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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 May 1888, p. 5

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'Innis, atn Cai~ MoL aa. irna mir ~~W.3 IN" Umea ~m al o-leL A. auu.IH. "au 'TWO ARVE88"STzS ]orary F me in VictorB"ia.. muabrým Vour finI crop will ,b. 10 buy your DIRY. GOOD Md il.LbuERY - VM vu *0llabo& PM and CIOTHNQ fromtene gne u m.ma . .eJ. -. gsgmu Hata muma theriby makl,,g a.igang ou youir mcn rpmoata t The llowers that bloo in 1he. sping have notblng 10 do witthe . amei~ ]But the flo.wer that cre blooming on Our s~ &k eI Wbftziolate. me "al utM-&.Tb oBso mason z.imim tien â TbutoDX = m euai . MMvyapl ltTt are lis natureal lfe, and are sold, away iol -prce.TsedWOfUtOIbUtt FA«Y RIBBONS, AIGRETTS -and FEATHERS are lagly used «dO~fOtV45tmtb.5S1 for TrimninfflthMs season, While our shape are the latent and prtcS are dioot su Iulto- suit, ou. 'fr7 1h. sigu of THICGOLDEN FLEECK fr our agezOhmPltaf7 (1 ndBONNETSf. _____ T-4umemmAtitb s The rush -in the sprting has cleared a great many l unluDam 0005bt we have another Joblo 10 handl; al 1he latent designeansd -m bl f t j" <'olrs n DESSGOODS, rangingin pie from,,5cto. a yard up. Fa -bblofJ uayV5@ DR7;1 Cy.-__ --t ,ed 4o4meuitiflgs -and Ilain-God<iI i l ai ateialu. e tak. 1th. lead il W.1I< t in Dress goods.otifIthhIibIlLla nesn~ehv ad h.a a ~w Sacoche YS ao mbsvs Tséïs jw av *d hdepartment àipécialstudy w la BIl tE Eo.aU15IOOU s ffl fr1yuhwec aternillooks beet imade up, aso quantte h.biu ~tmiasst ri' iredtndifferelit styles... ýCal at the Head Emnporium foi Fashton- kb uu §rm o .11Ae Dreis tud._________pst , a i». oe'v tai tersdi banorlvtaj tas. iS o wa shape-a Si a l- IVluxlmobf vkt"tihmOasbeauiasmadeE Thisdepatmet ismanged 'by one of the mont Experienced s<I C-,utterg in-the town, whe aurUnsin 'tweeds andl Pantings, Blak 'and Ousavn1 i? v"ce Fanc Wortedare unsuirpassed for value and style. A largeasortment ~" of ~ r- llis ckewhite and regatta shirts. Everything a gntrequtres boom ù -. i iii be found aI tuzm &Whoaesuea.Hl et a ___mou ma"ibugafou thei IceanO Smta& ocm Elguof ii. oldu 1loe~Grabm'sM oLJai oufr os ,esum et he«d«MfloiorhW oust daiS 4Îtag e tbà del coetiOu. l t 1590 t lndus'.Ma -0I& 8-4à. foimgmmufaelfi dm1 Mmm -..-Our Stokif etr4aftsioubtmg. cou"-tat 'tlé la" es y est mmiboa 11Wta m sond bae ous aesstui u s ih maufactuea 15 g oüuaiequaI la qua- Md 0 is Md lttemns=l8Umado e lautii ierymer-oi W.tE Oilors anda tu>t. s e da - -I0WON ERS NEVE R C A E et Dmy homme. out., UIiOiag-*Ul -QuaRbsugSbert, t Umdmim sauasai -u ia-dOvi a eils an osWedmeedar ____ it"tu ad oest aja pusais hée thsmtiaiPhtofrp v% taiauh vui e lm Mtuato <ir no maing fLAeUhav b.utI'ulaum s ~ Clu mbrrstehWi vuthé uaMa ne.