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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 May 1888, p. 1

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INDATLIEMOETARSD& *gst. ààLmsai VOLV~3 XIX. EOLENo.149&. oglu 408M 2b.LIDIÂTONqT., WI»ÂYK]AT 4t 1888. TEB 1O U 3E ~AYA2TU lU AflVAWflU - ~ ~ - ma~ - i - . * u~. - I -- I TIURDA, AT24, [i Toftai cUpser M1aU tonus.efforts wS l> VEL RRAT/ONi àfriculturaf Park Liduy . W . JOHNSTO andJ. BUCHANAN, Chamljion Anprie;(n AI! I Lourid Champion Athioe Athkte.of Augtralia, Wili 0O.MÉeto lor, thé Qoneral AlMtto Ckàmptoàahtlp et the Ucei QGAPTAS CeOUALY AIR LIEUT. FORIBTo lriý,hi(haniplon. U. S. A. Champion,. WsZt Oppose ongao thr ula lThwlistng mouted weM Combat, PA. 'D N~FL T'he Oham1a(on Ilavy Welsght tes a r'ter VWI:ILL AGAISSB? A S o io.t4- and cil tcrà5A 4f they pull hlm off tho iadder. Tho Chapo cnrhic haAr Ilgv D fthoir vonderful pertowm. acnaith ~Fy n rhrow-back TeIapeire and Horizontal Bar, con8st-t lnu instlo an>ulo ucrgulaaexctinst Leaps and Divea.nevur W- ore acoomplued by gymnasta MONS. MA R I7 I, ther ,t,##owief Arial. Traler, i detes thetmoand other ata o maradfrthrwilbo BIýInThrowaing Hoavy Weights ammelo, and m Ut*dor OOI«S * Nae bun 2 edover U aU froe aa4 teuboa t t ts meU THEVCITIZENS' BAO WILL DE IN ATTENDANCE ALL DAY. timdmny. May I15g-l ': ., TOI ALLON'S -FOR YOURHATS. Tow WLOZW àEo& , &.8,78, a. 10,11,12,18 sud.14. -Om'w vu,-. TOWN Oir LiNDoaT. Tisais la&s, ises nsmituallatase Ques'ssquau1uem b otI aeeet Kme. la uis »lvaoimnmas e saiwulotl sauaes assa- -t ts vua Cla ls luien. te- ~~ifI~ss- e mil emm&i FOR. SF111AID SIJME& MISS O'.,VBRIEN Would respectfflly eaU the atten- tion of ltheLadies oflnuyt onrrounding ceun uy*toberw9fl .selected stock .Mil.y hc in replete.with everth2g N and Fsonble. Juat reoever1.--Auoe6c ag Mw Nhaes<sMt nlBnes -raz "TO.%CA," raz 'xI.xo"BAT&. 1WLdies wishing to leave their Spring and Summer orders will' find het stock wull worthy of inspec- tion. r1 013E AND. LOT FOR BAL.- .& Converlemtly sltaatcd VIFpyte J. L. DUNSUOILD. Oct. S 87.1 W ÂNTED ÂT UNCE.-Tvogood =on accumtmed ta farv«Mnomd olesrins 1a&VM le ERtMA.iaur leu&i befiL. e A. E Bx2IsaduleP."O. W ANTED.- good blackamith stand VIta buyonceay.termue rient foraitenu «tycre In a village ortown wlth a wood worker Mâmd mihop noar by efereti. A 1pplirsonally or by ottor to May. B. FOSTEYZ yboard t. ,Otrio. Iay3rd, IRUS. aud fuýly qualiflelta tasbluaok.Dte ta Comm"ee t once unm 18c.Lt.Ste ornt., Za d. IL94d A MlD TREVOR?, Proessor of 9Masvola. Outure, Themory sud MaBing . ADREES P. 0. Box 4M. LNDIAT. PIANOS AID ONGANS Are aclnowl.g.d u the: Ieadlug Inunts of Ca"nad s, Mmd tun NIEW RAYMOND. AND WHITE1 T he t»a bu omai w »n M la a l.akot. W. W. ZOGÀ1fp ;&gENEAL AGENT, May 2ad, lSg&-M5.Lin"ay. RAD NOTICE. Notice la herebi ivrett thse unicipa1 CorpomiaUof the Toton- nai asn, ta il aseting te be -N cblsn«the rosd acrocs let8. n I gts lm1 cesa mi ooeveb* mg temani et ïwûnuof 1081bos. L uNKNmTwl bpUns Cuio fice, Nu .fut, 