-VM 1km uuwisfai - 1VE Eoffl1et ndood W m UyhUmaSMme MM94t raWM -1PMd oee Fui, Ir :t - AWAWAN ~ Y ~ N4T ~4 5e mwmuaiw i h l bik t. ee v» *a var brU, v1wh.teii" "v muvaya moimgt.ti.ofouth e â @Wd09 àme» gmdumi6 msis.m Ti.mi a mi mtamu a li W eou, a ttw à i L N lm the, mares -put couby b i emmura s aomuratîvu Md mmi Mi mo te *Mfod lu th.' li pdmiaL OMvn moDt&.Ti ilumber off manas &lmoveesi àlam me& ta ,bspccbsly thun van c»ta Whos " s ppdlhg &mwy - maie i mteroff tii.Wmstlrha t tua A"i Mt, Noora-but vu qiaue pou Mt Noons fmelngs. NFOboiy voBUMi poct biaiste. 1w metk.lW ovemiug the, cas; but the, igmormme od th* Varia gemim is uo Mdgsuiauoumau& la ntoo bidto expose the ahumMd nutery feumatona eh ar Otar ffl Warier's. ita trevelationa. k la mag ung "ht i" prutiMODM ouple 'a bave ma&. smà a dnicuulousblumise, t voul u.aa giblemst.if it ii mot invoive the. stanin ulaornnwmisy of JudeDemi. Tii he umIaBIonfor eut vesk ucaraltiorfthe fusorf nommme publiaba ialuthelm Varev vas beiedp i t.havetidmefeoat off lever- ing. the estmatueSin lu iosjulge Deom la bel; ami k venu have bhua Ve«7 "m mrASter induaIif teu. arier itéeff bi>my particuu mamdlm a trutiiftlend crupulous nevspaper. Thi emuoteo"i(15) lu the.Domiio mot preomibing the. dutiesoff the revlmg offislo ivau. iante rnalup bis lu fm the. certifetiamuemet roseamithe. printolvotera IitabMidsuai ther men-r ni" as hocun obtazu. l.accoriamo for Noftb aMd Seou* Victori a tgser offices ut Linluy, viiereare kepotce ffle Copies q4f the. sasment relU..Tiiey kn.v dthe tii,.nDominin fruancime vas lover the ti.ON provincialone on1viiick the. printeiliet vasMaie np; aMi hq adiai the. nainesoff tics. appearing ou the. amumesunt mli with. the necemury Domsinion, qulification, but viiick ver. mot, off omnu, on the. printoiea , mot havzmg thi e ffuirs quaigauton. The. sot providosthu t tusshould b. done; but Por Ni. lnor ami the. .415cof f the. Wurer appear te have beau inorant off the.very iatriaI difence we have indmctedand vbioii voula mc- count for ail the nme that the. Warder and pea m M nioe imain, bave been surreptitiously phacet on th ii.Iit It in more obaitable te shlow poor Mr. INoore en pleai ignorance otfne off the. leaing sections of the staute tissu te suppose tint ho, voulti b. guilty of the despicabl. meanu»..off conupiring witb the. Waaerte get ite circlation for one- yodk vint h. 1mev te b. baseemcharges agaisimt the charater amdinltegnity off Judge Dean. BefomreX. Noore go..amy ffurtheî lu thuu reviaing officer busin... ho should caefully in.tue vileiieuise sot; amd get nmre off the local aw studenu te ii.lp hlm te gramp nmre off ita more difficult setions. The .mWar's empbainsdtaterenttiat 4tuer. bad beea a mumber off reforni "6naines addec l iegaly for vii h ter. we- n- apes, Ilina asrigi i il. 1rEUU AND WOOLU e m t f a o n l n u y u 92ne on.EGawl Blae bu e1pte m nvttintoitt-.