Md W Vp w ftw~uli4% i >L LIXI XXVIIL WNOLE KO.. 144L J~UBÂY.. OET.... WRKfl&v~ rr~u vt TEENS. S1.OO PELI YUAW ~. - y, .~w w~ - - -~ _______________________ PITABLE IN ADVâNCu.. q if ~*~Ss~imrn11V â~*1... ..Ld..... A.... I I ~* W.~wMa.aA LA X~N2U Ijure. ......à" .". - AI tek he Spliec witeLns.ud Ueut du t n chili. ets wotk SL, ee tu: »14 et alo p-. - d assrtmeni<if Smoksmindflo ui. aibodvqoup . Ouie Car SBUT just iecsived, L&mg* awd&lsj 4-itégasedft*u Ipply of rimu1W h.m bu.d r T lSot tAR L KETKZEIM,. Som Ar ion ________ .,FIlNENWOOLWAN TED. Va.î re rcîîîrcd i mnnaeure rrny amntunt ofl' vool -into Blankets, uta Va'u utî"asn:dlcrats.Wegluaranteeto( Card,M4pin and So t/LOBe > irl IIW'OOL u ça -,U& Om WOO.L boc i.%. l 4 >'Il i :nula lint' stock B - Iil:înketsý.Tweed#., hul cloth.%, White a" i. v Ir'a'iîg rey alid (î Flgnnlsand Yitrnof our own elan.- u~.t ttlw' i vi-,w li sulil r'or ('awit(rExchangê for wooI. Tht' lIighest M'uaket CM& P* W /VWM ~,. M L 2cper Geo. DO Wg2U-~NAW5. EEGA7WA WMIe fB a a TOE SmRTB., i ITUI WUkNE SIWL -W8 Linn, oUuoMaid aper Glas '. *o,k %wes lheoaaghlv.eleare oeut, m a e r pmiel s lwiîh rIM &h maI~ibgh stofa Scoth, Eliahsud ima UR-Tweds nE W 58N TL VWT 8 O '1888 îîri"*mîîn Me _q î« 41 JOEN C0wzz f~ oe Nlow Te 1" Twu. Iw rir aké d down today One case of Ladies 8tylieh Hams Z)ît-m. û> f nt. blt Iw MillinPrs' pnces. A very, larp a kto f i Sr<e"., f .c îy i'. ad des.cipton, tô chnome from. Pai-iI . i, G la-at.(Ii, 'ttty. et.i.A few niieCokig &oves chep for emah Wtt' BibTê fe$LO.Iyand-rade' Butter Tubé, Claver, îa1 h'ta idalil kîndma rît$eediu. Crrk ry <f evei, ducription, 0-padeff $im Irt. i<<~~,(~îrIeuRakes, Fork-4. the Whitiing No. 1 Cradi. (Fas vtî ' &M i1q,,iCmdlë,lR e. e STILL LL fSIl al orer0 y lu OARRIGS ,mo ssg . m w -w - BEAUTI FY VOUR HOMESI1 Did two words e'er exprews s much, yet. leave so ,much. unsadL YVour anu. -This la flot merely an attacrive caption ta aur ad, but it is the subject ofi1t, and a subject; too, th#t ought ta dcaim your earn- est attntion. VeR, we mean ta li- plythat theres roamr for Improve- n&i iyour lmu. It.canbemade more comfortablei, more attractive, aad samore invitingtdanit nawis1. ht Can be made so rnuch m ore beautitul that you will feel a. thrillý of honest pricle when reterring, to it as ,eurlkoip,. ,A11 that it naiv Iacks of beauty, comnfort Or refinement~ we are pre- pared ta supply, and an terms so liberal thet the adding of them ivili flot interfere in the least.with ather necessary demands upon yaur ini-. came. If you question at ail our' ability ta meet fully yaur require- mSnts as ta the clasa of goods you .want, cal and look over aur stock of Carpetq and }{ousefurnishings Aiteri doing sa, we think you'l unite with us, i.n saying that no lar. ger, mare complecte or handsomer stock af these- goods can be tound ini this cauntry ich Iess in this town, than the anc hiere shown you. While none, can be- fouiid that is so beautifuly disqplayed4. We_ repeat that these additions ta yaur home can bc made without interfcring w~itlh thie many domcstic needs thaï must be. pravid , for from tinie ta, time. Honest ,deaiing, low priccs and a large stockl to make your sciections from iw, what' makces us so bus'y while others are complaining of di business. Ours is welI namned Thie People's Carpet, Store, and