'-f t,1t j~îst. 5UBA Dvffp LIDBT, OMT., EDT ÂUE 9,188 w'-: i 'pfl5q~~~pa rge tvo-alosepWhite. ma S5imeeoe atn.Mdur. idORlaz. Douaci- --.- ar-------a- sy Ifop O mite whetkli mui! aiment et bée Vi.Bll, awysc bUISM-e81 -u4. UIV £lais umber et aoeouatu eveaueite Srt ains. Mi aU tla m haIe m i sc Sin,aituv bauds feplan» TuRE LAIGESI, SCALE WORM IN CANADA. OVER 100 -STYLES0.Fi M.AY SCALES, FARM SCALES, TÇA SCA LES, UPROED SHOW CASE m RAWff: r * 1is Zlf.:., Vrite fur tw =as -c. WILSON & $OUI 62~I ESPLANADE STREET - EAST I TORONTO, ONT. efiztA4hù .pr £very limc you wriIIO UCTION 8ÂL} UEEN'8_HOTEL, Thrte, rkk %tort% and Imiut Id, A? X TUE-W NTL BRenf(liiof bo0tl e fera the Frcott &et, $.CD pus ar: ai jiruewnt. 811f>ol dlargo ibcreaue tu rospcet., A rare opantumîtty for a au890 profit- TZBUS o0, 5A1,.-Oaieourtb ocshit mi llne in ivo eqal ntalmonts., Intemst at bér cenàt. > or ertLla5fs ppi.p 10 à taL& cô%AB. F M Vundord Swoic tors. Toronto. E LAs BOWES.4. A.uotur. *Jo2M.th 1SM-81 . 11O CURE 9NO PAY!" Faire. uid Square Ofér to Zav"id te ti anid de-iorsuî t lèmha -li sin s ulform, thât e wlI ow uarlitce totreat badorrpted ilfta iccassfur a nti>ulateci priée until e(L ci.ndin case of fallureo b reftind al the erasokltuoîî ai.t hélilcessorby loUonsl l0, îîhs es oid ece aouoeb nie SEAILED TENDERS ]MurkîîI Tamit r Cüoe i uttuteo "Vlfl troce >y- bythe udriMcd atfma M Ot ibe Materie»d iWork raquisi la t*a oalmuotoset OLLECIATE IflTlTUTEBUILDIG theaA:j~ oebey Il.ashes Tes isuasi or cap soudai vIl! ast usousullv R. IIOZIEILLZR, CialullmgCsmulmase. Jammu,, utu.--mi B. zamia. dae on .ddr w.mittewoeprmptl . DOn'd.ay s» !ro!tn= Dm% m'w ue good THE POST GMPAIGN. rWE OoD wva ara KRA TE a ktw E-MMfer Samutlua The wcoeptiSm acSeod thebpopuw tpre., mcionsoffaiwe livuTa. Pm b ua far mu- u e eetatle.s. TV* adiioual aiasfer,--the pffulyPhymlcla'have bomes uitai. sud a tidiui bt!haUal ci t6.m«row ia ouir o uut t be deua. Tht.slu ibm big. book ibsinmms wlBb T» ,Pmosroig - "mai lasavaS.; 90& «m' 10e odiidlsalfat om~gewbecataiby uBl. A wTetimssllcIte sfaux Ommti. moumsanolbDmeca. .8. 1 comi"-The Pamri Phtyma and aiTa Pmeuliabut vaine I bave suer reccluui. The buok lma jnt tbm thimi foir te haok toesMuhPi M it clii svo imouel. iloctot bille, Mmmch manseli of mimd.1cesm oimnîiS It teaMI 1.11ev bachweodimm.JuLSPAEUL i hava oowaevd Tbe Pauy ,PipslesMd iii le oU wviti, et" go e b-sas ige book. vo u U t aMi valnus. I bavaetaÙs Tnie Ptourto over t*eoty-two yposiat "41s a subsmibem te pour poplar P aps', 1 visit teexpresa tn approiailoot the vaInabto preminan, he o umli PhySiie. j onbavi dis- tribatel umons tub m m'a bsomLbems.19la o sorti facct oepte«- br mainose. 