ALAII5WOU. dIS -. ~ I *sI. - SERIES OF' SHOR STRIE çNov.e«tte), DY ipopularWrit.em 'he Eet Oompta.4 m 1oAtItaM G.ty wiliRE18TH1MLIS T-IZRELfflIl': Ny NENIT 3ANZI~ JE. '«On tho U M, TWOPARTS. 6ontaining Flue Illustrations, z I the Treasuire ol FI'anchaTd Â*~~ .OBERT LOUiS STEVENSON 1,4-4e - .nîur N! vel ist Now Promiw iîlilefore the Public. FOUR ILLUSTRJATIONS, 4o w>"- ?yAli. "The Tressis otf nmost," Oued th& Dolr. ORGNLAND COPYRIOHTED. REBECCA IIAfluNG DAyrSt Whose Name is Sufficient Guaranty In any Hlousehiold, znipbsize the, Ieading Incidets of, the Story, THE BLUE VYASES ~y S. BÂMNG GOUL». .i clîariling 5Stàryof-thé Time of' fl ic* huGreat of IPrussia.. 1U~E ILLUBTEATIONL Q "Trsuom-yss 1" Iboulsi lIe Lmpy Elsg. Van Deelennu's Bargain. Ny K -. COWTAZIO "Yi ~b. I.ueklemi Mes b game." THREE ILLUSTRRTHON Of whkIc heb.ont hemebouf-laa farsMple. If ouAre N s ub. cri éro Plaice Yciur Nieo Our Liat At OMme. D**:da Toi,,mo ua~o uI)ufl9u -, ai"- bu~ ta~ ehelaga lu Be kM1 ésumas b e i cf Bus Us mIses -A - I W!±L~ A ai MBss.~e s s id. oib ukp a " u ep élu> - lu mm*s a ~ endosn-m te moulà Ou~cmashm- il m f ucM vbruiNe puadmi eb lot" ab u Wa. mi19 laotte 1 IM me a bw Be aben. %" là b@hbum 1W dvmw c -a".daS milBe mmode E~edkSma.mU esocomas etWWD4MITZDS ,ý-emi2m BVMhm MM bonhm ubm"bé ~ EalI' ~L al ~ eydb j1W MWwamw ke.-on" hap - Me .wM SIaiM ils ariu"an fli umbua Umm ad bte aflop-tu a 5oi~s.usbribeSibdwai TI, s-onommwe, unioeES hV pdusi muaie, amed the i ii ff Mv. hafle "On lb -lccii uMdsby poadun amu ls lamau"icau al..fohas bu blave ms a nota." le10 sM. va vs ea vuldhM ite smei 1 w~ A& fsMau .l.bmy Iso leset ba is aieflug ns by dom St cas da.ésgfauAlabmm1 a~ ~~~l p*0s achi bumuerefn aa aibe a wabere artry M letsuppoS fi ai oo bhumme its a «PaeinceumiiIigbsasasa t cuis LeMu.wtam gw ab mi unit laiée foemr rmiIab Ptibit imuei lIa ibe rm aiuu m a"mlgthe or&" h" 66 -lu - ui ietair. 1ng cwW aube oftýw et lutiolt hMl. afc6 éd tM comnsto eh Ib Mr Btua i - vWitn »ici ei baveh i =»lae ee Ib orEa fm ao ~o-acqemurs- et ci h lamecisu wel beclm ea he hmellus co marom vZuty Infetsulmo ut ,leibe mm ur *ialnlit chehi"m Yo s- a Me. Punch pmomausta* clb ou f bis. »d lmh riarni. le cheiebar n madt b. aboulm eboraspamicemimi nu ibm tlme QÎe luhad, bàUai vaicuesamiz cùt hai f.mocnin# theicél ieefiitbacn cé eonut dMr. la ibm houas cf ou- amna Bt ,ibe Meselnat imaklai t, m ommsqLe mtly on cobut foc mI dos taa su bombas on cmtésflilmi, ami n. maaïssm oletcairllaiouvar go= lam ib«e ofthspecair.But beglaufua et im aosthsud a mllgW" e»Vol mise le brfng lItesu l re l aie e beir w»hef.gte bm aun I uTe tcaS cure beol utdMa tGlde. 