with y our assistance ve will continue to menit the name.. We want your cus torn anid that af your, friends, and if yau -t orne, to sece us we are satisfied we WiII et it. Wc (10 lot askcyou ta buy unless you are fully conyinc- cd you - arc getting ful value for yovr money. Fverything is guar- anteed and no misr-eprcsentation ailowed at. 11 Our businaess is ta asic you ta, corne to the 7C ity Store for any g'oads yau require in the. housefur- nishing line. You wiIl find we have a large a very lare. aàsortrnent af ail znakes of Carpets.- We 'begin aur prices, af Carpets at. ro cents for hemp -up.ta ý 30 Cents. Unions bWegi &rt4nc.unpÉ t- 5cal WaoIn tarily. Piano- Covem, Table Cavera, Stand Cavmr, Toifet:Caveraand Toilot. Sets, Sa* Olicloth, Stair Roc% gç, beron. you bi9uy yoiiwi!I nd aur valum e a.good ou cm be bad aay- ulgoreand we bellevsire sbow aI- &Xàw ethrhe[eut atu ent Win th e KII oiteww[lii art m h TCM DEDATE --SCOT! ACT - TIE LZBERAL lýEAZEESIP-A MAGNIFICENT RCHUSE -DOMIUG THE IMON MINES -COMMER' VIAL UNION-CANADIAS VOLUNITEES- TUX TrP.N-47VALL.EY C ANA. top" ousi uo@.o t IboPrel The ail Important quieistion willi members et PrAxilamontsînow ila»a to the date of pror, ugat ion. We governnîlenî hai proinJ.sed, wlîh the help et the opposition, ta puit everythn througi uh mosPae allow tho e nmbers îtoe t aiway * On ut urday next. And tiere laa vcry gonara!, aluaire that tiis soul ho don.Tt la no liglit " skte ait In -the bousetfCummons chaînlier houx'r attr heur during til hot wçather. Splon. dîl ais ama theparlaînent biuildings as specîmnens of architecturai beauty rhey aire net comiplote cneugh lnut buir arrangemrents for ventilation te make il ainythlng leaus bain daingerotas for, men topamismuh turne witlîin t heir waillrs durlng tihe .4tmnmer menth& Iluorertu gelaway by the ctio et his woak a tromendous amount. of work nMuthocput îhrouglh even If thre goveramnent ihums tiot brlng down any other mensur*4 thmîn tItite now beforo the .hoîiu. . .nd. jmtdglngbly rheir record i lutire piat, il i most probable thaît the v cri wursacstes lire governnnt hais te tsub mairaire bsing hald lawk le the hope et rushing thani through at the Init moment. TauE TEMPERtA. D 1EnATI. Tilt! long expected dehaite on lthe àsbjeet cf prohihîrion wasopeuod on WVedn msday last. thins asI .%.Inîig. tuasomne îînmu.ecaînrabilîx wiy. laemn louitliîoned fl'oinger t ianIr h uoidllimîvex bin. .%,4 a whmle the debate wirs net a very arble ene. 'lhe' hoismue lis »s impatie.nt uf, long liaicmîuiàns ac this l iie thatil jas imptissible firtven tIre able@# spakruaippeax' t hias Iet. rad. narever, evi'n titie.mtat ardent friands ofteti'npermînc wil!! uinit i lAt the arguments on t helrside is weli rum rhei lier 1have hetnwornsuîmcwha i ihremiubire. Tht' rm..sml iiâ pri..simntoiud byMr, Jamueamn,îv wttl l Iai her-til mat the inasîmînuru'uaifbu' e.o naialn 'ilimnu' wia i fvo' cftitr.ipmhibl' I ion tif' 9 hu' maimfietîîr'. liuportatoan îtsale uf lnmmxicaing liquuiomoutais .rng e tth prohihl. lin tlie tiforco-iltlrmmghomar the io.ihmuion by'ially aippîainrm'ui uîflivmrrsof theît itanion g,oernent. There wis notlaimagpaîx'iculamrly nîw or immiwumrtîmt iilai..r im i Mx. Jilrtm mipuixh ax'lur in t tof' hlm.speonde r x. Fittlier. rtuugh.