'a 5 .~4. ~J.Ç4~.J~L u~n 1'.zL ! imm Lsbo? hep b stod .Otap m gcme &POm M ~uî.t'MuI .L~V~fl~< WWEJLU .U. 5~* O* -' -~ - - - i TEA8I - - m~e of aur ýGr«erv'stock jý&«ot sa/d Ont. .five, pur undiivied atten- *EAS~ lý pa cxce(ee4iÀig oM uy,',,upNe7w Teas ar- r1,' hey txcited -mach. n~t~ i'd blhe' comient iII Ort , ias ta ay </is<>sug i iesi'has ~ reut that we iurz'e ,eroom fo Ar aA Order of J1fapanaS >r/I'Iichi has juïsi alr- f NEW YSON BLACK- TEA, ;c cx ct liarv *this we.'k. I >/cwc la'r'e aiready OMV'-<' of la.*ge quantifies. ilt icI/ere, are emany cof ewr It cutanc.rs at a dis- - ~, ;, f'< ar assure tkern /1< /'quai/ c kt'as "dl/w repii.la.lion (/ey are ouil b klaiéti I SI l i&cgt i tefsd/eést * ' ýd ici' mÂal they wil/ire- P. !orbest. atetion, in ic cse 2'li/ we / -P treysat:fcay isiRca lCw ru - "uotsRed; utr S Bakwm âme o%« Who baEa lo, m l U17buâd& vaomk q.m Mm "sa: auUh - -w- tM M" to do M ' E gg at aUMeu tike Wit a.p.it.a de au i% W Pfl7 t@oshp.T17AUm 0 s?? .d r'mdr ow viUm d fator. S. BAKER & Co., Umm*. thé tD.- Tolb. Ratspae tt ib. 'LM~RST DEPUTYBEE VY4 «ýI)inaSTWb .LoMi sD5IVmUS etabom dobamam mmAoatai se Cesaaeoflm m opetaW'I&ftlosjovot geswm tlfaMr uv T h EiU"me *saV TifF RP.VKi P1I>O? LINDSOAY. T the: Ziectom ofjthse um- Trbaamug pou very vaulif«rshUn gos- omousesappM iveime as jor It«e feà.r e ams jear. 1I e.paca fulj moiitRas na"MAaom et jour t-snlieuo. s»i spprt fer amtho jeu. Lida.Des. là. 11. ~ 7E~THKLECoffOFTHETOWS Ladirs and. hatms:lSuWrqusami bu a ueiarsunahertf opy m w mmla lMeir Ssii'oni4 for lalaehraisobm..eSimi D4au- teevo. vblekcajuefIhaesMM1101 à. lmli tva 1, e Kha»is iesIeh @o aOm lb. du- tins, anteefra oull ImI aur vu. ,M an e naolla mly bobtil t. vil h. Impis. mtile for me te me.r guwmmaly. liR&Mhi idàldj aeoegltIis lnvAlallomi uterlagour baglot frmemn siy soi ROBV.R? URYANII. RUIVBBIIPOFLIND*AY. To San gUcr.a. Rq.,of t1wTowna o Pen n et l . a di e i shunt m i zate wil w aU 1 mO1 W h. pu S l«a*m m musa mms -aiisSfor l.un mit Uniset *0 ourolesw Av jo aouill Md i msp' Port l5a uumia<i OedmOa nec5, o. lmest 1 Johnbs D16 YP~ Pam'ros. CL COalIs,, Wua Wb"IS Jobs*imd. ja oal y. Joba J Wb"aW. J. POM. goaIS JO"gmms JIE Edm Wm8 M, Fl> Mens E DOris, Joua Kamioli, JE.~hmIuir, RSoh Loary. W J Cuiras Jolis Pjms, Jas Stmim. Jbrabam, Jalas UNirais, Va tYDIL H Woekmsa. WW Wnkmm. F Rouir, Aie AMa5 MaieS. Dasiol O'Kiiso Palilala Poa Gos W Mine. Jos UfrOlaie~, ~=s. Ciras RortEaSI. WAWSUs. ?bdtYNdL oeai~e ?~ ~~o th vov 1le Xes--pdity of fie " W mi moe. b ala a l Ib m m -ma *uW- U dwm&i 1 o u jw *on m 1 mizWabMWio b Visawvuv1 «MMilWB &a*. mit ont,-»Ma- Ltims..ia ;trLEes-Ia beeti ra- qucuatealto a&qaU tstand for th*- Piat"onù( Wa Dep. Rete I h ave rosaaentealMM W4o10s nealirani- pepetfully .oliclt yobtar vote &Ms influence. 