Fleo& [WATED IY JNAY1,8 Owing ta' à chnge U ar busiess, whioh takes place ga l5>th day af Janùary,.*we have Rot ta reduce aur preset Otock-,of *20,O0000,ta 8000, sud- l arder ta do so we wif comnce on lot Kovemerta .se aur sto ck of Millinery, Silks -and Dressa Gooda: at what they -cost whôlesale. We.have ,a large stock of Men's andi Ladies'Fur Caats, yhich mn into a, geat deal af m one.y,, and if :you, require one his is an opportunity that you get.once'in a Jifetime, as the 0aos have ta be- sold'by the l5th January. The - arlier yau. takç: adeantage of this, the -better for yourself, as aur stock of Flannels, Towelling, Table Linons, Table Napkins, Shirtings, -Tickings,- etc., la now complets, and we wiSntbp n oads after thisdae Ourstock. of Black and Colored Silks are. of the very best màkesé anda ur Dresa Gooda, Black Cashmeres, >feltans, Wicesetc', we 10ught in, the very elaosest markets. The first timeyo are buying give us a cail and we will convince you by.thë prices we quote you that this is a roi g enuùine Sale and. ail goo.dS wl be sold for cash only, as w*e have gtà taise,*12,000 by l5th Januaq ,next, Ytu -may thinký that this ista soheme we have gotten up ta» make abi sengation, as aur tawn is full. of bankrupt stocke,'echemes., etc., to draw wool over people's eyes and maire them .bélieve that. they can b#y gooda3 cheaper than what they were manufaotured -for. But if you wot ta, buy good reiable goodà at wholesale prices,,you do not t to let this pase .without takig advantage of it. MOLEAN, M-THOitG Lindmi._Oct. 3MSL-S._____________________ R. Srn7th dc Son._-- - ~ -GOLDE IN We h.ave ait: the searce cte signa a" iColora Ù& DressGoos TRIXINGS. 18 THÉ EUV4DER tKE LFFIO LNT SUPERINTENDENCE OF MIL . WI 1:TE.P,ý ORADUATE 0F JJ. MtircwELïs, Our e are dqomina "et a large aminrarieclw5ciQo MEN'-AND BOYS' Ulsters and- Mantie Olotfls NUIFREE IF IIEUIRFi. -FURSI ILINDSAY, FRIDAY, NOV. 36. 18M8 TOWNI AND OOUNTYO DAINES KEE£M r TEN ei abs cloarni L W .GZUZWuu'h'-Ultf. Ver COtu, ucI& ou bous neyer t b s Sgtu ial- Lag.plua;, Cape. Ced Crurice.ut tb. abîm t e rve VlBb Four san"i"Stber. ai Hosleryasd, Gleves, Uudesan sd Flaumel te b. keponet 0e't sulatsoduiug Mae lcan l'orth due nt rfsu vcs WýA. Goc»vwvwu] »Ul a lot cf.Ameticau sdasn d isa 0115 tWall Papom t a,alargedisout for cah. Nov l thc tIme 5e hug.-17.tt. Accouansd notes due Bbe laie Ira et Dradibunu&&Co. muai b.astIed, est or lofèeaMalit fJsmat, hOM 'Iis la a liai ad fiuai uctico. I&Mo, aïve trouble snd conte Von mua tend M t Cls motter. R.J. ulizuzau. Oums lu Lennua'.Auotion, noa, ep- posite Dl os. 5 -Wm. Lace. uho wvasrrestsil-on Thural hastfor builarlulathe pensoseCdMr. Jlia Dovoy MToomeeeki aue, vasuteuco d âjuama hiy Malstste OLari Ce four uaouths as bari laborlu "CeUisJacksn." -Ail be"lt la te h hcry ofa cetinaem yard -concîllort 5 he piapent bcg by-lav i "eauveikahls' la tuai fadinig otisa ibmuhaao our i ctmus. verY vsmk some Ittesu a twésuii bld'lsud lous uibP. M.ILosti uwil osrlfaorey item e he oya s«choquer...