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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Mar 1887, p. 4

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- GANasA rom.~~ , ~S KV SU . JUES' DaaImm 1% Iw am mmmi.. mLLaatheS MY aivb mamsIL 8.1 7. ws ow wu, a lm >esAssà - ~Il, AMI-l .1 III -NAC ý l.- Th xtrasva»nt cdaiiims of a V07laffl majocity for thé gnvt'rnmoeit put férth by Us. tozy.bvgann the eday oftwo tfollowrnng ho ontisthavo dwi.tlad, down 1't& ail sae iIsufi.,.. The, tiîry <kwi -Ci iwM atàatl <'fi with-47 s Nd. ext day 1% oamc. down t> 41. Thon it l vpp.U TP 'iti alioot. di.appear.. Thon ther W.nt to wurb b omae i.Sb 6or :ie. l'h. tory Kv.ninig lotim M lanus8. -The. A4il abut-. 1, Tii h uw'dmaer ini plie> the tory orfflt na mi, top- teir lt li.t3fIsdiii ow capmInted iniotherol mn.Evon thimi tho t, dîmions show t.ha the' gvortnnent ins not liIsely to live long.* Tii. Niait. vhich han 'hart agiet dSîwal of asuw light. lat.i.Iy, <taiclres the . 'lit "of Lb o vemnmut an -.a pon attir.d.' TuSt. tlie .,ntionk is glnomy four, thoadmija. * misin lt i n anieobtsd. 'rhuir.Ibigsmajor-- it.y ibtim'o alimont wholly sw.pt ay KorryIiDb the rtblb pposition wotaild have a -111g taalt n'Il mliviaion -oarriod by tii lit.boaia(ir yo am %. agoini #Pite of the ~t4WyuaituI.!I aèav' h ont n t ill ua casn pnisn 'lu ,rasi<s> vro to <mat 8 ii i:,t . t .. b o d fiais p rticua d vad tî"hemn earrioti hy roform o.mdi- ,'.'foriat.si a'.ipot vir. tiken froi N orth .,n So!~*ua ~hvlin V.nt Ontario. uuaù~ .>îm'vat.ienart) thorowlmi' a U,. ib r.teediing tu) unfair i Thon ove! .1 t dost onst.ittionuie« .worm est. ti th' .forua.iran in l««ýby tho mnine sPM- u, A.. met -P ~arryaaaibiotr ý* a th in.cz a.e ~ir l.hn~ .wnhuart. Il ia., up- porl Imit fait h ul ly- whon ho w<ma wrcng; mil - î, e11qla ibl Îajority u'-day it in owinI1 tOto w errpMiait tor. Trh.o (pYpsition Mw uld u'V,'cmn al) <'411 r ainiist'i4lwoa- , lma hit t.! th grymaudler .iwatt ail pawer- fiai utlaaert. ift. tut! ill iala itwillwi ti uulpon tho le-von yl. ee.o i l yotgotakedalce. Of ftie ileve,î eh.~o.'~uaat'itwill ,ar<alahly taiko six, at. If L. aiau ai îaujbity wilI ho iitra.,tlr aoit'~ udthqy il)%ynot hae ves> t1sat. Oêvurill Q.1her and. lAver provineuc Tinla. IwýR but thiat. tilcotuiity inay ho., Alvaniï ttr-lot to the. oppinition.,(!ertainly when the a~n4the stovergnnîolt. in twtt' is the. bonne masy -Who ait'. nuw cE4intud ter thti. niilittf'Wywill fool) a irosipt.ibie éboqt if Iet to4'tat' of affarg. It iistli ruhmnt.he public momnry the. ianuiatiyaft.er the> (Jusiio pro. -Viititl vloct.iébiglnt'ho ti brio'n ciaimed a gond paringînnjnrty for the' Rotm-Taîllon id- * mafit at.ion i n i ra-nsoftihe Ottpwa goeramon vWuipcoiahlly lainorouls in * 11sils gpin àadoided saiyuritybeyond ri ailsnflhtf. ofuaaht. Vot o adivision thO PIw:at asis titr 1'rtloféatod hy fm amid TJý Tho ituîation liLt u«a, in likoly Lo Tho ()ttAwaiblffeecf>tsîgie