--4 J~ w AAW RV.. wm-Imm I - ~ ----w -w w w - ---v --~- - - ~m -buL MIr A.i a - gu u - s MNK* m *u nt '~ ou t UITetPI Wbt iraA hie 5. lmof -mm~ ~pSW OS. an« »W sol EMSSUfa ommltb buty faT baMLd ê WSIt. .ufm WIMS, 5 OtiiOOi<mIfl ~ut us ~', ai toeIêuuSb.W labh. b aS e'W. l».uInulleu , lI <it <'onMWa lii u f~ Wd ntwWhmm o W, sfrIy-t rf s e Mb', roué& Mm drai utulmm M wo omAP4k1i lW o M1:OerQ walbm corridor t iie am i.l.gvro u «W-If ymwfaie a ~ mp hw m.. TWOWWpubiehum. vsy âushi.et e Io~ab4ihhobwt e, ~ *11 tes At ov!" vluma >otm ot1ehW n.oai. cutai On tefIV'* Vt "aof t' 0W 115br1fU ~.t .e. e fwmelUibe vbWh"ruitm o duwera Sêli y l Ç~.~a54 ~ pos maW iieby ' eé. otee.1u»a abeMY lm * We. Wb _-M'ZI&bail W amduluii te pmwa.iMiot. Stars pealplg bau. aw loin&lam bu.dloh. abi - s r, , ~ yai .vo le r, Sb r WU0110m uips ii fxaW udui 9q s.MU ofl i- d oi f iq pemýt. f yeI:f ceh b" wdUs Wwatin m lbw *m," y mii motfzr*am *11ffif 'c phytor uiir iifid ' nmfty ay lca mtMr. aubfove ia uui mu*W va wiiis u a ffi t1 4ynf.tpm lor. . ird'ely 1610 1ospstu date 0<hi. ene«itis. Tium s SArs! omms b0rud*11918iiYMOM Th"aà* S oy anmcf m M ?'titn i ol 4ye1u eîMYsfon il,- h ot Oan h e onu. f I u B le , t 'oism adurgmuo. -h i1%Mi V of l tl i-trW . n d fl s afh v 4 r n î v mvw, af rbuWik l e f o e . p o" 1 M l ' - c e i i , b lea w a vaii vyoe'mSydeum'tbdh. fl.p. Ayere Sarsaparfl, j à,MR n WnmliWdndumlmUPr il".eloeme. " ueoi < f gnlit, An 5h. mnslow autumu& M &m pmfrmly ruvqî. Atril, at lo5, OS..mKAMI? . l, b WV4u n 9miucbr bcnful h~- 5tle li Md bth* wtngola fed; v h@M tg ipetusais, * 594 fie utroeWbu Tbu mt it m vt ringti traa rimmes huie ut tmuacwh -~ - fille t*fi»e hW. ufrMosr w- u ly the Md 0&a umtlettbade o<t By blaukboivy M11,1u01sl' mi ahe au prelosalngmmn K. bit)»Mhdsanipluuiua of goldoen mel gowlng An au hWri br nthar, Mmmi Abou t caerm ets botvc -beu*-dlbhimty', aMd w- ml ae.it 0 Prbm Mi. ofos deot th&cf 5 h m tt e.g ~ .U!!'T._~~~--~j~'jÇj~ m1,wmd o iuep lp aréeusvevulioui patb atrettwil avmY ste bwb " alfoe bt -. asing -mbus'm e s«14 ont ~duel tmt bbumu aa. etMproe 4 (Y~~ ()1poI!Bî~~ nr ,w*e"emnlotnn, i. us m*w- prtdrfohui launtista' lItaeamut A 'I ÀS p OCILE ýrN0lybrm dcvii. 1M h.wu MW thirdl p&Magtubmdesiontbsl» A,ýb#lgu th Me- mnsher utcbaiLI.Itfl ui hm m-Iber ion, driy oui.4Do* u .Visoy"a imble Bnp, bo -Wtle 'or n m h"evba osmmlqiebye.W ail Mil.-neua M«dpaUmAS(pow ' 1815.