* * 2~.. I ~!1e j 41$!. LINDSAT, oes, PEIDAT, UBBBXTABY lui, 1858. Wibk FDvr d4 - -_ _ _dm 1; W.;M.j% .o ________________ I - I TEASI wk/ lic that wc are/fair- i~ aunchod. 0K aur nw en- tejrsse,,and thiat the béal- anc e of aýur Gaey tc is about old ott. give 0a1ur udi' ded tgttes- ion tk ikas already inet witk a sue- cess fo rexceedingaur nst W/te:, Our New) Teas ar-. rived /cy excitc W uc wondcr -amui stoislernent, amel contsîdertble coinnet, was indulgdiia aw/tere ?vewer giig -to/Illd roein for them 1-earc #leascd tosay l:atweerthMat aUr ýsitccess in disbosimg 0- hetu kas been-so gr at ti we have m:ow r àom for a- IDUPICATES Orde of Japn jOart o w/tic/t lias jusi ar-, rivd a'aarge bi- voice<if" N EW HO BLACK TA thés wcckzl. 1V/tule wc. kavc ead dissd Of latgc qantities Of Tea, th exe re. llnny .of aur o/a' csto'ncrs at a dîs- tance whoiom we have-notyet san.JVccati assurelthelà Mtt /equatity af/se Teas and (li eÉliaiion /iéey are *lreadîy wi;tnin Will be (JRDERS ,BY lMAIL rnay, be sent wùl/k thfillest con/fidence itaitkey Vitilre- ceiv ca ur -best -attention, andin no case:Weill we Ana' fauit aIt akiing goads back and' refudùg litoney If nat en/tirely satisfactarY,. WE W ILPAIX Jlig/test Prices -tu cash/aor 4/sikc, Rea Clavr and. Tnnthy Soed ;B#ttero Eggs, kana'P#atîes. SpraU [111L mo am Ww m. an LARGE .zADDITONS BAYE Iu nADE To -STOCK lu 300T8 aa* S» for Ami blmitlaga Mjs, mlovee puce. vii ae -munatpCm I ftu -Utth Britf su amalsa-h D URHAM BULL F0OR SER VICE.- .The undeomlmmed ho%@ for Pervie ait 8U the fb.th onu., Ops, a fINE DUIIHA X BULL. TOPm*M& 1.at " riet rvioe if auo» Pald si en. JOIIN WALDON. Ove. oeb . &ImL- Pm L'OR BLE -laige iwo.atomr White X Icek Boum, ich 1 acre lot. utuaçed m ch orner et Inqeeli ana Sumcow. ididfayi ?Ppli te MIS., DWD MOKIIMffDl wmy Wie, orHUG IU'LEAY. Marw ARe iDS, rigkne lb. thetblog.Pri C 1andsceminltnor wrlta fer sem 118au &-ln 3. tamp for po«tag. N PTICE TO PY Au umpali sasute muai il 1Pm4ut On"S te gave sout& VE OLET. Liadmair. Pb.1&, 8m-se-t. ,POLLEOTORS. NOTIQEC TO THE thi-, t ailTAX NO that are ma« psU la bema.à -hh Virei of March 1 willl b. -obflgeate- coUacSlm- &bout. @-xurd forcoUactln. 1AIA H URN- T aY. T&n Collecer e« Kmiy. ob, 14th. 18M8 - 84 2.- flESIRAIILE HOUM EFUR SALE et - tTO ÉMENT. - COmfotsbie raime lie. st noms and hîtob..eaidWolf, oue quarter mère et avouad. miese abade Ina.. on IIhd eu. t as ide aoutk eft he rally. 'e iao oet of AprIl If dealred. à oD XAGLE8ON. or. oa the premuasl. 0T OT BUILDERq,-Tqaders for the er- active et a nov-MITHODIMT CRHMORet Woôdvillewil be rmMAned up to Waeuis"9 ilaj b. I$MSa tIthestore ot 5fR.,J. K. I'RIORL. WoodvlIli, enon d atter lob. U. -Tbe loeseaior anv tder mot neca.earilv aocepisi. M., )R II1SALE.