g, isss~ MOLEANI'U brYOO>uts a u al L'*JI DONT BEFOOýLISH ud cnclde that ayoela d'japod.gof hks e ab*posuSAy .mmém Of hlmm rn h" iIsaeet ~d rt Sie oniy at onsd 7e0fofyoasud tae. ho chies of b.lsfo iur~ ~ ~~~n rélasiedSrnx$ocsdw el afe inla s tst al t~ UOounty o iteria., .D-O BEWI*SE oail at once and te the woudertul bargains vwe -ca nDam S 00B, zni in Primsfroes oute a ard op., Du EVS li sae. yout. hard.eamned dollas ab7 takine advauýtsgeof, th. barWau eseuov offerion l tél tieadiug styles .1 Dry 0.61. Mâlhinewy sud l othibu a~nd blazn liaI i t ere oM-f weahh là tOm&Ve pour' moue,. DO 0BE VISE nil ce.me uL one an4 dciii with the Oit. Prila. DryGooda sud Mlisnsuy go'u.~ tha igu of thi (Wdeu lomb, inorth side of, Ken>it.,opposite 5h*.1 Eugliah* huroi,, aud vU uafsateg tev p on~ BIGNfOI TE GOLDEN LX. The FO5, P.» -Me taffl lte M 0 oesitl 5 vers lite me skretreud amt. tuai put-10funeva.akuips suber baie mot, WOt otllelte 1M tattr. Crn.frieis, brImE aicsg po M t. rmsa a us mm thaero- ~te Se leiasadS of lolaa) M prompt rreutttel. Tisse vb ste la:arrosa ca(>icE.-FAIR WAR NINGi. £ lrgo amuber eofseseeziSOisilUete mia CdNADUN ]POST for VrimtiuO. &de ertlg a "sb"ftpifua lavo eeisa bd ais boe&g.plaI tÛUai ISmi OaS@ maties. Velas latmerostel. yuléIal LlMo~. an.19. 111. -10-40d. LINDSÂYFRIDT. MARH9,S4S --TOW.1q.KA D OOUINTY.: DASHE/* HAR* AI,£D -rz". btut uace qulokir doëteroW lu Remp foata. Thé largeei and mont complets stodk ai 00> fifls (rockory an« laovare u ina oo ualu .bu Ducliame for Buater trou Mr. Jeba Camp' bheUi. i b.m, rpoua Bris baud etf Smo veu 14terwhlch aue bard le beal.One ml~ LIbaO the, tb te t oie,150Io an lOIN 1 li u1r. Campbellimosa «sloirdm. t 1. xavmphooe arISaiN. S:Luaiv blak, ppellaSIcse Praubvlerlsab"ln We « lat ht ibsista leb" Cam a f05 ~ ~ ~ ~ o lmtmiSIiVla~-U ~r serNlgmButtermal PelaIsu. et BRLST a& DAI!-V-2 cf aman nom.' &1111e18;ou Ver aglm vwsiaI IraloRosimauW" te moueparohasos ie a lis. la tai Mn tua MOUiSasMd1 Ou Thuraday. Marol iSM. a meeting of the. West VictoriaFW mea'lumîtuto vil l e ld oat Omivoot. Prof. Robortmon of Quel -and thora swladdreuthea gtheriuig. Loat.ie le a large atteudauco, cesod van eet«. Maach, b.obis ld"p Dhsblp DovilmgoaiPoterbogo vMRAdetiver a lac Surlet lS.Mary'. oh iol. -Isau. for lb humet of the tais et St. ViasmIde Paul S0. arm osa lecursOuatains uetàoive um prostasmliibu.11 olosom Proemi lr pesitaole las Nepoilst =e Wes, psr VR7aImaid goa .. Tdo aum zésa foTrcMdrelare U.; su Death aalRsdav»F s.TmosirMe MMila meuler i lb Esuaif*al, E£amoll i# 4lb me osveshl jeam.Thi eéassal&mvubrolieS othbelate âhefflEKcup m of Dr. Kopeof thisao lova Heasbars taCisast. batosme vtt bt mra O,=s le DMN~ Slei~ mmutsi. U lbi sa m ond b oo i, sOuatam ai US railibie poiefy.sud amqirtim agonIR, abas eteor «mssevc as baWaMlikslivievr baviSadapaMIlamMtlslW bie man. seurat1rBIra ciiha sudM.