1-N*. beg~nnùag eM 'i w. I 1! ia. H. 8Il Ver. Oîea ay EJent *inLinday 20 YADS 0FBEAUTI1FUL SILK to beU4'uims oaZfmMA r28r4 Oing to. uiifavorable weather and other retarding circumstances Pifn(,,itnnuciini-g, thatl would, inoérder to introduce my unequalled stock of l)rés.q. (l 00(l, Prment 20 yards c f silk, vaiued uat 8.30.00, to smre lady 01ut.of tldirty Nho purchiased 810,.00worth of goods from me-not neces- Saiy toietme-Ihave pnstponced malcing thepesntlon i lb.h aboe dpwhen it wilipositioy ae plac -de. sechan 0110w ay oU l a 0 yards~ of beautiful silk as a free gin. T tkelit wlyoFhowouh 'Itwl üto come to the Ladies Fîtri.~11louse ffor your Si1k Dres, Hit ilantley e. You can get <~rtargyou 'n1ay Tequire for your outifit at my store. T he newest ald uo&tflishioriablegods inthe ,market Llndsay. May 3. 1008-05. Attribubis tut o mu qny Md hou*y WUt» h lm" uage Md ecmiplet& . TM .but smur» "k o f IOKEBYO, GLASWAIE 'AND OHIMAWAIE Oi Orload of Laad BaltJ 1 ari ouR-25c. RICAS 75KLL uJLEo Fmmb sb t IIaUIt8I.nw o* MIEYR rED OAZWOOD mIeDOKOOLa Cam - pmag m vte-far TanPown.l ou VMilu et, ttisApn, the Cianee. lmi gave .Judgaeu t aIOsgoado bullupon mhe motion 01 lb.Oaisvood- b.s cioo baondfora manisau*tu canpel lise muai- cipal oSuicil ofthlie tovhahlp e Mr0 o bo rais 4000fer the. purpomof a nov sohool building aidsite, wvieciwvasarga on the 24eh April. URi6 bordshis judg- uset van la favor of-th ls csol bard and Tise effect af beglabatbon l la o ilhdrav tis, village af Waadvi Ile frn lise higis sehoël dii-triel ai MarlpomaBy tl ise&.a tube, 47 Vie., cap. 62, tisat village la camati- tuted a corporation separate sud apart troustise townships of Marlpo,ýand id toc, la parles0frvisicisàIluvas auaîed (&ec.1); and by soc. 0Oit vaa decinredti tisthlie vil- iage mâimibcae to faim part aI suais beau- ables antisisall ta mUin tents anti purposes arm a seParate muampaliti', wvilal the rlgista, privlogos-amui jrladiction ai au lacorpamated village la Ontario. àmm Iboesadvantazea vas tisa rght la have a Isigis «bcisol part train tb. tovneslhi b virtue afILR S. Ont. <lStr7>, cap. 220, sers. 4 anti là, etc. Therefore 1 give no effect ta ths. objection. A% ta lise oeher faitters argued. tise Na. ,paue cu,29 Grant, e«m emu ieagMaine lhé objeactinon uîW tihtse mniclpallîy, If tise substance sud maltishe fous of 1h. transaction le regarded. Belorse iet of Augual lise scisol board matie appllcaîlam ta tise coni lafo a grant aI14.000laor sahool. pumpoaes, mna sSui m lier the pivilexe "to buili tise nov building cou- templateti om tovnsip papil'uts af lthe towsip bal l t&er"viStis te use ai ise ruandsmlatise rein lireol s a play'- g ai"Tissapplication vas negativea i -4olaI tise meeting oflise cancil hel on 18 h JUlIF, verupon the spioool rus- tees present at tse seeting sai lisci' vauli forego Ibeir abaiela tiste beusîits sangS: oves ami aboya thse $4.000, ami vouli aetlise nazI meeting brIng taivari a by-bav for the toymia au.The idsuaetl lb. UmeZl cuclMeI:n o ;51 Anut, vien tise by-Iav 3M2vasvolai ounvîI