-Sixc thornughbreil Dur- fl:forit dmp.). bred1 hy 14. (lampibcll ofetl Iii never was a v.ln thé show ring Thre ofe tlbe lont liullilook lari 2nd and a~rd prliSsual; lo I j nral Fr urtherpartclrqp ~Ly tu t. 0unde gnepd, . M ILAY O N, Ïke ' . I. 3t mies N * KuofPort ne;lot 34. ALTBRATIONS WOTUE Tendes mfor the eretooneofa stm*" and brick Sftince .porcb go thbm aklg ornas l b. refelved. 1.l Inazsd apeolflosiloncas ha cMMaeaStIb Bank, Lladaj. -Tendersare ta b. .iddruesl C. B. L -POIITEOUS, Memae. VA-.NS-FR ALE 0X EASY TERM8 à: lt 1 c».JI.Rama. 100 acre., Mers or le*; aboa atWcr ue. dwftUhui osibeild lg.The bain efl tonesl sart 1 gami rmaThoivillba fic lavioaM ali"gv tanormer fmise ajfor I-9 by IMg StOS la badT de pr goApi e R 1 Iko offdrter miete Bamrthaltee k la thil Illh con. or Marn, ICO acres mer* or le Sabject te livoyiuarectal eaiMSlbarlli about 10acr.rne;ara i tb he ff logp; friîne barn U6434 goot; stable amdi vimg boume la ~x0 e'tvii aoe ls ons. ithia hait a mile fit the %ortberu andMi MdIss railvoM&a Terme liberait, baaemml pa1nont la advance A PUl te MACI UI)NEL uhrs I'O.Vs RImC15 85.Stî INSOLVENT NOTICE. lat hé, motter-of RA YIr CO.,Lta, Ont., riwagU. Noitice erebp givec thai an auligamemi et the above Smote shme beom umaietame J&nm fer tb' aera mel teDi. e er frtheiola Capor S, montarie mi oraemtl nasetaitiowIns.ectena, &"HaIe, hsre ai, iontial, te o s aw 1 i heur et LIS ma" *a p. le- solesta ST. requlsde lt hae wth 0w niM Jehn19.MolONin.Mrnor ast ers sdate or JAIM T. TENN-ANTenTu"es EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Pursu ate mRa~ Statufle e Onarlo Cap l«. as amemis bj IL Vilterla, ce-*. tme orMietfeeWILIA M M COof labl lia vll* leg et Mamulla eismeCoeur et VIctoria, waoa-make. ueesmemi. e aiedsnearnsmia tbe- iiej e« Vebraaai, MSaemM ar lie i-,l y 1id rb,L. 1888 'a. a1L0I sa" Cemmuie 0111111e1&WgogeW.,Cae Jobs V Md J O"ba atsmmem.a lai vile a ofeir odes Imm - mi e ueims etvilhec --evt -ds me lier ,a ai u.m *U* - lfM Un i Slia hmvÉ1~d e lmy Fm Imm ïkw~! a*a LOCAL INTws-lEzTT.UB8 , 41 gmt~ ~~ý cui Betne.4i1 du lOrvesmimes es si Jeta FmhllPa*lis altile urie-Mu Ws mieiuiauie'ailsmebr ÂKwaDsabusenim lue pas à"by. UwaMvMbam onat ami mdag Mdiusrlu alera a mbliet aS oua fuommnli ussibas bushomeIl BetIaereflr . ABou t u slaudm vshe ioflf ieing e a wou SaSsa office r raa laimbons veapkreU of Sei bsmbus teIali lscbou l Tihe place, u " m l avuai aiugmdeetisbaiaeBo, luts h. fataSbul-Ings ivslfag i ort. ThRAéoas.prince muerroui bient rs miseis races ost uttes.i"I ThGoai, a Cmai brs eteeam aga t 1maà Taraciaeure ma vas heu Tues1. stes A lavas m 'bita comwers prlesail. bt mo'is arasusis 6lsa th- mUtoIsaIse rih Bel'e omtmma, Main dm Hvelr; a o bi stdi stu..Mie MrW G regaaîlamaCa's otomssseM la. Tél-isi d l ui risn she, lateabsen e ehsebaumm u.1 latus . Czar.