-,Of Ibo L?10 Jou Mae. Aie coaul lé a âseW*siiaj la lboramIs ivhli c mW iv. lave sa wi.KmivssMmosud ( isi boLmbedslMeulnai siI liaism -Mr.S . a IRottus a ilor aslbprfby- -Mini .O A W n love à"Ua Hlbrs ls 0Jd.e a -** à 1th.bealsde tfbietiir.M. samHm tg Dauam. Mr* MIKUag.vO irario -. Ve alaiWemoïaMIsdrii ia 1 k wtasp Hlmslrebse Usespos. I NIalammaloal rqmsvusl AmiteotChuSa I ahslBaaleaUsuw~tausmigll~... Oeufuasam Woia.ihu. Usai Mat.. w I 3m*ai a 'Il lb wbu mllme M e ,.q WfblHus rmowwm, Takilea or a .«e '~hhm à»Om g£ lbS rt UilMo& u hp* -ul* mtu ew. amm à l - m mfflm job aiuil Wuilq u gMe s-Mr.gsW.uA W i s.vu aMOWet f .Imm.il Aselu #àsu.4t aUom@4 dat VIb ki tumot . uiesalas à" a leM S -laiMsBi.kbisosigl 29 uIfizémi6" ..s........ a arMi arran w aau1 epe.M arcwii uIust -"S.. sçwsuad"bsvsfl .a s is lita"F Mdlb naêsl Mba =mmlies. b Ui. bMit, b- l5a tb kmhCE amv outils am b ick co*tagMd au u Yàîo3uptAlbioraam MOI'.ofdatassoulbu -Né s.m aportabui ussm e oad m ut citmgmieb t fredltrhai a emmIluût- i te boreft btrSo odrn. h wl -11Mi Cdsi Mausy an4i wbt tapses fOr Wommadu1 antas lpbe umililu .dmm0 1110 lb bspW" vmbrn of sime badlw - 155au Md lima. Au el.m u mm a ýL -41 a iBrumsds a.oa . A.Aaus ysamv.bubonsla imd in" m» Um de «flW Theutam »C lb*m a elR l SidethIeov adu hMm III a.m Hum*mU taeinDosm mm. l l s, um y utgmkb Prompt tL admi lIat M M l M 14 t lb ut. s. Its&i~l moi vl m Jap5 Nmviib ra »§ Fi&________U? 2 Wuuu vml 1S5 mmuesa vg .rM <llusf le Im les I6e w"wLy m aula ai be Imm dat, l on y et utO.Sl. £ ISb 5 uluo Mm Wsr~l teisaa 1h1 Et Aurev ss. -ma bah 49l tisesM- laI sutsaiuaues gIiii1but a -flop DevIMlmSat olesta Ut.Mm% lmll L ia, u m lsg avim Mara t4 torIl WU* If l~$dgl9Ma Ui*#y -Remoulesthesbbshii McS suil -Sirmba lu bb«et cf sim .Wti bde. livarol utlbmitSsmal alIsMn etg l Marh . Asllaimegchu la ch teal sbRmm BasiD .~l IBs ailCIbuapogl bui bovIue oi n -la lIenellathe adamolb a. M. J- Pora.vi TmS m~v -H.Rabas ibae -08 onde a sbS Pm etS os.. vheeghhrssvSiimebmm ta.bnt leu dstesi Ipoa lb a t« *4s a lbm a =tm«. naslae ssprgel u mt. De. sud BsvMd te i, as miar ls '. amvu M. - Jr. -7*v t. M.4orI »- JS. -b*mj - Olswm lb uqegga Moza u#.Î. vv Wlamais. SO@hiljOahitb Kn I s xoau a'.. 11011, BAIE, BEASONABLE, dn.,wiheLA.frfA ug.d4mgtAuS opm Stock of LA. C~ty$tope DyUodand Clothing Syndicate. butihi wPuv ft u m&h* etsa numelBInyi p I. ~ ednm lb esth atbrbis.ê am" prmasI bymai"Is te b lb.asiye ci art moveexhIItina Idusy. 