. ~W~MIL3 POE TdNR)BT C~ ATMAT 1% lemS 1%aPrt ?Mry Stanaclinq:1"W..1 IC lme b fous Ottava thsa tbe. Isqotmumt -MUR"ACE1 WALpAPERS tt;woI bu h1 .u OHEAP 0008 O a~ STOCK COMPLETE, J<ua«Y. The I WUuti= osarn *00 ImumgtAi FL ArTELS ALL NEW, ugome, ela rd=mu - oinouo Front thea "«»Wb SretuardS -- b C4LL AND AE 7Ko'W the WWMtby! Chroalole i1* q9Su 01tia ts Also PrTio? and LIf Wdow populatmloeioOtarlOCOaYbsdu N ~ ~ tj(OIRTO 1=0:ad sadFixturês ln the lut ties e70mswll osi m R.S jPoRTER, lowba5 total:wboas UZTERAX Mai - MssMshBk. » imfUthse p..at Aus GooK8ELLI U osTTIGU. II. z..................aumlwpuimotmmzaa é hImmbImaint*>Sue _________________ K. G B.E.Coc*bur]4 the. tory IL P. ayvufattor lietb5uiBi. ,m7..iSt» B F.O ayria,&for wust Toronto, et tihsé ul îai a *ISUoll el Loei ý W; UI t30 f' w~ua.a the Toronto Youag Mon. ulis rVat» l. à.. socation predicted that at the aa o. bn* o . U CA A A -1 olb.a1tory gommnuent rpuilnaujutdiMwS ishi e CA A A LO ana io.sTea :f theflodsdBhe mm- AS9MGC*Cgie'lf. snse of thea e9 toi*b=@nom :ïheod to thse ro "Mr. Cokburn lE le.s~iimam s ~OOl.__ It ensert eadec aniJsitugttoM end ia - is.* bvin Momm ftm. Capitai âN É e. *$10,0OM,00U he*wibi.'ilddl ntoih" éaef luanuo*- oW'ÀÂshort tiras mgo t saspatting m -10 wm au ~sa io.asSi ~~ - e th ~tudparty- on the bock. Nos t hWrWSMme5U* hu.~B ~~wu mU! I1UUiUU ot sd donuncos thonim a arot- I-S M ClÉ'illa ro&qieln Mi mb ~ ton. coacerm 4U. athe. fleU ohol W b iaao v 4 1W uiat::i befl.,*o leyIsuulng sé*-làsafl à:11kd dosa to tihhemt blddr." It i ~ i j*~ o~j yn' ProiswI11b . sured St ais gu frcol. O'Brien andod lus W %0 un'*1> h ITu. k KRUnd- ~a ohe lfd ord fJ. R.ousoteu, te 04 aaturally basu dwr o oasa ... .......Oasrt #do Iitudlg Asurra vz IMontrea! Witaeus coux nfe fr violent 00 la.OUh p am ply for a bulfomr se.U.mil of course baDa'au : leftae0r eUOS$ueoftOùa treatment., 2& S r%, , , r moeU AUr lion ts.l-owManjri'WeSs ad fRops *mx4 00 th 290àSP CC E w:4.4mc. A«Ira y lbfuadlu t -ssw rfI ~P i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* là fi Llndoy, AiII ~ ecturlng lanBrantford )or ayot.....-2--5lehB Bak.the "Jeemit question." Tt is aeedlesa ta 1 u taWW 0 sayllidrlfted off itoamaattak on thue ne te40 seeu&hm 06 te 0GhIBn ~*5FMowvat Inuie oseS t fi bis l..te - 1e. te aho gm,&DwyHereviveal .e.Ros- helu. .FOR TE illO 1r 09TARIO HAIR gveavnterati.bnee na iasa Lnhbible chestnt, and sas promnptly 1000 a n01 takea ta task snd repudlated by thei. àL8....._______________ - . Dr. Coobrae. Jini objectai, It omeem, to glU UOiw*.....80 (EstabUahew! 1831Y.being advertlsed mas'aan Oruuigman."_____ ENA» VV[CU * TO@N~.That le verysuspîiou& .leniashmed of LA"D PLSR (grsUndby5 SKI W. HWLN» Proleat. t ho filet fIsIt 'a idegadatiofl ta have lt eaai ot Hoe,)l aais.~" Ï.5,L SI R.W-P.HGW Gen e e. nnounceed that- ho la a member of tuat BMb otlf C. IIQLLAND), ES. e a Iaaf noble- ordert Why shoulci h. raise thia BwES b FS SA A SBLLS 81,00,00. acounty lmaster tHo dellghts te ride on Rya aApowder ~ ,oato,2. < a wit hosewhe te.Orangemea gather m rmfo Trnsitinenr î acrowds ou the. l2th. 1lHe muet b. or a * p.op p a ial»,aMIm raft é'~t p.genralt .nkipbars îw CaIlapwermtlîetemamdae.ofTheaaêmes soleoton&U .peutas w tf*rld. lituapurions klad. lSe muet be defbaet G:ec Wùd~LLfd .. ~thdud tafs. Orangee hc'uld I ook. mter Jiax. He u *niav hoa Jesuit ln iegulme." The la. D<P~I' 0115.teilgeWnt puliec have no dittllultY ln ali- an ogI~sd outs. _ __ iereet .11 1 '.