- odeve Videu nAtepuliN» timofthe day B !«nnina ent- andoone. lentplA& fo Noth ntaro-, l u Plus mat roes a mitaDbe pople Md W, u pOs .baedri o leu ntthe apant loibedraidnstrinsd wpieuts otale thl are te ton, T.u. Jn. bs, nd on d war Blakthe pet mmivaion Tatn1d C fain l oeliedan addî eu ort u ti. ui yeuins offaii. Prday levtn la a entrmal ati ouvnt- veut ple or ortM<)trio uaea- apnid th iomensrl ate . pechte". boomwl dowbt thee i . dattue. Mmc fr. Illaorhs p 8nuth Vicri. lr.r delt mil ii b plshee -nlu Tnun Ofl mgan tir onais.im *1 w Teuia i.,I)t4wft P abou puits taii. but grosing, pymamaneveiei vlii sows ii bi.rs o maovIty <iftii.Dciniooenrnentà basnui awiznte aey ng tio . the untc thusz' .the id"Chtalu it boan 1 vofelie i huati Thr day igit anti ?riday hm'one ofitsen b. m and ged-c diy am, Themanaed-tiergovendrcout adel ine tin., he uO dbtTii. "Wiem boom"vi1saothe fres"h lu.tii. i r.c<1d ilon wsévnhpgadw &@ u ra' o gie tT retl.ateN don Te cOw noYa tht W no«, %« of Worme 18ve 33 1, Umo votewithtWRWIY4IXMd bsntd "MiVO& M. Do dm Mt mom ib hime w MI ~,mmpo evwt blb .Ttme~~ dak -h lu a w~ ~ dia&Tam h ei tbera a u- da or hmm éw mm." emm WMmdubuoly W& la a &w mu que;sM svth M» d - li am vhum aua w iy ti"eh'ovnbL wu i.Itt" fuXlk. nom M Mme& >by tii. WamIsr "obuéioff emry »u in Boa& Vhoefr2' ho pu.formnuiau by the. micernmns ouaiTboa ami dom* a luy otiiorr nng lu QOnt>o Bu weubly Mxut gu'tiit X dm e tii thabu<oobe do» My more A Pmuof tl.uauphsY WMto ho, BUt XL bandamu y g.,.tii. mto mmd aought i, mnad.umm Chim se fommfi that tiies e ibd oBD to thut "thm . wt nutiu'ta -ie t"imha tbue vas othMq but a mere clea MMUdlu. L MtDams.dii mot cmreto mule oioff himmuin luoompmnY it the. efiter of the. Wadu mi Ni.MNore, miimi i dtii he chag at once 11eaa bot potatoi, W. e marai fat weak tlis the. editor off tii. Wazi ami M.LMrtNoe eudgo on mi cococa mm igsaaiuut Juig. Dem .That ruton vwufui- fi. d Tii. PubliaMY expeat amotiie lnm*aiUM t 1 immimoisamidmaniet& W. uiusu.y hoPe tiarein not a resident off the riding viio bu mot ti common- senc.auiual.c te taI. thie Warw. attacla on Juige Dom. ut thirtrue, valu.: si anima by a mardaout qaimita Mie govermeaby mno.egird for truha mi jus- tdm à faw e«tu»mpert MaMay, it ln tne, Cocu" i.that there in aom.tiiing vrong; that tierin smrn 'gme" lu pr;eg uby viiicli the.refo)rmena me tiy- img te gai.auM un ad aiag, but vo usuretiienitt ticSk a mot the. came. Nohii masoourrei t*>jultlfy lu the. sligtet dogue the.WarWesrecUeua attui aou Juige Dom Ma reviimg officar. The. Wardr dom. noteut to b. actuat- et in"ths mater by the. ordinary sns. off maminmor Ur pay; but bya reyon- fuI aMd maliclous uplat, but vo sup- pou. Judge Domn vii have to aub- mit to a rocce ed tii.. a- mmit vienever it may plesie oui co- temporary to concriet sometiing nov. But w, think the. public wMf agme. ith un th"t it ain znanly bqyomi description for the Wudio