luxAAIDpor ai*,. S. A , .~ U alwa1ys~~~ ar u~ 1 dud Do yu wa.tto oom unoe ta oida 9 Gôëd ~zgan i'eaite n O~AND on. Wedisesday and ODF=ENINO= 3rdand 4th Of d4fril, ou stock Of lUhbw throughoiut l a lt.OI eW. aMd for BEsm aSimisurus e .miut, vii oIn amytmg bthoeS uba laJ.tdmay wbi. ur mis ory odeato lm Eilam., or miiEf ilampy f exsomit oxpulsos mi -to s try bghI wSOLmii 0wm d e su~u sbus tb gve'a KO,,, T VALUS .uytmw4fy W-r cotch udk*mgoi 1» WiU hasi down squsmstue;i'sUbd ar Img uiva nOur 7510IMM 'f0lEua«*evauis# ig ft wTxin <iaD, Uns Umw aud i via tu a~ pr4.g 2qm. M" 'B.pbo»*eU coui- plots sMd Xeu uth .es"M of lt irk aow t if Good GUýNisomdabPrim., akU- IsMt. Tnsshmntsma B.d rock Value coiffl ff M1r s ÏRuytu wvs ii dmusvas ber, oem'd tLmae C~rus udg<a u.miybte sUuco =1 1 Our Stock of -General -Dry Goods àe now complete in o tmn ith New and Smaonablo Goodefbr thisSpins rde,, Our Print.%Qighms, Seersucers talo atr -côttons, :Shiinge Tickings Cretonnes, etc.,were ail boe previutohercnadae in prices and w. are actualiy selling these good8 10 per cent below iipie ody Read M de OLOTHINO hbas alway been an- ra ntbrnch of bar' busines, and this SeasW8 Stock i: fuli up to the. marke while the valuei eiel ueir lIn Hats anid Caps -of the- Newest. and Lateet tyle we continue to cari' the Excehior Stock.- while oui' Prices are only about haif what a regular Hatter wouddmn. .wte deMyords to VSbOI i>o mu an iamSd WB$iW. 0w <bois sMd Prioe& Lhuq a spi.w. b is oaàmaot CMGcuIBb ~ .m4 (Aurc.uaud, mitmlb dUEma*e eleus . . CUey iv A«wkm A"F A~Pug'ehr Net. BOOTHRU&N B-IONOF THRMILL SA W 4SON E OF KilSRIET. Nfails, B uilding. Paper, Spades and Shouels, Fnce *ire,Cattel Iro#, Horse 8hoes, The post. - 108là a uiite e .Mo euuti uwomwtIv wwlg tolau e& l࣫ et m " umbeuetblois b.Wemli- -04 and $Md,~l tbaea»Wm iaalgl dsslua* b.pirt atM veolmSa, bt9»«o rnumbec vmet 3«oe s tuueicte IMe Mmater. Co .U114 m bIE RegI MM P a be hava »MmtUBa amam e t% M e t uslmg a S m u ohm so toommus t dlaa te>u" t.m vm» imllm . éaamvh bs l munI TOWN4 ANDOOUNliTY. iADEImBRISe tuAoe» &ine* OU" gmb M lUre1bt 0l~ - esch et M w' eh rulo lMd wek te 6Te eis a eOkua om ai=* emlie <met mà*m d ami mui ulet, lob M'tui wboami él ubpaes CÂTHBO OITY sTONE ..3,D0SOviLOe S"m flOx VT or' pOBT O ICEKNgT BaNEm, I ai A. C*mm'muu-1 5.14 as E. Gmamire'a-* Ch~lceAbat. CheemS aiOever mi Vlioth. FmeiIiGi sase 3 lS am Md Al¶k Kauio.-mma tl.o Theo aial muet tuthe refs um elies et North Ma m ui Vitorsa for thoe due et e0ese aidthet ImPorlat udun me il h héeim tomeentenonuimvdi>bllouckhE UË. amo.Rume. tme pow it hqme. wil! bu thedwAof APM tmevte MM bo Hat> dmBaMMP omos (Mmi. es9N _41 2. &W* Pu pA, w.. Ldm*sag. Daàma8m.-The oamase et PendIMY Oun arrivel ulytW hat 1 have undSbl Il kt admirable mau eIFy lot*metoiles b hum mesl 5h. shAvIM. I ho-go itl Su v ame Mdetd a ia uv upp mKa 0.-Tmseuli. A&a amuesm5la Whus Poissas Nmom le Whin&. ompmaa et mhe mmt *lor palBm eiltu remeltea hasen. Nevvlllae oM muo Sla e prompt ralisIla rtiema5fsm. uovsmne i eduel la me* bookamia Mide. "a iebolsggo amfeoineInternaI ore x'ooasl. ulao a ImsptOuy F.sotims A lematm la hetits of* I& vil! gci" eun"timé pesaiu am.lslgoes' evw7bniwa reàyl. Tri Nivm. Lauxe boutenbstuma Theki e«m ivbu. mai lae<a& CtoM udi OeW F idhbueLAUtlà- £Mmeesa Olt MUgpramtsi the Ya, -ma'@ b bgm à&a asite uSh daLsvolmesmaie p»et vot& m«mS sudom as, hemMe see e seett hues ausee. i.N mai mes miaiIb Masé wlsua. hommeIOISI ipms.vsE t .a C .%mueT&, *mt amimummvLmm tw§etlmlb 3EémisaiW ta -BD,. MRAY.' M _____________________________ I ____________________________ I ___________________________Managaeaers m U. et a miuoeimos l hm ue Imgam, m*lui la baud. Aumy <matb pries. E. D. Tmmwo.