TE ONAlT~pour, 121DRA .ONqT.. 9TRMÂY. NOVBXERZe lu LWANED YJANUAY 1,18691' Owing to a change in our business, whioh takes place ~e~ tM ayof.Januarywe h.ave got toreduc urpoeut mo o 2,000 t0 8,000, a nd in order to do go we will commence on lst. No-vember to seil our istock of Millinery, silks: ana, Dress Goodeat Mwhat they cost wholle.e We ha alarg e sok of 'lm adLadies' Fur Coats, hihrun înta a great deal -of. money, and if you require Que thi is an OPportunty that you get onceinaJltmsth goods have to b.isola y he l5th January. The earior', youý take advantage of this the better for yôurself,, as our -stock of Flannels, Towelling,, Table Linons, Tal apkinsShirtings, Tickings, etc.,et nwcmpe3 ind we wrill -not buy any goods, after this date. Dur stock of Black and colored- Silksv are, of the very best makeés aud our Dreis Goode, Biack Uashmnerest Meltons, Wiceys, etc., we bought in the _very closest markets. The. first timei:yoit ar e buying give us a. caU and, ie will convix>ce you by the prices, we, quote, you -that this is, a real euneSale and: ail goods will b. sold for cash only as, we bave gzot to raise $12,000 by l15th January next. Yumay thn httis is a seheme e have gotten up 40 make a big sensation, ts our. town is full of bankrupt îtocks, sohemes, etc., .to draw wo6o.. over ýpeople's _eyes and mûke them .believe that. they _eau by gobds -oheaper than whatte were manufa6tured.for. But if you want to buy good .rolible goodsa wholesale prices you do pot want to let this pass without taking advantage of it. MOGN 0 TEEOLDEN LAmE. hindg&y. Oct. 3Zut M18.. R. Smyth & Son. OUT.. Doubi" «p or yntt ~Sa s of j enever hai tte 0ppfflunUyof1 malclng tn ýDRE8S ýGOOD I M NTLES, ULITERS, A20D MLI KINDB 0F STAPLE DRY 000DB. Ce A feu, Ove rduieeunam are -ubit atnug, for Wh fCh we ;ltU have opvocoedi for jit4gmnt wimôut R.SMYTH &SON. L n .l . ci. 1 LINDSAY, FRIDAY, NOV. 2.98. TOWi NtI(JW N DAMESS RRngAND TERE' Oiteuwsby t"s Hale, Or ssr a wwhed for at IL .~tv eua it ea ptas a Cet ou le rI MIOa14 cmli at Guo, n.uMmdgeoaitlear ui o At A.LB.TsPaW'5-*lf. fy=n vanta gool suit et CicihoS lo ur- i arymuboy Ro te Glii.LE5flEheCletie., FarthImemle mit s *W. e A. GSOO1>Wu builaajlt ai AKOmrcusd Omaim nOt Vall 'le, laaredseutforcash. Nov Io Ihllo elay..7.IL' -liq" Grvecamp ai. soatlbvas lbà Mm aism govermt vctks fortMm pslt amuser, . rlb ficlt 1b.ishP~ f Wila alsera. iibamim lu v*@S. Itm jOs lis e ntuis»a tIr. aliWsvià avery tam u~s L»%= t oi b. follaing lb M-. Eu RÉcimi&, Oit. l&rd, 1. on cafté ,suy qwaity at PFum'u-19.tL tor Overmila lad Smocks. H. molle chaap.-181Lt Hylithsb, Crocum OnoBw Drop Nariua, Jut, rmlvçqd from Franco by M. GEEGOIT.- llurlas Ibie maatb <Novbmbor> ai, lrices vill .o roduco asfolevas:- ea111M...ea ...... IM and 81.50 pet donn. Cabinets......PJO and1dpar pedom. AU other oats réuuosi somoialy. Nov la lbe Sime to na cbusp aid veIflnhuiPhoto. M4. k& Ou. Nev Prubyterian huroh. Thé mmimwbmeVauv. -Th* KoGibay famUly vil! ulve ammi11 eaflwtahmoal n tbm opera h«»m cm Tbniay. 