TEE CANA~N ~ oeL - KÂT ~ tST - ----w -, - - -. ________________________________ Ul " g- aamtge brabomms.-AM a" fl~ ýGOsllim- - MeW6?A STOCK OUN FOomeN*ECTmGIn» doit____ ma Imm-eSsuibe les TmmulaW"w aa uff iim __nos 'e.UyusssotW i A store N Muto . ~ode r«47yfor- the prini rd;briliamin la ooloW; t wta'W eibeBc duansdlestbut not toast, thé.prias i. vsssouabue.ou, suicter' .vhiu.Npaoef sP IhUUUB-ÂRo'u a o iiIut familiar waMd for snlm" itio -A dmalmn maOum umss îsfuiie wthi tii. qulite iof olotti, and thorougahiy underuiaud bisbusiness bit o .gmusii.x st heMfdisat Ibsi M' 5b«*W- MF-HlslubsimmhbafU wbi al oe b e wIIl W. beiieve tb4t our m in. ue cMtmun ciepends upoà tii. quahty of th BVùO.44 titI tawuiW05 -SU UBbMhl . qivs wo *11 sud whother they fully entais th. eomuends VU give.of tb»m. We. soh .veslm.gr aurda d~slI hssav al.ire:so Rire our patrons the fuliimurano. ut what se thiuk ic à@ gode su. asti jou, aus «d115thup bmsbe moe Iaaiiwll te~ w01, (il aiityeto.-This i i a e fty point W* give you iniour Mso»e, gathe, pivot -The match, park ans 0 I5eetI&I Iissm la post srei i we pusb for trade and honest and stragitforsard dualingi wth #A-1il a .ti u.57.S51ydell 15 O' l U- ISSUbol~ptlms SUUtllI .rm sepropoatéSu usein orilsvto oo01»to i.thfroninllin* stbOui'r altm -" 5~ _ UI Reerig h 8I~ .tmnouthe mt lW fmhoble, th@i workmuhip -h uiisrtm pbete ut . m ir bu am malb oumi PeDsy. c»asoa bua ubepe lm Iosipsusns a 1irtiaîtio, ~ a asm for sear, w0 give s ustgtmieradn itsiprotir 00 ma tLL.mas sss n su The nijority of grcst nmm rise. b hs'oaniac obyy ufadtth, opovsmneerotivo tuas over.i.oule wtth inemuae of blsiness, it l enraly folios. gondi sork vith honni mmhâu m earelod lSa el as iIs Vil slo ISsI *mSta. mou *et afm J% Mu tbove seiu011108 pmen T he voric il-foof honsi manuféesturer, on dmleandi botest bujers. lâlq0f ) e.vmt. tesbitl. Tho bore am WIP 1 Mt te lm Ob o mwk NVOe do rnot blieve thokt vo are the only bouspeope oas trusm ta barof, but s» strom ssa &o01 bssss sthes'DOuuhsa l & "ma m .mimenS.«Mm weUthnu M prsh ometton uibeuucl.d I iÀirft'O lU hsrmnmu S m el.afsmmS ijo beliove' oare sarrotindeci by lv., pushintboetsbepilh cmetto, ri*lsou.A m ahylb eseaPs whioh shah nerve- lis to lmiiiOuoulitorm ssqua!elf sý,iti a, good, hous too t~OISsLmao U esbo .la' * l l zsii . merohaudillo which b fthreaut with the, tîime. 0f. MmerOu.0Te- .1 ~-Ou? ôtts sllIsieamshl ouImt m l cuale M~aur am sb eeuea.àrs ùV ieytngj n tradoe, but ambition& z W. ame coutenuly stes' the BU8Tmonentdu nSKV *0 vén - nm be-is lmaSai uwMIsi'. spiriti masOr, ¶b <ImST E~;mt deatsesame mteri. e oie shich soilt h boit, W. are Âuum lus*i m b rb rfl-tsii *itryi g hard to btild tup oui' trade, and if suoWOse lin -bis s »aboliendeavs o otelsexc w" mm. br K. HUùt "b ed , _ein-Mîr.Gurus Gais lasbuildls'5yu uow awr s lDui;at s ebius on Vitoia*ve. &siaiU olIlabo nul . l.eab sri 'bnaur WMt 80 u -Th*rmverddte eme'o ia.zp«W has it afias=i 0of n i tibe Vema' u Iismq aor hebu.bmWM tlk eoarli 4bis Ibsieiar ehuGises A eJob lot orfpA IMai Od andjVâotLibm "by Mba 'tolgmaL diA UIUr Pde-aS.m M byr bonsmivrUSlo