w w e 'PWU £YAW *1W &~' WWU'.. T.TIelmAV: <IWP wum AW' 'w~wwaw~~ m e - ~ T W ~ ~ - - ~, ~ V ~ R, i~O~e 5 ÈaLaaaa Smith k -*-- --- I F/oece. I $29OOO WANTEI Inu:ARY 1. 0 8I Owing toa change. in arbeieslleo lks lc 1 6 lth day of :Jannury, we have get te roduce Our present gtoc cf$20où.Otoý8tOOo, and iodertodsew i commence on lot November t ou Our stock of M;illinerys Sisn ana- Dress Goods at what they cost wholesaie. We -have a large stock of, Men's and Ladies' Pur Coats, ýhih n.jute a greàt.,déeal. fmoney, ana if yuieqil Oue Ibis iàaunopprtmuty that yon get once in a-lifetime, as the goos have to: be sold, by te151h Januay The.earbier yen .tàke advantage Of this -the better for yourself, asOur stock of Flannels,. Towellings, Table Linens, TàbleNapkins, Shïirtings, Tickig e., in cmpe1 anadwee iiin Èt bpy any goodaaler this: date. Our stock -of Black -and colored Sils are of th. very ýibst:makes and our Dresa Goode, Black.Cashmeres, Keitons,. Winceygo: etc.,-we bought. in the v_-ery. loseat markets. The firat lime yen are bnying ie ns eau and we viii' Sconvixice yenby the prices we quota yenP that this is a real gennaine Sale and ail gooawii be scad for cash only, as ve bave gel torie$ OO y11 annary next.. YGn May think'that tIbi sa seheme ve hv ote p b lake a bigSen3atiOn, as our town, is fuIL of bankmupt etcks, sohemes, 'etc., te draw wol over people's eyes ana make themi believe that ýth can *buy gooa heaper th'an Wheatbtey were ýmanufactured for., But if yen wawt to bny t ood IreIîable.goods atwholesale prices-yen do ual vant ta let this pass withont takingavnaea l MGLEANI SM*-IH& 00ou BIOP0FT SE GOLDEN LA M. I u~ &u4irn ~ost. - GOLDEN l ION* F W have ait the soarce cie- -~oe- MILLINERY :DEP'T Is Tm4E UNO)ERTME EFFICIENT SUPERINTENDENCE 0CF CR.tADUAT F J .).J. MITO EeS8 Ottr TI NO SOHOÇOL, NEW YORK We are cîoslug ont alare MnýrRS ANO BOYS' REUY «ASES. ijisters and Mantie 0Olotns :SUT fFIEE-IF BEWULIED iýFUl RSL O? IL INSil LINDSAY, F RIDAY, NOV. 23.1888 TOWII AND ()OUNTY. -à»Is Tomea", le? CebgiiMm mch, vol JUmiS Ma lumle of Whiteu me -ouam ft RIoIunwOtE& the t ufS% Itas enteit. liaitlriii,.Prliagit hi the huaril urBau. R.L1D. Tuuxm.-"3 l various Cextuesuand quaitae, aiavruping crics durntCh.elm"sauvep unie tecnet llyý delu.IL R. W. McGâymy-U.CL. -Mise Duochêe.of ifMdlim i munS adar la toira the.gatcof Mr. P. Navlm -Mr. JoremishBlaly ulljreaitram'Dabola n Sauedi Mr Mcdullî bu astkesS uc eoe irice an hr ami calmai several thousail -Mr.,o-P. o t l tw yserro home.fn. P. Mlhgehol ati -180mielfe anistra t ~ tir Kt aste grimo»r mm- au thnsc y.em la, thepauieatiaryfora autage na-lituo g£r. -Thi PeteeboraEx Zamin« er Iu:Lt Oea. 8. 3attiiev. o et o cmpani, 5ti, Bats.. l"ves to.iay for Liaay vwbcme w. ii romain for the uluter. Mr. Natîbeva' mamy peraonal friendi vil regret bis leavtng CouD, ami hop@ te viii came isaivii it te haoe thas. loam sa the mprng.Ira I&ta. nak Matdiows viii como Ca Pelienhorouch sta Cake bis place la the - ez. iea Rmlnmn.for mrn une su eniployedina-Mr John Makimunà ara i. eaidishereputatiam et bcln bttlani reliabla veekman, loft, to-m Twnmduy for Caip- belifoci. uher* ho ami hie fther. Mr. J. li. 