%fr. Fisheur esîsa'ially nîmulu'aruale it- mi dlrt>.4.arryinK <rtf maIir -the-îa iihonora ida thu' mlaaî. Mx'. (iroatauri. m lie Montréal lawyer whîîio Càrns.mxîu.s(mrîlur.ruadle il spie-eh iin faor tiwinîr andtiem.r andti onmluiatel b> mmaïing thet t hem, beverafeli e allowed unIon t lit Seur t art?. To thlxt aîneninent Mr. Cairgill, mor Erast ltrileî'. prmqaostrul. i irlu în.xtmiît i liat ilt iSentt rrsomt a'r'i.îua iuohr No fumrthîr aienîlmenîscîuî le paut in intil thtît of Mx'. (Crgill lui vottu uown. The to. l&iaitîn whim'hlai ttu go on lmmlayi nuai.rla:ul mîjariaia vola. in 1 it auit plae.onailSI r. ( aîglsmnieimm'nin. Thmis ai ualimammaîmt lit, no -io> ail m'tnmin ta'îmîpiunrii.c- ..Aantitilmnt.;wf-irillng lIo ilt- opîinionrin m'iay. i. wrm..iIlaIrsi . andtim Ilie i v i .wjii lota i. -i mIfoir avil Ilagrenmilintenrmst. Of vt'oiirsi h l ierra'volm' i lotir;lramalisi rri p rolainl hum. aim a ti. mal iilsa'if. ama'i lt ~'iirtI.f art ilyan av riîr- Si ' lahma Mmmm ummîll s îmîîi lai rtst utl in Iltai lOti filt lin....'the' îra.,.t'rm li ul' t' 'ai'.ionti la-i' i- S ;1ivtutî' ionaxal. i , il'lis il iafe.rinimi. lriiig hi- h'aiint'iiiîiunt w..viil limsulpîrtera iinntig the .hru'wemt rn.ildu'r hlit ais prniAe.'. 1i1, îa'ai thre leis 'ai lie pîriaibir ion ofwinu uni lwî'r unimite b tcftaid.i lionm. Will're.d Laurmier haishet!rl Io < Mi Iifl totiilammlil3' Ithi, lîlmîi't'tîl' i lau;iîtn i'i f them'<l olias)itlibn. Mr'. laîrritar h1> inhotmiaiîrid ti lt- mriast fn limei nnior ilit. lau tiai.. Kigainlian of lle laighu'sipiffibih :auntrrami mone wh.'ioaie gîmîîuînii1uiti Ibrhi' lais nib inîm' -Suivm.1 lie îex- îien-itniaf irlbe.ry. Ili., maanul) iad lhernie staînd i n ief'ai mal'tilie a']nll'.iimls. uf t li' tai\ rtIl awîr rama, i Ila-% mlaaîî'l i i i inatil( iit a ifti lt-t' i ,a i.mlmu* igummimali ral t'uîa'm'îptiman %v hls i4i Iaa.atloin i hala rt'liIimuan ' îi Il ru'sh-ra in t'e amm hi .ia llmilîi. ?Nir. Iiiîarlt'r tai.hem'n îr-îilii1iul In ftie aitsml'4o m.oair lamoile ui ni arit i hy ilia it mmar.rm.wnaiifttn. il' Ii tirmiri'i*es îliit-li iveru aimafrveily rmathlgt'l ii i lring t ht'eii iti ht'ladnt'ss ....iria whillîieh 'aapt'msiredtli'î' in 1 m i r3' airtnghmalit lila.- Tironto maId î1itlritillis. îma..iiaaii in l'.m rmx, iisprova' iliea' arligiim ai i .m*'îmt.'ix I Ifair. ml wlhiéli lit au' i b iial 11%ima i x. M i. i lit' wrî'.îttis,'itraustil by'miatxi'lt-i-t lh-iiiii mri- siflasi ltfil anad 1 lit',';t'.io4f <loit reli'hlion arri 11.10% in ii blillm' ti hrl id itan ris 1lt'ti" oair if1ilit!. ploand r tai <atipr'ssemii. 'rTIiereI' lxi xonally- lia) nuiirem. lt.. mmlaîr mîaî n ti lai' il hamîl aiti' atilt-li hqmause timaîn lht. and i a lrioa<tn li a tlttinu ru'- ttagnhr hua maf lis lonmg sen-icesutmimai! is gm'm'ai niîility. i-is mleriotoaaa therIreiinmlrship i n nt% mmm aiam>'dm l iI. mlîîibrf fl'i Im' ill long 1111 ofl e4ar IilairrIl 'ir? wmiglr. rînd il' rhi-rt wer t)i bua"jrital iriMr. iki' wmaii irri ri lis îaist doiht ix'i3laard aîala nmw i n liii. hoa gentiffflan O ue ireflpe 0oflijper, wlo, corne front !!Vur t "I lsii. eeelail>'tetake Ibis naarer l usn aspe t nentai pria- clpl..a Blteo heumw onet ahurrgrand neoiîaaeaeuW p m chtwen <lie.govera ment antidile»Unam retierepnes.ntativc Oft îîslimi esp capitallookt.g te rIre establieb. n1etOf p MiMleu o* a luNovai Senti. &lu eider to malte the thini &Ialthre moreaosaut tiitnl la q!