'PE lA A1WWW. NIWAT. f JIUJ6036MWUV1IAÀLOWMLS OW-.' - - - - et cerneOOW MoX.na. im*me oe Oolden Fleeoe. - uaSoodar Illnoq lothing, AND -FUR QOODa-Mýc= The resnits Of aur isat 8easoii's trade have fay coeavinoed us of the wisdOm f- Our Poloy of aellng ail goods atrock bottom prices. FOR: THE FALL: TRADE we- have boughit from a lbý. trybouBritish. -oui Forelgu uark.ti lu botbL Prosa Goodu md Tdirminge. You vM i Lad onedcftie mont elest aoim 10 dmsos -froua. IV. (1o ith plessuro Invite everjme t tea e. differeat Unos. villi pleasure-shov jothelb.different atyleu, sadesanodi matenlasand identit will repayyou and us. W. vi» foui co.- INIL LINERY our stock la comp let. i n mh, Englioh aud Âmericansp. à with e at lt eustyles of Trimmizg&i. ÂAilorderu entruuted 10 Mm lm.Q. will gel lier. bout attention XÂNTLES, DOLXAN8 , VUSE8 in gat variely, raraging lu pric. frcua 82.25 up. STAPLE DEIPARTUMMN.-We invite comparluon cf our uew rai priiti in the lateat designa.Cretonnes--mtylieh lu patteru sud extra value. O.ur. T wéllings, Towels, Table Linea sud Shfrtirags-thend are bouns! 1 corne te the Iront. In Flannelson ou a rtmeut ia very largeé. vith better value thau lait ('al 'early ana secuTe b. neveit patte=rnsd bout value. MLEA'N, SýMITH &Oo. Th eap'ltono, aigu f Golduen eOOM" Lots of fel t~i o4 Millincry Pepar/ment, and basjust re/urnedfrom t/w ~nxrkt. Ladies cani de- -teid it Vorec aste1o.and f1art'jrices, TAILRING.. 4- gnzidiae of ths . Mitchell.&Co Cttig Schl,à of ,Nw :York i5s W chargeoff/wORhRe CLUO THIG.ýT :jVw5im am -w LINOAT WRDAIS. 1. immU TUWJ AND QOUNT!. dLm Im KItN i.01VD TKEU E.or . unooGamv.ii49Lkgw 10 l clu. Paari Mla mbos. otchSk athe muna~ie hi a t unta cat time.-12wL____tfsd_________gldo e ait or yo r boy go4w GLLPUm d. CIther ou doora maiS OR oljflus, eTt. bd mu naris.11in eea tne adKeenas'. lwon. uniao tha Mamonl iaou i dlit. TaýhouA amt oielbeuul a ld te4 vaoSumith a. bâ th e lon ezeo"ac laSm IWd the bnmlnum,-ami &1,ïOube ro e et aM.gliea«l olti me Vitoriaroud boue. Theo badtovi ntudi aetrut nadties t0 w M aa voit bâr a m 0v5. eonglesW broefor cEes anti C l atre . m me talu" -sortaiianpe ond iso.sua.A ruS MiM u isu lnii The notice .11k rrettht»ki dblet0i Mr v.ILcalwnae davmus l. toria tmSw CMboonk dw.IL ise 10 10 hm dlsm , orl i the hopati abme a, hali vibae ie oW $a-tÙu.tl viali met le V. 1h. flMesca uter09lm mo s anaeollu te ahtl 09tUisnie. Culd oS uto ard ai tae Met tno Mr- IoulaeSW@mmluathhrt Muc rbemod i au f luotoIii Je #f.ofh . P.Il a t bta o s mee.t vo bi mtiernla- i h lodgLO..T.Thefanrai s Prtul.Mmo Wodiln Mens MeNasuu TbsNapouxprm ecrd.SI.wlng O Xi.W. M.O'elre R Wodtoo. 8rm4& cf inlsa, a.fOfolmdA d10OorOe kr ageN. W M.Oelnt ta prpl&W c 1h. tah" xrocsail h ilu mis.rr. oJCDeryapcre 1cr s! tho mos papor, ha.bpausORun -lit John Flu -à elIo vibrgr ttll mroion cfa a. vater desenves liae faOralea aldm 01«"«ORtie oa ath rlllea m. pr~the hl MecelStat t n . Qu at pressas a tlie trn vie remeUl.Ail th"t Mr. iunea laI.»Mth" B-sathe &mMmt an B.eboum@1i abs» nai= Fe==cmvos":ashB uoesonnmmtle ptououut» nov levatthe B B.e popon valuationoSiboSduins, Mr n ana tIsa »t-àv B.Mso srp tton. Theu=aao laoilma mdcmainteauha ivpta Prims am -w tuenq. TtLÉIi siman sinteba,. e i Onaneh Cfa1~ M.MWs luB. dIaassIeec teecIUa Mi evichbu bs . cbua- bu ev m--itu o BOUalE air r dwth oir t àb ptrlie.aoorI *ov-oàte enaI M *0bop onlrivan m abemeod= orurud .Milo lmas eaveu Seldmmel R à sb. e wbm t vm»v'a. 11W Iula oWeleml la appos muvImm vifs, vho ld mnotel s fiodo ORtvWh" appeortIo to boan iio unala at lie unov. lir. Dammnaremidhi*ulwo untifoum"i lIbai Ilbain a. aveloailaflafmme. la th* building vwu mScoath i a ld Off TacniO! vbcAM aud butrle,,athB.ropbai bea a.o orne. adlina the bora vire the stable al oan- a ivideocati bg a band ParttIon.