- tmhohi ste »"te -As lsi oretlire vas mSeuddabout 8.30 cau on th., , Ove Gr.gorv'm DwugS tore, oomr ie =mislmaaubatum WbiL'ova the u n nid y h L aquattdt Kee'ut"l4. i Keat amui WIiMam-lgts.. ohW ulaàm lwO«vuUIcurk1 Itaie ontu ai afsvip hsbat ou r Lh'idfiy. May . lUS.-Gi-t,,moision u it héîemfu'eine.orfut g isoom 0f alo irsilid ldfu S io ext .11. o laeal A=asV uall rnaaulvid 1 a aibJ A ebo "t!9ùlghli eei n t thevu R. Smyth k on. ~ rjjg Uau4sn ff9Jf eThsmm*0Oyaiaelbbpuhl Th odilLGIL liDSA&Y, EIDt. &Y 25. lem9 lime. ami If: MA -' Conal" aBilaiClunaa ai" Ro TOWN AND GOUNTY. a îa ti k ns her b t - dune. Piet . hi Dameai" Ires auwu-wa-ftualaei malahumborsudmi ovsioi bogt * for"maie çbet P a. D. TaiExTONa obupbadvas let tThIo'b@, uhaï ber abses asme dopteabe hID&Vld- lapa Tvsei Slto, ast samani md oifaste idcue. ta the - e fi~0 t fvo tonur eu" oland upvaL os 82 io n san I ekmi Ilebiss uap. at W. . z GLLE5PIB'5, the eewate vl nt mstei o lstagilsbora 31 amis uVIFmaryavaam ftatasd u Ulltlmoev. mi tilsca --z.-We aveol«rit goui a bnkiopt atoctkf il.II-à» suxoaase tI atu ti noa tav t t owrteonte oaswasremsb Iuat nsvapptpbiaea a.a iUnesi boughl a1vrt u10~ arvmi al my onafor tuaiWho tabusa ptiMor - IL E.W. IMGàVETrci4L .refus»s tu PSY for Ic. Unier the lau 11te mas tu~ ______________ vIeallevu hlm aetiotite raua Mlong fer 1du OUR STOCK 18ALLIlleui avtumi fmu av rtue o aw l u l V~caioarmu s - M i. ChlIIIn& "Cfr nt v l u " ue e m ol f l v.m aabo i h l e m salt £0 laà y e ipa r M A RK E 00W lavgfflbi5ilU5iilfr0iTut5l5Wwberevu~ for monte thé1blo ame 9M M guiS__ -Maeeimtao lalogbolbutDesl - ocoalfla VIsAS vii. 15 eltsvi, uSetrap sll m TIc Iikiep a" 'de»Am suck seitaie. nThe D. bman sa hfoat. si Ma", y" eumo bu ît i l facl oriri. issus paziies Smms bu e la v b e Wt CUM ~ ~ ~ ~ i siOntede vernirusaiMv. oaa mi u Jme Wlsn.senI= thé poaalm in s fa iioi d vis t eo veeIo la leM naOMMe asiet ff eil .jruecoa " raict1h58 OMPLEPTE -ouai.otr nemaiM. hoas é maeof -1. &m SIesma" PlIe foIMoseU&l irnh til. w lo~wn thshw ms «Y vn r je seau.. Wb.s.ltOlM hl-mboaêesa alu gr ho-;up'éo -l ïreso ol eUIosta th srlal m Uth te Ip r S as* lt »iosael o hv ovst LEoIa- an.t rle.t b tse ada lm.hesafum bisa osa Mte Skmla eu ul.Mvo n oWs- Ie u l Uot"egirh5dd1he, jos ai b a 5 h.b tr p îe aulass yé, Ev île tu t te t Fmoa seM 15 1 bé e s, ooaî mlà latrne lm- peimuo - zeeh. th" a ftaait li. lmk mmme. of-hesm iem e Iou ' Mustbe» POtU r AtêY UUUW NIfebr, 0 Note foemaman am am- m-~sa Yuu A " ~ ~ . Q"lie oenItO5U5 e P!- Clair. goinu le eils1- ote.u vossN uecasaasiisa te lb.OW@W lofsne eOfflla a fe veb l tue Iowa et Uda Muts.indus DuM& W. Mtae".V.TuuisT ElWLW Rua,1. . o uulmus,6. weleJlU& r floas n11 ub. Riras. P.