WANED IYJAIAYmu O-wing to a. change in oui busines, whioh take place »e: lth ýd&y of Jlannarys we have sot to reduce Our present Otock of $20o00o..0, to 8,000, ana ini order to -do so ve wif commence on liet November to selI oùi stock of Milhneryt Sksand Dres Goode a-t. what they cost wholessle. We haveare stock of Men's and Lde'PrCas Wbich run into a, great. deai of mon. and if you require one t1sisa opp"tnt ta e get once ina ittàe as the goods have- to b ol ythe l&th Janary. The earlieryou take advantagecf- this the better for yourself, as our stock of -Plannels, Towelligs Table Li>ens, Table NpinsSitn ikns t. snvcomplete, andý we ýwill not buy any goods after this date.. Ouir stok of Black a.nd :Colored, Silksý are of the 'Very jest inakes and onr Dresa Good, BlackCashmeres, >teItonsy- Winceys, etc., we hougtht ini the very élosest markets. The first lime: you are buying give nes à eau ana we will coninc yo bythe prices we quýoteyen that thias ia a reai ge nuInîO Sale anid ail goods wil be sold for cash only, as we L~te gt t rase l~,0O y th Jfiauach e t Ycun may think that this1i a chMe we, have gotten np Ito m&ke'.a.:big esation, as oMr town lafull, of.bankrupt stck, chemesé, etc., to draw wo*ol over: people'so eyes and màake thein believe that they can buyýgoode cheaper than what they 1were manufa.tured,.fore- But if -you wvt- to buy Ï6od reliaàble goods at wholesale0 prices ýyoU do not want to let this.pass without takinbg advantage of it. - MOLEANm SMT0&àG SIGX O? TEE OOLDEN LAME. T Mi AND OOILNTY. DÂSN IDKAr" AN» TEAZ Ieraoug$ tim2ret IIlu 1J>Unlioflatmyace. PouacS, ek:1 Le cven t une &-214. * rônh i 45 up and V»Wa(v'caa flou 512>ue et W,. IL i V:m'a %GrueS CIcaIng ale. 22f. OVeneealh Ata wfptng oFlUes. thx eils be tspm lOner-ocal cne 6,ferei in thie Section of csUntmv iurlmimte j w iwp saie. -224tf. Fcr the sext ev vuoki W. A. Ooorawtr.q 1l soUa o~ni melomeandi Cuarti"lan t 1Wall' psp ap<ut. a it4rge. C., ifflt for cash. Nov la the Utile buyi- 17-f. * M.JàK' tel: h. lts pupuae? presîdo f thé Lic'ttîy cariIng iclub frnthe comlong semon. bas Jt.ii npAcked l wo pair of-curligaonee-freeh frO1n thelandi of bronm nd bho or. A. poi of Ca1arilid-a vérY boaufo -atone Of a Pecul ý ar tawny rtvd *cc>r, vemy dosms anibad. ac-1 high'len 'I'fè%iS n «Auld Sotlao."-vWi or(.rtýi for XIv. W. 8. xMiget, ai vhlch fact W.1 als fttatontshkasi býtLcrtale du coglzance. à tâking ecark Nlue coler, mottled vllh ville, - tpiito&a niéniber of eppllcatians bave aiobal .be!'uIrecelveal by fnttheiré of tbecacrling clubi lrû parUv*mduirous or iolfngfPrtheliMeson. 'X t.e wilr ')w put lhrulîýigrt,thkir fiais épand Riven tho rer'n l-t b lOSty ccillu- ter1 4ih .j0sî.Ohers who arebeWutallmg v ive in Uwtir nanttu, s on.ce. as the rinka and Ltkpe iil b"', eo.nthoeII:.I m estlmg & e Wlthonî creaqttlmg coi. fuùLun. TlicnerfOtlC sac. VIt hec suoMr. gIJ. frmnal o iy oe -.rThop Fec knows e tbilna goitis bis reonuràge o ov f siedi. .