T 1'1. 1~. %~QuIpk#rs * ~tf~oerti~ ~oiaipoirnd eSte LWta Cou'i~, Sinus Pensas, Art 5i'OiACN. OsmoiMiA, Lame os AWIIWU, on $IADACSI. Cos8wA1'tcm os Caeruumime. u<mi~. 214001.. ~ fl~d camumeara C.B. t uci i.'st aihtetO 15.9. ery mieS toeeoaIvm. - ',~.n. ail em~it.1a8& i.m.geeuatwu~. -- Y -~ 5,-iî'UiJ",__~ ~ - ~1ielu'1~ Ue.1îetbiS~. lAYFEVEL - ié:fusM « Su b l t. o tn uto Stod > C a da r4mUn paf W'ukMeB ausd Oeatt «9.bf. Mrfr ]Iriz. }loddfiî'e CoMpoami. 'l'ake .*,~*, tes olS.1 .,ttWbhU prila., 75 OSta 9« ,rlaad f0 s id every wherei;,Prie 250cota ai 50 ouate î,Irn.wjsu. DAY,_EWAY MA 11, IIL ~VOOODU.~ "F$ToNsIN I>ÂIILIAMENT ire; bISêSomb ktel1nOMINON Bzeç'IoN L a. k rutbgg, . . - Sroulnd I-' .~ 1Z.teSA . krl hes aalitu ë1dtb t~~pi onsdIyfiraottO-,tU Impeilst &S4- Mic or abO onian.omfOe ,n Il5 "rr'Ilnird 21i thogh vs î'cî,îuiwuoli the- 2nd MayO.11 ion amOOILi J.lîîîîj'oi -Iii aending the Damin' Io.trwiu. l.I.î'îl -1hIn. ve an. gn.endment -to f the tabis . î-,t,îi» t hlie lrîi)'iCtl a,.endinent. ofthel 1, Misait mîiîr t Utie ant o-Ii.I l.m Ii~t y t lie other day. I think it Co ait rf.lP1t1y. to dte. nlnds of honi .11en M27;oa 1 T aii IX.thIl sigles-of the hou.4t% I thlnk Wu resf8 Iîîrly glîl. or prperthat it ahôuldl o >uirnat i. l*fll OfII.Iflin. gentlemen Olt thal ,2.20. I1 bletonas k w <t4111k.îîî'it'or on ti"', ïtë 4likg on the e% of n lisii Lua. ihî'lere gare, vacanceig, i" drinq th Mti. £lIu , at allai i*)t ;.i-.sit n.Somle fraîtes lrifl5 i~~iftdLi PfU.' c flr ll" atily withonut dite Con' ioigogu.ciiiiftiint.r,'st.and riglîti ofthe jik ,gry vih'.toral dk.trict, or !il other et obuarit i iliý'i. hvuustitueleIily IYhoUnrepre il bai 1 O~ cl aiiteaicdîntIIntenc nt. Pum t'nta'5 , 'î p.fe.siice, jo t'ollow the spirit,. i UroO'* ISI c-c' hilitt î*. i hip<rial Ig!station,, anli y . 111E, .utl'î'Iili itle littuse w. skti i 1ià4i. 1.1 tt 01.tl t the pia(tice Il lliîî' t î ;tt*tiî (-t tetsançnti 'i;L. tî'imitait îîîOt-i l l vd to Vif, hon-se t ai. l i 'î t l'Nrii'tŽof njig p î nrIîi'ar.i No.tr po. hec 1, -thel c,îvt w ,îperns'r luai~neh n,'i rrito W ':iî pe ii'$î.a.ker ws .reijireitlt a P,rt Puf« -i i a u' tavilig or4liî'sed ll t 1 <'il Ptel, rigstatut il e duelSbI c . iiiIi , 01t.lit a.vttt' t in ut ti iIoti iii4~.iitSIIY. ,'-cu' il l ir te spiit or ntu<~i 1This boe Ait h ii I ,igiiii--ttce peî'iutot'foi ýi lvas ,irt.Ieel dto-a îferiod of-ta A 't ccii i sny ar. giîleniiflwlug ,ili, alv. lit. wihI secihiat. the' prttaitl .:sIi' ti tthat it. I ie'.cary tmLi' t i Iîr in îrdî'r ta expetilte t' 0 k ithic.i' vwtk.r k rt' i s lie 5f.1 i Iwi hIl(-il rer'iitp nia cr itlec. EU ;rriictaiilt Le' î'lrk(if te crowil Iniii h iiiicit. îlic"ut'lil. warrant -"foi iii 1îrce~'Ldrit xpditioti <nci. I i.iii.ipt ut t i i W l'EIlt, lM «0 i ili tact, 140 îîîîpurtat Ist (tg)!c'i -lieun .. t oi'.',t-41 tièt fiii-til. orany îh'lay lu ihe tra (11c. .0îiiliî.'ei. Nu'"Solon L4 1:w c['a. cit li'. ll the (b tIi t IJ. i c.ci iu iîi tlîî'ht t i li'eIflM 5' ~î.