%t re houuerurouul that ~avennmelt .M-slUout tire Iutercaloala m,rltb~htielcibfwbcm nonelouger ho amouanu»s capital ex,.i? 1L~ to m>. vbeu rite> vefnswe ve. uin mon uneri ai .taralo m etanu. the bîpMsevesua ~a a ensUme - oanamSer>' ¶mat; Thé. cuturie "Uleci.t m lobe emplyi lu lb. Neya Se" otaenr. liUOMM Tht. ___ tlstafPm'rami" letole taxeafrSthejur oc waaIila locfnSme n Pople l lb. mbr ui o va Scola.io6 eieIr a lîmi betbaumtwrha hetthy viib wàà%r te me the dontosit me Mliaematrant ~mU le~ ~ bOf lm AMd vbleb combine te keep the tory part» froua de. eiarlg laufavor cf«commercial unionmalsonce. for thsy mes am are real» to aoknov!elge that protectila ispikyed out. One tbing ln tIre tsar that Il voudld a te annexatian virichit la part et tbelrsen mtryie>'tprétend t rd boses ci tihs perty 1k, TuppramI m cammittel 10 the proieea oiLcy sud ua vent t te, reup tire "boole» anti alvautageo It tbnows lu te va» cf thoer trient4sfor te» knov tbat vbateven elée ina>' ho milcfr Cent. mercis! Union, It vasti>' reduces tire opportun. iMe foçi-nsido advantagas. -CANADIAN VOLUSTEES.L On Mona lrM. Barras brouglit ap latIre, boum te .cm oe ient. William HaMilton Mer. rtt, ounmotion fer papers pettalnlng to Appica- tion b>' its- uperler alicex' tonris promotioa on accouat cf lImportant services reudex'ed dting thte Nortl.Wcsl -rébellion. Prom Mr. Ilsrron's observatIOns la tihanboumIt la - ru hogathered tiret, If tihes. a m aebraught lovna istate etîhnvlVbédIacIceel, uevlna thm Inapi tu'w ie e as Il nov staalsin daqual t-' lng offcÉsD mmla t.hIbmvanaiMIAU frein ~ e tiepsto fcommanrenof eux' owu nulle, n. Bero eens determinel tIrat tIre ilgest reward siroul ho attainable b> the. Lamlnmilitia'man If hIreieta il. TMM !VALLEY CANqAL. LIAMv.ok Mn. Barroa mlt. la lbtIrhe inten- lieu of the govoromoal te proeimed Ibis ycar vith tIre contructIon et thes works ofthrie Trent Vs!. loy Camail DaetIre goerxnment iutend titis year to enter upou an>' fresir work net nov untier pregneoi AndifIlse, aIt al poit?ces points on thte route of tihe canal? Rota.Mr. Pope, mialstenot railwaynandeanals repîlil la thte intention cf tIrhie ntn lu complété, durlng titis year. ail tlt onaituait have been beguat. I la aise tIre intention ut the govenumeut, during te recasa, ta appoiut *a cormisslin te examine sud report upon thea balance ofthtIe vork that tire, hon. gentileman speakat of. Iu tommittîcof ut ippi'. ounTîtesda>'. 31r. Bar. rosimade snme ver>'ulocav nd relllng ru' mark% un titis topie whea the **%ute" l'un gOjO traîeurp. Hie remarks u ade Sir Chiarles Tup. pur t'on>' utomtox'taîble. and fuit>' expuse tIre whoîe cmlim as a tu traind a wasîetui expenl. iture utfîauhlic iaiarlie). [The Hananr report of this debste willI ho piutau next week. -Eu>Pomri LITTLE BRII'AIN. I0uoulsacdme c TaIMPour. Trmmn' ftEn&T PoGuW.-Atumcve auvehiommd barin ei udme hn New ai. maxi vte Excuuais ozT aLa-b eioi Sabbath ne hee ave ariMgOM&fra grand ,excursio wOrtlhlon PVdmpi Juna 241h. l'âioci oLy OO, obldren unIon I12isai UpeIu M 5 &a&e.Som posters.Tht. vii lu ai e aunon»excunMI4m JE1fBO Pe PS. arrangiag tu buaU Mr. Brooks, of Brook's hois, and a reliniary pr&o'.edang the huiel furniturs anid flulinga vre vauel on Tuesedavcof ibis vnek. Mr. D. BOil5Pir5Ua Ithe turniture king of Pslerborough. vas calîitd on bebaif 'if the- prompecive propriecors and dasbaiged hie dutîs. very elllclsntIv. White bore lie tank a large nuitber of ormierat for furniturs inch mcmatter,, ailoftwhich vIsa Isilveul viii no douht proveo mtsaalry.