htise ra- sole f saint nd fr.Tisaby the stnbauaatus& LO t 18M, CN 26 çan, a bhi i.aterpratation ptupnmeaat vas n ccplucaeb. roqu nilm. fBm- fore tise pssilmunaoflthe original oft Iis en. acimsent the m-il1council had »neop- lion te nejeot, but vous unio aiann tari' oblIgation. ta misaehi' asseemment lb. amenI rquirel for seisool purpomes, oves thouah lis soney vas tu le mppleil te. vaàrie lise ereclion af a mev ýbulldlna. NMlaau cs, 1 apeal reporte 2M, ami Stormonl camqe, 45 Upper C4uanaa Q.âi) re- poet, 4M.Thse pretent blexilalon relleves thies rou Ibhis acessIt' ouI vb.n thorae la 11a lvottisldh vote aiflise seubors pue mens at the meeting or amb. cneil tor Cos- sldeimg my blavla tisai boisIt Upon t is jclon oet1he, application as orlfla n rmc o doubt tise meiool tins. tua coilhave eabutai tu requesitishe conseil teamubzmil the matat. oltevole of tise naepayers; but they wve. ol *but up ttslcourée. Tbei'couii (aathey id> r.ev e apliatin na mai0 ai toru and nu reduce .opposition ai lhe caa -cillais as la obviaI. amy appeagtt he ebectore.. Thse coacil migist brperi h ave ratusei tu cousider tise maltes la a mai-' fled tassa, ami have lailti ou an appea tte.eleorei, ani under mub-section 4 et secton 35tS. j could attervaris bave ne- coedifrons Ibis poaition mnd bave acted ait ÉbeÎ di Ls.,pmtise by.lav becanse aI i-h aa â;lIty te procue a tvo-thirdé. vote ag Irs . A by.!uv la probably malos-e motabut Il le lt»e nasal ourse adopteti, as liesetaatute recogmises aidIntimates, enm1 msoba by'lav, iU not negatîved bhi'a twa-tblrds vote of tise concil, lii lb.h municipal disrictle vilS li&bilpta t raies the ameni;requlred, wviicicannatInlami' opinion bc »pi"be,sla thsecssof an or- usa' b.la, b Iera1leu aloi on. Tise fbuato rejt i a tvo.ýthiris vote con- cluds m mater omUra&Waby mg*ant tise councl ad ldm obligation thon becasse, os, uier tme former lav, absolute ad IMM thaailmtesènstbitorree éMtlolta a sandumus uPas theecouacilta rwui torthisvil-tise 4OOGaut the ost-of aisir proeeellog la lbtosit TE Tm W rAmT AUM5NDM Wllblu a ovminutes ofthe vote bélna taboesuasm e Sen ta lta-itheauo mari' Tisursimi'SUnMgSirJohn Mac. donald valisainp ami ohatlai a minute t. lir. Speaker, amd thum.;'belungMethésdoor, misaI ont amidairisl tise vota. Thsis asouli aseIbo soa mm M . is lkng meo laums. less41d0immu ss auis duig M»tise d*de éat vu s*a aMidvu aues dffai i meB9» s-iesLad Kassivus uhe b dasaturs ferRIle. ire. v~vu~ w ~srpaauj, ~.y au. Maidat osapi bi'Uniam burauova i sr.Paot'.soa smSua a ousiba hmi baba uIlls mi hm»e set bb mIa hrl hmi uukraIn bi Lotam losbu mgo Xz w.J. avrbut visu 1a orso hb ieEmIa ogrgoa or AusTESE Gosse,- Reçot MSamtisa a raliacafrlblrmulae.Davsyla Udle lo uve our village. We OmruaT -Mr. NMias asm vmim us. asstiMas amaSrsaotai» eCm L on-RB" MNMaDsm sdused villagmassai aa& om Tbsu a ai iaabmvebu lest a velaisi slt Causeor funew ltec-2- meaasSatuaria..... a du* lmv. EBvda1, e f EaBeis, w. ual as4 Cssa . y 1. ico o msVil-. Mesi du eeslgo t i seTisemrelem lalu gba tls e Psml matm - labevm e tbab flmt umstmgor New esya ia mcmip.s lms lu 0 me"esiorTag ameêsym Ot . 