18 - OAKAM~~~IaU pYECUU ,I I ~ - - ---- c O & pPF!V!TAT;iuu H8 t EEATSCV ILNOSEKEPlLTon 1»AT OURSOI oram o rb. ira INN ua M~f.sdMsfos &Il ab""Za rh~aJ NLmum& m" MU T lyl * s i l' t, cTVZ" [tIl ffbaotnethiPW ài The Mot pa"toIr hitaslge vliws uiinJ . henad eo subit sue haut catledfrom the karbets ofthe Vold We have zndeit &a t to have .auinos WE&LA RE n fsueb uIte.But ià is uot -eot>nmerate these. Au thatg tomaeuachrW Chttia sroiar 'hue~icugHLDA RXANDRI. OVIR WEIL-SOTE XM >E>2TE' Shows coiivel th at we -have takezn the Ons an to have it a eaà n article at Le.ding Priceu; yet we want pople who require TEA at 1esvle4hnw have beenmnln to know that weclve lpurchased a fUe of Te-fr1.d u . »f -hLwil atniah purcaser.Ouvoerl 31. eu7 m ks Ige 'ht keisý and us supeievalue for the imoney. ~6 CdL »I ets. Numbow et Chia . .sIAegte.1EULaIMjS 50 CI.LCh-mà --no. hM M irTe l. muR wlwt rm ITe ma.o.rems o.. eute 0& 10111. 40 Ehig t Eu0ugY.np 7 C au BaItsq uj ulB u. h w . ? 5 p w . V wo nI C O O L "M «4 Dust »murM d 2s4 su.I.eK. ' s.,. DmvC.IaadFciBted Mg dmoo n. 4 - -~ * - ~ -. --.- -------.--.---.--- -----.---- -. - -. - -- ---- - I t _________________________________________________________________ I bal bout UJOS bis kmus, lu n aUl UWIBI!M"ID11;Dac. .ao .WOM AMN' VE Ir* .eil hs te ond!4ah.sro1 9d sosMout" e vould ho abie té ain nuii er- obe comS e swirnbft ~i1' vue cild. W-nho.~tis pOurd loIf e Noe : lie v . hap vul ;tlovlong à head - andIch i* 5ber1dfath. N.ore orst yul mus !bU47-w te ad li. -W horwt inaoue tin ý ier. hlave ebbtfmumi haatê ome aarly ds as eat e ae b ds anid ai. playim ouMituna s toryýTd Kosurimmgo io toise enif.rounge brseficw an bnshouhUl OfflVasinab ot l br o ascii aS oree d Sld miter And Mos erastaevspu vOw, ut rmorgs id mv!No - vncieA othe rivr vi bi«1ma àj as aide t irai e&ftgiIIOns 554 tomfto M MisTona abut tIUyrahe u 14 haa l rv! sie SudM 1 UlobJAàalu. ThIb li îuîA9 .ÙM sewtu Md Umm, u b Pm~ f absw muet try ta ome$ TMouvlubwtoue Eima.& e Ibo al ai bumtg. %uu.smboandmw bsoeU lie et bo tw1w Mdhu79.' goituW__ m-jteau kga nomsb h& hgeurirt ut, lehim, ium Kowbe vrwu ouohebîm lu a -A vowmis. Ah, hm ~iho-mmn ta diegurb 5he. pomn ais utumce bu; *ongu- hrtla Iam tOurM Te 'mu boulayuo i aa cit atsd bà or unmg si u bai aUs tmre cuw g0% bou t . prouI. M 5h. P aMyCortM 'lwae come- ae pis u,. £Mu th. wm "Mltam" h oe zu bis ~ i se eyotberho= fe bal ubim uamics I cetm brn Iida C";Jrl"Yrou 5t1SiouX Ioentendl «Mlw àie * amiBsD m ig 1EMW W t» . ý àt uas y n." Mdl a zt - r fa Our th. m mu.voi ~~amou 'Whos isabe vIew bubuuMW mmd am~? Wb IAa i ?oc llâoork ki r iai lon *dot- ue madovu b "I~ ~ Ptvi t81- Cc. Md ibatlhtbtlmi hsut v tma mide e - aIL Af MM m 1 %=t'i a u boom boWra IlO vatily MI m Sà. mliii.&« lm ug de»s-bsmm ye" ua mm' aivw bo bluk uusta tksg md 1we~!ovom Vsdi n Sou~ M ::ilsto ma e hlm~rk@r eLOI, t Yu t ss umr =u osý7W Nyae Irf Ipou b Who - biu ve. a" I for.f"d m long go U mt oiuios-v_ b tummi mmdfots, acia I mocUl sac"tSrierglmul.unae gauu.g o5bmkls~omlteue bovuk vu1! lrI -du Iau T OM bo s nbev 1 da&moe knov" ami ase okeil ."I mgW éaieisisi.ha broke uJ" alomi - i lbai ýlove .for hm Nilama, 1 canno-l' viii"otlive vithout pouIu roi nue tago baeh wu Wî Zm *îMto tau me on hm m eadave, that I ay esarcu .