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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Jun 1886, p. 1

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'gsi. oe oe~ -- - VOLVN XXVMiva ww'm ý u hO IEut P-- A a irflm mur uiffl -mue lafflector and CnVaMai fte TM CMUâ Pour, and leasuthub t'Oi~ a fu eVt ImbacriptlOns. to., Md htraésa .4MMqbuil. OMIUSIL SMi. ITE M muw IIECTOR'S EFN PRCENT. Mr. Soierville anraigna Mr. Hee- toi cameron. iaff fe mm ma G u»b m m i fomte 1ansard R. orte-Tburoua, IMa [Pro the2th, 18I.1 *Mr. SCMIt1tVILLE (IBrat).-I deastre b occupy the. attention or the housfS a very uhor; tims ln brlnging under the . "ic of the meuibera of tht. houée.s matter of -vital Importance, a mauter affiectinq the Independence of.parlaementt sl.houat repreamentation of the people lua Ibis bouse. Every niember ofthIis honne la aware that' cetain reveistiona have beasu, made durlng ths seIon or parliament, not cuir on the iloor of thie houme, but lu the public amcuntts committes, with rerence go traliicklng la rallway charters by membs of tbistitoute. lVo have a&H heard what bis been sald wlth regard to -the conduct i-r menembor for West Toronto (Mr. Beatyh, inendeavorlnir teamcure for htm- self Biand oer inembers ofthIis bhoume, cc. director-4 wltla hm lu the. management of the' Narth-west Centrai rallwsay, aàun amouuting 10 lOffl W ehave ail heard = s.rovelattunm, snd 1 fancy that the coïlry.1 se weil as.tho membera of ths houA.. as been étartled and shocked ta îhlnk rhat such vractices are la vopgela th. hou>ie, wlîivi la mupposed to ropremeal the free' and -Independent electorf .)f te Dominion of Canada. Thia ia not the aaly instance which lbas bien pointed out dur. in« thk sesIoofetparIietmen'. w!,ch Imdi- Cbe-tUt 1î.îeuibers uA Lii.,- hbée Who support the goverument are lndulgin' froni ti nw ta tirtie, lu practices. whlctiio Dot rctitct credit upon thern or upoa the administration whlch 1he7 auppot;-prac- lices whieih &ae corrupt ln ev ery respect, aud which will evsntusliy iead oth tboroumih dc:trallzation flot only of tusn logl*sattro but of the people throuichout the ientth and breadth ot this Dominion. 1 wouilt jumtcil attention, while speaklna of railiway granta, ta the tact that the. gev- erfment, at &ki.. iegidon, propoqe te vote a, aum ainintinigta unearly %S5,0(x),O lI boni..ti certain ratlwayem in certain parte of the Ih>niiior. of Canada. Now, 1 think, »nd a bzrat ruany of the membera efthIis houne, And 1 belevea vast majority ef th. people of tl.