r. XAÉOK mL »umdaa h Plavslle Bj~.. __________________________________________________________________ e .--t - V l 1 iiiiý ï - -4 l a j.,' . - lWua j CANSSPIIN OENIOWE.DNE8DAY APRIL 4u. ~ BLAKpjj Doeuwm, oeA o% Dpwwu s& Drsaa OM&a"S2wmm-oeugpr6as a" ampu Mdau mib iAwdaIy ~ 4.de# to a a" VA" ZwN4oWiuMh uU bu f. ir 0"Suos fvcw A -- BHOSB sulmup,4r siReleosproua la millIo nt &m oethanaq eo etury. 'Tt la ued by the IUitai SttG oernwient. E. MUsesi the cheads cithe <roat Lnlvile VA.piL" 1m amling Powdcr ds o ebb taAmala, Lime or Atu.Si PRCE BAKIN& poWDER VO. 55VVOx. CIICA0O. rB. LOUIS W.A.Godw. HZADQUA RTERS cnCO wmiwr ~ 5akfbs st saru .-ailtrst - UN»SAY Mev &acZPrtze. < Ti We Local-R. Icrsléén Plm-J.mIenoa. loul-john plume. 7hreo lacel..0,Kw. e IlrdWareo-Ji. O.Rd W";d switng Stock-S. 5. itchîs.- Faim for 134610-wS. Camion. ir, rs-moCrmmop Brou. Famfor Iale-2amuO olBghow. Uftdmar tomber Yard-IL Dryaa. Notice W otratore-c. F. Fraser Pabilic FaitsT. Matchsii.Ce.. TroU. -t W Waalu Iis Propwri-T. Hlr. Tir Local-J. T. Porter 89Vo.. oilla. Carrago andI Waffoa Workri-L. OYCoaor., nommer Cottagew 86 ilutmaihu.CnamsL, Gra& pring opuila-Danda.u iaoI nk u usel. u ot LAND ForO @, IAT, KAr R i1-di *ke bW Bi 1W'.505 liaSGup.. mtvs ais wefl hae tsr vr assi a losa hmm cea. W.-E. au-Lhoq'r but tiua 0bfrchsesiclalmss Viok Flora'ilGute. no a yJ,î ika etasailm loais.blb mif0c1a pa gansl. 7, wh]s h alOrrIu idhleaori a olàvÈgsibs i. -The .wnierMr Th Sqa uut elaadiin eullfuly lluetre"i rflC aeecrg nih is <Um a:m agrowthei ai lb. iaula wh-loisooaMdi gjim vri = Ià ylomr lawo shitt ai à et e oin usis a- ck l ie$ oc . T s E a i e eu : " lsmld hOogrpýf iimma!sous dm~ 50 ~ tiwat aàqar a.os.VrsIuirabybsitlu sudarm' e Acsthe C-ml eiieC In IL. 911e Vrslfltaiynglea viss o Ie ele ciie, pble--ll a. m pliosu cf Iters i ajoi eie». Csd Eui, 8. rciklscilatbfsi d.muMWil maita.prtleImmd et nh.agpeulà luth a" .ld Tl asm~ 5 agldes alvrtseea c i6 à-re a.su 'eov leIrgs aieq s BW m -W sivJO IkwT, 1$4iMSmm ammvum lamum A.CAPILL1%kyu VlasiUS lm t ou cmet lS@suies mai Vli hm et as Cmm le hesMF w aSiauao aau he. I 1~ua aImmupaaiS liuurarv I la. t Pl lun th a bath. ipouthe Uiey Papolie aOI .ml t ~~ev Udr le J iaF .stWile . MikNme lNi a du 1 foie et fig Ualla s ' naeus."ù Ot ~pammcslaNe PmBEula ~~Nsgvécm.d.eu il doima miu eml U. hmRa -W.s. Seiiy are laim tasthll ruoilc brs, Maslatc .r.rg e aihu e aIsme had faal trmsain.e amed uawpa, W -dpce e lioluls, mm tatiAonph LiUs m --Ou r ith lagios ' piul. hom Ray1 wSk la the h-o rier 4 iTb later. Mm uia elai.