sga iWitnoft f tht' way the fnîinlitswla n jt>vty i nfiqde ap "I&. madsof afjo. lit vte 4 tvaiviIYwi teoppi)(frios or imiumil bis qpont ikNe mul ,,NF GM Md *0buof l @P" for ils¶.Wr (haudeoppose tvas fm,,lubd "by14r etws aet. Eut Mr. am-s d(it wu tàimphaastly elotd noV dteiesmtosbui.c.a nesday. The.addrm u.s adoptol mitera bide ilebt. NonsWeslHoud: le IMM f LuB-i porlo d» . pversmu M « mmo bout.l Souàt sipon more tam tPe of a majorlty." Ilaris.Oboorer: "Rectw'Camnoon. or mii. ta per cent bo nus aver, vus buri ln Ioftà ii icori&a. nother Boodler The()"sw4 Pro. Prou.prodiots 81w John Maodonald's arly vithdraval fions tue miuistry, and Mr Chres Tappr'.cs - mmo to tii.hd.usip oSfmthe tory pmrmy. TIIho Kingtons !ews aptly maya: -1The batis an- Kangaton ha boom ught end Wtàa i.l <ohn 3ta" " i i the vie- Thom iste beaà,recoum n KIington,. Mid a&p ootif Use recouitdoms lmtvipe out. Mir'Johns .majority. Au s e Sm" mid, the. battis v a bnught. The. Cobourg World says. leThe. 1mev îng ones éïmnonly too eon avare dthei uOllnseut cOasn net sth km. Oi f blond vhich itL bua uteined-tsst it4 presont victory have, k feint sud bi.odisg-at .very Tise Moutre.! (lêacette adMa Haldmiu tbtii.goemment'list and-joyfuily de- claas"ti. eslti. etsn chre."But as Hldiàmd vwu r«UaM sdtrolly auvred again by Colter, , the resait" muet b. utiU very omrs even for -the (gazette. The, tory Montreal Star mode up itsa a- l.g.d tory usaorty by clumamng Kw. But dette ot3ast fHastingsa"ud K. Mtlock of morUs . as'upporter of th. goverc. ment. 'Fhe8taohaMnd 4r1 majority on ýWed n"dy, but on ThuW&iy dropped to Tise try I ttawa citize.n claaified Mr. Tmv 0f»çnorh Perth, the. liber&.) "whmp in tihe houa.. Mi a govornaent supporter. Mmay other aims arn just asabsurd. No. vouderthemajorities of thirty or fortytirnt cimimed hav dvindled dovn. to n or a *t tisMid Mw. libuard of Kostrealii t. b. apaiser cfiUs. sw houm . U f liwOuau'ddin.d as chairnamtu t105. e . John White vfouin, slort lait session, groaly toe i.diauof the boie- bIi nl.ahmesectionLW. K. Girouard vould niais a ývery gond preidisis oome. mir AIe. .Caimol ýhas.been uppointsd Iiet.nst.govrno aiOntario; to suc- ous! (ov. Robinson, who ham more thas illed bi# term.. 81w Alexander vil) mais. a courteous, diguiield aud. poputar gover- nos', though h. vili 1Usd it Isad te b. more popular tisa bis prodccaur. 51w .9ohn vas a titisprraphet vises ie p redicted at Toronto, ILincluy sud other' places that *6 1%f.se rAlfi tse gewart t Ire- *tknva. night hb. tt fias partie.s might be 6I*ecs,ýr1 li qail. thla<Uti ih dp-îapos " -mslea't<t uhrier the gowimmsaU oMepse& le X#ittsiVr4 or ti, aef*tïsld. Aiwjksg <"t-iff psi meèl ght de he l.fie ti i #tt a bè Our sudignant tor'y "cstSnes md Use tory clubs Whio are:gOing for the. Mluil mst nov 1ahould uta>their. has. What if Bms Buutiusg Wve«Into orsauisa brood of bd"beast Ona u d &Mtiarnout ti.mimistry tii.,? several tory club. have glven I. Buutiug tii. old shoulder. What if h hiouid tiarn on u son&dpro- fiting by Torosto expsraezico jet bis r.