îs )oniînton thlnk, If they hsd ano OprfI'inity of expreoslng thoir opinilon, 1" "hi tystni u of nciuaîng local raiiways by the I omnnmlor, overnment la o». otthe nîost ccrru pt ..ytttems that lise ever liea introduceri !a this or any otifsrparltament. It bas a ten.denvy te demeraltse net only .the poit ;rt.pi-t'sntatives ln bja houee, but the v('tisLituonlcet* that are reprepent- ed, aid the. provinces ot whlch they terai part, nuIf t.bISigoverAMent de6teru.lne ta detitriý,4ge iut ouly the members whin represet Ill e pcop1e, itinbouse, but the constict sandl provinces that Stê rep. regeenttd hv tho-;i5 membere, by lhe aystem of Iogrofllng which they n.ive estabiuhed lnaliranting bnutseg tO local railways ail ever tho Dominion, 1 think It le tirno mre actionA-ion hi 1w takcun by the people te pot a stop to t hie .yteni et government. 1 Say that the practice ina:vicions, snd calcu- lated to deninoralime tihe bouse sud the people attaiw:. It le the duty of every honest msn in litimi houme to endesaveur ta put a Stop teatiiese prartieug, snd to purge thii parliiflnt oft LUe proeence ot mon who brlng (liieredit upon the house sud upr'î. our reqoîibie ) forni ofet overamE,!àt. Now, .Mlr. Speaker, IL hae long beu,,. ond Ide& of the pi..bpiu ut Canada that woen jay the fltioi4ing&éi oetraemponaibiti geveraâ. ment. WVc know that many ye>.ra ago we had ta0 strive% against those wbo were try. lmg te cppres4 the people lai certain poar- tions or th i ountry, undur the oid fuvnlly compact. Wo ail know the struggie, that the peopflo ai Ontario had te go through ta Mecure for thern-1eves. the blessingb et respenible syaver.nenL lThepeople of tht. I)oni:ioîxhave reasort ta etedpruud et tthe oi governiiient we passe"s, but au the sailie tinie, when tlîey review the acta of thia 9.cvrinerIL which have been piso- ed upori our n stututbookse rin tbe lant seven 3*a and whilcl are founY recerAeti in the u liliai repors eo thie hous, they have reatuon ta féar LiaI theïr rights have been, tram pied tapon In msn-y wakys, sud that îioey (in not now, la roalite, enjcay tha e prove the stslouflu<ê1 *le Mshe. The ch&Mt X nM 1r w lMwlooi tbhoff. zumber feuNeUftvlamWhI( Caueroc), Ilathe ar e 4 1 gage ldw nltem~er te procumr ruet w sMd paffliaemme . Uely i&&i W Sud Huros- raitwuy 49d 99 , « n- ffI7 1 .- ai O1&- tua:g- IUN~Y, W, W&T, U3E4 le irmE - 30sPS m KAI ______________________________________ I I I ______________________________________ - - - - _____________________ I _______ _______ S- - h.~1ofblr ~mu a W~z.tS w~.r~Ue.u.oe.a~w uurbIruu.?t ! Iu~wmrpIh~a DM~ - uI.1om~tUaa.w u~~~taDm anIImI~ *uU~AI 1 1 aot th* *a &amo iiiuedibImmgaCu a oteu.h.aeuu. ué akw h um =:eO=b.E mira t si»a mu. bulu.foeta --a 1mpek 1 1 baiséet Ie m hfb~ th* me th 1 edum . dbeme COCON mtbt.e Whm.. uma 1hM lng SI 1ilieh ù*o19 fumot ir w umvsk mu m bs e MrnaMlaIMea voità tobeaspmu eforo, mit *cWlIvoitbu Iu.lmal mvhî»gwuil t ubem te lhe SmwmitM P«IUpmMtd due lo iala@ ma uuut ua Ue m elolnsm&T*a. abu ho eo.Js it vomiS obaveus mais, tm lie eau bewan 7u d, u Ms sspo.slhiy tm mmbwror"m" ws1 teu aM@b eaé Men l i om ltm oa nelmdai' e Ha bath" py do hmlb lml e mis& dmt oier. 1-pual uyrsamecut bas S- àer vcte 9 lhi am 89u4j,- le , kwhmbusamot la th. course or debut, haem Mvf. CÂsu..