-! u io fT ôoae7 d i n O l I.in e hlm up as tranfaparent demagosruÇ W 7.l . WVir.l.tàlidbtCt 0UK581 g&ýau a ! pltcal fraud aandadven curer. pdt PI l U -l ShThe Oraugeman. la Perth couaty le, nat 1 I New Advertlnmenata. hpp Url. Trow, Who represents the _______________________ savifflsle"uata etfroliave dollarap south ridlng, Is a liberal, and Ur. Hesuon,T" ÂAINPTWLLE X, UM -the. epreseutatlvefor the aorth rldlng, la MWAor le. -'iteSOum t u, 0»0Dla Llfda&Y. Nov. 16.________ a. tory. They bath voted auinat the joar. Âdneg a oPm. LiandWsCd. af-- OBlen resalgution on u sit dlslloance. TIMMAÂY mECHÂ AN i c INSTI- (h U zz.Tihe Stratford .Deacon notices that thi Or. L U T angemea bave, been -passlug resclutions Tne sauai usetior the. Uahusirohs- _________________ condemunlngUri. Tros, but they do aot lus m hMus ul theho eclruas o.n___ IIJl)eAy.FRiDAY ,MY m0.lm80. ention lUr. Hossou's Dame. Our conu-OCGI slt~ %t. - temrarysys: "What a faaany position Oleite .1.the Uretren su accu t tue neit elec- ehpadat78 IMPOVMEV2 Ujxof Dowhe electors ln tT8 J>.V DOM. TEE LCAL MPROVEXET . rothr Moteh eleyporp te SYSEX.Sebringvill e sd cali upon th-elctos te- Thepmîîemof uniipa gooraien 'vteanirow, the foe, of Protestant» Th pnlmo nii.pl oauetand.Protestantlsm,' because Tros votaiLldii Mlie. UG-4- isa nowl; serios D lctoue, daganat O'Brien'% resolution. To rs-TTLHkBOD those who have given It long -and carefingtera ateElis sd-uata1f. vv tm r îf attetio ar in.faor o sht l caledfot ho wiil cali vociferously upon the m f*fro hte àledtathful ta ýsupport Besothirai C1 Trè sttb. DusiteO the lcal Mpoeent system a frlend, the traie Protestant Who votaimsa toOal.Tir plan~th cfdaigwt n !tcMany down 'orien's resoluion la company wIutely Pume coîîliatc qesinsocurîg a uiwth ex.Grand Master Bowel sad Bro. MdAbSO- Cxà'afair ùe. Te q uestin was-iscmused SirJohn 1I1Ye".-theosituation là funnv.y '. A mriaiMCae M DoL Prompaog malos0f ciphe quston wt a ssd ine methe local avators su lud mmdMore 1iles suer 11hi SolVmgrhoehrls D MU-ïnlay evening at the regular lowa COIU- have on the. coni Tbth'edrsn oomoli b rlamid, n rab sUtl s1ur Mmi.sda o clil meeting, sud iîs recelvinx generai :Ur. ile sn vte la the .aorth ridin n sd 0 l b au.UitIISwtbtimlttd m~go ery Idr. i us u , conddralon is d~ntaesar peîtonidemnîn it . Tros lu the so>utiLfor et Ol5l W yh anio ssa OUepelseadmae sh Ion* ul iC 4 t ad I t i l a e fred, voting on thae anme side. Thore lagood v ý £v Wký a ieon eersriD_4&ny iaut roe an -excellent plan fer te ta .me cmlmntti lsn te-M oea o a.ut rlwill not'only -promoto ecano atiosncmpimntAhssocingPort niy but sillrenove or ptevent evils tîia osraioo o soémehOiw wiIL exist ln the mont CarefullyHoenthfaditsdroodedrs reglatd :îuncip.l amly.A "itien"atian of 3Mr. a. Wurd's vote on lie Jesult ~l'nas yt iciWaaffletera CIfond*bill question, shleh @o deeply exctai the elswhere ' hv o back on thelr record on tholI,àà .2JIPPZD 12y THEE131D.» veto queistion. We have Do doubt they were einthuelastie supporters of Sir John Inu hi% couvent sehool At Lindsay there hta.I .vote hen iprepràtlon for the cumi v .w.rget te obroutolthe ludio ut i*I mm - sehcol teacher.sevorai -you noiâ amesANDI'!AAflRDSe lios peisdrsodcus p eblIc o tr iuae.s aob ove os. W.IL.