i. Gig~~ 'I i~ jxy 78 DIAMONDDE o..eN, u«Daux BmV ;~~ ~ffuwRef~t Air P=SÂT.VE r, DCi. 17,1M ro~ OMPILAINT CF SANTA -CLAUS. 4101t llit.lîîte' tlE'fin eh(, fmm' Uit b O' t tL f 1' ttu I~i fit t' u b er Mjjjij.i ,îwrry -fié îîîltlnri tt ttV. 'A ît ti" Ar 'lVf' <ai tlilnwela sd hall ,Xuî'I~c~t.iiiflanm andr jltais61gb -0, f "hîr.'îlip ,aîam i-lovqrsand sudclaoe Nly ui ft itbm tt, lfit.'¶ 'A, i id W ir p et *unhî Oshe îrkug lcn n r' th' tn lerIn ! .thnîju o! l ey% -btt.% 1 .'. *rrt*ttL. hpid ' tttfmpp d s Min'r.'î.rt'lrit *('>, Ihty u'irt'brelit ud ga' g1 tilffrivt ('an ld *uirl tbeypull:oMy volof sb' huwm trm iac nd ftmiIk 11l autfIftltline ttliihI doLS"l f07 Abd titi. Viitki. temm, utab 96. ii-ii, tf tht tuî' Ig le nht d L Io aotiv la Ayn ' rýlinltt flagif iV: Ityht'~îff ~t~swiitea i 'tIàpUUJ. SIbSr Tfhi w1. île UIa'.,tn ;thon. i h Sug t - ifh't ti 14, <t! fr.ii tc10' M4y rayl4i 'nîuîehisaWttl girl. udim mé5y gr.a n-u kiwltur bydmb fru' î oirupost. r iaa àfrniimtitè- -llyi *V ilratisI.eevr an teyd fnOp bsljnir 155 HmiêtUBfl Bt al Ah uirt' isnit'id.l 1 nxà heUry itià ',le'v' i IIi 'tiy aloroiil cntpte .qyà 1Abgbii e nd~ 'l' siti sâ, e. wr>stoubt f(ifSMS Thot loi, by poi. tr itiwurtlisltype. iWtii t' wkeîî. nyfetw >n"mfMsd womai t.thut iftt,àret b hettmy Cdol' ànd tbeU rnof *ylbdQàJMOureOMM WIsr , s l m 1 0.0q, ~ Il ov, Is*e m , eol b. mu B lu sa'mm i o uua1 i gos .. -i-- Tht' next, uîuî'nrax ma(!Iirittaiu nt i eoItl atirYoi o<t. 'hlth arp wmillt hIovltg-- Bruttonxlirltmm:' w'tfi hr, tuallu'd oheo foi Itou.. ho arc: thinly r'lnd. Aller break faW. I st«teddown te see my paovMteaby tW Irivor. Iwantd t» help themn, but ýal 1 codd crnîrI cliebt asclph.v la compari so mowith at hart staondy beudom..Bul 1. dutilet ivAt the plmeasur Zoluitiezps stno inlu setugthelr impravel ndllloi i. lm A soo hi latsbnd me ita lvsC ., muet "M icb uneà tiamepa"aat cwuCk a i dghofhlL Ne da» n smSlt Chas trml mm 1 ,d a h om " 'il - -~ * - ~wwU 'mA I~ ANA~Z NOWR. AT. Tu~i 5'~AEM~ Zp A,~D - - -- - .~.v - -- aq . -- U~ 1ê~'~ I ~ amwu ~rw. - -~ - og ký Uug-e -à iaON m isup a m IDu nt. o bs p ar tMIn 1 dm bou pan se ns..~m. . a tas,, pvoaly 6mev ba e " baidessUS sel t là lepovuly. BU doim bêlee Dosm'@ MUIleOf titâriver haut versscue» romm dovai1 houa.about choseonue1IWbal eoe fl M in ss rr ramod sel mi dlrlyON&i dla ptadn Uis demt i r Minadogmlllbs op ing go<1.oo morftlng 3tiSS two e ysm botre Chpmstau1.I toterminsd to go out f bl teousd buge the wueba. Ihadul t,-iO far' Choit 1 mt m(;SIawitY" - at Thot ces chitt 1I alint mhou amy speech vu. withcut bridie, for 1 balbim na h est Ife- caïàa failut ti, broicen dco ~urn, vitri louedma egenulleaisud umoved about; W11,18 A ttoi.ttit inlwslitu ait il"di&. tritittl*d roîiiiuiutra'.:s. ne alwayti memeri ta i»ie a -friglltftt1 exurweioo « anciety'. a-- thotigit ho baW the diomrtion to:say bt t ile It frot't-d uMy pzogîwiVO uspirit le n Mn* hl ,rrawllng arnni rstifig hie, ventlitéea turc marier more lttIlljq#t sud, husier p..' P".