9toeéi blo Ibm tcay, laie Iis natonsfslrtre muus.Waim ebiaaerm me*bia t 8f enum ud OaliaUr. meulerf.ho wis cLfo Spgainmo",miaieofalcour làtib proenah e sem kei.Butr pai. Tora em ingo ibm ace cas ni rlgh, dl.aaullc»Mmi Ibme hoie baaboue cs acu tithe à b fi. o suiala mi sulecfm Inues, d- as euaslb. qw umitaons co aens te sutda mmoute. m-,psibytk sh otfa Oum Mr.LIwsO arnu. ups WlltIi Laaculamte aufipldos «mbiss e d1 thM. ais Mb.tohe soamni tem theppo1011al oze caumtt"a la ai m15etf$@Umm mau vshbue bu evbgI bodyla et. ir. - . miemmite mm " uipm a luetsnfS ome "Wbu oni Mon fcSieWlaes Oatroaub Ne. Pre outa telet" 19 the -mta ébe hi a Aougus asic mtisdbpB ne m.m-uuL e c i baofvemiSpaff tuai lu'to he me ail ibmtvannas mit nomiera i mIrai s o te fcin bhui malfiume Utofaumlti nIcoa peoewanviil Te s beund ftashemr butbrout tecrowdlawmat rthe s alie ibf the eaU i qhek deasdTe bteaucat ,ai evra et o ulerae Im ire bade mi a arg saWmbe nt e ctia ad eet bp xpie. censlbm. lmud et lbm.9fn cseanl c ikThe ut ib Ire ai e ch reionsrandemmthetho thcetables l Ibms Ibe icellinx occupiei 4y Mr. Jas. Alex. --- - rhdyehmhctiool-roomaudmali. Tho& bawreresideuce altrmsUid lage, cere oe .- muss etfAamem. The.béat became no intense liai the diemme etf the hotel sud the Congregational cbuteh bai te b. abandonei Item the aide os which the lire tan i sund soon ail hope otfseving tiii. valua? le buldins cas lest sud they dand dni shed adjoinln Mr, .Daid Fl*Wi "«eedence weie 5154> urumi. iur. lng tbe afiermoon 1he ci dble agale. from the north-weei anmci emtiheiu- tmg shlngles, cînders, etc, eaiîcati and sauthward se that -tOres cere startedInh scores et ether places, but as everyboiy cas catchlng them propriy la the course ofthles. fling embe, every building bai- tmgc eue or more persona on top ofit I cu asoft eter, ne serculoa wuae a doue. A amall stable and ice-hemulaebelong- Img te M r. John England Just oulu et ie old Primitive Methodiat crhumb, cer ail ablaansd It, cas thought a greater con- flagration than theonee iaglng wan Imin- eut, but Chiet Coleman withthe ausistance et a tew bystanders tore docu the build- Ingsr sud s saved the salvation army sheds and barraeka, McClellan & Co%'. ceanad lumber yard sud buildings, snd possibly halls dozen reuidenees ln liat vicinity. ludeediti limpossible te say ectw i fire couli have exteadd i bai il el l starm-tinluthat quarter. The maor et Oshawa was tele ipimi snd asukete o end their fire brigade ,te oui assistance, whlch he di ani about ice heurs atterward% they reached here snd rendered good service. Betore Ibefr re- tum home they wcre ted at the Ruebottom houne. Several private citîzens of oui nelghbor tocs came down te sec thie ire. The close proxiimity of the tire te tie Dominion Organ and Pianeoatr n adjolning luniber yardmadle .hem spbda object% of interest, andi zanna et men were st.ationed enu thepilies- et umber sud bulin icth pale ot water te protet thie eompsny's 'Immense pruperty. Several lires cere atarted but were soon extîn- gulahei. Several et the men Lot more or sesa scorched