'IIO1mE AND REALTEa.' amd i Vay va sileuauJ ucaful l111bbook. It gos. vth Tîm Pou: for 81.00; 3.. aI. thoual fou' potage. The lue bookseamn«us givua. Tbaae uSe vies to e uauvaumff oh 151. olfii shouli Ps, apte Jama, 1M0 ai onoe.as a ofir Sa! urday, 21.et. lut, the Is xbamastsd beLomt It date «Ilp those addrosi.laelu. Nowsucbucrlber re a- tîlcito tisbook. A linduas'cbeiber wrtes.*.-'Tua Case DlIAS Pour Prosnuuhn mtied nome Mmd HIlth la oneotgltai ea ot boos o teki.It commainivanle aLformatiomfor bouueepm aui afor farumeru. mehamicu, and prus soaiea" Il- lu SalamI o ompendium o nUefulknowladum thera lua mmiy o aleci on vkfhh i dotamot tusat. The ezeml t i rute and momeif ea tiog15eomWamu aie tl à more tia lte saimi pile te peur la mi opinion i tis book inaiamos&aiposild Everp smo aboula mt a oov." INX01V1K MAIJ DAG. We mam oom flais lew frim uaplot- ter&a ci tàee mm.ature.* 7MS. Wuzrou. Minden: Two snbbcrtilun and 1 vsIoh pan a bappp New Tsar. à Xslhndlutmin smttiec: 1'houma.ragnas soraiet Tta Pour, uhicit regrd maalti moagili Afvujonruatl a Mralossinotsi." W. Hi. DIeu, Winipeg: 'inceloel & land t03 Thissifl uetoi"IHom, am and ma 3- t or maxi Féar e Wîo't ksap houte suthout Trs Pois. SALUXANDzR Roua wnltaa:- 1 vîi omo01"0 pou n this lAmusa ose ioAtaar feoranheorl n te taTu lcair fer, ameter pesr. 1 hava biama.etine yma voluabs paper msaî puaisnov maiomn' W.CALI*R. Seumos«"Elosui fiai *1-> fou ressuai et mrysubsmptlsu foirpeur valu"i P 1 the Foml. uimlULTiai POW le asi s wimvtpielr nvhMluW4s e gsetmil J.s b o , m W a r x, C b eo , lar a m il l g. u il . "i te, h o a dm ou e sAi te nweur premiersfor Tia. n Posi. h ra si plmai POS our ib ics'- thel'lieue ami BsotW' *peiua. aimemalh ua m poDI &dm ame 1 oas. mt do slthmatheb.puaessuuap." APuibptdlma lateter vitea: 1I1bais mev ac m mev». boa. t"kImgTuaPosr fer o nuiteret peuramidatibou hisSe o a muSer of= oiapera lieol mma edrap TusPeau-. Ilî# I Yen uiumiormi h bleM thet i aeew mip ubomption 1 bave. Mmh mas ilp hpmimtclm. vmehaag rour ibcupi- monta ut pu tmeason." Ir'e Bessaisé Seieu la asse' er oana we ouj stati l1ai vi saut nai mmmi "BeMde ihhstmoub- anis *0 me Sl, swing te the outime, bui vo Di~ ~ m -holmus ànbuuslc tea my cidréus deai .* Mid1Me. amiit"mui S.postage. 4@ eudue efuo1r Tas Pour (sil - ceaias peF ymslaacA e eut molollur ui iomh hiappan th"tnu ikoi i oss.V as hl ;Mmm ths 1 ft m mmltot.lab. ù - lan upoo.1la *usqusitm". ai twe shlmu Sut ansglsuet" lu is mm&. Ne aré meS purieuwa, etof&c Mdulvil!moewma ras orm Ou. T OOLL1NmW 8,J3mur] M. Mir Seiest.bta l__ IWAMMMb a.kmsrn tIa-l a f h atml Ws. P IP la M"Mr. Boulm bu 8'W.1.ho Cam baliaýube be fouai laTu ct Mr. Joban * = téêfMe mcai f etusuEsm"i liss ec forh uib uccPm let lsrnu.h la tbhe"o imasi mi vs uoafa, Bbcevsucfmonevu? a hi ouliPabed huaiowlg restl is u"e- meutationos f havià he à Ibt ho la M Poe"nsila tuiéf for a0 cR. et co06mmu ty. Ail joe a lu vimnMr. aMdieu. KEauihuuim i posporlir la ibsir mevborne Tu& Mammve-Tbe PM -oeoss ltus metlaî lasly b hw y b.