ijg n - - w~ -, -~ --~ - w. * - ~CIosoéntho bolsof>Lo'ry Chrsù~ OOEITAJ ITET 'EO TH Fi- WEARE HEREOTEN DTOHEFRT AstuImI Jsv t. .1..t. i.Fr. aLIaapadmtE.so. We hope t do Four Wfeeks liuelgtradebefore the lose of tme pIar, Veve no doub of our abilitg tu do it. Vu houe the stok, e>xpreSYy laid i o Themoa paioular Ck àiet uSge viii flnd notking wmntrng. Reod beloeu and 8se wkt ue have culledfrm the gambets Of the ld STAPL UNES0F GRCERIFLPN»PROVISIONS. the 88G80 n. W. bave -made it 1i t a e alLns WL SOT and of soipfrior quafities But kt isflot necesayt nmrt hs.Ali that gotoakupaherlChima Seu nar e erinclding HOLDAY FRUITSIAMI) SUY4DRIES. Show coclusvel tha wehavetakn th gratota t aveit a eading artie at Lead ngPrces; yet we want people wha requit' TEA at tesa value than we havebe adigt know that we bave purchasedaî fne df Tea-Five Pounds'for One Dol lar-that will utonish Purchasers.. 'I 0- II IrImm im"Iaéý ý 3OPwsBab mE..40 E75 iEafu a jsl iL.Ca lob t. a" yCup ain mce Tv. SS upwwd.. m.afte . Man@&U.k w o .w mmIlla.u .<I~ed Ve wSeh ou? pafi'.ntA. eomenae A en.re.p.ehg WSa#<oilk pummwt oMW. , vpvf£e rg g 1 p abon'muw e r "'ef .a, ma MM bi5fe5F5eUhsgrnsVit in. fa 't*"v. A. OAPDNLL .LL~ - .--. ... -. .---~ .- ----. -- -~--.~.--.----.-----.-.-------_______________________________ s- an":I' ?si'r in îtr vfs aie s ppy' M -aits vith. Lady I)usrt foi, ber froi .ri'rp e " 1*s'lant i elîvdve Ilian M-p'r. %V brilAmly ane reorwt'blaInmntr- abb!l (ý.i-4nîimniglt wbe May@ tise» ît a :sîlvnln$to bedotrlvcd fman aceuslonul uîictu .1499Mi~es. James Brook., Us ais itit wwy ln hfim, ber IMagines,4 fram France, sund lga firequnt vistor aI tbe hall, vber Alî Psward ausd Lady fmat are alwaye Làcta wa"itnm(ninl, andt t te.RawMry, a tuilýa sway, wberc lMr. Rerimonsi andiJIIr fMargrét ara haSt Mdss! be, Thome lan ji'u.ty pcu.téas n lis.vllbqeiý af vile Jnhnn W. motbor lJ&lise miels.. Thora olal Nnnilalmt'tdayt vers spoir ts u carr Johnnifl eesa usalor Wa; butga _ermue ymam of sevtalf eau. boseMd asti maia tlnwn" In tiseVillag M bga ansolher Pou IiiltiloAnatle. 1 ail Ue loveaui me-of ber kitifrijewlot cauls! lep lier Ion g vithus. rbm tir«Iau 11.lrli ht! io@My hou a wor vieS It fanai ton rise!fa llige'la A MOTHFIW"S XiMAlîl'S STOI. Mallir and trs. tlShby S&Wve m ,(hbfitna.' ngbt.Twety isappImm lm had .'.tnt togetiso, ama Waone, tor father ri«d bmforeiy ,knev bim;; snd vo bai nove ben noh, anti vesperbshs a 11lime 8015814 for weva lov i sis-herso b*rSlty S v rotikl dceEly uara lime - tront msSoter fnr t'fbfwouosîri elaso vomu vo cam acswa, visa beinpr hllr off isausoumlveo and holding thmAses1v M*erisla, eom &*Omeri Pb noed i>îr iep or ymsyai. wu lied peiynI porf erieglshasvIsonw loveaMd uWho IOV04gg, liais y in mov« iblt#rfosb lween n" s or me lb.eitopplam Swax anly i lbb tIyemrbal Mw uau HM" y bogbl; sud osa Nowv190811 day b. and 1 vrsl ta -ho Mmnies!. rai tha dm maitwha'n hbe,îrauglitme hamineV miber bavîîtg plisiime 'op tram tb. mudy pa*e- mmnt, hero1 T boialaisbrulidMatiblph. ln lie midai of a ei'od, aise seusitui o l hl m b mat, aMdi noer hem Iblday 1@4 o m eejalm sfeeing causebetweu ber asM & 0fiOuM, se vu o Ibo