oeMr. oewea zwjLY.»R1 1M0..es IU '4 Cf NA 018- i! pSi N'Ar) 1~~ ar " i" frr d AinU4f< aA Sini leeO t %Vf< bf lrri f t I ~~4Ifl or lrht1 ofI rn hi an t i . r Y ' ffII'1I DaiY. *Thar s fàtffl they- e bi t4v titti fb êjge halitl j6'Or~ n - - - - - ---v ---- ---~ -- - - -- - - 0 Mud vin di u b 1b.slmy~ p Wat, tiositel bA n fehp~ m . bu W<ym~"~ ~~ inE ai si d g*ie &On' 1Oba yP midm. de 7miduUÉ iMOU!W'i - ~~youa Tou mmo e fa ONfui map, Is:,I"~~ " qoe diai.msià - at -spg'lUmIse*,f 7 W0 a théS yL "Aiboo -,l M aboem in ove, i *ofl 1 ha» ba n meuough téoovu %P'otinuel 1 tme major.,"hue' umcbig lal 8I 11. uotbl g umavfuJ -les Mt'. bosis ?reay'raLiTou; "ta y opwalm 81111t: IOPnot la isyti?' Y011111 Tod1, wltb a rather feoblgi lati-là. AND 10A O"Tavu'rs lob sensible-a fuliow, 1 hOPel" ~~~~~a~~~T o'T.fs(psv .m'Very gled te hem' itleF.dwln., for yerA tb" ideapu"# . mper- motber'saut àa4 weiI as your evu.l'ut Iq7De-Lf m t <pp>' o.' dout keen Msrpeahr.q vlth vour te-tth clcad; O,,~ jrM-lam,., s' t sgmavratom meb," saMid hef«major. 'And Ofhr ork I mml ' 5w te the second - and moe r imustant iw Point. A" et athe girls et lbe Jusslios in love wlth yen. do vou tblnk*, OAS ~ -Yosnz- Todd lshed and atmpwod, m e von basstrded a wiunk ai hie unelle. e~~.?11 1RLU IaboultauS 111<. to say ;.really, folle an'S my elcrtlyyen kow," w hie W a" ~~ A LI F 11 Good "f! tlWer iant ow? reinarffltheii.major, &Mtr looklug aabuto d - -lu0love selà *ua OUPA T. "o hh' knw yu ar comug, p etlin them, and thon tbofr mily b«&d.are tuneil bopai' mkeiMu~Todinlpaiu ifreettons lbnt;the rl!tht." ILIDUE» ~~I thought 1 would Rive. ttosmeu agies' «*e<BS, - I.oe abie un prlme," wumtfin uneie'u evoilve Oàl hi al»wsytgT i. Dolute.aswer; *'it4 Ba7092 mand aff sCOiTifli1fwu Bernt Bttlilton liste,. And thelr misfer nle alu'ays. poar vouen, *lieu aw»tt1te m1etai.M.Why, I conafl - rta sman Who feigna auB k oie>' gsm~'-an long a t.hatte salît tiie ucomnplil- afeto h'dn et sl m o llai 1.fe". an. a uie esmIarWiiy nephev. "Iuhouislu't ho hogigrl ont of lher s- boireta think of -hlmâ, lanu sin IéS S1Sêf4l. lWi ynvlyestk nyhnr Infernal scamp-a mont Infernal seamp, ah.0 of BpUmiasas fer,»-glmd yonnmmT'ddd forth mi rl, XPt? Mj.Cravshaw glaned f ronn hla usphev Wy e, adyoîgTdfli Inr ulct e)1llnîrn.a7te MWmaD'uy i.npe i g ard eiu~d uat tiiudden exhibition ef ierce. 1411 <t beriAM ffie iigMthi e wy ,the lady won iooking <ova "I'dirut offle hca vacabmnd vi th a .mlii- îoeîîtnin. MdANîlIlrstio of ex. demnroly nt the marbie <<>a in, oô i m vumn, ntrnpe ts aêr* Ies than tit of any oéther T(16.inInoc!ent, .tho6ubt the Major; a Inr oehom weo,ý,it-utdte wh otIin',. 