£IAZAUEAZ ~ X~~&TB £'L. FUmÂT PRBWKTA1?Y.. 1, , ,~' GOLDEN FLEEGE. __ eu emsi topNlu 3w imhlmg ahn- L miept bcose usm ameu"te e W. Do Nt Waat ththEarth! m M Rueliaias A. CâWob*nmr.Le Ciam vlek U bIla. Grmwml ai repard é lchdeat Pr/cea are Satiafactoy. in____ AnU thesnalmegtiv wIt aileoset bi A Reasonable n Od-OilalbUM&e.lia '0 moi"g ou Tite Plerbtomwtad mfer Ml. 2sorCIumle te omnona pis=MiaOth o hntody CAe tint. on ornaiteaeetroue.LnayaiTrn MI0LEAN SM IT H Cou My -Whisby ipoiti viit oeedlng joy usthlb retui ot Ite trioimphtaierarlun eebr aretn»Parkbig tAta hs OOeA' afin bone4,nuThetock of u atal: 1% as nesrl f»a The eeUn Ul04crCM ot;p<pewlhaiaa iocohée umapd rigîter.ami lieA'b manta bqa oU b eWin =<, aermddtererisa o f te club as ge(x.0llb ndnaia ulichey caine Thorpéoettva gooiatot e ~ vemnd 2aepbtew ll.1 f<,ugp< t ed. n m mf n-ofuain d = e eunItieuebuby, and w.ý, Mceee9S, mith & Coi, toUt b. eau et're.ltCh founit roe«dgltand wUtt,,g baiyo oaty ied ansd --Word bu basa regevealtha theb Peooroi are ltookit»g for. Ohied vlCh WSnalpeg for fiMsplace Su _____________ usmealme"aleuo lub aîeaahing10j,. The. C ohpk off at au eaorli dams. Truo lue aluQuebecsudel9CheLover Provinces ... -PIRPO« O griLLTheo Lindasy club. ,although twbiuccefal là vinulrng a Place Su ite final Co.club compati- WE PROPOSE TO BELL la a iciptutiug the ttopby once.. ere un- aucfl Chia maan. Mentthin t> bsSisuc oeseui thoielîe te lub l lati. h"sPee G-oda.X I gPeIËM& botoe curlers hi w.,honor, amdi comMent- Gooda a~ Kouey ~ 17 *xeeC ChtM tiC wili bIr etS te th I.ý W. e tlait veell:a briof report et h. te- l Good a atr P Plr 0"'"Mg rflC . suit or hebonapil e aterboro. more portion- ntbL~MF ica. *On thelr retura te Llndaayi men vo enthui"klaso sag th. var tieya Good at une eac ig ?hall5<ho=00treatsOl and inSmparticulat vwote tilà Gôd tv nY Se"ud i to hutaleatetin&=w amib.rTefrcsubmts <tring l"t.nathtore am Gooa a Poula ]Bd-vek fl e&mout cie omailàta endr amy little t, GooaatW ZLCO tevc hao lài orlorprequ= ittaiuot Sindetantie enthus dosrio vi on Goods at priceS that allOw of no qustion voy inamy tangible shapeiteL respecanad qo -me UofChliaayclub te Corcon- j. jt.* t.... .a.t.. f ffrereset P teroehas ;reeoudm UsbaSle as lO luel DoflglinoIIO OU.n~r~Ct boa ulons es iramsasot. 'Ws atqk OuLr Yamew fweadmte cive 1S 94esiL Te -fovorailocalnevemoslere crevisi out ti-. *ewflm lllsutau te spt tsEthe 014 meveek. I,'"~ -itoportoet »choisi bard motl-Mwodeia a &.the Headqua.t fer' Goed 00o1_d a oy eie& ut lait vock-On asomipage. -MVeeting of MldlanCbapter, R.A.M.i t]D. aaa ~ Dma aimeialml h t iPlday) ovmang. <MCLL < .Y IIH UU.-Lambor dealers report a sud lemanti Sa $. i H ouprttl frIck u din e tui ndtn aund. Las amsorabs, OPPeulitl»sOuilîu111011111c""16 -The tee harvet bas comimoncel anti citimen » andbotoikeepors aIamndineeupfor eh.ae .indaay, l!'ab 10. Whou WC 5. in 0tm healladSittc pvallng t«ept - ________ vnt more e iemSa&.' -But, dootor, Sinm a pcatmsn." *'!'hen Fou noed rect-joi, oe~~ police ftoceami ake.PierruPinea -- - ----- rooeivei datiy, att A. B. Tunmsvs'.