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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Apr 1889, p. 2

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Nlia for IN-0b ma uiue ~ ~ m Md -ka for am m1offl ~s - ~ wt, baigh, bP- alam*a-b- " WW -I* ms h vém __su le ow m--- -pelb* Thar 1111m gas, m*tm.Imm" 1 - . 1- ui W i a mo unt US RI 1i Wmmham1 a&tCome-m- touo tti.d. Assbw m O11110101 umaim u»atm mms dong te 11110 -nou UIJmoLOOil3«». Notbi.tubw.9 laumuer dbiI eunb hm Qlala..br' *iflitulei wl u -aN i Md USU i ssiWnow »dDo r riss<s1Z 2" hmctry pie. 1 Udcptoa 4 oSbisa cgilibe le ma à d«.W!*.ba abfimi wnmd iààpw l.eB te bluMrh27 U.-2 . ~~mim s~m s iàdabibmWl w.a a a m -~ It.A ai e.. me cbaS ab mv Imu& r1du"<mtaSeà,a a BEI 79IUIo.'?isa , woe~vlu w~ hatabuLt fouepmj@m.m uUlul lur boi ___ - , *&7a n aom"iium MMu*9aslu - 6 l iop am&ibýUb *a@bu m.' OaPueutmthd Sie o otBidr.Bi i (Cjnludfombtwe~ on flol phu hs 1=i0A WWeubW ui»stif. SesliOt Wapi-p<I bit B or IPb OO 1 = and ol d osAi Isu» l sie . ia- bt b wba- » M 9»ynnaHe ba Cînto mptlutynv baouby . roa h m@a a on Ifafhilt*S, mMi pauniL la u 1 " n aoisa 8w5 mi1h5 Li buouuasehoir Vif. M hup smuu dom Jil Jamand rd *Irei ai to W mtcooson. vu -hW.b.abo Wb Iy a a -b- us> a ig wi. a 1cUidaho. l 1. Sha t b bl nsautala Tb WaV _ __ __and _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __m pli, ndcoyu aoukne h.twuhcAh.amusta t a Uas ba e amlru naiasla, .5 hw is asua. aln u ru baa . h.co mI- a7tahioi b. minPm fli jurrotuou Caltn aseute, sd ai havng sais boo manai s fa ava ma vlsoaar ild~ ~e myoea hs - a.rlymi 1..ss s 1laaL1L . . lie'~s ail h. alk amIU sh.bog amw htlmay imi51und .&We Wg 9, itu.othithés W»sl h.mgaiui.UNdam- LO ERLEE)-WNT I) - v~~~~s e. miieyasp a uuiiunl b brgae dsai ffle r anea 1h puulItya bstrh e , Malscsmams i maiigruaf- m *us CIAPERXXT R 1. - tngo'vw 7 a A Aasi mgr. l ip sAintM hamiai Prm .1-vB-nu l mi, la prms.Vau u.ase dvnlmmTuhleyooidm ___ hyè uwe -M o. obus siapaiti mimnali ulmli.ieiouiNv "riehtcx, jdyLbave obeau&moeii~-.Mry forSbashifpog>moihea dMaro Vs .ltSv. cas'u su.Wbi*eWDmraaos an beslm u w mie.tloarou sIpaîlca. ehc b Iea ha aiu& îipoi up in ceaeoutmoif my palla., Rois CmamoiiL apoas st coaliebt bW.%t. hon u feallco nfessi n r ual e ra lsl oaivr Ô fa t ac S, ami mi alm t laem foi et ca -ms *~ eth* l I iu NUaas e rouaS, _______________ bisa ofthe 41se ail ot theois louh Ma y ucusrisaf my Nie Va: agai bitamre t Wmy lm b ioami c a ho à"bWusaa chs ..... ne wala ou À"-9a iii, w E LO *i - n ouvuaned,*»rom ts alote rdmoor l. e d o Wr eve a1.wtr»*cousf gln hsaà- W mnd> og'N. bo aw heiéb hor b. a aimwo u endro u tIO eS c Hiloomh - MAdYMutu.zL.amIdu*t uaui. Cugonassrdoan t 7 gatýM . hm bIied ofrsw a andIvW i iome