14v. Mbh. The oempsuy la baitdaela overq PUUOlWe an aadm« on t avith a varm ro tion la Llidsy. *hTre te IGlobe of Ostobor 91b «o n miuthe foflowiag hlgbly ompimen. ton crtMam oeta rMent Poaformmua ln Ihu Cit: * eMoBomp amui,au oeuumto.- MoLna, DWMh k 00. Amon# lhou o eboirtu-mrouP te ber &abi Mmd ani air iDam Ia ile. Ptf.iLEsu. UL rlght PiagpalKrkIanIProf. NOI Kzaboumtt bm 1"aIvumkta Novumo. eer IUloulom airlctuor -Thoo dulroetaiJohibaiheonra- I e lub Ihbs masas boad o pda-tirrng.fsnu At Mumu, alt nahuiisii h.en onuupeen Jhoinuoataee-or maias imi Suou"ilbrlea thur myhaudurla"nsm émtrc a 1 luom Itoumlbposull oou scquilinethe kam e 0 lttyibm mIlru ofg qf 'ininor u vik &TrM ourlets= voiild hi 1a rma ulp : dmai u iibi chum- ga Basi byou mi e mmeolerai Ivo if Ibe m ak sbmlL l.of nuathe fe M& claSi, vint mavuteuimmuau t op« te Ibn voil.Tb&- ivoproperly. d b Iad m Uluounrsu 13pilis.E lu m a t aAe lbho aIbet Umm& vu bmnhenauèu*uau VblU mr Wb:C i Jmm fi t bal lik ~iivs~IU wamie - -mas h*W~-" &à&vas hI - I - - Eu - Bootbena. Oathro k Kvk. Nuis leIaib. D.uoun~ tiuaoe. hnr~ea .11 le glienaiuie.-ai.ff. Solden eru"bIs BruPinksmIia l.uni- mmpoyfetlsavSanmaMad I* tau" Iot be- b mien- dHm e. bans vinsdm- la enamw dc" m 1 - ~ ~ amuib is ILUS ~istinjroselahesimeY.. l ~%~a~îeruk or es bsssll Ce i atsi AB IY DEAL FOR THE DELYER'S DOLLAR FI6606a I $12;OOO I nu bTumt sa M m , .bý l lAmmW eet1uui Ulum Nu".ramaW LUeut H k Us Muiw I1Wl 0wiamm TIme v audoml0"DOW ocfin mi -Rev. 1D. Wulghi viii gg a b. bmibu DaBudnub ai Uabbulh t UeFd" o. Anirve AIt Suaaymu««-gUNIM ola ami -A enUlebmUi vilb. Panohool boueuse uu eV ladlbms i * etM.l KbUMd b toem aiosei vuV UIim.jh 10 -TusaiheekukmW Vu& X No. t -Roi. E . ý1e , a ar .irà i munilaets lant ugbTinuoui««m> Wm m boué slof fumoheiullanb Gumýura Lurali.oa.pum bld iw u u dNov. NYae, ai in... .nt Pure ohoul tMenbba a1 obuloal t àl ie1 tu 'iLRr -Dr. Poobch.oe aor aura= off Tér- mto. viii vieitl Auesy uoembuioumly Uein -Dr. Spilsbur etcfTorotmai .12. eatoir ayudvyo a terbasmelmtoml.W.. -Mr. Chas. Ron, vb o hm lu for th. Peut iomoatha uW" typhl lvur, bau ai "tn~Jir etmme blm lutNs as me coman ",. GcueApb rauch af lh. Dominical -lit oe0k Telermm.9. T. R.mPL o agms teesa-Torontoad Mmtreal, mane te lova Mondai 1 a.10. io vuokla vaih senra lg 10 bisd s in.a Vo bhai lthe et 'son sltbutbrda fma short l; iotelbhouou uaima ML~ ~ MINM Runsl reormlmimy imeluto '= 'WhES *1 hé volr 0101, -Enaker E. IS. On of Tormal oosib. lovaoo Weuaeuiay. Meo s aooopamiod bh eoîural fraids. ani lb. pahty 1t0k th. steamer ter Sturmm nP4iSte maie , s 1w dais huull and atoblagas *lieScu.et- Mr. J. M. iv!.w -Maser o uthM, Omye u 72 d clevu sinu M. Jas. mIi. uparluadent a' lhe mae vorks. loft Jvu 1110vmok wutI ]EL Coo" ]BOZ mnth"atuutloman avlmg proffureil a naiome uàyta socau shlm oraution. till thoeudrsâng that b.