sud burued ln deteng Ibm pie flunber. Tih11e lil irée enfne be- onigto the factery renderea good service. Much nt the furniture frem ail tie build- ings cas saved, Ircludlag thie fittinge et %1h. churci, pulpita, gsts, organ. etc. Mr. Alexander had ne Inaurance. Mrs. Shaw had.only 6:0W0 iriurance altogetier. Ber bas wIlil ot be les han .6000 te 47,000. Mn.. ingeod's v lle hdexpired s tee il i aitr. sud diont becs renewed. oer les. cli beconsiderable. Thei dardh and buildings belongiug. therme cere lu- surci for e64,2C and 0800on 1h. turnish- luge, whlci amaunt wil pretty clli caver lie damage. The churcTh calls are but little damaged and ill ide te baud on agaiu. Tii. hotel calla cere leftiluasud sa dangerous claIe he l Ir ih they bai te bu pulimi docu aiment entirely. The tire brigade corkei 11km Trjans WMme vcracken, et Cartv«ihtlest e berse In the fire. MienaÂrmour'a ites esugit ire tom s slray inirsud but fer tbm tlnxely preseuce et Mir. Và. Cole- man with as psU etfcater, mie might bavs buen badly buarumi. The erigin ofttheelire ta areuic lu uiysteiv, but 1h là à prevail. Ing opiniontatIt las carelessuema wilb matches orînceciarim. OfffciailunquipY shouli 1>. inettuted. suac icmypang m ieta nomim bgam muaà- haitwa pulsgis ii a hmahm bene wmmaimib m li. tme flmbr MWi mse ouse et tBsarm tala 09h *oa is beidn dovsTb@ us euS. - mumssumuaibly bloc 010 ade, Ju Te.Impmashbaiclp usmmaicd uas &pisa faS& blaaulll, bastumdo omme mobly .btin bismmum nUoba oa@oscxl I- lia aI Pl.mum ieau tai aislput. &zozu.-,We mn mary lu hom tibs MewMflaschi , lamvemosBe0 1 cou., tem muv¶mi NOSMeehb-e Thealus ba.vMwy DM, aMi fou"hre 9"a mIe Umm 'om STmzus wu TouiL» Ina vo mmc.- muWb aRm tu i e el"oa-. y co BoIve pok u..acekmd t..... Be limé e foclcaNpsMdgu mai oet sutl gai as miamltkte afueonandmmibaaiby a sUt brames col set um etrlm émoiss cauglt irisamndcen qulckly auamed Mr. Dsiur lemieb barsami mmtia sud ba itl amiboom foriteBeoll ifeao Mr. Sumllr 1# conu almi have bornade. ltc .Momm tDsu, Stabla" uda umieam onToronto at be hoavimm lie. 19 la ostimalol iba tBe lotai lama wui bol Up te ovar 10000 .... Whma=co. dacr loi asin rIaitram Lindaay ctth hhila l e A ieisMmnuremumueon ll nlI, ramdamlngausitmcposble, lb zéegro ia omvOyid te Voboooak (Coatmopoamas at Ils PoslJ M" "10 .RU. AoRICULTUEAL Som crsv.-A mmmdageti Be d1roumars et Ibm M d niRmnomiutua escty cas àeia ibneu ai, ias uMonday, -7 et. A ptahcue bmdirectotaé sate rn.thde »nithiiCU te 601M. traue as s"mon on ad @003 ceouiat lai sum umeting. c@lemon ceeu- Poinaias folleca: Mêmesia. I SII G. Glilople asuiT. Bosch tocBrachmn;,Jas. Do le ami Juus ea EstImerftoOrtila. Bailoft Be aer diroctois uapnin le coumleusielbove a pe vedistrit The secreiaiy cU uria milclt fl bocks ethé b. or amecftakugdoua Ibm um ci ofubserite. ta nezi m---m ciiib le ld ila Bocaon Sa*erdipJel 21ssd ail sbmmnlptmpseodilMti U mosalf me buamua te I0t raasumr ou or bafoe lIai dim. Il la Important lIai collusi o hnl galber chat momev Ibm, eu befa next entuatn, o be rusmitoftoui auedplles lai2m cii de. pend tBee mi c f Ouripgveinmmut urami.IL LANIBA, msc.tiua. IC a me e ne IsPOUl Cauca cva.