altstiot i.helI atri o- W o W U T erums JaiMeu i*Edm psiàt la sTh quosie u .smm»et.f lis d*àw uTu prJi. ~MPil Caulas usai 1e folbovlmg teleu : niu hwa hu paai.l va.MoUS. ~.e Emiela Wa*.a lbouemaSEtét sow tmat temue WM ra Mi «* i s w ond u I*b tauticatt. ie. m ait un eieuumtmmi FIRE PIE! IRE Wxxro YIli, h NOW 18 TI4E TIMEFRBAGIB tamd - re. P- IeWdh tue" ua n i mi loto.causie. __... u. anm ruefa rtrétifl fodnm utenbleJxwim.The. W.rdar's TepnyannS tepeir farineai. mef e t a élance, cosste In-~____________________ PSTEmWOKTU. M a.adiierai tawud av zY tr ..eaM ofuheTorntu«t lmsrvexattous if nt iuatrous vetallatorr quoeatbu m a. isgf. Ilor @" __________________lill tlo Washm atn d Lthe country -tj»M.p The i ý ha» 4 aâ sffibdrai SaiInjury launa -Toronto pts.. rme for prin utun rer fat6010119ouornas waysi, Eut-it la <uIte closithat obtinate catt. or catile for aport teteo cs- Gw.sp aMdamuo JIBOTHEES, aihe t t poey wold uDot ha"e awasi au.t.. .hi..Tn.ut 011t; -wd f teImpertaf. govrunuent jlj, o thr an nfor A... aas EUS I.JAIE us4athon aoinfqaDY¶eriaod«W&ftîst«ker@ulU« samd, tcird and.fd e -0-PT101ANShonest lu Its desire te outais aven limitd arth léestiuma thesoend. Paumers uuaaa~~ tprocltyth would have taken ato OiKho tt .yWelo llanWi motbe untlsel ao%1q w W~1a - go, and would have improvd the. goai or. ieaalved by- thé. Wuà%amlerrpro. -- dUiu6mSeh.uwsm e feling that should obtalu botween two i.ntaUim 8.»MN*LSTN wuamw vi pma miaumands frlendly nclghborlns nations. But a quer. fThe Ward.r endeavors to show that h it i moeaee Uhi .Ut A~ .V nu.,, o.mus&~ hwuusJuBleusiosld mans hose,,to ambftter wouli bc. minous to Cina"ate parii '-anu,'~ ~<~~ aur relations wlth the States; asho msed- Invacion of 'Yankee cattl-eflIlems" But mam GA IM RS Idudar.Jan. iL.-U4,. essIyý fored Manitoba to the verse of otiier tory orgue a ndspeakers argue that a te .tau WRiY ,UUV@ __a.____________________ thedanger lu eaciiOns otacm olto l a "lîareci. CAS 11 ha. ýboon avertai; but no thauks te Bir poty utri p romet; a30su9twmm% N oDICbw.iinm Lnams 0"4 oiE.. t. QEIIRA INULICE GINT.John îiacio"a .weeka have pasidbyrthé. Warder will d 1ULUI 1111111 îrnn ~~The. new poney le open ta the gri ave at tae. "ashar curie"aàd malutaln NOTIC. -INV N NEm GA N.AWTE EUA E Objection that It has lues dltatud fren t& hevr thii Lt.aow emd.manun CANADA LIfl, Wm.1 gis anid 1.wnlng-otrmt. Temruinons andd ialoal al t quintessea ei r4aow VZCOT, to. uoitu A' rAof8 lsaehem, ra "dOfS6pepr. flM uo OECAO V Lord Sablbury, but Sir Charles Tupper mmusWin m55 or do abytilng for the. make cm, 05M"15 E~TALK8DD 111, quIékly aw what wus coing, ng fd »of prmo_______qoa.i a leàiusâd a re-i MWMIIdFi gj J* oubt Lord Laiasdowne mod ie i.Influence _ _ _ 8o $0fr4o 8 auum u v ,~ful aea . I Stlîthe Manitoba *D*0U. NTA. I UuI BS are",d aiahv mou ýpftgimreprésentative finis lun cases oet tila Uni alyth ailgometsdaup P.