-Tb. quetesla, I.Dtpls mai.I ut puwlbamu.esna te ueaMy pasumona xieln rayl :ua"e liI la offensIve lehaujb.meh- ethlebouew Mr. CSEI.-Tbeu the lauMagrut ba Imben baci s»d Mai>e Ame fr. At* lo bave rulai liaI langca iIi.efuaM le »,y mamber tea , I a.o quire lih"lbtheum mmbr 6u9" gise fer sud retracl th* q wbetu 1W Mv. Swàacn.- u ua uleC th- alve la contnay te b rI. fpsbm.l 1 amusurs telb. onpsalem m et use «uY language that la ofl&ove tu Mry bone menmber, ne malter nader vh" PWVvoo lien b. may laber. quIre aretaction. Mr. Spzcm.-Glveba han. meunwrs epportunîîp. Mr. CASET.-! ask y0an teroie Ms le li nocesîty, et au OPOIOwP ad-rtotmo-t lie language. Mu. Suaxn.-f«[y lngm-s th"slea t Dot p&Èt&lamWnaY wDmUs"ithehonà. member abolé vldisu - .W. bae never gone lb. leugliet Of &ddhea.mem- bars te spoleglme; hey taluplp vlldM«w thexpresidon. Mr v. AImcozg(Vietorl-nIt [aremu" unpýanmutary IManuaMu Iwtbbiwtt. I arn Dot &wu*e liaI I batdone me. Mr. CÀsE.-mi. Speoar hseiu"etpou bave donc ao. Mr. CÂMURON Votea.-y againat the bon. memiber vie kwâtMai. Ibis sîstesnent la refumnSeto meuvasultaI tnabad of brtuntg 0lb.chargeforvt om his remponalbilly as& mumbsof lbehms la sncb a8ae flih" lie mles coul&have beon refrred tle 1h.eomIUmîllOu o- PUiv lu"os sd electos, vish Co" tbaselu veutlglei il, ha bas thouWUilfitl bus" il la au Unimsut ulle saeBebua"usée elatement amullnmgc»neperconalp sMd ho bas net dout Il ou bis respenlbtily le a meern r et Iboue.. Thane la a veli- kuown smie and pruelîce la tli houa. bp wblchap- bon. . membe who au»e te charge any other bon. -meUmbervîihamp- Mt do"e in violation et tb. rulea ot paÈia ment or th at hh b a uamp-vspîsos hlm- self la a position t laItie cenumittes on priviieges and elections could, avestigMa the. ruater sud decide vhetbar bhobaL&set. ed Iv n cb a&nuuner that bis seul la Ibis bou4e wus forfeite-ll isquired tlias meriiberof tht. boumeishould ou. is ouate spontibilty aas nob em ber aImé- nu s»à maie 1h.charxe. lh. hon.goWnllma-bu net thougil 111 te de Me.la lecourée, et a débebaaha valsaicertainquestion.é- madle acertain stalemneattanrapré te me. In repl>'tthb a temeu IrMy - lii., and 1 inn*uktieslatemen al y nmpoeblty ase s membur oet Is houas, I1a»Ver ma"e any agreemneftit lamy ay ou' shap e ie by I bacaue natmle 9 Y eehtolu yva'bl- v ver la sapbanneauWîasdy ht vwas Vol- ud, bp-Ibis houae le lie En i uHret railvai s»d other rail mp'. ie bon.gen- tleman who lutmaspke, thé bois,-tmber for Weist Huron (MrCamu) an eornolier occastçions reterred te me and I take this op- portunity et magnlitatI »vn«er a tlt intereat oeot umareor on. inch et gavera' ment land obtained, trou the govaununeu; 1 neyer applied fer any la rnyovunnreet. I ne ver-hua »Y eltag~lumiu orer mude or au-y a"nt aen su lii ber lande, olnIatolané,grsI4 lands,coal lande oranyoth.ilaEd-fzzu-litr gôveMeat 1~~tfill vh'uelamulot lu one mingie Inch cf and su gauled by lhe goverumnent, _I1ne-ver appliet for aMW la (aa t âm"aêu.