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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Apr 1889, p. 1

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Lamêu awd ShIqtn~ WheIeude oedhtdI. Bih UtuE mai Jambe' uê ~ U~W~W I~ ., g.. Jambe et iD miI S h e 1b Ab ~ -' Luubw~ yawias we kv belSe mai na4iu LmiRMm17I WIpu&Eat AI LIE un~I l dm Mdmiéup im gibu.m Il~~~~~e au a NI 1 gjIfi" à b" g a wmala . rkmd Jambs bs~~É RSPIw ',W&~ !~.-'m'mxl. jle q WAX_________mmb___lemr'Qo_ etbmemu .ba.ueteWCLKW LTTE CHINA HALL AID SIL VER BAZAAR ros__ ,wm dk. but b. teu my luimI,~' f Orstockù bsob. waweu ,emàureut ad shm_ tomDEBÂA The #e0pleo, Liudsay and surouwidig cowM- y'a0" cordiall' ANTIM E"&"AL»£O. D. Amr-L 9 SPERN 1MoPmm~ h> aeooabaMN.Salm ~ wS h isvited ta' viit Our lkweiy showrom iat aff tinitsaWiw #ja jcustu 181T -tis aoe goods. KW# wilia&'ays asoi Sethig muw ai 'mo hhemihm..,-a.I.lirim i ': attractive t hwaine i l6 edMAI purchase. à - a ie» auB u3mbUm Im l m oo b.d th"tal _ lio"nmâgeviahui Mame lma thebee 1tnrbaiu.us~l. I~ -mie M me wh. a pgee OU Ryou frsndste et i asofle asyoulike wkk0& 5uor athe, boueu inD-flvewaois bd **A____________...,e ' k omarlla 1priermt Me ruelkal msoe oSsien LOVE L durwgt/w pai wek w~y hndsomefine o FancyGoods.~ 4 yLPIE.he.I b ofi. puuim"em ert l»Pt theytIag oia¶Ibuq15 iuct.I. I thiniM t asoi ai yitslIerbave baal a usmt a mâd %hthe emsa h é.sc tmbu eaa emu ou RIZ~~?L.prlaet eo bmw cf amy sub. boaofmemsk etYo ek M~~o>baou esl1.Idsap î1w rm.Welk oà ,str.W vuhlish morebhe~~D f.re Uiet W"h àedb i mbe vWs oklsa smE 1 u uhf OUR~~eme md M olnsroa iwihb Vu*Meil u6e Pm& aI b. fim aidby h . eaier waiv e ---s--- -l e a Mme. b h1 Y m-*a " vnwm is-ï> .aày kn utlate e"s btetethrotestent~N RiE 14 d. I bante do ndoubw etha" c bon. Pus.)Y boasems abomilmmoult C»s S. _____________m u"__ DtO B UE T Aé b al mln ls*wa Th elus.hhoc. lvbie vt . aed 1 h.j ue a-L tstaitIlollpAD m mm. em; i a ha. pveagitai, n i tad bi one aI C al 0?j ________________ce____ lathe i" tM cf m t hepn bsmti uv:hgte om o m E AT:LL-70 TOLA vI a h&Ibmaagtationpeu m cftu ro.a ive ha ug" f b oue. i altwr l i mas kssn '. asooml hia p u r ai tory ot em i haei dia. leb freasusyhe "noie.su s.ts hWse.rieaetmio aSa emi tiwy àfn*rellait tâff d#Aw«a aiiUârteMàomiwwttUe laldali"lattermm an the XAICF A'SRT. Aa ! W!LO t 1 Dfroet Importe, Chiffe Hall au SUve 3y. a It i maea lare ipotonccf clasproent "o the cour. tlkl.*ms hs wie I h aau ]&&moi mis"esitson.aderetleu man, laosier 10 momrerfrWbYekaqut gi ai hi Msha.m negl bo.- VA1a1,SkiUV. M'II Db UIL-114. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sten0ha eronsltm, hm.spotc u fhrm l m m 'vusc b upposoe New PsOffice ENT 8 REET. IN b ave diMded hie. lors.la Sder tisaI b.motion of the hon. memberk 7-,nsSTnSerhmet"ioont" hieqestion. n --- A.oeh. Capb.il. _______ bon. te aitrof jusie o.ems mmb ornosSma abiLtu section of disebon. gSenlemaa t orces, of th. two aides of lst he sl aiInoe umienb a b.daa r» S& »* ftbS00 POdami tise hon. member fkv North j moev an mlatance la vhlck hr esIoa. vspoemlvsavhsee te be toi m1fr. McCarthi> 10 leai amotiser Section 0cf 1 t apoltiesishéedm' aie M1Ase~uavs~W.P and, hmies1 0ymmoea PUISI. i~ VISOdI STOUS l force& 8 te h Lgenleanhm" tisa.tise! bave been onI .-- a> --* ~m alibi mis ~ om au mae sucS arrangement m 10brlng bock Altisough v.may admirelb bnMinse ~OUaiHmlu egaa b e te0the support of lb. geveamment my Ibai or justice for tishe mabl e chh ae g g a5'buuli.vs h, on one aide, ýami the hou.mie vvlhbesdlvovalg s.lhs ELLE,~~~~~~~aetb Wilus.P USnih oIimeed. tog samy. 'If tb.y North Simca he ory ret pthe.evel e sasapui t dmirOfl f kUng sM*skViii9Msane dInomUefl vils tb. condutoth l.ob.maile on lb. othise, tsn ema hB7~ oeli?¶'tg fl ~f,~tlrequhi a,- »Iretminister, ti.y are aetail evmt ont a f alr&aHgive saoul tatb.o m~la 4~as oA dbUiMmai s ws aithe position "m> b . s iwîpetasl l. oios.e isrbai __ *aboelhr. ~~ardent andbittulsuppouter, tem anbue. UmTohtl.eker cbc u i~byI eIa abmseC 111. kWU.L&ES. emberfor Nots Simoce (Mr. Kccartby>.Pi MalaF Vasit U~UIL.U i.Nov, the. butiness o!fmach ofthon avtw o P ar t A c do ual - eml~ i . we hm- »&.MG ingesmUiseathek 'm Op PUGMW dhabngmlud lieutenants lu 10 look cave- *Mt,-ifhb.oermlhaesss vmsamteymsap RI G W /II H W fulpafler hie rn dw :::::f he15:::e.ntodet the arge 18-k -eonsettve. amp, ani I have n. donlit Opltyth er is odubnuanol mesbttiebeshaeE vm ' ~ Mrkt ad that tissustva bois. gentleman have, la aylbspaelalloue aaaui mutsik otsavsmmn sassu 0tt nF ) f the Most R I Itise estimation of their bl% sdisehargel undeutamdit1, and vbo àebokn n die SU I#o 3#0 thse luties asslged Sa thema by tiaichier amd vho are anious lmetoy aviiiN IL vid ter. ýg« ils a »»emidei o! abuliy ami a gWest verois s. Ma o de-mmn or s nd 1 am ansure tisai lb. hon.or th wt ouor!the e verme~~huleo Oaaebs.p %~~,, w. AEWLWEU. UBY. ~~~~gentleman muet feel equally grateful 10 la almost overyvno vWciAumc W] uus± ael. *ee hie coibae, tlb. miniter of justice, a n cur. heh onu etea , lss aslbst ie sbud ~~~~~S*l4 ~~~~~~~t. hie supporter, te ohm member fororaent mwa~L m eaat~ TO V E 0 F LIID B A 7, Norh àe S . Tbis d l euai nwotth e ~ ady r«d es I fr a vso fn.' rduui m W U L L .