-ý.2. -1S OVT 1 V ICTIA ELECTIO!I. -The ime for th. coillection of taxes bas boen UmumialWatose. urther etnedi util March Tthi oniteun- Puoytlanti fledorchositll Waters. NMaturaidéitaàiuthat Cthe rolS la Cc le recurnedon j~ (j [f~ J ~Purgative v.tor.- cr sle by thtdate. ach uiruien veau ut, liete net a file- s 31-4. Su itvoav. Cu, or tue e arr t m iado seuyctin eMe Isleane5tth1kCo a tor mMy Cidr Pereo-Bon Ing Che next veok. -Dr. R yocf TorontCo vilSl e at te Bn ,Afne namber la te hI'bruavy 1@19110cf te a M. E. wu *hoase, Lindsay. tomrorrov. Ses cari oee- SalentSic eAmerca Budera' ilition. stna R. L Wt4SRGUC '~.Shirey ~vSeuta as fr ice Cie sd Sicsfo v ry one. itepurpoaso building. (le-otu yt Pcrte Va belote all are olia eut. hult turgon Bels n a lumber com.zany - Montay cf nt vok-Stmyh ugse via lu ovn teéother day. He gosa o Cc tui.î hiay c r np--i CVseeledsy. Te I wiIlatlda".4i'aIlic eetig" s folova:t ake a responsible position in the ogilvit ie goem tatieners Windows, nu very ri LITLE IIAII. turla, lb, l _________ IntereSa làxpeted te lbe sitvown Ch.occa. ai 2OcicitP. D. ~ flVloett lecte'w uaslseea, -Report of meelSi f toun donoSlou il *AKOO. ?i~îda~ Oi. 1. t ~8 asThe annuel convention cf te igtud publice Oltpe roeagofuuulitra -tttAis scf0,ýb16souse pridw, ]PO -whcol touher@ f ZM iptoriileged at teCh.iiGrand theIMkeRRaSlwa yoCol 1ln iStit aI 730 P.ID. iigh t sotLindsaay, un Ttarsday lise, A ver prulen OIt.IC Ut. bwmdnog!î aila d tdremeoetliga t tuAIprpogruntt ero lu tereaq tim he~pro -Chisti lKinstrosvacephone bond Grease nai roiova':fuionlaPrtheelHUIi thScplsnRiegalnteosp vilIle wwPhoorpit famný u Poviedandi diaouueed. eouien blocusn.Saturday aternom. Frieuda cof r*Wlors Scitool Mouse, ne Iay, Vi 1 eoliwreh anmbs sd eA. oe Clios deceaueaumnvisu thc romainsetmeWillia-~ d-Tute finI bird etopera reçenasi-at env i llgrbud.--Won.iy a on le ~Gattrosmea0 êdiivtVvdCieov Wtns l<aieh îu"'tij~ wii emannaceant 7o.m. f et awla. w By aarge a.Ujhsly.JohntnBn ............ 11001 10 0 - 4 WdOFiblUlMOt05fl atChie Mi"oEtL 0 le ,s Perb~i ~TitCodli aeuit.ldide Milit ...........0î1oo0î0 1 î-1o1I1peokilhatitmhullla-pson âmw Ceghadcilz.nesel nes îoettanalor gT, uer, .........0000l11014 oicus rooe e;i -rTo JUIN mlarme San.-~4.la Our reomt pabuffhel aslm Seveis -lMme- O"dIPOOflm.mmab ~im iwai - a O £ Brome ,t, andal neser m smevêtsendmde-.o heCkna ethe: bh euneolma becered bal the prooesdlm of st oa ueie CM 0" omro aI a tho e.a- el Titis lewSts carnival in MonCroaw, nov offen WolmChaset blymat lemiel"ng lag Vbobng mw;u1lai loge lea tteantinx thoisantis et preunînent peopi e mec tpaednab eni iit~foi, vaChl sah sM.amu eicfl front al parti7 of the voriti, lfen lAgusove ompomase ami ha durable voeaLcfip -iappeorla th. minu ta.e vs oelbgM,? rilaue- b..adsbav ous laCo e .lIn ttirnanen. while mini' mems em or >te aiolyow mumIip1am aefn A.si PrtdatiIv~imclsciiet have Psirbgn'n, si thm gésine«!V..La th Irintent ion Coite her.. 