-49-L.. MARIPOs1A 'STATION. Ioaissceet Tbo Puol. uo, i3th lnsi., tie bouse et Mn. Daniel Prier, Tiltcm, Kaulpase, vasentendi vhile ail thre umatue versabsent sud a vWaluahie wath aMdfouirdollarsIsba.. Formuamtl» îe thietdld net flui Mn. Pri. obobooà4vblhtecontalumi a cm àldemmble .mnetfmuusy, but l[n gg tbraughdiffmrut pmet* a b.lmndthb omna Imm.msaoi. . la the iutu Osst lt omat2tSh PIC omc. -The sunai pienlset the Gain. b aM etlimidlat Sabbath mchool wili b. heîd la Ur. Willlnaona ugraveamn Wodnwsiay, *the 22nd i n.l., la thes atternoon. Guwuw PAaarr.-Tbo member. of the Enigilsh ebirrelihbersholdti er annual gardes part>' ei the parsonage on Pnitia>' veniug, Jumie Iuil. Ws uadsa'uand ihe Rev. Mi. Cooper bb liss vilel lu lihe Bastngs durci sad think Ire ta to amespi the invitation. Kr. Cooper la respscted iay the citizsas gnenal" at i l i!regret bis departure mearly as mu. tehlmparlliotr. Camu sFAc"oa.-Tbe fàetory li rum. nînu quits briakl>' novimekitu; ix chasse per dey, vhich tialiettmrukout for a nev saterpriue. Thae fing mie vas matie-un ksturmlay lest andti ibmbuysr a4peas hlghlv et the ilîrallty ot uur cheesse. Soîgu SpuciAL 1axwms-Mn. Litte bas reunsd tronsTmrono vhers ho wuva aendinit a traul ami.e. - eh&as etured i6seaâfne <oda et low prieu.. Sec bis lins ut primes Mdalmualins et 5 cents par yard ityou ane in tle warit outcheap goutis. anti JurAt lhiak oe t i I-.-72bar)s>f ut einer une laundry 4ttap fur*l-50ý-é8. irYMENE&LIT!uI-RuIDorb about lo"a lIai. two matur mem'claxntriare »senuaîy tinknmt ut taking .lsmplnac partaes. W. anilni'rmed une uftheb %taI ain orotea tif is vek. A certain lady lu woodvun i sparicularl>'Inierestod. Wes enemr vish tbe couple gourd luaxk. YACHT CLM .- Ktmg e f t Yaht oIt> caUSl for U'ednewmay eves!ng-camanol %endi particu. lare eat! luet vtme-We understand, Iruever, ISl a conimpiaicd Wtuhave mm i Matiutregsi= 0u 18i Davmmow Couwn vi b. e horsbou l tae 2Mb luai. Sous inesiause -am l b. triai. PIeUTés lin voyvsoe M Ornl bermdi!>. Bre.baalu rv lia lpatron- BOAn IhUV azm&-OU? vmlam aiM comwaweomr , Dl.,bu saitaclattsuihl iaour te-teltua. vibrueuse luthe colvert et lobe donc culveit put lÙ, astdotbendmimpovs .h nii.Nay reçois'aue urpoastlyFor lu. a hue ibm netIaieowler et causua>', lot.14, con. 5. L9l Ths hoau 1 ti e sahi te et o01886 IEPLEmu.?AGMT - ehv u" po lun rotasth" baiUr. WIam Nhon. i s vitlge bas boseptm eau a m m mfrl traimfoir lb. %, etéf.Wu gr Fmesi mpl-s- Noer. n Mlmn. O ieusa..mhse, abe, smaO bu rowm ensd et GraisaUnt PMMeIY for a ou« TA& "u a,, viebla a - Icndication ibspures.atmami dio t huttiie pro. paseL j botin smnotehuit1St..Varie, At pes-m*9b0.%T. Il. - b"moig lie M"" iis-. Pmesaie up lie atetr valbi lbm Md ÇMcupul.Ifunilaab s v hairIb somilobtt imm a ine mm forbai lia bu lss k * Wo u N g brougi SuwvsNU - tbe vlle lb.m.lironli 18 har 11 M rl. -vla m- mirm tm*t«Muit.N, notisu W _ lm -O MW aMeid .Bue »...ii fa oas AM bon"-& 4 t ;;L - ~t-rt «lem ý -liaidlebuon ~Lmspausi eems. We km pa geM' fnJ. .LUI EHoua viste-. t hemfm b.laset O«_- vuai Md iviliy tisa hmbas"-ou- mutlalise U mm masd- rmestli se Iielestr..Oedm wâlviii ho"amty Little liritisin. Jiina 9. I&W.