-Thrn " - iinars udhuntens' O.csIon- Wenk ci tic fepent inte *1*Wl a bre ' With I»ufte-bafltwS hcamlng wt il n b ilar'tiy *&T.,l a n ipiù of cadaveru oca 11ungr7 snuw; n b mnel Wadovalown butcher * iadinglwkmet. vilh ltaerepli v IIII, llilY b* *'Yiuire,.pl'ol uek. ate tbreOln t camp ant four bhxG*oesj Milîco down ta moston." It Is lm utleM a my e > lite furont camne fthaai- -0tilter Itausiastywa. tilSoever, e Toon WX7 vltlch roached towm ufleadal flOuii 1 i.Orth. aflar a.i wvàëeak unt, eao"beingul f Odit he ahobvo catg,-y. Theo Ir"wmade nePOtMr. Arthutr l>.atalon. areVC ,Mr ack iit f otan d. andi I.8. gà uelO i&, b fI ih eJIo711sinva ha%îlnit ulmthe pleine kvWli EngIteh cheir I>r o ie lutB190611ra 4ttour af the word. andi a ioe &W Wssv buàum« hmigtam Aneustal. NM. Dosies imlont. Ferge Stvesa -"dx4oasmCaotS- 1 bw n, ijht bnocfi ".Wtéd la nt540 Ielat eàhuinela*'Sm o Poure cacay i mhs aSuJi t5lm e boulop %"décriLue a EHa li Omoiubbl40«f. ah bkdj. ors ev f fuSa se m et% Km4t.best timothy. -Pde t ial t i hiâ lbIundrol orloea R. D. TMExIM-U4. Orlonre ceinai Iueng th cGut cbaarlmg tSalseviii le sU et 2ol 0PanaiDooms loft Jet *lia0. R.D. TïUSXTo.-23-L. The nevestabelips l ui lo ae cape. ARUtiac Mds ami c. Cals, amet iots, Pms=imoe, Robe eI6, te. W.f J. This « nd aielaeobkcf ai mi Gene uala tls ogsmse buclemIont bythelSDaem@sber. Nshuntbugbat se ,timne bos seut Diii HSoude -214 -Thankm4lVIservuices vmwabdlla mouS of lime cbxwcu ob l dav -ROi. John Benh"oas, A., i»piscila j- .Andrre's uturch maitBdut aIhbions t-Mondar mornlng lut. et 7.3 ai&, a soloma requIem higli mamow-celebitd for lie ne. porn o f the mboni or ltsale Tthi SbaDlar lte GU i nlomamn Oc vbse deatmuiion tme en- diy previoÛ&Ta.'b. coebm"t wavas VlrGen. r*-Ri. Dr. WIllams lias laol a smeu sertes or revival mua viitla apll m'cslt4-la- oouL"uradUat in mcm- borsip of thoe erci . DE. Viiulal 1 , u s ud mIblaab bis pas le. Mal -mite. -ROF. Mr. mu*sbhu eMoos ue a lest la- cumbeot of et.Paulle ani la"tRond $brilf reforma edt limlcumsâlane.I ioocaign le buceble 10 ali t ia amellt lpi=gros ba becs madte. admSUIdmmi i e lîhMolzami u mitnlstrallcom hans appa«ronlvboas buadanlly bleuasd. * Titen. F .DU vurnot, for aime tlime miaon ieaberof lime diocu iMnu m *now oas oSltepiofeesoetaIWjiIcollons. *rrt Toa at iiibella ton, dejm issonaI Ut Paolah, Lladaay. bugmalng nclbeh»AI iunsay a Auss. [licam naUSAlias dIm nvitai 1 tamtie om - Ticemcv elio s becituatalon Ihe corner gqimmnadOiola.uîâvioSSIBvur lu bole pubsi mol l varlnmi rmpdly, aua i ievery 1ing poes fa Smvebb uat peoumlChrist mcm enwrnvi ii bu beil th«ie -muà ohe0 ssrisfatmof othe enengallu uMl denotesi pastor, * lien. i. D hé. b dlaensmor thel.buui. inne axa, iisme, vnmund iwuii brick am ÉliSmpess*Mun Mimposclgab edi &Ie mi a M te the met vard. Tsoe. ment anuglolaarrdt COmomaà efuir wMb m-u"s