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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Dec 1888, p. 6

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g T I O N A D S P W Y , JJ N B  T O ( T l m  T » U E U 3 U R 1. MmR _______________ ~~Am&.fa hla 1 a lnjw U.i m-I Inn 'T 'Girlzp sorne we..eks, .wiïl Jo LEL (o corne Ôccu$y TiO ID>4 public rnd equal/y wà>4 Wehoe(odoTree Week 's lv rd before M/e close of thte year. 17-- le Y y I p O We Am nazteue stock~ exp ressty laid ifnor the. season. Tihe mos/ cri/icat Cknisimas Buyer willfind nothing wat/g. STUA2PLE LI1~EE 8 0F G-ROOJ~rRrE ~ A NrT~ ~ rNr7-r ~ W. -have mader it.a point to- have ail Linos WELL AB8ORTP~ and of superior qualities. It-la hardly ncsayt enumerate them acheerfllOrsta eason are here, icudn HOLIDAY FRUITS AND SUNDRIES. All that'go- to make Up A QUF~ WELL-A88QF~ TE O TEA OEF~AF~TM Shows conclusivoîy that we. have taken the greatet pains to have it a odng A.ricle at Leadlng Prices; yet we want people who require 0001 price than wo have beon handling to know that we have purchased a lin. of Tea-1 oas o u Dfa-ha ilasoil Our wonderfUl 25c. T«m takee like "'Hot Cakes, ism poOMesed of a fine flavor ad la superior value for the money. D TUA at a lower purchsers. 01UR CHLINA, CROCKR an~d GLÂSSWÂRE DIEPAWRTa'wu' Thirty - rive .Fine, Colored.-Dinner Sets- 4 leatParlor f Rail agn ampa Rging from $8 to $25.- Paegi rc rm4 o85 40 BeaifulyPriniiited TeaSets IRPra ron $2 toL81 pe From $280 upwarda. I With plain and colored Globes, ail price.. A:Large Number of-China Te& Sets Plain Sâtanding Lampa very Oheap. To'-be Sold Without Reserve. No botter value to bha hu in 'PWum. Seventy-Five White eGmite OIamber Setst About 50 Colored Ohamber Seta From $2.26 to 88.0 SpeciaJ Line of Fancy Cupa-and SaSucera -~~ -- - ~~~ .A6i pca rcs A L a g e  so w t .~ nt o f B H E X I N G & S 8 WR E a d F A O T C I N A , A L L D E BIG N s , u ap o r t .d fro m lHa m b u r , G r a y WA.Gruajg.Dimur andc& id ê& ,xotroà,oa"PUr.SU,' rsa.B ttsaidPckaSdwLL.ti.iî1u 11*j -~ - -- ---w--- ----.ww ~VW W~~* I Wmvwi~ ~ un a a - - __ ___________________________________________________________ I C1 AnaiaiZt megs LUMAY, IflDÂl)Y., DEC. 1. M FA YZDG UP. Iker. in a gêneruai lant iabu =L dirls. flot-.ônlyin Linday but in muet -pu*ts etthe province ahtho nuus *lown.as thie seasn in payitng Up. ac- eount& .Tfhis lis to & large eïtent-due, it is understood, te tii. tact that go many fariners hav~e been holding the*ir ri frhger r'rices. When whu.L as Sl.2tî and bArley 7$8c. it was confldently expectd that pricës would go up te 01.t,50 for wheatý anti .1. 