wou - U0m - ki~ - -. - - - - - WHAT WE ARE. DOINO W* av ld ustme sWho have I fgOur MGoi for man mwro find us out I ~ ~anus *unirI -~ - - og Urq 04 ,m itmor9le wkur_ ami pimemm AZ s l O~os.PaWH~tg>ou k Os Kar., Uu -IN la m8êwmm& et a ik.. E U Uf~~~inf4os r f T e f ~ u lie &ut uawo hos. Pus. MI*Vavu!. smi irooff we SamUdt u he seu h. eulitdt IbOUTiah ttv«att florwto 1 'N.it m a0 tovm auto oal Mie P ~ hâ iek no D " mnu- maib f4T. 1AX-0 . MM t1>7 IÏi ibM 4"Uhsum mm Iu à M bu ~ % ~ j luaS«r but two hUN» r. w a tout c. gra abu. fowspeukum ftlwousm.. ferth*j hOa~a fir ursî-thà.<insF.rfer eeI1wi m PIIoVgofl,:ahtsmmmIthhmWd" do* ahoni - mm hema i'tht. ~ j~jg ~ a.~thtVt.oula8u.ws4l5te .%.slrilithu. !Ce"* -pl fo7 wiloli imim oaie411-40bh* Loyer IbvoD. Grau a soo,mawa&.t 4Jcam> &RK àJLXU.£F WA:A JTD RISTw wr oem ~'em-faegk WerU.m.- ~ lt.r.,sus &e ~LIU ueTIkcor. efflhmigelua...â.w wos- 4a, f.tffl- si» iXr tshiawomnpfrlepusaL -4V-mle IMMont mh-. . Kwvw là«&(, -a~ -~u iimw etiai pan, ii Rou- ". . Melnt 'o. t rl. wà muaik.tta.Isfr U MdLC1E A WlW 1"idti'S nned I ofUk. % Simuleotumhirh praetleafly 1mm»50th" thtlà. rdcr mWlbyvlmue of ihe power of »Il) con- Cota ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ae.of 84e he fa"me-Ws > tk n 88 O'5i~i 18 tatced la. a ootau Morrgage., WbUhvib, 2um; oU D Wa. b~ b"M eu1t laic heu bu..md. there vli drK. l SPdeT/Ptl' lhàO lailk cf monssea.--Off 8 MYu WgWVIBIrCIIO!f M91 oII drsv.borobre :"b lb Au.SImg afle _________________________________ Jit i' tt4~éwMrnopmt7 rMmti06 Owa'sto6k 005foi' Who am as u~~Us Paria foi i4ale or te TIens-Ifaiatu&tbe I id iu. teI hm ele i0% otcq or a 10OutyInabu Lise fr Y"p. oL ff tboulisou.fvs *',>Q resmulaf eLla.m- *Àrns 3 tWl viaeIud at Is ess &É4 ont e ouuaitu~. l à 0 ÈIms v .e »14 te M. J.rusaiss 1w matlurtqm*yrc li~ ton mo(1!.a 4o - - A D. M ella t cie.haoll r o t% emUoer the lm. octi. lleMie so0& hait otià= tovahtp tMd hy'cesUsabIs bushe" *~Ij. L~~ZW m %Tmd« a r àuee tocrr . oult ovuhlp c Wlhe ymucnét # ntron hm*v Ovimcu <w Titi 44 wiwm beais; te- to ls <*""THImarcht, r l SoIiaiosr Thi lt1 M ôikr% aim AurvJitwn ~ u W.uebg s RT. -Tei rothhall t 1i5 nuw c- gentlle fug-etll»d fmutbe lfo'utd fmutILoof te tome"isu han toad wtt 1eser dlivtuflw ,rolh v ~ ~I Latos,«o.,vher 10ofWhîsîy ean4uWaanb bo. ue ~ns l j mo l,« u PUT.-l frhhUet kg ..m.C b wherfhr n*t joiem et ebe ~Prmeeao mi'o iopl i, d elI.t'saaioaat1sM 09u. r.moelvedte-acrée, ors or vwt.cpf are " Ok4-bft#* 14.peotterhehooth trtsuag Ubas Th e v Ue'iTV8tlf timimbr cM, la "A u oro&ma -b l tmf, d h lerlawLftu!asY aW oumibe1 tv uec pa rt of f.i hr t wao-luses r mtro rs a 'f r.ae. eàe.(tta" M-it"M Wr qmaI~ oC ~rntmn orms !k.erver a vol.mueu osaia, lti usImeium a re" Sffl Atone 0511>?. 'IIfcSi5S5OUB Bth lto1 lV faes 1hreaosaO39LpsiInht» of.uev l ar- tht u Fumitureab tftrcrieostan pst MS'uIWO5 feeg Veulvsmv151r wmsmis1 3iif tears îlrlabvdssl kind os-e llprumahlà.ngnmsofuemvir511.tmwer ofoa l a v quanthb.r.fri te"* ro l«. ir wpntrgeha.71e e~. 'p~~~~l<uleve laffhlunit.l urm fUltit 1i n f ('fîveotib"cfo t h Il& . AmieaWt,, e. t 1 ~ sîu. o- C~oa e ta. jei w Lt de sessa ýT o ý%vh«loi,abot .o 'lue-y fl~ ~~ffl 1P<T 7eePffk S a Sla -ho*t Makt i ré qulNcrbut WNUthWlavi en ii tir t..............11the~ etKe v cpmo or-rmMdad* »Ul MAU .47 - TWm e.....,........o 00 NP 4 fi #a i a4.ihsoe lir M bmmw àwml4*......flffl.4x.i___ ___________ blcnuint lgent & Co' W... .S v(tè w pNI. .yr -ý1 t >m * STSel"bu .