-. - C A msO. ams ]Paihefi. ubrtJ* neab- Ma», J. Joubau O. mi, . L ile. Moa. Oaa. A psCabosu. uave Hit W. l ffln. Dalrpe. W. BysA. 6Gicis De =r.s.sabu W. Rr. l. biil masll.omat nsUi bu oisae is s 0"di lju~~asler**zeslîioMd ismt u a l taa sss;l v1taal mi sisOteuai b àmawàmaxtu. a iiebalaapWMmouIlae YQUR, lart m -a u Ylm hu.tlà 01W. W.aEW., lI ýF »Wu51abbsUa$. he ti.d in J.OWW èzw.bisb 0 .gafi beaveil al MM hoent m W or*sbu mmlb721eva F ~Md. Rl a 0L wmpei h U ,tis umdsiaehaaaetr hb» ta u u te iDm ell 'ia. ao " ktlatMam oet U*0SSleUS5.U.W viiiel.bae u»Itt uy h, o'ai -Aom ium mevesavme Ule a i0"ta ostel v«~ P. 0 DaaosvemiMviii bave linleuescombeses ordai itwilla dm al la m M.Ne ie d Mpaluot on eNu t Mr. go ne amsto.imIL lut up HaeS mdéw inasIlvut Ae vIE hae bsautan1Tasdaa ml disomsn mul Yhane.vtgLalm m..fo erla o s » bouHie miSe- eflimiL u d1.. ibu matksu .uMdt bMeerUehI0 la~ ~~ M lb ".<f.wrr Ml ui- useompands hiblwgM»O1. ot1114 sol a luasmeVitevee sUth aeoe cf reteafo itIb Ir. . snp« ldwwI iiiadimac te o aeu"«ee isMailsMe.mpa" .TIe restite and M oredut»Gts1la labs bis a Sanodliâ ma -usat- "y . lIutSor. M.Ka -P«. J. 9.oUlIezWmou bom-e, aMR* t. as-e jMafloanruh, te uoit msctmob, set tce. Tasm au4v us o" atm vlIlaio 24118 t. WIo ste.u pl, i d& vùlamIMoi ami ubeanlofl aira la~~~~~h Glal-t iaua veuv saorsthe d atilî ma 1 mtrlalagémus a lit sThe pRot IlP.earal aoaMum orla Isol tal0le la the 1t. LCMr. ths -As. Imtri Se, W.K.AmiUss e Lulay reune luai %i hlatt" .&Ncac àv J. G. M Demu vi* o s 09poi cts premaastn s pmTh maes sIbudaona - Wa aid but Ge oa. C&MbMias.m Oung Bandai hi RoipDr. Wtt n u M. &ahpi«_Om mélouet a puApim 1 mbo. e atano onvas - bus" vasabbi hi Ils tl.e te na.M«ff -The 11e.ML. eanodiijvalm amcionmfof seatSuada bc, is al- " pmbluwatbehaie, tokmon IIAam mss~ ~ ~~~i au.sI aagpoiemi mcoe. « 6;a.LFrienIU et,@ Piedaai.maconj,"v. by.moTeuson- ibodi, tdeoco pe svaet tissu muaIs 1 ib ai le dispo thomnIse uer eedlgiow sXILlabi"apear. C. Mu.ol mo. aI attealaone"vas ve iu lare lh. vMsaIth Iota" vilBat se"ncmpai.» -Të3I tuelfofPreljiaoM balIsaisoos ho Ier Premelute Me.V.el. relles eromtmSeatrBos ilsuad eR«sW.g a 'a,. Rspmb<Atlv"Ref. DJ. IMîa;taviIoa ems sils quaits - rly av of yl tee- blm te vIle oav onls: hra u. b 3e v G. ues imo oru «o la bueae aîiaoet arge psoàOu; b.E> te,. tfmDoal t heu la usons îl wu ut o aIil ohunol otabailm haivoTt v.JETMLua0 Coanthe bon ta mas. l bepes let ov. oalW Ô.,allouiane.v Ns irua te erlmetI ngutai lust lm.M. Eturnei to t adth*wa Llduaî Têsl~Md iFiMi luI-mmlaEthe o be present at our store on Friday, du ne Ist, at 11 ar.. whtch 1h.y have not yet recetved tickets vii pileses preseut them té us on or befone