#hePueShte- rien elii theaisern mrnu8106 0% witbs emore@ dolfam, Viti i pe the debt ertubeMamu&Te a.gtla mre t e ha c.nlam u1. iaprs hcslbyl nc' "mdBlr PmdmuAyauw.-Tbe sImple vhs pasi M tbc laie mmmais..ezaumsBorimss ibolr tuées', Ne.- omrmevew» abonad. =uubsuoffavemrnea à d t - tuséut"*il Hep.babuesm vleSU but cousinUima SUtly 8erae.uc boise lut wceL. ev.Mu. Mi1 d oripsacs foicanalalaisas the rev#val uiviose His iuoumme. wreué piulbd sévetectak o cf ls POLPE.- Mr. âMluilIaKtmnom, etudent of Q 0011000bc ficyl bute Mt Suàdàa t & 3 0 -P.a= Grovee t I lia. m., Mai GlIaia obool boume .18 p. m. soNDAy ftnCiO-Oot Sul@dBy mbool la dolas mood vork unie »er'i asve en of Mr. Mu'lunoe. Scuoolu-The pmllcuoboel pciJ. saor. The issobsaXi EMhla t p gjo5stibsetion. At ibe sanai Wam eloeii musela plae of Mr. Doug- la". vbome tors0 ollécebai expirci. pAMT.-A hap Fm - vaabhmla tht. vlutalty 1mai m ci red ut vmi ÎÎsv 1tate mfair Sm QoM.-What htb*. vam s00 muy fermer& ave i.aulag ibeli ait Be Liai. MTy ai piemet leh. aagbhod 1 pries. lài tbe iaet otsuepoli for ca poîk aMi PouM as Mlpokuy.-Ed.] Couvest-Eldorn cemuitmet SAiMaun. ipe!. olet, Monday of lut wc. At! 1Un aewly olmoici e swore prouet, aui suborlbeite ibmeumu"idedirmianlssd tckl theb foai ce, 1 t. 1 ma L&CmmxsT.-ImuUparolu hlm. Donmh ho*aff; bo t.hou"a DoW~rUA, Go Tume.-seai at coec foi T». Pen d Rot elba oee0c li eucpreamnrnfeefov '.'i0 lili u foi Tas Poffr aui "Ho m am H.uth'- or' $1.50 foi Tam Posrvead 1"a i aiFp CoL» SNAa.-Tbe vout weh ibs he-b 2f91La the btheormàetas' fat 84l w me.,su mvual faumsvere toueb"i wih Garni BLUIGE Eoàn&.-Thoadeaiare ail tbat csenti be visSai f«. Tâtealangsea emim durlas the poimuve ek tbhav mil wPcli bestes devra andisa ood aiad. Travefllng la gosë i .this »aelghbdo Im'agaboca madv ar "V ioaebl e upiesilii-, ladesi I-lat. blM Iumn tu tnj~o se kmbacs Mtc-i yrv .s w mva~,aila mmb. moa rnne ebtis et caus vl.sàhrieisnlsm b m t.heksmtliuil ra cr0411te iolst m Jiasic laicoilebletwis Eau W~E. lssé A ls Sii uiss <a vtebppu c9wi "Un satrisvssvlSwsau selaihisetslunlh ete vo av lsel emadsus. bvuuo F zwsilmaaI Xciii aay, -hu.j e vi~oe~sl Il 9W m ui l B. MLL089M 4m'u aM e e for h obe, M w. the mm lat.llcdo ulMi, etihe, s.ibg itchav s "motIsg' ct fa pièjwY, 'iat amm Ie maxi une te duewe n dffâ 09 Alsi B"soif Bbc asImata maSoidrIbIIImM 4150fM6. ne m'oB vwu abm evssâge .etmWZwaY.