'rmen.Wî vir o- tôtai uosthcharîat emmei Whlts'a foary foratliant f un.Thu luth. in lte mail Itu itiiithe mai mproeiiau pi anemi s caehliry. drives hi au ample Waî* ov r Jas tber majur uei la the -Tie toua conueil mondoa aIu uanlmous épl uoheM te.*e Ynt ourb.F he iclamesici seuetornr .cf the fie n. Me. Hopkins Uhm naturetly haita geo deail10 laevlih thc sovl legal huolmandami bisap iâtaut Sla aoui able rpcagalulo t -a i es. ta tic, plus. Mr. Hopkins bas glvea a gSud demi ut attesâtlona B municipal lau, and lu hie bauds tie ktottV or perplexlnif quotl Cihai ami ,ocue ili ne- =Jle aint and thorongiattention. Thi Cavn a wonl u MU.'HopkineelSite hoc ongrata- tated upm tmu appomtni What tho Ottawa Delly Citeen of Tuosdar mnornlmg. Nov. mii apa-"Fua a t tic Grand -The notai Zona urnm on asie vok's on- gfflemt.-Thero e a inovre!attracioa athe û rand opera hanse, thie groat Zcr Semrnm bav- ming taken pasOUiloU tra!ia vc o atickla otisua w"vie s ondectul Illusions or- Black Ait. The home vas fllte inu very bars tast ev;Cilng, wIth acarco a foot c ta ndug rouai lut t, sad nothlmg but atisfaction was cxpressed, concecning thé enter"amcnt Ami ihuteap- peuciation vas veli doserved, for the chouwvwu gt. everylilng thist -It pretnis ta lao. Zera, inmon te inim table enau anlluinlat; -Mia Aie!. GilbnCertiecea an tie mustcal i gla popuilarmélodies orne couli Ilium ti aw M evenlng wvtuot tiring. Shgor Giovanni shows a troupe et bleds oducatai 10a&aaurprilung de grou. Tho Royal, maritouelelu Mimlu ucklci Cthu. boum mmeuoy, laine auler~ than the tummlit live edcmi mm vcilmvened, a"i Bi cunl u etursaOfthe shov. Mme- sirène' s meh!amio"mieuaplotures of ta- mnas. cculs. plâcu animes veres moi lIai e*mlymewus aerry vies tic"eai00aigut" ap- yiaon theaovua. Aàat ra blnu hloii SaiS p:sSbu lty fo4ir ubl overy sccupaut ofthdsier-y litun.cmleke% ani everjoe vbwo pays for aimission doua i.tslr tue ticktsu-bi nmms&il b fis ur IL», komoi ai ngutau if tiere-venu h= nd te tii C.i z= prc iauiiiroUNLA ibm hos& ie peatwudra ta thW Updiý.Fý he lau lacremaeptayia, va Meffai. be!Wi 8a hortes"aumdai a PSaumeushao sumim p te lé£vthe ini lunii m lu.Albers Prautu, fronithegalh-n àllai mu emoudi Prima, a mutofet émle çt nvichu" Ths ga"_rcma upim- ve i'hangaigeitaim - ~a~eomr0 dmM ay U S oua, bai touai m0 rlvwa io wevlbl as iuch dlkla Pl&ma. Nt 0g um uc Daubosisvu IM aîic moai moud% b à Bdi me lm g lgasmm Mdtamui ait mm bais m blieub-i ma- Oum,. Ui m vm or lie Ete a tm-wm la t-f ~ ute mes W Un. lasji hadsi1LIndBV UN Ir0 bmmm g olden t %0,1 Es ia' MýU Pà0 de -Ma. Isba C tes*0aa -mula d~lmisi Ij-mWSID6 IL -wacie.5 ai.ame est Ibe, ut a mu C=. Aa. u m a _jam . ibSdT I akrl&M muboabe o abm artb asm is 1I@_Îm. IL -M D6 MZSuVifM " 3.iu Imlua aiitirtaJe auto b gasmijadea. ad MrundXomvd white" cliii haSametmvelu m aflmfl. Télu, amite. elmmt touse ev te in a mmvi aipautaf te inouioteTiaop --Me. Acltei Tet r, asiluge b uaib reuai llava riamfui v m aD«Mtm vi la. thema00ai la Mdtéiïmmw = & e. É= 9W6 bm hauijme ovin- timemss -usaiuviinru mui auxl i mr. Bb M'a teepsa amlium 1"tlotm mu hmtme Tva a