COPvwgneC. Tkanking-yon firj5astOatnwagr, 1- arnresbecflly yours, I do flot mot a lum& K? Monmst b. e atLy c& fle Ot *oir SUIT -if you h1&cvn.'t S U IT S . nt * U*g otY la e7ekd fir#alu~,eia .nezt and~pvoea 1st 5EV WREWGBTDE'N PUS ldc iee ercstygei. "s[ I lIME, TUE TAILoR. style. u~ mu~. - - ~I~WTO LOAEX.-Privat,, Truk . Y5 aa& C om p aay f du s i tattus aui. MfONRY.--Me.sraBajoen& Smià mm-t.&,mnaM& azt uatumwust ton. Wrlu itL1.RO SIUTL Liadue'. §MWT# FUT <OF AU. COMPETITION. us pkioe or maw l8prinq sbtUles. Splendid in Quali ty! O)v@ÉWiug with. uaisus bargains ini Meas and Boy's Clothmni , and Gata3 WuFiahkirtiGoodaa i price..that rmuet aurel lead tb speedy sal. XW& %~mSi» rom 8 4 upvmd. to $18; Boys' Suite, long pan t,- froui J 4.2Zi up e ard Km» PaSi àm@5 up; Childral'Site froin $1. 50 up; .in !a ets fromi' up; Maie! Coma Se r. S U;P.AU aizes in OvemUallt a very low prace. ]OM IIIIIIIIIIv.y- la%&e assortuenit in Hard and Suft 1Bats in th~e latest stykL, Gixmdy-aixaget ibm- bensit of our-ujubroken stock. 5h gan . bm L W no r L= E[T m u=K~ m~ Parense, oet yon-Chudiw amsait SL &. R c-III&a. m hle m . UR Borc' a Stwfrom 29e.1 upe-9il et the boatiulreidemsiota wude etM Goum aA, W«»,Lmmt, Limuar', r Thmompa, Ml'1îLw 1L AJob lime f U t 81kami- BilAnParasohai opensd and uollnuat abuhaifssla Prim as G. A. xWmu' e wlgmau New Musmnit whuta, ns al m a. es ors; aIsé printetiland sotm uolins. AUl on and fiouneinq ambroidaries at elom t atoj "In thé sprinq thre young maule faxer Ligirtîr turne te thongirtaetrlove," Blut thiOssPring 70e119«41 d are575turninX the! attention aMdi cashte G.A. Wniua alcea maie beoéro hae Sets away te Terontc.-0.2. SithJiiMi la copy o! letter addrse tom-flnr ln townr ani hanbitité ous lié lamefor pffui lion last wcek:- GED;TLIUICN,-Iteplylinu te your favor or 10V Innt.. I de net soi my way clear te continue th, sjinic rates f ronfl1undiay api tram Peterboro i, e on oeut beund truffie, but shall have te rester Lintîesty ta ttc geographlcai position toi reeri te rates. No oe regrets thie couru mom than 1 do. but we have sin*ly bien drivm zte br' the action of the towrk councit ef Lindaaj wh o seeme t t thhnk 15 was mare important rÀ force the Grand Trunk Railway Coempany tA spenti a few thxousanti dollars ln thsrerettom-a a unnecessarF treiglit ihed, tlias-te ncotiraw a Il beral rate poier. such a hlas benu adeptec in the pIri. <tigied) A. Win'r On Thursday aftenwof etlait weel, lb sprtgshow o etpe uarleultural, soetety wa belt an thre Central fair g75nnds., Thoawuas& godattendance ef speetat4oro anti à-l&am ni be' ? talinsweasow.Tire-antma*awr ln cpital condition andi competitton wea ken Thre Clydes and aoadsters attractet aitten tien, rauti live fine year-ald colts set by ,.îbbottordm wercacknowiedgert ti ethéairait seiw n u- l vicinity for same yeara. P'ollowingis giventlii prize lit, with nuirîber o nîrtis l- eaoh- clama Ie- - draught lioriis-tjudges: W.C. Héron, Jsnt,r's inith and George Lerr.)-Five entrlas- 1 , eone Mfllugh's Abirotajforv. 2 Steeker& Sht"- - Laird Maxwell. 3 James CowperwrUa'r KAnc.y BOY. Uîînaflh.n drAinght harse.