-» Chiot Bell tcprtm & brIc decesnd for teSuM la sanguine as Ce be futurs. ieheoma New Hmeet 14e ett-er>udlciBlof the marbeipiegru asic bytlie.Bow u ing the paie ier i Su on thé wldo.uprta5 bellothâtBia umu snd mon ptoospet -lmsutbsheos e sa poa, osa l turulebeil ibsu lica lu the, apparetyoedilfaoi Chai jet. W . 1. lobiou. lsthe t.g 0ou *bu, gone Vese Mr...Roushbenaul buestuminlaLimartor satoter of a century s"d vu Se he émevnr'eta BusbloconoKm"-s 131 laongêpeiensas»d latinisie lkuovodie c lsoua iublu osabiail hlm, toe to ibiniaval uppiieui boom ns, &eiu e bmLiadàhl eomlet M Binusie, sud le vascouSsaisiMn MmSUa t mi" ensorCh erai abamtsfai pbi uap ils u thed ibaiBb rebaW arrivel te mats-a adical obse; hie s u s olu sihmd.vith r*phtrieu.nder due hea1lir lu 1Puis fe et"h av =n large ltismaI eét uaoeree abuilingopogtilc goiueiialà Iat t Ic lcto Vi vreirth mesnts«baulal bisew. 'Theseihon eofa aMW builui blcc-k amaS SUbudre a - fütbo et on . euset, vwsdscidcd uv: .th M 'os h elu &Md aithe Maroahimua Oeh mùtth. ves imd urttipoulecs 0ettMa Cun iW Bis advsaes oft*s irreBaso ce rwy ai 1h01 icors.Work vu puabsi oruati vlgcreul amit abuelock.OSfttdes; by M ft sttua tvoëSor M- Mbgh. lildIntot Bte nieom ulth roicdenOoeabov w u nma a 0band etMacarpeBetasapaes. Tbe euter wuv etvsa dos A tisdap ton Mr. 10. «op Aw udh. movepdlua boni Sires vs M e ugLithedue iettiago vire bsrdlyorn os .elîSeU Seoso.I i llk ou thvs betora w3i.1lobecs bu evmnytbmgabou stor e is * a.but tMa pionhs v bmfrM ieie Iapa o la oBs a Ory oBiladaps th.sdIari laimfsvsihoaestaddvhleat p.e aleniu. 8« 0os ogoofo me ~ *t »4witai.miM t e c mpty d3m v «iMeoait. re ivoIsm is m ptim 'Ibo ~lo tnr i slrehod sui aies i 1 EMeE b svB TEE CAXADU~ POU,, L1NDS.LY, ONT., NZWAT, NOVUXEUR 3O~ 1888. 5 da~m 1~ MoL eax~, DMA h oe. t »ýof ffoemau G(Ie of Madoc, vhs hba d St yeou efextirloe filhequairikeof tint di *e S"o As monu m the Iaadlg veluamne vi la openci up u ailhIel force et vor mmn vi V-booemploîd asi. i"Ocf elmast ly sil» Con ha l usiloit-rein esInch te Aive boL ha dblb of uieLsd saples sn ai e Idrouts cosotn aer ponumr.ced the ho.e over saoa i tikety ThuBrt ahlpmeut conteiai cof hmurntm =M"ihrncb te lbruct Semdai en in Mdattractoi mach atiale 5thsmea m itoutuart m m le ca lns bhOrb to pbahflier amiü N ceaadshieeiW I requie suother speclal aVI, very bteiir day ln &"o of~e 'miy. Toot ctou *v0 * stoviie output et the qusa". i. m assle Ma '. U thuai tbmmt stosvu *oullî i cosU a boe Llie vu pja c ai Toréto.Se.Brswua sme a asorlio 9MMarnd ohronu oUmld*- theuwMW d ' uBaSO5iOI.stbib"dU how muohdi st ChseLt.sivd iiSVOm Oin a O5bubla n tue emats m moSiah. csd have tisa0 oe ha Duete a tch bail7i 4otcari nu la hmdou Matc ola.'bm rpo balim laa l' 1 e dhiN mm.'1h55 iamis s a~~~~~t Poelvaeis aoe.vi .aoiS<, ~i Henbiabuheletcourse. . Oa s li. b~gbor agraq io rBbue e-dms I~ ~ ~~ w cs~tNOOP aSaetm mmee w ~ t viibv h lsnee rusP. orM. p.~~~~~~WP jmh.asatus-iroacl ief Ia Golden Eetoal t. Audreaoburh àal ucl Sua- dui. il -Rv. y. 