-bea lra vl i kvaIbbà iiulkP a ý -** eth uwaumuta ihab o*eb u emui or la M MI mtu.yMnéumrm aiast w 10me~tamnIu. mmumdhis 09 av .sut biu bk ut r blh ve eLat 1 ÙI Ihi bome letmtva Iat moeLla "d nu i k uahll m me gealbuevboueiétuBashsv.b"w @ohén op& m.uuslLy p MW la wm e m m. uaeemuyt mud1 statuur maruw Ibtbsia but letmmmi1ahume My W shae oklzd.a tbbo..o ap-oto buuru laglIé y m amu have y avorst a l.. tomua- aotu, la lanor l.Pmy bevu.ue1 Ibave doue se. Ibav» mml tu.aruhslom on u bal t emy semUa.a Mb w tIl m% ,turoSmi ue ma -uamf o ther IMaoe. lath"t malte MWpu""ouasluluut; [ hame auer haé hav Me i tht ommilnotst Ifth* houpe.lau ii "i faumallem bobm onmi e spilvolega suteleolboa; if h. thigab e .»kwélsooret-amoul'e mms by " bih .a brilas trv"aida rouMi ch de-glutmel uanofea POli. ey v'hlcbi y1 l Botch m teruor fearot goeuAu f -O myotdr uyomrc- liuotbertbaary dUly to uap- ham0 »Moi Soxuau.m (Hhll.>-Wllih lb. requset mbylb.th* n.m uhm for N@rth Victora. Be de.lna1hm bis aa- tortbeulb. luyesllgmleé. deuim lit brou»1t lt* alluntu t lie hMouae. 1 huer. Ibal 1h.changetha" Ilamabe cmn besubetssllalad.He un sIl omMa: ami laW" t onest ii.sa oppmemrtaalt sulb- reet, vik hegemwsuot et l.houas12 viii now mena for lb. appotlagal t & cemmtlme 10 lamIlgale Ibis malles nmayah tl bi nallerU el aveboot unduetkea moe . lsola h& amhaé Il net bu&afor tii* fiel 1h"1 li*principa couurp- Madcolé n e obi 1 s ll frteinformattouaoet Iho.gm iaa= tth* lbWates . .m sheaümaul Mt nthle lettes-I speaiabotaIal. lmb- 10 as tbat I ltmevetIbsiolton Idomnt van 111e o undrtcéls-Ilt.ianmamernd- ame nth-le moltim »goauto cemmul et sulp--lt Mar s, opamttlséte mur lt ommgo - sa~- fSi-1do nut vis le meve Il s met et e. améieneeeu Ngr. Suxw.u-Thea-lt ougitnu te10 ueénov, buafteitUrlhoume oma.OUt et commille. in .SoignavILu. (sruo.--£ vm i uap- by perriemial ot lhe houme. 19 Caxumor (Vlctetls.-A Ibis eae th* hou»l- mal "t cu oi msemu e luatsé etfnovlng t ates- br a i mmnodmentt 10auolut* commiu teee mapply, saulé foumulate bis hm l.a tmaglw*flesip, " le mletw h ma requs, su«thliaI lie -Ici tle 'opportUur tp- etioe19; 1mad If the bbumethiaba -fit, ha»e ilt aen&i-te lie cemmiltm on pMege aan estions. Il w naigllau al & aemberor mdii bonus, ý mmllontege lae cemutte.oi auwrl,aboal__mupSdmaaSaadufmSI ehe fn a" à= mmber et lie bouse. ühom. utua- v a bom-becauise i.motion -wmcbenis li.u Il veuld.-cmp-u ea-be abhoé bunugilo sl bis Mt i& u Ibis at* nosuw Wsud itels» a va wmfaq mto ielu. hWe1 bdelu" oeé t"bdw-u*ecllismtmha chea 1 mie hé-o abm usasut t T- I ~1 h.. et »"OM OttmspIid that po-Ceb - ~ sa u hua ettbsno.mm oF aà modbe1 qt*aIL"UML = m Amba.m.br-OMM. bm ou t Vic ta w Iu.th oom*m ta.,,u UM uberImm!viol, s k--whm it o moimw lbomthe amy it» m ufflemad hi. prpo, imi de ve th" IAtlho ta. omme, 0h. cmmltaseou wivls u Mrola t.d(iIduM. 