E-, q l'EU CAXAmAN POU,. LINDSÂY. ONT., WUDÂI. NAunu me t ne... - - I - ~ ~ -w, ~ R. D. TheztêU. ('TUEXIlN<* auOWUPIRCLETu oESUT mHi: R. DaTHEXTON,. Unimay. i'eb 14 1819 -311. S '" ~' - A. H~qinboiham. 4 "Itlui'&'t 1enow iLqif5t I/OU nuL <laC S» ---- - A»v~Jbeh. ~o»ae WSld Rai" isrn .af 'l'ar I tgnA% fle'is qood foi' <1v> *~Wfp,9~ Co7rf v*n4 25o. At Higiubotham's. h. I .ait 51.14! MtI,.r Gttorsuipe, 'land 'a comaes ~juiî1'rudruu rond nuy gal. blarst 'l1m, au' boduea'er, nnil leaves 'ee v fid or child te ta'i.lra a lnek 'oared vüIiaiu »a 'e u 4uh"ru tortei1 thelinér, with mora, "asff pIu idn't kuîow My gran'darter Sa]." "Ba, ~rur I"ettbys childr "Ycs, nWn s pretty a girl as the otiier, th&' etiîud te bua hemon tii. wrng siude ai tho 'cdgk%. Oh. l'va sen en'r a-sivepin' glong lu'rslsan'.satins a.i he,' vo were dir-b F1x'iustel tb> the eXo~rts she hî.d made, tha .Il womain sank back lun ber bcd, sile Caltoïr sat in ad'hzed, manner, thi nking over tenour&in.i;ZrqvetatIon that iad Juat been V, ..Tn lom T e M'ue hnuld lira out to hc Mark F- rett.hy' mvtree ho hardly WOnfWlu'>i1ah. tinter alti, ho as but a man, angt in fils yournk days had hbec» ne I,-rtrr nd. M vorsc, t1vn tho- reeit of bis fricinds. Mo. Sanr Moao wum jrctty, sud vas o vidently io ora tlic,..0 oroeriwho-ralies eth.-ib préf'et. t1w il.-itriflrleItl fric.idom of being a iniutrcs fl tthei- sÉedtp bhmndtge of a vite. tu qun'Z ioius of nnmality, se niany peOoplo live in glass hunsos tîntthpre are ew .nowadziys vlu a- runlYr~jte throw Étouwsý«,so Calton- dit! lot th Uik any, wor--'eof l'ttlyfor hlm youl.salfo!ius.Luit wîîhha end (E'r ah wn', dui t FrettIhy shouhd - h o m îatsas heuelit eIild to lhe tendlet merrles-et an oldàj Iliéte thet (GJuttersnipe - Ilvas se oufiroîr ;rent froua shat ho kneo f the: nua. 1r;tlô%vas iuCuel d te tiulh ti-%vaR uuunaoi V 'z luof tll,:< IjJ woitan'. "~. Mui"].2,.iU kus Silflas bis eh, il n aexu1t -q"",; "etogî h ndu 10dî,< nrk'r 11, ývf--U'nuur gavea bini the go hy.9 ýé%.ud Wi 'hi! tYcîU not il hinu o "'c-i.u w' Iw inrted, tobreak hi-î léarl, [f 'à * ~ad ns-.' nu l tled heldame, %*i'ilkthivi .11ti ste %vas tik froin rni.f ltse bat! goen and gut iut siewI. I'd 'ave gone t hlm, and, ead'.î: t Yer drrtori 'Os [lva ruuaed lier ( ie M -1 vil"," e1l0 -cwn, rcelted at Itho malignhly et the mehenue. I"Yon have Racriiced! aniflcagilort." e oecf your preac-hiri," r.e:ed tlb. bag îRi!lenîr; "11211'% becus b)rüuî2ht iupfora saint, ai't-an'l vaw c az puy 'lcrt. brtù. -'u -'e p1la. mo vofl te 'oid nMy tangute-about My dartt-r. an' l'vu o gelitle'rs, Is ba hr -band * on- the pllov. "AIl gold, good golM-an' * Cci o arsc~b. toit quit. alck at Ibis ex_ hulsiion cf hman -dcepaviy, and!Ioeigcd ho b.u anay. As hu vais.putting on.bis bat, btswcver, the tva girls antered vith a ,dactar, who Wwavd ho lCIMIp, cauh a .harp sIt-tlb> mgglance t Caftan,: crd thon saflret!over te Mie bcdL. The tva g irLqls iak te