-4 lRU .1h :O R AI O I G E A±m 1 ,.u.. ilficily.Thesoerlgtorth sveelg's'Srhe as.hprigtontroayd uai a P&il ho iof Us. E»Mv, s iioogl e .iP A UOU proper occasIon fra. èercIse et Influence. otiUSEnanal pec.B!PI AST"zUm W*M f flem zimtinefiold enacosary; but, ou the. This Newfoundlami houas ci-aaasmbly amE MTATERIES~YVtf~sajo~ toaey1w ~ VS i Z.E gOi ~<Ot rinI aflnaefrCubt mrjactai by0 é te propo s >au.CoCRIK>CURAU Th it &C-mnibM ' o e t . eoo iaa m aalu er-delegates te Ottawa relative ta coufaderam I . l aveofa7"1%:mive a * e fientaîilla cf the. sverelgu ta make h. u9im ~OOZ~D~Wsfinence et. This la a phase of the situae S* b h0'Bme «» etw 3,0. ou m m T.é* AiuiBt Imniao e Cuay «-Naâitlon- te Whlch but litti. attention ha% n o h uta a le a aciit .@ s>.~Ia~bd ~e si diw U f U- ~a~Uom estvin mlu mu i , uciscvlr>raouin luCanada, and A¶~migi aé .Ivs Esha. Pau. TiMlCoL. Uoldilocf E a ia t.ou bie aytelem i qelA vp l iu a akU. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~Za~~~&' ~~~~ tion ot Dowmlng-street.,#" baslngi iaopînlons Ontario for thatpros.fu.Ali. HSADNPq. Tii uaaI..ailuu ~on what proisi toeuaserrer lutelegraphle u, undi.,f flb evrs apg- transmissieu which . made It appeau that M. Leblanc, the. tory M.P.P. for Lavai, P. 5.-A euetmas la Obe - the ureu- 7. O. TATLORI, the despatches -raferai te y Sir Charles ha. boom unsatda for bribery sud corrup- !!.Aml11 NL *~asl~dav.Tupper were jom. Lord ialéhay aud net tien. Re uarrOW17ecaa corruptIon. (PS OOURT 0F REVISION. uadssv.M16*.Uklm" gohlm..The errer la moi cof much lau- Mr. La*hlte maode blane-wachlng. 0 partance. The Dominion goverumeut have tiboro flhecltofIe *Tiie Landau Aiv.riaes pooL aggsss IbS. fr lb 11*~8E4iwemapadI mpuirllcensure by aqulck about thefoîîowlng-char ortoea, 1 . have smethin, n w in oui ______________________ face' Thoy' kow .whatwould corne a upres iOet o teaiusela O NP 0 once-trm Lord Sllsbury.. Tbey knaw ho _- I. lrmz- LIDSY ,DA PRiL 1, wMui hne n nue ansesd would permit Et bjno.I s O ou. ONAHU aUfloT emimea............. -no trlflUg wlth Internatil o bIiomu WIlba almtLlstwe ~Kz J ~mzué ~ It was mot a cae etdeaf l ih Ur, NOm- iW9v iwndtoir MSufr i puos1f eu el SirJoh Maionlihasbee focaiIn O DRDCiPreeI'ya Th1O~ euler g omutho.bieathe v-lUuvose ali*1 11 ;.flr #n nnd m,, , 7h.prmIr. asalavscllmd2DWl»t Eaou dy.Reak.Tii. roaoUtOsfN. on.Taet interssol ocic n to-àaee befo,'. ket'soit!. -rdtJorhn aedin putm In feed tatusM. i miSrIcadCtwgtBrela toypernL eaio aId eueg- .FE 1 Fr.!