> eym .Thé day andi geaerationmae . youd litra, MM rdi). mnisl, Mand boesJh thia' tbresaet rail keeplng up this relie. of fo;ytaittit1Idespiseri. hlm go Iuartly 1 1puI4 bartiiy ntpeska 'deceul gond mcrnng m h. pamtx nei 1. thanaiho ft " 1ha Idllitee bIii» toutIlb-ho dcltivtàted 1h. trncmuous af- twillo<t gtad.inmeus sun appteanceo f paUtwie andi wtrotneumnier aight,4 and tobtamsud rvaaly returia arile for a frovît. That Very habit m&adehlm delestablt to li.. . .I*bgin ta tiîi abut nl hm u.-I eait 41ong, lie haW only be-mn in D'onville a conuplo of y'arii, andt. 1 haut nover bioaîdf bif tloii t aytillg Ibt dletrlbute tracu sd prviela on ubuthe Ût erurll(ors dOwot y "i Milla. J<ow tttenlt it as timoe o a alihiiu.trL -rc'nrdingly my- lirat work on frtàiilig Iluri 6111mîivris tl wrttt3 a hal «,oltmin ettitorial. articleion ' treligilun trouts," in whkèh the pitactlco <f tl.iwt dtlaotrbutlig reeived nierliod c.igsilon. 1 drow a phitu'o <ofthe lypical tract man, of vhichi- '%k-r vas ltee. WO, whtohwaan eauate omtehapai uDoonville any gnmtntha>r. Titis Incisive, sud I1rnay »uY "aloi 1,',» artile> v,, hfrb waa certainiy a flaming MWÇu'iiiti f rtiteoua crtb againt t he tract trit rirlty, wvasýA dora lte Chrialùmsnum- ,rI'l tàaUrt,t ot it!imy soNtearrrfor pov- ti'-y ait lat i s ai nti$li t l i'rt. itIN la eliglittul lotit itîn. 1I lîid thm îo il ob i hïiussaail lnx-kiaiir ~nantltflrsAvki V' 'uibe lu-t (mn '8111,4 Iîiwiurt4lt tint'. Il wC na - i.ate <ef ~diaàpld.altii un hoiuloeu' thal t, tuownor hoArn't eïëit tluglàel it Woth hu.. ho u*ut ls up. Tho rt*ult cA s tSit cAstâtnantect. vithott is ;ormioléon "hving beîîaskoni. A tainily of luit tSriuul.ulnv alminntxl, chroulcsUüy i:dlaul, hidead crv.tureWho haîd been é.raving veeanrid in vontont wagons nirawn by dyAW 1bos, Ld takOn pa.euion r t b lypermlreloù t ie eetyi Th.y bal, -mathod Jonvlle JusI80 as ir bisslà c rumbls B te. Anegorabe, muid> bere Chey vert, dc, fîeestiig, utarnisuaitdying in agte of dentutieti unppraalblo. I-Ntuw tbirnîîgli the windowsitt h ouse Wast lniabitcttough theb.only fIgUre 1 cODUl use mruvinX abouit wv amare gbosutlike than humait. linWpri4o.of. nilatToviflg Sa imatch l karuekcor a<tir ttitc. ,A mateh! mscb à tlmlig wama là foàr cIf l, uîîigsaed ut liiury te th. fiuniiv wiiiiu. Tlàoraw'49neithar lire. nor 1ti ltai -t1,11Q use, ai i be wlnd, tho rata and thu ashow came lu-at VcllU laroucgit h. glaisiora cndow& . Bsvmum'pasonnouled abat the véry ici,titl s copre wtt poverty 10 miake lits v-irka cmroUie? lA s*ioeon muail "atoitunodeath hayecm the floor, hig bond on a bundie et dry l.vc& Tiwo famiajhel -hid.ron, AIl nM festoie, cere ou 1h. e Smitance of a lied liitanother corser of te'rrom & very (.d. coman ne swlpoam' by lte aide <of lb. aick thiltl'it n ose ematii- ad. andS mlssr&b1e motter 'grOPel