î hcht îc".Iî t"sti tîjihfavitîi' ~-ci2flin ut lio. "ntlefien ini fmr m 9 taxé ~h# cent et lS esle. -la Ite us4e, b igueneud to thé e pesherla Âuff-tg r ue ht lb. wrlh wus net lasuci nUl te si ou ber f6olvlbebg " 9 fOu mmonis bave ho aesouil. ov va il t Ibis period ocgfourmenthe ela.psu&-atter the w»riaIv. IssusA hl Speaker ho (à. eler>. Ofthe ra àuel1~Vte vint vas im-adi ticWc4 tok lae s b* ib Juay, M85. Thua there assPalcA cf11#. montbs dunlng whiéh thatemcoushthUfllremalnd uurepr- Nated.1 hhlak the govermneut eboiu sccowst fou ualt delay. They ahould almo mêcme -for tlé, undue haut.e.xbibted la the camof 1he Shelburne-elehlout. lIbat case, Lise judge certifted làanthe Oth Noveas- ber, 1857,n th L ri u dated oulise leth November flinowln âO tLiaI6o117 a prtod of ahi. days elapsed betven lhe tîme when th. Speaker received thé. urifi. -ate from the Jndge and the Iaanlng ot the wrll. ov I hr vscniedy delày la, that cas and a6e #mnJe.la th. cse cf DorI!IOL tIThse retenît watt thah thé delay ln th. case of Shelburne betven the lime thé Imige co.rttled. te Lbe Speaker and: lhe lime the eleetion-toc>. place va. oeilone menti and six day., wherme elu the other tva cases 4thé delay W48 four mcnt.s and lave mnthe respectIvelY. Ta>.. the case *of Glosustel' vicisIarre ted by lhe bon. th.é-'omitmater Gneral. Ilu Ihat came, (heu. vas stili greater haste fdtsplay- ad, thse jud ehavîn cprtlife4 an thée :id October, 18%7,-:sud tbe wrlL havlngbeeui Imucd on 1h. fth October, 1887 ttc (bah It tocuoly tva ,days for tie jdlea certill- cite Ze re -the .Speaker sud lbe certili- caLe, and -lb.warrant* of the Speaker to reach the cheir> cf Lbhécrova ln chancery anud the ime, botveen th. date cft1h -Judge'it. ert fleate sud th.ehectioa vas .oniy twentvllour daym, as conipaued viLh four or five nianthe ln the fluaI tvaw cases h ave givea.> Thehs, taile te case of the 1 eounty of Cumberland. ln viicis only oee 1monLte elarised. between- the Iuduie'ncertîli este and'teè elct-lon. Taire almo Lh. case ,oftifaldittafld. lInithat case teé Judge certili ,on t1h St ctober-, 1887, and tle writ v;was dated the 2,lth OCetobe-r, 1887, so that unly-ninie dgym eiapmed betwreen lbe date of' the juilge'if certiflcate and the issaing of tihe writ. and only 28 dayie alto- ,gether elapcmdtl tefl thée date outheb .Judge'ts certilfate and Lhe election whlcb t-eok place on the l2tii of November tollow. 