DUNDSà&FLAVELLEIBRO&' t 3r Ir., 3r.0 I. kamil i fer 1h oe.atj Vo cauot nabImwr t» s 9u< IetbnàjLt. dme Our i ~if iaft mi prieof nltR m iih0 ltig fim dea.iah. i I it, tuai aur MgtramuaM" gnw 1.than"M. READYMADE OVEROOAT8, --8 Mj&S uwmrds __ __ IMIAS & FLAVELLE RS M i_______________________________________ 89WorI I 1w.~ a 3a~ .T, a . uu*ne ddw luiaarM Maviii ae4m - vom aIt W ou M og v 10f&;LuW«»oltushW uuuaemolt aouwhi& y= awmu" atmusda f..~-Ii -fw . a DIOMM&ase ... iha uorSatwa.aiUre M laa. a. f eamlm IR" a 00 lm tutUiWIIIO 155 00e s0f4L1damp~ 11. havie CEoM IL~. hkuim et.a fitspi ZNm o MuS r. . -!' iit«O emuitlt Nomber. lWi. Car&idaieý & EsMau a Dakta. hm kw *Mnahie ushibpi 11X0 b $1.50Ilerdomnc4b CillaiDwrEvuwO.uabogi mivIaulmUo umbauam e y co,= lie~mOU PSdi P.0 pw dosa. Ais.a1 Mku W . B. U'et siv., bythe Ber. esaé se n nuh» m aw * bV.pam n e Nmebrou BU~~ahi.T . 116 oul. ea uk,, Lia poëst foiràtom h o oe.vu nyi aei*' aiu tIt6GliiR "eI en h byt. 1. .Pturh ..eII huoma pate lbuMdmSof aie ori, lWlMteS. t r4 h Veuton of Liadmay. T N" Tas~awevatug, piar .nmoval re Torou;. "mW M ic vma 51usd laa u tamne wMm ss, prosai wi .ea>. itbwm Brnwa dote ooumc,., Brubrldemai 1T* usmehaO-fWm.n dUo. UIW o pmaar* C &j eI~fop.whilo v A ai- Tý Ii5Uor et~I i h. behaew mamn aia oum* r et fr1a.aIo Theo e t m171.. ai otmot îmgmlw &UM=M*= - 1 la ulù, . Xn 1uD. Camase. @ uly tBmsv, m4Ust. uaP& lés& 111. Uit helnggiumOd 0101., A oO.IoidrNs boitag a hadmo brum% itable caver. 7h. I NcTUYag-hk Suaislaff, e' liMdi. Lf.. ai 11e o t"oouule zaily Ulmbond i WIh banynOe-laft on lb.6.10 -traifor Buffalo MmN &LJN m tam sWMerly M.P1.C. Wée- <lie uselbof UN& uof -Iwo-ma tvlb*w.. »f a M ega oe& lampait.rF« l OuIte pusspevsy.ý M Là"MW euvlto us naLfmd:bammilnmu b EwuIM M u tI aNNO NC MENT bb«.Uaogsd lüs ps ouin red him aigea. am nabg Wme Gai015Nuc C e«emSom tirne ago we intimatdt>au red upstr m faua p hstWhi Lt that we COuLIusu.u a y «ufrc Nova,à= <h îM lieIIvoi~vS e vas the grocery business and we uow beg to. inforin W#£, seolI o ouSil a ie peuur b tvs', them that we have decided to do so as soon as. hIb "dpmla e mmdM liei~ila we ca di-spose bf the balance of ontresenSt bige 1 Mjlrwfu the", MF PeéevMuidSo f ~pihl e ý advaied stockL a" d, il doseDtuing our long and acdave eXperece we UallimWyaeuu gm'h-v our pafcular attention tc> the buyin moeMW uaqbo bafstusau 1a of T LSAND COFFEES, .and have al gy tried to keep onuandtbe best samples ofhs - products thé market could suppy. Our efforts &MAzz -jowe mli 14tb4qoft AGovIual. 8.. e iis nM l 1i.nu Povdev 1kw dms P~I on 8Ax iN<iPOW»ER ., 004 Ibuuwfopmle-fl' iv i vlue JuS1o&q I Là.fer R&Whf. - OW Aoi-R.,. vwmMewto, 1 q S.ls-À. Waê1iî, LM os. il ipiles ton isevubouàbbotmoe ahiestit *Ifl*11 de off M S.I nwhepyon bave lta al O vewBeBaSsSIlý #AVOF f M~W. X. R.k@Wt dM, - m lu ousquece.received .many. oemmendations and Sostantly icrain upport froni the pub- lic, and thes facts have led as to believe ta dealing chiefly, lunthes c noditeswewl fiudwampl and pofitable scope for aur means ant enrgis.We bave tiierefore decided tu de-~ vot Ou'specia1 atteutioa in. future: ta the &ale of TEAS AND, COFFEES; and tu "lienad w wiIl inprt direct froni the la o fgoth where WC have epreCd and trapwimets and wcia ronme ep Of eand tic acoq ÇUUnty t- very bestqult and - most varied assortuueut ol TEAS AN COFFEES at the Iowest Prim ever offered lu Linday ur OFFEES wilt bc impoeted gréesa, antiroasteti andi grouatià a- thtems. WdII Our CII for w e offer the mercdants of thic awndg mtry vatowe, é<qad- t* thoethey 'c u*a l m teý . ai Or Trouto. W. ufL oey oe h wstandumiwhme.~ Muc.(ow uoal tiI bc dup? es M.vllehu, àu~ ~.- m-~-- i -- r w ~ - ;.::,:. . & ~r m- BLA. OKSMITH EG &t the -Lowest Priee TA~im eof My Stockc Of HARDWAR MUST BE LEARED OUT AT ONCE Hardwaere oIs lt DsoeIr. SerMy~tA4n at cost. R.D.THEXTON,9 *HEADQUARTERS' 00OFFEES CENERAL OROCERIES, 'COAL QIL AND SALTO WIIOEJLE MID RETAIL, *JOHN DoBSON, yOYN*VLU~ oe - .- W HAlA ~m us ~ ~pa uudm~. b ~m*me~r~ Ioe~a~m ~ NW At~au*~ -ÀRUMA»- - -mm& l-a Mua l - 9--0-m *16s e- u11 & m" Iràmlý r m- ýv«é Nfew Adveptbsgemen tS F Â&Wm iOR sLE OR. To "-%T.- hammam tIL W. Pbwut. <*(ilda oit lm a »M oNl iii ihusoI domtlsTsiaiaIA, I umb L-2»Ir AdvertwenwAtI-L i . IIC