thir. orr.and waited tu silence for the sud. Mopthei- Outtermitpe hâd t)Ion .l'ae lu*the b.. i,h on. law-like band -cîut-e-hlg the lpilles, as If tho prôtëect uer beloiuod gcld, and' *Ovr uber faSea deadypawenee vs mpoad tu - hit h laId the -practiced eye ciflbhe.. bar tist the endwsanr. Hluisîét dem béid -hlb bd for a moment, holding -tb. cands ta lb. dylng soma'. face. lbie opan- .4 bier ayes, and. mtered drovallyt "Who's ýyout got' 'eh,' ýbut lbas abs 1seuned te graup th. situation agais, Mmd abs alatsi up viti a abril yf, s«"e maid. lb bayera sbddar, lav s.ird miaie MY-My meFut bs Y.llsd,1laspMODElb*p#l- les la ber- shimmy me. -ira.adimme, y. Theetor mii as -froembis ussem Md Muggaibts aboulies.. "Nuserti vIlble ",r. tbIu.' ,b. al& eoolI "adIl b. Tbe à1di WOWAI34 uumbueo bar * lm,,10anuht0 sWord, 8" buIl tatm&s avar l. a os, mamaIsI "onl, *28 M& *0MD lb *0w. *Mr, b un'ilgiva Y-ou moue> ta e In%*e,' abIkd good mony-aflmi-61Md=Ra,. Sooseo'or-suerans, sd, turing ber *IO pilo pon, se.took out a mauvas bag, and tram litponred a gleaming stresu of goIld Gold-gold-f t rollod aIl ovS thb bd, ovwo the gCoor, awa> into lthe dark, corner%, yet mo cone touchod it,mgo enchained vere tbey b> the horrible spectacle ot the dylng somma cinf~ta lite. 8h. olutcbedop moane of tho ehiiig pleces, and beld thein up te tbe tbroe mena aifly stood silently boside the bed, but ber banda trembled sa that the bovereigns kePt fallixr- froin them on lb. bior, vith mietaio cilîdu. "AIl ia-Ilmi e,'abhsrleked, Iondly. "Givo e iuy ife-gold-r-noncy--cum y,-1 sold My «'ul for lt-mave me--glve me my '. wtlt rmIbing b-tnds, she tried'te frvo theu gola ci, hem. They did net ay a wr.lait stood LlÉ-iiwtly Iookiný nt ber, .-lo ..' -c rin 1»the e r wcmii;t te .I t... Id wti fear. "&D<int Moiiat mo-.dou'l, cred the bsg, flîgdown agal:î amid the sbining gold.ý 64Yo vant mo to db.Blaral y-l au- 1 iqhmnt-give me un> gold," clawfng aI liii scattered taregs,"'l l; k vth me- I ban'l d-G-G-"vbmpaerg "1 I' l done nOthin'-iet Mr» live-give me a Bibe- sav. m% G-oua 1-*-.G--," and a1.1 back an the bot,a corp Tii.faint light cf. the candiesflickered on the shiiug gold-and tie dead face, framed Ian klwhiteo hir; whillethe tire. moen, sbck at heurt, turned away lu silence ta ssk aws4istre, wllh that-si1Aory SM iringin; in. thofi e:rs- CHATELZX IIL. Acoording te theocopy boobe eofur youtii, "pr'ra~tintioMluthe thief cf lime," umd, cotte inly. Bilan totrnd that the roman v as a truec rie. He hntd been nearly a week in town, y0 oilllId ntit m.