about feobiy tryligBg t gve help Bn 1theohbers. The Mo». wos clumet 0 ve, anylle, go qpest of let Wvs. a van d ragged litti. girl wAit delieste features milbig. aid oye.. .' f xtfi ad, d 'dfor them, and i dait a1 eoulnd for Choir immorýliale relief.. Thon 1 rualime 'the, orne ot Tb* Trumpet andi *raboituOjei scnof: eth.tu au woîilrl lu sry B isupslgn d ivey o ,0 &No, , mmg.t!ell tbe Lord That a&U my III. I tauighRis watt; That04n IguaMhI"., --né imewth ail; Ibut tho mimimalsk. The idm l)Ivine." "0 angei! 11 iad lky tit Gret burdens n tnefor Rilo isb; That R.gn lumine.", "0 wattlng soul!!thoitlunat not brou The sigu D)Iine." 'tgoweet angel. for titi' Loàird I IcUS114 lti etMA igate 1 ba ve' ot got "i aguDivine." TiaresAuffou m eBia o biisemms Wben GOM croslsdmam'Ne oOMMaaide BIs ageb. tnv# isthm on earth a&Mguide hlm ln bit ways, go that ho mtght have a fore- tas* of tho biWô b Ie .lt no = But mmt sougbt after smma Joy in the placeof. ltaomin haeavOM4 aunI powlg gesyOf eoeldly fruAtaobegan tm quarrel wtthie nelghhors for Oie pa.mnio<f lbom; end lte gustrdiau n e!. wepl aMong ibernusiveL But wben tbôongppco tshe venait' boit from. thom by ftorce .product of their toil Justice roseup srwl ngw tsudeaving esr low isebecgb@ be 1 î.An" choulte veut overme lte utvegwlthbuy anud dmcil, suiS glot umhoby cunnlng chat thq fearl btiae .by foeuo TrUStnu os p smwug, and, levW4g srIt, 8mkw ha* to tuau. Am wbehu th. iuluy l vW"tfort& ID ay Che!,bffiumU, Md aChmomd unl plaluwl Ueb'brottm~' blood, ?emm 's op sorrocng aMd, Issvbte h. esrthf&e tact M boat me ma u Oum lg» wSk% ucU pVoegve.ut.smm$ chou eh* lesal Aussesea" .. hia b r ", at hat bl a .Vi 'nm oue tem,ie rosA up sorrowihî- ani skmA "I ciii Mt havA fie entb. WhdI. MY *» mW* .wei'eboe 1m 9bavew 'u* la amy Pter'. bornns, fWrmamo del me na" but nov stket bhave dut,1 wuiimet te mou MK nom fO ýMlVoNtu eut ~ta ~lamb hUmmi tnCea ~w aa bM lte u li sdf ut e fl g bu it. 1WM Md hlmd i a St, * I&bc Mg ilau i- aelmaimettoi ammy ~mtg .. WUç - me. Tbe u"et u q..m Micasu1111tandtug Cars cas" KMachl lb doce. ometoe, chou I c q"ltoMSerber 'coulfm noeordatouula. Ike lmàeit *Yncamigo Af700 cIW .ltaCtrds 1 lot apt9sezcOM lss thelbproee e t 111 citlld'stuerie.nsurOMW. , -But holp meu.te, yon yoserdayl" gad My heut slultng Ms a poawiltlty I1usd n10e« r.boigbt t cffluht Mb y nt 661101 -Itemaitawo ha usI tgomoli- caMe su a.very kinil. H. 1'tyod.-by lather al uight Msd cag omtlY way &a utile cwhile;but father <lied ylieb. vasgone." -Ait d-dld--dld--mbody ee ed ey»te "obody glas," ushi 1h. ChI, loklug OP uurpt'td at ibe questioll. I tell tahmed t'Ogna Msd fmm Itrc dlstrlbuior ln the prtoiere of lte dagi ho bad omfo~ied antiwhom I1 bad let for others lu Mugreoied me vitit gentiltinu.., andaw Z campi h ul ithat coofu Ivullng I hnwarlybeul baehlm luin éItabaouau. W. culwu$ gt4lgehthrnplanfor 1h. funMram aiSPure -fturtiwtealfor