'a. Du VercoS viiiaddrecsa 0ch"i res m-ovices at3 >pm. uSeSSrnudai la St. Paul. 1- a meotlut of the ceatrai chute caumttse IM . bc hold elo n rdu au Dcc. th. lu go. g U«-b"W s'lasllitoroooeitslip-a. -Ibà mi u y msr-svlof thfeCambldjm. ~ oLMetOdi bUro viui tebold ou lion«a £»am Mondai.the&bm Ut»sI ft DWqSmftr. wubes sbm R'tv. Dr. Will-ýIam atmrIut.uoi f gels- " ooat«m& arc suRv. I.L U Pusiwca prittt ile ayr iso aomtoru viniru on Oulidsy Cu111h, oc gsie. ai àfuturé daos. dm sd. Tuawvu Beve tsulram C leC 8IOO mber vbih Heu. SMr. Audoiia u saiooc e. hir »Idl a"d àau oboseac. ai ibWimuela a et vbkhb à* d affl"M ow.lit. ftrasor Chu roum" lit w si tw obxirob vWho gave Iau tataret9s taddron es h.minm wo 1 ibm"Bisas et Lmadeu EUg.. byi S oonluos&a. boc who»raudoeu amw b a be. * voasorvetau e oseeilapptscLàm lait troll mmasqustiu aumode lya aibi matir et eam 'à oorual.Aboom wuvorte t hau e apitlai ,~~~me usS Do a t IL &m. mlp. i i Sm roe tod h u laduImOlbis * ElaliaWlnlor ceooi. ctol1 uiiaet oaWba Md 5hiser im as deae foiWu a &M eav to matn a-mil vos* - ei m u w i«Mo -Iismaicas t fgd # - -ne wMoitvmâ eton=8um.uh hua-0686IoL CiIsft.slumtmt stqu iWoon, Io-ose visI 1 -MIRu. amu Coina vi ha-s - uai vcealholus. toi -Tii Wsoive .Aidevb"osiiefl ilium Mt dil &buo» er mmrlsilh boy wau oa usia ~al uas heirputac ts lbrsalne hcpas -ILTuerlobtoslai terrai am maltbsbe polimite et Be sUosUi -as eb o tomvhile hvi i tb, s i qusro M s tlus hathomu. -HaL'. onvu"dhaou afr aOte osse -À mmmm" nm ho as. vii ust -1 issus 1h à 1umas aCumabut rin VM tii uons cntmmulagmIea wrnotua lt. audit er rfaIt wu.in - Orb lit emi m A seluibisfdue. -CisiaM Lme aRSlea Tbuuimb fer M a iioetBsnrhUmmiaju eitriySboe es ba u taor i - h etym mue e belma"ua-. lu e tm ~g~~isl. mi e vii avela bm olh. verynaisu scae e s &olou dimi.' nume bis hMMOfng-W hel- e éis fret ntb eveurefr aos -ÀtL, ? Xbruiso pt a P10 ~~bolbu e teru et aie osm ofNe- Isilisthe. OumMe oa,**amaSWh wfthbu.ete viba os tsisacoof telu mm $tod ludt ovecn oui mahlesbvor -À eleville Ie a asie revIngPv sction -A lt I <dima. apiomamm fo spo érstcm kios cf Ibis oumpai T h ~of tuave erosets veb.rs 09p choquM 01 l e forI"LiV. C Msi -Alopeauola uwu specilu lo. vloring%Île W whehulag a uis tze atbutas «la YD"n Tusac&s M ursIo d pelil for ue astoi- -AU&el0vIlae la 1Woduetad',perm. Isieselius ebosho utrusl Ca»" le Aloi fvas m et le oth fert mu i aosm o edai. sud iaudet tspJ t hie0SchouiubC th ~aterstro a R~bool. uthsMa tblo lit el codvusty. d aluggyWB*.: ajameolor.a of aixmomektl hecairsi pilas.. Jwfth aDo.i vhamun for Bbc amas ira.e edbam oh mt bai= t"Umbbli irool bade pot unmivaiuhehthe &lvs ru- Il, inga Sw otheBieonCoaathrie lu ounm to ho bawu orstaMon; tuesoi-vu piyme uddeïr dt a htC«ms. PPOb ~ - BS*og rami x!mm de an' âlwbbJhV1 - sw&:emna, . WM&- duc tWldeuth o and. &orna gM»o Elmtbd " its voL.WBhuIi.Caw -U odmk iim bu bom tewoiibus 5pw BSo8.m "S1h * N dé à& idoos lIlaeB pot Ouli uea K. P. J. iM" abu" boumnltu ImToreimw rkoifor cash a large