- venge t (Ittava! '1hWaMress . BIaises majority in Wou tDurhamui laumal» It wvu116. Tii. smn.papew dolamblivJohn hmd s haisome majowityiu [ingatuo. It vas twelve. If 12laiahm s maorit> la Kingaton viat i -16 i a West Durame The. Warder inust.have. ismI au Overdaos of vhat it calls "gtrau-iitsiaitc The. .uthmusas c ditar' of tii. tory Kinguto m . retus aler Ut heoletion that th. batethe ti. Làmutuone ciiy" Ws heis fot.qh aai vo;" but tase in- teliigentcopmiovtu in ausro sMd eternaiOmena of tue tituuus of thinga for viich h. i. uos made it 6laoaagkt «fiu vOU." visich a. uuaveuwafy rcgso an the co0reca duoiption. But tii. lugli sn against Use Nov. nis Tososto World actuuly lhastise gai 10 rumnd reformert &',of a faittot, inatob- coming plaimo dailyF" mnaél, &"that tiie "cnaorvstvepat> laistoadil>trying ta "improve itielf, tWatSrJohn Macdonal 'A"lasbru ,akuuahi#s.rfeord ekr a mi sacr, e gmown eder, sud "tuMthoe aa n aest effort to geL b.t- terw moninto the. inuisof the pLant>sd "S6 trop th, hocand <imsdy d elemanôL" Tiittermm nerthe s.face of Sir J.hn-'i impausioned upoee! tô Use elustoru tii i- tin i# ur ear(nde Boutbeuid Hector Cameron i. impudece p.raife Rev. D.J. IN.odel Ofet .Andse'ss* Tormbuo, in Use course oiasermom preuch- ed ibbath vaes, ma"-: "Tiieemanmen in both.p"m wsvi cannot bebougiit. 1 f..! diaposed 10 mention in LuIs onnetoun tue naisse of one mas who bas been testeil and #ound tris; vwhc bas sp.nt bis life ln- Use service ai Canada, s*dlvIte nov in declininst yeam and vitli brouies heaith stands higii.w us tise estimation of hle cousntry tissuever, mand lias in the heata cf Use s>.onle mi h. uiever lived b.f or.. k.: isn tsted that S.enm*r uar Pliai> aver> t t Anxiouit for Mir Alexaàder Campbll's plaît. ian leader <f thegOnvornmeîat lu the Strava dw iobicb va> Use w.imd biova saaate, mal-hm. beeau vriting ta cabinet sud au& nisti ndicationcfane îiiiniasters aund oUsum ln referesce se the ahoad in given inlu Uepensioning of "IRaa" subýi-ect. M.Pîmtinnhth londDnee utepbi.Tisi asutoious ho mule lffostnaater-gcnna. 'A t pressait bOodier no longer hms fuebee pai aviim e 1 tlh..r<' jas no. cabinet' înhssrisw n thesenat, 1preyapon, osdastheosstlôoisaà uufavorable exceptia.g f'li lon. -Prnk Smtaith, and K. lu tihe Dominion. he is povid.d vwith a fat I'tamn isnotconen ta foiohia. t in' office by superannating the deputy-milsia. hinte<l that oitiier Mw. MctLetaui or Mw. 1 1r af agriculture wid Mawsng two depuy- Trhonapsnviii b. .lent ta> t4 ippew cham- heada for Us. department WIsen Kw. ber. iBas onsjssîrl .vlnas ili The Wantsr in wvrtinq wbu lt'e. ork of ovor a dosen cases just like thia- "grit briberi mye:> euems -Of monstwons &bus.