-It l Mt "' d~Ula Mr. Bsuý éreslcl ibenu1- à thmme0f Saitro .tn" 1m.tbc coUle vas smhe tir lai terelaornmamla. sM. BomhbEsu usm d @cnsZr 1 ri. cied li Wisiap, 18mbifi.cmatvhsoir laid la eetla bM MUbilBa aot . Me baith cmp e muntil about blo escoed u sivto etmu cmcal lative o et E. Kalabi ulie" tcl a- -sm BLusmuu PÂ Mm .of roundiea 'ioua AsileMusa uenm hod Llaia~eriftmcodui S S cn -,_aimae- iMr.Gw evms. -oo a 1e eorma u a foamad Urneovu Ssre.....Tu LitI brs bo0f Dakotas kvmulp t Mulpoa, aiebue. viaitIlng li mamie l ibis locelotb Bu John se ttela f Tbhe bride* =;i te aMi. Jaas.recf ir esnte as -eo Ms'. J. Rusas, eu woeibp p.m. W. viheS Ibm om oule a long mai hpp t. .On Jasuip 171betBth1e reZds et ibe hldec meibas'. Kr*.Gan. Diaibuin sen 0110 Ms'.Ateanis'raihusacftibisl vaa alta4la arin tlMme Tay. haBLE ommr!.-O n May mwun Januaîy 10,Ici. J., G. Mullr et Toron idouve"chcpeplar lecture, "6E an sd diat&l cb. Them mnaidmbcceoilosti »ad snbsotpion vas about l*30 MyOMbéUM SI.On ?CMcIspho oralma.Ja @mêmesuorn Urne te oiaimliy. AuMu.. ata"ol ua pcuag somm a wslcets . mil vbo ehaevbamvdemst bas em a L=oai bc eh!. omnuity. Thuis- 'y aieaa s e féllovsi te ib caotus'aM !laiiou, St alais.aum, hsvroldoassadIeris.Tibblu àve hbuamami ilsiisebave the sprnpatbp 0f ail. The Ital Memonwsil haproeS Baader«W&J& nb A PmuNLL CaLs.-Joàepb MeUili of Jametillemoli S.biscuebaimt!oltsItm - Porlei Liveuisi (44) te Jobn Dévide« of .WtWbibr, tib. oIl-haew hunier importur, for thbmadmuorime o f M Tisbaill vas seau ls'MT id prilne et Limtu uCetal of 1887; bu5te taet Ihai m@Wb a veil-knwu breu' ané ,Ur. Davideos puichaudci hm et as5bgla Saute choya ibsi b.laa a oila lp le. meai iairMu. MOIII in a skila u mo. a u las mtauopuw" stck- Pummâ.-aum Kith ofr ovusu. ville lua tpsmeut pupia ber murade la tie piMa sit ..Mtmalumof Orne. mus vas lbe sel oh bairclaies',Ure. WllonsaRoblîl. for a 1ev days lut sueb. ....mis e MuCutebIS aitprenat Bbc gucat of bai atter ML. Poser. - We val- cmmeMa lin.iIeulmb laIso ur mhdm = ,IGOM.- Ons adat aveclsihob Ber. J. Power. .passai of Bbce = SUia énOhu lbaie, poool1efusurai smen cfh 1elime Mis. Robai esevemmn. 1Ha tbob for bis testi Amose -2 lv,1g*upsie te muti thp Goi.*TM Se sen vw u ete.i quant one; sud ls ure l ouve m god tls- presson on ibe miada etf ail vio board11. SWOOD D&u.-M. Bu"iHasIl p ba"l& yooi bu. la" rl a. , à'About "meaior soensstu'oag?«-enm ummc ont la the morinea,;&ami vbcn evua came tbey cold pin o aeal plie0 Brmt-ulsmWvodas the fasuls r d#8 BUNDICULAND. Mouuv ro Loàw.-A large &amea t privaIs ami 00M aile dut. a ua ab usi velus. Kuuosvomu. a OU&Vi. las Saocz: AemouL'vunAL Eoctumr.-The amaumiMasilurofiBm iohawaluu's NeMrq& Jom GleIlMabusWa Bcd". mi.a 0"lln, BellMP10cu ud% . i iml, taomsiu Spbmi. Md Ibsu',IL Midis osI eso s ylo r. ai ae hué, ampswni leappela su pns. u ILi~iciiMi A.