0OMM WÔeys Mi lat Duriau mmd~ ~ ~ ~ ~~d acuitms.miplElvoS viwsT. "tamgw 1 lb alas a "Bb mi Mss" l *amaI a 5.Ji5Irfl "mtiili *moue fai "f l w -MuR- Em ebius. q vemeni' umlsbos Sk a lys via mvais sL.o Ma l absdi b '- hO essi, mu tis ala"'.lok demm u i-alipusiuaim . am iesi mi0smamasetmeW os ! Cas. Nou.deBsMJssbu sIale wusar'mmee» o l ~~sidi~usi IIIIIIIIM ytassai eut lU-tl glat.m aIso abu U~UMW a raWlual of thon aullolea. Tise figurai gveby lb. co missim ae as fulboe: clevalàmte ..................L8ot Zippa Crysta................ :ILOD N'Esgt... ................3L88 l[a, ......a .... .. ...... am SdeKamI'..........................56-o Harfuis...............3Moab1 Tieqolm aaucilyariaslatmoulla" tisugbiulouma civbttdes thIm masai ew a iareimmbor.amigt bar o!tise ev T a Staeoa !Su. Ira amtshe ueues !ii lausum i re c lae y m W gf rtie ÏMi e %0oat baie. ~ ~ M vmu i. uullS Pa.csaeti o!Sibrehumla m lb oammi te kmwsi t @«Wkne« te 6 jam tyjbqe]L B'ow i »any dterent wapa cm&. voitread thioe, ai h1-0 rg G 0nlie etre? g-. o as e -4 8% M >5 n e I ST.AIKRUOY ROFORYOURRHATB .A.hi f U - Y R O F 0 ÔRY U RIH AT Il ILR ù GY R 0F SM NSFyOR YTOVURH Jl RU O TILO FaS NO L O N BSF0 RT OU R : YROP,NOLALLON]rCRY RtK-l 0 NOlàL-A G 0 O A L L 'ON SIO R. 0F PSNO LLAGOTO0 0GALLO0N 8FO FY S N O L-LA G O T OT. O G A L L O N SF S NOLAOOTGOTOG1AL.ONS e~ N O LLAU OTiO TO O A-L L ONS F OF 8 NO*3L L AGCOT O A L L O N SFO Y ILO F S NOL L A (; AL L.i- N S O R Y- O T R OPYS NOC L LA L L C)N-S F OR T U:f)YTR 0F S N OL L b O NSF0 IL YO U IL 1 U 0 Oe L FO O>N SF RYOUR TAlHUO YnRO F SP0R Y OURH A T ST AH Rt COYTR010R TO CR-H AT S LOGAL BXEWS-LIESfUl jsU.s o! tis uhj * I N A T Z R T Z f , - - - - - - VIMY.ais .Bw-A bm bidb iibu bai oýoew:zUnss C": aro!mle Tm umwer M- 3 raat ag Peher 1asullas "D~ 4..wllltravela bu ara elp en b .e 5idwa Pm WM W2iI Casas-cxa.-The libeB as msSouOs sapilgbod chss Mauo y b oumaoemls wWllmMg. upri aseaï tis ssa sMylts N.Oe es oo ibyoi bu1 vitis aIu-elau poi. Iey#th Wse vil.imoa suseuie, uea an mibas him ou htiernaimfor m'seie.' rg.egagi a inlbaecsmg A bamem Eo0ult the sIacis-brede ofci Iis bocality mais. a expelmi.Win avai lisesnsvofves itis .opportunlcy. 8IO prN5ImNo0f Tise Put] i.î ARKotTh@. - SPIUG Sow.TheEndly spring sho U PJ. T. Porter & '. saonounce- wua asuracsaul amfir wllh a grdiatendauc&entmat sfpame bartaîns unier Upterprove Impored draugisl-! C ~oued hi' SkumT LTàr.e Î OToii da'th Broé; 2 Huntaman. ow by v. l. adTust LaTae.- ua: e u ley. ebà Canadian draughl-l ToM u co Baron mmdbs eotiuiesl llar' le ovued hi James Stwart; 2 Eu"£laai'sGlr, ais-sa'Plt-ditwHtsa eoe yI onMtc we d h. *k B Iv e  FAc'"-D. M. Smtfth la elllamg Snîov; 2 eflane. one bi Gorge S ABflent' ga Iprios whloh tiefi' ompetian. the Gendera i=urpo- Ivathra. own e y aitetcok boins extra fine and cumplete in every de- , Gnerl prpoe-1lvmm oaedbi Iévdas nent Juat arrived, a fine lot af Straw andi Mitchsell; 2 Yoau Vau Nanan". ownod