the 30th of May sud receetheir tickets. Every person pnhsn $10 îvonth of gooda from us for cash before the lot of June viii recel,. a free. tit entittfln the àholder 10ie.cipate, uib tis çrand distribution of prises. The magnificent oil paithinggu *ich we arn pr 1e"euttng on that occasion is vaiued aI $30, the fa.l&one costing 4 il DOUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F DRY GOOS MILLINERY, I Sprî-ng Overcoatings, Trouseingu etc., Wa ail brand nov sud lu elegant shpe for buyens, while or prlces are lover and -the value vmr much au e tor than auy shop-won or moth-eaten stock ean b. atsany prlce. Wo have appointed th. hour el? il o'clock, June lot, to enajble ail those who corne by train or boat 10 reach our dtore luino tirne 10 participaI. in the fun'. If the veather proves unfav- omable we viii postpoeh distriution until Thurday, June-7, but not uniess the weather proves Véry stormy sund disagreeable. We hope to see, a large gathernig at our dtore on the occasion, it viii be a fitting opportunîty for you 10 kil two birds with one stone, euabliug you tob. lmesent at the distribution or primessud affording you anunuexampled oppotunity 10 buy your Spnug Dry Goodo, Mfilllnery sud Clothin g fnom su entirely new Stock, as w. purpose for that day only to give every cash prhsro one dollar sud upwards a discount of ton per cent. off our already vory loiv lmices. An extr staff wll b. secured sud every effort made 10 give you ail caneful and prompt attention. IOOTERÂNOATHOT& IONK LS.MgUfr T tu. QUULtty&I., Vcw4.tyi "Va mt o s "oao notMhig of LA. Q'4eumttyoj LADIRB' FINE BOOTS, BES act4 BLIPPURS wh*l&ic&w . have4h & sê tooc 8is&m - Ltig toorL&yowr se«&ow c&, da44eotio TM#ri ma aciy aIJuwi n LA. i9n. of LADIES' FINE GOODS9,; HatuLLIw4, Hain4 or M.zcJ&smm aB*4 , LaGLo cm- %ot fmin Our0Wpi'aeum Stockc TEESTYLE AND QUAILITY are C.W8Gato pUmaa " m4t". RU08cESiiot fa4i to "M.t youw Gp ro~G otw PotrOmwiGg aoMoitsd at tLa.Pam Boot &and BAo Store. Ha"~tos'a BloockKe%"L ~,L4i"sayJ. A. Camp bell. SýOAPi SOAPI At the Ommn Emeit of the. Spring Hfoua.- Clenig esonwe Offe aSpecial Lime ofSop J&lu ro4t4 d .o u idou. i O for iap.oUe%8 100 BOXES DINOMAN'S SOAP, 100 BOXES VICTORIA LAUNDRY. W.we :I. got 4,i ,wsr0» W etmbd ofSOAPBS ooeps»a4' u gfsda Wo Amu boWthLu. 8@G,# <t M. wà 6 c4mflgiw lAi tos M94Va.u<ng t -bs, tA.U bo- th» A.~TorOsMO iuhoinoelPv4Oe&TA &a nOf the o W i do timu te $MoW$." ».4afo at&ppy f aiomwu Mis kL The pioe a» bovo' t$hm.ue fo 200 PiCKAGSFOP 10 ICEIAS AT LOWZBT FIG URES ALOI.%ÂMBEA NOTIC0*E? XArke tet m g erçpswam hWMgoe Ua iNJfor Our csIsbvGdOi Wi - =~o= AN» TWIETY-IOUI OTEIR VALUANSU flJZU~ àdu=79 mal

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