'e poicles of thinducdingtt nocn ah atrl Âa majnr. "I'd kick hm dowvu taîru <out of my lnpitalintton iinyr îrnudwhat.dosMsc'teJurn leauai,Ào torarîl. and i>oliîlnqbellomlng Mfi"lllttnl le put the lady uiown as ' èII- bome n I wnld a do. U i'd- What do Yen ,i t' i he 'bon..e4 cbavÎ*.dilby very ly, ainsi a vanin uof whoun ta b. wary ma y'ulsl nsu' htIWyo re am io a8@1amy ft-ciasafrom tint lime nforth. If abhetIm bluithed îisrth don't yOu finish your mnteItem#" K of polcien ailré biaiid. eadmi g:lfd and 'Ioe&u<j ai Vin Racket "111 wu XinIrbut yen ,s'ldn't lot me C.TA YILOA, voult 'ive . cone, *.Ih wnuid net bave beom ftiih, If !vols'umombrr. answed Livin. Agoi.Lifu.. aian <t is Dlybu amhane uIvoli,"ll atd thé major, lmpat1.ntiy,1 4tb. i t it-r uncfinonius n t riaaua rtful r.t44fq rrl "Unie" Shse ncourages hlm, and lendtcisl - eedigflithatprovml nttonre litit d .ilcit -kostah'l uLieyWmry (iaur f thé, tiql< wbil h ho art set bimueot. ber, ami 4111prefcr-, h1i. comp any tW otboer1 ~ 1'. in~tIV.) vîry vau'y ilu iIbislîninona. 'C> H-ropliod ta blits nrt'1)liOdefer, "Nn, <sows'l. Dnn't yon sW1" -- - - ---- tbcnk yvatî, nnthtnug more tilt wa got homo;" ' e aa on~ts etodvl ip'l1il'AY-, l)F,.. 14), cii19Iikdh.anl ta !»vnm thon, sali thetnmjor,. "id TX say Gril help1 forthwiîb her' tbat.ail. But asn '1 0tin :rh& -N ~ II NG GI RL. î-~uîinî.înnI<o! eîn taiii iuu'etethier a fool or a kmave, and 1 %ysn-J ce,%- juIstat pr(uent,'! itannmpred yoing Toddr "i11 found hlm, wibli ciU tn'heart.: .lindoèsn' 'P'api'Ea lit. . -havO only jioulti l pe veany ymp"iy; suarely yen don$ -ris" aIu')? wAtt IQ . -"lteu.long àa lime ism mi'c T befoom Iis I1nbeda" (ifrfropoi ri i /O9 ýway, that 1I-lin very iuk'ly ta ia. qit iti- "N-ne:o eicny'fo. ~î~ît..av"î -lerpu ou.%o But nn", weiî lu ajr.wvoyl hbavesa long iulk ever Ibis r ':1 M'sn flîy ~Y'-îsîî-.-"proenty, now thait vo have c loared the tii"Dnl We,~I vwn i ii Adsr'y hr untiî e' ui sbirs tand brilswoad as; thora'. bauta& 'I. iii' Ir ~s.II.n~~.nt.i vrlluwa"iiat hu o~.r.'lueaddt le r litto noense gong on et the refrs hn'en t "ni,~" ~ .. ~ t r'ft~~-. nstlcadVli-"lu r'rnipn t4i,' -liero cd; Mr- sltr.nd but 1 anm glad yau teilime hern's noth- ut " '" n"î o rî'u~î'r $Il ite tr« wn <'ciiloivo lin the pamsengers, ing menns betw-en yon and that Daly girl." qrî ~ ~ ~ ~ '4 Retf r'~' î:n av~l'n presaîshoiPniîen" "gorlot" uw alt yowtig Tom, vtihanotber w 'u."- nni Ait have '911,01<exctl1. itî l ctisht. fi7? unplemthe iauh:"c ouusne nion'o " v ln îuixîî. fthn on e<fate.your ~raeau veil, aind t ohe ii ogladte h beur it. ii" t'î"t'îî a nsi tt ffl-I 'I bave tbld hizit ýse afi tuianil timou aide i "~u" -'"r" rn'nîl t.. s ~'No v wAtt Wall?,rivwin. The. îugaga esdy," msaidt Edvtu Taddi atifor tie IIa 'ii.' l1el"l.wbn s iuî<bnko-d t» fillov ime. 'Wlat. a' time ik ln Unme rather SuukIly. ~~ri'sehA '1l - . îs.ut"tiitiiue ohvshrtain~<ba aeIr" "Ah!1 but nat as yen have rpoken te me, as .t' "' r'ti'hnntystand -av - -)d~ w'sîtta me ea oomtn cm spak ho suother, face te tac%, mIC fl n n'n<',t' k rsit elinvlîiv w1thont 1t11 effort; hoe lnt harttîi an'wtitsleebenho,"aite h.s~t ow' nuiku tgi:t ,fe' n the pstit.major. I. i i'-t ie îtcîn'i ~'nLîi "Oe mmet nele," l cl .i gesne~ntr- "YOSq-0K5i'iy," mnhmtred the noapluew'; lî'n ls Irm;a"Inlw bo'siîve a cigar attor but. lie.dld flot menttl nie faee te face I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ii tt~W'ti'î~" rhf~'d rir. 