00 for, barley, and aàiroat uuanyý held back foi the ýadvance; but thé change bhas been the other way. Priem ,nv gme duwn andi those who failed tue realize: nov ligure 66&" heat'y lIms,".7 st'ép.ak. oMnt good judgis doclare tlîat there i. nothing in the out- Iakte wirritthoe xpectaion cf a mnaterial iidraiîcu f rom .the preet cowin- pairitely low- prices. The ciruet upun gneral businessabu een discouraig PtrehaMes.,have hen Muce lighter ; and twlection, have butait away clown te mth. ing. Those who are îindebtedtu t business- mir or artis-aniscf arîy kind -slauuld flot longer dél4y paying up... arinera who ove 1>111.s huualId mou thoir produc* and settie their accoura ta. Oo Mans ni- debtneauorten nen'e for that mat. ter.. m&yb.a rifl;ut the. sggregate mwAit makel.sà.very large Sinottrit; suâd a genralpaing u mvemient .ail alongý thini..nswuuld sooea have a ouprunl benfical lfet. The.payaient of à thouasd dollars ot indebteduam te-day,. lOt ita1ce, by poe, faumeus would te-ý sulit i the wipîxîlq out ot ten .tius*nd dollars etirdubtie bebftiretonurrow Dight, o peedy and 'endort aI are the. "aiftitiine ettrade. Di. montagus hasbubeau ga,inometed ferHadian.Re ivas »verpery tud honestly eded, lis majerity ha,. ing beàu mate ,by gs fmaduluscount. lu icias eeoien ght referra-,ballots siane t h.dpuîytte. o fficr; sud tii e- uM ould .havs besu vade te mi. Couiter but for Jtligp et elaguat r t steallov evidebos te b. oW n tei.Point.- The. supree eOur I. sumafr Dr.Mtagneon thi enai fiats tu, cs vs Ckes by a fuMser a. iemgalos d~ t"outhe audut..,awesprsia îng place where- a return of only, twenty- eight votem fûr Couler vas made. 1 -l tg b. regretted that an autho ritiative de. 01810n'.vwu not given en the quetion in:. výolved in this part ofthte. ame. A new eloction will no doubt b. -or- deredl at once for Haldimand. It is à sev*ere:,trial for the cc'nstituency, but il is to b. hoped the reformner. of this -fine cou*nty lM, ot again b. cheated or opunted out of thoir. honestly electeci kepresentative. SolI. W hite, the cek*brated tory annexa. aioit, t', rumning for mayor of Windsor Iesl boldly nîaintainq thabt annexation iImthe best thifna.ç for the country and that It must. coine The amp. leéd.4. should' 111i1i a meeting In Windaor. Weare glati to finti Mr Hudnàpeth art- Inor on Tita POS'p'Mn uggestlon that the Eiglish mnarket ehouflcibe ecured 'for Canaàian ëgum..If Englanti would only pnt-a duty on French eg.% tI avor of the ('anàaljnnproduet irnp fed. vould Carry at once; anti it wouki .b. a big thing for the Canadian hien. The Hamilton ýTino.f saya: "Tii. toriées who Adt election work for SIr John, and took their Pay liat imber limita Ina Ontario teirrit.ory, iii now. have tie pleasute et atepping out, and et paying sueii rente and dites as Mar. Moat chooses te ases. They hadI hettor- make Sir John wiiack up ln cash neit time. Trutlng te bis knovledge of lav la more prsiaions tiian proilable." W. regut Cha £t Dln McCarthy tMlle, te. Cern up, at the Imperlal edeastioi mee ting lu Lindsay t e Spwan th, hostllty et Sir Hector Lafgeufu sud Othes Quebee m>ileters the motion. I15 veuld have been lnterestmg to-know whethe, sir 11ector and hlm French collesgues are di.iloyal tothéCiecrevabsuae they viii not accpt -Ltisii. se h