'Wlit Craly omi 'adcoum oiest D entaI suterprîi Oi Le plbliahera et thte Moàt"emi ysra glary aiapit r rai -%w k Pvlla te bhm M 1Belorlm SW a ia cq eary Fyear piuWwîa earisiinom 8sr0e 1 aal ie foier tdm future4, lem 0 f C àa mm d 0 asi1Pee- m a viii m me oaem aMi madie tho p -his of t thoe..r t st r» a snonisatse, Ooice,'Afwz.lbe 00ca 0-nt b oulibg w.'se 0441 paelool agitaut. Titis yeasj,-h* qass' *" élW-ki fpmW te #vl. ite ysar of the reatotamlval iav8W-- potioncomoetw.àr" ?*oigener*liou tô Ogonéroni.eIC.tuscue J e Wmom asmus Mh.e mBUa 0115,ieài vime Cdeseribe lte attratction# etfte cMii' eulcssMWesca.ii 'MamU .poto-u tis yean. t matics aun etofprogrea__ Clà, nBa.-Ki*otieesbl tMtd caitsperfeoly amaiîn aly1v theV e mautntth -pages, wt Avlsenqimis peuP-OP, .i Th.gimod Ow ofme s.dmM -7 oieam e nim t atimio51lt eSISU- ivle 1,11W S Pdw 1ftiet. a ue S RbsEd<,lm bjaI.u Thipeo i URsKubiaMmisl M w smiav i ueasé.t.o.éedellandel « pfeo %MWg .'.OObLM &e WJ1si UM st:MjIOVlotiitf 5 illouuMg Wos lb. "otuben3* cents. WMclh eau le smat C te m Nlam Sfh fumae~.rP, .muvà. 1Ta, btinw euit Iemso b m si -- iW b e W ~.vIgOs ionafi uon W su eILŽre*v mass- =s00blb VeUIm e mm I. o» tteippaCt e md l a g r , r ed bMulmb l'.pbisoee 1.MnwOMM m 0 IMM'~ ag~ga mi #foe... . e s mmuiammaà we~. Md m0 àUE t shà: nadasgMV ora"s, t 25. parlin we "min up usW imtNeveribefNal bul te rUIuiotW al mete2 dSUl.lbIobMt »4 a a"twe 0mb Lam U z 'aUh m.Orr fft e uof et r k T» noe. Mr._J._xùoà&__ et mi h ime. Md le sa b" a City, .petloi, lrm, Mamy jciu bera ilev nhkm h Oumllyàe Ib rit 8e ehtmg for veutcplu.t ue mmim aoter »two s, Bd marispxm uUd velu. Gise B ouam, or m row."mt. z.orle amséora 1%0ckm advnm te mrtsettom a OUmene ndinhe M«cmi» Naoe bui& eacupgoodjih Sllvess Brthe. N m aioiu r ociem y lt 1k et miav aveplueicm ha t~ hti havde.i Ibi easu enotha i nid novmahnlIe, t M'y il to1 - tme ptS use the bo t hie oer Inuo [To b Mlg rm FI Sltor oBTra o. 1 uaou ing a Cempa mCfa emo of ly isc, u tesa Ue te -tmpla t am-,sup"ta hoer at th e 5foith bu ho koa that amm ithe g meohin.,a h ngfol m hie Ch. m buionu. bt-.te diS lho rtghtho t -Sm&re aj m.d o*a. raeheou«. DU& Md hao b.u ie >rlea tooto ut aUeeeet t btus~m~iess eee i o eac n a.e foth bs Broham. laa.. hi aru- whetatfb stops i hi. omm nKit4 tenaute bu o betju ingloawmtmool tbeuin. Whe hmi- nie. tama # ho tanding. CTer a"nieMt n et4. r upChat as e ton . eithamios fariner. Bath are lieqna. f 1 u oi byatanpohe puriof th eopylngw a t hwnu ref mad tyCl.h liaq s e u eiseInIl mokaled rm suspcion in om i poeemtassa.thtboyremt salve. it 1aanet losBIen,ileri ami lotereamj s net at WagaRinst aMr religloue citieno Our tovu who may requir. Ch. uqe cf Kent-at. for secular or roligi ona purPoeen00 lonva m tbey doaIl lnlinoewith Godé lawlaid down ln Chez bible and do not Impee or, Interfere witi t he trame. À RATEPAYMR. -Thora vin be no meeting et te young peo. Ple'a aimociaClon of Che Methodist church te- nlght (Friday.) -Tho Rer.].LN. Beaudry of Montre.!, Metho- lust mlaulonmary ing te French, viata LIi-d aonuabhath. the 2Oth lit. wllhrqi au th.Methoiot church ln Ch. eveaing m d rm te mumuiomary reetIng lthe ment aeuoi Mr. Deaudry la a lèrenchmnau..and viaformer