-eodeaçe t. Thiec Poo t he Frs ap ealliwui Motsa -84.l. a- CHUeCE Nm-uei. Mi Fyer sd e. iem trl ccedîe puonlpit l*hnàà a lie Parmis hri1a aipmtig Mn 0.n. MoW.Ur, 0<enemAllefen lae lekimt Eider Pofinte' vnduWrage' lahier aacte s mimua onShWatca Cuc QSau.Th cpTi glika e trotis wm ac frle"-iflia huta la Tb* Laism Bitam g ,:quhhoo saccesaa bashoud aglis ad oi v e uep lge. Tuic m as v$as e l tenshiamilte- fluais r51o lIoam...hiurio f varpie mmA O. U . W.ItoarmmbuAlia edfei harma Thmia efe oibarm n eigren à vamcOmha la onBiaIlut sWemea Buaxans No'ue-Te a. ii o fal lut pmlep, a se lie c the lli lu co.melia iéet ii h.OaSm -v&tr h ar maoss-niaisa, mi. a R iu a i dis- farea.ifoes miet vrhea isoers aieiolaslaos las.tt prscOe otades ethe eetis tu 'uu.-Ai bof'mte pîna e ucholet , 1 i qetion ubvasde b@eeso rmisiuit «Il the nmiiles thser ae giametith lion babu" rther" At a e lasgtdia vi b deet laÀvilaimn y geai pla ers laced isud nue is rotisatl, vie ahter sumIna up gaveils 'lete &bsate tteti to a b Mr. u«a he aivtrmmhe vIluie . luacasm. AIly ebais famez- pootéesi , am allrmetve. g ue. prmI- CMe dm Nrm-ibaenes fèe thle Bautc tes Z a alldpalpAbée et ibmd te ept iEt. wwV. Hmue. hsWaebmu our midet »d slvim aceurs a Vs D.plat Aom-Tdie stèpeseehe ceer hmevm sas lllias st a nom e antm, 1r. Cnsh, vis for ame s eanpeai laes bus dolu= Osémetho vn lg tist-. Tiare fa a cisas fou seau pueb1,s a. HruswaL-Gole Cua oglas for a Ilsn- m ainleTus PoatfouBtue aris Nov, girl@, lafa pourtara. Lea utVoo hao.. lesatnmtea%" Mafr l mitrMd a Ia mea. Ti.la brsa <hibre la ma issu meselleDasW& mai ee»liI vsbape à Caveau. AID ave. Mamn. éep as LinTDama"suba dg zKien. «fuse Cralbuli sek mxJou obt"a Caa. lslm I tBlesiaIm Il la i se Waspukaliaifea oedd s beu tm tIrs aI iei maturi m. kst et ma% d un muas'im a, d M h"vgifl t Unalou liai lic qusaiWethI ell laorsedmsnamialse Ilmtefo te it ilmiass-euakgtria.1 esLTmm'zams-Ti M. T. T. metOaa- Ëabas' haýVuoe" larisge Ae lais rama vaai - ls'lisusa- i Mds ba uasd msa tbw ffl"ro mtewm .uapeteam kmOM bai th Mla 1m v À. W. J30=saet« mas go alatjiupugllslàucSs daemism e C t o mm arnosana t ii raVivaimealla-1ba-la misa Iwov.wue%&,r moai e strrlgpas suua AwDiwx.rgt- Ws e ba ?i MM Tey tI aisregaMdsiW bise àm sThi.m 6&Ur-Tba rpart *assei --i tiom mmm et ssy -8gm boit i mmi a" ftes, ut Ibersrt&ste lSepm a1 Hu.m.e *0s Lha oiam m daie5SMSI5GItaRetlameiordi ns lsmia.la~gani S ss un.snen a~.lay ue Z Tu. s iaefu eA rouesmialuleatmlii Aurai nMd is saeilatpm i M. bePUNLIU vm B= 1-Wla ae. lite tr vmablp " tlic 11h yssrblâ, 15. WI. Jai- __ - anàdes, dba Mdsgi esregardaid, reepuwli te masras rShah lame ise alua ver lusa se xmw.-Out diamimes club bascsassa t. citaI bu sbelmnls aSi: fuse, ebivias vs truts*"hbsy viii lm teeon, orsler mapper vtias Met lis .arplms '"basile." Duul ibe lest ek leut VilIM nt besilmalsibgra lovtraups vio have aasul look aat a0011i lallilidals ami B«ea licu t.een qesiter PLIASANT YA.LLEY-PRNZrLON. 1Cvepanlse i isnti. Pumsou*z.-Ur. miMes. Vmuts à*** bêealime bers visitiez unir puss ru i ot . lit ietaurs mm Md or All»naseafor a A FAUMS Rwoav.