~. uPhdI s T. EL a- S. ib ft1L1 * is icy ai0lu "dga&li 0 d emoupiueisvss Ureac a Ba.CtliMd yi yi teuap mm W - M mu e dupeues et Tm colys.Sl mistmlamoce ms(RO. L ! uga- Im ssanc au o ueMdd lIed mht. rmoBc lOS13 ma. ami4i vhtS vs vJ9641u06" Tuaf 1 Bu m te h b c a-pMsalesla Bgc Plan et i. WM, BleSses rmod. TSi é 0f Ib W" a chuacutmmsan-wuePs- à i tlapleem. nul motohflsg it0f i eiolIsahhai msollvas heu la tBs émié oumMonder eThe MibiUki tact. Tm u du& - thoir.lae -r Blo- TIM YELV.ATON TaExceimtus? oyr E ar- nem cs l16ustmt Aomu.-ms .John 'elv il dllg bis- ebldr e le eio bIllbm mscm uaa Be Ie eue .0»51Bsbcki offam conetaet b unsr 0f W lai bob, vhlsi badly laesumieibis mm, rrinb>bnm bmsoutelpt. = 18à. 19 a. Toi soKm ll maeo as. 190 paîiefMe. agit bai he stirnotamots tiéi lte&>.The Pingsna. -U.HiTgS 1'o0f TOeM- te hbu beau vliiipte paruli inîlu t1oehlstmuhol don.pu.Mummnd- vcesie a Ibem usar Inta TO t. [Owrugdmu o.t Tb@ PocLJ MENDim AoEICULPRAL socsuvy.-At 9e manemeting or Bbc Miaicu, Urnes. ds Lettatvcu'ib, etc., augiuluiwaloctetp buf t Mindcletct Ftda Jas. Mortimet gulet iednt; *Wllcon, vice& Umreii.Thereport cose ibe ceslt hela lBouulebAgomiti.The dîretove haie iciite bondialige siditlen le EMil , e riet ai ave seMa Vonyla- AiBiiocs FALL-A Mamnai fol. MM wovhm asboe lakmiha amr. T. G&a u butp ucih of bua@, me taua sauldeat t1cMuap ype roe fatal Sp halt. hfisg boi n h b ic h is bond wbt Lt! Loothe Bs orbobs. Tbm uafor. tuam$ mma .la a ciical condition. Hne vas bmougbt&thIn1e eabsa on Tos.al uma «Mr i s h oms la 'uennF"t AccUaMs.-Ur.Jeba im. Rebbamor th e Rb umo tmloaemet, Minden towshibp, ma vIB sssi accdent on Satmiimy lu& t. a ppus ho. vswu gesciSesina ils. la tic vOoé ic t. easu; thevote botS saibt as cm ibm oue tiek bcabMs'. RoSlama t hilme ilsaie Md o vmbirn at Lrieu Lalu, bh m Mo o bs ilmto is ieuon vs J at glvlag a blosw vIlS thé-e«0 ai lcamabt IUn toth.Va foot, caasdassi guba tha Ie eol. This viii macos.taie qulomuon Ur. Rob- lmows paut foi tomem lime, lthoagh vo hm oieil "Moehbl m e ekh ld 01 the aueanal. Eswrmrn'us-Tbm vaiibp veuve et Mis. .don; W.. G~lmels usatha l"liutos. tingé cboouieg amidb.o aurallp maskes thora boom vbmn ho bas auoppoeunt,. Be bas povchaui the smilI ut Sawspots wethb Scbaa It * ile S.fornea» rne pu.The m omUl= osac St caverai d uent puuile tm im is iîanami Sa mppumtilp noverboom rau leaduaa$a.; bboseo'we bla k Il buam tlaie îéigsî bands tht. lime, sud Ibm inmofnithé ii vil l beagrea mutmo e etcli. seus orf Alliasaithc e utilcila 1501 lo"lip as voli am b" aa bamcfiil eb shole towsip. Wc vMiopu anouées ta yont enteipime, Me. G., am con m»m beu to mokit bbom hum.-JE"ho A VI'oNTRUSte thome COatOmpiMUtlgMMi- vlumny: Ta. Pour lé dcparmmibuc r& euntly adidi sue bt stiul aasfosnta îI viiuglavitatloscards-jumt the ibina lm lu remrnaillopé. Cati aMdinlampot OLK WOOD. ,A=?-ScoTr ACT WATUU.