ée upramiaua- 'iau' aie boheope Xi. Xulvia tifin tfi nVitteae s tow polr iqticlappor- aaff.,r Wfe "b fltlrlated n l tomr at prso people'. expene. bs etb t bac thi1f1018ve~ 1ma!thet the'ru'fîar the btublt. salai noleth@Msfaqum abumb s Articles nt incorporation hiave been lfied of hafliai ysaper.. tones tof kihe llethtisna.tanv ta tlà1gof iit euamIwsfcv a'Ibm olr a silvay oompady acqunire thene 11b th ua 'oiWfod box s theiiooeif tha poI6ia[s. .- ~ Bi~i ae nth tbthmuiuor,» liWbmnîer or ne pies oi Te ln .sai shali'a5 balot %vas màrisea , 1ov .4umaoeaStemIlouemiwhchcd .hoextend- 'rhose xi ,ateinentn am swisliy imîs tn drouai thse siUaide of the. t. Lawrence far 'ws reformant are. coerntil. TIhe river, oppfosite Baijouvilea, thaugis Nev 4<ql~~dbasUat t Ja'ftàw4 ras rasrkea* for fYork ta ti) t, onneot viti tihe Boston. lia.. 4 'We ieaVt' (,Urnrctemi rot0"ex- i AU Tunnel.i sdweste rarm&o.milm pli ni attor? plain tus - vhich in tkifornce Xhuet.t nis Tl~e '.stealHoaidaler cbinting oftau extpua ytean vicin tolu10bring QOI-ury ouubî fti!anal independent riemab.w Bostn 275 ile.aemDuluth. Tise aM aministerilimt givesuse govorament a'saine oi the "ompas> vil b. "ise North.- majit'y tif nine, anal @aya: -"There acuPcfa h utola opsa" twqv liiiomwthmmi te.hus e:A large numberofBass iulm.rls twovoiminstrs its ea. ii ii hua 0 die c<îîpay. The oMd go tisroui enramnsn A Da'ninion governnient that Ueaihi at0 liscutaadvl caunot cousit on a 1gond worhing naorthe fore mprtantfpt i smvtu independent eoUs votes cf miniserm lins. UsernueiV e minci hope 10 b. pernsittod en The Vigros oymeta iengt liv ls anaa;amd v vaid nt dîa.before theelectonvascalledforth. spoola thé, gtvemtnnnto try tise expleriment o f pras ' iigK.8 uhsts u m9limSt4 outr vtou amjost o fd. is sine vs ugs te iluta outade theusulves. protcalyfthe &aV- tisegruatatonsdatdwacovI oms ailo t hae éne n ao iyty *ai. thât want am .s a rm e performanc. cnuit anl Is coans aaa pthmtismn aMr.Tho, .4tmt t i LaI.., uho -je mniority. :Tise Mcl< of tiiegoversamuent ,in owmngrclous., ediar wer nid convimsinu spAker, ms iiicliriig ve, ndpendent asa g vva sfuir &a m uteong, spele neulyl emmsent supporter ishuald b. tiancierako; sid thotubiy ex psed. -Tise> did the. m iheur on the refosis mul.. uoI esui afla thiQuebme olotinviti iengv h v -oishamaugue for I gii.netOnal * on.rvatve* sud nuaWy t»o moitai houia The, audience in.p thWIs <ie roeasmati!taousr.w veawy sMddlagum&. M aiUt.econ- r tu;Iîl) oi au M a ovtvvtwslri iunae The' it Mr. Mrie'.The"s *ini p dommioda on et ta gPt moretua arepetirefin o? that. o: perles..nsu0 e r e t tchut pi... bu tâsw tthUe Wav- nt airw Jfhn s omLlda 0gomi "dmg enter *M M& u. m at UomW vua fT lsen asadsmo pointens amoia eio air. Tsaso v fo ai das Buetr LxageViu.nor ' wr.Ulov isaJnombupbt uu- ous hose t', tetiiia thofr sea. a b.fue« mtm*udv.asm,&u wlisU- Mw, ta loiei The. uevly onligbtened lNad!mys: ,"Tii. balanceof trande theory, viiich vas lk bigh faveur v ith tiie consrvativis botween 18474 aud 18",. sppeared ta have few frienda os tuât aide, dursng thse recent campmigsa, SS Cherles