1lni. Take the case of Victort N.S. Thbe jndge"e ceitlflcate watt----ec the 17(11 1 jetober, lt*17, and thé vuit wa Isued or 1thé 04th Octotier, tshoiving *adelay of anlj . oyeen day'c. Andthe election vas bheld on thée 21It Novenibet', 1t47. Lbirt.y-foi dauthflh ciar,%ngbet weef the date -t tht 1ju dge N r ertit cate and the date ofte e 1L ion. Theil, take the cme etfEBut Nor thumbierlafld. 'Élie Jtudge's certîtlcate s'a' .dated on the llkb N'ovemnbeu, 1887. Thi -wrlt wiu. Iscd lverv hasmtlIy, Il wax liue( ..witlitwt'lVe daym,"on te t$tliX&oveuîbttr .and the eleetloxl was t beld on lté 22ni .i)eremIter, htM7. only ttir-ty'îi4x dayses lapm igbetven the date of aud tecertilctt l' ud i tlie day <if elertlofl. tl ho caue oi Ilrin(,e.Fdwaird eûutnty, the rertificate e t lu' jiige was. datcd the, Ikit Fehrulary , l81<, te writ wa.4 l.itic<l on the '>"n .Fehruary, i 1". thirtecil day' elapsln, between lite .ldge'a certiticaite and li date of te Wrl adthée éection vas bel, o) telth rdthat .11,thirtycday Lafter r thejutige's certhllcatc. lunW&o 1 1 c'ex thie -udgt'occ'rtitlcaite va-. date t.Ile LtIt.il Fehrliary, 1888,and ILt 1Y toc - two daiys f'or.-that certilicate to come t tOttamia I ivpoqi4t inorder tota rui tti i- Speaker". 'bandie, and fer the Speaker t pisue lii.wariant ta the cherk of thé croc'. kini cltartery, and1 for.the edurk th ie crow I ie 'haucryto issue bis writ for a ne -relection . Whereue, la the came of Yarrnont .it.-t>uk tbree nuoiith'e, and lante casei I) orlu'ster four niont*ibi. Then, take tI elrame of iL.orn40ption. Th.e ijuc1gt-"s certit cg(ate Isas dated tue 3.-d Mairei, 11*48, ar thbe writ va'. isetl on i iltit Marcli, i dr;ay-' only lpift and thle el,'ctlil, toc gl place cet, tilt 3rd Arl 18,only thir I'ARV.4elapfit be tW'enithtie date offil l udlge's ertitlicatt' anil ie election. Noi M it tuIta.'w ca.1 hs lere the tite bas bei shoôrt, it is a very pecuhiar coirlde th 1 tlui'y are electoral idistrIcts returniqmet c 1 ers toi MUppbit lthégovernimeuit; but, toocse. rbert' great aîîd serons dela bave tak-en.place. it t'. another peculi di, eititlCit't? ethat tUîeyare conm. ttueuci if whi'h '.end rnt.îtubcri here ta support r id -hlO". fricnd. front Quelice E ctt.(Nr. Lande if %,eh dela is 4-1.la flne cahe., a- ocase, it 1is e'videîtt that tittre tibonid i mune 'ainienilet t tathe lawv, and t tir la .Mttirnent whlch I ask te bouse-ta adc bel1 . thé folloWhi.Ç,: or uin hîc ci a ut vcclfCY happening- lu i ofuati1se of jeiititonls by t.he d<esth of. ztn.vveml r- or n uhe'r, arct-ptlfig an%- ti o b 'Y ment of any ' mumiOr being dec.lai'ed .oiul tin, ite flic I>oiliiofl (ontrètO'ttEleCtioflht Act( Li cci (ý't a4 1à the flt'St stcc-'ceilà ecelolal1 mx j.itt!cd for>. then and- In -eve such ai lthe i frténomilnatton of ciai iimes gitall, in tii ,,i'tnt'ldith t'rit14 of the' ;îruvIttcîs of Arit ug t ut:iiii antinlicthet' iiti.ti'îl ettriit <of