PoneYs it Lfer' -neS nomn 7 SPl"fNIU Umm sm UBITTO assaRBBkSG 1u.v. Nab 1818574 1 mm n roh*D .110HEES tu m. au 11ts or-Uiv. uu W"2GEVA. eout" 8s8 .P fowhaI Peede aIIDAY.FRIDÀ&Yi -JAN. 4. 18w. MUNICIPAL ML TERD. A.unexpect&td turn haa bau i Vený _1,eb. nurilty contenti in LiAdma by *5protesl against tei.nomination of Mrw. R. Smyth. 'The arrangement Mr.: Sxmth lttely iade with the town to pul op buildirng, on the Irvine hotel orner Ïs a cOntract and débats hmfront being a. iember of the couqcii during its.:ex., jarence. It 18 oniy fir .to Mtate th"at tis disuaifiatonhad net occurred to Mr. *myth, and hé betaiwie acandidate net frtàr u selfint.erest but in accordance vatI thé requeats .of a laýrge :numbç -of ra4epayers.-Inin aking .the. proteal Mago Walers impl dishar hi&u dt tothe tuw hi Thia proteat ud t'e. caut-events lu conbection with t4he ool bondè disqiiications wil make can'di- dates more carefnil on these: points.. The. incident is no idiredit to Mr. Smyth, "ad if the , d4tuuaification la removed êtrinsq the-jour by a. traiafèr of the con- tract, as là likely, ho ivill probably stm>d the. lest chance for, the -mayoralty next pasr. Thé conteatla inow bdot en Major Water& iùd Sqire >lcDonul. Altter. frim -Mlri R. Sylvesor desl. !mg vith the. chArges rmade aqait . r. ýHsn Wolterà -by Dr. MoAlpine, -roi, eve too lt for publication lest vsek,. Is pate zia heohi s'àie lu Opatii. ld conionbsbenaa e.lectcd by aclanation. This as. a des. sevdrecoghitioîi of. theàcreful suid econonilel management. of the. bovu- obip'*afairs by ,the proeu oucL. Rues Jopkins and Dep. -boots Walke bka. been returned for everal pan sby sedî amtion, and 80 have other mu"bins si" 00 eouil. The questof lowenng Lake Sfogg and the river wus heaitiy *adesed t the ubi eeig là Ifariposa t-heroin, té .suh kàsm c'ntait over the. hlgh eohol qui. Uc.. Ttobsgrss; butp. bp là .inoýoths WV eytsstliug tbe quam . aW . a s"sfei in, aslms *0 mmaau t '111" ht l bsu umnt plia u in bie.hIMt u pwp.u-à vull.vqf.mcsrlog&Ia phmvslasobedsnovilh L..un e 1 W et nnd.uàsd. foi," s v hemho.abut . t u, sfmum umlk UsIe..ld el y $b.~bol umoso et buuIlpI rum. s mll m nI -~~w --bsugmu..a lae tbe aklualij. !b hmO& asibëo4if.the ti de ~~ Notue mut h~ e. prolas. E.-ffui' la Tm1. Pm u as 0 u si hflj 09 Lù~mi rnePbonla Ame So coag.hm . 9GratWbIlbyollo dlaus aut" t h opeUM. tu S" l ro *a0as'Bnaisd . slv RL.smy* b a. KyRie sd A. ILMal- rille* Thomas Wltets iJobsfoisom ud DaMias TbsPès sud RobI. Winè. comlhlb. J0 WRB l. hRobl Evyasaand Ga oi Candaiy D . J. Mlatyré sud voserI um sr. l-mm lieu e Ps hCO.W. Sur ensd Roerte Thomn»eWl UMa hi Robrt Spier sud J. lmWlntems Dr. Barrow$ hi RL Bvyesa sud J. W. Andersoni. 