'l nW .' a ums"t"thon, but iankfd dovu upon the flinty pali- 'it' r r1t.~d .~ ~ ~wît.î~.x: lit a nlittio di ftirii frnthe vay nt tho oaid tow and, set his teebli clamer sît ~ ~ IC illyi "~ss"~r~~' cu-uer, at.Ocui usurpio prab hg"the? than ever. * I~iI~4.If ira1)'~ ' on- iqflnlv ln d gIvo thue ordor rêquiris. Tho major' wu a man of tact,- sud dld -net ,wl alitt,4I 41.;Vîaf lmn, worry7" the.quesition.T*y*àalkëd on lu Qi , vsIhuit tho"sl a4 n ertalfieof- SOmo silence after Ibis;hlie aii pnen out and 'J' I 'w t; stol.hed -kind Imitwqin Edwin Toi niul'l Mi-s Daly, pavori tbe way te a complet& und rading; :11 - 'h -i ifn 1 ' r,îî-'î'm.andI flint te oeu'ti'un-In r j liehouvasdlpoaed, belng &- truturul man, te t " !' -~ ti'k'n"'i " X ithu in tfi l- t-r. Alr;'a'ly.ti s.y 1h'tiî suis. betieve bis uephow, if. net vholly and in: ~t-.L'"1n i" ' (inune,'ii p.'rtid him, -nn't,l vîu nstii the oje't of hl piiitly, andi te thlnk that, the* vomnnfolk rnîiiuîly 'ccfs' u1 Ywr h t "'o'r t lik a alrode the. natai nuuntain ebut' fthe v t n " t'tl-,,,,:Iîr hu it v.î ' nei; n woliu's 1.. 1eIro.uRry a ute n if Cutomnary znol"bfli. Bo faer, no goad. 1t I ~~ if ~1*111~' b'ît atifsn,, qîîkleilpsi":.u'un i-tIî'ioih vas a very' <ar hglniing, conlderiug Ia 1wi' Ih I (i 's' Iii' iîovitiibé.ato. 1a lhiîîj,. lesalil a tiuig. Lh-i c'rtrt i it lt aci this va.. the tAret fleur of biiarrivai,; and -î".'ui¶~i"à îe't' w",s eenî ~ " art rni i n un tiiiItIiiulying aI nov lerA tluer vo e hfore thO great coutry "i' c" 'stfl 'ît;ho~<~YJ'<ri'id i If lIIIII rs'et."'fliut hrit-gr Pic- LueToîd<, lylng a 11111e apart, onai îi"n tun re.ont- nl aret5 l l onTl""li aio lowen tui hilsitIC4, freimthe hev t fBattiAien. ni" fn"siî'~ui'ri~' 'ftîu ryln'l jino.1 hlrpVi t' ltd wqarl and IB Tho' major leo t* bsnephew'u atme strode I I sîl>r' h.i' uîtrîoIite lîîs trotught imn promuotion ani n made hlm fervet, lpuioopen th. great Svln,ýgais, ~~< î'~î~. aliroui l.mn. ,AI'. ml iui~.n gi.oh. aMd nterosi liraI. li patiular oaon- e> ak-vi-wlin kuî.'w fiat Ietrtînt tlui-t'iui ho "you'hIilnd them aU:ýI 'il, usucl," sai V. ' vicua emo; oýnk as tnt goi-mg ta hf, 1)111110(1:ît Ibo foutnt lîy'Edwin; "I shall not bho longf" n pg-hrurodboy ansi a ,hltof ateri. Not «ut- lie:h- wali tbnoda dsoldier ani.ti 'onaeite "I shall.b. back lu fev minutas; 1!lave '.sI tayo¶ on isulnes e im cniipnigîtiu. 'forgelton nmsethng' for to-morrewJ- thle ofsîVi'sttvasmttsrn onohn a .%n yi cma; m yugTi1 O t TERRY'8 00N FECTi IOERY. 