________I 1~ WinLm!ouAau, 8Usýtu:Rm AaeMIOAN ~aI * .dsosAmv, 8WWiowa I=nf esusC o;,wogu luts «A SUlS sipeié lofue 10- 1" tk SeuM ~~p1tlonramlp cfpitu5& $1S, Addv'. Ilm Fm lUT; o i De - mo" l'lr -M. od e7wu - ie-le aOM a >0m1. eshmsa-4d Y iMX 1. eM&f th Ii-ît nt erba -e -uugli md ug re 01Sohf4 ,Itld e p hoev o rPis. 5 n s u a sd 1per te. Ptho-e tmrat himN tiusrnsth 11E NIN EDCIE S.* ISoUeto IA.Nfr. W 11 ueet&ita4 inceefavoabl w-ll. -la ule ntepat twl en ri,(lÎNftiY, V(Ir tiAYm.i«utAY 1, llxh t Ii S'cýotri . (SIN I>ARL4-IAM N 'Ii t t o 55m lNs.lm.N? thheviini ~ fu'j ti-a ma te-C 11115 hie» hrut hefoi'e ofhe Si h h~Ille iylien1li(ron.îaîî>fr Lin cohMi, an j sit~rely o tit tobIs effrts n the fir'tiîile ~ît thr hf justice dn o Mr. * r t ttîitii1111ein t.h nipasyothe t i ein hg, rîaîlletiîîî nf his ont-at:anbroht umiv tin t lito! Mrs. <wanltlàit i4idof nu ia .Nw. a shot t mmc agse lo ntîs e.,in. I VIS. dît it t(- dat aewtîi the se cf a. fia' I llfiiii it' t ît- nI is. (-inowu ck.Asl l>-i Ili vt~iri -hofAi gentîiet the gaer lUI. tiiiik -t-îiî u-isiîî >v u on. thr fianceé- ilt Ii îîîîto 1 t.ilt-îko itis sess(Iri ttn y the iluSi wiîîî~ivo lie iliac rt.itai atapremmt-a o Î~îtle r Ifmint1Mr flani-yk '4 rali I 4:t.lie i îav <111 rae ~n for haway ro- 11111 liic nudesîpps -wwas o Jilfi-r lue 1< tldievidîanreh rnnf tht il-I;--Iqfsl itl or thei f at ho arasonh ,, ~ tihi rs<l-w I i n . i-i l i i" i n~it aat Im. iif of Itase bwch 1n eméploye thlent stiîîotuet.herle: t-ho ba lîtrfi was. .413111vuthIf reamon for grattinii ~~su. Mi -ut e i-uhîWhat wam.that romî' feli îîî VIvas tlite Nid, harrowing -~ î-îîîî..¶îîîî-s iiul-r hi-r hushanil ;- î i s tîui in thbe casmec Mis. t.îîîii'1nsthey'did in the case of INIS. I î Ul-3 ~nu theruewh. t ad<une DioLrs uw-tîiy slîoeuld, on flie very s-f - Sililt- iLl~l&iiiulutanifor hthe- selPf-saine viut.Ifiu rtl i4inui M.t4tykcrt-) baser 1.. It n -uiî -% v --esai iduiîtne t iî .e - wIîji-li. Mr. ( iîlork ni.bs et-i e. ~ ~ -IltIi- liii ise alltiv -tute for, a nionient. ho r-al Ms. îîaîîoî-tsowil staternent tr 111t1i-lir -)flpso!thme irc-uin.tancee 111j1-1. lij-i l hi-r hISliftlltI et lus sKM j la irniii-r1 unr lie-- lîîshiind i»-lr toê he l aitii.ilijgi - ilul SEgo Ntri! nrît ilttri'stqihy 111l'lit iiîtîirî w Wî ereprlsui--anù 11)t igi %je Ilhi hi <st Wilit-nIvoWC lt-lt, M la .nê-s lnti.-u.- n f 1nw what wl' golngto tiui% tiuîl it i l thlnk It wute rt-!iîly uIp 1 'i-:ifil'4titr.gt iagUr. MYWu1114allt Ufi.~tuiutsîi.and ila elefC Wh théhouso Ii t - uît îik i. Wlth hlîîî a-idwe walkedt * ý ~4 ý'1e l l ly et a few ce- rn (iltlî Mr. R keri> la hoplng -that the %C 'hétier ber lhuabmnd wmor waAaa O 1 enlY of thegoverniment ab the ur1neý of tY bon. friend i Cbs rgme Gowm&Ulk vusta thal time, If flot teebal. of tpM'th ruetltUée o fle CO7ennient, EWhon.Mfled Jom Llneol réadtheyéeentwbhh va Nisi phi 1 Tthi W th premob"le Remeut showi that Mi.Govsnlo £0t aon lae teo oêtutssm WIYieh IMwRasto b. <ftflnvahîabi, Ume:t. the OhIIdum Oq* h ~au»b.IW TaifeelIng of s-marine, enu experianced Iu Uie sprlug, ismuts fis. a .luguh. ccuitiotc41! Sli biotd s-litit, lieingImpure, dame n1104 qulehens-it lte changine Mn- à er@a araspasla, liy viSa. lisug nulciensl glielocd. Mrongilima ad la- vigorale le aylni-95-l. Thbe ùmannea nt ltse ms-Ada-I bhaitsn oea orf marriage ltaIs-eh. EtI-HBos- ntououm mai -bmesience cf s"IMMrbulias maie uai utderful prigressilu-modern limas Ibh" te msimileste mmd delcale ssltI arc os- uedowtsen-and ecai rici lu> eusfut isue. Os-toe I mes- aS-u s-ml auttemllosteci casesets-bac a les-m s.asmutsu* mosony - 1h51 llà b sa-, lie remuvai mi t dussi pet. hos-ever, titi.* detic"eopestilon hite ommolmm u sureaf uly perfomi hei. crIais ahlnding it src me grensd Imtheahnmca cfraavsry no aigbtb Ib i fev.Old mUs ld te. s-he sateat niaite Fnmmtp- t4ve cas e ata use Dr. Pleresi Golden Nod"lulDis- ooVeMy. Ib18 s-lit&lms-upc unl"s dieu»mein ts asrlier lécme, ltrc..i ree~In, *a ras-ages cf the tervIbiaiualy. byrm»ulsg Its eamsendmai ia- t'I s' sakimuai tota am itltren. Nos-ons ofý lts. -uta te- knuri mes- IbMoaugegeti migities-Uson over liu is-tp hie buieitouici camasof Itmnhs ts foUa'Wlg teeimiltfu-m &aidy bam bss lofis u5h1offl a y iaer 1 Mes tdihx» s-ent ontt%0bol omaetif ouapls 1te Imecs mmes iii Mi vas rciicvietIOucm. "oiuna m ffleafor Mas lit mul'sV~d.Lup Tb SUb a aiumsi"s b p-l- eaD. u, l aso 'isu sasi t us tua m aSutepw lbeme PIwh~~ Omwds GAK43&N~ ,. 7* uNuP.. lAVr NÂ4L leu. 1 - 1 usaI tmaeE wuu sgm lia«thIaï ltsu nnletlievfla iler" ,s 1 tlink lia m Gevalosisie ta"b.Iuimit h. m u w.- -se iofDelae SURURUI ummo lIlb. gvmia tpa ... lu -W«7= me liai the de ot uusfi la puseln. b eanet eviieve mal ubtldàren im * £»-hobute a u ôtenPiPftii 0s-rammt.liaflih« lia.Jauneci. lad thiiehIula v-as W sio atoisa pensio osM sett i =««à idf bu tbrothSeli l N. Job wuaies em d a-LUM one a mahte uron& 1ni. U.a W antel a pension because of hie ermiant servie, té. scIence. ýTh be o-wmliathe rule inn« laflexible thathitpere at e Urne of bili deailamuai aeMmUsy lbs là zi emloy 0flb ges'meu as nâ been litaI bthe hon.m iifo Ottav (i Wi hlai meniberson both ie f i m vi idn, hearWiy It rsupportlng lie goverament la il ho Mii. Gowanloek te l me e i ?ls was grntue lirU . flls E 1ýPabp the honh. M-ember for L ina(. yei stated v-bat 1 amn atraM la -cornect,Cbti if a pension l ated 1 ts. MGov-anloek sqhe wiUi not rpermttd, ovîngieo the mrou* trouble isud axWy -vhl hot WgM frdl inte North.wesi, t. ea»ly lu t ry long.- 1holi thie. heu». .111grant It t her,, Md wviii la that wvqpererm n a st oa sim jusEAUtA Ye. la mie boume m ommouSW mbu ahut Kr. R&romislu-I bw."mbasehsulesiy la te ismunba mi thébon, membroff lm*.Noifoli(Mr. Dwh)M d 1. am hsm 111eupb.oud te Lth %bu liemas m o runce ti Ie fait0oU S itebulimn of Canada oenflsotémlertroada ofonlarl. 