1. TOiff. $ IL4I$ l.inaluay. Oe-.I&.t1ort.-0&&4 SEVUNI>DIPUTY kilVI. Te o he EEe t.ra ,1 .e LADIE im > OSGi7iaWW . ipoiIfUfl moirmu S our VitesMi lafleosfw theh. gua or domom Deput.is. Ny-avvisas am Limam à&os 5,IU.-1f-L WAEI>-OMwr.aXuw,-Haviag oomîgtad ramain mie comailfer onmoorarela ~ie1» ogvoalca.'p »«"ig et " m 505bp- lav à. draamp né viue Va i'Di edwe rooeoim oWaitaai luiiIl a" namiga v %l but 1 bave dame à. *MePm an ura à.r ths mulmseabSrtn A. V. WALLON. LIimayo. e.WJ-ýIT-L <JQW BT-L&W. l0eKWiOD RLGH SCaUO1. Ladies boug(ifemeUvm tn l Tie lebsNbas5MBWe o me= bonr.s aia abs isuama ans l asawaah mis ~nul1h.ma of, loupm IdNIZ, WKe W.E-p AF'~ -- a~- L~nm&w m~muwmuw ~ i TK~MS, # 1.01) PUB TUAR. MI mmm b moo"m m*- àome ur. J. L Ksvhfl. ,na - ak, à.Mt tho ehor umo eam NIBABYma ba. rend foreu m-te W lote"Waa, hm un douImi bà *ommm a- dhmm amiift UbhUmWl1O wahmmewm adba" élavois UmbWmabe: nalmeu&vbu mm Flury m bm ma uwýjma huiai oi MmlVl IV 0ale l e awmd J"e Fm BOOW D EPUYUEE'êL »M». moi l imm lJos 5.uiMdaj" Mr.S A6 lq6 B'. am?. J gouibABDhp icn D"t-om s'a"lo~ImNBas ami JObsW. simulé. P C . iéli. u Ibme a"- ML n arn Md.1 do n. a 1 moa illbdg ili. m* ye lie meters. Msijaiwimouatu he huty et. theaiter eculmmhav bues -hlm.te 1Ih.iw m«joiUSI anmao W. b oeç.-Pevo. m. EMachr. an on Bermingba1>M ailsut. - aak m êtn vand m ml .&vuritaev FRwerH W n *a iln -aEe. Tho"ina Cou- ij;Û IX I*he ayen- hri Itobla svlym au the ni.natio ad he lafvon maisNr.> BPMUgra Watt Uii-Jmagk SWLlUa41. M JohIn S. l as.iettr-ýt. Il UiadaItp J .ak hoa IminJohn WIuz. J bt'rhar. JohnI. XelPihia aorn JohM. ohit ewi. von mlmalmd W aiL.Thtrn ex er. at oantona. amphua drame vhsriglfor cuPleilloWr len. Me.an&kuLttaftulnty.Mha.Lty. "deideo. BxL. v V s-e.as agslCai ad Neso hle vail roteil a large ujony attIif naIi ICLLm. For meveI . ohn anl .Jl Bevlrmi: deputyrv. NI Il ien-(' . R1A4. Ximwriig airaI Wm $nth: Brown alore. Doal Fmun.1aie u iàmoàn Kenlndy'.WxtNi.y ont nomination U. aMr . Iaylor it agitMr.li ,tlhqninbs ri taU ti rrmhn.actonid.b Johnv Jin ; lepnicth.ie t. .lsty Iagu. rhe ltn. onIIem . a f TI .:aiu.m i lle on. . h Kely Mredn oi w. John lri JohIr -r -Ofe. a*î haret.'out KIIn. .lonI>tuînacoitth eo inUtee4. fravve. tWr of theasylur ra!.ebit aanand on "eouneilla tendea-r t.if héi wn . ha the a. Mrofarldp. alr. Mr'attt rl'isitora Bnxte.-Vorinrjucge. tonapi I rsan Îanal end naetove m cmisinfd»en.diio i th »ni Laï for reri; dJhelbride. Mr.w 1 Moyneta. aouncalou,..o1> Ilra or th le. Johny exraempJonienndy.f aîbr outio dolarsi a PiniruTero vasa re ijall ruhe a t canavoitn lin nOIiiatt lol. ' y .~al.