01300.» D DPU"-SMMVU Dounoan y by J. LU Wlsertsuad J. IL Roberl Bryass I>y A. H. elifio mi P. P. Burvous. SA. D. Malou hi Rail. Habsi sd RI*i. Peter Ister hi Eiv. WOcie andW.. Tho@. Coanoly hi lhemes 01999I sud EL B. Dean. lis çfollovug snominations vero mais far, counnceim: 8ouL. Wrd-ess m a.BWiaHa B.Do- John Plri, Fred Reerea, J. A. Willtamsoa, Jois. Browa, Smau Tacer, A. vèe onominstrni but vetire&. ..oaS Wad-Miser& .. P PihAle Ax. 8esu, W. &.Fée.,G. BrysusD. li "a IL C"111..... eua. A. 0810L n e a Glnl. A. D. Maon«.. J.013« ,G. W. Rosa, Ghm, CeudelG.W. UiJ. Grov. don, A. Xsanedy. M. BEsu ansd T. OZoti: eto uomluated but vltbdrov. 1Nov». Word-XMs..John Comatooh, Ricli. Teucibourse, J. MoWilIauna J. L. Winters, Sm Parues.. .Jota ms. Buen sd JhnClarkvusnomalmsi but vltbinv. (>nemoiool lrustéa e s squinfor samb vira. Tho. folovIona ere noulnafld: NoWk WaWrd -J. D.,XscUureby a»d J. L. Winaters., S. Coréset vu sominated but w..tbdmwv. BagE Wrd-P. PlIii.asd R. ennedy. Southi Ward-Hnry levasse., W.. Grec%, lias.BullhPelterrM... . L Sotheisu vu e ninêeoals uthldrv. Duvla îblenult aîf bumamahbo v meàsi hiyMareWueles e dinha prosaI ý-séInts hé lsecion of Mr. Smyt, ashé wu théalhihrsa olsI iil toiavue ispurposeof tpuétng spa basl* lan.we thoe l rt.ine bhoW. au étide. eocin' t Km$ssnd CambUshl-s"tu6. . :Waftevs adhtasliIb entend lie proes sa alter of du'y and n mfo humamy per. seio 4feeling. I1%vu i hieduty Mm usor ofth lieovu te dA o su; ad b&madi Ila zooi tlime sM Ibis aolle nomination moud be'made b hé lbjUriMv Smytb onuls vh s w?-algNtls S» pruantasumethon vwu Mnoent of hlWid oslno cniae v o wvch, Mr. John Do beus " seh asbut a roepositims.ta adjeurapoeslg nt!lbheeuinc vu Maie sud car- nu la OMierta .11ev ample hune for tlb cndIdates ta aidres lbrahopaecaupe .1u thi.e enng the. lov a ll wvu paoked to Its fulentby the. ratepayars. Mi. John Dobson fsgain occuplai lthe chair. sud a resolileavu aopta ibuth e apeul- es t b ttacu minutesza.=. ieserveral candidatue. eothon clled on, la lb. order lu vhtie tboy vira nominted. li R. Smhhstale a iaSlibai Dot ne- ourad i h hlaI bhis coutract wvthh le tova wou.d dlaquellfy ut u acandidate or b voui&net bar. y1elied ta lie au- merose requetteta Ibldbeen maietol hlm toentirthelieldsi. He bin touai mm"atdiScultyanud délai lin uklthbb tirinvthIlime lova for lbh lot sud lf essi *lta meesthlbvietaile primat cpant hlm bavatlb e fly.li unmtsv vouli her.beau = 07;Ills ba I il»Scbenafor tir, Irvine f neais.. or vu e bopinion thaît theowvas aMiris sculi he mmn ave' qsaesmeu ii bosu meobut IUn .eeybodyexpecbsi Unis er chýenu- atsuoeb.omMbe com Wib insu.b,*bllebvoul i ml Mwi ualuae nivie tadr a lassquile M. lIme.Wiltuva ul Il bai lam aa ulnsS §W Smyhbt ié b vroltav hemu.urbye- espt ho uap,-hm g lb ilsms et lb emimai K M. lmh a ¶r tit lai. new etitIs m islmsa ." k dtya ebahm lu . Mbgu lu -à- -1A a - - - -g- .wàxk- àa&. ~ ~ ~ .N m ZB ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~~hm ~ ~=u~ I ____ bis @ff~u - hsihg hu~s hu ~ --i__ ___ U55W~ ~ I USOin oew - ~udiV~ ~a-m'-i1~5~arn~#u'b: i