-ite up bis mmd- ta go and. SCèlton, and tbough mornng after mnofning ho sot ont witb, the delermi- nation ta,1mg mlagIbt ta Chaneor> lane, yet h. nerer arrivcd.thora,[le had gon. hock te hlm Iodgln2sm-lu Hast Mebourne, and, rassod i qtime itier In lb. bousor in tktkinelg >v wilks in tbe gardon, or alang tho tltutz>ki f Ithe finiMdy arra. %Vben ho di go fint» to*u, on business cônnected wlth theeeflee*of bis station, ho drovo thero and Lack in a Éharsomn, for ho bad a.curions slhriiîtiii- angiIssti ag any ot bis frienda. Aswmon Mas b tatian v as sold, and hn nia rted ta 110 ,hodùto3r1ni1ned tae bave Au.. talla- and nover et tfoo t Lagain. nus until ho eould Ion vo the place ha sas no one, nor nimxed- wtb bis former fniends,.me great wis his drend at being stared et. lis. t~ansrwho bazl welcomied hlm hock with uiaill exelnrnations of deligiat, vas lond in bier expres<ionrn of diapproval as ta tim vay ho vas shuttlng him.qelt up. Your cyou heia'. 'chasw," said the sympa- t1ilzing cricket, 'lil:le nWtral as les vant of air, which my 'usband'm uncle, being a drug. git an' well to do ln Cn.IingWoad, sem«as 'o* a v4lnt of axz-eye-gent, being a French naine, aS 'oe alcd the ani p~rwere fearful for piIRn' peopile dowa, anW makin' %m go onf thoir fonl, vhicb you hnrdly eata anytih', aW not 1)011' a buttenfly it'm expeclod as yewr appetite would h. lAnger." "'Ph, ['n aU right," sald Brion, ebsontly, lighting a cigarette and only hait listening tio h-Jniymgaîridous chntter; "but if n r!y necal is tell hetm 'n ft in. 1 dans$ %vavt't L he bothered by viallons. "ei'as Wise a thhng as Solomon evSo i.I"ancwerwl lirM.m.4q n'c eroetlealv. ,~aoum *0e vasin goca -ealtn wben Oeci' the qusen of Sheber, sas'la necsur wlhen aty ac el; anti net foeln, dispomed ta speak. whieb [rnu often that way mysef 'c 1-1t11, o wl ate ave that efflâcl on lem wwhh tiynuta vkes 1h viti a adasb et brandy, tho' te ho sire that migit bo tbs cause cf yourvaut t ite, and-de ', el, b fluielied. burryirug ofit of the room as tbe front dopr bellaondeltd, "which my legs la a-.-iviW way cader 'ne Ibro'bel' ov- .%(ashile BIlan sat and mmoked content1 cçIIy ,,mlucb.rclveti by tihedepaLrtureot Mis. barils j, witb lier tjestant chatter; but ho mcon heard ber fliunt th. tairs agala, sud sho entered the room 'vth a tebegra, wbich a"h anclcd ta ber lodgsr. . ý6'90pin* il don'l conteli bad nooseqab an das @lie retreatedte the dooar again. Tenring opex-n the remd marked, envelopes, tg tprrledcut ta lihform iMdg. saylog Ita" lhyba iane bock ta hown aud auiag hl ds tedInner Ibat evenlng Fltmgsrel barfaabebmi pata tami - -1 UetNs m m as bdbw. -b sepai Ilidl um «Motbb ~ ulihib var, V« nIMM o*A'WY Yen, art qit. vllit le'admit lIaI lu. lemperanc. la a great cvii, Ihat drunken- aisela agisdlga ui 11mb mulli. pliladIntl olérable bordons are put upon soclety llîougî Il.he lum ai lihe liquor trafflo,.but pst j'on s@*ybluteail cornes item excepo; tfipeuple seul tostraîn thenusoeîc tbere vouho b.nmegxeat bhem Ions. WLup may 1, net dr" ink eatlIjI FSrsI-iamamu moderato drlmbing la prijulicla heah Thi.e l-lime ides vhs that alcobhlc Ilquoras wre noe.sary ast Wali toi preveul d1iense as to case il. tBut Ibatr vas be- fore tle pcrlod of- Investigation. Now bot- ter. opinions prevali. There la ne appre- clbl oM dulnaidrink. 