wIt us; oesa loy "nid! sscibave ma amu fôr me vlsIbr n!Use Ofly l*bu dms evedisi vhlb for lb. mommet»w touh bar&wm vm, a veelu befoeMUe bailà- dotes!o Mry.goWin iesefSrChkM~ «G to z lSerMatimoier, loeMat lu" mai mne," Usenid0" mai om1 ala u more obaiceoaifeelIng Yeu. 9 o' ova." AUsci Kar' ,vitlS lc i et I c-mu gdu a e enlug MxOr suda" 1 wm aloe. Thm balbmn nomeWmg li motter% , amaL day whfbi coulti mat sscI undude & M le emet ta6bave sote-I Ing os bermin& Sie w voIoltud«e> er to um, w teder*t alth.nob thatno Mu bai evw r ba mother 111» mine, asd yet mOMetIMM viaz r 6h W obr s eh*ase'ly beaji me. ut bs! quet hipyday- vo lvo vos kpp tgla- n alu Se ovesdt mothermsdo u bechadr buy "1Came sud 0 be, Jouet, ou ourlimUe " trmabar deur?, 01, tib satu!el, Die belng sohli Pl 1 0t9lua a tOry, Jouet, et ycar Me MdM mine. I have nevercuaite o i go yoU2w torm, but Iue a m ti 4n.v-my ch"sudns 1 bave lovi * d l o lral lb..yor-co, 1 *Wbat o«M yeu b.u atfrl a, dear "Ti hl hier asti u," Us mi, pu>. tbg ber baud& my huai, Mdns Ibis u.. pan- '~h' nyu~,yomupr lias you ww very 1nnhsippy, &anti àmAadevWsit- em came ant mirai me Vo marry hlm!1vas bbasa mtmng backwaail ussi orves!to aur baume f«r o»e Uv- ombueinees vi lany father, andi belfeve UaIfroue a, very fumt day b. gv nMY mleiy. W. vois-anst'a uiyihwbwý ý issebaseavybt aspobut if 1, balIm is aboy my Ii*har.*ald bave p .msatiboumn*aoyeer . Z nver voeroti tint ho bales! im MIatnY mbrmouwnet asi fitIttfra smorlu 11 nghtbybadi brautmu p ta fulmgllpat of aim, ast I d bel lutaw y lmok t et lwasun marfel t tisaI vbus nisevaâ etomoery. hiklac e Mmobsiuo htm m nmagelfaellv&U- errasc. fIuwesi h m li nbtently hicl aniass Mntifrgbtssssd; hlm.It Wu, Iuvaiu b.e triai t> mima. iter sud ruaonable. Is vrong ansi foollui, Usaitflveia no bappi. n«iviii. .Vo me la mt briag d . ' ,nt.. ment.1 coud D« tan,aMd t ale .air- leh es muuL . u.141111 aot Ilaftiav, 1 ilu, but ha veut asy adouomoos1y lite wm duic k . .1 wb. oul mIs nubatik but bu nover dtsi.Le Ho mteeoitckl thsO mday bu svrota*U me taV uaf beaU~ e btm Se.Matit me how bW but, bu ol a -, V;l e efotps!hm love, b. Co" Mmusar mstu.heIm tlev. a dm* b low; viwt.. hal~ smobsi me bu hm biMobdier lovrU er -ui, Md;ire M m hai m, butboormeur vw use orarthem , hwwmK lva aovuu but we qusuiebsi 20I colm nermdneat o l«Oei ulm, ns lgrev amokio; Our houe vu nihorble MdtiwtiM a Yfarb. es!. 1 un »o ili go bsuw w lsut hoppouafor a long Ibm. ctbr Ib Mmipn iaupmuad; htome me, ~ ~ffu eteum bUyu c toyusa Id ýLm.f9àmwSu lieu NMvqMý Nam F4br; Nom e 0*ýý thon t Ibomide et Mny Joy yva faoR iD. Dar 'ant nli-ht, night ant day, 1 watchod biyoyn twed-nay, Janet, gkfv e M ntarnaig;lt as Mukh. love!i a u ail int"in t$au docto sud nurge arffld with ma 1. I ed;no$ have you. It wuo foyer md u -..u- ji coum, tb.y saisi. If you ubould recover, niy sUmWgh wulukibe neeclesi whmu you coulti knOW an f011 ( ni'me; but I[would nMt liste%, and one.21îîiht as IsMt bntide youa&U the. rooia pow dark, and 1I 1ew no monm When I re- eovered I fould ne ot rse trou my bed, but 1 fuploird wîth pImwdonate toare ta be taken to you. Then ')me ie îu ramne trwwrd ami aMt &" Infhe idp me and nd o1 my band, sud I saw thit it wa~s Aîîdr'iw., It giwe me nao.rpr1.