-Tm smiualmetion sud lasof ai e Obristm bchmame et as annm o mn uduandami Mdag 1a ,nebmpg cm both Ispa cn coU mt- gi imiteS muaI omlestleéBeardea 1100 about lia. Iredom% la"oMy stock la amSaoiHug«tsmi b oasusb. la kaccu te les protamelaldaL. Eh bak. Ica ýrwtFIâ p cmlwonexpami by Mr. te, piyam amuhe "staln apae cfIlh aslamimd siai leàpe BAUm BAILU-Oau cmii la oa bal iiammbeedoir éléitmuoslala ImSaua lamm sBs bomms gvORdOum mm urac nea ma@mn" vimistifor the ** a,,Beommnlaim g3Be ala bver et Sas.ta Salamos ae u i u pbato, uicoick- akcbave smgi mIeN hoUe.LIl mome ba litais pouah- neg u.Go la, loye, bolIer mcs Mm îý dur tJau" ba em lanbun ami bp ue auhg Mr mateci - m lai mi- a btbwu l a t tb q~bfl OM «Mulb abs M4e 1% peun.oda ai~ - h q, Fbm bAsSLVMcbeyexbi, 1 aba u &&u e m am«lp "temd hM" e o M @C mmmmam ieuiib Taouelu j» em , .1mecmb a malle- dom ia ocibatmmdt m tel 1a mlll ami clii auceD.Suns l m% m "e ima-m *%ILem *1 demm et& 110em Otb 8"1mb0 N atout b"eslae mum msutflamarnI @4 mob ami aa Cboa d ocit utteraimi- dOibbg atm. buo, bei ber ra i. -TheJo. LPIL-8" mu-ausha mm"etbe M SWM aMd Litais Bdiuclubs cau piyci am be groum etg un atterm cm anda tb fet. Tb&e attomoS eus lar0e.8816117siOfgté ladls 4forcémch club baimy asmff admiumes,8" al uzpmw tsd bmu*i0e gus gr tim masse.-The Erli as ta miog ima ous*0be l&dWhoe mdoubtulyFIaa a - l »mnebu in caswevides ba b mini ibi bm er s oveaàbi, amd ibe un &M r" elre bski afien ibis orp sit t o cSk r f jr, u, seoaiv. imtengs itoat.d e to ibeéummvbl dcm u.IU th" flo ad bbom a mso a e ble iheY corn haa tlaite ensla tbe lasi Ico fantms; malit cm. bep imade atoislo1 algi tas.For oui cea boys il cornu b. aeu du m e.mll. Thei =hmlag c hai aeWmlui by aat ellaumffn tbauciag, ool bate.ruuim, ui d mial MMt baLis. Mi. Bugul cf Valatia galve *0 11111111; maht" masumpire. &Mr U= t"..0 210 0O00S3I-8 alern..j.....2311l0 819 -38 Afie the Match thm philcol anta*cre arnply provid w to 'y ithelaifos 0f iM Obriailaschurcb, cho coteholding ibeir aMivMmaup ls. A nraremai wasla lion f t Whe ho ramaSsai for the platitatu lbutinas m cbeurch choir surpamed C ther ii, hluh repuiatlom lanreadewloig EA RTONV. CEOOL NOTE-Tbe publice chool clos- ei omnVtlday lut... -FInve pupils frontibis achoolW asothiie entrauce earlaIlUOu, loft Perry, katiceek. BTÂwamBTFrzvÂLr-TbeMeîhcdlai «mcra orttas f t.Pl& b eld a ve suc cesahi trawbmy tent, iai bt ae su- me. mn Wmduemiay evenisa .1 ilat cash. Be,. Mr. -,--Ke, bmpastor, wua1l"mmbi. ci dbt a purme containg a bamiaue CaumxNoas-Rv.Jam Brocn Of Belmoni. cho la hum vfsltln i rimaisn- prachalla St. Audrae c hurcb, sallIe,. à&. lncbansa et Knox aollege preach.d la gu1 church laut Sabat mtucgmsd eveln...1v.Di C. Johasclaeoex m l occupi bie oca pulpit nexi mterlive cmsk's holiday. .Pecsics.