AIS fmieUMt AlUNS ES zz _ M-e« W.àk lie êWDEr.-Z-& _j'l emGRAHAM&E àx. *.- X.U»mK I . id lmd les, -ROERES OOKEY IDCL8SA S'a * Won. -Gam k o s ufh h e x a ule. . g u .s l mt U .. ~ g G o e u . U m ~ ! h l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ho o o mJOI a àlnvtfco m o ' &x A u , - Oo 5 1 -' e' sà tea < tul s a a w r, l S a er e . d n e i ii . n d a "fflaCEoL bfa£W iqv n> P~o . .t e .~ a a P e ue*. l u s u. là; lathes 11h ut tklvt e m m he e u n- à 01 P O mOtcolas Amola LbovAln. bM Em~5g --MDIUESIen ki F.. S A . - .. g,__ ___ __ __ __me_ __or__ _ a lb h t e lis.quli~ bolaiemmm l m.l &NOU, 1>yFmi.bea » li ï H Eà~en D Q U A RTeERorer qu Bs u w .di N DrOe2wUV.E Ou teaketinwr Oron7m Oos s o pltQui t o e muesDue, ifuuUWet- Tifi amibam neuveP.mb iat mm iaavatli Roo m P ape, o 'la » W fe, * <d la oaiw g pnces i>ma i (HE DQU A Rdonta. fIN. D ff Ou si* e LU &GRAHAM &mLEE rl udla uguli. abenvol .' Ils Île....o.j uep-l_. hl1s Iý4BIVdie USu w ut Jyu j. ttodwMi sae u3Soo& sift. .11s Tiom «lthe »»M e Me7 E U B l t" of th- u - --- USu 11111cN eta g i e t1$ 2 . 0 0 Lun a..-Aie. k ner, wu" r g a 'o1#1W.MAAG M<tUi IL T e m d R C I J S i o a a . _ _ __BR U A E T I B T ' B 0& W . B e - p, w jjj o m m ueh on r eoêai ue . 1 51 1 3 , u 'i 5~ U e L ,J e wa s u h as à cmok p. m . ho the seetss.dy toc v. omos o ..1b'1Suseý Lw umhm a uma u i oigmm.t e i., nlao _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b v o u d . e d u t oeà to~eu u m l p w g , l u wU s I L E L A N I G A N , IS e o e S a j 4 h d y W1Su5 *j0tire.or jhe,-loha TyweI D b~.,bSlwm 19. ~UV-O-& We dvrjemagThsWekdpatdthlé lité et S*0ayMgMof e e ». Uusd5 w -iulhBO. 0F OPTHÂIKS. dvi borts la 51. Comay me -Ilta.sys hmo.swuka JL Lc-Th"s. D'e.. mi hum boest aB iiidm :et Md uie'VTi I11*IEi..aetM4nlA Card- R i e~ma Mdbeh lwaIculuor <usOMsSw IsIm.IsNgoS cidernt InsuToue.,' Co. of Mauclé.er. =od»d qaA T I S I!VW hae" Dm M ,tISa l l ? Mal lier "th b» bem MOI let 201, lUS *emr w.dgs t. the IKou Wc pmptp'l <i d ét-A N. lt de . r-peu. bat ber iuddem d" m m omm e ti, I ve tisuu r e Q .o Ma hel , ou a o a tj Àb_ýD am bàlemme w; 1 Nii Eobt s' mreuteu iormàhs b w l o muuioent e Md.. *eVf W b ,"u erecel y u& a ylîemt..bded te by our kbId l ulshMWhail,". bpWinl uJOSEPH V.As K1lIL LUC. gElàl? <ard-Damssua umîcbul.p.ovRo. . b., ahs, w.pusk.U. - btAos§msslumgSu dat TUB BKE. A.ISu<g C.isee (*o*w tLaw-Thme.Wultmgeï -m J ut das tinSt m lhcl e 1. l US ust500M IIm- qN b oi Udes7Dell. lP. 157-ri4. 'Pu « hmk-T.A. iddol he IL C. eametery. afenlis, -m udgr. albvoasb S.choir et vuiasI Iuuu- " IteDuains f u <'ed t haksT.A. idtito. ~ Tb*sber«ea efmly haui l me otlouit.Dom sO=e 57,ci ornent-OP 1XP A-t TUBCIIt Waal,*& Ohn Brandm belpo u*SI. ommemicy. N.Y ler ffleg s .r* , PÂlY V m ARIPOSA.I mp ___________ miter w.'nwl.g Il la the emniD TS, tau U armas.t doms uoî Car la De~- .ev TIs. ~e. v e l çe oe ., ... usq j. L vIrtu e t na no ia <Id omllr.Ns~W aid-A. Rom. B=f5T.V ~ oamu~~~ Ol 1"'?L" ét TheIau15 3the JAveto. e 1 uselNnlg-ltvep4eCeelr C. OTACT Fnvu..-TIers ere tIre. eSA.Dom. 2% l. Pkwl1.5 bJOi tu Lvsa R-ee4».