abUlV- lng. "6éTndi a sSg*OcICc t heyoai crote ablout ltes. people,"iho mtian4"su I hau yen, for otitercs 1 shoul" net have kuocu 'nf Chir ezlauce luintime obn hat. hep Wheou tbey nueddil angLt sih baOb&=I1rememberei My Article ou ruiiu frauda, cf ch 1 tI 'ad heen se proutionly tee dlays.betore prom thal heur wv o me carra fionda hn atuazoent aI rnY formier Concluions in regardl t .hi,,,, Cilamityl, Parigor, indeed? Il wouini bave bien mors ttug be-i 1 naed hlm Beneficoulpurker. 1%l11fowvusa boue' dlclo-uiobtr"uve aud mulmdnylng; ho gave nf hitl.abundat syupalhy &M llender vorldly mm wa lihobatrenerve. Nu. cas bit nte e inhg patieucoAn ti scee Ofm et iA te cloait of hypooeay, but lte resulIOf yeffl orf spritual' asp iran d diétcipline, chich 1 bave nver pI begunM talu.HlM habIC t dlstrlbuting tracte waft nmeIY lte Outeard mnanifetation of a heiptul spirt-. babt .contract-tA ia&byIIO d&ay among simple people. Il hurt nnOurî. For *aught I1mevo àl mty have beuu.ltcil". 'ni Wlîy uhould I sauna.' taI becataoa wu:i hart aua inrilln- sive habit, ai whîel, cit.1 prvcl, aIh. ,wun&atIt subjectln be in6.uttâd--iu 1h.publie prinCes, derido tK chid hbbCk Mdnri susoreri aIt cbho h.casptms.nU, 1$ eau the Igo- ranceu t ul, My tlIaIlrâlrelt-yui, evucoaa- fident yonlh, chicli thiit. ilAtkiows every- tblng ani Ofton kuocsnotbing. 1 b-i tot ten Icatiiedt baa -b onie:hbids oc vaY- orf delng goal, a"d bus its rgita, ico. Neiter bad 1I.leanedti ttes oolish mand wckeri Bn judge people vitosegosi vas co de ual 1mev M an eamuI uo-or Bn Jutigo Mal. Itwcasoanme Un.beiors I Ot over rny sur- Prisem aC hapatyit hef .ptilsutbroplatf 'Docatife i regsrd BnosI eretcheti tamily. 1 cutas IotlO ms nudastmtd bhy Ch«cUld sut their ChriimisadAiners ii cnom tor, i e resdligabouthLb.distreseOf Mise poor01018: lu th old boume.1I dlimt ltei -buoc tiat people uàtOe B ueing ponverty are lower 10 leul a belplng btaid thai the le se-It evory-day; 1hM chou ce have mot ithe poa g4 aysvth la m orgu. hu Bn hbe eve. qdn so8smetùms grW very, soiait. Gana=GàaUuou. TiEsidrNDIVINE.. --m Sifeera,'tht. altlng uge id t ".Wbat aigu latthIntr' be hly car nMy blood va. abêt, Mannabattie't heo"my sautas psi; - i¶ caMnel ble thUe gate tfi Vrignlite .thin." - .To holy conta I gave My goiri- Ilbual u n Pim.ll tiify vorb ma grad' but, hou hastDM ti60 1ol!I ave ntely brougbi Tb* rectoud of thet dies1 votgt; ..Neot Ua! Negt tim i !Tbo un iSyes ,1W 6êCatlel.angel! telîthé -King 1TbM fou hlm 1 gave evertblng; FINItINO TUhECEMUST5948 ROME "If au il tht'Motherà ln the o riri ere dylug tu a-tlrd tti l ittcwrîîld not cmm Il mairi 1h. boly, biLariy tniw thua-k m lte Vas- 1.y, stva-'; tbvt'o ve wiU fini goal pPeople, wititl 1litirt4, WlilOehere s tano cm tri .: for mt'l 'lo <suni' M-ho(1:xvesfnr unevenboe eriet t LIi' tte', %py'ii it-fie CIrisintawross, amîtl intinawîlit t tatiseraped *0 it Sau dtîei îh(.'klA tht'ut. 