évswu tomasu -Mr. Frank T. WagmeroftDubuqus Jova. and Mr. Roi. Mffnb c et ulu armela lov mua viuit te, Mouds mai"delatls .W. regret ta alite Ibal Mi. Vaioàbe llb lu fut tou n hHol o ie vyloarabs, carreuy b® et i IS LWiOhhand vo hope b -T. IL rsaklab et Sumiutaui amdILE.D. Ordo of Undmar voesla lbonnlo1miek attendiez à aileamndslm konsprbmtsme out theit um l oveulrai liemu-d a doit vieuueticoe proufa et r k» a prove. "d ala 1 ulcd cfboa%armas thel diny.lis u"o -E.A. Nivm f Haliburtiea. m Ui-known survoarWvaslbl ou -W omlmy ou hie vay hom£rom a M"teyBorthl.Ot LA"o TOMIMmu tameo. Ho bas oulinmi soveral itWshie ou thm Blsabce river.' Thom are mev 23 tIsuahîp enuod. l et vhlob bave boom embdilioi. Sur il moi dasuadlane araig&coua tr h Mfin«teetonoao resaabe .la Quebo province robe w vbes and othur gralme. Steamerua ivetyfive miles op the Baoeriver. -mattIoe VMa'poRk.psokga soen" pouilim mibuit111ebouiulagoholmgu ftovb. e cbaing elue. NO iroublo, te show them 1W. J. GALLON-lB. -Ail morts ami oadtlca-oftMmurWvou and tyllahly clothod Iby Oua. A. Mu.NB, Tho Tainl. ,omu door te A. Campboll's.-G2.. -A gaog of tblrly voritema for Mr. M. BDoy &Co. paissi ihron oao Tumam- route le tb. lumbet m ine luGlàiorgamlova- -flic S.-amer- Ary mLouleo paosi VU.-aV_ mme m-«(va").f irs. ois mk aielammisi , M.W am ovi mmr b. uniinmb upm bmme te Im be maun V oMmbMF -met. A. P. Nanan aiPiterbaro lasdisps a -e * Iltum B ombu e m Né& -DB"I mi Hmla v& iial M aefor- minuti hOmuIs onDes.Est.-Thmre MMii be - Ai laO5m daiM ob smr accue h -ILIL m uh eo>.m,"imi a màarneM immolf M L rme 1 te ààr. S i UlSl.Na -dàooles i amnoct have heinau~ i o leakaOaWaUlUO. rcM b. viinaal melaiyfor Aughra Mad ruo muP ue eim bmvcWmohauploasbp.. -49r. insa 06 pusmela asum ibrowslv truoin tly ub is aiaiktetit. O ..m bhs vi74y bou e toaipn*y.O.P. preva Musait lia trouter e m- lamununable Brai money t Mvir Sean sylano0<wwth i j omashe -Tue VewYork Glealbavo boum sucomafud of g ro mffesl oaposhpc Crame. vbWhPtcbio b. r eTorOnt vu eue e aI sirllits"tu rhe . osaer? i MmiS Çil iork i8" vUsthe roipieofm Imu aitéiemamcsby Ihe Amrloaproe.& -Ruiher oite amd Umbris Cbeap ai -PlguJa, meeting af FaithfulDSratbton lodge, A. F. a A. IL.*ibis (Vriisuaeieg -The Caouri 51w ugut Ial PariHope be re.aamoi "TvlieUil&Thal oughi te amnlhs -Use Ie Lord Stmi" Cap b. Ses!. Ceer ami BhaVur a ooubiaal id ftyl iaoit ai W.. <i LLON &.-la. .anïw mrtbemlunSOmeSTweed àvL4 aMol uteM asI: %idslaim. W. Je GALLOX. -L- ,-Thamfefl lkal!¶vi bu .mn -Rous olot aith bme mablock. ovur Pri- mi us.iitable fer studeats astemuia, adi.- ga --Imai.or bnkcowba, or foroiglas.Av. The vaSer la the Iakem erimen mveral Anchesdin teIblait Couplme 01veeba.butst :la sliu tS 0w for *0 éimmamars teu1adMach trosbLThe farmr&btoue c c. uoro ire ehllg mi ta aCIlethoir aalab.v«7y srnlquaiis. -Mr. S. MoKn.oa.Busertom, uritea that la addition te theoprnme swariai tu bise exbihits as the Woiîls (aUR show as publlabed ta Ta Port or lais womk, ho vas avardesi Brutprisa for a hambol lield pus. Mmd irefur poStou osber th-i biaitr a iebrom -. R.