- 8oto inbthégrunaau, va.aua =tl R id groin 2 fer fmoln npia. Mmiuona agolt. rai Impafla ai s ca ottnubxe, tact nt- 150 fisefcél mae I boildimu eaiqunt- ses.The stable catleta ii Oa f bisou anilia.valuea t 810The flou bal ohlain- eho aInho bapl'theildiaga anti @»n uhlgbsoae d tg be nla mile o v.anIbugvbteev~mi oibsh- ctmuu urmm adlte otiftUlil yn danroUW«. Anovbranftlimier in*1 ta tbosïtohleonswthe .ra. ts leatB. MaM vou tB.produiet O09 vnli «:= aala b mm a.lesnm. ~ wohdu i ho t;b sav~~~a" aogyas eavolhe h à" ,ocaanh Net' 27.dom a"et Mmea Boete~w.0Uk1h dgatko Th CtyDry Ooob u leohant .Tuioring flous. AGAM UF U 1~EVT à mous, ggteButmolI AthotI ma *0 mdduNm..et-ml im m IN M OI06 et* l uéi M P., miIds m VW etgagem ILth ho~ ~~omt IU me y iiocun usi md imbido iss iM, h ah omebi thive teS Dui e m uti i asemmethrs The a" mucm Vinl monPuik~miai, M aPptm i hie aOM oaaOR 15an B ont 223dORlbm ar crtegmm oemmgngd mrn A i .A Maae Zuutaffà@d M ver rmoelbete «M»aoo&iWh»s e B.Tbve- bara, zHi a, mumem.ev qunsdwmn.Bome là bav teuit oeir um0uusk SqOR*8he, 05 nhmeol 09e Joee, lau loeikullnis md Min tia. arOfl. EuuuBe amaukllaUiu Tbmuetsoso vil!mIwiimavos apouinaB.opimroumtuia emlg Nop. ni lzboomit"aiurlso"M. B. stae ..he l cusni us kru Mb read~aauie 0hrodclaa miss 1 10 p, %yentaORvtau.tmWin 10 gre am nuft-l ipuen~ mmn oug trmthhe*Drig vhloh l af Imm sms bs la ahre nai lechoIbai Upc. aii It OR a Ibee bo 11eJaho"aih. otemgf- upon a lonestaa ti saChPerAt-s otchiambouvtiab.Oiti mIt bav Bmt a d. Mlui wuly. SAI .msb t* t tu, fsieiatue antihmore ou mplot .pO _Tbescurolàothat m rta IiÏtiasbernag Mo ntaS B.iesboe laitviOU n no thercot havyDtiméMums, m r -Mr. IL A.iavsmoxUaulm ctalenelmc as Bout ltir. AwMoj -R ilraoala minUsabllasha»pop -MmonW riai il at asBc lv.a -Mr. Àt G. Ruhrfor e C. mttelhu Lton u.lotam Mn. G. W.Mlii.sat an, -The A" labeo.te- Wutiout"anhlau omis l. Mait t urigB. o hum t la par e trri Uer up nso e it% M-UW. be Tinte h tmpbaolot.biLrvldon rtrhng ie pi; ma Ontllat matin 1mai bau 10(1 .151ms Se monoacilmifn ~ampes RUbtIclubohamapples.51 li att er- oil t o bve sean.Mn IMhrori. J acepissi fteu r. 'Tm!uuervbbughrwt4dtth Mm m1clha reb g oa.r.eaatw Ae= mou.HUI. Ao ai . dringt nov copmiol.Tesimo v 0igaiisvn la~~t' 1o" otlu vid&B. onl rllluq club Inoni& 2muettrisam an M io1 ) f10 h e-loo mhr . J-As.Teh 0otoole n.nage tinuahi arnquuei Mr ryop"«UV a.uaW la U ~Ie mi us m mILoti a Burm'W..