é bullg M Mr.Macet.reeon eonaote agh t.'wt erday aiteroo.Th mdny-Ilb -Deno bu cGandTr u tlodIa., 0~ ~~Ia ~ "na îîd« oritamnt Iiomo* iel la til. saioref a$ohraiauue.T MWaIsI l UDfSbi islag.1 pssim ylhsr 84, yar, lause8I aas aruga ln 9»li.....iiumal aaflitmlevdusud hie ya. T bvroette v"ythes r ovIvi ir aImr.u séhe m u s Saor ta uthe Wuiw -Duawcib il alera ia, ml vauy mésug barS et ila meaUsv Di'. lulihl bseIIm ibeir. lMsMi mai4o, raga latuaVpasia iualtmb ue lelmleilba b v mur t . qij 0" f M. cw f. asDeO14 w&="s lal irii omglaafl a bi Amlo m IWIO* lm som bu amiU s-uai. 1, 8em rSmslaBS lis ueouuei- ami ~ mm theOm amMTdi au.odusI a ent àisaemams 3lsCU sou badSaiie ar laiN urImmi co. Slebrh aiii asi taele.Tspn baissvesWhouual'm Aa i I mmsUag., .1.làui. bih amGem Musr%22tlie miuam Ale. ~m~r~mL I *~IlhiDabSBS BS ~w ~ aile. - ~ BS Bs J -~ I I Euoukâulu bmSmruuetLad oi.ad - nem U #&# j..S n oc. aàthey becorne ad. as*wr of sotepart iem1apbrand o gi LAu ma fl 'tgouada. . art Mbu. 2io-4S lb&.fori. Ire hAm pué eutfog, dmaind th<e OuaUW VO &*Md ut aue -for the. N -7- o Ir . -bd ur -te luist FIurklag aucstuiibaila lla»-heresu Pro- Smime tla upathlispiosiis eues -J. ILVilesu vil mu-m mv tBS val issms siafllus Cdr aMdI ootsiau Chau- vwOrthsiltlsa lme usV i Oumier au a di eèem rlls un 1t5." auleloulabeal, "Phu B»i -la BS thoo dmhosi Mr U. IX=u1 ami ulilils rflag lemsua ho awmmaleml a Ws e uj~ M spopuhar. and isto tai @I M b&UeimOver AbntIii a lcias' câtCuls ahmuiai »&eliMi CuM àe1Imou tSalar, 8Modaai ah@eai 41-ba va letaiup imeum z hean mslow cliaiat about le pet lb. Traie lu uaumumlly slow. Fise vomi cavu- Wet tro 1SU oluoh prime ysarllamm utoer lMe Par lb la tbS tovmmbp of Whibr. Cornue abffl mlet abM 4a p« lbé Fatbhmusoli et Ustiepu lb. Moaimple report car : The est Ils beils- Mustmaret la tisC. P Lstock- rs"i oet hgaand ils Bisai Tsai d st etBarr eht. C= :110rhs euri orBrIsi.Wlklnsor ciOwen Souni ami Peau. K sea MoCoavey ot Trato hai la silfli. Ail GrndTruck yards mersUma ilsaniai bve isarscelvsd. an Mdoue- ons bal a mtes lisnaissal kme a -lu verymiue, Mdamtmuru 1" PMi meuli ma wsrebippei Sa lm Oum"er hussa oi&018 W, aauaverage et ICrea oulues te al.)eum Us iOOIARa@MTmeisolai ib m . mos la.. eus cIasvii B Emailladardtm ailse ulm d.T. ail*, (hdmjrtwis. INMM MWladies et the Metbodist am. i=letthelu usMm Utclaron M o i ih oe m m ua tyi T er nnl ha D rm.eass lie a m, @tr eas mao. ~ rat.o.m, ~bs rrssshs mai ______ rai mesa. an. 1-Royal Bakla' powdfep. Ab$.Iut.Iy: Pure. emm"' tlauliml wb l . r ut1a u tu 0l uosuelm vu he uIMl. ets leut d 1M si alamerpi ,ew A~wz'Uu ew *ILLETT' LIW Y! *omiLYme Fe c iiu- Sa..