~1 imit plaeon, e, !OM iaias a Top grectyM dXHdsp o ei votaget cii s hll etne u%«nngse- aeiller in thUSqLa tae 0laes hilhece uopleof artlob. hetras lIait'11 orejcloseabtfurclock wat la the '>oIonet as t e arecbute oýou atOlhi j,,aa, 1 ____ thdviinstk lc abot dy-beàk bebraty .soud bscalNe.n thredw r ami ecem Srin hrd Catwrt, dU. ehs sand aaîSir ihla iiwfi havHe eatryd f Isud ponta i ons 1lv1.gfaimieas tc Rame rk m Vie t aNn :. LIaMfo iw a ptendiglfer' t e n lton ta .nate pa eme Uc ngtvy a a or tio app-tei el a uFhybauasrk.grei r i>n i-i tol b 8r oh tht ii satt. Was o nbltl obta awa vl b lase t ' that r uls r em t.d Cs osai. O sel«?t8m:oohIafluMuiO l b:-rmsIve n opey a mti that t vthe erdIctri, to .gr.a maon te ort tii. nybo id ouds t an auLud a r e a& oue mil, n Candta mo.take ir, f s top ntmpaci by dot uanod cMr. uéeproe,--- torhe4e350 r asmat manufactra I. nom-Aatm&i~Ju h.Q aiy tel ti ttauo.Ti.mîîse e JsIc sa ~msrej o-f reclproeity Yvet eau théb.. iN THE, GOODe OPoun aspocall î B o-ofus lu eonisuitit n b uc emlatalni. Ti. ofpeopl urseItra epeo- ii.p otsupait i.C P .tm a ! bomin' ý ecte Tib 81n the.appsisi. T ir i hpoatId voie. f îu; «iaeanaaw rIc tlicty s'il!fmoihavae tbaai blNr ii e peauon igHADTNli afô.lit d ian etîoll.Ti. a d o van IdI- cunr. n thcmîe î .thoantreg-ert a rt oni . t gant e Jf 1.n i. B it»d.aa cuemd 1a1 na id.ii. te tr agnsme- pntrytdecthe quemIst i0ie...oot8ecmtts.dflessmuîiaof T e tere #7 'th Uc vlgorePoothe eiointi.î -.s t. lm .,i.osAte OnaP a cgnshterahed t. earnt Ti nlkia r- mm. cm A. . 188 ve ol veSr Johnbadly s tali t. ut:wM eal _______________s _ dwatwil. lane e car tg i peiedm a um4i iugIl a i5"Umm u U _ _ _ brsla mdnteas.alum ai15 "apIri ot anhoi demrtai ii. aa it. Wthepilaictofsthe reith*Majoil teanybTii. h r eanin m aana .gyeu lJOBaul milemauee 'pohl eAgjr vs c coh n," euoai hpeo contrIbutorcommercialranire o1 meutsa Ottava ha. boss chailaCame" inthéyýutéIe my puteuonjusic .m pIr embasaf iruaiaf dy tlatispo ae alitea ooutt.en glauwNTHlE -GuEame oAril .D aspet Yioma Ivntura te tulilmte oltaueo r bep ope ntîm ron tis comi e htapeat a ustieat treotC. P.i R.EfoA '1'.eairy and ulug niagsoerbutapbi-,igvngple wic roe h thab anoaun ofhe iiols omlty- sLA JEHA MI£ O, ar sliDs "i posiio I e Te Oppsiorn ie'ofic -andu vtyng w re k ucty usBt nMeanitobaanthi.e tart-,enapenua et tusd cdenyir , mmd lu luTatoto u oder » n s'a m t -et - -O@, H E E O 1 8HiO ET AU EAT "ePm0,'4Woommory auciivictorIen a "equîdtb e nt Rcaimet iti rac tnce.., mp-kexp eî; m (2> t am tlhea bto rty a ercet. &a f rner a um e" lsouniTf .lu .le18 vol! "T4.i. or dofleUîeSitstsh oeuoplvlhsli luquoti luh. nougii;b tiisouniataTheîî-beng te-O X0 LN "orv epe baplacai d1Th ourar certans -tic eead~peOfal la tii. (arm e r e ldgu. li 1tirigi Masiem fm rzp .uth * S "ire. list, vdic:d appanqulto by muetTIi rcolbIeeIfdcarr.a9 ou as suspecta Gazciet cf chanc