byJas Magna. b"" oeh Matas, ail the latest et> les and culor& . »int Rowad tcarmnge- b Lard Bndlo-y, owned hi' feU taosue-tbem. El:gà t ceck wear in oca:-uri andi tien. FIne Sultinesand Pantiffl. lltatdy- S. étto los; 2 Young Tom àLimble, oued hi Made Clotinîa g cialt JJA) goo<de marlced don o exlteut Bo pins Nws.eko Bulie-'utioroughbred 1 ownei hi T H Mo- doWtauddancî§llepeu. A Ne sV.k cf Quade; grade, 1 ownedIf 1411.yte; Jersey.,1freBoti ho.. CS d iryippers- A air .-c ovasct by G Balfour. Thon vwae no Opposiion frehntaloet pros.y Gaiwanad la lu ay w.adeof bll&Butter and E.tKs w.int- lu mai' rade aibailla d. Van eau get the highêut prias forsanit 1>M. SMiH' Brechin. Terniesua>h or pro- 0.4 W'OOD. duce. If yen wanve s u accoun D. M. Smilth I Ccrraiuoadéno ofatThe PonaMPSYup. Tus llzeu ScHoeL Css.-Thtre las na- àr Ladies. for Sprlnïg Mllnery go la D. M. tur<îuy great rejulcîsg uigi hisvillage anti Smitb'@, Breohin.-95-1. viclnicy ove r thse dtelafan cf ChanceloerUPEG( Botti granttug a mandaina ta tise higisPTRB echaci uoâi. Thora vas a bonfire Fcldap ICorrespondenceo f The PSel nigbt. anti a go"otime. It le ta b. boped A Picsn - Suhjoiaed ta a partial Ifst of Ibis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~brgii la tels ilfclyat isIvn n~&uthe $5,000 bankrupt atoL'k ve pur- thlawil setlethe ifEc builading Tise oba e lliter day. la thse bargala "enothis viii nov go on wlth th. ne-w iluaTb neleo the blggest *"drlves" vo have yet made. oppoiition tiste grant wvll, 1tgIsaepeeteti, 6(3plaes AI-WoalDremu Goodea w<>h 20c. at die but, pourlsat lise question le uy LNe. 10 leces Uelino l-ohectred DroseGoota ait umderaslca, anti vien Itlila een tisaI tise lo. m10c. 20 pleces heavi' beachei Table lax te pot so iseavi as vas allen estisi. Bied ide, .25e. worlh 0e. 4picora 'LeS ýus bave peu." andi a nov igh s nU îOanow Ho . 3 X38 and 40 lu. scioo. ao Hxs.Yor ons eavi0o and12esa ctth Les 50dezaaWo- A SABT U 3X - rL. C. vorth MeG. 30 dosea Cbliruros'Soaniles. Cotim to a tri la lthe moitis on Saturday laiHae, La ureys. browna sud mlxest a p0 er pair opendlmg Bnunday-b R4orlan i attendlng -kmS th" làaWrioe. 10 damen Mon's Braceenut servie la lise Mobodial aisurcis at Z30 p. Liea az :.l.au35o. .Tdoze Men'a Silk Tîi ami ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rc 00ayesnsri lils cso Soi-Iclissha bal prioe. 60 dozen milPruytem srgi lathewhol Lim.Jers e 1k Glovea, mau colore, ai 250 par bous et aSXO r. M s erbout ireaceila pl Mee i S.la m'any lier tore. 50 paine lise Metsodilat churci asti a Knox student =Me HuavyBine Serge Pants ai 81 per pair- in tise sehool hans.. Bath are talealsi amd dlrteheapat 82. 501BoysWTweed SuIte aI 8250, glili yungmon.. Lumherlng la boo. IIiist -U 50 plueas Caadisa Tweeds, Just the lng Il lon tis lies iser. Ls Oes llilng for baniie alIt 25e a Fard. hiemember. Ibm, tO% a . a ure .. wes .J. .PoaTm 8& Co.. thc Originel Bank.- look abut MdSomervilbe a t 18Biai, Oriuia.