%r Hti t r*eriiiand r.ia W aalitati de r.anthe Timlne aunie vouh ir Split il tai eawruafvdlara.rtt.wr ca D-mcei totW rearir 1if tht ar. biago id D oenaW =i arcept aminder u i va i thA'naio ýRebt. W atillir.no v..Lt ils onr the r-»U mui ai o epiains, ii.' biaar NAjimr lbàn h ehr.atnsiéem apaiia fort euh, D demiE. àbMm a abm VSa Wnuiammm >1wCff kn-1 bame b uma bu glim ommuouha h w WbaS vo mbi bai k aodlo u osfma k ~ giOUl.Uuutmev vm bme I bmboo.oi en>o.meu #fào vrlI nW bua m6 v T14E ORPtHAT-S NUW couithe aIha it, and tht. wisal Analthea chossaaui.wfl Ana th. bosting rain talus pti). Un a litila cphas boy. Wanalerin. hfrisau. raoc b ààoma, in liis covisi iroot Lma tins mnghto adm mm K Wonder if eer8a bomma be bai TbiI.deaoift orPhan aMd WIN Mwi urother uha baseblu, dia Ibmis ual itir tin lnga-albu l vamiar If brotbsr oimldoebo 9f ever a tather hho e ortif he ever t of t btmlla hâ oraet maaal mth rm ot mi "4TE&L..V»RscSTO PLEAMETa sarepty immnbe **-'niesoma 48 b. staisisalaiagtha' street, like a t"ins maalavO)f iygao.1 WiSh bis ibslauui. rma mt;e An al aans.t alla &S b" -cro An"l rouaihes itir ue---Iats ai "IttIIa-r. oah. -uaotber. miii. sas OrteI J-suas ta plaee 4nie1 The crm af Ihat freicail4s Whethwr 'tuai botter ta ale m Tha ta lAvam ho hbtî atome; And 1 aluint mforcet i liat ian- h SFor thar etAti alantl'hfiteriem j liait b-n the poalal rupmadia Where tths weioigsangue But y'1 od eanl roh bme am Tisai lcuam itaili y.unc tacet Voutl .wheis tht>' nit £asurvit E'arthink our the tis t axilu Wburî-thaxy ila.ipted tualit tlIat t With i!ta -o'Blook - -( pain. And. tbhkiof t inia .v;am P a imz 4n.ry a t: -.: i iL. NEW YEARS IN TI-IE i M"er.. brneWinu Fort Trottent. Dal ET J. IB.TTlADLE maillas - - - - u~~uu - ~ &.~. Piu5u~~ ~ ~ .!aîlt-lay- a -t-'. t:. Ia vas tîy canal 'irtmml8 otaîafly yos 1 ag l psathe %% ntr ralie, yiataIPort1 Tot*n-belter knovr auasDes .À's Iake, KD. T. Evrery day vas fîll of novety, £W thJs lanune oftheSitetsinleraunglitlel communiios la the colaI orthwest. Mirer differeni, intercala conter thris;th ire"51 paPaLmilan reprosula Ivu gmrealres, ma tva>divisions&a! eac-i, asud ieîspIMa iras tre namnes, accarng totise dopait- ment aoflb.eue vira »Mrns I. PAraS, i la "-Devil*4 lake," behlig attire Southt Mi of. tir.t peenhiar inini ms; but as thora là-a raUmdroati o atInaine ou lb. nartir " . oRthe lake, Ibis desgnstion la beoaaing oboalea.. Tbire IlaFat Toi- tsa," as tire milt S t tpo g lacaed--Ou of tire .butlbuilt, haud»maes a"sut oa omanagt tUne!. Sa ftoutu rposl.. IN la al» tlie "àieln and Wakpeou Reservstlan or sioux bImmduand iles snd bui t la knows iu the. churci reCmort ms tseisof th iredmou mhoal sid hone kepi 1>the Ma GaNuitsof UMroL Ali thlas Mthers pari o h àh MamisM hriss os btraUgm àî-u Ciimbmes ls rlions raimnivui a Jejos ciar otir tire. at th ae mai1 larypoal. suijmtertustdet he jou . e Ou ms - v gte 0"smlte copliauet Mahsomas aIt h.agoeur vb& I The mry la auj 10 depuis la- 1Mw