-4i. 18mibambe 9k. a Sc6 gw m mia rnmls linkt"hu" &Mia 1 ed bu oa lUU.-ore k oMd wu" er 'quamrIp saumodor finish sMd asn nuit sau"ai ho UVRumisla Camada. Tbu ~.Brab.IuIU eUk sud fviii hoonflo «= bm atmberalmers cmoausi the omme queait e" alsf.-474f. PmmùNaL.-Mbis.Sbrvd Bu orettht. vcnost. Oua letmi friso"& tfflo mieavalaIe soif at tbmomortu- at ie i nome a P~îsisstore Mad bisieoi Sb ai hmknrsp sc. Mibm m rsau jlwomsi8"aMI roonsi hmo lais.itir dry iowle mitdiafoi Nolusohlispprima Iporo ai Oro"la b hautpaesr tbo ohosstMmd b-til aI.4~L SOUTH CARTWRIGHT. TUB QuM's JIVMLE Va esleltd lit Cmtwrlgbsm i ray. IM inst., by holding a celé. bastio n tWltimmburg. The villeW» niely de. conisl for tirsocaion vilb svsrcrusns, stc. At &bout 10-30 a proession wa.fotuel.beadsdvth le brai band, snd consising ot oony ot vontus membm, cfOrangelolgu. ald a tireciizonë, andm marisi itrouh the prinolpm4stresta. About 1 o'1ckca meetinu vscallellibthedri!!shledi hen spobsa vais isilvèeu by Mr. Johinson ot Batev.iIle. Ees. Na..xeiay amd creighion, aMd Mr'. lmm Rs-of LlnMleY. iterlie upsecbisawone cou. Î1Ibm thecrovd adjoured 10 bthe agrcitur&l grmmada vlere variomas sports, auclina runnbnrl jump. L-t -gf-var, stc., vere rniulv" din. the prizes V=aten liy sirsngsns from 1Bevmautvills, Tooiati otier. lvai.Apmenadeconc-ert vas 'VI",nil th lIas vSu.csisting of musie anti 'eita. to011, et*. vWe Msorry luala %bai IbmtheScott set was noi very vilteili thlile dey. PuusuSL. EL R asdMmd Mn. v. Pbllp are la Toronto ttendilng conseos c. ... mr. I. T. Fsrguâm hliasrstumed troià vlisiing hi. brother ...Mms J. Fergumnbus lisn visiting friendâ iu fferboreugir...Xmra P. Werry sund Un, J. Clarke ot Darlineon have blisis ing triends ru Cart. vrlgbl during th@s P"si umk. M.Xr. & Mns. Juhln WgIt spent a fmv layis vilirfriÎdain Fenelmu laât week. EiQ ~aflmmsmdso cThe Pest.J KouuL410,OOpnlvtufad enod ai; six unstNeom .ls.Apply to Loris IL Hem BarritWr. or J. C., Insu. CourDcTo.-A short Ien mmming bth.leue ftl»tsa M & I.correspondent te the GlasUerca-obefaroour notice somo tl M .Part-e b Ion romb ibue : "Iie la aid t. o b. heflov ho dishea up thse MimIlanoWabob lwaddl. far Tu. LENDAT PMa Msd l% a teth.rate sprlug mas aise." W. vould alviso tb. carres' pOUdeul for tist- aIppr Dot t. m&ke suy novebapazel. usses uchas ho bib in bssatbmua, » lhe yonng mm referred te la Mot lb. correspondent for Tax PosT, mon dom thespndent ever aspire le the. titi.e fpont aM tise oue*tWho dishe. up the iiulla uote-baok Ivadle for the Glamer CoLLusuHo»nOie-Thase vbo paid, eew eton tnteesuitse ofthe recent univofat» eamnstion. ai; Taront. viii oothât tie nmof e Mn.A. F. DeLeury luetios. t ltefimsoyoar. Tts otl te su borner leoui vgufl ansds a geaer houe t ie you«mmm. AsMr. DeLeury la a vuYP omiulmg po0=9min W* do net stop lherbut exofeeto teiar groaler ms suit *CUL. We vould 1ke t. ose -omre Mmeu of Our yooug monutrylua te elovate Ihomevo. latiis . y RxpacTÂTiomms-Tba theb. Mthodlst aiuer Msd lb. piaceedinga ai the day to be &grnd s e, d ao uly lot ...... Tir. PublicsWhool llsnmhave a biffâent &p- poouft...... To ome . e2ist celebrated herme von" asla other Places, but thore hm bemu uo action laben pt. Pumbr>ALs-.-nsd Q e.Wriahtmire lot Ploesnveeovititg thoin blonds lu Ibis Plae .... ML.