, mOULT 18, 1808. »am~g r~wg~~ I I I I CWfr mmisma aquatuet fa sentuy. l ýjjmmd by I sttBas oamaL Riy flI euS hOitUiills um0lusi.: CRICAMO T 111 W~4. Goodwin, HEADQUA..RTERS sun IRe Msirbi estlSirut uwnsv., New Adv.tgemt, fila Wak. VoeaLiel--ua. of Om, Borinfor sala -HuMR- Iharo., Mugse te rami-Mms uss LOca-Bs. Paueli Bndey Bis b. vie hueva -u btàditm BJ 1U4., D.80, si8a"it im aio0 a aculr ..«llm Amiroes obueLmy. vIsmvacat, butsW muaens tbsymaultbei isclor pnoo bu Mr ai ldcli»t Nm a uuilmaI1 thm du-No th, aave*= s itI -tb~ lve mbu"usà*iela a 1um niita Iuthe t srats Ru*ameai iProfeu mye»et tbc KinalgS .. un mais taonianat W. J. BAuou'a.-04t -#à 81.50 mg I Th"syn ars iiithbiuest euhI us1 bave neI,...bo aatta nlid- Mr, try ErRAIk xrLu.-1- Maax'maivesl m .-Ot'2. go ta W. ri. GuampIWs. Ho m hasle larai ai leials.m aihosom a si a v ci.W. E. ar.im *0 oti w. on Bpmi Ii S9 YtL . W. Ua 5*9y rnffas~aumm.seli u é s i. K m .b t i 0 U I h u idi gr Aogaet,BaSaundm Plumk Tenais Wrapa am.&.W. MaGmby'a W M14 R.White mai GrevShawl& 3,t-24 ILE.W. Mciaefbra TW" Ne o elas s Iilauàugu hava loua puhlg thvRia m n uthelr -ceaSnm fer lb. patlIii or mlx woiku. Alraaiy le alosuvork tan tRie isuad t ftIse Maanballi Ia5 la about epi ei Ti Soatlos maW Idiailm Wvas icai mals, seMupiatemiencu et Mn. Thosais 014.1, mai thi sumweorklau bau sirti e nnudi Ihodtruotlsa ofMr. Jobs Mullurs. Tha etomevonk te of Boboayua Mnd itRie Vlaebave a lino sud asCM, appiarenos&, aiIfthe aiau trns ila *kei Igw theRs fundaleawe Wiii hanvà of uhiRi aur .Iewaspeople, wli Rvu «7rasaca ta le pcouL OBumati, Dowd & Ce Tho wJrnt t lsIst àtn toms. AshIlese if tuy quisL e swimor Seqlhgooku à , zaiSite toka am 8le oe ohlgn oi aio theeW URanof tho Smi. Tho uasni and Mr.Skin ~ 1, ~g~bu a a mtm a worknso as vo wrk painting LOCAL building. -Ezeuaiinu issd;oriegb LOCAL 1-:b"nlckworitw hle in f ull blaal neztvwee f115 L a cj JOZ E.£ lpe eio. or.UO&«&oote-LitieJohuay Britton, tRhe -7«r am 5~.Dr.MeTviai OateToroag-ag. Cendutar Diton, mat with a painfi gi aee ni leiht.ryNislug I Sais- ouaday 1h18 yuk. i viwua efinthi.i Tie LlmiaMy Pruhyisy moet tsa.Medr- Resua iti aish m mti Rmi u ondaer to diapo. sa Iter &ami hi Vas tbrwn tolmiryIo Mdt frontth*e Cen ralilPtobyMianchurob, or à uîlg es ai sre 2~mbta ta flot Dr. MeTatiab or Lweuay.. lea oimnrt L SitRaWsai A lurge rsh>r.smt4tlam from tRh'Llaaay Suadar ai terncon lant a Foung-boy aa jeonyEBilotI. u ompany wifhminoua Magrcgatlon appursité oppoie t'heosAi, ohld eva xiIal Ing&round wm machin * esie I i vlh lt re.dotréahe la front a1 doean àeepoment torehou rev, St" khéïdnoir thie Warier office. Yauth'a, uncontrol bis eimrent fRock belngawmnlfÏeduby hie, deire te insiter dotale lnducsd hit ài tron us e tg-rii wblch Ietcoams.se rud meaih.gtgwlhRe @#Mmeamaie tta laahlim angot, tain. esthtReli h iiefne iRt The delegallon troin tRi eonreao 11au1111ILa reai Ri oui la yMr. ..R celInpeetlv Via tning luit Rater Sidney fue% nd ýdlitKtd f ýMoers A ECbéjý7-ear cli on of Mr. .Jo h secut uDell-, Rcoiilaleda e WE a AmRé t.mangr 01 te t0laUboe, ebai asmriu usaJ. eyel, obs hen, . H Gruso*Mr.e tram.irawming. The 111tue felloviW N. icClmmm, ies JCkmnShsrtFf lai gu mnaaow morsi ta theo batik ne MiLunan, Wni. Noedle,John lieSweya 906eo s anoyand airsreantosn n 1L 'ndesonN ltM- A.