-45-i us etlg cm wlouathe c0i4EngIhi Com- lin PovioS. Us», te SIL M EMINr- lu,.omul -A muetlg ptthae u me AsIi co ite W. melra itu aIiusla aem hbll- etv 0i wtawkiOmoe,.belb tàe! lu'landsa -Ap apo b m0l.a MeW toMa ses4lt mas sica laaw mht il4&a. W. amebii -Mr l. J Outhma=- l hubaga; a Saisdme. auemsb"-l .e ber. s ol amS t hoesbut. u*lmib. il agm oh e tbeni» lu.d -Vh mama nelésbo ame b ul *0ar -sel a mi,&oime &M *0Ib essiagesmmviluh. N-IMM lafum miTho min tS!ust luaPMOMlMu he vu de..mouldet Ni. Nvseuoum u itoie bo e<Ut e muimmv iao *I he, eute" etlg Vhs à«mim tahaml -Ev Lmis b »Jm el em etlmes -ho l btoua, N=m4 <i Mr.Luem vilSv ha abom n bu bpulth isluase -Ils baeDr. Dibln, u boas mime lu a hemhoiidd & mSS ue Iblo . aim %1bdD ho «- r i hiSu m0" et uvo:'If t fsai uMMifMW uuila a w me premleest.ivtbeaoIMute M usa. tsAe ti ibdea I 84blveama b nmilla et b intinn __ammom lao e'mms gwau eS malloaie th av mie mm 1=esti abv a thom. bot. M. Oi. NUOe ta bie. ialeeio.ka3i=d , vnb aa* z vula *a âmà&s li tu -Vhesw-gaii nmlflugmsm"b. lus et** Y. Y& C.A. Wlapms Tomeeu. -Mr. Wm. r. hebuivus meentbbu wveiimm b. mmlw ilS etEuSeS..oRIhE hUma cli mima«. pEul bg Ee.frk. WmUa labmim -UV M.toi; wekIbi etabu(Fai v am -e obmg! a eM oes mv""ileu"eM aa mumbelaioegebq-lt-omsreemmmmo Jtees vuo ui me Momahie lathe RbuihapliE me oo Waeac thent e les; Pet m 1 W P bu e. om Mt~ sm f -W*<imIelamla i oeU tmi teu ~ebl~iot~ b a M. J.W. Waem -AI7 ett mtheSb nuwmm a WN"mU Mdetuet msý cwmd Wm T Ca , h ia ehuuk1 m r, ea m mbot amoeud - h -1b" -pî -vbo- ,.umatml e mtvetaiUe ,~ c" ~msujêuw..le îsh tha u~. . Amiemi J simel bhmgrv. Chloputme popslar stalle lobes Ama. Pies.$tomLMr amuer vo @WAtulom oble Cus..m ASgme S ul aomuuu&Mt. Cs . 0-3. LD -tutw..ou.b A IMM uo14meieS et tubul» haveu Ammrtom un es.MssSui. mel Niib a a «im M lAxeuuml.sM. X peelo aliemies tes la h r 4altes taases havi., heggags emtheghl. .au gbmsn «mbe bu ftm, thesUes wbatrugttwothUMt h he am-aieCmrisu.NIo ebei s Nala evalu. si lewMS.a wl sbahumesth e as, chlok loo malls ulhlllag hatu1w ýromehllltm .Vhs hs-4 vI i. med t«1v4t m fli.gamelui t@ ms Oehv hem~o thlevvu ett bue-halL -it J -L h* vusomelai 2la <zmftsgeeWmenme K -Vhs ~W--u Ibs hwhWs me »m M tmeus ozooi m Nali m *bg uusosi, menpebo el., De A plesst sha» epteoL 4m I. D. Thexton. OIiARI-i1IIILERS WANMED BÊTnE aIler fàlrismmîIaui ever ariff 4MOblIon$186OudUP. -12 LÎgtimiosait5c hÈ25acb14sifl. ,4 L idiovSaû 4k. Window ansd Door Fraînes ai leue tha& factory prk«E. Pure Besi Mim*d Paints, $1.30*par gallon. Petitit Wi, Whit Lead and Cotor8 a"y~, down in price.- GlamS 8rO, 2,; cents par dozea is, Uoter sizes in proportion.- Powder-, Shot,., Cart- rWydgan <'md lla at WAolesale Priée. I ave a few Double Barrai S/Ltot Guns «t $(;. 75, a/so 36 dozen Pocket and Tab ir ies direc t from the îmmiufaeturer, Skejfdd, and sou underedt ang house in town. Oakum, Pitch ansd Spikes for Boat Iluilders. Irkanod, "'0*ein Trowels, Cernent, Hay, Goal, ete. Prices WU lb.: made to sit purchaser. .545'H BALANCE. Re -SPIRIN*G MISSES Je & L VALE.NTYNE, SUNDERLANOI PM ~I's-OM..M Fsd u GoodA, Ldaoa,. 1«Uffl% .,uTeMiea t. Ounr àiitftàh *acompleco. m uBMIS.UmmUTETUEPmT KM E~SUIDERLAit T0~~~ TOPLDIS VIVUIA CÂOUUNT Y. MISSA- 'B~E N Kmsg am o «Wrnb >s. 2wremte. uff'.Ieaa Fi oe 7or e h a = <~»Oi~. tAc oonuuiento andhep.. ès, made .de % b 1rher be tae hssnousa eedalpd tcfo M be té*U. qg oeifLt -A 'a mrn e~-m le 't ha I ~ ~Ct ore. MILL.NEF=Y iTsursday. Nexi. De TH EXTON._ Miaoej. and LVn Zud.l.I___ MILLI NE R Y. lum o ia £ A ots U«Mie Usses bsme Umm WM%ý 71