- MIha. bern ~ts09 erfer wsons li4me..Inspectai ShMoet Lindsay _vistel ibis place lamu veb.... Mr. A. Ebvards vwho lias been tubl gcharge et chat notel liorso Toronto Chi a th11e City of Belleville bas returned ...M.BkcKay 111.1thoeSIethodlat pulpit lust gc"F y voing. . . . M. Mc!4lia of Llnmwyw»va u own Ibis voub. rCniyadsaeorfTho Pasti OnITDaE.-OU W.lomday mornlng Mr. Jais A. aco....for may puais a t. ipsoi otizse fthtis ac, after a .shart ilir utupv i it The touerail ook place anThursday aftoma Msd vas astosisibr a larg umbee. Mucli sym- palhy la festf. tfalie rtïved family. Drnvu- Oa lWeduosday atenmoon ]IL Bord Jk Cd'& &a drivo arived. Thiselg mms & UmuucsL-Tbe Wlsard OU Comupany ho s aioù eok% se et af posair con. cult b 1ýsue 18 t sldel sud a" on Seturday %mur i.»votte Omemos FrIs eu W ell ia mnmg the Wigard Oi omesutvasgeoba m nd sui - a bd*suwmolhVfor a Loy minutes lesving hbNi. M sludlu, sit teck lb. oar, ALMv o ekAN Âccim-Onhurday o'ocin Wb A. Garllcb vasdrlving nais CM Mmiblmimi Dp O&tua, ie buila, lis imzT& bts Mdirotait. Delveraià»mt Mr u» e t la u. Tispigbo.. ceaumeus fi ut of the. mioi.The falowlng la &. last of *0. suae"uuW opei : Tbrowt.g beavy Uooe-jWalter Borne. 2 D. =W ~gJUMP-1 J. Suflivae, 2 F. Derm. R ntghop4top..a4-jump-1 J. SWllvmea, 1 F. ¶9 P-.1J. Sullivan 2 . Doamn. ém'=yamesrace-i Wm. KKm. 2 5 WM = race-i Jos. B.D.!2 J. MoI.oyke T Md m BRIDG5. à Bm STocK. -Thia week lb. n.oted baanngpistock dealers, -39Mà: Porter 09 OfMia, bave laid la a tremendoas @me f Dr GooUs Groorite, Redy-made Clocbingan tausobeid supplies gaeraliy. Tht e - ueac the larcent Mdl fant stocke evor beg:iota Olimsud"they an. ssiInm tholr galm than othefsborem boy ho roIersof l'lm Pour la Mars shoul 'maao menote ii a"d ton theïr friouda-4,-t. lCoeruçomienoe of Tusi Pour.] Alm!Vzm§AEy. - Salem aunîvoesmay ext SuLday sud Mondav, lu and W. Corne ocm @ad .&IL Corne on Sunday If you ecm, but cSorngmodai whother you cmor ot a. 87 *0. staff of speakere that are lkoly to heon abaud vu feel-conident y ou viilbe veil roWm nually and physicsily. Your osly risk vill ho iu taklng ton much. If you. dont vaut to ho sorry for two or thiso ymars don'behominus 1hst day. SU>EwALJ.- W. ane glad t. sau that our patbmanter la otug t. todo somatblng for ut la the shape of sidewali~s this year. We givehim rdt for the actilu. Tas Cnoi»'-, amlookinit exceedingly veUl Sud timers ane quit. encourage& MO UNT >LJEA.ANT. [Coruspondence uf TuE OBrruÂRty.-It la with feelings of a- nomsthat Ihav,t. chronlele th. basth of Mms Thoms Hudley that Lok place on F=ridapI tLh lu., alter suffertng from 1h. ill olgdise... consuraption for over six months. The uerai "rasa ateùdd by a uumbor of frisnu ansd acqualnisuemo, sud bobk place on the following Thutsday. Mr. Rsudley basmtt e yopathy of the Poo. pie of this neighborhood la hissaI horeave. ment. PàawsxL.-The Rev. John Ewlag Pros ýtorta mister of this place, ie for WWpen lms Monday morulug tb attend the s@ursl soambly which la boiug beld la that city tbis seoson. Aller th* sesson la over ho lutends viattinu a nuxubor of hie roltivs ho ivaluDakota. W. hopelhe wili have a pleaaant trip..... Mms S. ex.