wu> i t bfa si.mc hto bs orw ib tehgetm re be~cn y. ve sféeho b Wn h e ruds O monts vin e of thl e yeur p is am o ai vil or 1 W" ml@" rla egu Iond i s l the >Imcs 15 cA...lb.. IMM n, os CrasaislFs PMaMWusal ai a "insu thecrae. ar mi vm nemoe. e di a. ni ho bat9eoruh ektyiày eu h mi, a Càu»j. ai 2««Jàubw h mostbas la '8hul I b noemr l mksIbs OS taoasu moco 1 u "oifnitheli m " b ab uimioeres I vutheii fugehis ai t l so i iiiscuim"ascus mh. dm baulonpu!win ta nteesu c jutic,1badapparil '-n s neL1psa. thbeuaid Agbelmgar a isvIh asbmm"a ulb> m ouS& b mlist àInAtmXESr ILE TE un sa TU E thî N yzgin snc acors elg iStek tfor I eve res. andwuau . aItlhou Mfa.vllia u t.bel sEsteasou for ho. uah.toaias a6101ajr AS auîpr'.. hthai acout i y gai hito u.I ts'gan 10 -to iril is and mi. tbr e . loil 'k a ic o.ya osblbShl -te rerypte fsroiud n ds brumpectedou&b> nyo" lm ulai ot e a saS ihel.chIosl tocafords ___b whcetni. pl i tin elburne In i o. eba ays fdilo uns. i lwuhon m& de arditurjapo mhe e p l e a MWlIssrýmim 9y boelytr.<0wd emàpted. Ma4PaUCUI br gret atenbonui aitliaI WY csp te tact. d atakv. o commit. sea us100ai0>gi Becosli asoS va s emilgi ta Liteu dl-JOOWUMgr s ramla isP. .a 'sle 1OS9 ibA .li ii oumertoff.temmou nbu t d e Al4ubit.n<fl! ewm t lwul>llookluduhaurmaeil-got. a Én ai, h mou'is ve réestola iulambIs pl aissa lhm thutaal 5 a htiu ch.op uttîv forthe carge. k t 1 ià~ lan i laas ber£ olintooi b al a S as ha va&ier lnoom the lm ctsi" 0 c, MM& ni&aamouMM lima te UaIUpIy Md frourisne bi s a e dénuear ' Lllte.b oemdauerp Beomeanat i e ur . *Bis uidile ehci haaperplsM. ul usmo loaag hrouB U va ul iu is1l ord etesIlmie bi pmilogu< alli mn9 - sdS. iaz u h iloss larecmare or-IMAJ fltuS5 t. Ul Ïead.t ai ottr mqîathtateil. ta hvon bi, orm ie m p DWWSSii b"OUetItilI"kwhe, alnoupabl.vif s.ciafýllngPm- -salA uam b pias aWMiu- a ~rahera aadynase.owi.~ a tP t boaupr. knv lInithe arlos off Lit leurin. W ~iaffet aus co uorilas ba IwoS a audsbetraom uid Ksat mw v iaRI.......IDD W SIM loioncn fr t, yuer PI ioncr«teo'hr-1c ad&Min m bd. tain Tes iter ve o n pmIlatti m rmmebý"h.,nvot wudMW WOU io hm isia us DratigForS i ttothrI a e flni nsap'Of neD ver.t Yu dchil ai a. o idte i vas br. ed93l cM-l rcee W à%n dù1OI u m ," " iniuw&(r.J u 0"tp I A bai showthe ef tba o.serd suoIhlng vrmhute ilat. beuig w tedli m, g iloSahleKlIp mi utOs ilOI- t.al r unAle »d dem u plonSd' eea mpi.... ýbe9ftn.wl1kùcuhu"ted lath cols remaro.aa mf9eedemiofuber meuthrté ibbt 1umùbt hembu -Plaéd-1t, vuroâct 5aparce mRùuui&» ioCftumlamM......S -iIe èar bathe dcrimelie cf a baiIat wu bu mo. 'B dsol.geadm ns * lue aMylmisimal fvae oslàca amireamît.Prhra.... ... ilm e ii e Lardon lali, ain l 'ntreea t uic h31 Iib a la cdinsdasa prapor uorlm vs o d oghtw a *vM Y u, w ch» totm uvc aar*Md mdeuiom.