., . s - '-e' . -i% 14J.NEB lem _____________ ro'>rse, but Ibis dops mot plae e e tterIl blalriy lefonraîb penbllce.t Wbes isCt tI iI ohqtarle i iIbne &Y, nameîy, di CW si i neminalionu%, pinelpeliMothodilulsmailà Preaiiyîellano, ami of com m mohe, et i hoe parties '<as siflemtly euhma oz S U. dertake the men of tA ehubWie 'lhis a thenmuelve, nos e[4nefseffort wuemaie aMd a pleseant Il~itte coutrigupleet of wr.i l'<he lbm nit. tme b ofaml sdi Ch. burien w<u borne bg Ueth dmt but ulli l ProtestaitduOSat '<eve lebave the priinlof et lt b* OSioS. Andt is 14eauoS.iy le bu lib. W Ct ecOUlt'i'place libe Ibieï uhos t .IN Mt e &sAnllable pl&"eofwohleun Othe tsdlfferet uemno.tmltemW tit seshow tis domof etthiei oku». boMetlliber leaeffl agaigMe se ua Ipie 'Who W s *MW unk.iuW iuta t ivèhube »W.tj4 . M- eW m u ' ~ 4*1 g-Têi W~ pIW "'eu l..r ENxhaus '. itait&.L. N outg. n theUstl ami uàb bolaretioonn or cous09«& àbooi ta evny Mmm. Jouait. mlii Ma 1 19 mon e lOf f5< e leeai eboat :y theau%<bon ezsumoe fSu' le ulssuo toa 4wy sever î:o-tie-fe0Ula 6lor AIRYuyitma. 300 Pausabeami lua batlf"l FbnecbMusla, embouai covena. tt alt, itu'îrsnteed le b. a linerveut ta sermn sn*than ami ather w<mi mii lt ile emary for 0.50. orthe O O a I "11b. istuain o.r Imitanas. Pries osi 81.00 WbmtLmolnaa ililumatlvOs»Aple fe to amnli. Smdàe 00141 Modal carie eaisun hbi'. Nattce ai Modicl Amsooillo,10 ne pui m15 '<hidi, tbe HêtI. P. A.flIianmseae otticarg a e b sad b.rse l opalu g9emffd. The Solos et ofLt. fa wummnoll the ioune and mmlileqÂwd iM«uettIb is eratos isail telhs~itmas Met Califonlmia IM l. ver mines . lovaicombed-8p. chremiCI. l'h. oUses Rof Lite loaethOe oa uMd qmlokaaade on wbleh bise estllutleaam hopon oftmeny a jog m àsa han oatlii T~he Science 0 ee tso olrvusIm &ilth silo itoal '<onka pubfltsbdtbtco- tr frt1%e ut30iams-A*t#aCUIS Th -,ci-n f tli'usLe 19 sm b aind aol tréat4lS cronernnumai ïïl ,Il s no menber of sol«e 10 0a &octut Lite wiIi aot. b. ueuL 'iheeV lotith parent, uuaftllSll, lastmUetor an ami'- ,A.ttrti'sU the Pl'abodr Meilcai lmsottiuL or Dr %V. Il. lParker. No. i Bultinoh Surjet, »» ton, Mam.. wbo ia r ho oamuIted on ail ils. atener lrlid fsuziansér% tpesiio. Ci CS seelinqhbet .alohr hillghrt 11' Se "Oh nothe, FRIakem h," siset4.l% %Vtender chli et smpmm's re, Farion Ikbm ind t lrhtmlily ANnd nlF wben min banda '<e lay. I mar Lord, ln Thine. lbe mtgbt la de,, And there le darbonw oveninore. '-,arh donwad cte i noesdaja A~nd faIth ilesmand soibe delama Tr&keT~hou the handesof prayer '< a lia %nd lot nq tfool the uit t fTie! LOC4I L.&IIWS-LZTT£rfl i WVEZARD OIL ANDti Roras Eo&s-Ont 'tesday avening of ilut weke. b.hwa fflv!tlon army wua rotten-egged by lh. erow(t oftwpei ho were llstsnag 10tle %Viztnd 01 tompany. Theamnràer u ýiudviously, stopped ear the loti mon suad conirnencing sinalng. The action exesper. .