-o-i Laiton eofamy seau ounlise roai'*lise v bost being about a mile oes: o odsbo .. UTN gkr . Ouir , aiod fiesi, Mr. MoaeMcNeil, dSUTT of WtTeký lies very e hie home bo seo a Roasiale......Two fA earful accident Stock bau vlnteroi lminly well. occuraiTneeday aetishe nev bridge, ho- S Qusrn.-Where dii our stage di'ver 90 img bull: berm, by whiieh Mr. MyFMr1,ie ltves w . Tes for tva, falior of the. entreclor, Mr. A. Myssa ai Pusszru-Mms Bernard bu as relied Toronto, ou*e ftishe laffges bulitiers in Cm.i trous vitllgirlahnds la Peterboro. ada, aMi Tisas, Baier bats their lives. Pacesuse-lira. Rooder hb ulnfde6nce Wsleîremovlngishepile driver vlth lhe la tise fture af Oaisvod amise 10e ailg mier, wviiciselgis about a ton, near lot ta bltber. andputting UP MW vWrtheb.top at 1h, derrick lb. uhole Ibilas tell funcsa. aver., Bares.beati vas caugis bet accu cm eof the uprighta andth ie taoifa plie K1RKPIELD. aMi cisssied ta a jeUy. Mr. M y rs vas - tCorrelaoaaae e «Tna Powr.l aImuekon thbisisanti ébaibth legs brais- FARIWELLOura»I UPPEL-On Fr1- on. Bath vore kibbot inlstantly. Baker day.the 131h 1aM.John MeDonabti vas bves a vift, amisix mm lti lreg. Fpr- entertaiaed toa afaaell Cima er upetmiunately tfo he ho wvnas maember lu Mr. Ade Vassi'aprovious to bisde- oM standing aitlise A. O. 1U. W. Mr. patr Imus KrkCIejairM. Âmtrn Tyo el malas ver.taken ta Toronto by la hie usual jvil imaauer u liseWeeay muoring's train. Mr. Myeres chair, vwhite M.O'(NtUlfilai vios. visaliveti at Atiserli vas about 07 rears chair. About 1Ifty-tva @at dova e0an ex- af ao. Ho vaà aaslating hie w@4 aMr. A cellent supper. Aitter tbe iemovmi of tise Miers, 230 Sherbor» etsreet, Taronto, who clatistise iellavlng toasta vers , - . ihua lhe cotractaiftise vorisa at Sutton. and respoded ta. "Tise du a bhieThe terrible accident la * mare afflietion *offîre campmny analng Blo ave tise for litisemembero*e itamlly. Tho de- Qusee; "Ou mseL,"110Dr. 0od; "Our emasilIf aves a vifs anti daugiter visa»r parlaeu," y ,.H.Menas,"Aimy veli proîet or e h"adtisr.amos-one nm avi'." byPr.Cavana; . a«, ipro- lIvre at Parry Soundi, and la marrled; lu. eira"b? WJ ouuoe The ladIes," oliser at Atherly aIema a'ued; andi Mr. Mr. A. NeKemaie; Il urylig Indus- Myers, of Toronto, lai tb. third. Thse tam- tries "by Mr O'Noll;6C"Cad oui contry," Ili e t Atheily wiii b. aIl tis, mare grief by îv. Armuarong; "Our bosI anti hop.- emnireen, becausaeorthlb tat S"atthe lama.9 by Mr,. Cavana. Tse compani brate- aid genteman ha*s bgen absot trous îhomi un lunlise "v*s ema'hnurs" by the coay anin oe tva or tsi.. veeka. silag ".4AUli Lang S, uand "God iave tise Qamsn." Mr. sud Mia Meflonalti c-rry GLENARML vilf thons lb.ute choirmai u el îsis- [Corroapodence d'The Potl os aiIls. ammumîy fr Sher iutue vo- DE RSJNG. - 'Th@ population cf aur lmare a inm & eu.village ha@ decreaseil ai late, as tvoaruai. BI7ILn»uuG.