~ ,con dstont f h aia!uh bainoL JWt aekas ea9lcu freai.Ind. aà1Tiersnov viusn beb. theadeungme b hum Aoreot - uai f > ahit oaslhsThiohlh vbas lip grW e I.- Ib i o.h onr.acn o f- ain aut r S emcd l . n-1 t*- budmtg me. r i ngt mur eN.'en Iîmuc PISI as th ao mle if bu a vel S Rni Uisiiuie-mIpim.Si_ __ _ _ Intedc n ot e uda pu a1 ie excep1gantio flilu ad tetvia .y"t asa e Clai,, trankly, I n mos o ae.teùasemispie i iuu.S._ _ _ _ mane ndwtbtîof, cme0 e t mlla, ao-ftiue aot ie aniae.Idimy d mto l dié w IL, n a ee» %a 0càw SWud ehityu datrmuci a bcam a iciUsa I tao<1 t em e stver. b er, butoagi-oui ealc "rtolng ybeair uadmi£WIb* uR' ereev , D obstrvuu a f oMtinlISSJora PortPhiIshe înow m d> héoen s iasof- tI,avtoubee ait mita hu uit 1Te uamhaît fbeauw ma-oiams et oum" Be etaSatbrearthé.. aos eboftevserg. a* endapcierysa habr 't.rone l laiw50 --ooli casasspehtg.a. isifntub Un lica i abtoat s *111ho aM iGusoR.!Puo _______ ru> tnt. I it t il v>gm ra onW oiu moll tt onc - h b d augiter.Bi ronausi " z. ta . spogIi-or b.Iscis asla aconorsis.n is-theDr tma -d;dCametéore Uta d y f liiingm ia m salidun..tg l l mnUscesa for oie ât1 b blp*tk uiie a tcgD R don mnc, a anîtin.I ea ssfii mi'par!tobu rguai> <ryof theipb>.> miple dim en tua lab l ev M isa ut ber det IbsI omis, butis cirbosChuoe eloiale uomm-ao sa,"-" an te luay. ai nd eibut lot aP1ir i orLt I klolngSlctr aIuelnit ku% wie vu i.t breans ba. eluiM& mocUli t isil rtoIwaaittlg . ep Fmol a as a vas ise istiimfo my le.pn titl vrnl,*h k sîp . i so cal! ibmvions um e fer"t laS%,-veçctWenred merhosî loe- l oll se sCâo,'a matie lt auali, barpy. .mte £aiIu -bara fwo s e gtuthe 1.A l aostit ab.ru suiI i oe Ptiws nnethongher,9 ii, -b 1. i er . rbai peong ag p &Ulp e cAti us, ma i mn "Bt e i e nfem er ,sylng ati al- bimusla nsCadl huih uiur aisapb ae111 '3 hlm,. or 1:11 aIobis.alors VItirsandstheWSphinxilauddG"neral Debilîly. wr-cé 75e. (WiLh Puste1,04» a01.ruh. as onsdari e tell. b. t ituat.ei aail moOUI5lfanlwr iaml oagil, ts i. u>csvh e lac e lcommtio. oWuf9 dp»dle is, s apss i wi 1 - 2, tdû tua- tImai lar-Llsbaaownosvea vnraieimucg lAttléTBour! tlious wr1 axre at iiaa, uth oimulth e vo, ým qirbsore me&fiis mashe - i le vei assag m cUmry5 eotsWg ot itamoiyaim eas IIODta&LTT E LYicé IL IpataairAe varIl is lAoti.,0ceAve ateto osl u oil ulr ieoum udliiet.,l trsen' aibosaidarsluingfurtud a euai t SHrmsma stri ali 1rie4 o pôme~neeI Ilcanereaehedbmb lu f mev ik Xble »Mone thès do,' iimeleaî vk m*AsoWsdmi fOl o syetse- I-.e.hu ...a.prias8msl . s.