* ~ f <ieç ifalt re'sw4 0fcr1~ funiaa rh,. ýWbat tutute lie thougit of sncb a- rom4 Me*tu Clnu berbai laiton bar * fl<"t <tf<'~4V55t tant.ti u Alb.'tiriuîr' tf4. cf taîtir*? Who oet h. ra.lt taryniet, cf e, lboiS mm, t-I.n f.i'-ir'dlw"nf.ytIv.'y iag W0 g, wp iq nItOhi' Why d<liii l'ovespermit eswrptss t40e e.Ummr ts$W ue aI i)fns wkh i.4tslate day u to viv«' o.s'h of -Ile trio t lilfy him ami w~up 'Viumy).' Nos nu L lamwlerv' scod * Sto ti' -rgnr1'ifle-lfitin fi' latYeVm ib *1< ,r'OVW hi P vul t lboeWho veris! tais .1 ath"twbubl, tn' ,. lilh,î'7r iuil tr ?«tr.f ,o I.helts' wa$hnu bhlm, snnw- WscotrtnguAM i bgbbtsung -Hlhr sauid. 11lii riforef'îrî' t unsi.hestsla lifi tî ji.1t.h1At .hs'anui tni vit Luxty lI, ewory lng novI-w 8 1t9el e ttlebckofut th'an~src't.. '-rs' i'aéit toi, th mgi.'enàws' of tord. titontsr.i1. sIihas twott he hotsatôactuI eaWà.hg rWetnrfinS, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~o mayr'.kswi ~n 5frthmcv'. ,> ~day aut on. or îdgiut; but viience ne omuri cmas, balir finebrou i 11,4 I pri t,uv'n hsrif ticf - (i- cîuty saboit whîlo oce. uacel ii. uroslW s li. 'Th. arn. lkm bmw". ,hermaualiu mi ve wrbale AX g otim' i'i. i' ,otiti iirOW * wnt4h M sut aih 0 donr of t4w rcorridor oui a thaistbmimof ber cleexý boelybtb.utla du (tis'.I~ l l. fa~riir osb'Uptn ilp,,Jti olrtnisf cr»Um. ThMw es.Mig be r0rliapr-o110 an00 ! thedmOD&orvarmn la u me5fs"I"iil!Iftlt'tlitlh fillei'ttffifr <rliqaila ths.r*, au cf wbIist ver. lochas! os- bhW .uslm" Ct<'basi tinti.îlt. a mourtrls< h " srni!WUMr, M terl a t'<p hon te.SP14 by ormu, ad bail Aileft.tbrov cf & pebbk1, m.sly&IMMelho 'etî rei h ' ",bnîial. sx i s nltns usvy. [ru tii.W-1ylinuMY ornapnlmt. REws slow rham mm"at*e.femmd thon à a eel ppemn lifo', mhî:l-e iw rilsaury t» rluirsx vilS a. teb.prion pslonk, and the bey hast nos -oMW amtop fet sud A. mmsdop dovu b b~,u.Tu, ,.'hlîioroesi uiWhll¶t-h' luw- it nwt f fthem Min(" po*pn wUw pisait ou i nnr skioJUutg cou' cf 014i - tt' ,e"r-eI "ml it s~qr.:îhty twO idot ithe rr l a. i ugojutt ncrntamtta8inmuiei' cbbagehvauJs.f diittlît re'îîls (frota tht' s.s'îîn1rty sciaié, s o fïve *js'lls ýW" re Iw M.il ath~aat r Samuderw' tif. stand MimlieVua ,î' îlsi t t.îpat i'lt4)M1.141W(If "of tiof, - l'raths'int iq mntent. ldo wmm e.th msuutrrup andmop viwthin & fi beot W,'- .-I tyA el -tirs w.' tikoir 4 l'othellr coul ri t watot f t gh t<ly of NA onsdtWi. 1'wstglning rmuat h. corser ft'a the. frnt ofh wtlh-Ilttl-" (ir'u1,1-' titW0 «n. ~ tWl# *rtly fbh lamI yWaur cel, a". bel, abs boumo f-lrt~ mi14(nt i1,"~.~('ii'<i th iauutlsr, whha i ateh WM einotriisfrri tu tail ina 6iThsy'rsraýlti«s91ut," eh fuq. "4aaeu's lfil WuI.'rt.ligii.ritlq>Wi"iAtm~i tle ny-i.