'Weu ad forgotlou t-ti 'lrju hîltl, aud iiît tto-uuorrow ta Hlm lilday. Li't 1n. taire bbc uromest() the (littitt'i, anA tiia'ro prxy t at aur mothers liM Maxy Wii' ; roV' ý;Otilay liîtîsteutxd down tau 'Mountalin telte villwao imrel, lîre' tlmî'y iuntitho gond pastortuusy triiitîig tiari<airarfor the Cbist. mus letival. IHokiho lowers tutti puB eheit, witli son,, feaUthery 1110L4, uto s tait whild van. Thon lh. 1melt it ti the r'hildren sud prayed for Q.ecr 1notiaert' ie, anti'-tii. T<î~riumoIthn~on ttir atenia iniei a. tiongit te guI ,aakedfrt'wer@ alt'enry grated. W1jtîh ly returneri home their -ather mol thu t, itho <auor'antti er'aiued jayfully, "Tii . lever bas timd anti your motter As botter. Thantk Goxt." S Theoîliriâtias roumbad fufflel ils dSay. Ahi, me! the. bimu'k pie eaurighti: 'W. ers all marde for a es purpoi, andi vo sha lexrn what it la in Oo«às <'vu gool tinte *The (Chqist5 ua mla nota tuse. l>longu te thi. fainilir Hillebon', bWlnt ie1ll.oie, no ea cabr from te volur rof lt ats. ls largowite fiowî'roiamarcprudueed la winter, sud igrava oniy lu colel climates. -Tb& dowers.am chito or tingeS "Ospwlt iar! [1cannai me The aigu Divvi Th"atth ie hsvy gatt.for hue." '0 &NgelInes My agouty FS ËaiguDivinte.' "0 haçw uai!mi te Rale m wins ie, Vrm the aigu lthe;end nhe aiguDivine." £ang up te vhioe aid the hoily, 8i'.nuîlwit' a'revr te door. Thatjoy crîmin,, la wlth thehi*tUuE IIaygo frumteaePiao eumcm. flatber lou" SUUtafor the hdrm, Guard co lb. myalosiMW, Tbu the Christ cildcoumas lte tl Go Yb lu bondmihhwmy, bUse s orldo"tthe =4t -Miae.ctia'tabgi .1U age mti cgwue TUE CHISUS RIAIL 'x lin, a cqUP cnie of *9e Etim Ai pa bescntix t!ae shade acf= Un cl lk plus, grue a Citristinusrosm* Tho tmmer Mba Ml and aa the tire uba<lybal omm, eb ia i chiÏ blziwo andi lte ane fil1andmalte hardy 11111. tuoùnuçarom smlatiIo bu&s."Doar me fr.tdlte ros, "I dit I ouil ýblos 'uhe alirplnt dTitir ould.b. men pl tmure La daplaylznnaoftr tedetiy binae cç.ntài ot s1h.e ttIy e'-br444,bu Lu Dh o aclin admire me,1 ai--oumela iiîuiAg t ail.V bct! " Itangiteilu <I.plue, avlg bis îh',y rw. 11!bol chata"111'gem- lun.The% ujowuelêîwlim kl"YOU. Toui ita<il« Us tte wbleeadChrAi. child, ani t:t:23lite dra-aIj*aàlfSmec, 11111. blond, - i ' , iy ur'liviîn c, i Aterf ct b amoms ; r, r1 *A-il mwatdeior wethe urâum l om jJctthon the. nortà it nd lecuso boulIbo olti-p)jiiawu& quite OUl of brealli, 0" fer "l ,Uthe corlti la de-i ecep Om ie lu Md nu',"ntrmurdlte rose, -"anti perhaps I bal beltutr follw ls adim t 1 fwIu smatie for a wf-'m )>irpoaeI miai! not bai forgoCem" go e@iu tuok gond cue <'f bmr bautitul budeanur tito lay before Chrlamnuathe. back pin. sac bei' lltumomu, ewhite sud perfect, peerng Up through the -chite me. Nàowu the tIco 11111e oblldm fEa tKlolsý. lb. coc ecItter, wers e.ady heai'Cbroken, for teir manier cas mlek, and Cat mot'ning tbe klnd nelghbor ethart cIatched bly her' aide Ibroagla ts iglit b.d adit, "Gori py Chie honte; I tsar your motter v iiid. before ni-mlt.1" Tirirfablier'ast by te.firepiace, bkllkrIIQvtia grief. andi anaterealI tem xivii ler lîy wonird u'look w eàoî heiy crept up ta hiit fur cointort. 