- ton, herdatukhter Elle snd SMrm.John Sut- euhll, &aL of %ieisplace, left on th.eam tesitou onday, tith Inst., Intendlng ta vit a umbner of roelives tàey have In Manitoba sud Dakotas. W. vlst thexu a ploswaut trip sud hope %bey ail viiireturu mnch benefitted b» their holiday la th. NXorthweer- Bm~ï.-Âgrand li me la expeced aeth sehool pieuteic be oheld ou the 21et1 met. ln Mr. A. Webster's woode. Tai. Caops inlu his viciaity aue Iookiug eoweingl» velli [Corropondence of The Past.i Fz&-Oa Tiaeeday, May 3Ieî, a lire occurred at the resideuce of Mr. Richard Willock whlch destroved hie houaehold furniture sud faim luplemeLîs. but through. the streuuous exertions ot hhs nelghbors, who carne to hi% rescue as soon as the» 5"w the snoke.his barnt vas saved. Much svmpathy Is expreisol for Mr. Wil- lock, who ham alwayé been mnuch respect ed. hv Ru ÂAPPOINTED).-Wé av much pies. sure la congratulating the conomeomuiow, of thé, Methodlet churches in Dunaford sud Emly on the re-*spoointment of thoir pop- ulai veston, Rov. Mr. Pattyon Excunsioz.-St. John's Sanday ochooil beld their annual xcursioa sand pieute ou t8t utS. Despite the dandy sudnun- favorable appearance of the 'westher the excursion vas veli patroxiized and the members of the Suuday sehool have xnuch pleasure lu returnion thanks 10 their nulu- erous frienda frorn Lindea». Cemeron sud Feneloxi who so iiberally uaslWted t mire this as usua the moat enjoyable excursion of the Besson. We have also much piea. sure lu recommendinit the Meters Burke and theIr palace ëcow Paaon té the no- tice of intendiaiz excurmionietit. The scw has a nov upper dock wlth awniug vhere piessure-seekers can salely ait sud view the Scom on elîher shore as 1h,.» quietly alide &long, and that genial good nature, oblgs aiH onboard sud ex- treme ca'tiouneues inst danger of the Messrs. IBurke has rasd the'n ta ho the moot popular carrive of excursions la thié icaulty. LEaviiqG. -Mr. A.. D. Csm pheil te ioavîng here and wi1 sftk hii furtune in CIiforiia. Hi: .ia,' to i l it ain,,lot 3, on. 2. Thrmh. at&d tuer' me saine on e,.-..'terra..This. i, a .'haruc2fur df%;Lkn tu *einiro aon-u Coaaxc.-ri.o.- 1 wi»h tb correct vhel w,_ a miWprut xitri a. week.. Pos r i reard tý the sale of the thor.-urrhhre~ilbuill .wùeI. h% Dnalti ird.- [ , ï : ta - 4 =W- ý TICIM9 91.00 -PEU YiRA«R rmand MMof s t Ilumswas vhaie le casi g= i= ion thel Red River district ami coulti Oui get sa tdee. Tht. t, certainly a mosi voirderttri rcrd and ne vhich prbbly no uther prnchr a MxsTu xETimTALINxET.-Tie Now Orinas D.rkeyJubdles imnrsgav..susan sertain. nment in lte Spencer bil un &riday veurta. wbmck was bumgly plauiurg tu be l aud raience Ihat ees- ed ihos, TbsIU.U.FP. cfWoodyLlbare teoospatu lassi on the fine stutmimsmaîte hey Arréfl efor tb. people uft bis place. Il bus becSusprovet>ial tâmetif Imytilng ls undsribe au*pwseuft teuddhlo.we in la s uasaios th" tê t mi r vih ii sflsicass VIcmm KLL-W lbo l.ibom yte noU» bopooascfWodvhle aMi publie gsuadly tha1 our vohthy tuvîImma. M.!).aelaughit, -'eho te Dow lb. owner of lire s4Mwskuov as Ii Roulator and tbe Sacsr hanl 'lve la, ith" il la bis Intention, tu hold a jubiles aut re-chrmhm lbe hall, seul roua tiis oiIl shall . aDovnasm Vistorleb.IL-onlt formoi wili b bsld in tbs publie Sobool bsn c. Trkby. % bs a anmber of prim s wM be avsIod. Mlpuisimai tb.slamoessi i bm sbaslanre lvalse VM eS~ a ou-Pm tu c **rnhom a B"mi Pm mavu OU& "direailv, um"ma*&~ tôt