u-. -- ~ ~ - h- ~Sn *sm~~ ~ _ ___ mi. ~ CAEP~WaL 11 W.KP~tu seILMer *0~uIne v - - - Eytom a b plb 'buEe Nsrie siali Ileiàa -t!hbUhe' vbsn (Dr.m ffl cis4 dii dObo viet ba vud let atbosh. th" ho -b" Welsi tu 0stluc roi r. D. a ~r «0"1 , reortsiebia danylag IbiS bier. uxaujh as or ieehur .1le Md tp.u l ell e suhoredIi a0te lm ombe la-maeMi cw lu issllii'dmhIL fnVTS 5ev5d5p era fsos miabr sUie, eien1ulag a - Lbu e mermt H.shjsi lMdItWb ci tami nO wum =et ebctillei 11M 1olus amm fllyh 4I qulforid e f " OI&su eMIR ho lu e siar sd ulsnhncha only ~ M Peymmiaosi n- arexedius etjs'aarl sud eFi se van -W def e lb o taese - emevie biiir bi 7 ba&.iTos bora e oy ssM e -apenilfad- vaes nt candidate nd b is d nom lb. »mtig adoim;Sadd>s.eeia Wlia orl sit ..on.jm I7u Ma.lPa. CoanoslyW.gave ae Tla Tii. mre b etigdmauiL hrlybtre Nei aclausliin. W meAuus.Ee. .NeeT.Bs Si eip.svs.. ui P. Mak, Dv. Ves; os.; L%- L .. t eJ. J. Pe, T WsIeoqu"olboeu, .PBrgown. Dir, a. orbi, J.P. MerlsW.E.Suis WatI.M-Te. Irvln bis vluhdavs. hos u aIralme a lUnm;, acus î~rne pveosdtnasIsstaguali Ip. a. lieà dchool qestI, on-vu tào pulsandsILog is la the ton b aIL ep'.-rssia, tD.A- ëMe nterve, h Iulamaos; eenulloïes. dcanor-mmos QaPBMe, Wn.Dan-, Tom«.IL c ono, . Bro , DaILJ Chambea J KnndyTa. «»b, BR a W, . .Pam.. . Ruca -Ti.cM nOil v% lolibyo solaatou: Ovd. OKay nudBre; Jaue Mcllue, 1.1dep.rsr.;W. PIOMMI J lu m-Ve lb eabal tu Evu da gor lu. oluun u ic veparea, MN loch ssd- datas foiq* n ia. ms 5an - cAlmatin; D ishn, p.Rs, s. MaPto sud 9 a opis olamea. 1. -sp.1ue NMPi St Jlarn3hisecl amae; onolos Pain. Jospkhhops8, 3 e. ami . adM G2»MJoho"Yi s.c. Fuumow FALTs.-ROvJtaAst ,l'm Suanon Fr oucl.o1,W a as., B oon, UGiVs Cornlel s John aEUIm*s.«enJonMC Ca nEorou,.-Rea WmeR Rohn a le'H POGUEm Hints toBues At ne tinie since. we began business have we shown a larger or, more elegant stock of- goods in every lne 'than now, and in Silverware,and Watches we have more goods than- ever befere. We offer spe- cial inducements te pur- chasers during the holiday season. We are endeavoring, and are determined te succeed, to maintain the .reednc over ail others in supply- ing strictly -,fi rst -dcass ecoods. at lowest, prioes; that ,is, lowest prives for goods of that quality. LüCarrying-as we do tlhe %arest stock cf Silverwareg Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, andSpctaclee and Optical Goosiatonwe are in a better Position te cater .te pour wants than any other ONý TH'E WAR-m PATH With Sculping Enife and Tomahawk. lYSAI IWID TUT BLisHOBODI OOI) AT 55 CENTS ON TH.E WHOLESALE, COST Tv.Kuda'uIa"A Fifw Xwesa.a" on. Hadil B MW .W±NTER -OVERO OA.TS, Semisami u e t Aie S NUof M " t ja u F* EX.