-Two lare iica hom a dis. tance wcon hum oumTue.day5'aiejolna ihornelvas lu the uro"e sd uibtwaters cf oui beautiful Imbu. Al ceai acaYwval pleasith thelr day'm amusement. Two mon expmcted is cash. TLKING à, HoLiDaT.-The boteikeeper'i hum bave iak a holiday Ibis week sud suspended ms ttfor tbm preut. auvEmox RIFLE AssOCIATION.- A Meetina orthebmBeavertos us leaemncatiou cas beld on Saturiap b eleci officera to "tahe place of Ihomo chu b.d ruolad. The nec ofilcursatm m. olloca: Lient. L Burchard, 34th bati. prasdeni; Staff Sera. jobs Lesle,34tb bail., vice.iprmd.ut; A. F. Burcbatd, ocwtarp; Di MOMIDan, trem- uror. The followima eutlemeu cere aP. poatmid a range comnite.: C. A. Patter- am,. F. dili, J. O. Jment, EL Westcott, J. lie, D. -MeMllas aud J. W. Wb t.. The compelfion for tbe cbafleogcup cas aramitfor Monday, Wh lmît., ai i >m., ou the nec tango b b. gxad ai Alexander £aRnitwus grove. Y~USÂT, OINT., FEIDÂT, JULY i; loBs. Naw NM AIL Cawu-r. E. Daatp bas sucami lii.W. Taylor smail mar- ri«. Bmwrume Nous -Ur. .ILBire la building*afine, brlck-clai baume.. .& Gm Franklin laleuda bsvlng suaditian bulit to lis heume sud thon te, brick 1IL .M. D. T1 bu arsie teuotoie lb moli larn. men wcul th mec part le bueilut aysat mai soc lus as ina sber msthm lalallb svlciaiy..aUder Un mlle mmaamemt eofMe.r. LStaseui te a phLes ci se sidecaia bienbsa abi and-B aid amas repairae.&fUasm ch uoa sea aMaie oierp pan as basboss a"e m sttee yers oui villaga ci son have au the mldam ba"ièon Ihb Pari thie poM . Bouam anar oslp gellin about hait sai ltbth a. ar .. .Uui siehuol omel aiFidy i schele,teacher, inismt . .sss Lmbi bolidaya lu Dikots .I.mhePrasbyertan Sonday icbool la Waklvg ai Imvlmg an ex. ceiiante Oite a&but hlt1maiet b SMM. T. Omcum. -Them officon eci Grambauldivision of the Sons of IsuPu-6 Mm for ibm puseetquartai atm: T. P., MsJ.Ploeui; W. A., MimeB.I-em.,s MIL$ Ge*.Lm* À.B.& HsrRai; Tissa.Jas. Mille; J E .Lue;Cha. Fem. u;;;, Cou., J. .Ml;L.Cu A Pbeumi, L IL., 1H. XeNus;O. 8.,E* SCUMDIT SOHOOL AnsivEES&ET. -On j«fltsud «mssaihe U M 80> m bath subool laid -aos or Be uoltsecou&- fol mmulvomaufmsibu bas in. uheld fa Gtaoabmk. On u ey mesvicse eu eIshf-usai M lia s uoiem mas c gammobmibyBe". G. IL Adarnekaie0a - I»ls m- mola.»Mm»tuohadlrem the nm E. Ma. Aus u d B«,. J. A. MLA., cf Uiàvtl sud la Be "Vau *0nus Be puipil cm - = =ulm'O mmi bu&Is b, B e lbval aislb0g cm ~ata br à mb, W MOI mts al lb? t oo ta u b m I WI"sr&am eusfvu m -@ms à - =mTAUS II 3ý wj mmil [Cwrwospdence of The Poi SOmoOL EZuuNATIou.