<fml CSp *C.ffl MORTOACE SALE. PUBLIC AU'CTION Batday, th it Daiet ApL 88 (0 la 9" gl h.'ssa[aa W. tt Viam ln t la Ler!i aiute u Oalo barmceupsese t ltau ofmialalagby udamueuta$ hue. are& fi i em or l a" spark la ma et e sw Dam smetla liaMamu Towa et Lbaay. oaiantag umamesdes h.I9bse bmmmort or l&é n. Oihsltinea 1004 comioubis frau dwelimg boute wih mo eedwA m entbibtuia. TMORC itmspa»able downa ai Ure et sa.th la0»= Mi ti h n aftsrad iS isuwkelinaiait pl osi.;or . l'edoes Sololeru PUIBLICF / For ls .1.,Emrsr mi Eclaof Calle Hnos S ma mot fp aMi Aid"cies ewtmaliproducilo or r.. qulet;um sa, h ld la BS COUNTY 0F VICTORIA CODOCONE. sceaiTumeaytAri.M. JUIF. Sepiembst Ocicber amil Novemb.r. A. Hl. cari, Steva EèiEEVRUD, seond Wsiuar ayla me monthe. Hector Carnbsll, Steward. VOO5Vll6Xý eondi Tlureday la saut mmn.Almx.a& MLeau, Iisvara. *aErW@D, seond Frido la muie memhu. Phmlp e Mari, Stewart. EDINSIE. ih IriTasidagu là ainmnot ImtuWleoa., stevardl. BOBOATOOU. u Wth" rula m FUNIBO VsaS, 16thiud Thureay la mum MOmbU" - Tics.AUn.la, teward SEUNNU, th dMFrIda, la mus moshe. L1N5&Y. eosai mil ihiri Saturiaja la No. fus be11 h. brgsiltesellers or pur. snet auLanlal- or marillsbroeu po Cmoncoamb ftlor sxciqugs Yard aMdi se ACCeMMeialios «J h.pro. 7sIdiw r @haW£& i I I ET~ DE. BAI AN»T ?-ohm ~PLU.MS8 De EAOLESON'8 BOOT & SHGE*STORE. I- To thée who do not undersand what we mean by I>LUMS a B and Sho. store we ehall explain:-Nea-rly ail manufacturerhav spcillios0 god hihare exr od value for the prie, ap:nd whieh t% prsn laers, and the,,e they cal hi PLIJMS. e haCve been alive to the 0 prtutnity and have purchae each man's PLUM*.NS, and by so- Pit.. u Neia"u Woffl'a Fin. Boo0ts. Pivugm a su M.ua"udWomoei'sCocmesaBoots. NUMi Boy'asuM tsaa.i' Boots,,ftusud a" am PW rUPh. a" To~W a ud C Iid'Bosbof sU gradn. fll .. m m c f OC2 XW m. Iaam Jr1oM Ie.u'a tmg Late IBoots fer e. oM'. SExuaFine Lame Bootsloir $1.74, Worth Se.*. Wo*'& Utr«tg Lace Boo te'fr r 4c. BlOY90tromg Lace Doses, warraated Bolid L.atkeu, 0*, Eem's lime Sheil Coudoyau Boots feur2.e AS 51SUi ISS smsmavi~hv*t~ rneamrmarnU e ms~ I mm"vfs ae C*BJYTH, Eaum S. Bakerk o De EGLBON9, D lrs S U Iy e I a l O U a ~7j EYOUR 25o SIPIECIAiL TEBA A~o UCTiO SAL Farm Propeà'tiea M T ua- Tovishipo of Daltoni BidoMu in t. Oouty of Viotori& WEDRE8DAY9 4M 1DAY CF APRL9 US, aioau o'clec l i ll»aecu, ai Dy vlte u ee t aIsof oUifflsila ou- VIori a. octa li18Md lEamtsla t h M.0 Tof te lolaglmprsuoits111 anthealI Sa ba lspomes: Ae* écr u onowrs, m Il laiUuSsnld si Sporig ilroi ltia iswush -&am id.l sava Viioa.cuaMlm miuto asor lmue .Th. e la iaprvamea anl S hm BSe prommo: Absai 10*acmose&*"l, hbua Ters l u ae sousa lm im auobangmm mus ale ua aoi misaitmihou lrsii. m US er sai et ils a" aop F;le ere parienullrappir Sa -.m un à MMIEZIL ollIoe Truoé. oas U~. m Cx.'var&,8. . 