quePuiPal % tro,. MftO «, ARpt *a.,o #lu tfou"u p 4: i =1 W~MM( LOVEWMM*, 1('.0~Ir.. aLM pU ew- Dia mmlla rot 1 Ir forUw. àiw ÙlWqa t - evo ~i s thtwrwiIMMe tir o wod-of mmw " sr1ft ~03- #= UI uff dm--oust Il ~. a ~IUI~ utumrju#Mru tmdwIt auPIf ro oftum. wqàu.1,~ ofiate ,w ryo mtlw 'Wl e'thimOui rwiemW 9 C»gD..Wv e mie one a" CIWtIy*de < * n ~'" ~#E~lIr rRmm -mud; 4IWIUÇboy d fmw De a.Oum 1lmloi:u ~~~~eed-nerayî,ij; ii.rrcnaW»4MW rut1" me u bm' orbuI I v'04 fm .new onlt Wui. , Mid fier-t MWIvsm "vupmttywoILt nu dowil tiik ud.w.lp tm UiIbo L t fr mue fou a dmotW li f, gr4f 1" w* rewMn st oré u&i ws of ~ ,veW »Ybeh%, ikmt srad bef huh-mae' W9IDeOohWu1 Mais e mI-peUdw tocb theut. frr#NtU4WLO ay~. 5115%Whqab tumhl&j, tmcf. ,roe.hW o-row eei Îqlie obeyee anti ImMdgMW, - wi- My b.- or.I.Yg m1ail ~VSomrWaê erag gsug aOf WO14elW]m TLSI %imue mMWolox iot' f mgawa g&wtatw eupieanyIl b"ol. 11tu igtu uoe ufo * .1 1bu ai" awil - M& sDurm w atios woudmiser> mil oulm er % fu iw OIM h_0ip, totit9 msclwo a- urusakt Ibn, l if h imUuÇ~ à*. #au w > . 1~ Dm srimhniotbs N-uiV 1rIrnfliaSo-e . Il~er 'i settboue noowbwlt<.1 w93*o1 ]wetain" 4a. ,rg4pouia. o~mon . be lew~ s- n us~yiwwIncmetea hI o tue blm~me, giînjpmo-tub, u m oVn e a . flei w WiKt" uatg ur ifr ~ W *thWw b. ls.blogusqri tu hiecam9wlosai ro , WMA Lk e- -tw tuioTk 7 m «evbflew i7tnomwtU s =«inoif~waalI~ ure7-~I~ m uit mmllfflbol MW »_ wylaga m twl . [wno I.ctom.z wIl DUm0Mmit U. p.UiiaItt posrlS O.wu.uvet-hm diut*ertolis , u ;a vhaI;wtcImi thon"iI;.have lie Iw t4ddA .1wt l« q*et*nI a, ftmêgsa totonmn irit. 0f~~~~~W aH*On bot au IkaW11bwi woil#mei% aiin& ~- fflSuerfm u ieeM ouwmoir=ïml &s à fbr Kiw' ao d1o - z 4 - -~ r~-4e~~ ,. eau'.j bE < u FJU 01~-. * -- - -i--i--i- - et 'paIWi- ug iL>. Wýlumfflm*qw. 13, eg Cftered h m-, y â& we ib WiFm tnwdtieth* spiresonc wit NL Wàl*uzwmtbbme weramw>m mmg Yeu, (aman is flot jîfltbt I~fr~.p~a~IhP~> ~wtoe8ýlCmyiour Amntba(yota know h ~>h~ lui & BobSlm-ý ud 1 thought Iwudpre.1it ~pm lM Gemedk >labyF? IWlmy girls havte worked hard for M tt r méi te ~du tyI bq btI*ew Wd%âk - Aa tS e ? fe ofcowSymdon't; >701 nyr bought aay plu. a~ke~ ~ ~ uma fu~~ue cit~.Wel, nMI waS SaYiug uhen You intempW Lu Sna t grrt a u efk-MLYRbE9 ff CU di capm rnr " thtuwnr, e disitWrthfý.I iightadd. For why? Becan; Wb* r goek thb hp d<h> P la* woek to sa, 1 roed me Furniture there, and the way i 111W ia .Dfà'tdtyoL iot k We&I Itook them durncd hogs to 1, b> I~i I tC iadT ezt&y 1 fowid that 1 had lost 60 cerft. ~'. . ~bqmisf ~o Wl. m poead wtbmy Lhidsay bargain i jmt,, m2u u r nve Wexm tuas aàya~thing ini thé Furaiture une. to ~ - ?)-Audtuvget &Co'y a cau! TNE FUUiRfEMPOiRaiON W Ià h N*U duftk w etfb Vou" te W fi m Iccep the Véry Finest Grades of Hçuseol;c riti Wc a m e cfthe dhe*and rarest thing iit the wayr of tTpholstered, Good& -No better opx tuh~~'xmtw T of' or ont oscrewa~te uire in tht Furniture lUne a reble no RI i ftde ym uuikbe .bllged tc> buy at greatlèy inceedLmprices, if we had flot ap -~~ - -î- fr ~lan day a- the u ordlt a ummne. W su -mmilaTE Tu MuwmmrEmL EUTIUTO NEWLY-MRIED COtPLE- Th~s dhinroee mhuflalloois this announcemo*t The um who wants a dollar tiâ> If the purchmetof Furnltmz thm emo was the case before, should cal! and sec for himsuf. diSteultim tw> p.mI-. ZWbdio hb ump.d en a Ure dmted vute wa»atf Asudaumwm IM"- om mom lagwai h %uge whi* bluesm -ot puis. pumgraetioitoi) ini ber baud. actInàa& at f.tgr az UaL umpreWa «»o t ap, M =ehber désu ~mnot racmç wit ths ut Mit hlm with a mlle. Elfadue<arloeue<t mhe anmueuit Dt ahe plaed ber hant ove' biMO *Nu bad wiuhew for h Lfur my W But aM ewmdo lb.thed, ,k t. the rhildronm dlmay, mît gimt andIt iwaemy ow behm - m gom orbigh onggr- u Kmotrla uni nowvei boavu 1m ceaâe gu~ Mi lb. arricaebi wussh wdlanWCminime et Our v- 0m.,.Kauàa: d wY- - W--; ; aLLe lrove4 nd Mtaei ar uu cu Te t umm atm& ]Mgchili!. Xy tburtis th-umplug W lw» udebý.Tb&ue I. A»Buy*r 1mm f. akmgwA, Dow mumE lutme. Uu51 w@m4ý - ~ a» d Iu fwxebl ~oeM~ dom.MbLE-@b bMOzIM ý rIA 5K Imm UIma ru WbM it a-e comoevi: nmmmetm. zOa ypu am, mm $bâtst lmP *M Umm * L~ i. - 1&mm -- * $mm lemme WISE PEOPLE I"am *alia" B ' I. L'Wb m ebut aà mz -Èmàw l &bvm W. 2. ~Wi.n.oft am--- . I*im IL de . iaim Humtte. QMIL sKenfl& S WOOD&, aw9&m~rrat M OI 2ai PIIINTINO. s s - - - - - r - -- L-:A - " -7 N , # -ý 713 Ammuk , ý - -- À , - , ý --à- ý. - '17