an; ar l m C loud la Ma skyr, anmtei x taprd on as edua.lg viAl as vo BD the r=ma The. mbmmauai ta 'tiroirbés, vii tireur g ami lays- mu aS th. -bicgitaor élu »Maier , Md Mie -mot ngPareis lasa m ww -vite froluiM astsa»hà@a,@Molm- mas. bdgli vopss Iebdkgta ath pu.Alter mm tMa ofoow vivs "ru- end " i Maer kmav ow ta mace a nd me ~hocme 1 utoe M p ohousouL EsstuahuW eWfres te AI*n e -lsmm uUlma amu àà athM àft ebsmtbe aiMu 2W àth a ia m h illk n1h. niem 158- ,Miy, baing ldOU atMaei b plin bossa autbaMw ct voMbgitmi tabe u a 1 tmUnbab l zis __WUteth M t te Macce b e * m ipMd &iy am aim iel, "IbfrSy-lor l là thbéMaoahmt4 àz tu.Ol. oi et Um s fUir t~ e mià»le B v. làsébm m i ititit!:%! tir4 of corirmnh. ihal lire lw-iffa'ea! ,-n!uovwlire dattes <air the con- âtaiatly a-m-urring religtons, festivaWs.A notice ofthtie beginraing af ouch nevi montil vas almo aExed ina a publie place, anti thre la o! ltse Moutirtoola rir marneKaienaleor Kaiends, tram lb.e Greek verh rneauing la eaU, virilefth ie baaied noticq veg applied tirsmnie Faste Caleudares. Later a book a ac'unt.â re- herrng lu days vas called Calarndarium à caienur, snd tram Ibis we nai;* dertvoti ont vord, applical tiwaalays mn ul o a coudesei alrnanac, aor exposition outliane dir-Iions gaaerally. brai of laIe yeurs t. tiras. dainiy publications loeal 0u veil by youug vatuara virerela oac> day ofthlie yea tAprovisfeal vitit seaeeaige tromauzns favori te arathor. An ueoaue calendar bondmaI aPompelii s lulbtafras tfa -square block, upoat caca of theo tour sideas ot viricir armrefluo.ti otils- uper- pandicuWar olunarutlb.proper %aiécu ot ahe Badina baading ooeh.AgrIcultural amd railosas InhmalloSla gAvera as ell ms aftasumlicaL 1h. naine almanso vas .rived fusa th. SWmau, vira, acorimg tu a quaini ohiomisar maiVerslrgOn 'tui vM a au paveap"m certaines quarol sticks, aironS asYA lrai bleglir, ceaiorler, or longer, m 1tbey phmamd, tteco osfsai b. n .s ut lie viral. yere, vhoroW ther mdcasha vatu eutaly b vtea hmtirs»Wsv ms, fta MOcusaMd cirang Oaum ibappMI as almtheir hativail da"s.andi sucb a carie atlok thuy callai al-asa.uhS tbat ak fa t My, ai-mm-hoed. mevit t"r oaiorob»mMaim of a&U lie moousa"I lb.ý Ch am m em ibegl by Dr. Roba4 Plat andti fd iby binx in lb. noribera cfnili e Erope la 1086va& probolit a madMmtcall etaithet. a-mon-sngl. It vas a square stick ot box or otiier haM vuad, u vite sday.s wd montha e ,diosgmatedby vauloasmWstfai matches Prry i vasa perPoluabulac, ds- li I aby .the Oumuly mm oo s oloasat Jankhus, pabshsd la *ae Tvelthh eutury. hbu dei.D"e peabdi a airainla *0s yen 130 viti *VMry7Ma. Aam g vi a slways z«hsituvelyr Usiuet oub bu. arli al- ----, Masthelie .1 iugb as elMm" OMM M *bo w uML- àquwmas a q»slaa la th 1h.