thelUosmne%= lbu wnaammuîl Vuto lUa h bouEst ammm puipos,-I. noi Deogafé.et Pui e bas spime au Wllam bu hevhs, lu Dsmàmr 151 chusse apb g im7u-r. ilas Smth O attPeBU nareg. pahr offua. ic Ib ohiuleastutial l Stevey avu..Tcbs si p*omin Cofellort tsu lcaume gàata e u leum bu bue tamiiauï t uPirog authoalttefr triaL -andvmottlul ui. h vamis Sal M. ob duim ec laUtheutami emmiimuprtaua mir su pemuafruitem»««.rilasu fami iembly diftete'but thtly.Ee Jtay acr h arlts~ure vorimcn. e, I -Theoia afe t s E" utamrulSl theluam. ave sCral lnvil athdm"in AhedinImrote , ibas bus us lyM deoali euaT offce ourbuiai o ahi "Oc tguymdcae he bamimute aime mtilai u e Alacc. Wbss iii fiee diaecviingos aaif Piraitai mlrtlo... M. Mugobout:asaer uts tam0910010ettevmi thebamh Nutimoe arS ofc a ane u e m ainle era»seita plu% -Lmmuclugmu vCier nra . vëImm hihel ic evomaetmu mr ole aity. cirPur ak s Mamthlaetag inmiki-ofsv&..gmnulomi prgm s be p. ei. Taustaubjthou. lboIebaoilahe arty waruoi baff trop th forsoon blaelgigtetbast imgpari Ch.n pros...... as bo brat;onMtoui muvet cs.. of a la " uce dus and thaise orgsm raut ur rilteva ot f poIl-ai asprith chianm t- lmgq ~ uMfl Si tiuustlgmiuth ms9tam Duie airei ii pri vmiebu rn b train nl et aoê hiot BW*el .ta stie. ai prier Qni MnaVateta amm ana .ato. Blamglna e a Ulgiihaaentamir toai Uemaicgv maorcl-atovm suai.Tii.n mresonas be zsaugii Oops a nierug ojlr t malaouudar aoemngWduettma pollu arrtcietol tce we s. UNse--.-m ptaokin.amwlutes Cliein be-aok oruuvlu bi paemn. ulck vorLapem veea Ma.the,.Datmrr. a vl.i boue acntivoe tNigramls fo a- aevulet oueu- tim emloyi i th,-Otlb eonaIaiubv a teDaofmi h aIuppema, aumiveauMimu Rioe abou om iern eyg Insu ua Wmi ThoMme BrMWm us. etmu . Brm veoralped mitiaiminiiaaiba an. communtmivoetranhlm.brait-% u acoe Ctemlojo ta mu Oiatto 1matinagssov t an afleywla Truie. Mas. DrFî ul tr achota about toarlea har geho vas ai accompltriod ulub*u.5h.me.ubu. but vuwua ats ouR Soothez'sa. Oathir. h Mark. CUSTQM ERS .~m M 1. Ma maet a" rg e8bgosEa mm dui*wfft uM gob m 8 V, -TomUIe* * omeu m»qý i ________ I GuINLis "*$2.7 pu k« Ppml nom -- .0ousi 124lgt Winows -35 ai Arlght Winows **42oai amsSxîOo- --25 perdos G is , 1h20,s -.- 35 4" c Glsms,1230, - - 1.80 Sf Paut Oil - --SpurgPl WIiteLesd $15m Md $1.50 Pr bske Los md Knèb§ -20 &mdup Oiso,*Iug Ame - 80 oM&i -Lum ooshgave -Toper lm Mmed Paint, -110 per mi RD .-THEXTON, Hardware Herchant lh ,< amb mi. IL- l. pM .M u--ql 2816 sela illc. t rneM am *à Ila i t UW. l.uul bMm a fis %es Mdmaln XOoe.m om &W-ma u e Ov.l Wwerýw moNgsa a maea au uc. ft mha MW v . h ev e ul vW M s mw Mmlimu l *CAm bo> - Raa è- ilasMas~ anv leait in ArI.um linlaTtms.aim "qu. m"bi A lemthe ma" am albug maie mmxi ibm Rmor siias sumom lu iae aii*à md a s fomc1,nbiadamalea ai Miid tEia mi eiOur ta m %mm mubai ho u ht'ne wu à ata kiloa- = er m *0ai umlamu ame 4.tIohiidu bmwaamtobbEt vaMisea ta b0 I& i poiio i flI imOlai alia. s m amv t m d * mietI¶V S iuudepiU poalts.tIai se e. albtl buttai110L= _ t iat the o»Mmai #àilarge bu imitatua i"mla mu remuvl ". ra«.gm-miummu. -%vu aaluos *81ruSte Uib"sra mbeibe lti a»F ohurOb ctt -The