îg t uî'fal nianed InmysaffRi ta gn»tsi 8. oiar prou Toto asse',. nw Jti'it.ov,'tl 2i it3fov. "i 'nl'. JIi.n ésî!" ws're theworls whk-h igtthng Atu parlor ÀPAtrui htn li bar lu Of <tfmr.'o,'i-t' i"ltlt îu krn'us-iemr-P up î<'~< ».' col dah s'ayilmrom WMaui, pinchlud.fu e aros, am mmii rada tIttt i ~t itt'-l. itli'tii'forIiti' Wlt ttint lvd. lof whls'h h utchvtebu-tiod... $0aieaolt 1 Il lt~ nîl,40 f I r ý iti rir hé hau,-i tnvektl ht nn anMI wve t aas 1vb.i vlh'traz"hssm ~iuil t'4di bt" i.t,5 1.11I"tittlt'hatlorenl Itart'rm. r no, 'e -t5h.e "atLln 1c r îse?11'Vlàyin>'i oercome pÏunlts's$trio sill 1h'w»'iltta . wigt 1 iulr mmrun, W iu ldsur ~wudeonus1. futt os noat tah orde lotne, hitj ýr à1!l1% îliitï 1 ms #1cîi- ne. r lZii tA' wulkéidtt.o itaand lonnIvilid.t, films bpdi uv nt as ahi' locf hWm bold, blup ' sm... oy Sai 0111l',11 aiisi Iif i ti.'..ami lu-toie t i,r' f t 'nîîy uwaxn th is el.anihg t euutw lg tm r. f s 1wry luft.r" th iîîî'slu'tw til'n1 lietrl ##p. 11q <'.iintube la nuit" whiuperesA Cit« lier. 'Vine>' f1lttaber Iieutaail lnetlng 10 :,~,.lws'l'ehu. ihti u" uitsvI. hf'ruhs.4 uavlin tht' riae and, tuuublin* , "goe W,' Me4a ssnil> lutter, "Wharsm'aêTill?, mint oî iul sid tir ' a-tii uath îa tlaic 1 - ueittibalso t-kwc'o*. i loolsi duon "f dsn'a 'ae bot l .thesmmas. fi 'i'ltil itllt~i 1id' t 4è?yllbltiIfa,- lm e-ver>' h*lf bitai, ant i- ss th in. . "AM 1wb.b»n<t is" miagr bad in mnt lriot uhufr o îti -. I es, ç.vaenpstigoh. sA iplneAs Il. 30 h.» ondu hlm umitow. Amti 'Vine>' bmaa agrutni, flot. ovîsitti' 'I-W-1. "'i tsttttitit, ' iai - ltlîrîtutitf hi*lm hisisvil baa iocku'lraahlg ils ber 'u àdhlir' heit aitsmps op w ie targlt. I ftt11-841 î' Iluhuit. 411t4lha9 it ids-.r hi*t ner'W. At nîldàlgbt h. w-gos.." M ber lbroat, a i Nuimflah..brnob bar ta iut>' rovfllvr lt liniiiijotît <ii ,,t, lîko t-b-'% Yîu ngilh, lf"-pooriuanptmiioelittIfrbraI. abat tshe *11 rd îqmstai hiti tu mu> rJ'îtWttvîî t. 'v thlt L 10n n ~y tfl -, ;but if f1bil, te. dosas'flnt fioum tost mithapplia% vîtes asie iuS miuî'h's I)'y llîll', t'lhuttgu im' M.u ltmihmi veuyoit cn<'auna<sv, Md tyena ocnmilruuofherhaudlIylg-flrnlysuppiarudiim otît-y 11sti i st' yhisîdri'e ' fluri"utm ti- , ur ite tnwas a il rigit." aalm5t aht' hri ront or Joos »mngb <m lonki,îit hift". snt i tllm ulff. fli. t i ti'uoil l"a iNwi wcah bW In lu tlt, MW4tl'es <'i'îtO f tinom, lItheffl cnnsllUomsi, me b ug' li .usk"u*fi l i1v,'. w1i-w1tt.l xfititis-foa'-tous- Along thme - -tmnt of tlb. oet il- «u enu« looek utýIi'W bis (ses. c ofm! hua- umti s'î,,i - h1i. tt-"iýiIttt t laIswthé i.liglt uit)s'~h. (ntabs aliti 1 Azli forhe abs ulimity of hb!r bliff t athba lnuisie à rish litt ue; it'f ti I»î <<nuj'Iks > ai Polrf'u, arnas ois-li , e>' beoing, lit Wt .iifi.5 t ia limeS a oI. fiss"i. ,dmlu -«'l"t"i'i"', 1t54 >uhi'trui,'., ad hie flace stnt' a snearng or- Vos ý *11 fr11tite oldmnu,"ho sn ,tise ',A u.tuî'h usriglt. t*iqtt niisAMI it.hroiiuchIf.