1w, ho1ha. us dis oumtattaja bi is. M&ou. hou meubesa-mrthe r hm ide, ba»eboum pmtty aoWsy bit lu. mallesoettht. kind. tarot prtvtluieoo t MeMAse. Adehate ms l htoruptlby ottr tprivilee ibt OeutrIUI lusomlé et Ibe e!s AtmuI o materd uway um t e a essee t ebalbné,tu whlck tltepioger Itma-debate aboulé be luterrupbsd.The limne for bripiuluelt up tir bohteorées. ofltheéar auecausé, wbsoe. imnotblut «*on à tbehouas. Msym -"Tis lattepsut bs hs et la ilmituéte -brsmoM os cf ivlus. os.utttd darIm dis uies. or s m meùdbslybagmes t esrlieropportufleot nuhiuooepialab"d ars f'n oi ensmuteamiast or aieuftupau ammo or acky seas meu ef étordur. In. snbae.debaMo baiebas itorula.by stand thal1 I 1shah lo t eder lain ln Ibis motomto-mrtov bae lb. odhe ortlb. day &aule&sé aquestion oit griviae fibolatauhu :meuh., sisd s. am .se the bcou. du«t ef my meuhos-wtU tbem b.lu.ordm Bic Soxaavsua (Biset). -Tbom I wMU rmeremovlnx l" motion u tofltem. iow. t 5 ~ e okcbmntu m~E5m theGlaWe eport»](8 ru y- boum u raii,1k fu Mr. ou lb GoarW« to rl.limo lu. b ouas ou. YMm,ho» i (Mr.lae ehuup - e aIIs teahie charge s&" mabsé for sn opporluly te bdung bis evidauce trusuéThat blmigbt hogix sen ho propoasd the toliowlugmsolutte:- '*Mr. Somm.rviIle bavlutsaMdýlu hie plam luhs ibaouast Uborescrsdibly Infarusé sud belleves tha" bhosa ostalm als fastcryeviencetkwHecoCueoku sud now a oe.mbsrot 1h11 hokuaitvm» la tbe yearlSStulugbislanluncOe sd x,. lim onstevocure frona lbe guvernuMeasumd &mlana aWedy fort lb &&Hure uilay uay etofOMMa mile foi-30 mils, menhltte86OOO, as& ue »0 unpsd e vol.te auoffcer' e.cu paay l.ef al tuutigla a boucs, or, MUlsalomofin urosaI. t such bouma abould, b. alte o, for hai r for' blueifsudIo, other pebrna u MsIc woas-ball ot the coumauion> toho1» lé o th. aubaldybesuvOtet.m& Ibecaxrbalt ou tht mmrebslng gPl".Over, aselect coumitte o»appusé te luquire fuly strwell. 1tapitthe eviéeme sué @l zumssilupsth"la mch courmnitteho ebt.àeIL muIa" lpk iot çr , emota - kolmsgrrhrteuv i. a tewll is tuupmei m h tea mi sbor -beu. vi aé 10Mryu.u 1~thât abom té w» uoer >aytn i1 thtmw~ .lg ro.seth* Il haitia& u snt u é tt Inum"m1te W* hg-e~- "umél im balIbe-~Mr m iarkm e MRMMet Ibisbi dive eIbisIs mbotpslmaeet. a*_"_m furl ww iombe ad"Lnuter c w tom isla lilrm Ua. linBuvo àuuvu urmi ago ~mes; th" a 9uth"m roqb for IoMoeafté Ibed aol bis usUl Ibol lie a"evurt lttult a &U ta me tm c asca ait bvinumno metin . LAndKIm la le ukthelb MNmasteÙ6Rtel.osovultlue rivilan». mmd emuoa b ssumsuéeW»atslmULma luBie aS~mha M tur a met Moda m flin Bonmalér 1h charge., psarsdb Ma.Sma.vful.Ea- pinslMia Rc er amtuae..1>6 cair. nSu. t l.oul9"sva oteàsussu »ke. th"l MX~4ome.ufa Edgae i maiT fo&M% . &P., BL ebiaI% etTorste Gelore Le wg&ed J.e. al attai m ue mam.rs a sive e i tram. T Camèera for lhe Ere&Hnrotthe ri Be ais 01eXrySu M.P. , N.W IeI... ou. Wedaday pmrilam.rnt vs rogi l a