-Bootheran. Cathr -& VZ&caI esstagv ls eo.Aex 5 pscas3 $ontdn u b e c mrVWwr i a t.a tu"t.u.whate uepadfr i lv c u.. _epliy h &»uw Sual eng-. Nooua Auv" - *nto ne al uaj T S a o. St aWi thmthef9 D.C. chmm ù oi aM e th e aew auusleluot)t>-utWee- Ihs ( ua4ir g ~ 5~uu~hei seeepld the cat oue d a. et e fl OlOSIy..- Theis aait dMr lvIe, leu» longer paro f 1gmoboot ible. m - . ~ la t 0 l acustu*1i t aUuE-lW- m.mumte.Tht utsc1 i -~----------- -JUEU5ii"I'7 101The qco.w j»s " u - -.-u~ii1oTb t v Kr. Lenglua h u e o sl.o C î h f l t h mhlie ". A .. i w d lm M h W b o lt.. . . . .a W ok:: a : a a . h i -OA ZSLETTEES afthe Knox i ucpeplpesndtl15&OI WIf................ 075 sUD matetthe sohooé tlu TF ou m ped on Ubeat" sSusss.................O se0vwyulasL usmlcu i h enc ot Te PqqiIfzi adýe mBi oes u Ds e s tloa1 ................7Ie 74teu STiitat Cevueomleaiof hePO.Jw er . ]BllaS Md...Dam e In - e----------eun » ua #» iutthle oeuemcmueil. a there la me cla os.muntolpaly S halu"em. f il lisreho NUNIM -. iricasiol 500Coumm . . T. Youmg H WE 5oetLG.ii,...... Sa uImosaitrsrSluap-euiu chu M ntbfit buecu e a s, Mm. h , 1b lay a on s: - -- - -- - -- -- - --Sftm s taTE ROE OS ES S t r 1 1 . i s e T h l h ln p r e t t y q i b w o ft , m a ' G l u a f O r i, h« i a . U eM u t vM d T I a n . , . , . . . . . .0 SaO S s u t -tD o u n c a s m e m o us'ili a t h e r » W h oir u a l S I»àbv . T hm i l ea h o u i . o r g.n u ll d sc e n o l c h e v e e sl teamaixuies eUnlotUMta laoolviO. lOwsmoituo n O. oi.) - bleexpleience la munitlma matm TW s u351," au1 te I236 Muim omi dfio heefm a inb Neaw rlic ay.-Mr. Wm. Petî ýb e , .1-kv fer tbe bonusa t .e M Ie M I isma.- JW p lie........ R e225ulem llfosglOirsseoiil .8wihi8odShpN rukngi efc ae ildiuil Proaudle.oliot IWOPb»mmmmbeSudC h"sI ur m o a ate u outles- tenlv bul.,..H.Koopisa tiqsosm onp94 ore mmd mimomsy net temut u d ima........., si tmul maab. Jil Ds Lwem r'ond and supplli e s oi th SIyilm» e amiatale ta a natter 0 it l ,v , la......S 5t ~ua puu I ae uiss.E T~w I s p . c u e m o n u I U . a u l. c u t s . . . . . . . . . .s u oI . . a j F. h a t ..e ufo r me a i o D e i ca I ise.l T ~ . S e h < ' a a t u e C 0 * ' e u d v a VICT RI A RI>41î a m slcl el a it ueho . afili ve il C eus4rn. .... ...-... .. 5 3 S 014 om.......I um--ei-me---y----oasssIA Peilîma bat4sste arel h siilll ed *MTailloId llu ~e. rooainent1iydkoubIauo Brl etil 3 là ~'.u.uw'r beiiOi ~5S5~ Scc d - - - Toa1.I.;t. ,Thoma.. Eepetel P'rIncip.l,- linflemu Mbeai.lau taisethorasiV asalE5hmSi eitl bs tpncem W r ouao' n 'M t ab! y lu d ot ' , as f . m tae s, o f4 - 'lho. l oqunt .nte#* In'.e mî t o>n igîsc aBor a. v e s o .Mi » o u n .queSaI m, the m Y m e la te. s a I . 5 o S ~ s s i m o . .su r u I a l . m r c a o yl a t i e l n c i r boy 5 hm 511Ciiloma oe., "mn titit!ermtaviom oS'tise uigon a g.Our môlet lble.? l uw II cllaatv, mnnt prnuamnt sou. , 33.cauresVUel h. sd àMr& . Obole voe&laultel l s iulsu.