boahapi 30k etOMM"alOui. *sai vIl . fsgssi l Mh.corns d vu ha abst PUpms e buS poomib blla lie ilbreai temserv. h.. m. mhPlace eg buduoc Win e MO" @im beUM Hmmboums.la mu~ mi sha. Bie hlm a caL. nt. lam tCam consul A orne naUmm the anapor egt .Paul'o chuob vl M gl8Vm llb ohé eagnesm yi &a.vulgdhcoumber tia. Im . P. B.Pnbis li vol sud faeabyIi huevma vosut V. v sucs fThs ipl ersi isru sudvs neM.tta vini bhommserilvelommi liybar my aimlw ore _fr J.L. A Met gTorommo, vhe hma ho. bidong ibs veierslare m bonbJRiv es b h " Mrps . tP. IL Wbcflockm et ntboS oca aatUr wii amUL The em- -Aan~uet gcoirblaiorotet.mma lumoult >d.g bc mmng9 Mr. Ai. Wateom. Murchenit fmuat. mm o.et M. Waaom, getb", te». tSm Maude ocyonges daughtir g Mr. SUberS 5DMet the aboya vi& log e mcoremouy 500hplacn e.l jolaes' ebu& teiam010amn..sud th upti i h ueva twe doftl8" Ba fetol loir à. G. LDosa or lmsolm at oi, lais t îimdesAfin tbe veidisg trmkbasbail boom patahia or at ibm toullouet t be m ie'. a he Me q aScupis loft ms Che motalug haafor a tri mestimai Md other paoisa t um ..... Thé ursoie vire umercu sd Coeuryas ithébride vasu a MMA bvrlu ammgaargem crit etcf var -À croviail bouSms -redlime. Kuox ou bur liaa appsisaclmlaiMl -da iulghi bfors a a Liadiaiaudlme. sd udu uilgnE oa b cupraim ofeplum a . eamrey eption av" aibratour aorbahe l Ma uuuarv sm usman r o et itiolc09 <i Mawend os. lMg but le vouhibo us»teSomit ubat le bu dlue.la on li baeea eeop ie Bri, abs smemla Sm ssruli hao Bbcapirt h.ples Mud Ibo cotailw cantal bur audience vltb ber. Tho eoftboevaitrlug usadderms no" ba hcb im be oil mm pwlsuy burver or 1amasroul. Bfor hua-. «OUuslooslm voe au excelet. sud bers porb-lies hm kios bot semi. ufbotrho8to teadlgs6Tho Captie m s u tebereut lri sud eh. gomuin»felnet bter Il- ihrro in ocamet ber bosthlae hlgeitcop. meus a reodetcouidl duAi. We CanuIlyth 4 th"aUmm oz uc1la hue ous Bteb osoe 'b vhe nrds séturaetflaNupsSorluour sa> coapsanei by Mum B. LRoberta. mpuoti barf Ioefic both --ossu.A à- set tbm place. delb 5.auims.'b ppl 01Z b rnI-bvint obtsiaslîusthe ; ta uqul ir reabý dlasul by ý ibm o LiUS09Muothor maiertatu- meun t e Irst.eoennet rthe.eollogiate la.- ,seituuleCe mplett har rous -The mma&lofdi et Mr. Charlos Poiget ii Buâd bhinil C h couator of DKso r Co.,a. iiium hombu astakea a Pcoahtie :lu ths groordepatacaS. -Mi. C. J. Agar, fermer! acouahanise ILludos s"d atterly ePort PMai P1ht l ui, beben appoiutil d e~r ie bcO=rl 0bank ~ acne.8. _Nouat Mr. Agar vau vlioougssias.lmoubi uomtl ountls" * $2TO pr ke puaiDoors *- 15 o 12.ltght Windows 35 uch enlght Wimuowa -*42"ec OlauSzlO, - * 25 perdu GI.a192m, -- 75 Mes, 12 - 00 Blm Mm 3, -1.30 " White Lied $145 and $150 pue kog L..ksaud M»bS 20aMd sp Ooiipw Am , - * 0ea Imms Tooth Bave -70 Pr lm Elz»d P 0Pa pr au 8àh44 Wbnh..tr OartdgO at Em-n. O.rtrdge - 22 ci'.Pistotai Ortrdgo ingle Bliot-guns Dbuble Ibot-u - Double . mou.