ýmpbll, the aiu @Up el ita lb water. Fortunau B. pls. D J.Nc.ulyo, . C p Dll Ur. OttoDuckwau etianh m i tns N . A n d rso n, .ÎQ. l c E ic h r u oee eiectl a ato hn g t Re boy &a s h ao ia ig s ImnonF.F. tan>Reimn .. ydo"a thse soo lima. lobs amino aey. Amuua. biaa0 ladies échoyai their ieep toterms tÏ&- v. Travreanmcers. 9* paceelng by ccomamynq tie dlo. The coslng cconraof 3r. Alfred Treva WtWa;4 A petillon ai mmd by 275 mistuben- musical convention lu tRi oapera hanse Mford aioui aa a&d hy 10-aiy e a rie eluehve.-ln V0si aihérensorth Re aoin Vsavry pleasing aud succes pWSaiylry.Thes dc. ome sel foet*a uin fatàir. thoagh thse audience iras flot large Ow!] dat md defattoter e eresseofthle. tethe*varni ucather and lthe sunhber oai rgragallsa why the& fr sua uouli o cursion and camping parties. Nimeteen nui 1 Dot bers wmcm put. throuigh Promnptly and. t :'Mes e Md; ed tranton PtetluW. vir ai ag~laisa ias .cordial and irequent.TI CasUs minmifou Re .F.M 0Scoruses hthe cîas iero admirably rander 9*Sanda- &chool ami Young _p»eajsand asud1nie flfOVitiOICeo f the careful Irainir ~?Aelas i rda 0f tRie church, and? ram cer yodfrein-Mr. Trovor. Trios by Miualai the Y. M. C. A. ai thi oa iekm e Mi«sCnel mf ias N. Carucîl; solos by . b. lary iunsford. AN14asNellie (Jorneil, Master ..mat-t terme Ihat Dr. XêMerlhodbai uiMiss Lane, Miss Kcmpti mmd Mr.lRem iilaQwed sla remanlaleispréésaI pustarae. were ploa*ingly renderci. 3Mr. Trevor contril »lolutmwtRe prumetaîlon ami roadil. or ute<i threo solos, and wuaswariy applanide 9* petitlone .cai- addreuisfroui aasël Theo-humerns ducît. IlMoney Matters," 1 SM Vîe ýmerMberi 0f lb. doleatjom, Viz lMiesaMta GallnandMifr. Alfred Trevor wi fea epemoymmd arnesnesshaie ~ IlVengiven-i iichàrmlni tylo mand ias encore fer openy ad ematàïe bvé P: Tho àrtiatIc renderiing af the dîsetti.Il Flahe labl -_lda eqlà mexcelled. btmais mnen y M s cweynandi Miss King tor ana iteir' OCcasion. On àloudly applatided. MWs L. Murphy pmred i ohrbaud ase MfrtRie Toroo tR te piana. Mr. Trevor as musical instruetc heshytir, and Conug lla uStrouly has giien _ygt.m=1 èeral ani hcarty satisfaction, a? lia ntiv put. evoaaopru c.man cordlly recommend him te any plu 1mai vroi)preseulmi bz Bers. Jeo NlR whererer Rio may next dévote hie attention... * miW. Pasterson i îlte eohmrega }'e undcrstand Mr. Trevor bas etarted a cas 01:lfnearily lftY 1pupTila In abCamYgean. The, Uéu.Andro. Doaiî, , gm . sa i ililndIhm an admirable insructor. #1on6. -On Lthec061Ravlag bis-a isi la O. MrTavisI'.an"da Rêie ulgoid bis - lm .02Bueoi«Ufni C aIeI