- Oas scosol ex- amimaifawcasbêlé boe fa No. 14 Somm vill as the M*1JUIF. arne -e-ypkhim tilimacqe resies a by Couihur, BanMileJohn CbrmmFl ai Lac- nonc, ~~l~ai" CoermCle aumau em 1=0l moo. The bamt.ta s@p@rilugmc ssiqle Min~wu cphile, mm ofommlLsBe clm Be ékls be bu"llsla Moud tlutBe mbmbm costhswms m *..iabi b BUN§jm wn.. a baD" lk g dmm sUrs biv . M&. M-buibe p4mmi Bal. Moe. -bM law d Um by * lesamt c*0 iau dTâli Md caco Iie the bdesPr Bau?.Gfaib ,wmsmimiacaai p aplu& .The mpabesitons e'mIa The ~ ~ 1 %0ami moau ue sup U ONUs@Mds et Tbvie L&,wii Socz1j.-Taaelavem clai lm ltt Pruebterlsu cburukgrouwdeos ¶F, aréeumnea"iwca a ucome, bath sochr Mdanatwy.A nmim, g0 sams.s on nasasat. ri . H.A. Waud »IL P., maie a s-1cm epemend aaeo leva. P. Joaubor g aieesFis su jas. M fgKooz conuegave @buet adrmo. Mr. Wmm ,barreter cf Miii. bnOk, favnne u cftb sm«Muxeent agoand aiMr. Curry, banrlater of tIc sarne plaau'gaiea stacimal.sdirase Thi ba tbe ima astostMlamt ivc by l*e aboie mobe, ai lbthea"cish ta lIa so* asumwop"abi vag ap lmssb. Cavac NOTI - owm 0 repaha bo- bas boomla Ibm tocu bah the Ilut 1cm Sabbathé. 1ev. J. CQ Beull. m pas hprmacbmdtb slumesaudience.Mr.wai badeep ihiaher. an mosa neisd able the me la maticm.The cbnrch ciib.tey faS Wrfreetszt Som- "ay....Mr. Jae% Madiliet Kuox collogis L o ia ibm Pvrt erimu eurch lau t conférence hàviabu essuperanuma orne b meur Vonsa ta luve... Miaus MoNeili,Arusirong end Shsp tpecfKem ce the getetcfMr. sud NMx.UeCut»a foS ac wda» ....Mr. sud lmtsMadi.p are vlalti« I J. ulohaMSt..... AL- Ruley le spendinqag ateebofiiysapenr the patental roof.e Min« fe LeL sud IaiseGmeti bave retummmi b Novai, Muekok&aster a lengtbi vW9il l ibm mSse saueud ias of thiuyoutb. NOT&-Hay la uatrly aIl eruemensd la avmpllahlooTt JoPcsfS m romin e m eralir b"ta: ra ula MMe1 lg rom m t bePot Vaut Ilà.-Old lira Phllp et. Ibis place IlarMudaunder 1themateoet Dr.Bre Nuw ?Mzca.-Some et Oui piosipous furmets bais bai a ltor ethm ecWpst esiei fonce lum W fos. Itlaasn looklm fiscesudi pp e le strasg. TIers la me dange 2r t os evîiffl ep. Meusse J. J. Magili sud lieDonaI cof Cadimuabhavethe sole patent foaCutrtcagh sud Manier. ScROOL Pmcuîc.-Oa Jone 91b the pu. pila et is ec hol e a pieute la lii.Ba- hua greve. Ibm atterecon cas paussi in s gamrnue basehalbatwe au. asvilIs sud Yslvemos choolm, rosultingt la su ouy vilory Usr th former tmam. Aller Bhe gmnecarnesaa upper chl cs dis. pcoaiof as a rapid rat. Ibis cauma well-rmsdedipiogim, Mr. Mbitse la the ehai. Afttr a bittle mate aovrj the crowid dbpermimsrgwl 1Irn'oDrn o Ts.M . IEvans et ibis placéend M. . Dans et Cavan ou June St1 1lut alartmi for Seot!amd ith lae parpose et brli bthoerne mme SSb- lish bicode. Ou Friday, 6-h Jffly. Mr. T., Evasa landmi ait Ponty Pool staion clth soMs cf Ibm oui Clydesialca liaver celie Ibm.. eparts. ais group la cou- poe of à aroadater aud alhlilatree pes, tIco 1111e.ico pYe,%mai lwo fillies oes yemr