()b NMdam--my vite-eau pou, m torgivome* A momentmoreahhesiatatedlhen- "TOr»I .Wlee ny buabmmdl «Ta b>.UR> ouv " husvo po 15 la tino ypaiâ ISumd UMdaita mm Ue or m er ovu home. hMe la buma~Iaubagbutbaies muatris,- fr aMs bm luitbo 4diglths Ja aint uslng roundrs mot ~ Wh Ja>-bn i onoe paoi ......... laà&. remt yber ummd movuta e m mutig bi@ baud on bu "@ldo obsdov a& bur viti Iovin& ars d. *Tou tbnk the litS!. ornela gerfot.' "se do pou. Te Cuis et"MW rubbimg heto-heoka yagmthi hand. '&Andi owv bapppmlou peop. look to-daby& 1"Bap!-47, fios th. lAme ith" ut p at iii about of velcom vhm miey ml!pou rebirnAug- ba"meu md" proeprity ave monpt Sien once more. -Tl& mo Te (hi; but Te Ors vifé vbo msvthe5k. kat oour ni PO<em atW in." ty, taIb motsa. Miriam vi" but téadvlae ber husband,violse aJ pl up->oes h. not grov lkepo. "id la1ke Te Wkoiseý" umb Te loMt athe lily Shougiteui %W myk go 7bebovid." wé rucheth eL E etbATh . *th outukim aot theclS, vb ho e to lut vaste tub pe, Jus t er vuei Ati atuimut U n lizoo ume. tim (fullemd Lue). vearmugt ii m«P amd ooso hi: ueav :me, mhn dIkY lenm àCelat uakwmmu 0» et thé -m4 a ithe uMPimcil ad: '1às, bkxd-* -5m h. JoAn wapoasl mtiE M W«eai àéginUl budby tbb M"f Mmd tti"1gL e" ef monditl une. *p The-fIght on mhahb mmdI Sksapuev elr S fruboml ~a bt.The t» tok thai BMon, ibe dueto Md thé. m huW Mi Shevoe ab" inwbiIa S.ithe I 1yvouS 1mb tothoirbwumed lu vu Cm iSau m uai»en ms -4ùwu .oi ci».ai of t b mmS vu &%e , '£aumber et riaMd tImnMM ove, te, the iota' uabou hiad bW-o -mm bk wuthoir bad UVu et biabu o_».i or Mar or avlg ali m m .1 m. bloodt.er or lola vF" fogUt'bhat d~ Two e ienîiî balai5h. ffl Sw4ybaii a atMd L Orne mi.là»a f» fouit abus S ftxk ti a_ 1oeur» nierai m Volreeisba ton tw0 cf of5h. ma or ebh i vu foo. abu aktUrmm lmi e hoewm. utpa mm t . tat dmi, soamiIl "douauofe mmmvubThâi o. 11113111l llie Fau fetm hi " m " fe .ui l....... vu......u... -s btella bbl010 IIIIIII et am"' bern o Ir * % à 0 11111111 .... .... IF 1" ilm _4.~ ~b 26 - A'TALKI ABOUTFURNITORE, rost people like good Furniture.' Besicles its own inhurvnt .~ Iity, being both useful and ornamental, it instils a pardonable Prîdý into the. housekeepers and coud uces ini many ways to tue :Limfor, Ipeace and gocd order of a, household. It wvould be interesdMn to kuow how, far the ignoranicc of Ea't- cru nations wvith regard to this matter. andi their utter inability k' tiý. their chairs. back, and place their feet upon the mantie-piece bas help&.ý to cultivate the " couic a day go a day " supineness and inurtuîvs-s whkh, characterizes some of thcm. Hall-an-hour reclining upon a 'l1u .Uriou, cushios" suffices for mast of us. We have cause to be tbankful th&, ingenuity and artistic skilI have made it possible for almost cê%. sy : t0 gratifY their pardonable desire to possess good flirniture.- JAMýES 'H. LEMMRON Invites all contemplating purchasing anything iu the Furniture Une U). give him a cail, feeling confident that they may go farther and do wvorse. Ur DuigO<,U Me enthe kasvdof<>p tAi »z $ve weeks Iu order to clear out stock before removiag to Mny n ew prenmis-cý. 1 do not intend continuing in the furniture business. Nito iosT&bPis. aflhg-Iaaf Tables. I:- A. mbw m u ol.I awi &bumM4 tom ]E - ~g kgb cote -MOaW ma ME & l t' 1' -, 43NITE j' Il j: t 4 il 1 1 a m nnC-1 1 le 00 ZayM» Abou» OLL 1 l