...........-Ba c. EM-- oeoua o1 ET To Eah ~fOur..stm wblen YQÙ Bpend a flllar in our fstore rernembe? thàt- 7011 geêtii «ift f a bh.ig proflt, for wo veinarked our .goodît lower thsa the lowest. We ~Wftf~ sli 0w, ut e hae dtemrined this fail to compel tie Public to corne and -huyr off ugo You can't withstand our.lwp!ct con3bifled -with mterUng qnality. We 1)eàt everythiTlg and -eVeibdy fin ettltie. No time waiting-4lie tirne to hbuyl im now, for now ls the tinie to amve money.__________ l#o eO , a «429mm;wu " m lrWnd ar at e pM *s WtU mwu MM&11 1iflw _bat lâtW*W Lf er V 1WOOU 19 ÏSoeubk, Ku0a gu A" maug Mu u u orf &r ai Iwu tàm ~ w AvcoTnpl4hl theme tbrée things. at once: Iay ini y our- >%Sk of YFi1 Dry (Good msan ( Millinery; have an excurRiofl to Lindmay and Rave bapl) of inoftey 1>y huying of NuL (5 jiTif &C - . IL- l». O tmm % kf ~u'A o1041 gANgMN ~ - g~ AOIFTOF Tf,. Uoeaé,t FI o- TIE CITT STORE S' dtheasen I CATE - gram ~ur~SOMM -u -o M Ami"~ l-E - - -- k-rrh --«rele o- - Woe~IWol-f letB -Th- w e.bm Om 12eîrgwuw& r tiftPOmvsÇtaomi.U. gnou omC.. fom8mewm LIu.r.EI 5 .---iuea h n~wbnoe - Ew ub lnmi n -im &Nb@n ~.~hn01t Sb.06M u to @m o iofw B Wwomlw ~..a6iIv-w miA ot C. amffer bo lqw ut0~ut-nive& Ola M fy Ub.th. ~oIKa M L tI.....Omaru wr w i.ssmte eaka utet 1- &,ULM,& dwVabe 1tb&IIwu âme lut t& Mw ooastmyThe. phtEtbV~bIb k*ul", hm hm@& la me w.ssih cou@ Tb - ~t. musya- v Ba ( Wefmi 0rmwnok a maieulm. a bed6ai r efl.ction of t<dai mu srouds drus. Every ftUlte 1l :nore thac me-40. tva.,14wêhbae .16.1 m eibeliah- .ft. <iau.zm.uim<m tmusrestYou uty thinkmut <il oubave sasthe soods. W. anewillon wim6 WekawtheusaIL. Pirat-Nobblue.s otas-ve- .- mut t hi. Mreuemoat tufl. Mien portée- dosi. ait-qu. eau fLt pou 1etter. ofeega~,a Rat* wl<k .quWto t. am-4»e mt; notable featue of suotine And&.Llmdy-hosty la make and matela -whick laua< obyotuaae, mntuX <Ire 1l1 maas r oR od& ta Mlect fr'm; an to e <bus. vinus.we .11 the LowasPossble Price, en, waed wth thexouavel Cash Symtem af ont buaime". , S » w s fo U Ra e-<ade la. Gente' Farn 1shiu, MËZ =nguT, Shrts, met. EEADY.flgADE CLOIHING.-Tbe iargsc zmk and lowmabprias. vsbave evor shwn. CâIi ad sieus. Dur MM. CAIHRO h». bIm his abearsehame Uahhlsat @4l1t»aan&llut"ea- a -in atth Sdaa am" Ait or enuitnga.temsgRWmuit SOOTIIEIRAI, SCAURS& MARK. va 2 aum SEunk", Iz., . T". dum wlaor the mPol"Ore LiHrftbrs Brotke. I BRif TON BROS<J WatckuuIceès, E~agravoee, J.weUere, Opt4e~aisa. rCCO7f- ii . end Oossessfaatitres of excellence not te be found ii aly otizers. We keep alvays on kand a very large and varied stock o/ ail thze StandardiXmeriran Watkes. Watk ai 7~veler rpaùiùg of al descrzýtions doneam done. wel-af treasonabtepices. »~ urk gwamateed. Pcrhapfs yau vatue your. eyes*gkt, if so take care of it w/eit ef&gins fi? fait4 or as 500/t afler as Possible. H-ave your eyes testeLrndjPtq/erly fittedi witk gasscs. Money jitdicictisly ex- ,Éenddfor fii!pujse 1-S one of IMe beSi jossible investmîents. BRITT 1ON BROS. T4IwT.~r Sima».i8~-i Ilý DUR - NHEW QUARTERSe I- M-EMW M.. ore m~am ,...a M à vprem a thetAKeoeimu &Mk Md ita M&s b mm .Iww iq uvi mtva Io& a 30~ DÂTS'bÂRÂl A oe ) -- NG NEXT SATUEDAT. N~ U ~s ~ ~ - .~t oe ftv flua vil gmt a ~rqaIa of w~w - Sq ~~ DE - e!Mwmmitea mthbt k,-imc&t b- wo "e>si LADIES. flbaub Do" la ow u M &c Maist Wutlt mm th» elargeb.ough teo v sa Idos, Mmd a ga tcqor wbatit tll bka wssh ma ai ý othedt al iaaa.mmm» ma s mla 1<1..(a blg w . la hrIb5 lih Yabtb.b Ourt amfeiamt 1 idilyogl m- bnctuut evsrythinx me, l la txor wedkc*, bu- pethe-wtîk &Hlthe aider Cami yu1I.la psiar tuoeru esuple gooda*we show u«awolrmamM SsaMM& NEW HILLINEET te bhmmà lbdm opbma upm LADIES KANTLES-The1kIsweisw lmgyouruelctlo..Our fnuka lit.K ls ummSl sslstaecr. Giv. ber ataai. se» wil »Lemat y AN U~E&UZE FO PYUBI PÂTRONÂGM BUY THE B ST.R OUR SPECIL PrXTCÀFES, wkick wea es/fciallj' sEITLEXNI - EL 1 i :b ý 1171