-<,ame judgas)-- 'l'hree entiles-i George W. Curtis' Ivamioe, 12 George 4tewartVs Prmare Arthur thes Second. -(;ei.er.il purp~o8o r's----Jxe: Wm. Mýa- Res, Charles Raeeder anti James Jackmon-Tvm rrntrfr-i tJames 'tM-GftheY'sYoung 8stinil,2 Tiros. Ilins' Donside Mlon. ]ZIti riri rriage horma-Sa,xe judrem)-- FIt-o entvtes-i Saniriel Grahams Vane, 1-) itrrans Pli Barratt'e ilceutuclq, 3 Bouri' Saffl DihM ui-Jîe: Thomas Thompeon, Lewi'. Wilson andr John Doyle.-Under twe Ir casad cn nta-, 1 Barclay J& Sou- Ilurhi hIl.over two years olti. eue eaUIry.1 Biarclay & 5Son. -We regret 4 claroiaicle thre death ofetau nId resident of lAnclea. r, a. W. %farshrall. formerî of lacneleunh,"alls. Who oured stdeityon- Tri- tir' night. Ife laid been foresaine tuine subi ct to w'eRknir'.s o-f the hcar-. rand on Frtday'ngi e\erte.i hîrtrsehf very nuch ini rninq to thoelre etthe paper mill. Comtn&rbaek hi t ti~ee of a stimiulant ant enteroft Carra hotel- virera tie dlranli aulRS efliquer--uu- ilI-adviseti thing ao do i lu$istate of healtir. Re g 1e ridl worae and dui etasthehotel, abouti oclek.- --Aeregret te have te record tir deatà. ef frn. Rutherford- wtt. o!ousrworthr' frit.n Ur. AUex. RuthurfÔrd et F'èelem,le. heri2g& Jear. .frs. lRtherfordi huadbien- ID for r Wreen moithrç witir coneumpticul, She came frein 1 'txlitrrgirshire, '"crtan4. with ber paente te )tonur beewirorosire imet am rarrtedM2Nr.Rîtih- Drforr'. Tilrtr-two yearF; ago, wfien thore was et a. brick houPse ln Lndgtsr, the yeung couple pftssr"t tirorîgi un tiroir wuy 10 I4'neloï, <h-re ffer' settioti anihave mince résided. .A famxil )feigltiour soieanti- ouidangblelw-gurvv titir the huobund- tire leofetau a#feost nothrrand wite Thesympathr' of lthe neiqi. >a-ho',-i gôeq out warty-tê tire aM[ietedousa. - ihc brief anneement in- Tr l'loSr lam 'eek Of the fatal cffacaOithe lai Ilitetrl veti >y 14 Mes oIl uaeWIsvu W lgïprwôont 'réôw lathI. couauugp lNe'bdeeae any waeheIi-"hehigamçruuestesS 4r. Velîngi <a» a diughs oattihe mJohn aulker, and saleer oft Mi'. D. Walkst e e eto 9s. Slle-wit m ecs ieuIITermagagh. Ira- and. vild ca nie,-tethi. conn7 y hon quice tri 'g an i-iiwth lier pafltusettt.dia eu twau a forent. At- Uit mrrd Patritkcllsga, vio wss a we 1-knoévut publie @Mtker. en. a oii-annopl reuwshsvag -o on trama maumuauN2!mm Delow liu sha abrut noticetqutHans, l route bil for mamanso! 180 havebie Prt=O&* TUE POIST Job lepatmm& PiLai' Cuîîav-R-oadster ovi abi TclODt xiaIn4 MYsverteu.Wiutm rourete througi m"aVer andEmu-.. ]NUL RYBDTT.-PUItO-IIIj himblst@siag. uro- psry et JaumsmcKeg', viagOrRa.084WiU traval tireugh MeaipOlposao eson. Kmwuccv.4&erUdHaniletoniank = route threuah Llnday, Itârio" asti.Mam- ver. V'nunsAN--Imported lHanbletouimwnM bhi Miltaik hepart. utta.WIJI transi tlrng eorginà,Brck and North ai id 1,y Oseo. Meigh.O. M Wil tua throngh EBr'. O (P, VarLuan, anu&.steud et Carra Motel, làndur. OCO'iTTBH CîrrMI'q. -Purs-broui Impoteti in de poerty of Jam es IL W ilae. Ut.2 itae oîue hrough Man-ver, xrtcîmp CI 0. o, wmd br A. (lac umhasl- ManWla. MLtnavelmrute Ibsoug laiPoosan»ci Brookt. sàmcK.-Imortd Clyde. proosrty of shli' e lcî, Brachin. Wil trave[ Inrougit mara aad. Broeitwnaips, VICTGR.