- r'uîu.We unloil 511 Pndlmig-, slffaly alusling to ber' tlasth ditlsi h'tt'jq< ils kioutil ,i diiisgg.'u'sll lkt' andi (*m tmlliy -Yt!14haeWus "e, ay Vn>, MMelu grerupot, o ittno ltii il'ii .Itiu "n hillt dM a1>1 --uutirpotiti« edom-shob.came sgitandihnmnffi er rbeai1 (for s laudm»of »munii'Oaltr two.i.îud, wivi'ui- wnlrg IAtiitu at .i.s ehm<'hrsifugllief Musfolis'ty andi imliaraistit.tn és't.v1 ' i-i't l'< su tîitwnî sat, ithart. Tisebottiammtp a r îeu f Tilltiqla4os-inq anang tie.la>. granimm la hnos'hlm .-lowii t iîu.on tlit 'ht.nslumfi St1' celîs teri' r tgeoat. f4lngl;mnuaniby tht' tront. jpat&'bon ho poum.b' ih rTo ft"m<' iipltîurer was uni f nI Afir- lwîu ri.Assetrmer'glmeaac u an Whtho" Iui!b.'.'ha vu utattîsi t t lis. tri tttisaii ottn tytt ot'Str.w t es'b'îdh "Vel" ieai viifi" fl4i it' titimt l ofriff<l f' i totnu<îsm ,yîîI lw vehth ai1 arin'er uam iRtevuuuw cMut. Do,n "Ut .c' 7ur' lde" hlmatuts wR Muii 4Ifl'n m n. ri th< 1ý ùfl - nt MMs-A90aa , Mda Ntaus.f in Ivi - laU b- foIlÏt' Mmia 1004 d *lths.'t (oi, n!"b. opiho.<ui faillitu.ul pidoly'. li1tiayaia. il'nlu~ is. s. îtloîut's. bi-l'stjun lm ,iw> tsa ~ w .itel.be1au oihim osat W a . N l"O salt hoiga.-ow dit unacMWunubtif Ihitlftlyr so anen fit ThoaireUt bo uui. on-pIo ou'ge- s aoe m w bmI"lM wliîiafttieuut 'vhAluir. tPixl-nen suttent>' ae- mm f, Chf% d". oua-'puVed B f ii-.UNint? <'fIW for rutri A oSu1%altntu¶y unes. paolu nicsiîsusSru " b -S r'W>m <Ue OUt 14V. t4t i kaV'f-wsspttt,é of.tilt>a outrp>'law T «r bnla hePi oauimoohIu a IbAtIbu;= Mmw b 00'0WMibell - lslaitu e a m'g ho. coudfnd m hi âwe. :1 a,>'tin l bninb hmaa foyPlO Ibalutsvs v u't bMrt Mn 'AW fdbuieu-.tOa 'tttho r "sJMo f Mw tibt 1.15..?' . valisi W 'àx1 OàMMPý od a m Bars ers. 5117 iti 1wt WM U9L I huelefmm bu t' e..1Iut A6,06064se* véM u tu Mr em'Wu"bhl4zsr 1 *M bed"M4îIIMea a boW qM1. 0*10, m but FUeoFm fe a wudP w oWiA nos«wonwoy miie. w fa b# P. . I1l 15*5 ~ ~ u- ~ . e.~w-i boe --- k . -e BS. us. ms. ~ r .oet et ubà aMd S * ~ e. ipu P . mot - uu -" @OMMpyu fg ---__ vb oS. bu acil ohm1gh* eU t huakng dau. rad4 lhw msL omDmm e. ti bt -m wývAS i. lb ptp u as burtow nmeJ& iwstruboe Mmd TUD-Olx, Mi 7W» w- mi. ing Mapa ammn M am,~ e. - I - au ali 0àeut a U t et dons-U e var me gemupew,~ mu, "bu a auiadàmtuabu a "utB~ m'Rb FOR-TuE SALANCE SF THE TEAR m mu e e -une IM- ~m - MW- co$ m-am *R w-, 11%w but miL b. ud de- »î. bu m aubey Wd wmIêa ibom m* ,Vhuiwytba IdIma mi bae. nog a bsobam mirae , uma e*04IDO g loubatinto ItÏ&bu lut a-ekue pikv onod ber nBut" WMte