%W mnao tki. Md lu Mam uir aa 7bblyo0layes m la45l.ssi t M à$iela binl tba -l a beOuw gatm vysai.,mykdu ma sIti. L Aqamutm te butsma n. - tbilamm à es Por te oi. gmirblMaKaialu Naimaby = anemsu M dhk Oc 1473, 14M Md ÜOei taBute, Euspu. ElMmi Py-m4 la 19t uba ahmi Enl Md s m'bt te MM bqMdasvoimSapljpis ibb t -- -ma - 4 talm wmm s àwk l.î» 8*4bbm UVi *Me.. "Abou M liai oui bear ber presant. A t Ibis al a y rec-a-,utiimn tht' lady or ladiett ut s abus"e at- c <->-v1 intbet ha-llo-t. andi thary ulleTi'a via-a zàanal ýv ou:î-sto every gucit. -There LS',t) z.. V4,a-' ztrtng drink uâatit. At i it the î-a"oa*a.~ iiii tuiks, andtolt'it'-.t. *". jat . 1. :y gaines and iLttav :1 z '-ai t 1 'ý:vu a gf'at cake. ca.4o-uitl i-- . , uai:-zht in an dti u t l iLi as lm :.iti% -a -:ý .-t are gutst.-z. In thz%. I î a' ta'- uaa-o-.if m ion cy are baka ail , t i' a it im it a ndra girl wsho gel t.t iia i i-, t itil qi.- t-t î tise year'b tesast.s. antad lii-r -o-u,tv- artii cial llowecr 'awa$. Th i n-t h.tr-htt- u-fs.iîas i'a boothga re~ erect-al lia every dira-clou faor lh e -4a k' tf aa. .'. fl.zs d lates. i-'t a a tid ciraap, oy. EXîuetwîre nî--atoa'IiOy sncb a ur ehidren requirt. are> un. known lirere, andi parente- give their tahil. dreu money amt-ortling lu liair m-itaS, virici lacaret ully Sept until thae ahilti la au liro tat there la usa .ly quite a snug liltle suni. Tire vornen make, presentsot1 articles et ltaeir owu hatsdiwtirk. suci ia silir puros sud tobacco potiches, but, rarely- anylhing expensive. Nev Year's tribus tie place cf our Chribtmas. sud la a day for tise vomis and cildreir. 'lbewv a ibokt.on thue obaro.. ganthe iaada>w îîovtâ t"rr Ibe AlaiPWOdt. 0 Ion .-WbtwU. Te Write on TiaS New Le-. Thre mm awvir will nul execule hus resu.- lutioas hen hhey are tre-sh'upoît rcam bave no hope fron t heni atterwrds; ltbel wtUll e di-*>Ipattdl )r and per"in ta ir hurry a! Lira oral.or iu tire miaugir ut l» Ual, Ma p u bà miga tact" arsas iihmi ts #àma r4utf, %4djt uput moFmjoutl" o oui aiaui ta mn"irendur ml* - kv - et tbm?" vbi ilo EleI&Wb 4U 1 àMMmi b'>leCois- luet" ms 1s&Mau , amei1i migUImi Met pooemi bOkv te iy ujool- lira Ie l . ILI, jeF M I w. 99 1 in. t>c-4 pua l u -au ut" '- - a~'S~ ~~oIthe.Wbuwoe *UIhI~,,I aIMu om*0u-i rom ulp. î ocite rs in rem aiM vw&-,vqlbàm M &-lb .umt5pzoguaticaSlU for JsMIOP Win a f m M h w m b , M î ey ' î v "-o ie ms w u i i lieilnch fro si ax am bu-4bs ptarme p he isbouËl amix veaher la Grno.aud." Poouibiy B - theis I!aboumi h.9Suov. 157-baisFrallags ot a w ln mfor tbe *deisce due& blowg» roag poiWt, but whM htrM PM R obin- ib 8 aoi viapo. ce MdInit ah.e v m a iibtly llgâed hall, hov elmarNKm vu"WSAmONe Tl41<r&,UmKa 1 ai. amm~ a y tbey de oiok! No mra- bal& bers, To-moerrow tir.i VEM "iilmeIatisdg :er.aonicuê W. Are Neus OsA- bW & à tl. kethougir the MMO ft a1ua W17 But mv sesiai <lr.taasi.4*là- . ou '. -ri T' aig-i 1.1.