-odig Gums Oa Powder - po h - * 65prboz 65 Sper box U 1per box 8.00 2U 5per lb 60& per 100 Bne m ert Norme~~ Bbc. -- -PSps k Btëiu-ail st cont. Al0" erGoods .pIlow. R. D.THEXTON, Hardware, HerchantP £dn.sy On. ia,518-M OURM C USTOMER S %%o, aft in town and cauntry, prospeous be thy wulk fin lifes and rnay rnoney flow into thy coffers in abundance; 50 that thou mayest be able ta supply.thyselves with good Clothes and Dry Goads- of all kinds frorn the CITY STORE. Give us this day tbine'influeace and patrenagead we wllgive thee in returnRAIMENT sncbl as thy body requireth'for corntort and bodily health, and we will cbarge thee aaiy a trille of thy moncy, so that thou mayest. have a plenty lcft wherewith to buy food for the fasnily. As the winter approacheth rapidly, it behooveth thee ta be careful of thine own and thy family's carcasses and mot allow thern to suifer or perish for the lack of, rairnent and bodily covering, it also bcbooveth thee to, deal out thy money carefufly, and sec thou that it is judici- ously expended. Thy nme wiil be- blessed until, the third and fourth generations after tbec if thou wilt talc. heed and provide thyself and thy farnily with rairnent from the CITY STORE, for by so doing, and continuing so to, do frorn season ta seaso thou wilt save a, sufficient competence ta provde for thine aid age and posterity until thethd or fourth. generation, thy namne wil be engraeinl the stornach of history, therefore, whatsoever thou or thy wjIfe, or thy daughters or thy sons require in rairnent, SEE »TO IT that thou providest it for theni. ITMay b. thy wife or thy daughters suifer greatly frorn winter's cold and icy blasts. SEE TO ITthat they are cadi provided with an outer rairnent of FUR, and an undér raiment of woot under clothing frorn the CITY STORE. By so doing thou wilt have money left to hide in the bank. SEE TO IT that thy. sons ame wel provided. wîth clothing; sufficiently well cut, made, trirnred and finished to entitlç thern ta thy neighbors'and thy neighbors daughters respect. SEE TO IT, that ail thy clothing is bought at the CITY STORE IN LINDSAY, where thau wilt save a goodly penny on every article of Rairnent bought SEE. TO IT that your neighbors are duly inforrned of the above facts, so that the entire. neighbarhood will. have a goodly reason ta rejoice of the day thou wert born. sSOTERN, (JATHRO KXARK MAAGE MYOTTBTOENX Ba.2 D0310»'BELOOK, EI., LINDSAY. READY,_AYE_-REA-DY, Indy Lui, Raki r! i l, iseL Bllzzmr or .a" oUMr dl i.Of Ui lokki. lemU. Vie &eiod rtaowfora.' rotcu. paàot wy' fo'r yom'"O ra W id4Ssu Usort01S o cr- b&i.s or rmtaÂuostottu &ê~u%?ae wènIb a to ink a aynortu- ALL THAT YOU REQUIRE do a mi 1fet.da aUttie usomeyw "wetwill quaran- te. to maike z#ou cmfabe i. wW eeof o«r Rubbers, Moccasins, Maokinaus, German Feits, Frost-proofs or Water-proofs. W. eaui do yi eSeptdsU sne m and desph#P, m 1e90e!=OtOUtjwldlPLICE SHUE STORE Uaduav. ot IL ILU R. D. Theztou. SELLING OFF AT COS.T Amhs dc4dto g4've 9)W tardEw"~UefBa ànen oFIRBT JANUAR P. 1889, aiîd w9t offw«ray .,ur.stock of Hardwafre,' Builder's Supplies andSporting Goods là mý