-Tiserhbaubosincis au ln, lies have usavedaway. jMi. joeph Ria- crm in loui population duinlg tise «Pautdon ba» moveil ta bis brother'. faim Oet yesi or tIroa tIt 5la impossible go pel a ai hen. Mr. John Jevel bahmaved la Vacant bouse la tise village. -We bebleve- Lonjg Point, Feselonto verS for tise Jev. preparation la belng maie ta buii elgisl .11 brothe there.W. hope tise change or ten houssa iuring thsuammer. front village Ille ta country lite viii agre HoMs PROUMaMÂINa-Wr. W.. Me. wlth tise. Kemae pali us a viols for a iev dave baasI Pneu.i.- IMe. Geo. W. Saplet, eue weelr. lie returneti on Mondai'. hobas 0i oui enterprimingt mercisanta,bahrmreu- vs bellee accepted, a lamg contract of id home tise latter part of thewvueSrtra buildingltas huairei miles o a ?IIoad Toronto aller purciualu adiilonal stock la Manitloba ....MUr. liheeler aidsou bavefr te a a meanti sommer exportation thse otractai palatinit Ur. McKonle..M.e"i tshsiï,sby, ouesteemietimer mev boune. It la la al-dam, bauds. chant of lise Glosais alois, in avay la FoOTEALL.-A ssiorad Junior u Toronto a rcibDga large stock ai aprIma of aur mobool bo's pIayed Ivo'teuma aitise nd susmer goods. Loimeville 50h001 boi' S0on Stmrday laI. CHiUCEMOTUs. &- lRev. D. BMeDonah Thse reault wvm neayvtctary for tise pffleced buanbale saumon lasi Sabbats KikIeld boa. Tise 5amloi tersscOrlns . . lg l isePnbIekacsres as Juaios8. G OI ojalaimai" uit trm tiZI a minire, gth beadui by tise DllI4uLf beu busAs thse laesla r rasr w tD.U coeded te thée grave. Tise fumi ce Ieft tb. boume a Proceeditothe rmb' terisaboring g0euaui viere th@ebu= a service aitihe Or"mge ader wua readby tis districtchaplain. BeV. Bro. Hassad. Aletiseh@grave wme IlUod sud the serVie over thse band fstrueis up - 8weet bye ma bye.fT 11eUdecoaesèdti ves a widow mS" Are ehildrnta moura Iheir bosa.Tb*e nelabborbond mnu lo'i a gond miel ubo, whle botis the Oa&mmortie, and th~e Pros. bytortan church h.à. lit ra ,uistent mem. ber, a saalon.i chrls'Iaa an.!i a wzoo<I mat. no wasai alauread y ta ht-Ip 1.1 alekam and tu chrmtisa work. Tih. w;dow ami taml!y have the a5ye'îp4thy eft the whole -Tt 1-4 reportpd 7ht. Rfis"a léi movla R more trc>ap),aon Iheo Au4trj! ro.te -L3idoa Truth @&i.: -Thr r. e.m be no Ifielh q-i"t<An i. a1i'>te It 'f -a trigua, The Dilk-nt N i'o L -. ,r- I(sJe to Cutwurattuloàte lwPop.. un hi% j-d>uee* ]go useti the te.t cf hi- oil-i-l pu u urge on, hi inc.i4h~-~ aecl<al. c-rfr ii' .~ bed1-, (4 IZc f Hl- t i u Ire. Dayt> 'O it.Vt-r à.àe . c' a i ut hum. aii lu *4. i d liiwt¾s, ':no00be 1.1iIjt., h'r.Iî . .r tLj-açr- L'r t ~'CI~t h'~~vi *fi ".Autres na~t~î,o-ui. S ai.xi mUare th ~ d u, .1bd 1t"~'~~ r. Giad. et. Dý1 Uit ht.hrW . *r iia p.rimet1.mi,%.er hit ah,,, w xi i t n uy go to lt:'ti' f. r ali.t'a, bat tg) 'ht-1c e r "orld if :h'yppt.vc~.~.u.l ta the pr*neeCo fd rr--, i convert S.4tu (;th$a be net almaI to a ihb. c 66Tht%!o!ry wrth over L r Rardo1lh Churrhilï'A attarit nu tile t2uvrumout,q e'.Iletq G-arg.j W. Sini'irey ta The NMe York TrHuuf., "h.s olyýtdia aur. Ž4uch mûre wotf 4 hav- . e,.n h<..xd o! t had xnot tbe pz-1p,*î'> 'à - ."tinat the. ni.tonii~aû~~put L-izid 1<ritl.ph for a timeout <?tcurt. N> ,»utiicr:tatie anewar ta th4e p.at-e b ha yet s~ r..if4g; novr la it C!.nar what Une ther Parn.