shah-hae. ascîrift, law. and ini'thoc tlte. - ïk u aS ,a Iae poketibot gIn, nie, fr a m.ett. '.pe&k of theceta n ~ ie4, or t a se oýf Kt-nt, la ord rgw 'w I hw o t'lays bave OereCm m1-it iq oa'oid t itese.delàay4 nteie~tr~ ~~a'Lldttrict.L uii e:xt' 1 i Caad, bl btlntwettty dayu ahur the : d h hehouaiet cammna hii hare o 1 thua>, If Ibeme amnnenta are adaPtcd by (Iii. committee, and by the. bouse, tbey WU ein t.healb. era initèet of the euUre mw o *mis> ow&. Pur the firmit md $"oy pve>a buumtiffl BS*Ie NO ucstaêhwtte qasutybas ulhbed »UsWthe four de n"s gie 0rW? ba speu of iue.,ov da?.Alitheu>.lât rudle est hnahily they a a Pul y iounflA"..Vo calter (taeo àbtig i Bru ob 'aire uIc. tronUaru Bobbyf or'au11111e bla(Dr aud. llThm wutan ba trum a theny. lsuthem otgulr nem sttromu Caltermie t Bey? Eoh'0 Ma , miul, tb"uu niai. oe r s. as abu aio Uplichsp.iatUpJ -1be bot haiPoremiuleMt rCa:n' UTauuuTbhIter.. he bogiatrassmn . Larg< bor atiy. En1c.2leaetp nàià Dseu àgobru hlt al u"*,edont>'orcnnom Jr a 1' Maxing181t mlstI thng us apor whucarb.a 1ilb -orer brut. oai menghe. s>': Ctrt iamn b tcrh m.tmanda afe*m e the mal le S >oitt or damo c g his laee-O nt Oelâaltamoe the diay, udport b cde re ouin inry. Mxmsnth't utte Ca EAGLE8OI'~ BOOTS9 Sec km lzs wki o ai Fasiiionableý Exainine le Syls i Quality oftem wko wait genuine, durai gloe~ftiig, ear-resisti; BOOTS, Don't go by wit livit kakii lai tMe: Tizose wh'o wa an.>' wake, coinl):nOU us ait), style- if 1Drin uai flease yoI selves., Tlwse w/ti Byoots ai Mie Righýt Pt cern get booted ato teir tire satisfactifl ai De EAGLESON 'c g- te- TI I * C.;1 i ~i4 ~II~ te ~ ~ Il n 9se le Wg or Vir- r:ce mt -. -~ -. SWnfaits mmd Obllda. laie .wddâme RE CITY.ARIG WORKS Stili lKeeps to the Front. Thse sonceus (atbai ,.tlencled- oui efforts ince coasmencing business, inLindsay la evideutly cauaiug ictua cf aur friende ilu thse business a litile uneaineu. Tboy fel jesios ta think tisaI v are leaviug them, a.ay behin inlatise race, Md thhy vaudou la theum ahoy iLt is h#,, altisougi lire. times as long ln thse business, they dou't 'eca to gel along-LiteY have comne tu à standatilL. Bu t they take caour- age ani adrertise andusk the public ta came back- and dil vith Ib. adntit b. decuived b>' atheru. The ahoe ia piucising thean sd (bey commence te croak. But th. people voa'L b. dec.ived. Fâcti are atubborn thingi, andtihie fielt t My batiness in increausing rapidly every year proves co'nclusivcly liaI my vork tuakes tise tendi. The puopiz jeton of. Liver>' Stables thtsald b., and are, firat-cis judgem ?f V'ehcles of every leciptioti, an'! I ciitim tht I auppi> ' hem with miore work in one.pear thaa lhe.croakur does ina 6v., and th&',lunuit? owu tata;; and thie onue fact aioe. peaka volumes fur my Ettabliahmt'n". Thoemou pay for their ezxpeice, and tliy kuot vier. lhey get tise best value fGr their money. The . craker telle ne thuit they doa'h maire oui chau'gps, nar dnr.'t latendti l- they aue runung along in tise c11ruts and vo vili bave- tien'thore. I am oua- s(antly rmaki 'jni ues-ketpiiig abead cf lis. times-alwaya having the very latent improvemente an.'