80eat 1t ey "eloout of tic <(ndon, an, baud ln tend, vartdered a short vay np nie anountaiti@Ude, olkrvng tiae forclre triapum du1thoy camehla lgu t th.o <'l bkak plaie We .show the newest desigus ini Silver and Plated Wares. Tea Sctts, Tete-a-Tete Setts, im- dividual Cructs, Toast'Racks, Gob- lets, Cups, Fruit Kni-des, Ki?',es, Forks and Spoons, Berry Dis/tes, Cructs,- Coffee and Tea Pots, Crwant and Syrup Pitchers, Sa/viers, Cakc Baskets, Catd Baskets, Butter Dish- ci, Vases, .Sugar Boiwls, Pick/,es, Napkin Rings, Cased Goot, sti as Coffee Spoons, Loup and Gravy Ladies, Pie Kuivjes, Cake Kies, Fish Kui-ves and Forks, Clu/ldrens' sSt, etc. Tnrning to JEiwELy,-afld its an ixteresting department -we have: Bar-Pins, Brooches, Ear-Rixvgs, Fixger Rings, L..ong aud Short1 Watcli Gitar/s, Nnck/-ets, Lockets, Crosses, Br'acccs, Setts, Scarf Pins, T/est C/tains,' C/tarins, aud Steeve Buttons. WaTCHeSfrom the plamnest silver to oruamented gold. ýO UR SPE CIA L S eading,. In a&/ieicrn to tiIcsCout' zsuta/ fulI Une of WVa/t/iii, Etg'im, Sprngfi/d, Rxkfora, Hai:npdei,,etc. Wa/t/tain and E/gini in go/J and 'fled goi- in coin sa/iver. Open ami Huiitinig. .Key a nd Ste:;:i inidinig. Insizes, larg-e and sinalI and vidifium,em- bodying t/ te /atest improzements ini evr'ey detail. Tyare the ;;,<ost accu rate in foriutance, thtc inosiperfect, an finish and desigit, auJ t/te most satisfactory i n every way 0/ any Watcfws so/d for t/wprices ati w/uc/tAwy ar quoted. SPECTACLES XXn OPTIGÂL goodi. We are tkorougk/ly rquiped in t/us respect, and carry a large antd camp/etc stock of Spectacles and Eyc Glasses, suted toa/ag es and con- ditious ta w/ddt lasses are appli- cable. 77àeu WC hae tte m os:t tr- augk4 and correct systiwa of fitz'iag now is use amomg opticans. Ut us simm up our business argment. Buy from> us. Weeve a stock that's us Uamsd jm ariety, 1beauty of design, excellence of mnatenal ancl arIstq wrm hp EVery 16.clbgies evidec Of -thèse <quaIiie. If yon2ve Chjstrasthmgs to buy-at auil, n.our lins-corne taum. »Film ivem KYLi ETHE CANDIDATE «M AU l m wu TIS UN1 TieS IE EV AK Gffenimn-I offer mysif as a candidate for your prefrence-in the. SLIGH ANI) TTERTRDE. I rely on my goodwork,,my stylish ri 8 to gain me your custom. If you wil favorm ihyu custom an influence.you'l neyer regret it. The p'it*al conte~tl on, and it la a sure thing that the -votes that et the.aceau aniaewl be driven to the pollu vehiles made by. R. KYLIE. I have a splendid stock of firt-clasa CwUm.. sîoe<g&. rm md <g a .4<U veMoe tlat .14<e on asw. 