close. Imm eftua Woculem et unSm cm IToeMaloGlobe, Mmv ILI 1l voau ot b. fairi bocamma Il voulé h prematune% for »use 5athat Mr. ose CamureaIa& ulty of lb. voreulons, charges brougit agaluat hlm by Nia Sour erviâle et Riant.The allegalle la th"t Mav Camer.. la 1SSd, hil. uslng bis la- finance la procure a geverament sauiéyof M8,OûD for th.e na & Buron raltway cern. PMIy, viole te a& OMM or f tut oumpamy demaan fbnsc6 hf sUtndtwo asmeaala &omabas tmpeu ent. as l. O6mOO.l JudStice t Ma.Socule Il musé ho am»U tiaI h. hasbrongUth wow bagu b.mms& direct, opea umanlo»y fambion. Re motet tee ef sevon members, ef vbembut lbreo w» libussa. HRe &satotrlly suaver the assrlotoIbat the charg ehaoulé have besea moeé"sairby msta ina t bth prn Iavtasashiasberna eus of lb. caua- 1tiIvti lals f ow daaThe chageenlznt bave bau.bougbî duln Mr. Camro!as absence la E-nglané,maé b. dit net ta»o bisPgise. "i neobatI about Ibm. vek am e SnethOiiiu withla a wve eb, lb inipl itue& kw basa bayond iescb. The prusumaafroua i.somervili! conilu t la stnmngambor Macamure~. Hie donsa lut idmp-th" a b. ve a a eser snc& n deslmaat.dbut h.a at» ilth lie vriol;I a solctorter-othmr;ani.une Ibat l cannaI propoiyb.bnought agan birnas syléonce. It mol Mb. "vsréiabrn, 0n1be" ha»tos-aé b appasate sa b tsefau amnlorau bonr-fer ff~~o Urvie te bae hca eou à teruairksd privaIât cntanll sho b.d no e r cemnsn hl of atenltro u a omebils amuna1~ etb I= courtau ema ham« ipuitwe vithIbaysoe Oum" talaasbatth agtwe- th"IL ornme nnI 1oag b uIse iodéle abslutely ugoff ln.oh a u &at lwould h. aheusé.to boiéth&&aiMr. mon abolébmtatte raimwilDUc forethlm. Tb. vlmttlouupmge.rot apuma vhoassponpl.lewrv-lnbnterm hu~rimtciémmslmeinéla yusbamegvu..u.fr for- maamis.t m"kw r Ibi miId~ ombo~ymabrittlbw"bUM fiahaumonll ~~m' ?~kkntvi, m-s amamtwl F lr -eneet imm«&L tenttsmm u.aft-ce a oualW t ohV, lJB 'e iue im f.but ha 1» lémrmd byuuelhs uiddemi Thom ka hâve lbaisSlu»velb.nsypartp-. For b>gl~lultso.1é sedM iy ue meps f uhieu.la hag Mi».so Que- =W biseu eols iul va dMIS wib viinsemm ad uuif aba éim .m bes el BI&ma beare lis -flalu poft hi . laluolb.UVhih eVma Mik matun hella musa donnddo landvbc6e um d e tpM tilttemmbe a h yrI (OllMU14aa e ru.Mato tNaîtoilt e mqd B rtm=all a-omisio o sazus orosâton dmanuéoésuch stlgyabllua Haebarusé lias mer latterundmb ta l or 18-81 huist mép luutaï ont fthle Mr MMnyth" aou thg e "MOO M empe vhle ad gissobn volstât e e o lei o wot ffice ear. lar1pr- stpualn coai- acemeu or"&be bonetI.1 l, on Muw fte rienilsuthevonn aerpasm mheadsonurtasth.ebldttersé, htcou haiuc sobytcemm0Wsten lopepsiton e reuly ond »Cheéanlster hait ou Ma amerw r .siaun Ia erchagesr tnh"e udhe hàoo»M thay are ucomd aiismad ut rt 1a lva et veyimpfrein siveuRislInaadderomslihe.Mr.baaa hoW vioe uponaise wurmopinetaleucor. domell" Ilvouléh dthe lattrblescÈfr a su admissi»oa w1h51 the letter lhl as ble re omsncb a e rtes