1 Iini, ii,i m a esaseuive cf an mao a>mciusb lie abouté bas. dwelt wmrnesa ou tbt ur.lTidui-i wui sabit lite lon.gentliamen if b. tiwt w dm lelPsrA ofhediouion. Ifltho " I eaum saa Muui about l. ;bossuas f 1Ihine t maSer s-as ot lrly, put by tIbiou. member sWho lquastion.uthou l otg ublg ac lic Mimir aht p fae1inon ltes ofpou*I e oftheboule sam a lon [la reimertinenlteathe ques tibresun. Nsr.eSrra-1I lt ag i s I bonitm.tsii-s-ho site le Mv rlght . In ma jtug lta la se tlte DO. mInufint m&"naa chnisst4d te rauls-ys bemiasdb> the province cf Ontarlo Vr chir sa dotng Iboy deprlved teuemploya sud lt 0= 18 omu f tête nllwayâ cf onlérlo 09 a iaw vitich, Pave thon carlalnly. mois protection ditua by baue under any Domnion set, Au my lion. fricil an my riglit saja Ibmyhart no protectioti ai ail under amy Domis aonnat., lupu s-t it MI frimmi Ste Mr, hghu tbat it làaapityltati te boa. geMtlamab sho lia lntroduesdIb tisbill la not iw te bonns So-alcbite = emtsil. 1 ruect-luisemion asimilar bitt vau tnrdcdby the bomgentleman toasdte euh cf tao sesulon. Wliy Ils-run nt roduced tit laie ta Ibé mouton cannaI lie undsrgtooi, exempt for Ibm esuson, thâaItil ue nrta uirhlsbue houlit baume las. It doua- appâers%,a tme tIb vrotéMrng Ibm bil ou tea acommiteauch ait ii- propuou, ltaI cth. latu-t tion la liaI htt';i noetliscome lao chiasou,sud 1h51. employés.oon rai iroads lIit Shave Ibspro- tection tat Ibey huit under Ibe proviuncial aet beloe tie rails-aysof Ontarioe ue. cnfIl«ed bathe bmDo. minlon. Nows, mir, dhfferent gouentan sho baes Uoken have palett! u% noms déeuta $bat m@%tel& Inte Su i nlrduostl. One chu c hat te billdmoanot pîviefrst lt isovebdrde I6las at,! heiv & t il overils the camsin thu province of On- tario have shown, tlitIinitheieucae of uoaly eb @-ne liaif of lus raiway liema.théblralmmehave ndo. Setion:Item ovsriead bridges. 'laiteforitance Ib iiand malts-as. Tihe Grand Truxik ral»yo-arnr lm Ibm leaaes af chaI rouit, sud hu e scqaitUicehbts- ion te raaese theoveihmuitbridgese te mproper heiiglitaboya lrie top#.of. th. cars 1y moofIo statute isqutringt he.os-uer cf tie bride tWdo no. Thon %,&alth ustatuusrcqiuirea ibm rails-i compati te raie the bridgre-ta Ies proper hiight ititn twmtvm inontha afier lte p"geof he nembuobltai pro. vision dou e mm e mcainote I ldiautrslIsy, hoee ue mGrand Trunit afluiriecitairosé mort than s jeualder te paalng cf te se% t. ia- id chaS a cause cf merlonsainjury sail smemese deat exise on lhe gret lneiiof raills-y luithei country, sanu tholelaneremedy provided liv las-. Tîterifre I1lth I:itla i. a téon. getisnl whe tnrodSd hisbil is l aelait, ailand te tlit ace, e no a ithUe boum% elecu o.li sould have reoelected chaI A drev. lima attion Wo Ibis matattrsmissiuon l ie dr ltai lo ieatIirodutas u ta tebil imone legilatilon ta meet the serion se i have. ipen et.. inSd thc h ii 1t a aioefeotive tru hot providtug fer a suflient apaum IthIbmsmlitoa. 