~vneffy ovr miades ae ~u 'as oo oia aro n Ït l.vesltliinca d ne .7 vi te. Ayoo g lmd igotenu a0 ogei;"m bemeotd erh abuta i.. .... iyte'éoi, eýt"tedO- ie tà'à oti i Wmtal t eng n, on tmé io.nkemaifatwerilsorla Ieo', mmblpOuyoormivoa dose. Pri, 25ecents jnsn ath oluuu. Ihogl t t. a iF i a e e 5Q l andj, no Isicasienuid. sors e visle S t, .m i b ANCe o Ami»m .J : i li ......- ilaiong nl. notos, tevrib oumyw e ite1, mb- mac liaimw muiet pen u5t bic b a ugma ao»n.Arib m in Dpvw R ,ostus vpood h.rlaita emaeala f9eJma muidureà ioutthbofsBtlhellsmvi IIOD ER'STHRO T AD LING CRIE foRu vi.Oer i ie a neaiofm i s tacheta ber ol eat i n lds Iae ltheput Ci wuppoît»il aw 1ba . l i hi dmaii by31.0 yla4oameofU ulss usscIli1.pIr sl ~ " ~linoregarin-an éimalfe, soi 1, gionv oy cr ea orich nof te tramhâ te a like ri bagislaui mi mmbe S soomi _ __ __ __ __ __ vu ea ev mn, meg mv ac, ie ii' , bslumcame WEqout.aaped o ota oun sd ld ~p.it nymnny reey.moinnelb ýg, i-bou1e n Rouo n tecut knîy "Be u ebfkou- t wo YomRPOR MilOCE OIfile.NE JAMES Try themeco sud iccooik 1 tayncedTonaiU theA»ir woPATth-I ti p uudbobrvu ged 0alw -n gitt u atm i»w1eil usi.lm ocke tmeînf4.ydney.andueeommsvaiao hWi. pili.issli e isuilathe puoIiadEn~.op-reeue KEv, ob_____ofa_______ éoehilclit. Attes- otaig l iOwI t rnbl, m tapise &M tey 0 buieotiai ogtlbte oil.'tb.eo at aeo ml« fomirb the tlml; inmu MI T Mii ILIs.VÂL ELES R ET PN EEPT0 PI 'lb. pur'Ie hiai tiihe sîy tous sg eua nelu arcto onre 1 ie- re u ala s semotsi Krsàarmi h b4h' -in blagen l is lIas.cas fuel.Bp 55 tatI eIoedte Ide lit < àinUsg eba maefelimeest s ' toCaltconhavisIl luido i popremblug chi as aid"lasmoral, Lumber ctain~itiPr. hc tc isel le$ i eriiat tbe ulb u d U marne h vstcilg Asa obr n.ho CREU@in s orum ... ue f vua. - aultqldnosli smnll 5 0.urnYn thé rn of nu. eaviud vr"-iti ber andenjt eb.cal nwk5 fol ber*~ L BRA OWOU OIOT.CAAA Onior r.'a-îu c sa«ntheil vasaIone t n ariu e i b la or1 - Trust i les kca & ,au 0u cr "%..1ks îubai melinl»ust. S% ferý%"sizy uua hatb.Il - d bauasmd- Buî-. -obt i.tiêi taAnation.vawand y .. SSi toqutcl. ' oms - attn Iraitt... *LIDE»Jral hRyey es xu»-teneea She rat a bunlao sr. ae siRoon l e ruî u do yen Icaeeif iba bo u ie tebook Md sadlaa-emari. h.i mIa .09sa aa MM-:*"Il t!>.ycuun 4 ln tbliou dapa about a csl-ug M&e. Bswu th ~ tsa hc frlsseum"mg chiaS à PoPULR Nve a. ouf mwerrnndly in love eltbh h h. a osleurcussgeud ie lift um BUb wuD CON RAC OR wha 'vis ollr! eauitn. be tora 'M urlequ "CeAs, mthenae v,' oWkorW i ag EIaas e a > ~*~ ~ LME.BL T7 IIFf~ e,tly .ia a aldbatfl u,-to M seteadudto bv e hisgainai asun- pansa,. doyan sw Yenui.Mi-S oba tmgby Cotin. DEAN, fis siern cas tswted ÀND WOOD>.B u tse Mrf 0e lbs s f aif Bm ssboy cas a brîlliancy ani fascination about 'ber ouimble motlomlely betnvmgance a"i vin yen loid me beh.bai OIir! 5 0a500k who, u absl .pnaMS.Bahi&U MUset&o- buiseriouahlw.Iqm B C14 tO8Muww lnn4ù. 