15 levaImd otilMe, *hum a.o mica et end; tlhe l au hil by dhhfet . Esomesis apeople lhbe it àgUy, amâ t be uval eqesmetf plgo" jeltuaIi l romly bosaifuL ThIa vn" uaIIeVlin vii Fom""sete -O mCdas,"c bMlait c ----- il-etvu jpu uilai 01 Woudva a Lues tihilmtlttue hoMe, te eusaitsfuhié vaisslsP"us.w.ulmliy oulmi aueitlstla.leovs poissa vlcii.lglWad o «m ces..i"lavouIsnful yk of tt.J 1 -a plasr mer sllo.abgorsi sd o1Ms ainl apuamw -Ai ai ummlmomalpjpuc-uia sa uilomt aui"osils. te - h. .fqMUM.psu".e1 cmeyorms, hhgt ye, chiiec uam uit" ssudmmi uM i lto tuai lamesumia à* vmr dishable mmi -eu"lisa Ib vadmief Psantig osiM , mi la the usallmoWt' foil âs& vo aSUWg whieami UV otemovs.eer tou éime. FOR THE MILLION. A »ue Im HA. Ou CGeI, sbaaOus Aamaat opiae, amirimo»l 1 o m MTU moucussmuviS m M *8tas M'ya iiIU% ltre jus«"WYo.Unlm"sdes osoel maem mu.jea1l ave, lummd "i smrf a MMaiNov RAT St u 1-Wo buvs Be dtimué i a Imevetiola %Sr t% aal.l% Bi.,irsmm biybahJMIbv* prias sud 4m11to m sit t prialias a tuilas vte vs Seleattam" SOOTHERAN, OATHRO &MARK, LANO -SAIT ANO PLASTERR Fariners, it is non. too soan ta commence jogin Our memory concerning thes" important aud iudeed necesîary aide ta suocesgafulhusbandry. It is our- busi- ne. ,ta blui advauoe af the demand, and severul csrloade çf those fertîlizerà have ben roooI d tg $iaiom4 $tgOUZ s$re-bousee 141 Sat 4 aa f0ae!200 IMe..aa " m4PUW « 1%bSsv.amd 4% OUfoM 1,4 4u bopa.m Maniy of yon have purchasea from me prev.OIo, seasons and know these fertil- izers for wlhat they ara-the bst and purest in the market. Those of you who have not cannot possibly do better than buy from me this season. To retaiu ail their qualities it is necessary that these goods should be stored in a perfectly dry, water-tight bulding. My store-house an William-st., a brick strue. ture, possesses these essentials, besides ben the moat C>onvenient in town-. No. necesisary taopen hal-doze ae and throw aside a* dozen or two parking boxes ta reacli it.Ci in and have a talk about the matter anyway. * OIE CARZOAD KUWA TUR WHITE COAL Z OIZ Our special brand, ta hand lit week. This Oil is uneurpassed as an iIluminietor- in fact that is why we keep it. Cans.dian Qils aof course. kept on haild' as well, and good Oils they. are too. 0 X109YETAND GLASSWAEES It is necessary ta sue aur stock in these limes to properly grasp an idea as to uts completeness and extent. Buffce. to say that everything you do or niay require 148 here. S~nt. andmuorne ne in. Dinner aund Tea Setts added diniq tite lbt ten day8,. We mention in particular Colored Dimier Betta, numbers of pieces to suit, and a Unme of China Tea Bette; these are extra values., Puire G<Mo pe.<lt<.-Enences, Sp8es Favoring Extmats, Baking Powderu etc, otinue to grovlnhouekpere favor. Àak for them. Warranted. They wil net iAd. d 2Lh mi ~' SPECIAL-ANNOUNCEMENT aW. > oo MLII. .rphosis cm t ec.umi.-af aptBLepisttêffs MW# ;if tua t *-» té OI c"Y ,moo, Aa ime. Andiyet otw "MoI 4M A.#'te b omns » SIVM" uà Lmga IItoa*'t b. okaw, LA tu atmgAtuAmutoepkotaf ou Polioy le o e Tae Goig ou* Asm#goo. V~lea m* bovu km; tu eMLak adismoe ou t v& ofte~bgd CMIdm'.e' swlZadLn'MmseIL smd Iwm Aprw~ muOp Ai~U tp4 K.-Ldow,5rI'J0~L4~"4, IMIUBUWII?'ZIlemtIl 0ba mWurVIua& 4O o fE - i W R , NÀ