- s ~ m m béuer bon. icu iso , n ian01 n ' is eltarT t nlfied b.mmi Z gr demaad th' athe houmr m.ioe ei"Utvd We t te 81ietndbof omvwe l. on anteyup'e autlsma.rpoi osns te ha e Zs ewh lsi(.Mr.I kmomne I la eéthi i e amtaieupot h. goeumet rE~~elJ~bsn.lneaMDm d l~ia a-.Li~4 O0f h ea noves r rdeenfontln ainsthe aus e l. The ip si=lo m obvte.A mbu lsdm m ei s"l g0~.",e , drU0LN umme otmt b omt peMhmbe for Kn.eor kvathe mc.ai u.CemiDI.lve m l atoroyabb il ~e la refor or 'i8, ah n' r t the éle-A salis oTourcm am Iunttt 'dShia.s- aavrSr>,vs ps l. b itouel;aimo iicsvrisoeulW etmn PIg _b _IL ic, Cru4<,. . us.,e. a teradn u u-bJti.mle mpb noael lcae eel o oelaael is .Iyc Il 1ti12cm oae tetiser ide ~Assemt.sul iposo h 0 hoayin hoforsr l.am iito smto mlgtecm .oriln.e PeUt.kar t l su hth oinla m.iava ags euit'tse s tes >O5m~~~M4et ~amstitu e t erusehon moer xof het hemaiosltery o 1 amd its oebmoiu na.vm b lee a5tUlimen0tehon h11 b 5SO 00 epc oupotts oeuet a rr~tfIm ! a ms asar jn ba. M1 MUp la Ms rer, tsaihou.mbau l fohr ortn heesoalîcmpmi. i ~ l.alhbboda e. U T ro pi- fing hi len a ty'. I moear la t e v il.oaatra 11»1lis:1enlemn viS vsonsI(anr.0b. Couu5pale)e caTbâ U5« (Jmeland re5eîIel Cr,.0 the onoa en t le voeh.ep aho. thme ndi la tis.tl,10gi nav us-Sm hmpo.m hon.de= àpemae pocS.- iso ellthe1 aulam om ath oitaispblccamish Lts llzuue isflo l0b. ieOdbo . wllNottk ttr ouble. o at S aidn e otisen o m efitsilsa~ i >suf - g~~~~~~~~~~atsr ed, gm ts hc15 ea lavotm ir.thuestion I 5ac s-a b medml h i u 1114 MhIhD.I.EE,.M~~~~~ - sans. North inc. 'MUy . Mrlh>l e<çst a weisist n-iet tago e-f siIollu ht m a . .Pou s-- -Theossais .1.5$ulse sha b.. 1is os, mes r fo Li" n. hie coai«p tiset oenst &,ai .nvrp .~ un b mi à hu l lasp avsi u membe k Ntse eSim ca. d usuf?"t mps.sel -ut - idemotm hh iesxaeu L . o(tn. 'S Wstho Selmm.o go t * uielsEt ml uaslCoie>ne eliaiss t'm ioupot hae au p 1" hrew:armuhosel'spoc thhodebu x tla n t regin k bin a vuJttftm bu sslibsnss o lailh "i Die" fo.tieLomaii Sizelad.A u.r dpfy fgj- 0§Ds Ulie»lAgaIa- , 101e is 11» mlvbos ita il h eadu .tu'srà~-e.bv EL 1 2misemî thehouec %aee&aez o adn * Newet amiHandsmeat efroidries ver sow__&idl--$ay. 1<> a- jeu. Mr. v omi>e.- lla bé homU? h t gam.viwcs u a~"< CAn4laue#, amd. Fyotngg in -Blaok and Gruau. Ori.mtd aeuMd plomb- £ forNrt im Mr w. v)hbaorobt I ew eo. A &V -ebasgsDu q e t h b mt em la - m t~- i~u.i& i h W ErMI* j -- tu embr ot NuS laie.viil b A 040Eci TEdm & b.Wv TWmossd àme. op-"* Mme tu * t te ils0 ~is oi Juctpae.d jue sock.Towe, Tule ime., Tule usetcfrus /r tA.bmw SA we i~ buMjho. "t. - ,f. EmeradRA A.mBMMalsUà7w etv nds.m o .'s eL W SUIVIt ~~~01 fr MllIesIR, umhaeshmm.'e. hois g~1 Emrdgs.Iy awd ufIIe t___ i UhaamU us Mola»ste shba. 1 ___ mm Mdeu im .la mihai mhS reliIe ud iuiule Dg Gede&av 1 e a. A' ...~Lm___ sa'~j~less S. S. RITCH E. ~ MX<>Iand A-M MreibmNS A'" Ue "u

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