aconugi mversary oftheii Y. X. C. A. wàà held ce TubSeyvOliIat thecambrite itroct ietiiodm"t ,ureb. a als argt* teaici. by theu<uttseuaOf LUDdaay. uho imut a gravicg intorest la the assoclatla amilIt wùorth e b imla t of ug mol.Bel. De. WIItamsactai ue ami tea thpe. report, whloii belng Prftet aowOd IC peomprous tt gthe assocition '-àti aont oa 1=n uici vua blug meby I o the Young Mm etathe toua.Theauaelatlom keoeopen, fs t 1 ouifMeOfot t ltOwn lie - _li nircdtgrooma. The, rea! ro F spplidvith ail thi elug dat! woekly u.waiapers, perlidculu. etc*,amePar- l'or me o vèrious kindi..Tii.701104Mg en who have lutereeted tiiemmlve. la tiis Ork' doser»e oredt for thé way uiiey have maNaga ite altin, the assocaton bci-g porf self-tt sust4nil g aid t the end Oft 0lie er ibovod thé modeibalance o »t o theïr credit Mr. J. J.:MoLaro, . .. of Toronto anid1ev. I.L L Poeas, of Pci.rbolougi, d4livered verr af. propriate andi nteresttng aidrose , tonl setlng forth the m-id Of B geilerai ectry for thii. satilon in order taeaoceau 1117Cm Mn the work. and In rompense te tht. aPpeM $196 s a auu rtbed t ta a mdspa lgtbe ilaoar he iilecretary. If lith me t 1=0 i auburibei by the. diluens.. the Young imon vit! undertako taerais. tébaisaéï mong uh.m' mlv.. a pi aacrctar and carry on.the. yack of the auolatlon. And vIlle tie Young men are anxiolu to engage [n tht. yack. the th@ olttiseus of Ltnuay ahould tee! k a privilege ta corne forvBrd asti givo ihcm tic aymrithy and support that tholi' yack decerves. -Reval Anderson, Stenhoueand oui arsi gave short addreese x ruualngthoir ympathy lInlthe Ti rk et deYth .A icpeceinNettp a aechoir, m er ruhtt1 caeb Leut Vnlay atumoo a large ugai rlagu carierateais place ai Uhc rluk tordis purpose of prematilmg M. aidrua ete Mr. IL A. McManlr OS hoacaevn gof bipaSse huit ontln. Mr. JamsiumKsibBtheal enetsthg club. prulisudmmila «Mnte brelartFaiiZ ami ob.jeoth s alhenlgMr.J.M.McLmanam aeortWr. ruaithére e ollowi: DzÂR sîn.-Tiie nembera gf thie lnAu curlingoçilb cauam alow yoe laketo h. e i- turmr ithaut am e:pceiomattbainhb eleuid for ye« as a ourier andi alsa ulitlidit dcep regret nt jour ispurtare. sinas the Inoptlon et ourlia lau Lturyyeu have takena a iearty aam carous part Ua Pie. mntitug ths nationl lIerW pari; jos bave beus nti aid expcni.gslalaidbui1-"gla 1=oteeu mmber; sa a kp 7pou ave oMe ge ste» >itory ou týlte aShanesudm abroai, adb jourakiili andvalot Fou, have mil Iruda luabesiàauy av acbrv .1- tho batis Bell 38h4Wla.sst.Oartldg 65 Oper box 44lim-fire artrigr 5* -r bo 22 " Istol Oartrdio-12 r box 'WiIoh ISIS- 16-00 UuglIbotguns- -3.00 a= Po-d- 2U.per lb PapesfloUs - - -OUe.per 100 Emmue Tu - -- -600.eh Scoi bees8&36 par keg Idg.Whod& lin&, ifbe, spokes, Imis R. D. 2'hextont SEL.< L 4i & h IOFdceb&iéa %FI RB ATA A TCOST 18898 wig4 wM Offer My eninr-stockc of Hardware, Builder's Supples aidSortin od laskor a lttaa.a mfgbotm a MiM-u aubm Wai. i cra'al U mut iomu Whin tluelWidorcrandlçfl~~ vbieh haovswu g12a, lrmeigmn ta"c a leailng ami ouet pari. Be u* cd mu honorabland i meul fal ure for Me., mimuit Alter msa luusate M.