1NST A. Prlmeau. STiLUL OCNml Â.PRIMEAUI WuAes toiform kis eusloreîrs and the pblic in g.neri mth csrcumstanea induee kim to econtinue ,busnessià the oW stand, op'poa:te tule Benon House, and Mn lture, M. in tu ePMs, ee~ eÉort wilt Memade to suiMv te l ié. p v ith the BEB? 0F 000DB et Loireit Prwea. A s/tare of patronage i. respectfully solicited. Linduar. Nmreh OI. -U L. 01Or*r * O'OCDNO:' OAEEAGEand WAGON WOEKS. Eto L. OONN om It Y p mluy &U lmi M_ Ma aIia §M dmjob etaum e 11la là» giosun cmli me - e booburat o itu~ibcqtgs l bu% l " rmr =r.. iioh oih. bic t e rIs o .ui "iImo use n a bes ilea7s«.smm .hé hMess .ma Op.! lm ai r s l à* imt .slm o<ihh1aia.etR--js, u1ua us iu mau au ,s.., As S' mppsh~adem kew ls St ie mg nBB W W am£1~ uo Im~m pim A u au avwu LAD BAL! and PLASTER BTILBOOXING. 'WO MO-RE CÂBLO&DS.B.ECElVED. One Oarload àof Land'Sait, . Tu Baga, t.',bO .054 at 600. p. bag. One Oarload of Fine Sait# lu ME&a.Of 280 Ibo. Oeaot. be .05 at $1.00. One Oarload of* Fine Sait, 'a B of 100 Lba., to b. .054 at 80c. One Oarload of Land:Plaster,ý larf Misa. of300 ib& eoc,o to bee .054 at $1.00. -We have placed i stock this week a carIoad of1 nice goods for the hausekeeper,-certain to coax a smile of contented satisfaction (and perhaps a new gown) froni thé idman of the houfte." Here they are: RqOLLBD OATB, -ROLLUD WHRATL70LD D USsud B UCK WHRA TFLO0UR. These are fresh from the miiM. They witi, of course, be sold cheap for Cash. CANADIAN and AMERICAN QILS on hiand. Wc have flot said much about these, but that docs not detract front their value. None better. S. BAKER & Coup P. B.-Terms sictIy csh. BOL» LlE KEREAT 40es Who iwante thisProperty ? Pour dam be 56footfroitan olent-ut. by 130 féet los, t hbu* satrmrm Lmus.tAlas tho Ix> B@W b otl bok cet urnir, . m z bout 840 fuoon s Idad- ny-ai toroeesulot toe mv.M E 1OOu eilale of àtu Av umta-4 t = the8 hoor»YPu eiN. proportyviu kwadl Wh"t ho vant, My » U IM ho la PP u " $0 te dB? e am Md Wha rm m 8" tu m bm ten"r Ttoye ohsp " V erM Oom~in uMaildwWhk vii hop.'upW a* -Te Vu 5012Seore WSIZromain5lu PS atilEIgbt *'eb* MI Wdam.i. evmhg, 9but Me,01. tWl flb Mid afl" e 3/ HODLD INOà T 1o 1 u O iERA a !lsAeld OW erj? ,ba cmbes m _-- m 1 1 . Arrivats: This' Weeks