-A4D *Oh w eh % 'tounder the tuition o! educatei i3f.P .Lje.Vl er aiDr. W»Lvi and relned Roman Catholie ladfies, sud' e.ai1 ubit li umai vot. ooss t fa.lier btaglord naturally objectita1ii obba suuai md,; maioaswlht heln eonpeled to study critical. a wuie*itt Pa LeP!:,91 ali r(r Oi11 .atm uavt oecmlt bsav of which on. ot theewrincîjsl figulru h sdimue tateCamasabout flhr4e gemme& O0'dEtVl5XW AS1 JIl rs h eryr p i i eepDuanatrave Ling à,-pe,@ u lie !W lis. AS"& Vureaiottt6"i lb. fPOISSMt& wit br pranlaur. wvile several nsae eolbaifrlb ulIov oraivu" a01ma.tAuhtosatTIunsbmth describe fl, no côütbîul.laguae le dEs-viditm SS ma O11»t hI tipsoid.41àovwn u laIbi lis v vii mloaor gaceful escapades o a o re sd - - =& a.'m la as fouta.,n ~ Frieur John. I f Mr..Carmilbael viebes ta M r i1hU I ut ui5i sui bb ig a Obo0article for the mcmsy, a" l vs ab o.- undestan tusobjetionfrou Fator cfis vite White ho.wua imataSlosm udmadheo-Pd"t» elaic u Insal@MDlg pies imsma .. n.m Stafford's n . t of islthm Fn-rs nta tono-àa. miS 5 ~Ujsa* O111k tat vlimtaullauast un Seau,, ait or Ulm hliarmion.. set imagie-as hi 0.rioisse l ol beS am. be us uiorfrsas m' *ould studir it eritically, ahang slthte thal of!hbips pesmaidet monsats u ate-s~~vsvs.SDs i fme meberA of i$sb ibe i" ha. omaSatreagi v5fLtrtcsi i osII ik t, Father S"aird 'neyer aefflté have lâcDihowunsome pl» "55,5<"expelled front thi e licoW »s. suga«îdu* istu, Da. aoi Uns. luetM<h Ido Dot tink Ârchbishopu Lyeam <etdixsrkuo new M Mg. e uu~7r otr - Ul ODB-Ob011 wt as oi shv s lthe hli, h. vent fturhtsaEUlg iUhmen ober "Wur he o dy VI*U s dS ilPsals, ailas»Ssà a angff. cf fl*lumn.o i be *asakod ta o. NOtas "Narmion" fts sbt otSobai umetlgu evr xpled Althat sasd~ed vas h.fi'.Ut 1511< W.LCuOIi what theolate %it. Crtolm e ut»nly oonced- tvslsluoml cy aU&it iU abirl. 0& a éToice UUBI hos miwseà" MM i hst tet.1 iile1Mebaô ho taii e slo smlbv 5mtago au.TiwIim a ht1 0 allowed t sas takmn aivanluge Of la s au*aUw.A uhoai 0&#Eiy s w.,w v MIiint eummollW wanybSaiun h. rais constderabbe nusmberaiiof sueiolhWhUohniJillan es,011 .saU Mauy a"ita se ieacrue ott-w Es' e GerBe. it e a ose améovetis -ohJeo"to h M sl Ula e~M St ari on" 1w ezamlnstlsM, aN.~-g , thr ol omm ha sla" 1 ali-]" oi - ta le ni ru Im md OC& I * A A W. MoGaZ R FIRST WORD' m~*c~S mT~oeraZaX oe~ a* s. e~ s. i~5 m "Those Luyugh Who W»,," andfoy go everybod agaWho buja of c mu 110 . rIpOm1)lSin t BGVgG4%8 va offer fogr S 'tu ~nha«w jfft&at iiasmoe buehw pwc>hmoof Se 00% .884SRÀH ANS ~ê ts ofer t 68. p yard. Barcai n Tlaa are drogutcw $1.2500048s Number Two. Purchased. è/ <o cen/s omifMe Wholesale Dollar. Bargain N umber Hite Three. ~OoeFrench Dre. Goodcs Sought ai 5a cen/s on tihe Dollar;~ jusi give us a chance ta make you haAby wilz hoe beaufifl goods. Bargain Number Four. ug/àt ai 57,r-2 cents on the Dollar. How does it strike 'ozt 7? Good dll-Wool Suifs for $4.ooa-clea5er Macn ever., Ba'rgain Number Five. Try One Pair ani you will 'ýpant" for more. )Bargain Number Six, o. Q as Oro Polos We ojer a Pair of Elegant Creant Lace C urfains anid a heaEboy or Cherr Curtain Polee wlh Brass ends and fl/f ings for thsesmail sum û/$ ~.Ti, ix of il. Bargain Number Seven, -Lothez' Big Doua i10cOo.Tios. 19e hame a big deal in to. ies. TUese Goodis are o,/h double and, in many cases tliree times the money asked. Barga i n N umber Eighte isusTapestry and Hernp Oarpets. 19e have a )fne range of Goods and tise Prices areRigli/. ovumab e t aatitàIpuI mku aorstore aecmlted. ive made ammaezteuiala oeof our etoreswhich geu f.more om. T!%àla for sJieving C"iandpedGlcio KW IKIG pET LLTSA PGAT ri. 4 udo tmooaao~Man0 01 Sok m. E7~ US f-Us @Umm 55 Umm au leva u m~ Li