- Relves Imaga np pumupo mai&wtpell ibmheeple et o.aksooi vas tm0moslpdepeaieni os ou santl.uct OU voll aia »PplofthBs spat- làg maibrkqbi "lu Ilis lqumlIobat" aMi ta tbas be no p0r17fommm p i a cuple mm aof 51ressat esesnm.A Mm' lad F isu' 0f the arn oma bote cm' l semisiA altu mcllmli àmlate Ulam0is S.t. OliThlm i msvmb a "scsmIass, mIs lsvl vliomi s th"laibi Iae.-mC.mi a colucS e Imfl ti>3m»Ypaa abot udtte1 Oubseui. P.: & - O5Maeicadetal. Ve W sbal e b«W Btegusivi se»mm I Pola] Tu a e r e-W e mo m a a~ ~ ~ o sing8m B saeuf0 labs uwai- basa= Aië AYit Auvnm fl-tbwvà&iq lareMue l mteS ussMWfe, sala0t#M nmas* t u W. IE. Mmaula asm .s Tme PM Spa a ou vie rbi aU plu, os*me S.aivasdl immu4mCausMa bmùul-m sv Wm.. oJe tia cail- m~usa cf bis ls..Jeu" Sofvig t. &M ulat.quite ale la bellesele.l 2m m SOUTEZ GPS Nw C mu-Is boulba dt~ cita 1 utamis Mothoilsibuvoh aueibmhe o me.Asu m sssesrpfS. buiding bam Suc rL-Masla Detnsuaque- mslddlaupassi«stBs surane exula- lien heu i. Ornswnas uapmamfl. PmuuofL-Zuapehii Knlbpeu aà visiiles, s. NoS Isatvcs.... Mr. Daidi H.L Corsil bu hsm appobW si muSsa tram- tes. PLIJSANT VALLE Y-PRZNELON.> A BôOuD UD.-Lsst TSnndu tbe = à*"bisisof ZIos Smn ook Bbcl imanivernitaai Bd hesamuntosll shét tegony galbai toi lneie Mess. UfNl 0tgRossis sur assomué mimd longi i - eam vhs lu toift blini ni vhs t. deuestus si tecbalty oh suaisS sm tasmo. .Ore usm Ibat Bbey vesivi euiai e Oe Mrplisce. ouesei thomn erpip aeuvWhou fi or »am- tbim fS. h m; ai o huai ba i mof A NAmtow EscAle - Lust Tiaeidsy boume a thBs ortb esnd5orlb.lova bha ou. Umo e uce9Bslam offt tobellBb caot by ihpeBsbou lsthé batto NUbi outMtaiseul vbouespilici oves ber 010*139. tbob lir&e. Reaibai ires. cold butuc ioffetoriUnefismia calinoaul, mon vaa~~~ blêm um i at wseauniSime. mL mnia ee btm ois nimo Sim tos. ami, clare, a laffe qnsuttp01 oh tactloe- aisd about *6 sortS ot f posageamno dow l the balle ubop, »ditBs bob piai eff Bs doot lesim t le s Ioni.sbZpThe est wes moitouce&ci.Mr. Minli. mutes hlîs leu eti bout $la0 BIG Som vAcT Paunm -Thé follovlag Beut m ess vm@ ote lupomu t the police mont Pilav mmem: William Croit, $100 sud ca T.Cavungh, 100 moata- J. EE.luneatyve, 8100 am0"el; A. P. iai ~m *00. -Mr. eavanagb aSa B leork muet hb.o"id la Soun ti sl ias. éTic meglstrate: "Da Ion utite fini ont Sos Slga o lmaiyen arfri. Cavoau: "Il watltu mevbhalki ni ofairWY1qt Tioe lorS: :"Yen bave pi $ geM Caîausgb: 'i bot It Wos about a ticumi.» Thectuvrk: Coùa tgiis fiac ni the «été klIs labutma thoassa." Tii mcamobm: "Thoi' Setier Ithu tata batsRavies. [Courupomdcuoeet Tic Pest 1 AXONS TaBous.