111E FINESt CAKES' OMBlES, FEUr MRS.8.SWEETMEATSI TERRY'S . - s- iBimeis Vw-bers. Imm a twbis 1 . "Es tld M b. 1i a w lude at ben un abomable lt'nid«Mlb.eajor. *Te.,ho la ln evry trame*l, siM U h Dsly, abourhtnuly. *Tou bai bo.tter ian tomad14 mn Sba ma%* thé me J >r rosarkpdý "thcng hio ay 101 y'on Fomne plain trnths, the= te. a wemk f.llev 11k. hlm. Il might do yen more g ooi, XUS Daly. afler ail."l Ruth Didy lookc4d att hoeuciem aru face attent:!vel'v, and %ber' amer olmauda for ths b I-ter, ani bresie more, natural. "Perbapes t .ven'd. Coasa aouglibee, ald. MW. 1twruaifroffftibm ditecties abs0bà" bien pnrmun.simd tbe major said:s "This vay?" "Tes; avay frotn hlm ple«a%" da mu, wftb a i ttle 'hndntsr. "IT4.ndn'b 11k. my nepbbvf' mi ceuîl' beau' hil, vas the reply. "1-Tenor briih: t" "tTpon My hanor, 1vuau',n"Sa'i& "lThon I -have nothiug ýte trouble ye about, Nml..Daiy,"psadthernajorwq.m"osay good mong ai <once, thatl. if I cea boibve you-.nd iV'a vory adi,1 smihov, but 1I cs It lu ail lais fenilthonr1 Ne pnyukp taIf ho bi M dea <nulexyuhn tion et the position, &V4 aMs di not mi le misnundorAtand h un. Yles, It la ail bis fanlt,' vu lbe rspy. i hli e n1àoniy kesp away-it he onliW not b. se very, very faollu, sud net mai mie look sa very ftollh.'te-if ho vouli talk toMlm D'rt or Mi« Raeht-uoho bad not e ut, perhapi, for ho la voak, aud neitbi4r etthem vaouhi nîh bAu*a geaiL "Gond vtto-goosi Qe!' sai lbhe major..' "But if b. weîuld keep aavtf or a vhl amoingt - bis <'vu people, or fi yen vould take hlm evnyta la dar, ho vount mecs b@, oh! soeranch, àho botter for fit" "1An Iyen weuid. ho giad to sue lb.lami cof OTdon't likA thal 5o poe s-lovt' sailthe major, dntfuliy. again. " 'Pily ilaskia te love,' thé prnverli ays."il "'Oh! 1 eau id nover l]ove 'hlm, vlth allmd propémty aI bis baek, and !ail.hm tino mebber sutnds~r te lovu me evoh in return," crient Ruth Daiy."'olle na epeor, voak, vimky drinhing bey, who vanta a, geai uncie te look after hil. "Are yau !auigbing et me, Mim Dalyt" "No, I am very fflrieuu, Ilshe roplied, abat ths F.iwiu Tonid Tuas bieà loft le mn viii bo6 mumh, and an bal; grovn viid. "Re bas vn'dha <'va wav et home,'muad bli'l Thero bas hiion no on&o care -for hlm, sud ho As careas in cansi'quence.'- "Xi bis ovu tanlt" -""Veur; for yen ors thoeguarianof hlm, andi ha o spcesnd ud srs you. " ýý ."1Yen are un extruerdiuary yonnug veman," '-xriaimud. themajor.*"Toan qbottin bave been fl a botter position than ah Ibat i'eastly retrenêhmeut ceunter. By Jovol bore cm I roeïinq aivics, instead of giv- ing It." - :1 rrunf.t ~ ~ ~ ~ n, o! yicutii, ni rsl utly'î' nauu obr nva,i îe -' -".'!-Oi--, j <'wicn Viieil, h menly it'f slilnit tiin gnî' vi.'. îî ,h d b m onto lhuri'h. s moàamuiete mb tYen.> v "I 111f1. -itrsu4 *îrtt. e&n "Tbey n nu l migh otell yos l~s -î ~ rn rt'îîn1i'ni ptu i l g'i'n', atsi 3-ou hine rtgbî toiasaste," uMM tint'h tpo5a. t 3<y13< 1 4 saI't<Of îsanîn i 'ly t-rke en batthor eie anikepiCba ow nhn3nno u Imnua-Il, ai Ma..Dail, raving 111sXrieIt-uap very prôndliy -,I.xttke yMtlit Üé A thg va. alvais d.ilculty vibh young iOM rslin glleb tiht -be dislodd. "PUSoIImeïebo1 I bd a rîght,. or@ fiting place thnvos 1<go. l.l'c," sa14 the major, mMmauly, "T