m aSti f ndoalisi flus pisa. «mn wlbapproprIaSouOS.IxnMd.et asa sé urae i nm, sopa - Arr«n e m e a e g i ad.fora rifte vol bâiai W-191 a d l el ur a fav riSa li W W VU matcvuh orsi'the ooonty asmtm SsUrasne m théaudilsesà Kr. iunar.s navtl j M YU Thuruiayof sexsWeek. i1k lest. 01 y dard.t.ss.ututaussi&7<5v1 imatch Mdiuiet ofPoim s. li or Jousirbn d 7U gjh m . I'O- d» mare ybubIuoatm tieaumbe0f pig Tus ubsolpllm îlt ati ioli f h0 Wm1d lbsi t," r .Bau et orer pom heof tt IM"Te WWOSleIaeIn., IOWUtaA hEve M. liîbSa q & m d4isaes 'o by er w àekm _ý. ý,m. . thm bond l1ýoe Ap~rtl 27. 1 742. sblle bellbab~ a. ~ 1~i i,.=:0 mt ta teelya estiy il s arumlaiif tehe 09 ssei ooIIStail et *si si uausl - - ----~ YOD viii ftUIG. A. SOfll 551if5U55. reno -Look ains111lenmesh la"fns osiet 0or0f sblk é 1 NB~CLIPJZ GftBSW mie of Mlllerysos long u am ulhuneT 401 iblUOS ad ubh lucinide lia mt brvond in. a* av à'unb. -The. sr KV. U issOl ssbmoeuilu Pe.aàd4 <><74, Cone Mdse lm a.wor as Omrey'amouslffmaos ldos lb.tiserm5mi ls lath Siboia Sh»U &M.s If Y" on aoy s'pgmmgoumu &on4fj.0f pumu aim ie . kmrlsO5ltier-m lidw ers',eh, . Sîova.U.8. ----«OI mbV -ImOBla mEIISW ____________ slm ell« -Theli Jobthle Probhymur 0ftuls o'.iOOai.ES ' Ew, omJ<R" W<Atgapamm isssUmm Oum 1iOMMO .a.u t sPmsukbIoa' uaa.y u,. - ce pvri obusncseuedeonbciM aSrmmrms . ameSmm-i te unsbse1stYOfMrMaInsi hobiti.g oumhiascbes v iii b. Vambvesisma mI," UOomuIlefvblele o. enm w mns iiw te Utep555.kils O nte___m.w eu~,ustno sibml uh ] 1 vil 9911. CASH PRIc E pAr ens UIt v 106b l Utesi afbis u eto um ,_"bu e-à p O w ec mn.le WHBIÂT vosmvs x ltilmm iwm ,6 V limew~ aP L~bo primallw pIsse aout 150 P.#im saI a I.alsum * do m .WEIA Lndnlgu 0a1 y ~_ sy e fiml. C<wumiolas boeh .vh a.1 ssbUmbVo ~jsimtaiet pialle ab=lb soM'o6" lita av kl uaIbot-l mlslu u tB o u: Mesb i mmmlm -- -.. ommluer cleloUmemeaiS' uu m ut u~e msos. . K. ha» tumbo tdallos.g'.as . a.ga.ut.is.sa. mm 0*oWb mesn ta-.-- j UUsII ~mm limsil' __________--ms-I-e&s -a2.stel OsO&àpjif Km _LPD8t, T1UAYMAR" & 1 uM as s *amas uimun Ois'uuel115m M O 1 mitl e uenr. eesmLOnk&,s<u o mommu fVo A"eff au.4l _ _ _ _M --j'o nomusu Im Il wruols iwaMSw .mm gi wau mou Doohoe,. ~tAo -Mark IMMýEN8E VARIETY CARPETS, *Oit COÇTHS8LIOEUS 'MATTINOS, Lace.o Cwtaina,, Cuptain Poles und Ilounfw'nishingsr AT THEZa0127 STORE, SOOTHRAL ATHR0G&A MK, OUy Drapoe'a"iii CiotMw a eiSirt, Lindsay. j U""iain il , ISIL-a eToku Dobaoa. maw> 7t-ê mu~ rom TUE SPEIXO TEADE. One Car-fwoi of iAmerican O01, On. Car-foui of Canaian Oi, Two Car-loadé of Sat Ot utimea 4 soom pbeftwe Iuving eawhoe. '9 JOHN DOBSON, rauu.x omocax, MEUT a Lialmas', Xsvsb 24, IUL-ST. OGRANOD TRUNK WORKSHO0PS A.CEETAINTY AT LIN» SÂY. Dôinig Binessl" : by Express ~wI ...h Ki e w ne th<&Wt1ma&@he Me mMd safe con- Mom ur Au» du<ethe WPe U KauNa.ftDErYGSO»& ,nMd o oeb peu t. u.sfr he5v e<mg oevmrtm a fAe< u VpYeu sueR Kw~~e Pumh N aeuOed@.W uEllfe Nu'cette"ais New Tweeds mi xKw BfU FéeIA- .GURFINE ORDEREDO LOTHINO la tuhi,.g SA. Iaoi~ ad Aew W* w. i mmTEX iou&s iohg MOORIMMON BRÔS.1 -MAY & tom --,Câxàmgàw rom ýpwqF-