-A to meo hlintherc. T1ifffly rememberoti that 1 bad beemed to meo hin bkfore when 1wu Il, ant for the moment bis prosence calma "'Mary' lie sail, Ini hiM oki, quiet toue, 'If yosu, I ot (o as 1 tlyou you wtfll ;sad, ubat in more, the cill vfI1 dia toa.' 1*1i uprngup with a screanu andi struoled to go ta you. 'Iy chIi, xny chlld!' 1 vried. *Eho ta not your chilsi-she w mine,' bh. milathat calai toue of truti whieh ba" nover tfl itao ninea uu,-and whlch now plinoai I &a a oa dofiree into My hert, Tus,.sh je inet !Listen.' 111o quiet eaa controlketi me, his quiet varda . ulxdueti m&. *Wb.a you were very 1%1 dyfug,- tbey thonaht, My name wu oftez on yoiw lips, sud tbey ducou andinuet for ma, Ou the neday asobilsi wusbava t>nsaabof w, anti uiy wtt. aniyour chil dia!. "'W. mugt bave hoped for ber If ber baiby bail live&i, "aidthe doctor; aeu4lgave My eh"dto you Cas you uot, beur vint £1bave bS»? "Oh, enuet, My obUs!, hà -us a Oie bM&l ing, m athe. sow S9Matfrm " tbou triedt o beur wu tabou trm me!" At 6M 1 bwin cmothur umeilîqlul. worM, anti love, autM uliaom te umtebe blani sud.blov, but tua few uumb 1 rose froue uy mat md kusaiu à* ber huMa "Oh, mriber, dmar'-my faSkmP, "go sieos!long agom Jumt, deySu lmv "Thon, m vo kWMs «*aabother1 bow 1km In al a ur iIw'w 01happy love dur atoho ant ZIbatneyer bien mno rftageiur. CWRISrWAO AND THE cvmIC. à" cyrtiuagaodturholba Mtaiin My te"ua,1% b nomw etrtaud uu mou1nm . The b». C e C*9 mn cureg ldu â la ômb Î ph la urdne, q« wftit ahoU the l b. nb"mguut l'o vbl eh tbe apllmd*repffle: -Buit hi't it a gsôsl bg Vo bave «Meve 4b.itoiluWcmm où# reIgit i I: O>n bunw sadm aké- bbnu pogle ftàme <dey tu lb.ywjoy- am lâm M M Mm etb bkmg asu mm h*a Mev -a w by* et gr ___ MÉ ~ qet Miauumqa. cm nyrC NaeUno VaW, M sdafl more tovard *0 1-- heurhtas band keeping iV fonder low e l.chfidm an d lb. por Ibis ienlte uemoouWheV wauU wus do w0t *à lst pp Wn cf Babylantiwbo »the Ibekh ooàue bl bair ounme away tu the bonnUftLmM ai VMd? The aimple uuqmiaig tW*Usby- have lasb hin l wolk mm t hasthe erows ot kiMp Tha. in no dangetatheb earthbblg mmb o oo «" by a gwh nI paurauty. 'Wé M ibaven.1theb. aid sqenurgfesand! afew 35m i. Tbe Ruas "xi., ll loti la agy lathe siberlaualus The gaantl olt of tamin. stUliprowla thmb h e .lreew ai great cillesMdantio Ionely country rassi The forke t tague of *bydra-hoades!devgof tauda sceahehre -andti m e.doin& holdm uai g on. The ari th idodtbrouglthe b e rerge. The bol ruet cidhsm.M lmvmib ides tak itOt rrov ln the bom et the ri* anti a, bovek otahe p. ponanti Use id, ailmas' -ý Doat, à manorulablisever. Oh, ,no,a l e innerof Un grisa id voui geIugtue poleve for& day, but Umougl â haeoies*y Usue. - m h.'Mu ai prondu t"am mabmatfarget iast Chrhouu tnosmweàd rat lb a. 5s bave odu liremct-a Mftmoa1g et CWm a@4 Matb eyuf, c, "mw te a,* tmâ»heraim ture cme to-day lthaectib. tmugied ti. l &a off 11mb fro. o» Dives'umbregeom m&a A aa Lan o& bldrauged ti lahme Mt itup -MW *0thua wtnuovlà a, patn'. peannime Thm s we m 't asmUsWola passy tL ta, lot The ecbmgtica u a ehoche ct no*bfsg