-For moue lima put a reortbbase, la osaiuos la e2«. sma t. Mr. asiMaqa M ogetBOWei&s vici lo, va feu, 1151,te do hlua amlw tit mus pumr bus In al Mi etissbv sPe-alsi, li s ho(Mn. MeNO!eilwoanmmoue "dmuihsmsney la us bami.Wc namim ils Otrie rsaisveaube oulp ton glai If &sci vrme ue%bat vohavefoa thic :e =but autirty liaiet er@Sla met& vof etirutila lis staseaet , schele p bpadiaam Y Binaste provo e e tfll àltaCmlettilsaie Wu, Il ibas aMr. a. MoNeiI a tmeaifitflesva t. ~ ~ ~ ~~pn Feuase slle apsijss for vici ha bas tmoVai motaiaox cept viat b if tbas Mmd admireràa ve gitan "l la tic way at préent% adil, ivoe bc safai te hlm If amV report ecmoatie ýýaioe. abeeli gel ebroadiami prevet mc expressi on ort apicatlon la tiefuture Se8 lsissely dos Mu. MONOfISfesi Bsla- Juatie dose hlm liai uns moSos vie mla.ePMeis lotohelispublie fa tuse matiet viii bhoandsa mCsemoeesltp e1 proî- taiJaà spbll.iats ZION-MARIPORA. Tms PULPi.- RIv. DMn. Pover ef Jaesi-. vIlle occupiei ti. palpItai 7Mon on.Sua- dap sveaiag luot, deliveriMa as ogM4ms iacourse, vici vauIlseumi Se vith rapt ILL.-M. Flanki Brosi la at rsa Omdnai te ibléranom vwuiInjuries casel bi a klei froua a herse-...lirs. Bennp SYsrex bAi a véry seveve, attac or thuma, lut laldâp sveaigbt la somevbit bet- tci at presser. D'a:UUBRAx.-BSvoral asabsieoftMr. Rima Jaes .tmlly are doua vilhi ilpulerfa, bt tare la à fait vay et recev- P5SOA.-LDaîf Id Rogers et New.j amies speat m@*y"adayem f et ieei 1 s-ili bis biuiren 0thIbMs&acs. Halsoo ristei hi. abrother, Mr.rx~m. Raota et .Noti Msrlpoia. NE va ac pasiel h bisimamimmir, Mis IL AngleBones-.... et.ami MUn. W. Halh of Caaniu amisl vlailua relatios ami risais la tislocal- 1 Itp. Mr. Raid baviez bai a tty severs stock et ipilis la 1 ailaolrs1-- i veysovlp ie M... . u LAnales RAl i I bar ecuaema plae lalischoitrSoda, ivemima 1mai for tbe firet im lma 1ebe mm..Mr. Jobs Fessner bas t alti is parents as BOWMvmaaifCeiag se- Il uomaala bonieh bis àbrtles*, Mr. Fred. i --- r .. . Meére Ephralu mi an.W. Gel- lovay ef Nebrakeami dThoraberp reses- tvliy an is ltiug their sit W i. Galrs Roovsr of PieseUl Polat.WIliam belon a speefal favorite vîi ithegouu pe-1 Pil e a poudima a pliasant dam mous9 uha .. .Tiroug i nvitaions e 1 tpN. E.pcargue Reover about iftus ef thse oa g isopleoft"uis sgboaiooi ass ebaias, the rasiience «tMM..George 1Rooyerai iea iensjogable svoamg. lov esoiaaset TicePeaU t Nouani PUBLic.-We saseplmsed te i unotice lis ppointmont ef Mi. J. C. GUI- I eirlt te b. a otary publie. Itlsasa, mifosh. mioouuloi as.' oc tebe- ea ha doea gnmaul A4. tIAe-tbefons'. ad ind " a" M Odqe rid of Atm. Buewusties m &nasCIut fut iBs mth"elu liu myesoalee t yaosal Ioaus an wmtb eage. ne bu physldam v e m. -AJi ae uradisi i i fris osvima ik reputmpbwa pm of mmuorrsusabl uvisaq Opsaf tàdaiu* i a ora d ee1klm~ ta apumon dîn m euflbm a ek t Èm!ud l'j IILusbatlàawsk Ihiw, Nos 0e 1 COAL AN» vooe. il ITukuibms ~BseUn. -. =w~. I h.