%*tk*dthe crowd. wv- h sbwored aI the armyt a I>nlntifîi snglpply et tbege ussavon' mime iem. I lad not the. chioft&tble inlerteen- @da a enons row would as dosbtham ,àken place. N <mweevAvE-A lngrikyon ger-ît tndertocik ta taie onse o u yoanug .,.sm he ibmlgsgo ever thee*lide l1maii Wednesdav tveniniv. Timi'appeam toen.os- oy t hein walkll en uoghntil lhey came n zo the river, '<b e attnahly .pet on te i lor wblcb turned quily ,leftI s tand. inr i s i ewaten only huan md shouldere visible,.Ir>ueme T 0t4hee he ould fin n'ýtbunoebut stameat W vmath a14li amti. in bis poeketii, amnd the affsituc m1-JtLh a'-,'renulted uenloutaIybai not eo of *!.t% river drivers corne te the. micu.. N«i'.;rity Mictnrxrq.-The adjnflifi nes !rY tietlno t fSt. Pani's churci, Mindem6 wax houd on Monda! lest, 314. J. G. Deunr in tho cbair, '<bon lbe unfinlubesi business - wat taken tnp. The financil . poston of the congregatlon '<au founi to hbeIll a Ire" Drc.q>'zrou* condition., tlImpneel on th.eburehI ntu'nIor havIng beon chieflli' untiertakren bv s feu lndividnaes, Dr.Cury N010 I;T'ETOeo> o -Mu ldvaW lawmrwi.r~ Lim~ s e ce"vm 6 . A. qUw th ws»hyOt uiinSe4mut Lcopma et imama meami otail u M dvlae 4Cseat M d ueembue&emm" u a u ~ UsI.et amummt n ow tataOum%- utw Da Ba osu 11m but fuima ilt Reyu ~ULCaUUL Ub"dby D felowtlag bile b*. S-IL e oa a ~ Nvetla~aapoMon, 8.- rueve~~l mm raueru mb la"*. aeh 10le bonw - 32mudutp&È.s Carrm. M.veI, à" M = tutl.saou veuveSead' SmaSher mai Io brm uM Io Mrbaiofemmdla byaw '<ied. pMmufi Sa asoiM ce-a- asa=6, lealb urm m y.> a IlUURPa Mok bIu "U-V bittetet ite toosThmiafr *0aI'<1 emat lie&'omsiu u, t uehei an. tue bodwtue" anm Md ltmh" & ela Win luhe Pau" er bili. l ha hi petad, cohol sijud e mnwobbhna S lits offRut -[Vtmdloeima Colub 00, tbei lit mlstaune talla oad eM hi ue feru thl'le luaIlagaclt roude...Tii. al homl bmftmhla Pdoua mai sîiso hie log undmwau laa niat aosiJ y the en mat ims ha steMdo lumte glmuastmuca mm bi l iwic»O% W. T. kd al NÉ. a wau letue, » héhateumailim mmgnlhsi. mA o Muaziay owvus bTe nmoS. aiden to ss hi ic hby, ' hioccm isi l De a abt iss roe mnmathb. n aebous 55bi' met 0esruiseoN lt OUTM r. W.lt u a yc or ushaieae ise 'As toxid-i a iastbl. ie i gea lymt boalde l iee. beome '<a iountbe teus, mi St un n>ii mberbed et i nbIisiBy iebos sudt klli.Tb a, yen lio, pboe ter '<teho eysIm lab ah m an" ir a lieh ted ethaue mo.q .*mebout teé have Jposus btoMr.mlsla'mais i many aa otu elthe pomab le mur- aind klid.ta umico.mun to h mmu« wnamulvd hoeda b<hogomunli' ilymi mie Ca ommbu nt a limef ie- .bdw» Dsoha.Ma ba lti it uad b Mnes pdenor te sb aot et s' de. Teeaurrosinea"dmn aIle og- n«r Colmst » sI W itbp, tes %hîcim tu aeonMi a tors. et impriios- ment Mray i'dlat.WesterOntarto a day or' tue ago, m atm àon ie dmhho lota <ritte lecomson u telu aha h murdnd tMr. Moge sud e mailieubis. intoe i*wtl 'ich lie bons.te amati su». ýpie.1. H. tauliewafumeodi bat iMc.- zis w»s lte liaS pesonbh baimuuioes ana thus dlsposed ot.