es-planterr the tutUre. Net e.. eftChe otisi' speaker. ve»tured te dimue i question. The .,Ingerseit -ChroniclelMra: "The. Imperial tederation dramait. dellgiit ln charactorlslng ail eppoesite tiens asan- unezatiotît&. ladolmg me Ciey asaumo s1 great dal. Howevet, tiers e àti.te bc sld efthe latter-il I fible sud aibt -Ce beneficlal. The. tormer la but a £atlowinig 1Ctormea' ersupporter. The. dronicle le one otrhie Jurnais of Canaa that believes.lu builing up a nation eofoure!ve, kl ug eut ova treatie s mlite bost aivetage possble." K undethls Rabots la devloplesa viuk,î ln, Englai for Cauian, h arley gre. vell.ramat et course, but le 15 really more truly loyal te iouaur bley t. the. motber eonttTortte tcYakes prom barley beer la mair, ad atheisaetf emni- tu thes tve-red bàM ft« treai VU hbe luteoimis.guaam st. tii.dmsa'oh bib as home mu e b kuly dletr.elng to MMrneoltMrut uvoyamdoi amemtal -epe. ThePen t armew r I, vat oa Mt thaeWduetaba eiii ulve Ie mou bu"- s te.mu sMdmi usumethe estubn maIi i le Fm fLw, hIe ehs mudiugtthev t f t I t I i Il N a I I I I _________________________________ M t--.~ - -r. nludspethn ýy Mr. uarunp. Tt eemn to un that the blest plan woufld b. for a considerable numbèrer !t arers ln a. Certain township or dlntrlct to nuite ln ýgrowing two-irowed barl.y o as tto lead to the ei;tabliahment, of a market wlth ftfi. tient quantities Mrt shlpment on a reaâon- Ther. >-smastu b. a revival lu the bonus hunting ladlus1try, an&i itla timulated ýby the ambition of certain towns 'and cittes London vants te Set. 1hé ogbore-Killey work.4 from Hamiltona; Pèterboro would like to taire the McClary fouridry, partly dest.royed by 11reM from London; and the Tîmes 8nggoetàthat ylthave te get momne ahop froni Peterboru ta reéstore the ettuil. Ihium The Doiery organa work. of Clian ton yUll niove ta St. Thomnas, If atta- tory Ihduenenta, " are otrcrîad., The turne cotpany modextly a>k an '1inducemeùt" Pt M>Il from O1-rillua te move there. boniut. 'W a afarce 'Le WI e1ue a thi aouing' nystem n . ta e b ure," re:narkrs the Ham- ton Times; and mot people will agree r The. Montfreal Wltnesu ays: "Historn. eally, Sit Charlesi Tuppar wu enunently rlght wiien heretugecl te regard the terin colonist- as one of reproacx. Wiien the English arecflot colonhtL%,: they are noth. lng to speak of.. h vas their, tendeney te colenize vhiçh brought thêeta toEngland, and made England. It la-lithesaine tend. ency tannin# ln the. saine blood whfrhhban made.tii. British empire. The. celonist Englishman le, te bar tii. very liant, au good as any ether -Englishman. It la net ta b. dlspated. bowever, that ti. Englmh use the word colonieS vety much as Lord Salisbury rteatly usfed the. word bleck ma, and. that the. mild entempt Imppiled ln it signifies a real sonstituti6nal Inter. lotit7,th. coloclt havlnx êas et osj ln tMi.affaira o et iempire. Ti oT tien cannet be permanent. When tthecol. entisg a r psred te amum