y -:,Romaon Cathollo. Ho wiii mpeak abouthi mision ork Sm Lower Canada. - Sund*y laiebcing Candiemais day. the cor- amour ot blemelng the caadlea to e houaci ltroujlhout Ch. yoir I laitckamd death-hod min- latrations. wia perfarmui by Rev. lather Leu- mut~ ~ I borhîh ma,. te.istribution te te Parlobloners tahîmo place afCe e= i. V. Lait ment andi Rev. Pather MéGuiro bItdelivered Interestinc sernacus approprlstte Che occaion. A lafgo congregaion vWs ploent. "ýXtter th. clome cf tho prayer meeting Sm the country eaet of iàndaay at Mr. John MoArtImru, Roi. Dr. aleTavieh wus Dreaonted lim Momday wleh tue pairs cf beautifîzl Persian lamb gaune- let. eue pair for Mm. MeTavlsh and orne for himisîf. A noat andi comolimontmIry Breau wmsreati by Mfr. Andrew Robertson, and tho erutatien wu maieby Mfr. William Brown. bhie la a kndly andtimroeful roaolitlon oi-1Mr. l<oTaviths uorvlces Sn Chat part.et hie congre. gatiom. -This wook 1Mr. J. R. MNelltlle, mecrotary et St. &udrew's cburch ldndiay, recplvod iaom. nncatiou from t he trustees cf Knox ehnrch, Wooditock, Mfr. A. Roae. mecretary. that the congregation oftiat chu rch *ere about te bufl a large nov edifice. Repreeentatlouai-by, Choie who iedmongr.Andrew'e church cf 'Lindsaay, -haît beaodeatiCoChe tâmiteesof Knox chutait, bat the LAndau churot viiia ory fine *baud- Inn ef excellent depilgu aud Interlar arrange,. ment Sa fa a modal churoit. The Cruatoos ot Knox ohurch have subi Ch. nau of the planeý for th. purpome et Iaylng themn before their roft- gregation. On 'I'hureday1Mr. McNeSllie for. wardot the P"ansund some atiditlonal informa- lionm MtoàButing aaolV. etc. This Siva r creitable teoi r. u Y s0fLindsay, te ar=i tact, vhio vorkIOnde favot Sm Ch. veut vitere noot iontoty architecte ami apoclallteare doiag tbolr bes to meure an crder. - Nomt IMAM -A capital porformamos vas given on Thumu dur ovecnin the opoma tone by Cte ma t Christy Minatrsla,' Imembere 6f Cite Une. lai tlwtn pren a abofS" ipiamian rramlugo m-in ua., hsi aisoeitio. Te resse viu b eti . E 00s- 16, omoha loUa, on T ruayob n.BeviotWlamS..amggm 1 lcLàmgr.-Aî 5h. Mmi,Cmmg m o *9 SmBulL, Cme ullet Eev. . UsLsremet w~Ua. et Muthe M WoonnoIFv-Càaunm& u. .4thelb. umtJe IMM B mie t miua e b.le by 3W. v I. C. Paissea, Ma.be fuiein, t.je W'eslfwote meauhla,-1uaqte ha mes &MW - aun i",mmil tea B tthce mu rem emhere fwur, * %bbon ee 8uu<a woe.a *s$e 9; . raw iSifta ortA $25f»r $9 - g. meau«a Il ~Iw~ ises miS.- McORIMMON B Ose' IL s,, B I mi Do t hm, atkv & mark SUPPOSE THÂT IT ID LOWNG LIZZAR-DS FIROM IDA6.Y TO DAnY -shlouldn't we say Somefhing about. Clothing? have'nt been doing business for years without ig Up heapa of facto. HëTe are a few* whieh you .al "cheatnuta" if you choose but ail the same Se to the point. Iresu well is quite as rnuch a matter of taste and idgment asof expenditure. Who among youdoes 0w of some one who, spending large sui on neyer looks well; while at the same time you can mind another who, with limited means, appears d advantage àlwýays. Some naturally have taste ss; others acquire it by