-Soa ucuatoble tects., ma prefeousam exibltei la mass very plano reaardleg the favoite deticaulos skieS harmona w sih tb. it- forea&&wsio hebloteir, btluWooivllle Bsimtt iureo e theBstaple ai- tioe-te i vei sumttal occasion ud cvii- enily "'abo.eBs oke "A nember et tic fiends eh Mr. BR Jesell vhs bu beou ,ka-sinean sNom i lelvalmotc bic Inctenle l auo bis ilpstrre ta 8, placéla Coer proulump le SUn lac ait Saulacos book advantugeof et s ocufsiante emsemlo Si, tuanm imp'rmn ptu yta me. mui; omcmoamlp providmd iy "mine Sos?. McKlaom. Teobéitrs.fiucMleatty c- capid, y M. Ac.Camapbell, smd stter Bse viande ba ba*ioue ample Justice te a aumber of toms"s ses'cpropos«anami l bisaod. Me. A LicKlsmonreepoudlmg tl! Bse toaitoftBs avan« bob oceuaate mall o me enùloglîtio remrnake cM 1r. Jevell'a amiable qi oies luasisl, 5mtat- lmg tbsi the wgros £5 spromise chbit bauineslaWoodille *ame haosemed le anaae u asreallj phmomaa, a»i miosai triking cidence et Bs enter- roushi te auss e coaitabhi, Icatb vienbmakioa Ms'. MeKiamolsLor is stmvatlgveinaikmi dt rlcadu pre. ment lai ibeli manifestations eh reard, »dol ist itlhougb b. boamol greva np -vilS BseplomeoWsol! tmembariishen It Sv m iermtsaltaaproeta, but e u ored îSirl la Sie letine mmda abouaisi soufidauca la Ils té- basa. Mr. Jasai aIo Selnsloa nua ibm o bbd grict dMglffin i diàs saris vuS swhié to exproe isMrotltnde for the kîinesu oet 1eom emblh& The s'.- moaic f tle cuanag vas @puat la the aunai rocnde of cmes. lsmwncutaclte. cia. Aftsi c metteBjopable lime baillaom spombithé proesedt.gs dosa u lb.teaunai fotm an«i la *Bsammloys a uer. CART WRIGHT. PIaoNA-Mu sdCme.Wp. m à e IbytObvaaedsu0ethet teof u Fhîc ské asfilesci s ot dImamI SpBsMWtailsslat "Ateri boip h teuta ei Bs ta at eh B Ifto u eiersi Muum.ASwa Bsv b area".. tmiiasi awlWu* Ro a. My. lmm t uot te a homesla Oàaba.*Tb* ai. M..ma- aomu au« "-4mi*1.0unBsma boisg Tm obabal I PL viSOBesaies 5Bs&mI" 16- «. m it É t,É&blv ~ ~ vercaliiee arei se Bs diresMdei m Mr vma ai om-Tas m h muemb oha atmubtri usas v o la " ltui m l àDvs, aiion tv aea If aialmdccrIteriie pou» soe uisiu. Blo" psu baveo fo e prllie ai aIPmmuIasMiMoue.0 Damron fotela loves arl amb s egrabed. la- ut viii la B ftaie ha ésees lcters Cr onalea O 9-lm"" R BaioL , h e a ioowusi ferad.mrathosa, as somi poer Wusi t. rein tek lsé,ofe àaatnd wibis osimite aSle saa éle cinthe caions ithonihls bc. JuMuu UGUU?,,e Ssurvie» Bst JMOaM"c ulugatshm wau gosWil i bemus c ondop euca eveniff1tmsMMl'ding.ub la tv»cua s ni the lamcoro elmai, b, s micr cat. oA v reioablemulmg setputndma sum Stouitar omS Who ma te nalosisih Mttthoiti ciA q»"Seaone wt uame oné e Ba btvea ingur lit ThmisI ifoa! t.R t Po i uamolua -J. L SSg atai vh cone. Oui liihae libeau muot h stisfaion rt es aig ai htOf BORCA YGEON. lCamrasinmoml of t l'usPosm.l FIiBEzai-The village h.th.s'. hava cotsed cit .1la Iront et Smirs officefor- lit pupos ets lte bail-at Isasi h laeup-, po 00 s; but 1tmeenoftg cm eauSeiatin, autobed cioariy -at à distance ohtlsamti pardu. hîlaugoagte be etgretamoficso a monumnt&0 seut pea.coaneil. Bustueu.