^OITEMENTI leoosvhle vonIWm uW"av *ais'a bai g»irsi tho b8"l IEIbM 92U%0iWIM FUFWS Mm MWas lbnh à a aoaay sud It lbfalL DIienlu$ slb&eas oh boo 3 I bo uI ian . uve va adma 1h. nari oPn bs.Iu f@"E PISOM FKEAN, SON & OOMPANY, mie Mn, W4.as.Bmr Rc K, usSto eeai BEmma m"Ko,Ios. The Kcystoni AX] The cms of lh. busineu adh.wing ho Ibs precept.1 quar tero ieglobe, bis on Plà-bisordeo n. ninfi, wio gst idof il. R1g cberaoteristies of Ibeir ou after ILs qualty of bis9g1 money fmom Ihem or goq meabanlanot so strict w upon hemi. ome ideai mry om the paut ofa relialegoode. A s la the put vebh Our cumSomevad w fut. .IruMes vil the bave been rem* Duin îe oc oui paU=ronsd ho Leas'y th"b s iti J.JABI LITY e ,e of the Business D> =T CERTAINIL7YDg, Fabrio a moin E vasly difeérent le thal et tLe privat. individuel lu Handling me b. Must a vani.ty et linos, mauufactured, lu ail M17 guarmte. lW the stand«ng ai the lirms wvithion ho briov liai pas.. lu, he h and e b.vioble lrm.; tic et hereoeomes inhe queqUeu dethe business habits and mter. If a merchant in kaova ho b. shievd in lookinýg oda and sleadfwd in bsrmolve Iogel the but for his elSevere, ho vill b. '«left Severy &loue," sad other .111 b. approaie,-aad the lin., ultimately unlcéded may tusb. gainedf et L.const ataohfulaeis ce*- merchant jeou d etbsreputian au a dispensr -of TO'OURSELVES. ave alvaysaaae la our e" to câr thse beetgoode tu ve think -heu verdict wMvinilacoordano. iti the. and have occurrod, but tbis veouashaanly my- Ldied me speodily mpossible. mng year va vii redouble our efforts on behaif of >those vho have favorod us vitL h eu hrad e retuis kbut viaUefor the aev ypar. 'If 1/ 1/q 1/ Il' //fi /7/ 'Il/il Acyclolloelas struok teOvercoatTrd IN OUUJ= ESTASL.9HMENT-, Né em r.a Me d , abwe4t arve Ro ft ver moatas. »Hsidfe4 MW Ont bowgAt a tu ~Yete m timDUsrw. TA... Cbat CSmmence at 3-RE-E DLARS> EACH--3 J«UST FANO' Af Fine lelton. Overcoat, Satin. Y! = Linedy for $3.00 *Thi i. yur chance tobiiy Iwe Overcoats for lus Ihan the price of on., W. hkave eid..vourea to save yeu money in th. psutsud take tbis opportmity of thanking yeu for lb. ibra response you have made te our efforts b give you th. oheapest snd beut goods for b thast rn on. be b.fund in Ibis ouaty. W. bave aodeoifed owing le 1h. Open vinter to hold a BrEBCIAL SALE cf aul Fur Good bis rnth. Corne sud see whst rnOaY ocm do in lb... difeérent linos, and in oomjuuo ti ih 1h.e» ial linos of goods, w, wM loSr our Dreu oods, Î$snÎi le Jolli an W aa ssreduction of 80 Mrout ioff ulr pris.This i. the buit chance yen have eyaj bâd efered y= o 10sure reflisi eod rbs MM" y hauyen would psy for th. mosl bd@."orgoodab7otheo- lb m riusy olsp man. Tbf. herng 8.1 boeod "m m sby lb. iueudl obag.w. epu-rposema in~ th. inlodor of our .lslsbpmt dunugP.ébtuy. Oo«» sd &asu inlureduoing .,Our sok mM ehdng peolv b s es" - to f lhe probhrn 4"Whhbu 90&î *l omqr -w. oaus ieMri I. 1q. ~ s, lis-IL . E EW. M0GAFFEY, 1 -iàý b" b&ý 1"&,Mm ýý ý M IW ý . ý ý ammume awwwwýw 8 m --ffl RIRE a "qr- -rAIMAIR v A- . lamm- NOTE TEE AD»E AN» l gode as.