to drâg lm theti.mana the, 1ni.mbers off th.de'u ffamily, to insimu- ate that twine a omethimg vhich he vouli m»Y if n.eUa n sd sctmUy, vith ram eftotery ani hypocricy, take credit toiiimaaIfffo not doingmon. It insot a "MnI i stnothepart off the.Warder; andi vo hope our cotem. vill have the. prudence if ho bas pot the. manlnemato abandon tha lne off attack. Toronto World: , Tne tory Hramiton Speetator sugtatha t kmight b. the proper aper for Mr. JameS Beaty, x P., tcdrop the. lait letter off his mane ."9 The. Drummond ani Artbabamka tory rout in the.Québec local elacton h» been ffollowed by the. signilast liberal victory lu Torchero.,Tii.tory candidate vas Sbacked by aU thei. "inflences"off Québec suMd Dominion govormenta Iavlahly eni- ployed, but he vau boston by 143. . a not the, Port Hope Times dialoyal ---s an - -us niti -es-itonoféS.o promues maie tth. Indiami have boom brelansamiwiatbq thavembea badly btud aib, lfias gnt--vienh. speaks off "ti hafui ami immr ivs off mmy off tii. mphreee , miamUlmfor "«m etuthail Imasipima.t wiio GGdý vho vil ubdu frmi liubsmio bb.piuuuy, lruIa.mm mi idum bo ieemm the tusuilsmami pat off ev btsuepat Svisot mon&i to pmay btur. aWw V. un qm*it.oauim uet XiMr N.Doma[voDi moth thaeaeh*&, mts lu i u l 1w mmmlul& ad. .w - faityempluapi o-eta" amum& - itbFma * dW eNi. No-l mmug» o **bu.d§"& itvmb- bal . hb i vuami= a« abé.mm1w b .4 Li 9 HELLO Whw UTOW -~ ~mtihgafl ufr fi~ - ~wh fa tb Wstek ~ui.t ~ ou I~m~ ~ wbb~ ss~pwIsss B~e.ia3tft.. uM~ ou *M .~ Ia..~ -E-' Wbm y.. Va~ ~ s--N.- 13035 i~» OiNT L ENV nP.15~p w MU TO w - E. WOODS - &om TU IbT mb8aýImm- ar au à - feig& a R& lhea gh C litfama cta c»*u Pm m uedmv mmu t lamguêm id& ulataco. The. lm& amuemmai tia flmosumukuoe 4 "...mo GaulA "b neumm" . hIab - -sUà-maï undutios. mi a bas" lu Juds*u rImne m& g l- -i DmiVsam h hierou. iJi. a out laFe lbI4 ndthe ai v m * .s à uti y mmoéés if.aimi b thmm oRera I aml2msmioq n*aili oen ia .a» rkeMeuu*me im , bq> Beu hmufl ougtt lgmitheia m Ptiutenashe eg ulougquimlava Ottav, in ite iJ ~olcueWh" m Mth at M ft he mcml e theNuiui éml la gtl imprva l im mi lai tii. oa nla lut. iiusu>kuiamigil vie. Oti oimI e 3:alias Mdre The Mnga .ri. i aoi? vay te mWehit ofor the tosyiga. ami aifrR tiva wrt h. Mt a MiteBut th BoaItvoe igarb timph.r- rcogrtula- ltii. Nosuteazemutte auura thvsk "the reply of f XL Whit. w- the bout "speech off the mumion. Bucinct ilu ax- "rangementaminuth. treatment of the. "mhijet, forcble. cIanr, cozimcig ami "comprebonsve thrugbout, k b ell the "attention off the houme clouer thma ay "speech off the pust tvo mentis." Sorne off oui cotempoaneshaveexpueusi tho opinion that la Witen common me- desty uhouli mot do iii ov PUffM .BUt this leaves eut off consiiem*iotia mu- portant fact that the. Guette in snbsidzei. 