1% doos mol la- crosse but rather dlmlnlebeathe maturai tempcrature of lthe bod .It la the frulhfui, paiî ut of Very maîa7 oethe disosishicu atlý!> bc umaulryf adsud lshe uffect et pre- dl.algtosardeI'b*m. Secnnc!-Reesu%,e tipesta, danger thaï; poum vihI toon drinkIr hmoder&telr. rThere net sua a àdr'j'.kard lnatiihenrd huit belian su. pyou uap-ianioderahîce. E-ici uir.ested over and oier thc vtry 1 r-ôt driuk ru. rtrAndtsd aeh ciaot feur d hblt-etIf At thmi ast IbOund as a6alavs a!ud drîven ho u'iîer &trctleon. Are jeu -itronq't- than ail theset Third-ecamjour examnpIs la bol. U s taquiie. poxisithle tha jeu way tue able to t.xkni Ju-4 jour fÏ*.vghsues per dmp sud, nuev.-'exccýd t huaImei%%ure. ButI vicre &î"î .»,3tt-idl lïitthole wha look up, la peu and fusiiôca' rrur exalrs, and, ias! tallos it tr. ùvryýàIn« tlt, nuo4 m9eratIOLIL .1s ùrtrue fer pou te &&y Liat peu have me fn- tlaun.-u. Ech d.y èo'ue ue la leeraing a lemsoût irom ,Îou, u.aklnoe a srop icrwardla tbe puti .ou are tremding. WiII they stop sbire peou ste-? A fiaher aid alictte maon et IvellIm2 la the Alps. Anioun ha aitthé boas miint-s of vias, bbe aruatc mài w'eu slnd- !nu heom crag le crag icrgetful oft hý ten- 'hi: 4treuâtrh ofthle bey, sihoqe voieat ili"ath ca»e te luIr frein the dirit:ance: "Look out papa; l'an toing peu." Thon ho e' ogthro that lue shuld me&- "are thé. pàtbwal y bt he.stanàdard of hiâ ch;ld'4 a Cp&tr.* Fourth-Bcauqe lu dnlnknoe yen hsxlp, support and perpttu4LtoLbe mraille. And shat lSa the hrà lle 1. Behold It 1 M'il of 6t uiihe'i-' cft iood &Il by tgau- o9'¶tlp vasteci. and turned Imb a eubtle i'iown.MillIans 0f dollars arc kept bv It f ré3rz produetive humlne>a mand tui-neýd -inte mu angine of varît. anud ra. mv. caruewaesmus mmter '*Gerupliaa.,' Mr.. ML A.vroy, M. P. P., wie van cors ofet lb-peûkers at the Peel ooualy liberal conuvention the allerday, tld a go"l atoÉy, ln ulluatrmtmr et. the d!fflolultoae whihh e cory oprioshttou ln the ueziolature .nnouu. ter Sherf trplug te liaI omre elidelles of Unfltbuin s"ou tt. part af the Mow.%t g-vàrntnent.. For a long 4iras, sueltu Mr. Awrýey, the chIai floancuail mnltifîe et bop-e Position, Mr.Cýâmuegie of Peterboro, bad b.eea lookinu or er vdtnce, of carrurtpt prac- deon lu them ublie acornto, and-uie day tIm ibc - nlh.itulet thlb.banket au accourit whir c So mi mhewed Ilamîthu guvremnt vas, ere cf brioiry and corruption.The rsatiter wss lVestlgatd, thseceount &o- alypsd.sud th saudal uomar.ed by Mi. Cerngus emeicl te tuiSm les. propos. tiQuai: A rFua- herni ardows me- wh,-re Ilu the testera part cf tic proince huil rut outI-oet"ianmd bai beugît lre- pouàrad i ou vl thout calma for 'tenders, "u lb.cumtom 1P. Thetea bal co.415 cents nacre limla usuel, amd the svertlslng seuldbave mem $10 or $15. The scandai ssii quiehiy burled bp ita parent, Mr. Car. régnie, and 1usd hmeribecuen ad ci mInce. With that -ho. cotrastel lb.eeuduàel ai the. Damibion cverament shici ,-sîthin uoiN 1aites vu-'lka lad let contracta for mîllîla cinthia eoouctins la the agmr.. goto t busadsai dollars vithoul cahl- lug for olade. PiuIaelpilWt. ignp VUl Ohinaune; $boy aue 6. resloma' Vilimu.