e tar.lmu lucluIndl vuiaf-evrarin honeelioM»li mtu iiTiev r ai lenervalveasoitInU.8raduare*aj,*Mt* Lpfdit88, * WP hMid>S<ed'oeAf l A.LEk U< martlfcsemtbrsa Inlifstdngoibot-: làâ» ý Md a U ~<~ ~~ m M de>OU AT "rear fo Aercanvefar, miisena ameUianemsot utia comhebIneatue-oven tat tawhm hemoti ysb a lpdtt a huoU5-l um. tbe ifumr.fa~th hmh.BoI pepeYanadiu goarmuh aveemoqir~aed ot IurT o nàcnsa ~ reoulnina aishr t'_ - 44 ntealh u ds lftatenence shîntndéo ouInamOunia liovmuchimcuiihs. iio'anathe liestion fr-te thePMM MW$W alivedcopos tushpe mi otr- ~~gzaazxectda 112?8t tg ritoma eeta cfrechtho anis met Icula iost efthe U Cnitla iitfnea inigs a mchnaiteifor Tmomore mm I>uauxhua.0M1 , ') M(U A E EE ' tates anta houha-is ami aglpte, t ieineoa tis e b frieanudi tel art>,unor;a m eou rat hl -.kEi la - "l s iItiSiia hals a Wiadsuso flalg<iuIn fusdyvo m a rlls o tann fM ie. pias US "tarlfagamau u>' sd aI laneri ire beau grayn.'e pria Its po. .1 lae as Sîor olèete it ahertns . HlaM ofugetusdaloacnjctowthlmde -hbsaspnddsotnl "fren Caua aey u - mr." bthe ilno u hldaiainuiL.Mil seheas .;U84. iconssritb=e ààkd t A .Di. iura.oflamef Thîsq la a touribo nletuneaeit trou a.tary pages . Ni Om Johuasonof Marl st- lamoe or Th". ai e.e oorngly. t ilu -- au0mEs. ors; and onus eday affentvas printai comsesMr. Glsainhu!abtter; and Mn eaua" havpani isand Ma S tory abIntanuet I t8 hs. JhnCàupiiel, jP., of Math Maripm aad- the. tiase mins ~ ~ ~ ' ES 0 0 ,C A B AYS RN S AW . Tuper stciup a iehmoouaia-mt.tors- a 'Wehav a nterthng Mr. ou viiiavtee raàIroi>'ta Mmd numerotuothor textures whlch h. cin descrih dmUatoeta aecmlen ni- wmweEiv d. molami V". "=;Mu vu glm t d eacl' iit heGesieGe"naulus tatlpg that hoe liaimaflsa.i a mlolq Bt pnm sy vi at.- b*o mlng sud whea doit! haudled snd suliod bts gomlxo i os i w i dennoo a nd Wh" m peie Ir a" i ttsrlanuspi>' ta Mr. tinthorne but h led viii loer * 6". amitas4à» UE019UI.l"Ddlaies e«ILea.*0d ie malahotr Sfinil iai - d- o barai ta lu nus have nuluoalai msà&LMdiM mat raaohboo<paW M"ei unh t aie t u ae4enta ilieuIl- ffl Ie ptat.illetvo % loaubtt f a vete"10the duat" ii lasr.Letterftf la h*J hSli ie-S aupg te ast t taAu'idpy m ralgWspliade> Ie ~. JOB LOT 0F LADiCS R N O T té 6. mae lai. nîfelghbrn i Wuue i:picfrwt alou*Jtu sviom 8 3 TH M!83 T E &ap pmeW u t at sipaiumnviaae ite dhyasooffllb maIl amioorm 4$e oth ulnt.tus- um mim l wffleSa.n b" a- ab on alu&&eand i ch.rmlnglme tTlora ume re.tmie rntEdfr uos S Ci. Tmpe-e t tsai uiemakaeolâm Wi oilpLIi.oui>' 5eo ~m-T Jantlopore,.Ereumipn aerns pithen Ul é oulpiSvmi u e te tie ejqaitue amatom~ ai po, : rinns avan a the111 prohmos m i.ngtin IS iE -SirchuTIw-tu sa he W e"t viib tioniN. Muil mounDma i pgà E.E.W-M GAF EY 't f r' ru S. 's I Iii I Il i --4L