-18i. i* m S1%uou aub a s, o wm a Pd" à" maSus ,% usa,,~ ~ I IL, ov BK~ W. ukommr. ont em at OU If 1 vn Piia mseUb. hm vm&u Mec. IL S aoLzuIL-th li. -we va i 0um Tmp let ,àieIubMg. oRMU cat1 vo ik v"o as pls Ubt ii evue, llp 1d.W. I. I. W. Xcàmv. AsIOWM mmte tu Ianomqaflhui W.o N.,Vo Eebo'b cit an a but tn lMd leau otihuenlame m"b.a" u"-eveo maivis cecmt M CLThi oi. ornwaicaca. -Th" se m Hue.m o.moIe Su. laD MMMd Wkho Uutij kaie mGhIse amir.w Wlatmr Dious CIstllu mit.' tuht-9L. Wj.Ii.UeU B O- a bel ol Me-0 PM d t tf oals, la Pan mm SIrIoum i et sls11 Wé me oRII. umni Impo.atcm Iet iCm aib Offir deuom undbe" F.pura #on Ur. véItl hve las To themanti la, ati atpinSlatb a emailaai ami cao ~ cim lut.u.L .T!,e pimEre uauyo g so uyant tvsmflntucluth -That fe* etge udnglotIb cuai OR William anl Stml-Am, norews he Ne Briu oa rou tias obin puosedil, tCo. Jo. xCumm, vor .i bildigarudmc n1 lb. JohnIiNaMlebuil. g 155 ae1cmlan boueanuitmdjlnlg aW il.ot l laonh muSleg En rdlai EMoo reuosimfla, Mn. ilaof Cara. lua,é te a oftattheoUnta, Io lovugi foir, lao cupotllon">. Iote ili hobon o «oy n dolcinebt e l Ildeào mIl hir laet ibe 'àchun-trai, IT ua, . r. i 10e.- voU upe on dateni iémcedlathe Mic- P.a& lnldgeomtSuMet hit dri -bo mel&cepupnloa t ..cmma -Div. lnoba Xhr iii. the., alere Cal -Mr J J Bro, P., r . J.ailoILvel ja« av.fle reure fmmxtheundi, ri luit Commuenit o viU le ptuid os close buon Inivlme. -Mi. r. &Wilulamu *111 dloti a tiro uom . la lca R l. Llls' nalat in£cmta, l Cmboe 1t.M&oIIcac.o - w * Lnimi Se-.-8 iU - --- M ~ *~~ tiedffS. aOOL M M-11 WHEN THWINKINQ of spedn a littie ready cash and desirous of- making that 1littie go. as far as Possbe you will probably turn the matter over in your mnd for some littie time, and likely ask yourself the questions :-" Where can I spend MY mo.ney to the best possible advantage? " IlWhere can I ,get the, best value and the most enduring satisfaction for it ? Hew fTea Set, Dilmer SricoVaTIt et or perhaps you are about out *of TEA or COFFEE and you don't feel per- fectly satisfied with the la st, and have resolved, if possible, ta get the next lot a- littie better in quality and, perhaps, for less money. ars LA. But w, LA. Cousy of Victriae. SUGARS, too, -are an important item in the domestic economy. You believe, perhaps, you have flot been getting quite as many pounds for the dollar as somne of your neighbors. Rýeflections such as these'naturally present themselves ,to the minds- of ail thrifty housekeepers., No trouble or anxiety need be experienced by them, hovever, if they wvill only think of call1ing and making their purchases at the store of SRATT &-KIL.LE N. FAMIL«Y GIROCEES, LINDSAqy. COALSmmTOVESR TUE ART GARLANDf TELas j>InO iTOSuluFOR 1888-89, With PATENT REFLECTORS and New Double ...Heating Attachmenta s .a. No S/ove ever made itas faken suc/t a liold I bon t/s q5blic as ont' Art Garlamis. Th11ey are t/te tost Practical, Nove? and 4/traclive S/oves moide, and caninot"6e suréassed in DDura- bility, Successfid 9Oratioii and Heatizg Qual- T/w cold air is taken frmmoff t/se foot', fassed /hrougl t/he siove and /au n tmo warn . air, causing a costant circulation ini t/se ouse. We have Fiediernt ie 'c /ese 'S/oves no-w on exhibition, an4 inteiidiug jOmrchasers shoul fcalland ins efee S/ovesbefore buyigeisewliere. I~V aie ave i stock t/se ce lebra/ed, Sutana. Base Burner, f/te newfancy Cou ttess and o//wr makes of firs/-clas S/ove. IVoodatsd Ceaii Cooks. -,4 large variety -of/hest S/oves, also Box S/oves, Parler S/oves and Round 14 oHaters. C* kee in stock ail smes o Iro P.iing and Fittings, 1-engineer' Brass Goods, Aimo Sinks and Lead P#p. E£.ave-/roghing of houses and barns a soeciat/y. FWa/s Portand and T/wrald Cements at rock"toinjWces, Constantly on /sarnd WMe OE KZa, km . o nt 1% OE? N~? Wl SELLING OUT r -JL T n 6OLDEN -LON UNEUÂLEDVALUES AND Tne New'Styles are Ready. W. ampluoma mauoncmarearuli o! N.. Irail Sud WâunS, Qood , fou foa h.