ý h .nov tllaeéêclone. a"itwe.hoIbbeae 5 labula quit uoe, s l, fI -arlsoofomvvoeaa Susbwtthe of iao tepinAtendante durln thse sessgion and have de- aoypbuOSV 5.outTise kba " h te a Ullulu. iDer 2»i. M 155 71sf . ~~acswm agiL Pfe s hproft tromi jour labo.. ftel tisat fr it, W u« i'tI l . -bsdusy. or fromm unit #ursgaudi. sudaeoîlmnnnoucmsore favorable omrunity could have pie- et nofille ot u lis l o rtPMof lie psop.S thlak fanBl masua.b a. ~. oiotg ungdiolue it u horeby we cuiIc u I I ih ua i Smsae epe e ee o *40ipu. ss C n e4 by * fié- N"IlîleCou- meoutre ao i ouDira ppn su.Mdai atheM~sa .me wlflimg Cilai a le, siould h penu -to fuie ua a *s La ayao. 4 ,Ille t.W J~ A ~ Z T elsr'T 1f.nit Afrs. O,1kyo- .Wq', rrie ndemionstnati! ta jolitpa r appre to budoba.,they.ou l o te bw latoeebât lau u en.m ppi ta..@ . . Ope, 8aa'eïur#eal hae " sw4' Pommm o f ,bc ig<rvfd7 ou bie5put fort lravi..mestIantie eliqr IJhIImuEuo clliFnius, a*j. a a u Mrpvon Llb,,?.ét ifbO Ion teon" ou -bottit. und th. auerM i have aven gt i hm s, aMmua moMi uppffl " ai"ute a ' W "'- p "m our sm ai almoithe ils inOur 'W ltars.. n e have belo »M f' 1 mtab .5 the tiseunalooset as. people la m uui kwml ou eamog o=tr M» v eli maya ta e for a nu je e aal ry yulm.iles. Pdat%. Tot> have M aird etanetm iu la .5 uamle xeiea .muaael< D I it u u r, pl me as dal;b l e t us lhs v M v e -m te a yei s t eMy l jet00 BOJjoumr E u, andu L asme lthli 'hco 5g he tht. euain g la tadisitla eZ ; frakn ,,u amI oneetgjlit.purpé ous t un, to . II I.bu gal i. ""vM » Mier p u ahdr'l m tt u I o es S l I m t g f I s b u al s o e s r H ~m Euh " e k o ln o >it a t laS 50>81 W ho nt e a i ge m ta u j e 1ol at de m o Ye Mb » ,r' Ni,%u u «» aE I M lot If.a outba ue rn < iul ui éa slsss mao mua * 9,'ld àà U MAh tteb tlié m m iS irvm e . enau d m O& «Ows 40rowft oug, m e .0" WM & -atue oS.nm..i prJb aitersbave qs a aPuUuaubsmtdemioovsvem t* lime. nlua.a e 1te ohabe m olecm fébll "mu ieI@ma gi. MOftelrahubriera" a lu lie scls e vi S q utW ts m le--I Pf %' O vee m v , l a lu aj t e, ms a au II S t5 i usts m i utn, 'a Illese us uikleéfl-WMtev oitMMt eer atudyt ne t uay aile e Pe-ton"5. mliie.g lma %!.e m S « 7 ei hois,m w ,voas llot urslug Irltdobult. i tmeaumla Is.lqvopS, mg np tne omme T H E 5r»Zýsg. lim i v sit s o < U.~., opsin. 0v1i t h a tCa>t is e aie msunjla lieahtagII us. t a m agt a~ t I ~ u - I n l m eV ê LB al I ar a i L . ' I ~ - . - - ee eas Ibi pis os i a lier au ~ I ves tur a o t dlmf hse ei mmes, v .,,M " e salt, u i a t h.* bs j l m o t u u * * lu e lC a r.àC a i . . . , m*aa" w n u a o Ilb i p a tie le i ;eo 0 mà*aoq . te lor pr m a t Ien oeu I v m p te i l . l f m i e 4 t l 5 e l e _ Wtbtefi". Spu * me tuluus.- upAUmm ce»C.uea*e. la lIl g *"fO V« 4 m rele W t a., b eten ss 11 m i. b» b , u abô se"us~ 1 m eev .utr. W a u e dl t rw.î.. . . meus es..l -W euesai w paela . e ? ,» , w odtoin t ion , sud. ýebe ,aZlàTS wu bl u ecO ' . Ew vP .le t< . easohs iSM ul tran, etvoBou apmoie.tu* ajorl&te U ut"Y hltl agpml Itis. v ýult m wss jar e l uatge, hIce, u thee oafiplretzuli 0 ISU l o l N es Ummmk.w -p IMM. nq veil iseuss stoues.. ?h70W m00cp iton . b.m mu u ~ m ngt. lseeb Iflte ethe mmi -- tne i~ malpn àetrg m o l anlie e emm aI- *am*SI,. ..a% n wbu is ' . ami etm&'IUb iu eveM t d, umuti«, b techu ___ UUm .eso ChvuS"he..fildOl41u ma 11, qwW -ueim4 0 ueaneth #meut lAS. Eau.Tth -W1111Ilm,-saew»o My -w trust win belmSa, t. w bu an, OM @Ob e t E n s. .6 a. p. h I .4 i s J 50 i le I. b, t. s- j, Il ID - e p 't