tto um cas r amu uhea M Cadmisson ams ltwie e sme migneve reachaith thoad et the pussesrle in t Ila. n aoda, b l as rlureé 10 L m e pWmublygo as he iltor lrug à W ous surprovse naulfutiv.m lt vblU h baal behis hsl.v sseepl bleueY ht. bome Why Ndi. oueea lu aulhsa nraiaédoua tampotdoi. cause M aa msoua missva et vt mail. b mpo a Mye o) é1h bhauds a albapess for Heutorl vaes - tadpl"nI srluinsé âthete mp.Caeraso noeraemm ta i ur&Ua h r lk W d âo o puendouo rutlnMr. Cae te!é ap-é,thaMv.Soervlllotlacigusol nlgîa eBlpalTal pincpl e dee - calsthéoppsiétioncsrutlasuppl byaltter wOsgtn sy Mr.unse etlb r. BikodwiToraeau til.ave bau solo la harge galsl .Me c m ath" Came laatepisotaitahroplinb aeumpnt te celctou Mv. E. BickorBdto r armI- mic a cmbh. ous gralsé by ho. Dmnid. fo r. u Bikfodi ud bull. vthe Cameb- thât hser h11 h. ev dne ake suyh bp-an istor villt The mi. atterohm teeX Bebted tvthec apuarte hapveestola laom4 u rastg1f.laoretamIfhaomtei lastircains op eosIton eMr.ding lle bas.nept c te we utl.he goverun bume£dthb eei. loné lessa thord patt .<I Xi btoréa e-la prelng hmieaonbt ofhe b.ounetry naetGlobe any sucir deucifor biaief. The may er tbeu refensade cmla sou tlmer. eeetenhiebutrenlola denilandIf a couel lavetlmltoab. hve.a Smrl bots et lieomameonthm isMrCa erssin osenlalitheleanofvMr.cJobas basae t et lb. c latir Tot;Globe, bovoverthe taoméslar. i bose, utgner-a eubcto MrryoadMv. CInfuncOngll the, atrsnueudoutetI n svîtid.a Semthl .proofoi Il e viii doob wrvétbtà respetareu ceae asla IbM csecf1r. John dwhI.,o oppootltoa pr oe red.areagmnv e dgoveenmot tlSfo nt" ofssudsd taoolb batyill. aerCa miner'oIfuhence.own dyt« ta th ge errentlpay fol- afaloausidios a areri,5."elAI LOCAL qlWs-L1REEsM la" la 1000MW Ibe Pffl ou asiay (UWaàumIa.oie a i'rLsb isb saunai plujeCais t h.e9tb eorJue. The at. ad ou1pIL vom u ismads UumIgh 1% il lia N 10 etTne Poue] c ,L ,S&nu t SCOOL-Theoaavor my of I&Maboya mehool vin. ho haé cS SundandsuéMcmésy, June 13th sud 14gh. (J un dy.rc viilbho wssoh.d as a oMéSekb"-liev.L llina starwhicb & Sk lae vioni ho taou mup lua md etlb.he hOOL Un. elizésservices Wini ceauzenos at 1 Wock ta N. T.G. aEuetaea's panm R neslabe. I0oruaadueThe Posta - cmc.-A lcnlc la ezpecteé 10 labo t1aem aMr i Wald'a gooo iib. 8 cou_. on Salurday, Juns 5th, unée the aspicofhet .Ballyduf braësa band, wbeu a splendid lime à» expected. STru.x Tamami. -Mr. Wm. Celvin t tuhi e aepbHall 149tCO., Osho sus, sud luI..d. te do quit. s buminema lu tbreubina lu the aoutug seamon. Hoes Buntwe.-Mr. Cavanug, a hoes buyer trom.Poerboro, vas lhtoum h is M duinatheputî vsek. H. oct Ussitntu tem xMr. A i. h OÀKWQ QD. i0orsemdmSno tThePoel pmmouaz.-ROV. Meurs. Wilson Mud lieMulea lett fer conférence,.lMr. WU%=o on Moeésy via ef WhlLby sud Mr. MoMn. lau drvevn via bis old borna, Bethany. Mr. Shaw fil tessM1r. Nomuilen'. appont mants la the meanlîme .. . .Mr. Melivalue and famlly have srrlved bers and vilaccu. Ur the promises lately occnpled by Wm. Vlsmons-Bms.Wilkinson, vIte of Boy. Mr. Wlkbinson apeat a tew days bers, mlsyîag at ber br;tbert%, Dr. Jeffera.. Mr. D.