*ua" tu1ru.ou attomu Iodisslt . ahh, o " m#keto d mctu rl »u acim meuto!1hc e V"u uua i ".obameeou lum &ooou faiiouiM h. bout, quaia .mae" afi". h in s fStal oilao ryGaduMlfur anANailliet&,et& W07buola the »Ya09 0"o0f qaa fl yu vblM.iees Mplmot " ----t ati inulimilsvoaretr, inclnding a&U the ovllin the Mmesn u tyo. Theme inducuee .ofer TEE STIIONO JZD3OXET OF LOW PIlRIM by wv e "hv aoI dmo.umtrat Ibam b.choquait a veiWO i 1m.théicum stdo*k cd brlght »mevMdi handiome Gooda in 10 b. fana et the OUFy store. Il la9lt.*uMMe olduoq-vhen jon vaumt Mqnaliy &Mi blgh itdari Qooda ai a romcomblep"ls t hinocs ~3fir Yeu 10ocras 10 1th. OUF stsrs, 0f La au il ina foi ot that the Iow.paed, trai îS mf ptolbte foraeuerngOu! r s, m W. aim te s ve1h b"u valueIlu goci aubiatial nmaiona orethng àaiWv cougumtue10 o ouigin uafoom cthat vscu look svury oustomr sruaumrsin a cfcs -oMd MF 1 hlm or hiW vo have Bot abued our onfiencs.enouihaie given jou bc1h vdaluoi uatiifaotlon. With Ibis feh-ng of cou- mioouzaos hat v. bave deait tatI oud iquarelvitb jeu, vs aue agmiaapplicoubi for jour valug i u hghY ew.sra id pamtronge SOOTH ERAN., OA HIGH, QUÂxWrY COODS. W. have »$tsol *0h.foilovz lte sagto, Our .............Sept. 18th, 1888. Soouusa, Cmo£ M, Linduy. Dear Dir,-lIa th.enms of common menu vho is that oeou.heioiplotsWho bu. the presumption b 'send yo= ~~y abi mzisut f lohe.Aftoe retui genecSu prpstion 1 have oonoluded that ho k»» ovu m e about vuighmn.thon a olockinq hon huows about harnecaing ahoe nor bas ho as much an Id. 01 buuaz.M a 0cv hmsof mntaliaithm. HO B lua" b. constuoteioou erq peuer Plana Md apecilca- tion., ami îudg hem th.-knovledg. h.odiaplajuin hW later ho a a n vho onli nuie a BII4OO1hcomb -on hm, o,. huai snusfuy. H. remnindi mne of the mile! Who vanted a n mav itry bafflj but alvaja deulèrmi himiel 100 imfomall tickiah té have bismsure taken. Wha *0y lb. l - tr MIt-a crim 10 have aucli cranks quietly butfor4bly eonSdein the . ieet hereafter. You have *vîleutlY give. th. man suffioieaatly good value 10 entitle hlm te Wmateh hi. noMethu ith hi. l.ft foot out of respect for yoc, and jet ha ha. th. pli 10 prove his gratitude by Uending jon six eggi 10psy for hi. next suit and consileru ho aextremIy generoniin mo dolng. It is ver, evidmnt *i& illustrons 6.1 (foui), pena ar Ï& hadly loaded p M. th politsaiboodiput it, ha aboutibe loaded uaZu othe yPondbi, kt may take objection tothe triffing habit o in niVatlàh@iPlain niissa. chat. longe tocombat férlhvlth; in that event il vould b. pro- Mature 10 .mi vhat veaponsa aolehoose. la the iuran- time 1ha"sa vordd10,my 10o, yuabout -(llothing, 100; I vaut two Ssa j a meluin hes7y Overocat frora former Mmur, Fumaiethe saeofoicaourmelvoe. On. Tweed SOUI-mb.cotlngca tc, e o .oer t10 be of roue finest bL'iek vouei-monmg coul, 4-buttou ciatavay; Overcoat-Ily front, medinr Iong hdark fovu colon. Kindly complets etor Md" etcouvenisuce ad express t0 mehre C.O1>. : oblige,,jours truly, H.-J-T. P.a à- lez ld uiten ê trUu4erw ax paire Woul P.me 14- oIve mlturf, mmeWotr~eofsSt vuthCam i i M M .lo&half4maeaWult = M", ame iii THRO- & MARK, 1 MANGES IT SOR. .ms DoEN'EETIE. rE?. LTnflRAv. 1 : 1 i zà 9 j 7 à . Î ý 1 , 1 Imm 1 »- IROLI&