tA.o, dény them. a coirespong *here, ln Cie Impérial counols IBut eut Canamilan lmp., foda veu t to&«t udr share ef the ex ' * . et e h oht !the Bag- J~ohn OrMietea et Genancque maie a biture of a tarlio qnautftv et, barbai vre mruge mia m CîssUP tn Y. ths otiaer dey. U aîatma isbrs,,s'us m wvltes a- ltepot,. To relias the o-ltea SI. vol meav ad ral -Tb* Petorb«orE&zaMmil W 'et Sdar Mra: "À ton tavesr.ivd lé aoraL-Lg tp Mr W. Dalp omftug SI. j P "ziusym là MII#goeao 1!s et sdoatiet tsi troe.-.l.Ia, i' Combulai, Port HRe. It vill hgremamhersi a hes %ex v.ek. aam D. 'Cumbe*lsaami Miss RusDay Wefl't. sIb MUmw1e,. ma îles Dr. Cuasb.riMM vas atMb.eavtm fihnenstheisdey &hIvMg îe emc.y. ne bu bmen prostrasi IMse. as tMém, kIbo bglent NMs " ma tie edM" bretheg et a". J. tmmberePU sIr WMtanu Ou5uWn Th -i= iai bridé,i. c-bu'irlsomme vq etsuWtiss he a"* 1 u bie, e aum otuai.a ' as uaauhooVW go>" et k W~. es IA-WOsI WbI LOCAL NEWS.LEÂWiERslA. ginbotham. I-Britton Brothers. &4LEM - PS. *IT1'N .ISIOTM>RS9 iCeru epond.iaoe et Th ft U à DDSEs8AU D PEISEUTION. - Oa the occaion oe Ut. S. C. BMouree Iesvlagît the mlhol here la ordeoe go panne hi les R O PTICIA N am the olil. gate inaticate, Ltidf4l a 02, R hlmIC A pupils took.uwe opp maity go.Prenéat titra imitti an addr..s Ad album., îht-reby show.,iI-z m T log theit' Warin aporeciation cf -lista io yesw .'arne*t Jabot for their etucationali11 Teacher-The turne »M swlth jeu bus boe.th E l to s esiv mua .maajsedt Vary. ansd pmrole. Wk. have boardi________déf tetv, MI rla «Sjtdt wMllverberemrnbered bytts. Meurni und oeJn. ea repmj jeu forpor ictasonuMu. a- UNS I~ ND GKTFIEN: tagy. e ,m inin of m ving we bave ----N wA V p ' o c i . com taprement tw Fou this album ae a teken or s ai d bOuNew ore £DrtW emocee4 Orv fr m'a ju n Sud ntii. pla future s t efoe 1 neTilaeee. oullrem ev, ofo u &n it tb i o aut U e as to 8Uy behincI thit 1 stand before t * . MD U lletn, a., get Mutb, . tweJoln h osh eutua aking the Lord te 70OIUenthia auspiclous occasion Itke vateh ver n» whig. voare albiS fremi re T .4. fdUtn ai gwMtýI e tA»ix McGhrn:s, B.A*botal lcet hiM acoOtb*-1 ge" by,, ba ilrOOster On a & tyhr-cuLeMt Inauraace Co. of MtawI?ý.str. Mî,vrl ir:. ALL. DouamirLAROUT, rout, and acept with piOEaUre jour Sut.-Wo deetre te thaok yIou for pro!mpt ial- MABKL PISSE.. ANNE£ 1*MADLICY, 1 et u lil yteMt1. Ja.#. DILLEFFATI 1OMuoaDon "wir, Vil7 uind ivtainto contest the ne Omsbpto " md.,i eut iita kàUOULDIC&, WELLES TâMuta, invite.aoionà MIAiTZS MRI'TLEMNT. i t)oersgoedeose i. h uij. Tuà,A N lTEETAINMM3T. - 0;1 Wed]3.a. da,, De. 12-h, à te& and entertaient mere beta the tbm reeldeace et Bi. G. Ben- ham la comuection with tha Methodibt chureh. Our lady friends, ias 4mj dtd tN1eir becs te masiely the physticlwante ot mar, About oes kundred snd ton par. touoàh bty repsat after vbich a s- tertve progirammen. vierender4d. Our estesed fripud lMra. Ka; 96GI Urpsactes ebstmau. Our Enaiî.h ébarob frieande of fradie, Misse. J. xad S. Pu,4er. reniea voluable, merulce. 