- Il f q~ U~foe I -~ 's. I -- 0 I -- ir frIekaa~ M. Km 00 PM a FLAVELLE -imos. N. D. fkoe~a. STOYE~ NUT, EGG'~ BLÂOKSITH .&t the ]Lo-west 0OAL Pricese 7.ma anm <u Sg E*of KlRB MUST BE LEARED OUT AT ONCE «.tA 0»8": ". t Uncwt " m au à mmm en ýimtw "Ca ba~.mmm oUL vmg 12ma m nom& -P 1~ Whi*nmÎ*h-M~Éw> 41k.. I - - - -- - r~u.~kuy seg.Main&. forth. a.Rt two vooke, 'ud7 tuteod te IR kuflob u ia1 vael. tWàtcbei. Pavtl.e fromdi mdl acm sabyeh d a unte *m ur emenC. . D. GCoed.c. sonl2lted IEL PS TOSEEl Tht place to stM a torrent is at its source The turne to take steps -ta pre- Savie ynur sighti xow. Give your eyesthe best of cmr always. Do flot fbollshly overwork or straja. them.L Immediately when they show signs of failing powy.er have them carefullv tested and properly fitted with, the best and most per- fect «Spectacles that can be had . Tis does not always mean the mast expensive by any means, nor doca [t mean the cheap andl ruin- ous trash usually hawked about by peddlers and irresponsible- travel- 'Iing quacks, whose abject is-to get your moaey, regardless of the mecans. Eyes that require glasses at al should bc fitted. with gaod lensei, the best of their kind. The best lenses fer one eye trouble rnay be rmuch more or les costly than those re- quirred for another, accodingta the na- ture af the optical defect A ,Our &Mc" The changes brought abçut by age are inevitable;- they cannot be preveated. aay more thau death itselLf To refuse to take ddvaI- taeof the comforts o1fered, by science and art as applied ti opticS> viz.: ta, refuse to %vear glasses when one's ees begin tu lail and need them, ill i aeS those changes.[n the eyes, because the strain put upon theni bécooees ever greater and greater. "But if 1 begin to wear glasses I rnust al- wvays continue to do so." lu near!y evçiy case titis [s truc, but reniem- îber that In every such case- that /rom ti t twime you begin t r!ü~J jglasses. ul/wry,' use tllellzr you cazi ne-z er secSti/co ) Out Mtizu. Nov vh ch is best, tO Wear giasses and se, or do w~ithocut thern and only haif se.-Our -object [s ta seli Spectac.el only wvhen thcy art *required and vill. prove bencfikU.1, and In ail otiier-ca_,zSwC so advise. VATON W ATON Is more pe 1ctyut rota have our naine, B. 13k0S, i"iev MFT oth rytblne he sring-.-They cannot bc surpasc bettes protatted- front injsuy than c-ither in quality or fiaisl.Di aF tht tua'rom 8 to io moud Rings, Engagement Rig uryothe givagm oeuioi itanvau ahsegd C2C un ow:_______ _ Dltpow r ag taibe aa t h ead Lg ofildcrtin.h4 pw< . fi$ wemthis adds to the cturabmyo h nrve rCr 1l opemd e Sr =4 sUe stooautKent." toe voeond Rhmings. à$ -t po«Jffi anane= or m.t t ir thr f eua Miit'a WAOHurDJEEgeaiAI~ JIWELRTmu&t ma finehfu paru o our busineScm (4 WW, . e Prda wholelbr uteeîacGêAT SEl 0 O i vuayow odf re fi nqald on er rit bI1p OuruV~e ,~fj~1~~~:ti.uatclwrknn asgCi 0.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b bat à».v---u---- ~~--1 j fgj outOU~ ~t. U~i~"T~jft eod& waUfp.-~A aa n tc atl ntutr i aaa n ai to VI uwLng* add sou cMWXI _______ q.-.. ~ W hIin. Lus e l1 .e ur o i Rq ~~ ~pa~ ' m - . I~ J htgarate oa oeadon t"1 - A.p.co& TA"e AdwÉnmemt w>W bis,"WotGhng! R ST 9M ordaout r -' -1. WHITESMITH, SASH oeý a ««:au .tUs miord. %V qeimafw Lsk W « G= AV¶esam~ I""& .t.a"iSems lem oueetn selmona et"teammL ~1 I THIS FA Oum iý . m - T. imý--ML ILURým-up4w 4homw MI licols iý- Y ý Z. qmmm-ý qwm.--- -