~me Ré V be 8as hm OMÈ16nl em aumet sa apimum hna Marel aie f auismsTebugeor «ý v m s sd m Rwdn.o ImumkMW Ot EM au.5 lit O dCwamun nm e hsPetilt r sonmmockasdwnc ec Rep, *i Sas li IL ý amilameW. On ho0 Md sais. et Preho* e 0 edam mm A. lud)iet Lm. m ons a .sas. mi eramsse sua tyla lii, Mr 8;o. a e ut e UmRoe Omrruai.-Ur. Willim Jus frieds §mtuiu s iti le s a *tevays viluet oemva bnolte fS fr diakemus. SEd aurStUer. ey m5dOm eb' nè: et Mr veaii.i Si'MAcL Savxc.-Speelalservices bav bos hem la tie - uils"t4 churcb for pues six veeba. Cera Rood bu bieau doms Several »wvouverte bave maie tý outowl sud a'nmber et boul- re a v b e c f o w a d g é a . W . h o p e am abile oatste tfblépesteralimites Lo.The isole a teasi "dverv mach. Tue m vt bolier presobers or- bardai vorert ias h.dooter.'% We hope u s hlm lanlis palpittlère lente lCoreapsieof etTuanu., flua r -Thoe I tsud dmi ebâtmg moch. mty met ltmai ldéj svsmleg, ami dembsid lis question, ReoviUal City litia mus coduciv e .hapimea tisa rural hWs MeseLottus, Geht= tlaem iers etrosmllet.pporitm lité; viMss. MePhes, M alfim 2 hr. mais Bsilmw amiiai for ruan ie.. The ohairamau reey i s deofaos.The "Taleruwu a tisa. produosi amidurai, da .eutalmsi a oboles posa by thc ailler, seteral editor. laob, a eoatrlbaîlea arn bhovlio Cuamusu PcTonu.-Tbe chuoe business la 5111 a lite stabject bers.Ties" alt.fit piobisu. Bond ter,iamiade of à gear svery persos vi il bs pleasmi.The ifreci aMi Indirect bearnor et hesse facloif e. vill nster b. tull apprectatmi mai11 va bave Iwo or lire t unlswing.AÀmiraid hofmei effirt voeu dceilalmy ose& d.W. bave bersoseofetbeblm saarm inf Mars. Taits Mr. P. Thompaos for inastance. Wberu càa pou butai m sanafmlelllaent,, ladustulous aMd muergetie t£"mmlne bam tev squale. Ws baie everaliochersiqal. ly~ ~~n iauîroa aivll.ding. SHuIUNLES.- Nov If tee vami ete a ahlàl ml jat oeil asiUpteigrove. Tiers ha hait aasumlionhuisaetpressai fcb vfîh nrlp as mach asipsi la the pagt tait. mi l oots ua aui7 a million. Mr. Gil- hmpi asaarr a amillion *am-dlau hie mou. Utipaillesbave"me as Wei'. .Ouia W.azw,. - Mr. Tf mothy 0Lsry, tis mev vardoet-cfthe cmty oet Ooarle, wema' bis homorsi laurel. s ey modesm. It ecme 10 hlm snsollcliei smd h. accepted ,t sia maitur nt ceaie, amdths as onai aboutfit. Mr. O*Leary ell prove a hst-clma mam le tihepoef ion and the 00 mcuci Iii ftsolt au hoco uer aelettàg hlm. Bi,. -Oor frioade, Mesur e.MDonaIi sud Chambers ot OrfIlia, ane bpimo nearly sitour fat atick. Suacces, bore. "l'il bavé Busî-wm& - .Our tmbeant. Mr.Gillespie, bus Juetbean gmitlsg la bims àPrimgstock. 