-liirepç Meain ta taÏe. Ta ,.ayt!iattbe pop.. la lnterfttrlne lu poltties aud ianmut he k.'pt wlthtn hie r oper idomti.1, ihlch 1t faith and nmrala, abut an academir an% ýqer. The pe's circular J 1,i. .~'.e~to th'- R;:, Cath-. ile lh.~p%-P! Irelaand, à%' (1 .. 1opy ot it sent ofliciailly to each. It 14 #à déec)ratila hy the supreme conizr-":.4tion oùf the baby Roman andi uaiveroal iqitIrcon. firmeti andi approvedibv the boly lather," andi theretore oftiflal auth-arl1y upon the conscience cf gaond Catboltea. "The ques- tion oftilre.t Itoreiit.ia, wbat will the olbb. ope dot They are ordered ta admonasis prudeutîr and effccxIvely, thu ettrozy aui people. They are erpecteti teace tàMa the elergy obey andi enforceobr'dtence uiaon the peopie. Mauy ef the clergy are leaders la the eatupalga wbIlh tii.' league vagesl against the law. Whi-t MinIaznor Pers lco sa-w anti vhat led bta o urge t"i course upon the pape was, that Ilf-the prietts couId be taiscuout clt f tuécombla- alloua,le panter would be reduced. Thse circulas la directed extaree-IÉ. aizanat the plan cf campaticu andi bt» otting, nôt againstet l. kgiu urbie thé' Irish orme&s True, answer the Engllhl': but suppreo the plan of esmpalgo and boy cottlngr, andi what hi ermeis et the authority ai the Icague 1 The managers of the lesgue have of course, n' Idea of lettioçt thît poworfu argan!zâtiona o ta plec-e hecltue the pope as they sy, has $zone ovýr ta the band. lorde. Bu t tey weii know that îhey are nov confrorated i th oDoi*:ion of a very formaidable kil d ntioe de-Aeloa muat speedil>- b. tare.n" ateek Noete. -Gel roue route bille uit Tua l'os-r priating -Stock-breede're i'houMlOli.'k orer the aile la TUE POS~T tts week un paeea t and 3. -MIr. M. Bayd & Cos large ahiptunt of Puiit«l Autiu4 Cettie-- mone 60> cr70 hetid-to tie Chicao NI" sale vil taise pisice TuedWy neit, sud%% Ill ho an lateresting em-er.rta loveran fins stocks. The bord lu ureqnl',c on the Amerlean continent. The uamm il» wilI b. brouitht te Lindsay by stf amer. -On Tuesaay of ibis week .1r. Ch'arle Bart. 1.11 secured frtrmM.Jamies >tryquion il ho orti wara a bandtane dask lv<y cuit by ifelmot Star, (Di).by Jllmont, 461t. rfl i0;rdi or ut' waod, anl sd muny others lu the thlrty liai. b)am. by (Ureen Mauntaîn 3Maman, -- a haîf-sister to Houeat Biliy. 2 24, and i:'c,2 :13. The "younieter' lu a tldy bit ot ho'.d a..nsarly tva ytars oldl.,od ftrhiâ wt y tf m.olug- t fiter with té- ruttlcin m-.?-a, '.zico due hlmn frrnt bath aideà i fthé parent'al tï'-*'..'houid. la the near future ho hoarci from %,idx credit 10 hiaeli and hie anoestore alike. l'rite primae, buhyo ro Msafely wager dollars tn-.dimiea tisa hceat Charley ovser a c<uuie ut enwries at OpeaSprlm »Iha. Tise Ope susring show of horses sa" balla wua held at Lindsay cn Saturdar last, anti wu aie cidei suceus. Tisera vwu a very large atend. mms of fermiers forsen fins a dur. amdi'nen favrable ta Uein l !erpe. la importai

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