bolnd ksud thegrou"l Mee orIa-Rid iwî uly st.l3petain ill vii-h e auditorIum - Ah * Omeilosu eS vhlu promis Ou vu» iinMOMM Sa icatig 6te Md s&PUri BMle h cellini-f. l. m dva iiibalpoS mvmalga omifTe ubuni, vblob »astasut"nit on ct*0 W5, asosfolieudouwiu alueIboUB. X. Dowey cma11o5ihis mis- *~kl buloWUriMds lvcWng t ~ l -Bna-uIhns i a Mmiuet c naJcon. il., un vimles. LattnS uas laatst sun alle himuuif vaslefthe lu ira optal a às a " climat* Musth"U e caîamSe Inpabe o et lb ih a visowé asitor butvis ie kil fumaala., mie r a mi i s me uuiul te t o d luir1 m ~~.o m i jr~ame fut = b.& a kkSSM b Wlu e mslIll5S~I' mD~ v flAWrAMaw l L1UUA. ZE. WDA'IL MoI.ea~, iwit* k oe. tsslmUB 10 lm ncm'ahIiIi 5àBpublic toadr. lIbla peela alIoocelcs abse lr hglv waesfI4l5 t- jpS. hi&scfbt"Maa n xam leSm le h. lag ulnau o tïbol arebervul bocaue f bM * àmmo i dam ~ sm lcecfB"e aaappumev Icuml fia lew S p tumele odo booobte.Doi <sl me dMMs.mo. ud &mai lnos fPs *ÎF àwautd W . k= oie beiMe ber id yovuuw- La Imm - - w - W bu -- -v m- w ý AW Jq wz Golden -E' acouataslaI Peteboso mISabonseuar mol st>sguleIiitlM. .Amm la.un 5.iemulelhuube ow eai bmuamret Il baak ami e me publie viiWini" na- -A111ci11111.g«lb. comummunllr Immru vih rualim I N. B. A.noMarwtylmas"ru= isplon as mmagoe t me b muont a se ja n. NM. mXeNuhm bas boom eco- -ua Ehimp ainais la bueN talu l aaa eus~~m saamsehsi Md Obokiv.Tupue. Uuaiu5Saam S lairev'aeiroh. leo.eulieaor Fleece. BIZOOO I -9 -Temieu u] uevr .I ..uo"-b puer t am, -Zhu i -ne lg h~ me mut dUm et 0 wM fa Sm, ISSIbltàd wwutut ~~kv h. 1 u~ Un idff 1u1» *0h.la4u 41h lelt Sa~E -Th hvitansg Zh.-1 -a k vosi misund$ . labo la ioisai uam e -The h"?mokt h .1111I e 'Whou cfmkouOsIM m 4 im LiII uis do.mithe mm5t mb. -m audIvte UM U ieln totvs aIvlbeu Cà e ilhe 1 riaiv ae88out'tir mrla ubU51IIUS U uorelb.. is UP"fte alit mlimare, mi t Pa &r:1h hi 11. l , lumvneteua h idesalefiesng ua i lin e al et1h theoupacfmuu lLtsub amentcm -Wosk cm lb.mglae sllt l obu -A lum t emtm W»m iaria buadyk lshlngoa*tçillathei. aflitraezin. ml a eoa lMdoe nova sd aabo unb a h i B#'ielabW ua fo eoia, o»et wf vie usupposaM loeacO'nieIm veir. Thon le. smofini-limaI eoaulcm von s, as e mu enl si Imumm& .A couplate lie imU muon rechassO up ut t.taite hour Wedmoody evecnmg,,bol thhr .4gott 15v" ahuui oS LMliiPUuOMu -Mr. WmM. e aploedulby XMÉ . MWOods stove Md ti tlware.marchiat ÉM lwabB a Mt- cas accdent -Batudar evenMIM tlU bsw1Li onfine him lalime baus.lairus.. vuel t e came. Ho vas lntiotud ta taea stual uSai ta a uta a coualOmer Smnlthela% deuvllv bn iahma e bich wvaauBtlusklIiuh coimr W .."cie, Obai 0Wa 15-te lte bhase l N m i ovsl 1f oa dit ititatlD u hlnM 0 onc asu tihie pro. porions of a llvely TuUBw&7. Th 4swuva deoaemina uomowhet dilldt--onI tion UM sthe aou Coawai bomum Md tha e b onus continue& lbIcei o~loasde bIts &At Chie point Nliai tiJuspoi or*mvue ýoff. ad m sthuovm