a thécemaBe ttr eaT dl istonla hAvri lait theiucation departinsat le isallnReh *maer. Tbl PnSegal aam uxainateson throtilbsus tRie province t umeied hici tmoibtkiiadesuîmn doe.oanmeolloawlth tRie Otio.art ihool. Th allwa: i e.bis go ut and coeuîmg la Lndsay hlgh achesn! tba part la thse examinsa iendsuccieôdd la iecur - Sedilpomal iMer. thora. Theni vaa e linoe lushlore av -Meiltbere r. M.J. .Kits fS h orieat efotis of thse mou ed as presidlng examiner wihlst the examine leva, r pii.o L Aimi eITar'q s, mfiknas tion waia nprafregg; anad tRispavee r ere 9011 R-i.t rieikee wpirti -twire iitiiittrvpyow y -LThlnmte Toi Juta, where they irere exarnlneil md-.d4 wlttî necprocal .d*tofflCê.ai0" Tho follawlnic liat sows lise nanes ai tRie suc flutulàee. To eonl.th i s vbRbonm onai oesn diCates and the. dîptomaisecSurai: biate auch à people vawu esymaoe lut wRit ho bRelbleiÏÏÎdt e ie ai of &mcie hn couli mt decmu ta brk Ik. h. Mcatlei tRiis Itlibated Ibî . se epIi lise Cm&D. Whgl tRie mimd of Risthe g.y ?ry vwu iocdeduy la fator of Dr. . ......"a a foTaiaRiresla inlaLladiey ao tRier ~Rni.....a ~ a Mrqe wui sPcn te Ilim tbleu tenel........MD .".. him îroyohscRa T.é aAmifeoi D ......"' d*lgat lo and îh'...n.,uaor, théeParty fuel .......... 9*ba ffl ébt f-EradiÏidoe c àe¶ Pe'ssopalear She rg»ieru hptick lo liMthaw...... . a les ersadorhoa l I 6 a'ou a'ial ispeass.piaa.lgoRisaRst iT. GG. -lony1 a dlmlagionbishlnlyattontios n d Ibm .M K su a ' eU7 yo Ri ragMoabsfhathemr a . a ....44 a' ine, Rloibaim té b vithane-- -M Th Kn al îe * 'a at*e L 04 té DLW muNE' a tu. aM. *JUS'a Ti Mfltu RiMd lab,tgm% M. I'L ' th àr So, f i otrai Prsbgeamm iaW Nov. *rala CLg ut?~'~atda UWMvnes~ usielb. IleUsb e71 Riuama*a~m~..~la .,à ha"e The. tae mys- ek. mair dent lb.l 'i he tae Mr- irh te mey Smw ngs isf i ex ni sed ST, by rao vas ai tor md id la lie e le 00 bu trd Mr. S. WrightI. pronlumof theo RoUe Ptatlngl Worka1 vas la teva lait weeksBut- lag itermidstRier verfor Platine Ne hiI- talm"d à goi mpply wRhRie heIII raturaamt veel and salion sur n id other citizen@ for a ,nash suply. Mr. Wright. Whsoa enoaul ceuvaaalg,ý la a pratical lmm a ai as iz empicymueut practai moen, me eau saatly anar- entéesmal work untrustai ta hlm. TRie public muaI unierstani that tlsliplatne ihno maRi affair, but a depoaili y alecu-lil moins ai pure si11cr or whiaterer metal thse article ta tu bi plt.teî1. By ltRismeans knivea. forke, spoom, cruatta. e., bowever -bWee they -mer b.. ars maie to look ase .c as noir, ani tRie »v c ngmach more £nablo tben tise aid. Mn. bau for m my jeans 1cmn a ruilinofc Bowmtauvllle and la welI andi avorably knowa. mea tise ciions ai Lundsay and viciaity neci mot bo 1.01ward lu* entruatlng laohi looping irbateer Vork tMemar requlre doms. pricai aes Var um aib neta Ul aiwhlch Win le lt et mh hme >'rm M. A. Jamea, edior and Publiaher offle. anes vltm Mr.Bten eWrlgam ropri5or of d Ty Bwaville Ra11=10 PlaIngWanka, ani hanr il due coaieneble huaineswilh hm andi liv Salwaystounid hlm honorable ani tnustwanthy. Au a ffle mecaid iao tam w ut lmb Aiea m"Y oresj ar«Mt ift w v boléS o 41 Omut'eM. 