---. S. Périer., Ibm ULllesbookeoller, havlmg leasui lb. aPaclouMmd bialmno tr adJacut geoegrorr'sa rua fore for a rrm of ,mars.comoetutaiu _ _ 'aboust the M1hof che ouch. mai vîl ione oomocsumP lîlta iezahspemta ooiaafntls for Craue 1 4he don bylav lu -iet vhpod mt-mat by a harm Majorîty. A mumber et aur olizons vii baveamn interview vltb illOMMagitrat. (YLearychia uoramg irîd»). sImlsuc cf~ ~ b Chù el bM îe viii le matehow amuusw=,butdW, tua unlais..,-he.l liv viii bmcoerI OVISOMIÈ SI7 mat sud ii» omade mmrasriagamt In île beurlugu -A couple af large puriliers for Mi. Vu. Ilenew mill et Boboimaoons.onIwm onmtbe E=tul1maI ridayes wo as a lot et *b Moier sysea bm bmtrî lyessabllsbed viiie hot4 tr u 6100 barrolaper dy.Tebuamu facture Itis quanttty a d1mai rawili ho no qael. moi as farum s i» bae a gosimar. ei t tbuir icars. -The vrk f rgi ot the leu&" la po f ertbu onforMs. Theouoly arawbeck te mors upid wotk lthe tact chat aUlthem mini tabou anc bas tlobe loweditetaheboe uimplmg groami -mi Ibthenora meutI Otet Ib1aidrivar- vblb eeeiutatesi laaa layfr lm oov emooimgasithe iroige orothi aTh is.oaa Dt ho avoimi. uauneoovecleut osat cmM ho msedai Sm otb ie0tthe imhamol. -ay gUic amenimmmi aof tbm munlctpsinet thaï camo. laie -forai nezi aonch 1h. comacls0£ tovai Md vllagM amd tevashpi (oUt"othe distiCt iMebal v) iii equirs ta u con cUn 11mbh d au ofcembe»r. amako upa stamtom la iby= wil tam staeoMiU e for lbu Pub- Ina yus v ~h tit o mminubt ho pub Puliy or prlatul uuesouaedutei.The olurh Muas ho pro itiuvith copims 09 tbmalalm mnens (MSlesaibiseoua buadrudi as Ibal am ratpayr apsaylag amV bo urâloi th one; aid esth Imwabatsadn ieetIng Mmthealurk Muns -Thc Mclbonypsaoo car te arrive Thur&. day. Nov. 80i, viii no iaub v: a groit et- Irsiate lhe ourlous. i larg aami long,ftanly c ioo.m a u. ainot71 ury cain F. Kea, son h00. fi ITSETS IACCOMMODATE ITHE 1 PEOPLE. p ~ ~ ~ ~ »1 Z 'r StO ,* loy SA oaufl t w.sk m tu.ezSi- -.aw~ J oMMvuae of rW * o w4-iô &ggn = ~ ~ ~ tStAfr prum*t " a " ~i a.i DO'T BE HUMBUCCED, DONT BE FOGLE-D by the merohants who bell ou that its ail nonsense, and that the goods we sell are trash. As& your frieuds who have been at our store. Corne and see for yourse1ves. -We are iong the brae, ad they eau kick,.squirm and twist,, but get ont from undr the hot ie of Our pri.es.they cannot and we are bound to do TH EAIDING FT«RAPE 0ýF LIN*DS&Y. and the level headed people are doing their dealing wibh us. Why ? Because they eau save from to 50 PER CENT, on every dollar tliey spend. For a I7ev Mmnsvo vaut to Talk FUIS to You W. have juat bouihi ihe fur samples of ibros large MontreS! houmata 60t. cm the dollar, the . mr loi mti to 81.888.50, sud'couultins. cf Coata, Caps, Bobme,*-S-' Jaelcte, ÎM'-'andI <.iit'aI mv 8g-t«, bitt& Gl-_ 7Zo Bmemiber Lues.goode i l!! hohem DIxt UÙs1ad, if you vetl mre efthe bmpgi eu ty, for aà the pria elhng un"thorn ihy vont liai long, M4.remembe the Place for ge bu igm is.na Iran KaT E*KCPT STOCK STOREC0 F= ENSODN & CoCD Mh Famous" ldoea*M#dranhnt tooh cpp. SaisonNoums. ent attd, LindaL, aWd Odilla, ont. nIlv-4& V d.n. eo v vo.a fkS-~lIUi 8OOTHERAN; OATHRO & MARK, HAXAGEOITTSor"nm& ma2 iDsOBisON'8ELOEuTf--BT, LIDEA. 