iirapphditr u uuau fronthnseto duni, b4u et hatbiaaib wMb- ehinsa Iwltb b* mm id Il 09 cemprhm theb uita 67u1c4 ruo Mtmach ap mb, but T1o"ulter ha* aries buh.qu1etChristsa caoi m ae pooplo The bl anti pb.ureet a, wdktl-ldo ouly usphaim , Iumhroff d 4 p.vrt snlb Tine Cbtmm. auâ é* mt bqmpaa'L Tber iy swM lyoun a, mtu& ai aw kii md aw ha by»D 1 , b iM la,: ràu.' a §mg way oitbut*» e M» alm haie tIm Crnp hau100 - m dlucas*Wbae l ý ml &mb ~la vhu!W km au s -- MR K a o% 1W W;bc- a eue eo easiPm mm»;~ <ba;ftth r w mugrm ds bwuui nom61DIML m m akt u * V i**wimgmswasai* el m A. in m dm mae Oum la e- TO THE ELECTORS 0F VICTORIA5 LADIES AND CGYENTLEMEN, I have-the honor to anilounce îivself as a iidt?'r your preference. I base nmv daimls s e .1 ~ rvice-. 1I bave for rnany seas4>ns stood in the breacli and Supplied tlhe coiuxîtv with a rich and varied assortniont of This season I have deternîined to ecIipse :;I1 formser eflbort-. and I ark your votes and influience nii nhy support. I nuiy tate Il am in accord with a species of EEETABD CORUPTION1 that is thoroughly legal andi unattuekable, tu w it. thetua kiii:.z t' CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARKS tUFT'ý4. arR MY LA.Res STOCI-LEARN if Y PRICES. par gftLF.-uoeier Ita..et Neek Mur eLoCUkata" ti 55. f Gigu Tbaoe Faee, ifemr aaa Fer MdLDEN.-aIg ca i DlSi e88%. A z»liM tCam a WaikUgasl kiador a eean ý M s itat of TuM eu" f ank1d% Canise aa" c;eo5y PV o a n Mdhumireda of rauS A Spec<il im eofMueam l mtpuanet&a incltidiiafl fine cbcotmi ccrfr@r4N' M.ith rgaMi, etc. LAE]là=, WlOuK A SPERCIALTT. A L»se umotmesi ot Swttcb, Waven, etc., on hbd or ade to aider prompt iY. U"71 M I . JOSEPH RIGGS. GIFTS If you baven't given Cheias Presents a thouglit as yet, give~1 attentio6n duxing the next three week. The bot.hersomt) (UCtt etio'i "what to give," not "where to get it." We have anuwered the 1ait j tuce dion for you andreply ag'ain AT METHERELISI Hert- are a few hints of what we liave:--, ta t m "&HyaEo Voek ~ muA ug i. ~.@ sud Ub tlima@>E fi ir-iemin alM b i,, but 111.1n r i trl nreit »Mli llfy Mit Mlie bsp,î %rne tA fh'ir t ildl th cat. mo ictitho carn for m i r itfi cW ltshapp l pmmsals1 bave «Ver e«Po. siesseeté lettc reelpt nI a lotbtriaI . te on# dey ehm 1 Wfs - ftrllly litneUti -014, syali lami ltsna-eb 11114u ng-'f~îaviy mtie l fiVramsud lion me wo'mbldngtiss ies«hmst he urne ome,'aussivalltifoi' him Moud&l lMd ptsbu 10, s99wle rneli tik amloep rams ule Por& 111.Ane 060 ow Sbesth"aibai serb» rfl *eA sr.ltiva< DmwL Asayasse o ln- sereallaicone; aSber 0"r, $tebi bu- ! twisufor cnly rcemblssosaIs«Nu i ai- te so obs Ii' A4hm usl sn. Rai.@M -~11b i o em eVAM WtiM e Ù91 t mui Kasweç wwsc s ~UIeh~ 0<bhappw siuhiWU ibsadIuga lf. ww*usfPm liti1 ol e~AS memato b te We cuss ueaiUs eSgasm&.ldin s a POF o!~~ineosnMVJswayo ii, cc' sodlgbi hdnh a is tati Reve (u~hs lutpI.Mamanblu lie' ht.'u, M'smtalf ann %"vI i ~B~ Il~ whlo, OuAs-m y s 4 '1! 'Est wS teucil. vre ans' hav=e q tair o dnimv S-t mdmis rechios. Gr"&a tu therP Jaruafti buaine. ahme t W41 as te il ~.sharp pialcus The rVictori MrMr Jar. J. -pa, se tWoo Mm.Jr stOp, byacel Oable mim.m.