19 la s -ge anl sd lues vhat the pespâse ot %Iad~ Ram vant. Ho oflers la lb..sauar or 81. ani ail otiergooodaesethe anilutProlis commenaurata wlth aucoaa.Se doaa soc pre. oailt amoe eble,'cm. but Win Rive Fou 'flleevorv urne. olvia aharst our rade-SiL UINDEN VAULIY. [Correpouno fTia Pour.) A 1'OiIMta S h00. COntemaplating Mal. rimeai: To.nOosT job devartimeat bas a'b. contlp aidai moother beaumîtal sesortmmit of widlag Invation caris-Juase 5h l or oef VMPmatage.. 6Cali » am nsec DaA N Tant » -ando Mai17 là Sheh ommoiloua bail amibis olac. Sabjeet: "BFAaO eh"liaitrmIna la mm ore isal umoral a anteeeryvat a supeoricellfng te omm.'roW l umstsk. Jugé." Mr. J. 5. Cruse, M.P.P., ated go empim eahy ae*sistai bv Umes 4h. Ra- allaitauWUS la" a-u g LW ýasfflby meîng a Ic&osmm'p Ilva te magmsla h8aidess spemismi iramemiloaliim _"w te lits, eor d t uoet ugdbopih tes il.Tie Md MOMU 861" moe fis le am Iprvees ou t i hsalu versim aos aimesm6 I&W tueroebfil sffl* premm hle âs" bsOMLa!i.. AI lisdame la aep "4hieemeelia OS Boa, m oumt"a aie vckvetisv i 1 1 D IM4 M mveliyet e " b omeisa 1 OR UMs m e t SUaIMf M rsaarte, but %ter hier pa amuaamyb. P"u la emi. vea, oêasa, umpilas, îe Sx re s NET.-'-"Ze vediua lat. taliosaPrlissi aiu s aiail listhegp. 1a lMA la sMpW lel lbstsou. ~auasn ka t 1%0 a 1i the marahIrsauTU1eada6, ii ltes, reuis OUl a larme mammiar e of ilook- cs r5f lue sihenller ble"vii "rswâým o mimer aMg vlvi ho viiiM he at c net s l atge mu ber hve laie .- laflbae WERST OFS. IC.nremoess. orThe PgM. NàaruMoIn.z.WAtS Sen"LLW.IXIB.- Amosier imtslm m i d .lsoe vto 00 PkSait M tmilh resiesoso Wedouamdm1 atermeon, lob. 15, isa i heIDptalsor Mi« ssEma Baeandam Ma.W.N mli1, baà th tOp. The brida vu asatet by haW simier, UmeBrtha a sIe,, vhlle Mev. J. C. Asiersos et Oakod, supported the groom llwough 'the nresmablv trvlng ouduaL Rei. A. C. WlIsea et Oskwood periorasi l te carmoay, atter vêle i te bridati»eutlwva bemaly sujoysi The bride and brldéamald vers beautlfully aittirai la eremu céashmere»am ehm lu». Tih aooy couple diove to Lindsap ami tooi tb. .20ltranfor an extanded trio VasL. Uap bealis. vati aian*ves;emon terni ibsias vh wldrittftlmg esirem 3 efRIMe suffllsis l tto gay thspessG ves ammrus mai oatly, uiouhg ac esnfor lthépoungbrui. Vaut IL-Ths pleesuisoetthe happy den1tal Mr. Bsmali wvassemabar miirrd bp tic IlIumor et ildseuama WitiIam, vb@ halaàhad atuciOf t IMMatlOUSa. day. the a im ge la a erfîlICl ondIton Outuder the akilfel cous ofP Dr). lersih a fmre'vtag, ami mar MOUNT PILEASANT. CIURUacmNO'aZs-AN ABrnuSsaîolt. Os ~ rê: SabaiP t i, 1d, thlis e. J.C Hvl nislter of the Preabytera Ch arch bore. dohtver-d an able andinlutractlve ser-i- mon trout Bavelseloas V., I22.ivellingU spercmyonthe verde "Wortit 14 the.a Lamb te reaif vs-power aud richte In111 IsM eplasatfea01tths worda' povsr' h. sai il;vouli b.emvfse le ai"eeallmted : r rte muanasM isp ea ubecome0 pots. Thie past istory ot u!a. vorld mowei liai viseramen bidpo*er as employers lu mapcams epibtat tleirown lerus te ihoe e euploldb7y