uha"l iece menuoe of the bullube, we uanIsuab Wimm peuluphbewl piofOeli m vas et once aaoetadLe ILK.esuig vbere bis Iginilue voiet» La nately nsomes voie braeis, but -the coa- Mu ns temany nad steïn. e@ay tIbse on the face l m ve haut M amIlngsth latterdstisul ghlm Try ueh amoiimî th Mst 0f bri wmg.e lagly piluiUnder the m cooDr. Zemin. hon ols a nptmgru las favoishuy. -A MM& duel offuih tirs m aual as unflmnateuiousi=1i tevlt h. buttai ofaMà .mltio tu=et 65the o re evlassace fa~-eemmluiRmas c6thollioclsle a a sure&u.Xs.mt lied B meu . lo dIs ierka >eîdoelb. lb .roon ,aili am imd uft ing. an kemm ni- on n V-ttoumusahmegMM" S uh mntbos e t.Kutailusi.b Un hu.basa kmu Md lmel vu ab, ho W4 M b etm - mil uru b u nb u ý mmm ruu S "Ncb0L« Isba iMoul li aiem ut &Pe nometou Alwb vlb hvi, .fluu Bgil glihnmei viln an lam mnt wmnol-mo Ibs 0beak me vuiwMocivluua ne vis -lealibus va- » -Vdmue ca ulai M le uste as - uimaka Sn e eri= f me l flme am m oli110 Iaoa1 vhcdbsow aiMulaut 0 messine ~~V he-(K*~ -à& "MODOU a e .bLouuevt.m me Bacil usuh e vsme -U. RouL Buck gho b. mu beacm bu budv Mndla Pulobo -ro foiir m umrau -N. os .Deld. 15o4e aO.P .mt of tci bas tolurmi boas frot bis uuMsud vJ. DS Ibm dcoientb osrwui aBt M" o ock, h aeeusis. bu! 1 m la M Pemuhso ao r. Bush li au ipuiaTmaul eegetw hrlyb -Ni. J. V. Rai dpbea kns#àohameTo tonlo, amIebtothe cf Momie. Va.-mi& D -31r. M spud TbauMugel et Sm tsw. el a aimwmi&vrMer. ieconu as wlulava Ual -Ur.m0 im nucourarac» lete sth el o -Miss BI erlauqia m gX. HUgh Sllrba molied coutseIeh.e aAtk sie -W* ue utoolI lme hr S a. bas oss lultIng hafilona Sm 10f Iavsbip aI trac aI oialvcoe 0 .Tpr Sm aimpie cL enl aslam.i -Ni. ClW* ialhamm.n, slb.vrimréesvc elMM vas mm v oDaiJ. sMi.tairbat bas la te baie nt Mmoktheboomaetm bthlmg ca WlI '-vhi s msa Oll -Vhaetallpe IMin iaI i osp ooe fat veeb. bvmg ai e laMe lemo h Sm&S of lmbdbone lm cgvaes Wi eeciat bst co bt s el n bous lving thebuowia fib fc»- ift Tmas lobas ladbMs.on»a Dr. of v«CI&bae luuld tm a wb raim eetine Hardmware, Bulldcrs Supplies and S8poQrtig Goods OiitNais- - 70pr keg lalDoms -1.50 s"o 1 12-âght Whdm s- '35" ac emet ghM lamw *- -42 m"c <lau 25 - Spur don on& 12zU -13 WhiSe [ni *1.95 Id *.50pSr k« l hg Ax, as - . 20 Md c I~bet~Uaus- 8 0I0 Ui Pht, -1.10 vS jua M a-u 92 " Htol Cartrige w~bo S ai" DMu 0~d.gSa - . - - -.i *5 Oper box 55 Vlpebox 12 lperbox a& pu 1-00 .umsmLi s.i* Uaie ,h -- 6 - R~DTHEXTON, Hard ware Eerchaiat,.ý à Oui oummn pn .miomW-yo 499om e h.trame vul a- stmfl aàplmalg: We ase heabeaPsal M s l te lesud Coulls.Theit.ldam fur *0i- bIinwa daai lafuéi h h Stor e. .vant wdollr ami va oius. ThteamaLw cury a stericg stock; aSto*, cauinglt.eaboieeor. the -b la *var unie ci stapl Mdimien r GoolsMiln.r nMd l auol%,NaMiMUS " Uluin Obu, Ladisa'Mmd Gets Fu p ar% ti8ahin mia Doobaea md . R4a14 s, os !lui Coacaps Md lAao: n'OStoc latfor ucoapo bv ab" sandsme. We