Tuppaîr be% thes only cbnservaktilve of note vu setili prof orna ed faith init. Yobodyhm yt gives a atlafaoW0uyp!y to tii. wefl-knowvupg- mont qsims*tbis superstition, via., if a Omullu.tralur eportagooda uhiec a b!. Pom0E>sumis ti.nifor S1Z2i00, thon, aoording ta the. theory, hé la losing mon7,. bis importé excoodimg hie exporté by 0M. But if tiie mip. bringig back the 81%M laiii peca.ori;m other goudla zaés to >the. b ittof cithe ses, he. indolu a flourliiing binme., tise balance oftrd beluf 810,000 iu hie favour." No vouder th oronto tories are expellisig the. Nadi foks from their clubs viien the. principal tory idol w smath.d iu Ibis way. The. Ottawa Free Proemayae."The. r.- vision of the. election rêturissa y the. courua vil result lu favor cf the. lib.wal party. Quebso Weast sud Thm . Lien wiil cor- tanly b.thbrovu over 10 tihe libera! aide,; sud a number of other couatituencies vol. Widti. tvo Parties go closely tie( lu, numbrs what dais tua reversai cf a seat or two ma»? It indicates the. car- tain dofet Of the goaverument. It vil drive tiie independeuta over to Use libers! side as a visaI., inataad of partially as at proeunt, sand it vil!l ntensify the panie ai- wesdy existing in the. mlniaterial rankaï Tise. ioves!nment uaasuot govern vith a naority composof hostile nations" sdunreliable independenta. sand if Mr. I K W KenaeLv h Co. M. W. KENNE-DY.& Oi&tors ,I,fr"%& vat Ufimz G EOu A, M ILNE T h or East, H ezt t A. aj b6U'a grocsry., I lger- yremuaê TTILOR and ith botter facilties thu nem. 1 cipsou.t NeGObods, NEW TWZZDSfo'r Bpig Suits. I wv.1ce up LA.u R ho, A Nat.at, the Most stylsah, lA. nù fwuUkw slS acs H AS M OVE D. BRITTON t~NVIIb. .. -r MI Mumieipal t of M. 'ABSTIRACTSTATEMENT. T.reamrer Ina AcSunt wLtk tMe Municipalit y of Mamt R2CEIPTs * 180L E\ %I>ENDlTURES. Te Cas" Balance frous lai IB7 euhal oads and Bridge@ ... audit............. 81.475.I381.. Te Sechüoos.... ......... ~* Froua Collecter. 7-200 9OafcerisSalaries ........ 1Non-Rtmidoatm Lad Shoeo kllled by-dat ... Tax........In3 . Tdigenite...... 1rcmRote aadhoîaPrittan. Postage. etc Iomok..........a1 42.21, Ceuaty Rate............ clemRuy Rm peNunit 4.% -. -" o ........ -uad,y thine ... 17.9. Balance je hands oft reasurer 115.0 1:5 i 1.15 :.'; i s~a Blakse cm acrape iî a majority tuJ HE.bET aa mstper- ~~an feCt SPECTACLESaetose. constitutional rigiit cf'demandling an. 0p-bain hewrd-su.t zPrs .li..*ýPKVIDTL-RK-. pesaib 10 the eoctors asainat a houswhicii Neis. 6Ta cas Balanc la a . iG pi .By cash latereat on IDebea- bua juit h=eselected with iL in office." Intaisu os dl.. ....... 318.0 pu ad........... .. 30M Oct. 1. Bi (Xa8h Interest on- Debon- tmg Fun. ..........61 i,*.c ~sssufbl ons ~iu.-UNes - F.b. To Osusb EW.Oe la hand ......6~ti Th.sitntas a uroe ~~ tamedthereon. These wrycriiuai,.~ . ~* ~ are made, with extra care adti UOIti cooilt 111mes rea ot rea mlrndprecision,;iimt of the bet~~ioTownssip etMassa ycct aL .5005e?. Wartlkr. PrPaa'atloe - IM .. olacliaam!Wxenu. enoriisettceo<o .