1 belleve ltaàs ttc 1111 proviuies ChaI they shall bu <ipomoit liresInchmIt s cmusc ho apparent ta auj hou, gentleman th%& danger lissus ltly gW reaulitrot thoui asiobos asenos- rosultâ Irotesfroge. W@ lnos- how numoroun àsali-y enioloyes aare ttse Présnt timua, Ouy s-bois ceuntry let honoycomlied.s-lithrail. rost, und lieuare nie marly s greal mmy sot- jayjandth ieir occupation la a very dangerous ons indee. Theéfor, 1 tink tat l, t4 nvotvlng su Il doms such an important malter umaSc el- cf humun lDUe ahot*id b. taken up by te govarummul., Lot tbem fÎoîkus itee onsmipte mci by, Ibm oveamenl il théo lon.-Oliver Mc cal, U Ibm>-have doue cmother aceiui ni laeIhemnSt* .conîrot cf and &mue ael ronnunibll;y fr Iis vorv'important mesuré. Mr. Tisuale-TeGeitoraialway mot ruguWslaat lie brige%, Nsr. Burto-If my itou frimn itI -l ta"alte trouble ti rendithIbmunsa.tcf Ncughlu s-mheicGrand Trunli las-utoe r e lnge mL4«t maao" tbca ireu.AsW. Ilb r * : T<dm t iokoiasd ereporai lm.Auau. Don b naia ~ nymiaw Com .i ma"lu -WeS.NAUAOI NOW Advrieet CIUmil PBTURU T OLiIR-k aaabvilbseb Me lM, i09i tea paese theua oase aum l sal IIm . slp Mt la sc ealta dssraa" s-lle fer is ""t slav 05 mifuW= _11W JFM DRMI I SK» .1AT DuWi<ETgiVIaLE,-TUSbu j in - vlag oas B Dwuvih ilbug&u. tel 8'le pa*, SbasI pli. u caIaieil! smOutea i u uirai h ust RODNOTION. m ie 315luql l 0O NSW-À PE M" lum nsSuAtmja soml àfr I j- "«r-r-w ~& ýF StiII -Keeps to the Front, Ha KYLIE, PEOPEXETOR. Uti asu sa ttensdalsitioui offsets dmo.oommenclng husinnml Ldasyr ba uvelmy usiulg 8momiofour bMentis in the bainme a Utle uneujuoes. Ticy fiel julous tua Inlth"vi ame lsas-ug lien ssy behiati lu the rem, Mant t vendes t. themailssho, Iàlliai, u lieugi liieitimem:selong in the business, thl diedt umm tbau alome-liu,' haamuse tb à ataudalL Butt he"take u=> mm ne ad ms-rtis. sud mai the publie la cmezbk and déal ith them sud moi b. dmduarui ,'odiun. The. abJeailnobbg thman d tii7 comnime o e rak. But lie people voui be tielvet. Y"stam.e aiubboru ibam n d bsudfl that aimy buainea is imemulg rapidbr evemy ey psiprovssooolais-ell thèt myvor laires lie 1usd. Tii pprielom oet Lvery Stablus shoulti be, sud are, iraI-clamajudgeu ot Véelof t effy Iemrplis., andiI elis liaiIsupply tient vithi more voui la onu year lisu lie mm" urdouslu fis-e, andti la lu o o ov; andtise:ui act as op" apusis volusfr My Elbiamn Thomimmnpsy for Iheli ixpenence, an t is kuov viere tii.y gtel lis avalus for lieïu mouep. The c»caer tllei.cus liai tiu doNt=kmaeny changes, nar doràl mund to- th" merunning slong l inte ou, rutusud vw il lunvi tien there. 