rmntsebcasLseva s- -fal ! my toplç," casthé ,'but; l'am net fl at tiiown eoay, 'gBtliAivi.bshoh ht'as tn, 5 MtrnlhVeoig$an- saitUhrlcaly. lIenw.y abu Atiyarl*&ya thereEntais; yen # baie e tpsvcioi70e, yauj ly, qt MA!". hnov Ye00rm" Md mai. Crawavwe My $grl, -Mta1 ty On« *th ot le Igta i i~, "Wbo Î014yen so? Moubot" askod hk. bavem i IflISof ie o! dle a MA"ag Dn'l>. ,sPPOaor e>Mny mulula""ThngSae mhn*." *velyv vWe1,"alée.mao dmmine nustom. ixw moher*BU I bave am sIu t o psmhlmg th hi, ýà M#Is .Ib laiUA MM@ eFt go a*y eh@e vunWespy &bout yn- 1@Sabout tMY pMvMthae ehma I~~~ hae om l I «SLt j hwm afi yen bail formed au et- LOOdOiifPtW otb at et. 'usfine wltbhM lsol'IEM g I tu1b"ette>-r». dow a"mais ebat bhUSI" . ý ieUe4 té ihe M& o! tlto.1mi mwweitifwue doé, aM vha uoblef COUlé "Ihuisdocaust « r" hkWtMA, lmB They «ée Ilsagq mW f«b urlatd n or n ir<*.npba. trs prrfee'iyawam, m.oet ail itwmmS se ~tiO> bsi M:u-j.UrqiavhW'e M"lDi olrg lltt Lugbed wlsiyUt U'fImup'mebUSIi Mi-*s »aiy bai "Vom, sa àW8of 0f U 6aOMM*d m iuii that ho 'euMfWrfrona stralgt- "Ile toM 705 mw'lI ngh, 1f hmu a iS~ltsuç Ilêto 54' ~'eiIs fovamirths vm nebeinxis bouitt bo glvm O 4mldp his 0 Moot uagMS iiUsuiT lt'l likê M= M M iiafltbush 1". hie imace lie l. ufoiI bis fUaIil& 1 it hootre 111 naIe e WI eu nIiho ôes tof 5 101tomime th" és ye wee bu MI% Naj, Il feyer bu iMM A IFO fod bw lmi, 0" é 'eltW# a qm of etAnu m' of _«bv ait. h a uYuoi lPAM mr Bel#' goum lm .uilsf WIuh ii. nu i'wu..brl*àrg 101.BsLmans s', aagr à" aiMYle.ik. , l Ooli!mug aS ali fmrlowwl, Z*M fW' ~ 111,iT n4 M. 1o Tom MM" 14eia agammante -robl yn e .5meofb ~ r~~ ~Te maJor hait dmw aide b allqv.ba Avw ta pPmMdMd su Ih altand ubM" M4,u ly -hGpE« i Aq% d .... ààmiwW &= h yau Cà"e<i ëfhgWbm~ MbMb~? «lbUVW RO uhOM4O«]gos, OWS blorIreil deavwy <pis bat det #B a aewf U@hlf1 aeet" ha si ia» I o15n W ew u. hé ii mIr wS~c JYe aiy" M mlitE mWin nud P u197<1" mum it os M a * a.fg 1 b as-' eryw.omomUs bewbar-e yewt**bmw » WsÀa*pevy - IJVb#OUI0.W 0<y 'Vos hww- ~ ~ I ,- W uegbvb udUM Ldme vg a.gbr lu 0 dm i-,~ . Brittou Bvoa tlng ie ohie lw.hamao cout. 'Ibis ina acasa vhee, yIMMltadmit, experiurie toila. Nev, Se vwMi demy 1'vo i'aa ah. experionos, doa't yen hnev. Thor's-jumt lot me ila-thore'a mth- ing louchestea osib vo chordaeofthe .haut --m.il t o aa génomaesa a tesln-M o, apeok-ma a Christmas promt, don't yen know. À nies bit of SUbir, a teat article cf Jevolry, smre lAdy tuinket or, by jove, sa d Wateh aue ail apprapo. Quitolihe ltng, rdem baley; the &binq 1.asure yen.Pople kesp t iblUgvoinlusighi. and by-the.bye yon a" at Eritons' vhat yen liko. Voxy dosant plac and b"shaz ouha - iOjvth oxcollmi no- tions ai traie ud mânon. Yoa oc deoeu ilim fad BrttogË.