'A. JIN-8m e Il'ira UCal. ubltt. BOWaw ILMLE. JUIF 5h, 188m 1 have 1w. acquaitai vItR ibM. Btphei Wnlghî foi,ranmr era un ai, aitboughb have not ujmif lad amy work douesy ua1W à ha &IWI a urd i poken o ai ZOO&sai n lube W e saulti suppaoeLiouva 1 boear iRaImy ark hb. nuensakes veulb FotDr. Mc Laugkhinb, MP..P. 1 have pleurs luaityinugtRial 1havaelaI t onmtdrable workc dons forma by the tWllabie rPlag Worke Ca. of thist. r.andiU aveIst pro M »' midenl1vreoin. 5-tf.tqMLir To île ChafrMan o! tIcBoard of Educaito -Z DamSu-apresttu ai my AaS rspoutMer tRi. RaItyeàrjuatdcosi Ithought lu wouli be wa Ita talesa bal evev ai tRia mmiisgor the achool for thee laiyer. ta addition ta-tRie tatemeat S« ihe'atteiences tor thée month ci June. vIscIs Vas iM Theio tomaverage tsr tRe mSot *JuiraswuIergoly cannai by mauy puplais ba mwee n ualpreparnn,<fer thia yemn's axamiftations lea't-ng bofore tisa term: had clos- e.Dun1n , mcr 213 puTs wi ers lail 82 fou omtr dit Victoria anMi 18 itou sUis coualims;133 0lai buasat tendanos tRis prevflg hall yen mià ither nair pupilaor cli pPilsvbO bai bs bent foir aneor 'mr terine. Tb*ieu 5i'515 for tIse pait hUAiyuar iilIT. Tua veragaloi . ta . Ill"v- U OW toa lmbur on tRie raIL. 1 KCi -Ve&i 1 ttal rPort for 1870ôta mahool vho:Vie on rall for fMUbenl r ai 3. venu. rl;epend halfyer, 2R a U2.AL t samne rate aur average haelis 19M.Tht.s ahol boaa ai aumtis.situadollas, amdi1 have noicoubt tIat tIse parmeaset " ibu aimunoItaido vItR tIs r ,glantr Sf Ihs attamauemand mthina tedemiar tetarad thé' ia ifflc vla mev am"-l a um T rb l ataoudra Nok usetutatsuy,1; ni fltasas, W; Bj mum ml.tctu fer.tMr ~~sustei ammua catanm e s- i i I M Il 'a Ii 1 « à SINGuLAR DzAIE- Lait wsk ai ttie a of Mr. wMadinai a toa1h pulm Mdisa the day folI.wlng theapuoeatoh Veont bérefi1tti dcauht cold. TheU nogm lafismed, aad thrm n t wui tRiam h sbor dliedfrou hoc o n1 fam RAT CuOP.-leamplie,0f the.momu. what dry weather tRh tpibr um thia district prsum ve try 1,In lasmm ____ boenthie smnin la ry JgRit st aian b. bosthe a atoe, whil e have, ima 0"diwhm es tRi. il M asbhilmiith»u two toms b the aore Tabou la toto, theo b ar eo wtt b. ffly uip to, thé vrae Am ImmOrTaNT AppUr-Iea the. mmsior the North EnitiaRi Iaunm oC.ci mou. trilaintit umr. Peter Munay aMd Sandftw Blacki et sur toue on aa uara- te lis balgvea by themthe pimmmnt OR tRie tulcourt vau giron lutdX , Jan 29LRi, bu the appui mde hi1h. palntuN from the delcion cft1Mr. 'Justice Palcen. bridge Sîvmn at Barrie latitoartu la favor et the defedants. On theajssI lt. Sau and samflrmlu ts udgmext. cseflal onmi publnterest, as tRie question raile l I; orthe. defemSwua mliii for th. fitlime la Canada, ami l thefiuim Wl!f affetaivmawu&Mdbv Ithe pIlaallf la thaUlmuiitRa quarer01 à miRAisetf mutvuz1v, u-te omalies m b.. te te wo, lvathe b . bas ton tie suretm- th bon u e u p t u i, o t h rv ta s e Rl Ib y l attm 1i Thi malt Rebu sam. dlwe tshe fefeaisata r Obtmeas badt a eia ii ezIs ml,'0 mav s itmss jvau T~»ud& asit y uyii ~aauv.