1 arn oom- etantly maing mage-isipîug sau-t et lm-alwsa ias-m the very lattât Inmos-umelandi mevusi Ides&% and viii continue le nuire chanstea andi impros-. mmtan sd viii is.pnoni bal the but muahanleame» n kaaltre ; anti I vil!bock up my palatea, vooti-voîkean sd onraage-ironera agalaianythlng tiecaaeea turu oui of is esabUhsminl, Rvus-e, Ii. not oui vii fainatvertiaing or in our buiuma deain ho lierferin la n»var vili ou: neiglibor iu îhe',trde, but if liey In"la uo"m mddling wita oui ahirs wu ar-e prepaie to le met tieux su» way thep vsml le. MymsimIin o build up a rputaion mound to-nousein, Canada, asd1til mhappy le uayp liaI no fer Ibhs-. suoseid ey-ondm epOZ allna. I have nov ln cours et~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u oesdolmVhou te emdusrpilou tliaenuot b1»examileti bp an» nor equafflutiby fe a intis pur t fOulalo ;,and 1 mosopomfuhi invite iulmuding piobsuera le ggle me a oel sud si»t iishmails-ubefore puchasing. m " 4i «tA nifor iiielebraiu 0. B. u& B. RUAD AN~D BEEKINQ OART-tii bout of ilskUnima"ie urjuds à a utI ML R. KYLIE, Jama Kêtth. THE KARN OROAN. Iba ha Miumaev4the au~#y for Ficori OIM#erth celebatett Kam .oa'as nsaretya Wdto the Ont-@ reeebvd th.eonlv IW ser medal, hlghea £ 09Moe, aul snuseia# uthe Do<rnim <om 31 ion, 1883j, L Thsawm1h.ebauw4<sb..r awarded Orag tu 1h. DOm<ml.u.of cana"a. TUh. Kart. Orgaupala reom Me m. ta Me"sawoeld CfrJaosatîhe lv»rst. Induatr*s EoehlbiUOÎ, l'w<>toi 2%h e < ant feta * uOcdgaal. ahond eau a atm r a an/br 0 - maele& 1 I EnteMU damh.^, tu ae » aum.m homhre. s 1h. ib-md, Iherefo*'eIaon'ata mu »weAta.nmes and hese.. T~ usine. CaLs. IUL-~ lAS. KEITK, - ~S STONE. ~. - CASHl WANTEDU .By 4tILiix Xnt 100 la Sd«,erto &M *o .abo,. aromt o=rwhole MSo f iesn, Goula A"d Miuu.. Nom àan mbc.., m vil. and aid o'OveuhoMI&o., é,le :at u, n WA WOOB à"dunder. Notwithutaning 1. re mm of 006,»cU snddu*g l" aiMrOU*hyou viii and MYSoc I mua apoeiayof Our va mabeOf Kip-andJ'Ait Boots. AslI am. delsoeaid ualté b. umdmhold, if you ha,, auy moaey umd get Cuitousmd erdUId wu*kunied, en munsul t th.old *tad, .5. dru Wuuminlu Y, Joia M~Kp-Kfrkfk1~ "s ~ j CfuSuiuV~fuoeugoeu~ -~ ~~MBoB qhh fus VeMqBu IU~s.s, - -I un, v-ion ym lsv i -~ .q~ h~y vIi~ h ni au. VW ut ~bai. - hum Bon Wbslsbon~ luS a.wv-, ai in menu. 0,~ Sus on aa aihUes lisi etksn, iud - v Usy, w kenemi - i~ ~on To, mnbeeula.vuftasetleu, RiaiS lu~ dslay taisent, bai h.isg ui~ lima vilsi vil! vushu yen la povsmaumi Imalti ami J~f~b h~I sud ondisilli lu~snuk-fli- ~Sa dleE~ lai~~ le nivus= un-p,~Samx ffulme, ai itsA~ mi s ~1Ny vagues ssly wu~ SSII ~ wu~s i~. OUmIIdvm. ~ I .--~ I m~~"gh~muhq,. - ~ ~AIa Cniii~, if 85h57 UStus~ N. T. BXyj*ê____________ THE CITI GARRIAGE WORKS Rod meintoAtb--Kpkfleld MME NIEW BOOT & SUGE STORE- "rai &R M les t immue . a a" li ffle . "-a affmuse witkNea - sugd oe' Kbkfelduoh m3L ifsG-f 5W. GL &> J.MMteFr.ahadse i 54.. - ha ferree vd èoll =b= TE adZ O"krdemIWSo c nr iUets'lcsd= .71=4 m cea eaua"uas', Moi. L10 -I T~O~~DI~inOtheID. B Biltala ~ fo etl. *iu is lZAbot ver. Aiima P b* uti.Cd a ao m «e as. d mai »dmorne Se»M»e eE.Tie.c ris orna b Ta a- r teaeutgboutTece Me tobe oUe Se1 