DUS.bl» . muisL eb*ber r b b u m bu-b.r um*a - 0u' cm m&i am ffl- mAmithis b mdt& mow e r POaub race mSmlov.Bi lu b" mgnem tha3 duc*TMi bai, m u & gba d- Mm bar uIk a look cf oomtampt x bo. hoerbisa qu et hmut.Umeedabuge uakiwing 1ww wu mwmsraý peatup am Teém, 'Vi.y baibomalitai.dimâqoimé l ba. lm bim*oe ua l a Lalwu cf a plk tubesmi vrppM d ah be)eht la flds ottIUm palper ugaiu, vttha U&t dflu ia r tbnat. But before the glory or Mii ultu *&shadovsa« M1. hawau a <uly in ber bout for Wonder abat b. *mul «Ver bhum lore ber. par aM"aMd mu over bis» bellevec iLt, ah. muid t., stttover mui over. Andi yet, if Lt bai ets. fi*W bez, vhy e@W uboulti b. bave -» m ofhtW 'Vimy a4#"etiunuttoble mm &,The vorii tê.nlt vu. mou, "MM utthma tale An a fawy beokt A USa I.vnd. bi.. up a&MiruutiMithe - ým& m d» a h.das* aàadèva ah M" M" da"d nby tab"1mtacêeranm nvlsq sbadw detawhd tasf. la heaitate miAt tlwzzsdtowarrithe boum.- sot jSe -«Wy, yu e. o, xurvy! 'Vùàe thzwon br demma":i cnqia Wthe door An bar muemâw a" m sza oftly openesi . WiM" mwa b. w«Un. a"i mrnytbu@M. -MWgi011.»tppi etfty; ouïry "bs m M" t» ca"ul o miwa eru fther Md Tu Mm &M icr cru"h u udrber h mIwksI gb a t At w. 11h.fait bar vaY iov mh. tvo Blgbuu cof step, tif tgain. Ia.Sblngmint be rnuey wrong abat b. dhou 001. et thiq aime ut night Wben d» .pt toýthefoot mshe thought Mm bohardtabe momd nt bard, -quis t bremthlng in -the àwk umar ber face. . Wlth, a sudulanterrer h. féit for ah. boit nft the door. flut Lt bled hem dreuxwit skairealy. -Au M». lfted ah. hmvy veondmn ateh and let in a My of Pu" mOOnlAght, Jas*Moleut frem bebinil dm lw ach om oftaheporeit andi VUib. bmb@4 ui ot ber like the wlid and wua at us ai doe»Ila aminute. AUiAn the »Mu amoi t uueeuedtie lier. t»s, t abei bu*bar fathwr'uvolcogive a..yen.lm il t ot wM beandi knew th"t h. ba mme hoezdd. sne cagt him elfe m ah» rail rlhdY -uLHermsif ho could ,not uee, for du bIm rumtti uncsrnucioualy bhAhnd the, e.vy door An npudng At 1Tluy bai alvayq mam wuhmglov of rit mMd IiViney, )mmbly, b.d beiieved lai. pu iqhp waïm. Yet nov beW action va" aswift m tbeught. "Ob, father, father!" âher CTmd Andi, m onre butors, 'she m I"H. icorne for me! "mmorn for me?" amh. vnUp ah. tmaim eni byte kbesllng mom'a uide m hWba ftbsr', m tbe vord$ lft ber UIpS. "lhttrue! witanotherntfyourlien?", ,'No, no,"suped Tfl4gatbmswlut'teah -m nt beaïr, abu b. cone dowu wMimai ututiv., tremrbling eflap . 