! newest Ideaq, and viii coatissue t te mtkle chan-ues un '1improve. menti, and vii keep ucune but-tise. beat mecheuics umney Cen hre ; and I will bock. nu as» paintrawcoclwnrlàcesaund carrLage.iroue'U ag-aitiet anylhing the croaker eau ttn cul cf hilsteablihment.I-îwever, it in ual aur w!ah in atvertising or la ou buslnu«slig ttc interfère ln assy vi.» vitisoi:ueighbor ini tise lade, but if i hey wsist ipeameddling vitU aur affaira e vo reprepared L toimeut heni an» vay lise» vaut ho. My aim la ta bnle up a reputation second ta nûne ia Canda, ani 1 arn happy teoea ta a o fer 1have ucoeded bttiond nsy expeotsttonsl. 1 have nov in course of consructon V chialas of everyu>'ceritiôn.(lia cannat be ec-AIe1ud by any nor equalluti by feu lu Ibis part of, Ontaro;'and- I maont respeotteLary. inivite intendcig purchasere lu give me aa eau andi s&Iiafy ,thiselven before purchacing. I1am alimaAgent for thes celebrateti 0. B. - .ROID AMND BREIKINO. CART-th. but cf ils kiat moide. - . - -- .u a - n qu9m.EIDS*are und@&?, Apff 2; 19M.no91 L.- 7ODCDNNCD' ÂRRIÂGE aid WÂGON WC)RSl Etc7 L O'COYn,%OR vould respecifuuli 8>19ail rpqsxùltg a fini clats J2b e 8:e al hl$ lino (O cati aud me. fer thitlenl and tot ks e hubggel y ib ly.îouaed lnd- bs~ latht Imorîat iuiice.Ir ahout, a .oqttuicu ailaitpriaiesfor inferlor geais, .but à fatprice fir oulptior and reliable work. dr r oi I have now on havid the laroa>L stock 1 ever hat and! orileinueeo lal fait. 1 have Top sud Open Pt iptoin.,.Top sud other C*,rtsaitedinl wbleh I derfpcomuOlteon li a «mat var7oli o! 0 . t s attstyle* of Btizoetca, &Il munafctlzrad o sa d io of hickory am well ses'.oned and maie by i.killfut workrna. 1 As for m'y psltàolog i-tin ct adviertlee far aid bualue ta ue.patu>Ia b1 ave My oit rellabîs palatr, 1Mr. John «ictdinit, vitOtins orkued for mue fer ta yem ansd ex.ýect ho vsI11 fou antier (ou, asde d ukeel> chanitlfit banda ever>' peàr. AUL vor>.hand.tsde and bv the olt.kiied iwoukinut. Ail oukgiiîraxted. w Raepaia cf aI kisiditpuompît> attei&ded teStb the oi.west pulce.  mlia$oictud lit 0 Ste0 occun T ADIÂK -POST WIUL BE Asenm rLltildsay andi .'loa Butai o te Li'M' t ttuafor -e1ola %~"IT THEBEST. year. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y Â4rulU0T ida.canada. ' wyEaltrIÂadeath la a famit>'teomand te T H E % I frieuds sud relati ves a tuemorlalb cari giviu G E usme. smm date c f desth, and in.)c acprepduste A 1 I E LScItnre tez' * Theueeoare Canoabtaînfflai M C I E Tue Pou" Ilritàtting 0111e ihn UEH US NDTelET oW Severai beautitil style'. PrIoe ea A I£1»- N X U N. ('all an néecthein. z R OL l"tTMER GRAZING.-The undermîgli- TERice,. ccltt u3-tet tb 2 in (ii .V.> next eprin h peard t HERieesngeplr- ui tret take in forPatureu 100 gosfiR'Uer'.sUwbraed - 1 hi l et inat-riai. op the Liait pila- eacliaoth v bc" >~VO an~d vii tîDt- wfththem iplais. b>' the 0104 ..t fW1u1 ecdui s su t tu hits tock 14l .* >UKEor HAlW!< U1»." Iil opert mchln.'ry, tlseIrupcaro.' iàentWt rIm Bow Park andettustt.red -n lice D. IH. IL. = ve>whert' rcOawc- htsd and the popular verdiez and Ig.du chafge him for "Bih EÂL OP 5 hwu l in Lwatct iat IPAItE," alo froui Bow Park and rîevueed T,,n-,,tr et &U the "fwing N%0- laD. H.fl.Cs. j0 1itVOBu M *ntues cold Tbr.uaieut the. Wuu'M for aix months t$%C Rz> mlxiearIs a Iti ma"b Yom mm etmeu"io azsuàs. et(à 6) ire dollasuSand -fthtil au'e1shOwm s«lore v atacti bouet.The autieta b.delteer Ftt't prizeis t Liadea>' Contrai, oco aul cam- ,,0 tr brmidei on rte hotu. or te Du buuuded ti<r bore tefeme beuîng .urned out. CSh befte-us'partlcuilareand prtces from movul. -toud pastatre, g.uoI ater sud gro' bush for ffler .buadantmalt. No insurance. J 110I9O9, hut eeuWlattenti" on Od bea"7 carde pre' e ri gnLns ferci. G LAULÂW'. 'î'%hofort," Victoria iCeds? 1L.e. Agent Linsb. TRX TEXPElRANGE__Lumber. ÂIÇ»GENRAL LUMBER AND WOODU i I * i I S e e I. M Z~ Hurl.y-Peterbotd T. Paterbore. pr'eert Who wan ts this. 0 Tour doe&s 56 fel froutagi on Kent-ast. by 130 feel de.po with back entrance from Linduav-it. Also the Ne- CoODi1 Botl block 011 comer, 56 x about M40futlon Llzd- mmy41 le oreek. subi oct b Er. MO m lliisoOf botl bloc-56Z113 fut. LAZYpermolWlblflg hmtepr hIe whole or uYrr if thisîzPropey vil khidliy dieaoeb s . vuts, u ow mubhe I.pr.psred10 »Y dowa sud what lime adsudema h.rqubu jhr the bablme i bave sa ou rIley of dtab0orpropoetyforSa $ho mark", gardoun d à Oorregpodealooe SOled WMOh viii b. prompW l ns 'wi.~'Tm ' Pets'r1'er<I. Mierolu MII. IPS-UOJL John Maklflbl. ammi-M ÂQH-. .Y. W A oYW WILLIAM WEW. LINDB*T. Iroa ouAis? mi Xmdluit MAXIATU o Sues mmd SMmgh NUL NuisèW~ 7kw s XI~ MUU Zmhfl mmd ~mI PuU~is - ,~iea taiso sua~~~ minA PMUs flB#bOVOU~~ MainT. A~ D~ sad Uin mN~XS-Xfr~ê1~ *Iiei 1111 -mot uoi by th~ j mezmmh~te himihOS ba j Th u Holaa atm Rzod ROi lkat Mclatoah.Kfrfild. IBK& SESTOR lolnhaabbsgstomiUlUOo ~ osuats? e mutuelU sud bu OP=u etla Ibisaz a mu drte A, .i VS flus. Wmue vuBea&%&m Ibu namir lie uts sueridm.s -t sud »- nt-o )aD. MhS.iMITO H* Z. GMOr7m' B. GeEDory8 FSl&aa E i'Lbf tas~~ Ju9re Ê*d ,r stocAn of irnip Se.ed, Carrot Seed, Mang old Seec ti aU iter l'4 !F regetsble and Fiower