4G~ CTTY ST~Yi~7~14S' MEAD AND CONDIDER Our dlaaum mou uaom nouil Itraie vilus»- thit's onuoplio,aud eut opinon las liefollovigaumb- &tniluirpig ma eteheapsiUII a bk the KidisudOi Conus..The daïq< dusl fer hedelves dollar lu gouaa&aetltas Oity tars. 0 jour dollar mmd ve vaut àt bsdly, sud vM lve jeu moro forr t h han y, OUM St.. That'aDota&I. Ws carya sterling toi"; a 8tock met t hise"ni1the. marb la aeioy lam of aple andi YinmoyDry Goods, MilhhacrysudNat&,MatI i Ulali Owis, LitueMd' PFats, Astraihan sud »Doarmmd "ses! xmalls, mm'Puor, Coèoufl au RoIs: a Stok hat for omprsmè mn e oimwtadaIon& We m eAl and lea-ti he proseon b~y a heud sni a long hsd, for Ils ithe long hWadtuiaileam eovery tise. Thsmve aMIl attenion to qumlity. The but masvelI as *s ucst la our mollo. Our Geais ate & aIlljgrade, va!maie sud Bnecly însiam.Neo one viiigine jou better *trstlai round liau ve wyuL ThWta hyp ve my jeu ougit tWtrvAe vihu.LADIS'PFUR MANVTLI8 As usnd wv are fally equippmd for lhe Semons Trado. Ou sock ef Pur Mmantlm s a smammoti orne. Our pin sfor firet-élaa gooda are thi.lovusi taW hon a =mnveMmd oonuddorlmg thm voather vo are selling more La ,s Fur atl.a maever bofore; mmd why vould't vs vian e are. asllnga mm t!. Worth 82b for $»-. a Mandie for 0OU =o - a 09; antIe for M2. 50 ori03U; a Nantide or O vri005; à Nandle for, M0 liai onanol be beuglai etail anywhurefor lalian i0& Wssne deterwnulucto bW he i leaders in loy prl.u md.but valais. Wisvor jou do don't buy anti! jOU bave mon our Mammoth Stock and loaxmd Our values. Remomber thaé a dollar mymi la à dollar made. -Âlvajs a pleusure W sahow goode. ORDRIDCLO0THINU. A big sat or a flossula oumuucr a 180h n MWh »gSa, liahl"tirequiitWo edurébl& t'--s, skifulymaemtWlIleUy ont, mnd flidlchd vahesquisSe tait. lu ordur liai the punoham r i ua,.fulilue for his umor. A sumaiS loeua. am ireuma l amue comfoglUbe. and lis m ail ally voua double tlliMt ofe th la a suit vi vin lbidly maie, mbaurily ti. ummd" l-Ailoi. To a" lis gimateIperfectinm a-e abli lltiing iin muomuM for you W buy mi th. Clty Store, yn e t.~ ~ a! l. h*prfcioeanti lactstiEgi and Austiesa atyie àluont,fitand ii, 4bealdthlisgreaé SuhtmgsWoramdiefrSls Ovorooats, Pinta, etc., W amiottra. Cae md -us. Remimbsr hit la alwajs a pbeasure Wahov goods. MZN#5 PUR COlTSY. Neyer bcforehavs vs shovu haiftheL.8Stock in Msm's Fur Coata liai w. are ehoving tliiimeasn. W. have thum ir a!l the popular fersi hie lovuit price for ervicesble veii- ma"e ani duv&bly tuimme outa. NWe have lias, lices 814 op. Onu prices rangs sa ollows: 814, #W0, =2.50, 825,0U7.50, MI03 4M, 84 5 and up. and a finer lot of Par Couaàtolect lmotf;; ecaunot fmd mnyviiere. This la no blow but au actua!bird-pan, bare-legged, ludiapitube und"l ao at. ÀÂ lestock of Goal andi anY Rob;: W oot tram. WebaveafiraW-das quaity eof=aiRobe for $3 and $3.50 oacthla oweai pries ini Canada to-day, for good, ound, tighi.bab iong lrn.d robes. Fur caps lu Sent, Obter, haer, Persian, etc. Undorcoeîing from 25 cente up. K DID YouY VERHAn Boots and Shoes TaIk? )Ve ha» eOmoethat lfor themseivea in a jainglage 8n plai tha t=annot be mteuncer8tood. Cail and m .thmme dolhargty toit fe-la about VARIETY, QUALITY AND. VALUE. Th4ey lcnow what t1ey ame taUcfrang about and sose wli yon as non as yeu M'e £h.m. S itont tet th.rngay amfIl or botthIniveja law, but I troever e fet KEEP THE BOOT -AND,8110E TALK IH MIRD for a geniine surprwseatraUts yen wlAM po~u fca t Lm MAGUIREJSQ J L. M85ZUlW. . 1 1 op 1- : ýý