-S. lsh ai- a i, uuîl e toi;a " ffl P agesd lia. -altri -ai aî h'..1 . : 1 .claeusesof th s l the ..unnyrou h tiere- irth i' nuit ut'a-i:ii iu~. olu' ..a bIowaeIM gâeute e thteInia.Ml . Ti ve ehplc iiid iltiti t.%,au 'ftir afora -'-î--u~ia SOIS Deted vill ea sdlior scrol sja bisa- n peeac£ariauiiita-ai, î lt al' . a Iaita' tiful builing; l, th e ými& -incuas viiinative borai ;ret'k.. aa tlaaa,.-ia.,rtlit tbse wX mis84 1 obould Jadge, MOS oruipers; aBd consatilisiafr, IbutaléAu tilt-. luaa it spMot ofhume,»mto speir, itir and Blulgarians, whigareai ir-i-klu in r- tbeCatholu Io bave ail.the acrsaneta l1ionuî. et mthe. allaramnd platuros on tire w"ilmas Eleiphrtny ii4 a%Oaft!ilio ns feast1 on! dupai asblam»Y poabh church ofuthle or ratr e eremîaoay. wvhich ln t liai ch ach ~-mmr tnk.Amboy pbhasan t i l ece r 4,atw4thtie day ut tire baptisi ota meloe AUl Ibis romut dIvith Partially civilisei ChilS, antion thbigat occa o uaCbeaait air? - mblanson a Crrbitnsmerel lufront are tritlwater li blettatl andi each famrily ~' -"'- the pupiL.. of thse @-huai, amui Itlul evident takes a e'au or boitle fai hnuearfoîr future at a glaucetisai liey ,teks 10' « Çhrlma. eed. 'Fbh.. srvice kt4p p uaaantil i rid- qit. i»JoYfiilly àa. iu Utilewitie cau- uight, wviua poviersial ligbt it ,refle-tra * isupolerK--& Chrstmas morning tire.ina île churcli la repara-setat the ilescteiit ut ô ~ ~ bWh al&,,east he lbCbirk'n." tfeast andltheSpirit. Then theworlii.a-lit heli p / the aftarnoof aI puo o. ai'zticu Be tapers andi put ibetk ia lîîou :ittrisaIad làrornmberod tisaititse. uited statu hiaetten hontea. wliaeutlaey lilaal t htir tablai /,/' / *SWStire lin. osn 4i' in'tructlon ladea witha îrit.d fruitm anald U.-itli // mvirii liayao liS.- orth ec el ie. Bi-toare an: alaiti <'isa litik' ha»lj Sb Ipa s otblmg-fer th.ec' . 3 o the les vater ig put iutopena-là aaîtI edahn alatrs vhs rtu bsmls.ou have ta teis lalightead iaîlaee-fo-ethae pit tirirr lii aflovauce om Icichers go> s tire or >t . atuetta, or te B1îrs'...dVit- Soaui vays, boipoi oui by Wbatever gin, trhicla hW fa>wa<l. iii every orthruiai ~t ptei ple glve. Yelt tbey have GUiek lia uâee.,andl LIis la hept biirliaii ds a udekrtu orkamisudoui of the smien daysai il nlght.a 5> Idi» ou "ir esrraîon they have Tihe moruiaitoaftar Kpipbsai ail the as la sproportion in' ochool asthie Greek.s kusa.and tilBulgarian.-à wh< averagewvitie ooanrunity. Anal for ail eau met su far go to a part of thte Bqs- - tiisail the agucy vorla andl ailt the cm- phortis wbere tise ..ora-s aue theue raram $&«»OOa jour. 1"'fus Gray '.