àkMunin»' publie:ëma i iti lua midtabla auVNi eOOMsc1iowist.merai misurai for Chc a*l Vaainem et b is elicu misma Mdtsmta Io bieservil frU S LM mtyeOt Odttfeilous tuml apentodsitlta Me.NomU n ewésa itppramagc ue tm wiaà- iommeMdvaluIt.P. CG %jecv htbrues. et bUumyLoft&. Ne. »-& LOti P. JJMlua, Nevomm M'.IL um Tmlme usbaily be-m 0Mal Pa M ho i > i ý lubn Xe.VU amal ait; ho bIasaist m l, aude à"-- oousuuOslmmycasa et mn bu am iibsaue luiipibSvmmMI utlu:m I b~~~b mrama bs kdmftubmO Ilu ta- W«g14 .Fes »drusviemi MePami T nu men Uiu vagai uai"MWt tei~uws Who art la town and country, prosperous be thy walk In. ife, and may- money, flow into thy coffers ia abundaace-, o that tdm mayest be able to supply thyselves with goad Clothes and Dry Goods of ail kinds from the CITY STORE. Give us this day thine influence and patronage and %ve wil give thee in return RAIMENT such as thy body requfreth for comtort and bodily health, and ve vilcharge thec only a trile of thy nney, se that thou mayest have a plenty left whcrewith te' buy food for the family. As the winter approacheth rapidly, it behooveth thee te be- ca reful of thine own and thy fazily's carcasse and net ashow themt to suifer or peris for the lack. of raîment ahid bodily covcring, it also behoovcth thee to deal eut thy money carefully, ad seth'tati 1uICI- ouly e=pende&. Thy name wMi be blessed until the third and. fourth generations after -thee if thou wilt take heed and, provide thyseifand thyfamily with raiment (roux the CITY STORE, for by se doing and continuing so te de freon season te season, thou w ilt save a sufilcient competence te -rvde fer thine eld age and pasterity, until the third or fourth generation, thy naine will be engraedil the stomach of history, therefore, whatsoever thou or thy wife, or thy daughters or thy sons require in raiment, SEE TO IT that thou providest it for thein. May be thy wife or thy daughters suifer greatly frein winter's cold and icy blasts. SEE TO IT that they are each provlded with an outer rament of FUR,ý and an under- raiment of wool Under clothing fromn the IYSTR.By'so doing thou wilt have nioney Ieft to hide in the bank. SEE TO IT thtty osae el provided with clothing; sufficiently %vell 'cut, made, trimmed and finished t nii hmt thy neighbors and thy neighbors' daughters respect. SEE TO IT, that ail thy clothing is bought at the CITY STORE IN LINDSAY, where thon *it save a goadly penny on every article of Raiment bought. SEE TO IT that your neighbors are duly informed of the above <tacts, se that the entire neighborhood eli have a goodly reason te, rejoice of the day thou vert born. EANAGU OITT TOU, n0. 2 DOBsoNistELOO3, T-zT., LEiraT1l". DID YOUO! 373vHEn Boots and ýShoes TaIk? 17eIm ane u.<Aape"ak fer theulves tua a nguage so plain that <lasy caaot a*b. mdoe flyspeEIoto e Eie, JiIVllent 8ai1Podete. Call and ses <lien. 2%0 satoryth"etoit fi, abouu VARIETY, QUALITY AND VALUE. 2lasy lnow what th"i are fai eg about and iso wi pou as oMu.as poua ne .tnhe. ai t ot t hem iaagan viking moZe ao themsslVesjmat usow, utwht veo ynfoe ,KEEP THE BOOT AND SHOE -TALK IN' MIMD, for a genUine aurprweeaie au t ta pIo mîtat LMAQUIRESa B. -SM y 1