4tà a w»e Wb h. m MyH. cmm for ber-fer "'Tbui <t, 7cm!" and ohl aunderu, wttlî wfu vorda at"tun"si ah.girl bot and iii, b.dber by th. ahouhsier mnil down, âe otals and ishn pumoi berout amt kiad abs <bner béind ber "Patter! father!" But therswvasno te- Vuxa. Jus bad pges, Bailfat, ýforover &Md 'Viney tacettbi» paraymsd After, ilat tiant effort Me md. no thar.Sibe -oisi flot expiain.. e nwber father uni oh. musta> g-wmewher. Hëw.ouUd mever belieme ber-no, neyer. And ail voui inov h. baiumndhber ot out a s! Ukau Wh"a b. ba. augbt <of ber, Vibut vrds h. oi At. Bet aven, abat a.nobn KETS, YARNS Am aul iar o IL st A. CLOSE GIN INDEED. 3EST 3.W. WALLÂICE, Pomarnv'a PIaatoe~ - -- I -1 . .Tamea Eaawtoll CUTTERS! CI/TTERS! We bave now cn baud a lMe&socf WEI£ FINIISHED snd STYLISI CUTr f & Il kinda% ail î.v stock. My MMgad Culüon, or Cd itnmy c.rne eiher Singe < e area viii voehf intm&dnX parohama examinadocn- Oing to my facilitie. fo« imUrg tiiem gooda I eumail lover thau ever. flIP~ E BLMUES n IWlACIU T.adIIEIT on tpJIpJ~uam veov ini stock a vsry lare lot cf ail kirids W! SUENC8NSORI NE-BEAM, SWECH, tataz. the lm&d.Tii.7 amre i.bout leigh for gen".a purposea ei er iutroue fahe ar. W. bavs greutl impwoved them thiâ yeiar by 4 new. patent of PL- AS-TEOur oon, ami ve nov conalder îhem -perfect. ~U'5hII~kID&F1iIb5 A» have ia takenthlbfed latii... articles, and took all Fitat Prize t tii. - Par Rma il, arte. umuiing maY r.ir on g.ttang -the best value Lor th.t'i' Atf!I.etTur 4atê, Lindsy. Correspondent» frùm a dis- tý wfi o asweBby ltte asif they came, to the Sliop. W. mumtAimr ouitth"iabxtotema"e rom for the AtIiLarge & kof Bugies and Wgn hw in tiwefi eiractaur thanotherlamatoeu.ù frth prn oein- D0o=t dmo Idateota e m. mbut b.-e amuiw envbul3i4orti plzgoeig pub. PSU1..etmoew.9,tlui"i s a- EDCLLLE pTE Ten.OESL The - P. w. PJADESlaAd NILtTOIl "d laet ot by first.ciaa. drumu ista, at qO N L~. Des. Mt. l1UL4. E.te.oenag W «. .t «t. LIa Mra. JE Sizvez. Cuo-am mu-&, L.ýr UISNE@HA. T T E LADIES. m'Woub IL"Me av t.my MLLIERY USIESSa fiit Z C. T yI orUrof t tA.lateiate Of ADALIFE DFRe88 QQQC)DS AUUI IIT. AM I taE~nGSteUmtch I amnnovwinA position toi aupply ycu with everyth, - Iovuspo..Ir amê v ill cive my cuatomarats thebenelit there0f. Cumtie authe mm eam mLâM um~1ricin. fNomsof Lindsay te buy the laiteat and test goods in ~~ s31N0ioese, lUsuihe, Nt. Cle<hs, Fur CaPs, Fm US, IBV.4 wmOU «oii.éeVy, Bbmwb4 ]Ladies lJmder- 9MIL MrNI* Efm OMM VERg W~u..m~~etay lgle Cob Ir.C. TA FO5 t... . . m.mimUttit m jut UM ~~a mi- 3 U 16 a agi suL" OIeUt i t kIbo tii. ___ V umiLTub. p tbbMs. it 7our windemwSith ufmm u S.oto7Utua =-laaImowbat70IL r.quzrs1 - I INIZ-GlE- & CO'YI @Um a mkt MILL MGEIIL AbeOim~a"AKDIUMàm - - PRICES :-FOR :WOOL Eth6 fa CAM meTA» mi i Ny ~i d~mrm.t . ifl en wih-1ms no l UnstI spooal .wg~rnst. amir FWEEDS, -BLA «L imm.