-oshawa Refomear. RRO('Z. SPECIAL COIM.CIL BUMamis. -q»"ut mucetlnaof liheatuncil et Brock wse boi at Suadoemmd 8 uia~vMI. Mr.YaTm nold, P.LsD, pcossted la rnot W,,"i 'couiC oflt bmuivorethie e t pond dril n SRPInere., Sunielmui report ombraesitue syaiome et dralmaee aemI~tAe aiwood, emdsieninnfma Immed a mdpermanent relief The carmiuazv PoPoelisae i.diffamat ammad whi theElixir containe renderit unefuululatulemt Dyapu. It le a vaInable remedy for nt Dypqoia,vhclla ap to oooula ,eSoneof agouty cbanctur. lm ls ae nw wu, nle usm*Qmmam1ham - - -tet lambd - " due. gou PiDON! Po, 'l ISON11 PONT my bo Irahmba Fam PmPu leuW am laitu, ulb i MM e unthe ham la * àta Uet Th* P40U ba on Gesna AMaft y oin. ek u am . dtombut gha. Sd aman bn ual~ ~~~mat deo aemm e b uS bsflthe i in --- . PhmOUS *-O"P- -DéS le (COffuMbin ut bFai Ovoa wiw-Um N*ia lm e lieuuMd bb b bou dinhRm mied~o h e hmiti.Nemtlmet vm hm colotal wbm aluMwee?4 mwltb . Tvu vim e hi a if tm om dt.m - l«tp mat oo.pyu Wb N jupin.mMd lisbhmri010 uemfh al Nova»an& owsu.uMr. Tic., N. Deu Am imhie h5L is ave ýtUmhtostfinsaa hum BAU,'.D.etMM m, imurVU PNMsou&..at.WgtwS.""__ -P im, à»@emgImmim t onai i'.Tins. thie hthoV l-lacrmb«thd Scoý ere la no5u.uflT-Smlito alu a e ta teheueu'miati "u!bin a vfs~i foreteu D&ua iBug.Tb. jouo -1 oiril toaon. vthe blt i ailaaihir ase llub heu0 wum ~eter he mliii'elaIe la eib img liii cMu th&olaw DsIlt th lI'aM. tmgt a pan ta te taU s'bmunt bagu Ftht. om uet h ti. b el ofa b Il" douwa6 .TMuo m somm Ta aI>p.TYOemmIi clu. abot h TM cow or, t cams ta. canRoleae theilbisTosiwUn- Exumltuace.uievaPmaehanau. LMFO AI fer~ ~ ~~ m brio u tle MYIIIMTY 0F K=ooAIOA agi Vaeu IPi a"I.viv TNh.o2nut naY- n1 9 swUmm Lebatg PEIN«KETNERL - WUMiIÀ rle=Dwm A - 0F huASLICEEE GESTO N S-PAG O J. ,4l BEITTQ3 PLAnn PAl N-I UMLLER L ECTUON.4 EST M. E =O EaAUTE lx 1 PtMG IouuWoPAXa - PboemAU t N. 'a HusIC a ?AEE'< ISEURALTMISE Wh?5 VIEA8.VEOUIL ACH aLMYS, FROT IL lE POC.. sS EYE S fiAiuiNol l CIRCUATICMS CE N OWELPOUNLD2T r SOETHOàAT.c.an APPi» EZtEINuaLLYri EXPUUEXCE aS PonEndroT -eTUE on LFFCTIE A<'1ES3LR(Io n? ONtt ' £.Ð IX BENO Ià UE ait ASISIXO PeONt h h m Beys,.f iorm f M»tcsLi:tc t s e , cin w thout u gripiordompflot tc * wfll flot caTu riteri -18esl)in%!Y sater v u o e dre ving e ot see N IIù 3 -et mahstikE tmekiew:utta- bleorAcIDSIMpAint. os r PETITE. FOI SCK HEADACTIE AS!> DI'F.rzà. FAR CONSTIPATION OP. Co!TtVENYEiq. FUR ALI. Cn)PIn'LUTS AESEY. VU!à I)IQOlDF.EDSTATE OF TRE brO. ThlinKmeicine bein-7 in hudfcrm, the dose ean be eas-iy r~r.tdto meet the requirements of differentper- sons, thus m.akIng it equally weil adapted to the. use of the ittle chiid as to, the adut. Pt up in three ounc boites, and sold by ail deulera in mmlatuvei by t»en@mSmwe Pump ce. et Ie&m, ieedMna u the Earkst bufidings. UGdau o0%? ooda «d jeanP«mt ,asw IUR 'Aot be .n&nd~'oW, aU pO"b a oneideU'ed »EEP W A &S AILTY, GRAKX £GIM 3S- Amà hvmm" Uso, eul Paris Green, AeuN_ P aria reL ftaaf VOUkH NUa*o% m cS i m Pm 1nw iu m PoUm TuEE1iP uim -14 vadam - TEFM. kinub-MWMLUeJt. s5 I M a.