-6 asnIls 3MthJimm4 Il vlaSf.nomlsk d9. â 1.gmuw 4t 69bu I miep r' Ïe p fi al Vq m bi la ir br 11 tic m ab à rý 0 w i uéms. VahevigoIséou& !bskaas~SfN. Me Ui dugysut V.Lms.-lýite ,colle. aga3.fi~l~. mure -~ lalne Uolsmm ont &Wor Ra. Iismai #0tTuAlamd Hammles.99bMa, sa m , bs is ulIR ubasmait mtlhu.ummwmug aimishte Jéua bai aI m è>m rur Oum toilsta i m isS, .&" . Maion Ia - tel meoeel u" cati lEsl e.' m lruallum Nmw lmauumék& Eu rs luva@&l 13 zaniRma. ran MND 5~u Ta eu Abt mf&op MOI1 Jett' Ensle ,TRui ahrNaIe ubift ~ Oli Mdy Jem amie =Olan tl amePhfa#Clamh u~~rI~&itfr ARsaI io0isai. vSmn smie. DS'Wace MW.. wlii Io <assuise' Mdura W Sei oreIur ae. lRait, O'nerf..~s ta" teYNu. JUIt siudlE a ai rsiam Dote msed WlU taRe pla n eimdySaM. TIàiexumOgabile lant oomectlos wu "The ablVeusa ta nmua ItnC -Th PesbimaiangobnR eho i a a Ubetan hula lomoUatg m P ant aBbayms Ilbdeeuruioteiuaglaaa OUI maa u Mab.cthm batyS -Waimaiimia hd molatd tRie i aM fieo NVeneb aîJi s selo.an teir cama asonnilo, tsa& lb.glct point. olThe 'TRielu Dehve bautIimaibi. -Th Sris. oàint otsain IBeod o grtRe tala.TRiors- recei deme.lbndmamut 150adlte ami n o M Sla. h tR a nderm o abety gl Mat"elbtts IV" a iumm WM, v 19 1 laam éam ls e PflidIU d "Al.Meê"00 pem u «M i l ulilhoui W U. mb ÙaMs - as ixe.ya f a Ria o m a aMi uMIWosM OMMsa bwd u h«dsbaau * Bu" àE ferme. nýTe adouas. 1 oe aTrir -m-. a mxDO1o S. BakeOb G. t BUTTER MAKERS A FEWFACTSU gy" Butt U er eta constant use of a rope gad Of salt,-asuig of cour-ge, that cieadies * obsrlwd :ndt/a. mikpropffriy cared for. No s/ can rsolve carely prepared butter into a1 we~t artide; but on the oAier hand good butter vill iot long reomain good unioe a ftne grade of sai is used., T" th tu is .théecasejùevid.enced by thé/teft thé large thippera are constantly writing to t/ete .s. dmmoncing the mse of poorsait and astribinq uta j».. ly to t/a«t practice thé present depression in thce tritdt,. Ltier muai 6e prepared wit/A /ne sait Io Qh;j t,, Rnglnd ad copare adrantageousy iciwih te wegian artWél. To meet and proride for this reai want ire Ilare récfvd a large consigniment of FINE DA Ill Y SALT in sache of' 50 16., superior bratd, used kil ail tMe leading butter makera in t/te country. Cer toi" Uise it if you want good butter. A Fosh Stock of Go noral Groleriesa Rarly in the. week ive rereired a carload 0/ , 'n oral goo" for farnily use-to stock up, so to speak. O<xaionqlaU an mdi epieni8hiiig and Lt as freig/at to order in bulk. Mlaj!y new 1ineesU'e hl- c.luded besidea stalplé articles, sur/ a s Teas, S(1gar.. CDfeee andgoodo of that sort. Fresh,-nonelp'.,41(r. Se BAKER dC00, ]P.O&-Terme stourCashcii. iOLD LSEWERE AT 40&I J. 0. Md wardg. lARD WARE. Largéet BtocA~, - e GL. EDPRS...