tisas. iieaoouaei thceagar ciabi.n tim et ihe preo ay div ici makes tietà oossum.10r PaY more tntha ls uaivaluse o r the article., ualti.p ymay oarlch ibem 0 aelv«. ami thougit the gotemoent ahoulda ue dowa ail saci dospftie corahîntionq. The axe le nov Iii ast the rocS et deepotiéni ani It muset MIL Ne apoke favorably er 9"s workina-mea uufit togetier îo asi fer a tahr dal'a par for a tair day'. vorn. e rterusi te Hlm Ihat la caltai the Lamb lu the toit ë a aigpower t mak&e a&l tilge (Joha L enaitr): ti vhe n Ho vas On"s"S ho dlPlavsi hi* power iln. prlfall la bebai et IMoue vbo came te fIIL19CLM5A»D SÂBRATIE SCI~L:.- The bible cies donducteti by ths Mcv. J. Evlag merts fa thePresbyterlau chorch on Frimay veauog 57 p.m. The S&btath scOiao la beldin the amie place at 2 30 p.m. qtery S&tbalh.-AU are lavitee,. [Correspouisorcfthe Paet.l A SpEcCUL OIEETU4.-A ecametn et-L. 0. l, 408, yull b. heldinla glair hall, Burton, on the algtt f riday. ths 24th tout., for the paipeéofet tamssactîîg li.i porimt bulasa. A attendance le rue. Casa FACTOBT MUTUS.-A pubie meeîlg vas heu la the temperencu hally houe ou hMishlait, for tic pua-pose otdix.d cassîing tbe advîaabllty oet startinig a ch tmetory hers. Commîtes lvous appointed te ceuais amidsr4ani edjouraed b mauet ag19" onTharsdm skiaile. As vas fi agreai on ithe meeting vas oeontd ou Taareday lgit si the cosmmîtes repot- ai tint osag 10a cssmery baving brosa0 etartei et Cadmus thep couli mot geli thes cVI ov tbriat thée chefas tict-ny. Sppioch il voeematis le fevor et cilos factorle. bp Wab&M. Naisos, Jas. Claike, Cmt0eisita he tismetlmg ;j15çSocum.-The tsoa a mu .k of golting sp a debmag eoleip bore. We hoe 15 vini go on au vs have got materwa SOT O1'sLoxD-YOUt JnasrVhll0e«o. riapoadeu: says wu ovrooked uaitla e respers et sopres a mas A hm mny. bilaga emtiati e teue Onr mersaste dfadis t asoietms Il tye dme, emsX~sLets j» Woeodelsboolgea Md ubbiata. lObsegosi m aJ. -la bu i l gie 7th 1mai. amItbseprsaale ps A big debats asM mer r gi. FUp lOumof et lla Our aes= aDu&WAFIu fCareporni.o t 0 Pu.1 Oazymay. - ounlFm", the SMFflru. eIpaaoietrg se lmsetlare ofti"sams lias Pseaala tie ptrseset maloolu th ibmt de 1etth6w rmelag ittoeere, Efa remaaWevoe itersi la lis MCNIl emewer, Brook, a sodap. .Buaime CEanerGU. T. Goitrp boot aMi aies aer etfsi"oplice, bas cisi siop, s faub tu leimov eTorolo.. Ibis osmge aagi Co psama for a RaLIGIOI5-Mia. Lewis o e IA"ili Bilin asirotait pussbeffl lte coisiees.0 the Jsssvllc circuit on Sander. lise1!#h fil sermcons vous fasoreesl* Mi praooeu 1BirxauL&.