- We have for some time said something to you of the Com- pletenesa of Our 'stock It's a point we are particular about -particular to have it so. Not complete in the sense that we have a lot of- gpods too costly, too expensive for cou.nty of Victoria buyers. But com- plete in. th at -it affords ail the opportunity to buy an article beautiiul, shapely and pleas- ing at different grade&s-of value. To those Who. may be un- acquainted with the*resources of our.stock we'll say that it offer8 a .completa assortment of- reliable Jeweller's goods, and at prices quite as low asi other reliable Jewellers offer. This is a gift-giving season and we are a git-g,"iving peo- pie-if we are anything. It does not aiways follow that a gift should be severely useful, not ornarnentaL, Choose your choice-but if we've the op- portu.nity to suggest-;-come to us. Without being too categor- ical-without being. too prosy -et us hit to you what Wei'va to offer. WeI' show the newest designs iii' Silver and Ilated Wares. L'a its,-'I'et-a-Tcte Setts, Ai-. diýviduial Grtitts, Toast Racks, Gob- lets, C'nps,ý Frut lKnAves, A"nives, Forks and Sp <ons, Berry Dis/à:, « Crut ts, Goff.e and Tna -Pots, Creain and Sj'rip Pitchieris, Sa/vers, Cizke Blaskets, . C;d b'askcts, Butter Dis/z- e:, Vases, Sugar Bowl's, Pickles, Napkiiz Rinigs, Gasedl Goods, suc/i as Ci!fe Spoons$,, Soup. and Gnc.i,î Lad/es, Pie Kniv':s, cake Kùiz'es, Fish i i-.es and Forks, Citu/d>'ns' SŽnets, <'tC.- 11 Turning to JEWELIY,-and its au iuteresting departme'nt, -we have: Baýtr-Piins, Broocles, 1:attr-Rîngs, Fwg;Ier Rioej, Lomg aud S/hort kkriltclh &Gar<tsý, 'zWck/cts, Lockets, Ceosses, Bracclets, S<tts, scar/ pins, Vst C/tains, Cliarils, and .S/eeve WKrCHSs from the plainest silver to ornamented gold. OUR SPE--rCZiILS /edding. L& addition to tizese ou>t usual ful/l Une of Walthain, Etginj, Spriiie/d, Rkockford, Ilai;pden, etc. Watt/tam andJE E/gin in go/J andl/ed go/J4- ini coin s/e.Open and Huuting. Key and .Stem 1 Viindinig-, Insi.es, /anrc eali u sma//ndn m;edium, 't//Z bbdyiuigrthte /a/eut impoins / evrery iJetai!. Th'nJ' arm,/ ~i/ci ýf.' n.'Ct/ate inJL"* I /ormalici , Me mios: - p.rect su fiis h anid d/esig'n, aiidtie *>sot satisetory iii e very way ot any 1Wýatc/tes sa/J /ir t/teprices at whuc/et the arc quoted. SPECTACLES AND OPTIC.Z~ goode. We are tlwrougldy equipped il, t/a rtespect, and carry ag n comlplete stock of Spectacles and Eye Glascs, suited to ail agis and con- ditions to w/ici: g-tasses are apptli- cable. Then we have tihe most t/wr- ougi: and correct system a!f--fittiig- no vs Ue (111101g opticala. iLet us sum, Up our busines argument. 'Buy from ns. Weve a stock that's unsr- païse& ini variety, beauty of design, excellence of material 'and artistic workmasiip IEvery article gives, evidence. nE these qualities. If yodive Christmas things to buy-at ain luour line-corne tousi. ~BRITTSI115. 