- DUEW PLIES AMD NOMUS! FUhlila Cut Noa, f Maeqan aDingl e ad L.tà s.N,. BéaiR'@é em Kuob, Bo z atchm I.Locka Butt^, etc. Oua Bara Do., BoUe, Kéavy wr, 't irm iLu'n J»érm4wakteRinges, Kéa0vu latehesand S top@ for Barn Doora, slAeet Zille-eut to aliy nie. Plat» and 2arffl4 i4sJMw, Qlaaa# Pain ta 'md OU. .1ait !ssaeM iiv mlae sif m terl& . Tayr GIENERX UA NEAECT Kw........ ...... ...... ............... ............... 0.... ........... NoarahiSmithh....... ............. :.....>. Cery Gmith...... .. .............. Whriaw........ ................ Waisv...a ..... n.... . ............... I<I=id.. ............. ............ B................ ............7 ............................... lm PlC=rv ......... ..................9 ...m. ...... .................... Citer ...................... .....3s Casrat ................... ..............1 Tota......... ...............5 Dswaevi mà iKoilf Boeyaa............. .... lis Mien ..... .~. ..................... Ruilesi................... s.......... Star ............................... .. Walpe.... ...............4 arand toal................... TRie Uverpoal Quotatim irais.h.&M. Thie hidimg wasas olows. Hoiis9 waioleai.wsrnm 9 Sforther e309= a. Cluxtou t Ptorbor o"ar. isigion pisctioma. lnxtoa 91, Paterbmro. WarrunalgssILpetsrbom ,Wnlghwa 91, VIola bort. Wbratoa si. Petrboo ard. lloo-giet. Bbbeasygin, Manipasa. Dney for baac fVictoria ban.W nleltl for Vîotel board. Wnlhtona sec«io Peterboro, board. Hée choie Waumisser, C. 13mitami C.Grovu. Wrarlgbmsi tforbglaao Dorvogi.Shaisr mami Nelri#a bbe.W ar.lt-O ringtou Sê. slac Pitorbona bor. Cîuxtn H. ueieosion PaIerboros board. He chois War- saw.M NM mth "mai .Grava Rfod. 'lmetarla erbrboard. hodgaoaq 1.3,, Vicori bord.Clusmm9 ktarbhue seectissa Md thais eiecteai by Mn. r ghus. A disputaeers. mer «Warnlnatqm'e isl Id on thse grouud Ibît Miairs. nton and ,lxtoa boit a1ready purchasielellns rha chaRmes docd thtt thes fod te a mari. maie hy Warrlugtou vis the lstand ntht. ruilmg ha wui iupported by a umnamum rotei 1 or ime uet. Ctntoabl S i~R Vtue boIard, WrgRi. Z44 Vicori onaord. Hatigmnet Petmubunoe Un beRn l« ai S f mli aid, Peterbaro et 01 ad VictoL.. PEsO Alqà-Mr. JO"n Meslee b Wm of G Iusi r us d M a. e et aun tnp lut vau, tRio former for, ;Viud ami tb. latter os a Vsâat ta hie oerla ninidgi Maikaka ditriot £Corrmoxsia e inRe poul 3Trscâz"-Prot. Trevor, who has bren ivug Resuons ln Volce production and caory of, mutile ln y ur love for nme Sepat, bas oPena lamse e.and le purlg liberai support. -AIready hoe ba 1~ everA tetnmai. aitudIff A. ~ X<fa.IJ Troubles, gour 8tomaeh HICINBOTHAMI1. JRW41or uaWB=w. -Jéh lM everf Decie. Wl.,RbuaOCeR& p~ê *0. £fit"dr cebIist."Be la imr weali, but bis mini la uncisaigi -A vomii cabugnm te 1h. mtlun thes CaàmteM Issu ateale meR tla A aIledon Tuaiy, à ami es seIýtEfldoimsail SMetunaabb us