aa!busslu ies.Pi heu m ai bm.tr"Ot &q ew e oa0a0u"r at sud vil put iliba"isud h:= #o. Buull UK 0 SaRt O nel8l.l lbn ot . P qa m su d ruglate al n1. e, hlm for "The ffeAR Imm W. urms vm .11ase ma M&Mso mot.Te olb b ur a=@ ole opwr dtu mito va bua - -tuouel mut. Cash biaieloe beL6 lot svfeu ndmi alt N Iauiathé but Yuhoir Wblo. onmhuS ey ca in m finaud ~ k9M" G.L.LA,5hmln.Voc ALRA AMMONIA. UmN. PHOSMNTEM CUpLsjdm.ibs BOU CaW«Ü $I.g MOU &Mme Ms la a &mm s5i "u TwuboaCa& lai »ii W la bout erbinE Umsm ipilsmiit b . e mauasuws »ef BLAN KETS,' WGOLLEN 0C008 Vis mas Ma MM dieS vi s W..l deliorei. Ubui~ ~ b Soua mila oi% Je W. WALLACEI M - - mut M6 Moi~La-a Z"-= tfflFffl thNàu amue b u M&ssn Epio C vil sas-nbuibuhSEhi husOu - - ispelus.Abe aS-oeu i S Md t he ws-vebmi i auli 1 1 bmÉeuSm 1 iu& s bot u aÎ mvtun iotgSluie t' iî "mrbin. as-uoibmwh Aller taklag itl auomap- bor m wuemôw. Cuàrucu, Oni,, M-h 0, W-la Wl I WU cOMPlesma tua huva, mulfeI mams-m lI 16Iuodia aso ritli A 1...0 ambtis, ssa imfr t miai Illmt le cous mausialsut et blaujawo la"n GALr, Oni.. Jan. 27,1IT-ubu v siantuelvIit failiI eswufud-me us, bai auduS.s l lirer tbop» thiey Msse Me s miSapoesi glet L sidst te .esisaf utsf WsrueVu @sf.Cuis"aIhuma Ils nos. sd aller lih mtaia ebatti1llsabue Zomsly Iebase ccmIo ad WIahlng "We Sale Cam me o" sl ttr us MmuesIns.oau mutt rsmuta Sýale Cu*, amxceme ail iii. 1I veigi is-uty poued a re mvo Ia s-abaae qmWlOLD BILIABU1 BRitcK USE wA-bbkIu" ~M Ihi lm .8 It-4ltr.. hë En Miue Brow,,IrA~9 or Lub.ft.tL bm r 1%r the mmutactuu ot aiu bAnda foe.anmmUas IloSu, Achs BllE4pd.tun1 mmi Mad rumeuta. waeu1, in uSas, Nié W ndo ul&,Bu*haKeyvemuesmai man eoueCawir Brooki, Ciii.mai yOUr Orm n OtW Wndow Bile mal Cae JOHN BOND, Cobom& .Oui. anal u&i,lS-9g.I WA"INGT<) DEBTOR.S. NATS NYEmA U OTIU 488SGIaTIOU, Head offie, Kamilton, ont, oo by gi,. aoti. to aul Paut"that hav bOM notifted by its mbers gMt. wOrfrom had 0200c, tlit Wiii b. awUSffly 10 pay Lp at OUce if ther do ntvià iir credit utopped. J. maM1MILLE * aoC0 se Hamo ]MIL LÂK"' HRODUI SfERS a. . -T OU L lue (mta s dlvild ua1 > 8Z Pria 0 u .................... ...... N*mtarusdivMdleq»UaI)> 1uola d=loi................... e ï 0 *tikeëb**ts ' i * «esok. Dmwlag May ShI Race May 30h, Ulm, TOU pueot u.deduoteil train au pu .. Mdrat GEORGE C Â1LLAKE, pro>, Tl]BLIVEPOOL AND- LQNDOE PIBE .la DLIE Flx i. eii ..... ........ - lv@la Canada.... g ho as ay oe as hmoabeco lu.Te moteesc m MrmSeffêftdwIlk er wftboa mita iet rout4ftbé 01 proaugLVesta te r. 0. TAXL@E, Aumt fSUtLndm"-malCo. Vbila GIT THE BEST. THE. SNGER Mleef iyhe f muim affridalc e s 0*rai pies, ~ tebu»È byimmnaliflmoafsisu te e -rpbee ecgnzu sd th. popular Verdie« la weu il mle lai iba TWs4eamtue el OU the sewtng a& 85ub sarae Gealas iu V=inpa at Liadsay Cntrl. or iau ocua. Pauiloolaraand paleufrooe Gec" ralAnt, Llndaay. ru ' - ' - ' - , ' ' ' - - - - - -- il q f , . 1 1 1 1. 1