%u iMu- sest, to wine.e& thleSIblo-- itg of tiûe watitrs .7 - treul" are an onder of salenes.nomimsay Th ii. -irreur v'ta-. -r" a'wlft latad 4rong, 1/ Sistersmot Cluartty, butS devotlteathiiag snd lais aadea.fa-leill wie F..urtaat, ~/ 6 Inians4 and devotelmniembers of-tire order aal liiatathe ,iîit t!i ii,ç»aitertt(mful ut I UMay be faunt iough ail tIi* acaîlt north- Iloating k'. the pria--.. :fta-r -a cere - est tram tl Niobrara lu lb. Athaboa hoy lro' ivr ra-a'. ..rn 7 basin. MaJ. Crmise isavarradraucato a daîza-ta aor imure £lrong wit iîaaiîliliaui o othlie doctrine trait tlb. sioux, eau Lbe aftî'r it. fiagr iL is a greut hotior tujP recor tharongirY ly aiuied "if gorernhnent vilii mil ua aisactthe flmier haââ a r rht 14 ely giN'. tiare errongir aBd Supply theur place il .nl a uilvt-r ,tilver belo)taiaini 4 the MT ME am" vitirocioolasud gud fanning impie- cirit rh idalgao ta>ev.'ry orthodao. treels ments" Nov tuaS the milltary pua&tislaand ti -a-irea apre-&.ent #)t tiiisey. N(, us.u au longer needed bers,ire urges the gur- sieail-ori-rek captain wilI put ta) sea tla ernuieu. tela" tha e f. ort buildings s sur aaîti ,betwvei i ',ti:a- tid greni trrningiroSl for tirsciltreta ut Epiph.tity; but h L4a a teaiiifati .tglitte îi@ <ig x " ailthe 20.000Igour lu 'Dakota, -andl 1 watthetu- aea ut Mtartiaara m iteu wi ey: eartily malais'irbis recwmindiiiaun. lbe-sail. a'f the -departinx c raft tis al s Ilg*t Uwm»M Anal vile. 1 hold as fesweil talla with *aller Epipliaiîy. >die him. Jonatha Robert%, tise -t a a l genil But New Yar% ilay ania iratý thein ici ohé - paicarritir, aumonnees ual tire lelgiring er'-ed a.4 e u d *<'rî.lntrsthéeiIar oa te good, tiere rury only 'q degs. below receive prestactetai Lyt. tatatlit-'i atial frutit; hedisi»M roand connequently this "lovely Janu- lire wive.4 revaeive j'wfs aaili Ceir hi. id Mry day" la my Lest day to z4a) vith i nhl band'.aaliai rariai'!y aptar,!.#- aof nugrbtey. daatatveê acrou lrthe n water ru Devil'sLake. The gi'.itîr of Illaaa aiîyo'lii.,.wifa- aiil acI Sgtae Cty, on tirs SI.Paul andi Manioba rad-. andi erery C11aoi ti a-'.rv a--i n . aL t mit od bouse Ls obligatory ucen, the iîia-.te,a"a nt MWs EARLY CALENOARS. anti erarý tat hi-r im'r>tei t ha.sTa.lim in té, ' _ __ - ,-.t.. ies-ala',i tr:,. -u.,toun d-d in a.-bu. - TirSM gAlanaae-.TbsFiltWitteumalia., tif 1 111 lci.Y 'lItUAi j ns VAwtaA iUNmi vi..it. ta) aitlài.ua laîi l> f:",[. i-.Iaidto toun itIj1 ruaNaat every rentier oet liee litres kabveoft !etae canri e t-lîi-tiby liitr:tval. Wliav 1 Ot v! t- wvtrthe' c.mendar lasu ocalleti, mur the hireugiy 'avtua k-are ire iiili the iwtr-aute - --a -IL rut,-'uui for, saaninq one oft he mout. iE-ail druýun.Uplingue anal 11au al t ittheti IOR14WST.- ieîs~& oftutmodem irantlbuoaka Uithaat- h. mnwr gare naunay. 'l*!i;, y J~conaa- 'a:- -tio n I lle. au., final ki t ,.%-t 'f. ca I. t l hiq r ir er t; ,d tu a- Si - 1 i àob.. 0