~"ristng'hmsasoceur' material, and.with a view to: n*M a lb.231.1W rad a 816tie, hie leboitvedla a» . WARREN. Auditoru beutevr fMa n ohemn securing and retaining a;:.* or' toi nom Th ii a n Sd G -M.rm __ 0oniuu. rep.stic. fbr vues &Immsworthy reputation.J Je 0v.U.! __. . Zd Wards'. n MaD aM va Pua<u.THE SUPERIOR ment of !VOR SALE-A fine mSacktif F.1NýCY ST. Pwruaieub. 18.2a-A long Inter t -'fo EGOD &DCIDE.amomaatolt vta ~<.k~ ~ ~ hUese gcxxls oes n u eglfl jal.meSM*oýu DUatslowsui &MÎM Ply ta Tamiaii ia.mador Mdsdeà.Gien. cmand end merely with an ad- e ECEE Ljto.,lb.i ~.~- Bul~vta .sss sii! iseESaf Euru.vertisement, but is a qualitv flRGAN A»$ PIANO AND TREORYu mua situation. M.deoimesutoats.ror m ~ J usic. impremnsi!tise op041« sisa dimtubeul ru. of the article themselves. i BUILDING SUPPLIES. Pma equtibrtum, o m bu 0fte-enss secal u w'W. 3.NOYALLY. lam of etLlpzau Conserver- Of te l-nss esecillye tor e.tl.A e mared tote rureimppils in' ile, M pm@Wy» w weu om heNAIL.~~ 55 w tm, etc.. appir w REV. X. L. PEAR. for mom.tir»ne ce. lA. uaiud.But. wish to speak. They areMON. or by l l*i" idP.O3~P ola i oLths zâi 81 hrwod,= iabd made of the finest pebble or Lo GEORGE SNITHhes admies lepIma e em m s -'&NTR naji Adms unl *fitim > mm etoptical glass, as the case fli e &Ma !au M Laps Bans Door Eam ger.. miltary peeain M. de Gléne dSlesd inaybeand no pai n s re fluAvESTON fi LD(DeAy. à ardu'.5ert ad a:1 kiadue t Us: dwaeerea.red 1V tiierh D&. no musse m"saditsidntorT forySuY buttht âl eràMuWocla i, mu-spared to make thein per. xt V"lm Eu4-1rDàw wr w e iap AL»5 I ~7:~'~;. '~<>,, in quaIity and finish :i d! Z ui uiai A Vmwsunsi-tio..ê~accu rate in shape. raALEMTii. sali- Iil, dercille ~bunilm 011101181«ut lmic5&0&*id3 dOtI.usth.uiWuliuty5vus OUR iMETH7IOD Of testing m(Ii-.«i&b .ailîd f01k Austria, ltay sudG.rmay, 18.17 areoshl a"i!&7 .Taur 1 ta iplace 200,000trompé, et us. dlsisa os etthe eyes. and fitting Spec-! . d nOié& &rY uiS tfS g a, a____ àmurta. tu. mie eemveur. t Mwidîtemaie, tale .., atnow voile 1 tWhites...WDI . .1 as-,bar ai.1Gu'm7la th* evezt et var vLus. iePA j* on o Er 0k(YE04. rSflh 40 clticm Corwamomunays!by, the most advanced opti- b %rs mss-Js t.9f pecialty. in tise event et au outowk oR t tuuleb.idanfs and Oculists, and Îs a.A Lm.A.?T mmvaxY LOWEST PR!Cz scm Crài MW ybso productive of bast resu Its. iiJ 5EW RS GOjLDKIRI".______ NdUmye theakltim ih»sM. j»DTo y R gNgED j Lindsayv. Fch 2 ---l% .3 l~GUem7pevbhr eme tuw1 PLAIN WED DING RINGS, -V- dvetisenen ts.- d pia e vRIeS 11001119 b no" GEM ENGAGEMENT I I(jrJaetiî..Lu. bummu IPusses r butaimo Sud MerCHASED AND KEEPER RINGS j w %teeatl.sale of lande fr arums f ZrdL1 . i' .!ptr labm os u rm "b»m T£W «" 1 s.c 5 W D"N ~ . 1ý1taxas. held! at the OuxCom ne latthe Ton ofI t .Scd eia.a..t vi 'euii1' t'-. 1Llniaaom tise 2Sri.day otf Iebrua>n n a.'(ifIV .alr0 7.