old. One et tea Io puar chia cou a tirst pria. sud a allier miedlt unofe Scoîland'. barguet exhibftions. Thbm telbs aie also prise-taker.Tle arnîval oft lIes fine bests i awsekenei gicat intetest la Ibis and thm sdjeluinna1cmlities. Oa the tallocimg day Mfr. E'a y4rd cas bik. a fair igroud. %I lesu jitsnéc hop fast mmcm cli hravel,msaa snuwber oeth1e large crowdi ces in ma dist'arce. 1: la the opinion eclahU se tar thîýt 31. Evans las made asfnumlection. He aise hought s Shetland poay fer lis nele.Ar thur Evans. O vine ho toenewjlec t lIte frm.- er ocuerlt lasmoi mde its appeataaqo, but la expected aeoo. PawsàÂz-Msm« Adile Mmdili ani Ettia -Corleti et liiland wce .vtiug trierds la Maniers. OAK WOOD. ODoressoadenoe at The Poul PULpr, NoTsa-Tbm Maîedîsi c onter- ence changea have gis nuft luplace 0£ Revu. A. C. Wilson, cIe clîl hie devotci sud weèl appreclatmi cite. bath mrsaîby etteemed hbes.ani Bei. Mr. Anderson, thm Bm,. Mesurs a uta ami Wtwà&m Wbilae »d ever parinA wlh h Is. leavinq ne, ce aa glai ever the advnmt oet hase ce are mecurimg. lM. CurIela no 'àt- -g- bers sud as might le exPectea s oytuby recelve, sud M. williams la bartl celcomei aise. Rise o8mnicmuon uSb bail, July lotaid Sthgave gooai milece et hi. guits sud graces, andacpaue .But net the lemat fayot le B aa arnong useofthéI pastots gtfted elfe, cIe les alady et rare tmllafoue ;o er la social cocabtp, sud osee oflie asitst tqmnsrs tha% bas uer blam u*st ae. The blessai rata cf Tuesday, 2M1 Jua., marrai tle canuîl et tbm recolptios sud ouplà. monteri festival lIai âatced oir ard- vallainebaemeut et hemchurl, Preae by Ibm geo adies et lIe cagegtb esîatemiancè4o, cfg ho eb t Wu'ca Excuison.-A laremsumben attouisi ils excursica itm lbe, cliel cuas«o up for lb. boudeorthIbm Pi*byturisa Sabbatl school bore. 'bm place cas cmli cheea îl iekela chesp tls arrange. umui gciami 11 eaier sud tesuita Axovsxa DoSz-No deubt Ibm Waro cil give a rare show lu mud-throc tnjfb repby ho Mr. Mectyr'ià lettf. M.c Ertyre caà I-o I!ard cui "Sam.' The Wasrdces elurs on Ju.lge Dean. sud bis. &tu"* aon the Mttbcisaî cmterucmuxclts simnraidieguaiout lhem But&miter the Wcoiville egmags eaura Il doocsc caus m.ysurprise. lha Werdmr Il cmiid serc bas Igel le sacrum e weaol "scipesie massue, coagh -lea Cid "DSelpmn eugle, bel lo h. lhoeclI lIe:: t mita on nt mini attacis item tbs Warder a»Y mone thsu itemBob IngerachI. Ibmais loth tarae i db the nue stick pumoàm. -Mr. A. MéKwoS etcf lI Balm eot Lire Ilotombas te ot his pena toika c km t oumoe: Mies Etîs 1tud- tmg ~ ~ ,, lahohk m is .ld..t ams hau the b.dru bualuon la BEton .. ae T.A. LBateusa ag New Rc 7zm Dakota, basuab@ oums -ason slau ami hoi a p8maladwaw ali mê la home btoa Daofe Us£Wa VM ORtsua emeis..... Mr. BEumsnFromentIfMe M*m bf ¶moa aiBbet m m eu ami meebe o .H th" A.elue rotet0mlu Tpas La ~mi"M ta bbe