LKENT tC WILLLIf'ST.. LIÇDS- 1, a, lu. ~cl IS £150 G O IL? 10 S, End Office, RamiItou, Ont, hal- by gie notloeto ailparties tbat bave been notxfted by its members, pu«u, or from boul office, at it wiU b. nemesar to pay uLp at once Il they do not wilb their crdit stopped. J. IWEJ.L MILLEa*CO. CAIRSLÂKE'B Il I vu~ I KiaceJ.Zaaou~. LiMOALS JJVURY STABLU, T,~'usB IJnù7. Ohttable un. kuns n hk.i* nbie -~ WUBAL 7IIRI OLD RNLIÂ~LE BRICK ~jAE~-U~I~nsvu. osJL alst. UII MAKElm*N, osa tbe eatoLidm e BoWoiua, I nov as pl ade au -s alr Iu n*. emu eMr. ' lâj, uc nus<oemE5I WC~ lie nveuhnu elma %botai h «.v fflBboi to a- u rina ter Putta em.- et&., Ui "Wh sttC aer nom . Cryo PS hWi i r bt tbdAow. .lboet. M4e G. T.. 8imtam ll esh ro t>BOURG LEAXUTAL s'romI VOea rtihe manutuvs af &U kimba pOrnameata Mt jmdOmémsw aurTblýbo, ~, WIdo41119, Be!ttnw. Keystom andu er Wlnl""w causes loohu, Crockia"n O= aga 'Xow là the. dm .ta forwail JOHIN BOND. Cobourg. On" jui le, P.9*6 $26,OO.OOeTotaL. lot hore n(la duplicata)e). 0eh priza. 80.00 othur etttemu (dtvk'ad estuali> 82.000 la an (i! dilisi equalb> 81.500in- Duavise M %Y 219h. Race Ma' &h 13 Ton pe ot cn.deductad irons KUtPrim&s Adduei, GEORGb CARSlLAKE, Pro>. 80141. Mamelon Rrnts, MontisaL TELIVERPOOL AND ILONDON% LOBE INstUIUICs COMPANT. PIRlE (A»DIPE.B neimtal........ .m. . SiO.ILcm ~ ,&caurn t e u a e... ,uO epectabIt eompaur. 'rhe s' t.Ceer't of ÂJ6 prompt and !lberîuL Thse remaureeand eté5iJa ai tis coniv,&ay suanut thon. utureut in Li pS fta tmuiv 'amaim em og km UDIEPAUTMMN. Aueurne effSetsi .th or vwfti.out pî'agt5 5M inodraterates. Polir-âthe bof peAu tl c se amN. el. W. 805MUXIfITEZ 0? IDU- wiihl.eandl Petail deai.s la man C aa rMS end. - m . 100.000 OuaEut 31K.i, ' OVI nmau f vei ectt- t,.!ry Dem Lambe of everif1tItfl d-tr*tr rIo 'Zeai. m whucu t>'lw unuela theTt&badMtce.rad o. ilSure.a jet. I s =11aaagOtiieU leca ttis u ueo' FIRE'W O ON themmcall. t. 1 a rat" axe 10w, gieku care ftlly WaacCte<h 0frLthe les qmaii deilvered te an>' port 09 ît l » pln oTalar, »d tic jMiue«UjUnC, ità' polias clair. aimpie andl deflltt i--- --.- .- gt.T lu s te tmpfme leemo l ) lêii oet(hutr =mu utir inffl~itcthotisnj. 'W . Wallace. lower rate or te-e4dproft. ________________ &~Lh.h&abudoue aver twa milU.en ofinstr' aRom lu ite meConiymau, thse'largesi ams*'u'a ouânet viirealaib>' a Canadiali compaa. Tocct%am, & -e. 1 ,. iday\ o lln M l id PERlAI ,pW~ >qI% Cam. POWDER ln" oppu&aae ot the maaufaum tfll BLANKETS, WOVOLLEN 00001 TiM waltPrim Paud for . <>S dvore .ý ~L Wu WALLAGE. A> m. nt &- 4 To!drnOyfo 1 1 Wb JMU 2m2AIrA JL 'a tep arg mlvi me h. III. c, o' For item as atut Car Tic lot I iý 1 1 . 1 1 La 1 1 1 el ýl MMffl- e - 1 .1 lu 09 lit ORTRAIr PAINTING. Pruk and Reliable. Meb- _9- IFSS -V. Tila