* mnaitmorm ui se, à& v 'IGuraed to be of the -quality i éduAitf la a mbor ,roems t Y of. 'a>7~ usl is.vcu c t ai> iamsutag plumstamped,w hether it be i si 8 or 2o0 d.1. . 1d&r ftes dute r -ois600,00PEOPLE US 98 OWMi 0811« ton WU",_____________i_____ s els no tice that __________ 1 ma à1vould et m o4Jouraud salie.oh held on _ _ _ 7*J---w-- -- -Iersa! te tbhy.iladFERRY"S SEEDS Te Fessa. Waum A4VoU.oe.......£5 j ['à~ lai 11-IL 1 bucbr im Sâ isa slusoservtsa dùwitei by 2ubgue, Tise FoLComubv soudemn ............. . Sie Osa~auIaiiu nursadIoalps &le »,w 4!iipomosa. Um a"laada as aboveion Ibo PoganLW.uaSOsont. ... ii IuoltlL¶.sfrAW tj mou0u IDSTm %uvi i TiePss! au .aa.......?N B ThWD -as- Tis* PM&s sa ei ew......... m Tise~~~~w &U.~lm.N. i. thimoue ubx. s 188o7. m&e.".Oum anal u1W ~~ *~T. XÂAlaT. 54 ~ RI ~ wub~. Ne. 5UL-~ 31 ~ te df t fU. wodls, onuam If l Mu.àtolquis ut the s m ini 9%W som.- nolti~lo , Ue S1 V .a but vu *00 bts td- ulUoct a 111 àWeloumn. a rmoe'thon, a bdie ad.frn. lui ~ okwTuppu's mNOM: Tii. WodMU 11vius the. Globe te uSd - I_ 1-2 The. Wudovwu."t thèbve a rebollos qm" poi o" in Nor*S Vitodia. W. boa toreiid our The Qoebec ChmaWko4 a mii.sa colo..that uzo towi uaN &Xrtorkdi dng~, iu, in feud te WWadmt th re Mi"g IllIt mmd wihIb. on bad, "purt and cbmp- t"mjevMc L fu& Dow pu M.d muy," M Jobs EBay01, if tiier. damas thet Su JoIs vilhave 8a majofity, ist u ml sfigu&g.but &Uail l! depon sthe. natiooal con- it la rumorel 8r-ja.1wisteuda go maIe sevéi 0 f Queso ium a cstunyOnt cd Aunoustfor the 'I. reort n IGn h iee ope"ialbenesAs 0f hblold and valuod air John lXuoàouaMajorie m 1 he.Ti Of Course the. Femelon Va1bs (buate Winfl * 0s te sm f the vter-fo i»5 op &Mimd nwk that it vould be.a Onuscas ii b of tiihe loti.. IuOIWI rsdng, to I by spoilin thins. [t is b.lieved thia vil Tii. &Wder'. u ssos Mr. David void mthe oleotio. Walksw, the populw awe niOpeoand Ni. Tii. newa cr et.ttweuty-five uev 0. Noffugis an4dhhovldg membora Cenedien kuigits ame ta ho made.inih ona of tii. reforni pmtz in couneotion with the~ of the. unesu biles. Tii. mayora of M~ent camupuagu are-.utaruY uuouldMOvrIIcities are 10 b. dnbbed; %frJobs, for, and ve am surpssd thât oves thei. 3fomais t0 b aM ta Us. poruge, *Waoder siiould bav, boom w o sîrsslyper- Lord Lavuadow»e made a dule; aud othe sonal »md ausve. Ihonora am e-uab. Suet.ed sround es Ibid Our Stm&k m oey oVI",amilarmgthis a ot]L et Nawo& ve at ain~g a spda Ly ae trade la -GREY AID . WHITE COTTONHS, 8HIRTINQS, Tickings and General House Furnishings. As n hqj Lt. REIT 600DB L BJGNT PBI'S, mivite H~6"6as.keê to «aU .m4 LAqy foUb. ooviced OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Ira in ftu mtA Naaieot e et .Pattte t. ele rm. . moiatl e»d o. suim m*Ti.eut woekmaaubm' r. l sdprie.. wi lm I un sk O. the lino au"h aste mmeit t" prvlof the. buver.- A .orreet M. W. KENNEDY ICGR SNI **IMPORTATIONS. 1

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