*MaI iub. "Femtau&ian luase "M9.14ilags. al itkrm e mis aî boul . P e ra,< s .j Tha rMy- 1,1mbraitaa aflb.andmi .tbs eusguidai-u Pav&>. Issm Namusim aIre GMi lias vIS ak ou*m a"i rutmm uar bk&i Dr. . s, qr.Whist PImdk .as5 V&, .6 bave mai be sqh i$M uti EsuL= taS Paluieay lrmnbîmi Is4»WDeuil. aui h»r Wb~ - Aitemis lb sirs.'h- Pla Eotbs-e. pe@MI u m'bsa e esp po " isbi. wM saIsi- b * J"l-ag boeU yI me_6b-e~s q a u isub Wheu pAby vu sielt wgars ber CutoVal, WL'ten ah. sas a cluU, aie oued for Castouls94 Whiun %he became Mies, dme clnng te Castoris, Whou sh.adchlldms, lia gaveah" mCaitubl, lksjncted -uiton, 'omuetimeti cominî i ucIde but ru- jLct*sd msnuugeripts uLver. Thle man who wag .-atight carurrlng away the pbr'iks A ftheiew.ik I Irew,,"d . xcu'ud hlm. -elt on tlie nn'usdttuis iidoCtor had1orlusred hlm tu, take a wohlk every day. A Chimc* na y srq hhas& n,, o i-c"n elirht eent, a wesk. lu nuay hê truc, but it >trvor,, nauewhat of a deire te poirnuie the world that Ciielus.,a Lifo'aretrnmpect it4 =1u'e with I d'! upporisntias. Du jeiu.4ufer troam indince,,ion, t.Iugti>Lhla ver, head. nets. or:i.nur sturrnulc? Let nsuaithe rportunity pasu Il! btnistyur ruîrmru$ urndituon. Tuie wl'.ktsawni e .1 lKoiueduty.lDr <I'k le', A.ti.lIiiU,,,u,, P111, ue a .at. and 'urte apuLisle. S.-ld terywhere.. Inu u about a century ansd -a qua:rter. -4-1-1. At an atiction it le ntiay thue hamimer tiat OGraiand Prvdu. flIGHET CASH JRICjI PAID FOR WHEÂT. The uaiorulgued are prepared to par the IIGII1ESI CASlýH PftIEfor IUT ai te10 Eeavrtem ad W""UOi llavlng n tdnned the. Iutest tiprcvd ROI- ler t8yitem for th. manuiaseuue eof LOUR they aire now puepared, teoU111I&Urdors viti. tie patent article. BECAVERTON oui WOODVILLE N. B,-S&kr's trade a speolahly. j"n. 1 9S.-M hi. A. Prlmeau. A.PRM EAU, Whèe Pm '.Wizalwaygpn4 a Chofoe, and complote LA asort m«et Of "vthing gm- eraSSj bop# infits eUne. FIXE WINTER APPLES. LIMa.larg iawtsute FIu LÀ118FAUM UMMITE Lua~W tf oint6 t gel aUMM# f iaa'Da, »~gt 1 lb t amwe abM»Wbu hiBWW1un YOD m. e.s b ou t lb. id isali, am ml i, b wW b o *ulea w= aulbmus ame% u 'Uis s l si. e ra. dyktah«nPbe slai& v er olmai Nom alliaisMdul - o toulta«-vul unet.mmuse b.CTUU tutats.SmveutlumugubiB et M M metila b se tVb a Molya hitburuiaslal" or .600d. homei osiyre~upthe"sors mIl a dl seimuamas if l sl. W* M m.o IhegiSIhielo. mpauhilym . usi b am mlapb Immlgt liM s. m m vsm, oud alatan ye,Ilsle cf lmh bae thelu but uten o. b ouieuietWs .1511enda ouee tbhuas.p nolmg hambllly 1 bae l..sao.bivmiIaCrs bos sssm tt»em Vlb cu yat WUtmi rula ssti. t oettaes, muameiy uelec*, Duof rienne o, RentreluAeUuibaèiEf ii mot previmWsy tavr e ia. et mc lI villa ail île defactiit va Vmmy muer ta Ih. lava fer whlc hbu",oomexcu O mhmOum dosais.Mi *0 aff-.Mby w*am4bu *o.ll E1 s.s I muer baisM.asia, 1M mt aaa I mti a ~ k baruBIm ~~iltv eao~~ leo, u&~mIrn or .00M.36 s Ils Mit g lies l im a a s.bssrtes MU,-M I bavm e boss la ghI aslib.rsi bWael m CrS the malSans swu breughi belir a notim.