tu'Ai ama l he b.proeaiaouby absid adma g hula& for un. *0 long huai liaI luadée eusy "me.Tmve uni atamm ste -quàl. mmtebut aswva M-tlb. oI natl oui motta. Our=od aa &U Mgi gade, vuli maiesasud fly InlabO&l. No eaesviigins Yeu bouetrutmaila round Ibanva viii.The.by vs uapypo oagtu t le LLDISiB FUR KANLZL AsIm use mew.fufly sjuippoal for . &Soeaau'Trie Oui stock of FurKnéalos Mmis Meuoth one. Our puisasfor atmbdmooile me tb. lovosite h.t ous a ayiemad m cmml2deduigthe woatbnv. are ssmine moreLadimia'lu mean" théa enbefore; aMd' vbp ,ouda'l v. wbosve aue olliug eaNmmIde voui $25 fiW l am &le, for $25 -wu*h U; aeVNantiefor 087.40 vor ;b 5mMenUe Sor 0OU Vortb$0 -a e antie foriM t0 li anot b.bought risal isir uloy pnes ana otydaum .Wbaësv~youdo den't'boy mmlii youhave nmm oux immoth Stock ana Icamnsiour values.Remeabsi thel a doRSmi a - d a dollar mac4e. Alvepe a plcs.ue show aoods. ADAIYOL FOR IRE DBLYER'S DLA «4N OTTY STOIRE041' Ag ma ubeeil.uhg or a UmM og&àSashoutlsuit, no , bsr1ov god, the " elohquins ta bu duribyuisd #k MIly m acle, ati.fly sui, and finiesffl vit etqulite tomes in ordn liai lthe pudmsu viiiolis f u vmlue fa bis moY. A mat:âatmbausm qios sasuc 0osé uaI Maldtoa k, lb. vouer, M is drsadma co.fcehble, andlte sa awlmlly veaudo" ble luisml o e t a la auSit i vula badly MM94emarmblySant Ma" am liuled. To 'a" 0lie uesst pnfaotion atei- abl* in ii obi t la nemMU Isa fr lot h. boy eat lteCiy Store, niera e m an i li ctthen asmiEnlu and Amadousles=ln cutboda b.gra sadvataei talea Ms d aanlmiemelea" Ockofwes itlngs, Woumedsetc.. fer Sait@,Osomt, Pentu, ec. h. sdercs i., Conte aQ me u. lomembn it it in alvap a pisseus h. hov goodk MZI'B PFUR COATS. X~ er ore bave v ivad U Htheb.St"ckin MW Fmi Comtea " ve are shoving Ibis measn. W. bave tuant iin &U the popular fuie et th. lowest prias for serviceebbe eU- mecle antd durab eantsê coetsW. baietia, front $14 up* 0« pries. ranqp as'follovu:,814, $20, M.50O 85,M 090,0)0 ,$I0U, $05 and up, anda finar lot c liu Coala h. u1sbIft hmyou cannai find anywhone. This in no blov bat au actuel bard-pan, bar-e.ggsd, miptbe undualbb. eat . AÂ lstock of Goat andlFny oe touseec foas We baie e fiua-oau qua 'y of Goet Robe for 83 ami 8&50 sa&, lthe lovnt prias amCanada to-dml for good, ound, tlgil-balrsd alioaag lineal robes. Par cep ii in 011e,, ernier, Parsan, etc. Undereothing hmot1 25 conta Up. SOOTHRAN (ATHRO & MARK HANABE m OE O la oUSONS ELO, zuft-I., LINDIT. FLOUR ANOD FEED3. gwtOf t.go4 u ku.p Sadiers Dundas & Co's. Roller Flour, Superior Gra.ham- Flour, Cracked Wheat, No. 1 Mixed Flour. No 1 Fail Wheat Flou;, Fresh Oatmeal, DessicatedOatmeal, Fresh -Cornmeal, Ch"#,B ~Bw hoe t8, PàsOta t. o eyers affleof Otw taaty is," fodorFBT DISHIS. AROH, OAMPBELLg Linîgeay, Non. 14. MSS-M3 SEL LING OFF. JAs'» gogM% 18898-5% AT.Cos T unmommum.:# m ma. Koe*o buta4waa Oth F128 T JANUARYb«V tuUi of4w *w murs 7stock of