giving the subj eet the nec- thouglit. None who may flot inipT'ove if they You can no doubt be greatly aideiii your ser- s by expérienced, capable salespeople such as w lt 18 not osf the elegance of a garment that it cult to decide. [t is whether ornfot itiaebecom-' you. cfar as we can control the niattet we do not lier- Ly one to leave the City Store with an inhecumn- rÉment. If you corneto spend$8 10 or $100, you titled to the garment in which you lookc the begt outlay you make. Why should you not have r which. you . pay? Youwill always bave our dgement to tis end. The City Store isnfot an extelusive 4ore; no it ù-tî hy aIy manis, anti furtherxnore, w-as neveriîntendeul ta lac -uh. It 18 true we kcep good geood.t:, as [fie as etin lié lmade, sonie brouglit froin abroad. Nowv the man wiho 'conîeq to huy asutat îlo.0o will receive the sanie j>olltp attention as lie -w-anld diii lie want a suit at $2000. And i furthQriiore wlictlier ha wishes a high-priced or a low-}srived sýitt, n P 1 bahve', in the pritce1 ail the advantagfs Of our Ilositiat 'i.ý Strangers v'isiting the town are inviteal ta' i l see one of the townis siglts-the fiuaîîasoiiist. su7re l fal the county." u vIhewiî:ea!xtv' tontlnindonit piliv attithe-IaII.-I4rL to venture in. Don't lie-it-te; walk throati t'~-' ba îlaee ail voit eau. W 'mttesiiLla~1 a: a friendas. Hure,'i ai ae aa î..We- Ne.- gent hy our hsaus lcuin 1vtsiI'i- aai to t'èel a local îari-1acfinth tl ta'eý:s id tli > -11.1 their expericneced hisiis j u.irnaeîîî h-aulstla'ai jto .'(] thc ailvantage that'm ust cuauasa ta t ti î ilasîîin .r I îtauy. ing LGarnîcnts osf the 'Men whi) >aIll. tie 1 Ail are welcorne. eOOTHERAN, OATHRO &MARK, C:ITI DIMAPERS ANI> CLOTMEER8KEI-r 9STREET .LLNDI.S.y Jobn Dobso».. i Of Easy. Dec. Md nu-L-S meCrimmon Bras. RANGÀND CL EAIING SMLE W. aéri atmU oZ4 'ma tu baance of ~,wFat& a" Wsteir Good.s T ASACRIFICEý W. 0".. déa4rùw gDM &Gode a" »" rfi bgcaUing andciz j= n%% W siock before ptrc %asisehra " o4 ~wt b.s # o i okroom t or oi&r tu spr&ig stock, tuhch<s errw&&gdaily. O&ZZu.*m :m- Y ri INELS, WINCEYS9- CASHMERES, CLOVES, HOSIERYI mmWB A"*"PPERiNSAT OEHAFTE REGULAR PRICES. Gall -and see.our Overcoats, Suits, etc.', eh w. bave m.*4 s 1ev-thst the Pomenst ga ee Sud bvu7.ý or eu tWorth . efur "S ore M An Overooat * C<Our Tailorrng Department N THE NEW TEAS3 Tu- '#Rtdcora" and v"4 Canadim, Pacfic R. R., 'wI inoo"tuas gve a sMort tiw&eago, eans ,wOw .arrivig &&aZy. Puzbaewsa~alradIy Dàlghtiwth Them. ON HIARD FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Fiît.ku.i-tell.RAISINS, Deh«.ea.a, Blwik Biowkefs qul London Loyers. Ireid aîèd Trrrayofl(tSqIt iSlell Almotde, Barcéli <»,Nubtsfii(l Grenoble Walîi e., Veî'y eOoice Fiys li lb. aed ici /b.e. Boe. G'twed Peure, Petocls, Applés, Flam, . 'oi'oriè, c iar. Preserred Ch iiuzt Gilger., Ke-iler's~ Marrnalale, E8a'i Ces, Colui Nût ivi cl al e eDelio-ineqtj)r t/wet i, - ea 0»caimOBiPri»mo hi.Ameriesacouo0aise où»o&Carloai ut t» e uateod Peer lmCumadim GiL Ouaes ulUtac. JOHN D-OBSON'@ A à 9 IL CFCF 6 quo 1 lRw4ý ý au '«ý a"