-lim. Joba.Wilmm icstartei thocontinue lb. bosineu ohE. M LLowaiy la the sam rnmsand. AwAy Dows.-TSe vwuiber tr ho'e luat 1ev isyas beau ein y cod, the i-t rneueter SeIng ble ou dinupointmoe times. CuaLuc.-Tbc " 1pointa' gome t. ta pro- pum atsiprenons. MusicaL»-Te o ndue the- bmesoa lte lovn al l st w idmem as Il the louai bond Su revived. itla tl e 0hopai Ihe viii romain me. CARNEVAL.-The sisaloethe *@molto lhe place on Tumay, Jaump 1., oui t. gmni teoclipus evesrlmg eproviota,. P*apim.-I&UeBahbridge t.a udet- molm ao tbomonuh ovsriallam morn new naeStaery lestoe eput la. BcazaaarQ. -Lat sVeir m amiable ru- aident et Vinegar billIWveutle cab on m uaentaiscs ou lui-at., bat nas kmwlag vitere .ah*lieduSb* mqufitoiet M Lit.B Fletcher. Mm Fletcher' rtai te Wi ber se Mh. vent Iloo ameighborln Seit on couina ont ab* swu met by Mme.Fsbs etrock ber on the moutiL An lnteriusla se oleaioaid inally the pra ueceof Bbc conuS.abl umi dacosseotlon oh hoslhi Unme. SmAwrin. -The rsh aSf boty tie t. eiei for the vîntes' nov. Thse suimi er% Ula lufvulte e arbagepesaLons. FzsTavL.-The£Ergli haneS Suuio 'ýebooA hntaiSholding lueur tfusi Mon S"IAs t, 2Llia the ton bull. UPTERUR;O VIr ICmMmusaomse of Tha Poat. $5.00» WORTHtOV BàAOaI.-TSU Bank. rapt Store. Orillis, have jau purohasemi a M5.000 bsakrupt stcketd ý Go ls.Oebina. eel aaamiSaeto. Titi s eeet ua ernI d&aise have iver maie. -Thé modeare mUl mesS ami watt aorted, and sur DU atis uli do ssii te avaibtoeolvam et i"ispportunity te assra borufa. Lout fer auramNosmoemmat unionlis toslinznazs se. J. T. Pomma c. the akmapi Stars. Onill.-S31. Causa FAmrrOy.-A meeng« of a1lthese intèresicila taïMaufacsturae ofcheoo. viii Sa imiai ai lie Uplnîgtrovo moicol Somma on Wedmusdej,'Fbammlot, ai 2 p. mn., te iccido sharethIe fsotorp Il e bho- scta4 Mamp ottbe'larmeri @,roundiMUi. lItaton are lu tvoui tg Seing orectici ou lte feaiuet lie. Anires Cor, shilo Ithe as hlptergrove ami Atberley vaut Item- Soel aior ner -thé Upisuroves'i vm station. As Ith e tla viiZi SelatefI a vate ofhthe.mutiez It la a vry oeu tbtevérnifamrueIvtourietomiles. ettht point sboaîd tmm out. Wm are sinarnglyof *0e opinion 155Uptsrve la the Pl opai tr1501ù ti ctronNv'v, Lake Siroas sund Coacblboitm vli habope ace ut &dift. W. îilnk 5e factos'yaould no s Wgea vsIe upmi f oer e tara etn ceaihm su d Somm t eto am Iau sa ro- h Bs me e mplpim.' Krmei te abséo moatiZa"»i i mo m si a £Mda vesk*w Krc.. ldapeveat Am Md bue u mni madeilai lu ~ ~ h di loda5 iim hes é seaso"bi h brvM b Sat= * Ram~~~W evisiiM. os avimar lea IImo-ho@" isauc bu s AL1 @mgr el ON. ff- .L*- 7t-..A-.