-JomU .W.u Ai LeuN,(10 ElineBI.),, Ont., W, duminluiês sorse fomra itm lIraste fourjFouis. For sIx menthe I coul otmate mi busSaeasMl&ILAs a lut ramr I ribi Wmrmr'aSBas Cure oui foua siitaInsanm et 1 cn aider Waruur'a bais Cure lb. béat midi cins kuoso for am is mese fthe ikidey&u Poui Bo uane tht, lOS.-Dhlvsm tye sud Ibras peuaisMgo I as saeilsg a udl et distrella actais lb. lotus mad av1j. -w commeuudud Warmea mand bifore labina Iveboles 1 passaI a atone ftrthlb.bladdurveiy bard, anmd bave sutl'.rd nothlaig cf, ay accouvpl aluo.-E. Punau. K'uçaurov, Jaly 28, I88-Two pesta q. my wiii vis ccafluîtd tthéliibai forS8 inontdasthé. mosl of tle "a.Ime. ssifeèr. cd greal pain scroum lie kidacys vill Aa burntng senmtleu la the. abdomen. Ber eame swsprononnod by the attendant pîjusiclan te b. ozeeof the w sisi ces of disasal inéyéanmd prolapsuns uluri. I adîlsed ber to try Warner'a Sâte Curi;mad ticicre mIs bal luken tva boliles sam mauch betrer. SIc continuedluih use unlil ahi ban talon over a dosen, aud la me-w sali amd strorug, and able to attend te m&U the Cami e of iou me-Tuo.ELoaTE (Lumber dealer>. mo.y sasthue Saove. The offer la genulné. lui fact Mebarf.. HB. Warner & Co. bave aiwy "ap ueu-ted th&% doublersalcalil sz.tu direet to e srmons givrgto tstlmon- taa,(nceo4ic esgup,) and vie mie or ner.,csi'y,Iluthie great usjort.ti, f cass, letalhp usr itnted with 1ha lru KERE AND l'mm&N A match ietw.en two dentiste lus their art wouid probaluly resuit li a iiraw. If you are bilions, Try Dr. d4'îrs,în',, Stomaci Bitter,. Ifyvu are l.h'pePttc, TyDr. Usr%'mn' Stonunch Bitter, 3f oiutur Th1 S luggiâh, Tri' Dr. Car-n',, bStomach Bitierm-32.4f, "iWhv did vout ieaveyourlast place?* "Sure 1 wr ditclarzedtir -.roi-u' act. mum." "-Diqchareed fur duinu ci Whv. * -here were yu*Il"1würr in thu ho.,pitl. mu." '¶'Iueve is uuothinzthuaI doei mm " s'> mcci u wheuu 1 arnfeeling cout-of i ,'rt,,MAas a t!a'uorisl or twc of I>r, Cnren'., S*o--lu Bwh "write-s a gentlemnan %ho hsýus uuoîlth irtýilley in hiâ famlsiy for ýears-32.tt Some idea of the latter niay be formed froni the %vide range - ofi price%, which vary from 25c. for a mDdest NAPKI ING ail the way Up to TEA SETTs or CMJiiiETs of flat-ware (Knives Forks Spoonis, etc)., at f rom -$45 .00 to $175O- Elegant PI ush or 'Morocco-cased goods especially designed for Wed- ding Presents at rnoderate prîces. We have a fullhUe Of CRUETS, FRuIT DisHlEs and PICKLE CAST- ERS) both with plain and coloured glass. CAKE BASKET,,, ICE PITCHERS and BuTTER DisHiEs, neat, hand- some, and at popular prices. BAKING or PUDDING DiIUES, and extremely pretty Dessert Setts and Biscuit jars. Ais.