-îMparned Clyde, ownan by D. J. Mo- Kinnen. oakwaed. WiLI trayel rout tircogh Maipama andi Brook. CorItt.1Z..-Pare-red Clyde, preerofe RobE'. Crawford& AgIutam(JuS. wlulItransi tbrougr Etdon andi Mariposoa. DAMTAIM g.-Iiporteri Clydeovuelby. W. Cawle,CLlaremant, Oit. Wiitravelthrough.; Murla, Erdun anti aipasa-NortL, '1icc Clyde. pro-- perty cf P. Wilson.,Lurn. N ll travel route tlrOugh Manvera anti rrlsori alai. reUNG MAîcQt's o- Leax.-%.Clyde,nrn., Of l. R E. illern iberoeW travel route between. DeerLk aud, icein ratTnMC.Iîat.InpotedClyde, VprW o- t T. ioie. trouga isrocit anti O.oen= tov- shipe. .~tîzo-pme-beclClydsdale, propem tj-e Gkeo. %. curtid, Ops. . Wll.tn-lroutm thrOush. i iPosa aad stautiat Carm% atel Intiar'. - COVNG 5'i'TrTtL ID.-mnorte4 Clyde, - %cy f Wru.Crjpp. lat 25, con.. 5, F=eln Itiavel route through ]Fsnslon.amu- ýrn.'BT%nu.-IMPert0d HeatrDrauqht Clyde, t'rpers et cfocrimmoa . & MeDomalti WodvlL'e.WMIL tran-el rente thhliaghEldem.- Fénelon. anal Mlartpes. 'AI(JiOr.-Imported Clyde, botter-know- asm osoib'Kennedy.L& todrdkBvertnn. %VIU .tran-el routa throu3t oami-Mus, isar Iltio.D-imported. ci property' et à Xenan"ll à; & dtdard. zvirton. WihiP travel t tfisrh Gior-ia and Brook tawnk' U sipmand tprritory adjoint8. il us-en ÂUTirru.c-anadtan Dragit, ownsui byr Robert Oxby, Cm ~ w~ rne 5'ELY L.1.-4Gesnm Prrpeme. iprs,, lx A Lhaan. Oaimw. Wi tran-et rrns thouharpos-aBraek. C-OST.L&w«Yez11-.wa"rejd PuueCau, adian, property c or &W iaehlr WIU - rVinel route threugh Mura, and terory en i rLuw* BAnir V-LeNTox.--Pure-Brnd Cmiln Drunerwi. wned by Stewart Bre, ia. lin. WI1Itraietaihroust Mnaers Nnt' andi Clanan, 0& bi' Anga Rua ,.&gy5.w&.r hbrough têvaul getEhiionat "'rkw adjolnu, BIROBRI &COMPANY 8e me obd en" amoe & a i«~thswt . m e mbereJ>by t" A.e AUMDES WEAR wiII1 be reduced to a Price neyer r~he b~mly Frm minthLs district f~mi e. PM'm>m > 2&t.v<.r4 E u ý imeooa,. Z_'m m Wewarf Keslev. 1evea~ (o anae.euhs >,an.,tJ~sj 1Pr1 yU etès.o.mIvae U(g BRADBUR.N AND-OMPANY"S, -bu te AD II SS REEFr TU 1E LADIES. -The SOaet acfeme inta force ln Lincimr- an vitu =MI'- on- Saiundi&,r'lasI. There wus maescdemi-o! aottvity shown by- people la setada- udxtfld*wadoua har"locamisai.1 ara About the hotele the act done net sppum, te have miatie aur differes-ce except lie vitgom. tiraI thé liquarear na lonr moIwtaovetwbmg, teireesffhuga«. - 0 ausset la-ti tai4mrrchammr ha h,,fr. ev*h-h ~- P~L --- ---1 -LM'F AL - JJO CM%îe BF X!BRICKS! BRICK! tAt .180-S e W O CU&sem& i. Llad aOt. Il- IGITAKUF&MTTIai¶zýnehaIKifJu EWm!IRM iIkuwutarefrin M.Jas. ay"t. ingn ]BRICKN .WX X KA MIË d u ta e ai. M Dru e o m rbt m .~ e the in habi g &an f t h to z f L id y a d rinhaU 0f brick5ioeUaltT.tEE WflTth* ,a-rPr'I O AfELLu 3f Drke4hvinwbeen foe in.the bmse- S UM Ug thr Ugh M-LWweMam.su. hie . m&stock Th biE CA i~ fPB L ' loea byamule t ha e u a o sbysyeta ha a a . I i ~ir v 4 le i : a -'l' jbýl Lb Y 7 Et~ Autt il, lm ORICE LEEr Mm m- - à xwý Mmm or t" W-- , lar.niN.1r Ir vraimio A Mr 1 . ýWl , imF, TRE'TAILOR. us ARRIVFD.

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