8W~w ULB n FILI YOD R.,PANTRI, IwoZ TW EZ5U0 Good Uh eePltyaKaIeyUltis Lo CNETMS IBSCI! ~r z~w ~ w. lAi,. aUiz thie tMmga tAa go t. maAke up -a ClwAas.a Spreclansd we aok vut. busg e.rIv. OHI18I STMAS TIME TEAS, 00-FFEES SCAR Curr "%its. 1,189 Fig. Pure819M& IA suitable present-a p et be appreciated- A SUGGESTION.i wili be one of ourHandom COLOD AP, -X V-- one of our Beautiful China Tea Settq. a USEFtTL 1,q DINNER SETT. or an attractive TOILET SM"T. _____________ILet us~ mention our flne lines of FANCY CUFPS and SAUCERMS, 31alolica.Pieces un d tdass Tea and Water Setts. WVe have an ample stock for a choice. Our DT.YNER SETTS, complete in different patterns and aseortment of pieces. See these, it will pay you. Handsome HÂNGING LAMPS for 82.50, and Colored Hall Lanips, very choice patterns. TO 0UCHING -1 ge We take the lead in TEÂ& Our Teas are work- ing their way into the homles of the people. Our Tes S-hould be on the Chfistmas breakfast table of cvery home in the County, and we shail endeavour to t.o place it. During . our buying of the next three weeks give us au cal * ~Cmowt& Centma j oeW Llnday, Dec. fil, MS.-22.. S. K KetherelL-Little Br.itaiaz. r') Q Q z Q Q Q I _______________________________________ R. Kylie. Au Exciting Campaiga. KYLIE,THEGCAND I'DAT ýE »IL mm mmoNGESO TEmm1Mau GWnenm,-! offer myseif as -a candidate for yuprfrnce-in the SLIGH ÂA" CUTfER1MRDE. I rl N'Y go.wrMy Stylfrh iga, to gain me your custom. If you wilfVUùr me with your custom andinfluence you'llnee regret it. .The political cotest.is-ow on, and it is a sure thing that the voteM that eleet the succesuful andidate will be driven to the poils* in vehicles madie by &* KYLIE.« fi Ihave a splendid stock of' .izt-cloasCm.tkiS 8lf#h Fan» E.fg ma- ta&vebMeles tAt W <e on mws<w. 1 make My' Primi to suit the times. Yen can't do any bettier if you walked your feet >oL tur god r owl wn that I expect every man who reads th" and, neei a ffltte wil be here as soon as he can get on bie boots. In the meantie.wheels mre stillinl use, and 1:cun mupply »ugghe K Duo@*1. Yours conaiderably, F:- KYLmýIu A good stock of Dry, GooeU4, weiU. delectedin alit 1t branchea, Cl4eaper thastê e ver. Oua x MILLIME E PAaT* . A. tuIl stock on bad. ALly arderà% ieft in aur cmr will ho promâptly attended ta. Our MEAMAILE Stek le CeOmpltee OUR Gago.imEAY STOCM ., Fali and complote, elu.ap and uond. Sm O ur Tom at 5 lu&. for $LO.00 OUR BOOTS A» K0 In great vaeety, from thé boat nuftmu, fat Lmdics, Gents, GirIlà, Boys and Children. Came. and examine Our stock belore pUtChýsSifg le ewhem. w skate e tura t wt he msr aVur ' l. patona e twei. os uàduigar Cismins &if Hlghent iprieltrPraduce taken la exohago * Your obedient servant, di. 3w» ffm .ievi. ittie Bilt&in, sept. 251, lm8.- U. « e re anaeoeraordiumonwra. Ian. véry rtle,. I fear." "Not et -111; cint.mntioni," ho replied. "like ud"nems of thfiq kind; It 'a.eu e gentl. Yon*me traightt.orwnrdM, if I' ne" "Ah! 1 rmmmbr. '[!i ut Il!.t uighb yeu vote not strciglttrvard, ansi yen iWre of- teruloît. Ton a mtiniuo4.) N-7otice te Py Up. Ahl imar1 indetd te S. Piamsant elthor by note or book account, are rqesetefi te o offhwt.I.t B: B.Tei.l7. fiR I STMIAS. CET. YGIR HOUDAT DOM: FRTS 1