Msmuloyi. on=a. lates Rite a.o ba etief Uwas oR tue esan t vi-nda &m#-à-lii. -Ols Satudar aitonnoaen cid mus mmmii Ma*liw Liesand, nIil m fs th cou., Tymadimeg et ont bo, Mulesm utumpe. Sou Be Rsamlba, Pais tsar it do»m. WRII.50umsaiho biani grias mai onloaklng Ililct maid Lso»mauiylag asn tR ianivu amli ottltbuutI uly soafibi lesnd tRie Roveèr part 0 bisbody h t. iuote a oliu.Ailtno aspoarsi, but WR ad Mti Le u= Riq hote bru. làa et lMai vlanheclothlag caugt ire -A Riaman ksltou vas fhuaieil39. D. CemerM' PointLaIe siiamsaSew wsbed tpIly sut of thie bail vba, Il hbea bia d. Som bita Sof a msic wRilc bai bienu u sa acoffia, rasly »11%a mOtaibuttons maid àfeu sopper oins, sImk&baut thoey7M 1lm0 ers UaMUi vtR tRie bouem.Oe pi mosu oletly mked wvl thUe bon id aim r Welltnalou anid dedMi 4. Tbhelle,« phlea a te F rine ar Sau"s ain, a nuluid. Who tls un' Whs rora thie rita sof hurW laiI mci Me loupuluasta by tRie lossly sbrsu R7lBakIng odp 'h oc 01 bd a t pGWDER. AbsoluteIy Pure, Thits..pewder me ana.-A mar-ai 0 etrepganmd wholesmua.la ne b Wdln ompolition wmUs Use mulI w ~ letthM r elahu slum o Nw Yr.-.d. Wallse, ie [OUSE TO RENT.-The dwellinigom Peel-s8.. nemtly oceuplidby EM&. Ma IsmidedatepOemesson. Apply teliEl i I I ai =a tom IRS.EDW'D O1XtLaa. - Or UGH QOLEARY, Brjtý IlORSES WANTED.-P"tjohalvin JLI 0ahores ta si lIl fna reaij pur chair buapplylsg ta the undersg" s aIthe Centrai doe MsIp:a a a uhouas aM 4L 1 lxv ail o f oui horM&s E R FOR SALE-& demfrablo f mm b . vintuminute@s Tk r ùB;Mif ta G EO. P ic K8O!k. E .]cgnem route, r.MRS. rtle. Who il shwtiprovo"s. julyS& 1lm-5.tpd. PÀÊB FOR SALE. -Being composci F' of west hait or lot 25. conceosion 7, Fine- 10.0. prOo f ithe "ae i. H. SMarne. This fa" cotis,100 aorea%8 ofai htch ara 0«Srd, houas, liru, stable a"i othor aoutbidlg.l 1%0 Pandslais ad 16 miles itou Lai là. a emlau or by tte t a DMs Ccuiter and USai hua isday eudg uohoi by mugulei nmtAU acomts dus ba à"am etSfCoute & Rami trou ltheRat "aY Of Juis, RM.,ta the Uni dey of Iua, RUS tel bealito Dr. bol, vhs wiRlpuy iaU ff E me I ai 'I i m bu la 10 B n n C. LU COULTEn, ~ltaeoeuHEDy. 1.C00OD. NÇ OTICITO TUIE ELECTOMS0 Oavotera' La for 188& lie CM& « the un* amV ixamhIIasln TmU "du.hit iun lemue Isb iuulat - TUM ST PEM UDI 0ST ML n vi.m L Ur KENED. Lài &br tuey, U4 LeN D N OT WKLB "as. JOU BOADLuImu Bu .1 E ~- 'i' ah. lux# M 't.~f t Il FIL M. 4' i 'i t, ~' h il 41 111 1~ 1 1 Boat Bii.dcr Tio12, ots. c o A CAEA» JuITO HN».DI 1 04PITAL Alo FuNtS OVER - $3. AIULliNCOICOVr TRMia oninogtIi ohd dreliab!e Comeu le la MI R o Il m là 5w I~'uwa mpo u onW a#bMy stomt opS,$O, e MMmM-MwMRMMý ~y. store. ý 1 "-ýi. PN~IRE&IL TRi a" lae Egush ConÉiei and are W for heirflbe au id pruipmeàà in mà TheRieccdett Isumrt> ~Ci-lnp'niy etNa or f at a Lwet Rù;4 . Thons 5d-.mDHand lnsureg at .Lcwest Bail 1 ALSO OOEDN guISE GUETA IIXTUEEB, EEST X*DE. 1 1 - s 1 1 == ý JULr -M lm. ]MIMIKOM JEMOI aTraBoiRoý mzmcnre à