Ândsaon, law student, Toronto, agent a short vacation bore... Mra. Calvia Gil- bert, Toronto. apent a few day. at ber mothera i..... r .Clif sund ,&. indronptl he2t uToron- te... Ms.P"udpon lew gnt s a fsw day. vtsltlng frieuda lu Toronto, about the mare rinie, (Corropondonca et The Poat.1 PsaSSD. -Mr. J. Vîcars, son et the Rer. Mr. Vicars of thia lown, has j uat pansé bis examlnalon s civil englacer snd land survayor. We congratulate yeu, Jack.. .. Bey. Mr. Falla vhe ha& for the usaI jear beenthaJunW iormnltoroftheuitC. MX cburob of thié place, bas receatly pase»d bis final ozaml»n an d will horeatter be placed lu full charge ot a circuit. Mr. Fallaebam mad o stsetf fieuds htre, by hie cousis- hutllisudnmuaulgmannerii,andwhen be leaves, ai~ ho muet shortly do. the kiné, vîshes ot lhe whole conumunlty Will go wtth hlm. PEESoNlq-Di. D. N. Carmîchiel ef Mount Pleaaut pald a short vitaît to his friands barsou Sundai las . . .. Fred Fdd. lei bau &pinabecomne a neeldent et Canning. ton. Welconns baci, Fred... The.salva- to7 amy blap-s a ýtZpr ety ew ladsy captain Mesrs. Cave sud Chester et the "I U"M vswpsper have touid l aecessay te beave Canlgton. They have renaoved te Sun- derland. W. wluh thern mucces tantheir nov field. "CEUELTYTO e Âi.MÂ,Ls."-YotiiSunder. land correspondent tsirly hugged hinmeif wlth deligbt s tew weeks aga, se ho descrlb- ed lu glowlng terme bow s number et the "rlsisiuglnka" of hie tewn changed tb. whessoe a bugay which they fonné ln 1h. shedofo e eoftthe hotels ef that place. Âccordlng te- the Ides et the Sunderland correspondent, a ver>' praise- wertby deed vas doue, but amoug cîvillsd nommuitles sncb deede et Infamy are uou- a.ily ctled dewn, but Sunderland evldently "1gloria. tla ber shame.." We are lncl=e te labo a isulent view et the promeut came, we-de-not belleve the mald "mi»tslIluk lutended te change the wheels; they founn the buggy, sud beina unumed teamsuscb a vobîcle la their rural solitude, 46foolsé around" until they gel the wheele off-, gel lieu msé d na nvet aspected they b.d beau chanasé 1111 tbey %aw the tact report- ed la lbe Canzmuglen Gleaner. Taz PEE5BYTERIAN S. S. CONVENTION on lte 20th May. proved s decided sucsa. Very enceuraglua reports vers raelivsd trou the variou» achools wlîhiu the bandu Ths addrases vers wol necelvcd. eapsctal. ly thon deüversé by the 11ev. Mr. NlcEwam4 late sureîy et the provincial s.a. &associa lien. CCLEDRATIIeG TUE T.-annge doue ltmelf prend on qneen's blrlhday. The celebratlen tops off anythhng et lb. biné evor attemptedl by the leu Inmportant vil- ImmesfethIis district. The. day was ushar. , 1 Lm- --Aýji .1tilF ,%gai

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