~~~J M. uru 2msum zm IUA HARDWARJE if Pm " ge uteI.bu" a boum or bar», go» me a eau f< o y~mqwamWMa.Abu.V Onh*Ma SÂSH, DOOIRS, GLAÀSS,' PAINRDS& àMINoIs N»MIzL& = 1 RETPOOL A-ND LONDON RICHTTO TE FROff O ALLCoMpEI-n 1 TA-NDGLOBE INSURANCE COP-AY. RICU TO UE FUIT F AU SMETITON FIE .1 S-D MLIFE. co>mp1etefiA otetf S bldf uaty 79na n odaa r ma h luff urllei ,te speedysa. Nui' Susa freinQ-1 upuard te $18; Bei" uit., long pans, fros. $L25 upward; lau. Pettsfies.8&50 np; Chidions' utefrom 01.50 np; Singi. Pent. frein $1 up; Singe CeaI. frein-92 Ü up où»Ain a aOverna a a vey la Pr". r &TS-1 verv lange umortzmt in Hui anti Sot Bats in the lateat style. Cam udny and t el ibeneait ot aurubrokea stock. W Emmeule M epie, laLme z . aC O xM oum Lindsay', »nl . U-î& Bfte Waftuft 014 et"& .Limisi. ont. Larame JMWa&he 011. KcCfi saOebratd Lardine Machilne Oü dooa.sale UMutimn bu ummMu b&a& v.amw Nier lu& s m.-,, -a - 7POTHOMAS AND ÂSNX GAINOR, utheair elma-Tiere ia a leuka ber &M tlie msate oet KARIAX KN 02"pwtàulmcmn b. givea br gAdtran A. U. WALTERS. Cain e OrsC46O.Y.. N«. I& MlU.-OTimos-pd. NOTI CE in hereby givea liaI lis 4ýtp beretotare ezhithubateu TED~~ Meku a" m ALERT 0a OBcarryinu un business asu ma"smer- ,WaI (lskwood. under liehemem*ao T.eeà NASaN CO., basmlt ida eais. solvulbr inulualconsent The buà i bu carr nnain tti. sue P" byhi'A. 0. 11060. to '<hem ail aeunts due toe llas irm '<11 be paid md b hi"hm ailaccouate due b' lie âm; epsl& THOM" NOGLASHAN. NL N. Asusasox, Wltneu. Osivasi& ]"y lmhlmSm~ DMM&BL1 TOWN PROPNRTY umiT snty ac ;tu Imam, <1hm ~sttbansiuasmar I L La MES. N. DRENtan luai' gr IL 1UL-uStI F1571mmt IL LSBPo Whotaml aumatreatuinelami ÂNfD WOO»ý. ,mktc lah pmlagesci zen"et Me M but quft dvautte -' pt et k Ut» uli.. limm MI & Aab IL a - - - EDWAONlS& Go.. .Eiseelzaneo us DEIRBLEPROPERTYFOR SAL I THETOED S NOrlE 0TDUEHX.S mater la hon=sitiere ans aie sable and '<oc ahes.The garestontan ea eelon et msui!fruit teala&i ca!n1 ieafew appi =la m herry tracs.Tbis properti' ta of daamia@ asthe owner la occupid ta!é a itn ar tlscunr.A ,i te .' C. TALR Eq.Liis',MyS,18-91-tf. A MIONSALE 0F TOWN PRO- Tiers '<iiib. oflirsi fer sale hi'Public Ar. tbcs at the p reiswe ta the Towan et Lind- mai',la lhe Couati' ot Victoria.,ce stuNy, the FiftIi Day of Jue, 1884, at Two o otea thle attemneon. lie properti' knowna U st. INDEmrWs <7H lICH, Belng compoesiof rat b2 Nea themusma@L"mie t Freucia.f tam »Wav t m1 L a omà& 0 Tiers ar emed thiasle " ilot a BRICK CRL'RCH. ioxoe, aideaFIUME SHEI)extend- wNloaaelie meah aide and portion oewt'<u TER» CAM .Tiers 'iIIboa zrearvsd bid. TROUS Rnt JOHNMLENimmas, )Truob~etl.And- WILLIAM ZU14TY. -ew'sPreshFte.taa JAME.' HAMLTON, charol. JAMES W&TdO. J- Lini»mar p8. UM-U.8. The Largsst Fre Inaumc oupai' la lte WorM.L Capital .................... 1o.c41<' Accumnlated Fiumds......... aONAb lavested in Cana da...........90MM0 Ratas and prumilums as low as amy ather re. spectable coi-p ' i'--The settl'nient of losses prompt and ,hri The rescurces andset'*'t !lng et tht. conuanyafford tleIauradinait per tact security againt lou. lE DEPAMTEENT. Assurance effeced ci th or '<ethont profitse t motterat. rate&. Fouriltfths et profits giver. 