'I make my pries tsutte times.. You can't do any betteriif you walked your- feet of My ood ar sowell known that I expect every man who reada tua anti needaa £'tte will b. here as soon as lie cngt onhis boots. In the meantime wheels are atill iu us., alci eau pply »uggiea Yours considerably, XY dm UV,"" IL Nr .â~1ater gel dimIt hi. cw-bammerot -tea aMM vont de r [ve hauithne OexwieS. dam't ye tue. Tlaeos-JiS Jeme Dlsl-tbere's mclii ing touthe ite pennive chan" ts thne heut mis it cere - ma se a ff«lgme mealk-as a Citema u nt. don't ion kuow. ,&atmobt t iSilera Dm&t UrtOl Of JOveWry mmrn tidyUi"net or, ta' mv.,a% l sc r aIl apprapo. Qultoe thl.gidur bel;aU"e h hng I ass"urffe Fmu.P=c ekeep ha thbnge ceAi lu aight. m"d bycua'e ll lA" ai Briua'whb" Fou lm. r' aaiplac =mpuah egmsm S dIteuolm n&e sud0em@.Yen.cm% tdo balsa than fida BalCes'. We have for some time said something to you of the com- pleteness of our stock It's a point we are particular about -particuJiar to have it so. Not. complote in the sense that we have a lot of goods too coatly, too expensive for county of Victorid bayers. But com- plete in that it, affords ail the opportunity to buy an article beautitu.l, shapely and pleas-ý ing at difforent grades of vaine. To those who may be un- acqnaizitedl with the resourcesi of our Stocl% wel Bay that it offers a complete- assortmùent' of. relable Jeweller's goods, and at prices quite as low as other roliablo Jewellers offer. This is a gift-givmng season and we are a gift-gi.vig peo- pie-if wo are ariythixig. It does not aiways foilow that a gift should be severely useful, not ornarnental. Choose youz choice-but> if wo've thie op- portunity toa suggest-come to us. Without being too categor- ioal-without being too prosy -lot us hint to you what wo' vo to offer. Pizbliahier'a No tice. RENEWALS -FOR THE -PGST FOIR 1887., TÛh 9Besi Local Pa!ýer Parmers' Favorie. THE POST for 1887 wMl be manandaWt~eetbgla standard of excellence as a Local and rmzs paper. Reaewuls are now in order. Examine the'dates on your andeaIaesad sund in the, Dollars. Subjoined ia a form-cut it out, writing amount name and pont- office plainy. Write your first name in full, and i f you haue a secondame or inlitilal,- give it- CHAS. D. B4RJ\p PropriÙtor 49THE POST,"S Lindsay, Ont. Dear Sir,-Enclosed you will frsd t/te sum of $ ~ýfor subscrsbtions to T/te Post. Post Ofc Ui "1.=L UOKF<>% WHIH OMMENOXES THIS WEEKr:. The story is by the author of "Boetks Baby"' andi "Hoop-La," storles that have appeared la our columna, and- which w ere dt ant appreciateti by ail of o ur subscribers eue dolla will pay to the end of next ear for new sbcieu Seuic li namea now andi get the new storfr Om the. beginnlng. CHARLES D. BARR, ~~»oe, LIEMÂ,0"t Lavame Macthie 011. EccirsCelebrated Ladilne Nv.ciaeOi kt .enienrn t l"uaa%§&MM& M 0@ Tor @MM by -- eJO*EAFbFS& viLL lu[m Zay. -bnl maoxw NÂKINSumm, imam AmT!, INDAm Au Exoiting Os.mpaigz~. iLaH.~ Go~bld~4*~wifr. - -, 7. 1 Llndmv. Dmembu 10th. 18K-2L m F=- KYIE