'ýhchaifew cnidresit. Or! firtmaeeug ber lntamy. Wbyt s i n r aLodon, moidoie fer iliamomn' ana. a M bs randl m ne I~ rE ~ ~ fe mý dintadmire ber mch, but IMa -o t. baunne aagtr ýcrid.hI ew 80moos a as " hI TEVVRN 0 IDA.T.'i am os>Tslrmiio u , fA efa panmpan sons as tise> trai dabout -ber». Onai * vndurt u e nlmza. oie bufer -t"le. ma alamae cae«' rxla i e.R . reuurmithe lie patt alins"EUa O beaomîng peramaliy cuobm at em. tId im, an, buepat No uaidi.and ibai I1 hSas ,cmho b tLam>m.radaaaaos b ee.Mu 9zovr, er.Ituud liaIer pewerm otf aulm about -bur.marriage .di M&E.u rpali loto bis a 1ont Im avé M mha is bs - ap-agn, talaSMkimi4hémsao' y - tien bail iônos boss orenrasiMd esoioby 9 '1 *U, krva ntda..» jmu b tallsagdUtetOfiI lI lae wth . bains on lb. wta la l". m qut misaili sllosusl OsI f Use Isiquat aieUWsi 110 @U St O vaue grovlag aid, sud i 4ta use '<ih . blies. 6b nsukProeesipupeybasvlu f____________ luquirie.setborumtelte, mi ou-i a>fer euge trsus, Whyts poMir! "lTot& esbuiPmolus c*mare AO bltU emslpl h a i UnS I caslrïcPrOaehbe.ambeva&m Mai nas tis mol mm OUtoUs. saolesuad d ariy aiercn, Kt 9 oU*la -tht h nIus114epasu IA 9-b ptlaN rn g ie.a a ble T A~ B N C O iy a ve uoedragon et a Mx*«v ligo i aoe ruam.u:Ur_~ ~ -.ussnsfo.~S oeANTC WNTIN OADBAD vsos!noS feu about ay. cortdNm b mp.asnie ' hu so laustm an d 1 mi vng bdi e tanab. e ur uai ned t i pa n i a h.d is R ede aae 8 M» ' u pissu ? ann'alI. an gzarmly U m e bis!lie, eolf sMY lits, vu u=able oure- 'ainte uiSflWb I oxpeet 15 hm'I beu au -b t.moiS manu"agbula,& bglsc ta ommos. ý lIlool.UsMuem i,Âg m ~- but Il vii b. udMaluail etue lb t au I L 1irefonsdloumeBoma, but toirld i a m colsica- asbs syao iFplo 1v Ka uI'eCauauCl-dluWEWdSd4U my pasion-,forer b m hs. - asu e -Whyte I vaald agro hicu b is b h; et ait dtbowv, reel tb yra éfor omeh a cee us1 ahaU tlyRi> n ,r -' and m ai brse N. 1 tong .rê Ie Pmaysnmmlmfo o l 'a us b l . dmaam> 10 un aimth o w »v"Dubt in W weMnu-___ ___ s it Iau , PO B T 3 ceas t! M gs. e, ilem vu il4 A" mo.obut m âge htbruod p b » . m fo a mliy eu lara clii a oail. I i sel clbtibl.wU bha 55ianduaa tt b e h, houfflub, Vs. ie,à 2-b&tb owba M uffl 9eM"amth"~ic UIMpeil d om b. 100 mai for., hlg m b a os o e.gagii t Flmgualil1 aat.le âoies:km- . alitma .0.w om e& m - s 5~K wory bu, luS cosSai1>0,« h is oiM armýMl ibm $yprMulge . raB ~us= oa» wm& t ib. nbe sv ca grd om se, uruang *M* lh.AsI ubn mar n Ue fISSma vu U»dw -mm hs~ a.s mmaalotoaotedJMe si.mmailia wlb.ycugam u bi e~U ut.mu u, amiubses aheutigé I, W&4»». B.op risiOR& oosuso, mi, oi. aso~mm.al as v.Mt &uir, Win btenuos WosM mi bat;.ew "rat" uo utbe Lion mm r ISOLE& RYLEY f

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