-The Roy. C. Hlekm, 1NA., of esauOntailo. vas uafrm4l la maris»gete Miss Mais Lsile, iugbteof tM. ceusmoap teck place la ibm pressais et a large asaiber or frleadand relisea., The prettents vers nunieroua ud elmmAsa, ' ficatai ths populariky orthébmbride. W* vPsah thsYoung coupla à long aid pros- petonsis f ...d. obt. . Stason, sea ot M. $amue Stiasenoetble plans, hma usa te'tohimussf a viite-luthe posam of Mia.' Emma Graham, daugilof etMr-. W. Grabsaiet 0Pa.A larmnmberntffrlme moe re rssi tu le he knot liei. Wm siai tie couple ail bauplaess. (7ANNIIWflON. [ Correspondance et TAie Pbel Norus. -SO mmappeople, ame uovin.. luto raigton tint illug boussare et a prenomp. Nôo icubs a large amber ef maltable houssa for neaiIn,é utill b. e ai ntzt entmeor...The 11.-st ihav of 18%d came aioaon Mondai laet and wu& gladly s-eemred by ill. OBiruÂay.-I- te vith extreme regret thut w* chronîcele ttie <e.uhtb fEchel- D.4born,, youLgest imuahtr of Mr. Jame Diborne of tiis lova. The ieeasd, vho vas about bye pearsetoraffe. anidvas as unusually bright and t ttactirvi chili, feit a vlctim te tiat drsd dl-.cas t chlihoodi. maemhraneous croup. She. vas ittrr.d in Lb. 'Çocropolta4 on fridiay fasot. Tha. bs. Pemis-I frientitithave the stnc.re aympathp of the satire commumîgy la tudr sai afffile- SEmOUn 4,CCIZDEL»T-A îery dlstrolg accidenut .î .,1 AdanPearsaîl, b& Susve yt-an old son et M. G.io. Peurâuil, on Wai. ta.td&y lait The. lhtie f ellov va,,%ruaun s eirav cutter *aud tu tonts vay gel bz r-ight band in front oft1he knlyea, sud ait une blow Étati itreso Ir st baguti-éanithe r-aépr peartofet bohndtu atoseveuSi. Dr. Hart vas càlici la and iiatatthed i rjturd part, le-avliit olp thie thumb s4i fral Ilger. Thea d. vhaleapluo-kyl115d flloe. ta recoveulne aic&vy. OCcASIA. W. P. M.S. - Mus.GS dnu oet srngton. sic la veny igiy sp,,ken ot, bas beau securel. as nue oftheb. spekei aai nisthele- Img of. tbm W. F. M. S. lu Knoxc churci on the, 28 i fast. The RLv. R& N. Gra et L»-l1ita deivers as addrtsnt the oveuin RoYAL TEUI'Làas.-The membsrs of Riftiuiat Sun Couucîl al'eied divine servie st Kaox eîrh isc ltsStar'av nmruhit . A SUITAIILE PR&SaNT -Thrueît ofthe meinhoru et the conaruaîlton et Knox ,hurch pre'iealodheir worthy pester, Rev. I. B. MeLiren, vrth a n,-w o-ùiaa fur over, ceion Satura arernewm a su [To itie Edto- ef Tac Pus. 1 Sip,-Dr. Frosiairé ii.u.e f u lest week' lsune. He vould i ke to kmow froin vhoua youri iforaetio2e*ne rat.« 1he Kinmouta dipithise ssa wurecelvcd. 1 did not ai" ut I do Icow liai the action agîltai Dr. Frost ho basui cn Infermaiona teclvrd heom tic shck aman biaisit ani procarmi by Dr. fierrin, tic attendlag physicien, on roquestoetths chairianOfetbde board of bealti. Dr. trrian a. le'tsr le mev in poasesaionaoethe cenvlctlng Justice. Yoar éditorial could ntme ftai roug, cntatutag flcthtna ceniuazy le tb. alci mxam'sstatement. Youeonereteme frea Instlgillmg or utituji ut. Col. Dfleonpub- lcly stalsi"atst the board ume moi Imbu.- moud lu tie courus ducided upon by mp information ruSvsd troui Dr. Burrows." As te lie fitsrmg rsoluionofsetb board, lis marnes et bath movet ani me- conder &Mc given. Tb»e pair"as ii binn