-o CIÎILDIREy'S SETTS and Cups, Mugýs an.i Napk ia Rings. FLAT-WARE, ail sizes, both plain and fancy patterns. It would occupy too much space to cnumerate the articles great and small which go to make- up our stock of Silverware., We can only indicate the Ieading features and solicit a personal exatur-lation. Wie« will bc glad to show goods- vhether you wish to buy or plot. Just now we have on- hand tivo more handsome Cabinets, oae Ma- hogany, with three draivers, con- taining 165 pieces of Silver, and anc of Polished English Oak, two drawers, with 9~8 pieces. These are elegantly and substaatially gat- ten up, lined with Crimson, Plush,. and filled w[th best quality goods. This is the best and cheapest farta in which.ta buy Table Ware and forms at once a most useful and ornameatal adjunet ta the diniag rot furnishings. Ail these goods we are offering at, prices with w1iich ani> - second élaus gooda can compete.. WE ICEEP ON LY THE BEST. BRITTON -BROTHERS, idb« r& L lo.abp LG*MER AID WGSDS vwwm mm NaEjm sm u j.am in,'L a. h-à an lssou U atsMM"vles bam las r m wku-m Us. I» *0ne. oodc bv AB8TRACT STATIEXT 0F THE RECEIPTS A'ND PAYMENT- OP' J. F. A. CUN.NII(G$, Ed., T1hEA8BLR O F T Msrn4o4>PaEUy1tisfe Z.ownaiôf ol >Dwpoisa forA. D. i '88. To balance frei lait . elt**$23 90 Bp Cremeel Roui ...... Taxes for 1887. non-h. 6. 210 43 UCe. a.Iete. P> ....... :z-... -, - Tans. for 157, south..... ils& UGo. lRate, in3........... 4 9 0. -IlfL.7f -d- Taxefer 188.% moth ...,1761 12 Indigente .............. Taxes ter 1M5. eout...... 6,21359 I rinting, etc ............ --815,80 71: Reais and bridaws Treasurer flea-h sat cf 81anles ......... lande ..........Il',97 F dt,)beuur Brrowed Dominio ban! 4000CG Sihool debiruturs ic'ereât -j -. Co. 'Fnisurer, non-ses! - - dent taxes and per. S 13b a'Or ... ....... coulage ..........M66 Rlt-fuud ofborrosedmoney Gr-tad Trual raihay ... M b i w Ceutic... .... Cern mutation cf statuts PublicSch**o'... Tisamurer Brook U. S. S rmf.rlt ràn4 No. 4 ................... 306 25 aco'sn's ........ .. Ce. Trcasurer. latereut... w6092 M!scch,auu. Fties........ ............. 800' TresusurrofctEdo, forgmsrel 1100 - -- I GOOSE LAKEDAN..Y-AS225 A'ax258 To bulance frcm lnt adit-.. -". 21 1Bry............ ;49 79 Ropa.................. 17e 01B -e o ad. : GRANTS DRAIN.-13Y-LAW V No. 210. - To balaaceormlasanI mIR- 814 IlBprrynuelvts ......................'! Itcpt.................21>1 58 P - hàbad ...... ~ CAMPBELL'S !xT.TWT," o. 3- To recelpts..........$7 4B aau...................... $-6 Balance due t.roasum.re..r prn2w .... ..u. We tieenaui to.hi mznilMpality of thec Twnèhhr, cf - .ripoqRa f. )I--.' 'eb ceritp theoferegain teboa coerect statent tu alitru&cft!tr,-i .r.IV-r -'- sqqali Corporation as per treaaurszboots ad vucher,'or tii,'ye-ir --;-~,! - OsIgvood, ft Peb..ISS9. K- A: -: iu . Statement et the..Issets axait Ljn«bitigle* of t uta lui'iu, of te Townshilp o0f MmrIto«s. 31 .