'mie» J. Puasy presidel st %hé, orgma and diop' sdgreât OabLl San one vrsglv.%byUi. . Cteckleq, Ma'. Cartit. and C. Àd"%s Tbe dialogue wblo vre gven vMies Grabsiganmd 9,' peUJar.etofiasd BMI..13at4 love s , ala. vils r t e s b, vir hIstemed St u l v rap& attgatio. svuai recitattou e lvs09, sme vhleh aswuame enitid"The. Luisyn subhlh. .ffMimutip tendaema .by tee s.& Pasay, Smort sidrues eviem lvec bp Bavi. Muer.. Hyaa sud Parker' ut KI. mount. The coee, vblhtesamouctsd ho 40, .tev&a 's5h.minIamr's alsr. BICoAzrrs.. et Tm PmllJ h litmuasbs mmemtl hm tsi tro re tisa la Tm. Pm.urpsédsqulisuèd psscstulysvmy te Ihat bouta em vImS M un raveflea' reten uPla amus, mD. 14.b, atter a luàs"usa foi bliné",bornés vitIChulsttsupaUm mmd fotSUtde, neyr mmurnqa rc Wlslmfugbavtza fuilt se sdosfdu te a ime- S,%verýDbosefs va.s- emli. ut auofMa'.Gba¶ Edmea.tZo. u ut . B. v m atrld OUks Car ~ywisubame t i tâteats NU. SU Sn bo ratuise bilabu reeS&. m wmstoogsvilamfa a Mdui liq ssaeet alme vw a Mm o is e, Di« Ttsab a «a.. Idkse .dm msvu-Q;sgaêm..........M e !smlmgaes W, is bas b a OMM ~'tLvE Beevesn¶p or tbf s town. 1 arn proud to nlotice on the. requisition juat baud- ed. me the, usmes of sucb prorninent indivlduajs as FPearless Dick, 811. jirn, floapy 30b, EHandY Aiqy and HalielbujahKaunah. .I1amn a Liberai, Union, Conserva tive, Tory, Rouge, Radimal Ont h. former of many decades. 1 behieve la John &A. Eadonaid, Ulward Blake, 0bristopmet oium- bu&, Binerai Wolf@, Binerai DebilIty, Oirown lapiai sud NIfad8. Iamn la favor of Anueo,e £rnaolatfonOo.edeat on, r ams- tination, votiug-by balloe, Draiw Pok- eor, EcléricjLight the INIaea arta and Wlte Pine ]Bass for couglas sud Goidu. I have the greatest respect for Anti-Scott, Anti-fat and Anti-up. and if eiected wiil piedge mymeif to pull down toi! gates, abolish rnad doge and rnosquitoes, an.sudnaaway witb the mayor', daughter. - RespecUuy YOUri A. HIGJJBOTH*M. UadesyAD . il.IIIL214 W. L Goodvia~ PHOTO R T OI PUINRE81 PHOTO GI OTi OtUIS WM. A. GOODWIWS Nw~mmdE~ WIndow Samm"~ he R ma Um&-m& tl.ML71ZL lU LLICK. Y G m ZéctL'i i iir. BAU OVL IN . LAI AC 31-T4F.R £Artltna'ai I»mra . ofetWatertevu, cOammoaaI Uiou IssUsacs Ce. et Les- CRU~ .. mauo. Ce. montreui. Gsahsvaes Its asoetosusa. Toronto. masia eueaslàes6oa asaviais Ce. $3090(o o V9 i erst ai. M UOmm aI ruiedene. cernor of Liadajai B ÂUoIaUaec=Sb* hePreeldent Of the L Lu BUOSSvua icaJS fer~~~~v etvdab asv omturt mmd b IL ma~'i& ....us.... ammi lr au& SI i.. T U?..............."mrs &8 B...........aMVIMR v-.n.e.e....--...mAyBm Ut I -- - ]F Iu z s LAN T13E PUIMO GNELYANRTCRSESA»A HAPPY NEW TEAI. - - - - - - - -- . -M ý%# We ihrw "qa%.dL AL&& JL ILà IW M. L-- N ý "r m 0 ~o~mII~ Lu~ i~ 1W PEE. C O ~I~"X'W. Me ve no f our ability We o to do it. PFe Mr - - - - - - - -41 - - -- - - - 1 - - l' Vary irc»z:qL, -

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