7j h Dominion goment tD the tuine soute enthousanmi bila ayear, se t n wndto singlthe primustothie Hou. moras a elasof ayotherMin- lator. We kilat. NIS t tmeotiie leaders expectant la htinire t. charge dlovn on tiie Gazette. Rev. John Burton, putor etftth. NorthL- orn Congregational ochi, Toront., lu a mcent mrmon sai:- tA ftw w em dmb.asommle t Im et bout Z *ubeoam- -te comfrutDonechtl. eCiuu itcas mlai to be ld5u sS b knov nocm ekuew.mte d Ib a shlmi1 teckt a PsMtthaem mutt-vapvum Ch"at a sbok ue t idh.st aimé ant Si Ctr-tpmoiL. Te atuaka m chumeter puais hicam a rUe uEutudOswb e Who ms hm buss swk ut ssChrahuma la aCbwlsaty tbac cas cmte. àSbm Pum~M d faaaIla **a 1fut-l t t bsCateauthcdltssof te. BRnas Cube- churh i Ouclo m - ua mieelm Iraom e.mPiotemat veamms t ie. Io wlhh ar ae dombo.. thu sh H= sautoc theo eaU ible absvbcs et coedl t legte . np e whvlm et se. omudgttel mm lotthe uilI.sla Jrnidm wb*ch ruai es. Bsmmett e ua« clnamm et ai s. bfi0i.Jtmake." a1me» Mdvocate cf pive cbcd.cs.or a bte amIe. Mmc vbm cOmslcg oilh. bu bhe Sla M~lc whlci cmice useamolem~ e gu eut ouibtUsbaeats - A* iut fA mceulmlvu ImI~m mil a Mt w OUaI Uo's Atta&mem- de~mai 1ama okeutulli umd Lt. Suanl Who vhs ommew" lx a Cumom OMMu. Sjes1 lu Tu bmkobant ve. uau teramaé ~~~lUU mal aev Uin Dmab%-P auai SubaI te Ibe the caom vem MeWalse Aobmua Mr Cual Uta.It hoe a mm bt*mmt lauM u ab» tee asîs a lrl. 1: base a a mmu emff t etm Yomu 1 e jsa IbeaaCool Steve tuauw mevbumtbs.3lmst o i cSk 80 muchoet it *la tambarre DutarnIbi Saa met rm. Youru train, TMc& XCaMCML noyai a" F«WO)ODS- - Joka Dobaoa. JUST ARRIVED- NErW 'AND OHOIOE MA PL E S YRUP JOHN DOBSON. i. O~.upblL W-yIT LLýý i. FLY PAPER ADHESIVENESS WE S TIC0K-ý ý l'O Mr oft-soerttemSW Mnt tat faoes uLtui4soey U you fincd Bwu? or CA.p.« G~nd aldPrvsioll IMM MCnckM oy, Glr0war OCR D1 Wefl . eaty glad to have you corne and see usi eveii if hyn is not Tour errand. You'll serve us just as mue-hffl perhap hmooi~~ad youl bid the looking iS ÂN~. ~rPUmon*T I.. 7'7 a& dbut »Id x7 Wokhw met wav K.mon@&* a ecx*asb >P v w~ aueA-o ms mwlMd 4, dam .t-movUgu. bre 5. tA. *- edoas ue uvrscIty. Ipnpoffl e S .amiut op 3VDY'8P4 Ai»W0or t"em diaV p pe eUa stevwrt elievierePrm"&umatafenly beals vitihohe dcluratiome. It »era the e viang offlcurs clrkjft. W. H. Dean, by au accidet or miatake dmat znigt eaully ppenplucuioneshoo of narnm, coutaining about a seore, lu a igeou-hoe . iti accepteti mre, vieout notioing tint Judgo Dean bai mot vrlttn the word 66aflowoi " ani hie initiosn tie bwcktievf,am vas do». vitha lthe otiie shmoti.Tus v»as amore clenicel >veulht, off mepa.tluuilr .petus takmg &Ut.athe luit. oniideatàoa. TIe Dme van enttliftego on; but eh. uhoot sboii hae beusinitmielby lie ,svimng cicur. Ni Nooraw- M@e iam off the. uti4 i uniw-quit.meig- hid Bu «U ta explamathe lmiret Odie Io~ lu mnatuk am aSIug a usmut le hib w- *0"OU a mu Ieo 4do> y~le mi*tw mm.it b vwy MU #W Ob mâmbp "hm* .. frai i~hub -un Zftdmv. AMR IL ML-41&