10 Pelici' heiters, For partlculars nr ratas appui' te V. C. TAIOU. Agent for Llndsay aid Ce. Victoria. WHITE PIRE BALSAMI 0»&EST EBREDT VF CouÇJ li, CoULeflÉoarseiese, Âstlîm#a. BvoaackitLaî. Croutp, JVlhooping' Couok, Etc. Bush thlng 1 ever used for coUghs and colds. IIOBElIT IIAlWN0, Jr. 1! cured mc o eccid mtat I could flot get 2.ny- thing tu tuî&c. BILLY !WU*.L il. Il la realiy an excellent vrepanation for, canais an mi ods. Ruli. HARING. sr. I believe withot doubt lit ta the hast PrePer- atli magie fur erAwhs a"d colda. «0Z. LAING. limis. tbastheliaouiLtling ton cou.ab sud colas I eve.-saw orthourd tell ct. maGE930TI . Brick anud Tile. T RE CA-MUIGTON BRICK YARD. 3-Tba subacrilbers beg le liniate toei public«. hi% they have purchaaed a iiow brick machne ,and lateui goimu to the bnlck-mak- ing the coming eea.sn on an extensive oc"li Ravin« precured aul the tacibies for main- tctnu-g iiret.-elaia brick they will ho lna pas- tios tw cempete with mmi' yard la Inte centri' Brick de.ivered at Cannington station ut 104- eura reu.HALL li1O& sc 5,UL--. T AYLOR'S BRlCl AND TILU The suhocrlbmn wiabes te intarm lie public :ha ho hu on band a lange upply of BRCKAND Tl= C"Oblteladeuverai Ie. pr@igit psitt on Tla hi'the carîcai t. aMW sietn, if 'jin tnîirty miles (if the yard. As usuel ho ig carr7ing on business lin lis POTTERY &ait hae no- On. band #àchaico amoilmen! et EIRTR&JiNWAIIE WM. TA YLL Duremna, F.b-:. 188o-T91 BaIICI! BIRICKS! BRîCKS MS MTMT FMCi9TlA. IIMUMu lm OumD DRAKbavlaf Wchamu4 lia w Aam tn Or. Jem, Ja& "là oLam tetemaataonmrntg«c BRICK mme ext"env iM" M. Dinke lhmSnl Oanrui auibe maautagai ôbrickoce lio Mr. Drake hvgbaa tm ljath eb isâlIg te amal4he - - p p - Fi'aM Bro.. k i ENÇUIRE OSA00 ~ 0 au ..0JCwC l sm Jr ehana frPO Ti avem s ove tbe rnememt Piesla th"athe FERAL lEta a Stock company andi ts polis a» all babsmi nbyItB ta of $Mu *0,00 OSLU mtwbch depastted wlthle ovuameî a scnntlmanpoil"cihodes. W Cati ier oraie. Plmty of IBas iOns Gan iaiSnd& a " Iffi r sar CHI-VA ana GLASS WiRE of lie Veerylait deskis ad oà. ziband. Aeawi OU ai sock Of Irea and fuumer, White and Colored Stone Seau te cabrai baarlng aur natiou's eauiy omblem. larme,.'Who want anything in the war ai CROCKERY j uut cal ato ur shop and wea'<ilmake prios rght. 4w A Ca- LOAfl 0r ouR x =QLEU lRa" 0 aBSIm TlS WLM ___M.scellaneozzs.- Ce.S LNCKTOEM&SONS. pLvingL ofn taxeine the subocnibers are pro. vare odlhis et ofPlsamrng and 8on woek a! reasonable rates. Al'ot~aaaed C. IiUCJCYER & SONS. KinkielrJmnI 14. BAKINO POWIDER THE COOK'.S BEST FRIEND liadmi Rana - o39ml m ITEIT ruai lotlsee vd i isthe mmiase'et oducatts tla meusotu S»mu by is. Wtlf ami&i. Idwande, "Monugfan i.i les akt heI.Ii tm te lameta l.yr a la e otue thel asile vomtgb. Ml.Ha.Gien th mlag sUt mm ot.f le dopUtasl ap isrseiu.aslt ~nla.appel~ 'amnlhto S ~r @~ue tieon oh ippolateiiteraafflupWei **~or siti àm eiuilu i' utl Mr. MM894 i Sa- hfMW l' mit bssnmuhjut lb tgo f t"mê làmcai am& u i fl.tna ls WukMEli 1 undm.mar.%w&-91.tt 1 và 1 1 Grahm kGibbuf. ~. ~ To the Public at large.' 1 -1