*D-,4.. vBihluaaco enin. ?2o7 2? 1,1M GeveW alanoc .........8281 Du-t'im ............ ..........1. 10 ffein uters......e............ ..ei0 ti Unoollected taxes. norti ... 4 Unooll.eon lte.x2, sou 1.67trs3 3 --7, 10. ~c'-ooI Ù .....u........ V'o schreol rate ............ Ce ruiiweýy rate---------.... acu tcoar ......... ""I z .i~4> Ou) .u<L5 55) u~ r We the audhlors eft he Tmvruhip of USÈrioat3r A. D. Vff. hereby ih , %I, ."'tabe a correet statemeuu t i gt n ib! t he esaid townelij o ia .' ,,.ok:ffor the year endhne.11Ist Decembur, 185. IR. il. BU r',1., % Oskwocud, Sth IAb.. l>b9. I'.lsU Ar BUILDERS -AN» CONTRACTORS- ibn certain to aoe M ffony by getting neces- sary >Ut&rial'fromri UNDSÂYPlANI=G ]FÂCTOIR r. Plaitin end Ma-tcMhing, Mot&1dings, Stairwo,, Window Casing, Sq/s/es, Doors, etc., Boe e * der en the shortest PossAlie *aaice. ~EflTES FURNISUE» WIEN DE,, M maU INGLE & RYLEY. lawmes, hmbos udI Xilm.xd Fer DibaUis ebiuewy mei ~oVs lu Oebuffl ILardine Xachine Oil -1n- fa 1»mua&- ms- Ibr sait-%ou- l- Zèsda.v KeX(>P.# a Linau>n 2 'I f us'! j' *1' t.- HONEST FURNITURE AT HONEST PHRICES. Andersn, Nugent- & Gol kmomà. ae.e .d.Ig aIvk mm evw befov.01 thei .eebof Ibon-uw. u sd fsUu tg mu mKmeeda <a Mie £omet p9:i"&. BwYM ,Wd $14d Oeh.>, medium a , gee*d , u M rwMoou.a,8pb u4 t iong PARLOR SUITES FROM $35 TO $75. While we have evertbiag in Parlor work calculatcd t iase eveyboywe fiad that the majority of people want somthfng t.liat =i'i n ltralto very mnuch moaey, and at the same tinie servu tliter ~u~oe80far as beauty and wear are concerned. NWe seli a specciar aro Suteto meet this demnand at the Iow price of $.o Grand value ________ FOR THE BEDROGMI KITCHEN AND HAU. We have sufficient variety to please the most critical buycr. -Bcd- room Suites from $15.00 up; Sideboards froni. $55oup; 1,urcaus fro 7.0 u; Mttrsse, Springs, Lounges, Easy Char,"fad~ some Rattan Chairs, 011 Paintings and Panels in heavy Gilt Frames. In fact everything. Housekeepers of Victoria County, buy your Furniture whlere you can save mnoney. ANDERSOII, lUGENT &Ce., Tt ItMM b. added ooldusvel> Ia I e bave Do intention ad doing my>- 8 in to sadaugeoui bard emend Ireptation lu. our future buminsas Idealtuga sida the pubio-not muc&. Weashago rigbl ton mlliptgrellable Furndture.-onuly:more of IL Rigmrdigg tlims in.urivais rooma the bayer nmml sutertain ne mannerof doubt. Wbat vs manu- facture ourselvsa can b. aeen haudly 4-in fattakou asay subjeos b a auarates--aad ur finir inissmau purchdei ftm1h. mail reliabis firma. Inferlority dois Dol enter in aI any point, nor ia excellence obtais- sd Sthe. acrifice of oheapues. Liadmar. Feb. 14. iMa.-fU. s ____________________________________________________ MAY BE SErN AT IRON RTERSI 81 LVERWARE EV1 EtUETT ON Nowhere e/se in L/itopia can be seen an"ything to compare, vith itfor Beauty, Quality, 12f ietg, or SExtent. Toýjýu of mapiposa. cair =-As 2 W_ - a