lai vicronia coVx'tT109 ri a alR man., TIBFURE .!IOW -AND OUNTY cause-esr. orsi. m W u. viOWN t beAND OOUKTY.l npif-ab .-d= i. roi ye ou &0" U bp Saohj 1ld ti -alitG an k.-18 3 g~ Du :aie arer. Fr gea ch it Ky. ec -Ur. Te. hirLksnwouaes Bi.'lmemi roai re* eýirlaet Pawiedart m. a. just10bau shîonoeorsux'e.-184.m of te lie .,yramaifr a pipas. utaa ro CoLer e As!1.c Cla Lut bei lut aersd farcethi. k'teld radrea Semis et ml kià> Flkî. uCbe afor mis rarad sBruýi p;ionte..h'.of Mm Ri.tO t Mthe lu' %16rneîh, IiWovertq lest frira>- for Ltmi basiCr.mqIctef iet %Vllklso aess gocaa t!».ireel' n s Uaft. o, u fl eg long h rur,'.end s pasasugortau lt .ppacato îLe . P Pry.otPeriStnd - oWCd it oiLisaa emnsasmw meTh.of:haWet leedle um fote Irio .011 slsruthe dfr p p isttr Micc.avr..rakmi. t.oh -iUr.c1 >. Mro. cf te'oeu ad lMeue. Bra ahaw. i.~ ;iiiL'fbick ut ia. roks ton i Irlnht.. whah. ll et r tueusk0009 fucaflt loa~t id s'rWm btrebmeicg Uoic- _1. t'are t - hestatmaesr- Catié atte,. Atra iitiO lii UceameWaar e -019. -_Tc atr. I)-ewoir didov dwinou t.PaDo -1fr. Tho a eee, i ta s.le utiu VAftî1>AckdRme illb oar lon bthéene ahlchwh t.en tpiL.tdur luid te ile l4hi elperbn tir stresi.atMxOci -lit. it. Hraaicl tAe sait ud oiluildin41 emirtL ~ aiunc e tbra ose billhAmeaU n 1- atnt' ban, w hic-hMell bu osi> for ceu 'lncl ai4y t eLit Jy ub>. BalAs thebOsric iRoiseou ma nîee tie ae-enhs taéuin aùtan naxnan mt hifor c oMwnelllOt nazisioten for he. ceb&ttdl..eentuttla M po -Tir tractidl on.wrkilliénov Êoaec a c on 4ayean,»i eit h ar ea n Ldtohriitaajnn tear T.t -nt. icand awll bu ltheuproncim e. grot.nd bi'twen r le kuuay lud l thar.Alar wom. ditnewse Isu-fT ti- Psuon;rl labàtoeud tontalout fonc',e iiimbtn. uhez wâtirsOsg. N.Y. teanhe wld atAfie Lideatheclub. Atre baa eeà vroîmof ilitul biielt ltadam slntt ani aur. u théiretir.gew e-am" he ansmMaNarrane. #__e tretce ho wh u u -That clebrtui à sein, thée jules..Làast., leterod ac*tire aVe rh e Mis Pon u n-. tbBýM0en, Muds>- aaler, bc!a.toogl upaluted trairi eet-valt rto rudd.poet.Thie ý'mvudlcate" ahould provIde a Ice-boo feor-tirs Crai tt Oùld fuixts extremely lutenamihugl m-AD*daiftlari tethe fiuai rf Oum leur Yséaitht il rbblîbu n'aie r4,it.Mood- 2ropietor of tbe Minonohoile, litai>-of ý8Mg lia. uebhabai a trlm .lttle culi oiùyacht. whicAi use otten airellet! of. b>- imehrs et iRes Li 7a> . nÏe luurirlig iacamp at Bornes Island, Lekb, Couchlchiug. lest nummer ubsa -Ths memree ft t'hoUnies-*ayosm ub bava Mda' u»"i aontee lth o0 mapaga. nud %-Illtcesei y-, int t-t o .ltter vwli h 1W ce- thusteeufor wvAloaur cunuota rare moed. Tire eq0pn !ui pr6oiet'tAis>- viii psU?lleroW hptIauwrg tto enable ah.i neçu memberu te hrirye. te the ful nain t»i unepm the, ppe artesu. U pten te au pamisl Wlluh on tas ,teouherth -à ha anipn AisL> n erdutbout retirag in léï . ln tiqà.îga ev mi es front tbua, whMr Aie sanîg emlIU be lprepnisda i ùoiu réarot rrtd natu'amaslsit. yhast h uas, p ressIon te the ieeaU -attention to, the Ogu Reetai to b. gtvea llaCaaubridgo. ~ ~ iuweh' on Modar., X P-O, aie i)ïm., by Ni.J.Sa. Parker 0f Petutboroalstd b> bItume of,.the beait local ulugemS Tiaret& ~ 4.* 'I - ~wsmsae~a. vewu oe marK B IL~~~~~~~n ?eroIaamL*i o.1k m prec40e.iL 4a"*ao? wIo o o btilaa I giw B»àQe.iTLR DRALINO I Dmi.'ymm&s THI 1 WATWE PrcIc ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___G uarantee: Hlonest .Vaàlues f LaeitStyles,u P T BEFORE YOU. Corne to the City 6'toré fôr.gurTrading and we'l treat gmt fighti te L.the ku4o o? f Prim "s" a oiL.?e4iêt of "lu" 41 S3taple. and Fanoy Dry&YGooo's, Cents' Furnishing, Reao'y lade CIothing, Milllnery andAIanties foekurshgs and the Citylerchunt Tai/ors of Lîndsay. YOU WiLL FINO .THEM he tThe Newest. Best. ieiAS YO-U.LIKE THEMB -OUR AIM ANO AMBITION a]a Poite ___________________________ "tBig Business. This is what we aim and -husti or*hy should we not sW long as we have the above..named objeot in view, and g»v everbd sterling quaiity. We: are having a deserved rau of patronage. We ocr te biggest stock and have the bigest sorments Êd we. challenge anyoeto* dispute that we make telws-rcs if UEN TH 1R Releses ,oucore aJ gie 'n a e. W. knozo wat you tuant and have studied. your intereata, and iou'l eayi80 too, fükeii yO? corne to examine the Qniali4, 0W our Gooda and the Lot ioisneu w avefrced on tkern. Dress Goods in, 22. d iffere nt sh ades, Extra Value. Silks and Satins, at-: marvelously low Prices. Parasols and S-unshades lower than -ever before offered, Our M4u4îwryj Dpoet1~?, umdw tu. wiasPmt of -mi"a Rbfai1, 4u4giê,,oned *~ ba .uck biq&Oto ?Cgi ar«*«6 a~biWsty ciaiGfJd4% 0? Miiwwey ME RO iL&1 AT T~ILORIN~. This Department i. under the immediate superintendence of 0%? MIL CA TIRO, a practical cutter of 25- years' experience. Ho gives it his wholeand undivided attention, ýanudhad nae this Departmezit a wonderffl succes. We do a very large business in Our Ordered Clothfing, but we are. aniious to do more, and if Good Value, Artistic, Cut, Perfect Fit, Skilfful Workmanship and exquisite taste displayed in the. finish of aIl our prments are- inducements, we ought ta dotible uip this season. We do, not clothe vey an d boy, but those we do are very dis- tinguihable for their'superiority of style, fit an u Ii . is possible ta> equal ne but not possible t<> surpass is in1 them ftre of Gentlemen's Clothing. W. don't ask you to take these broad assertions on trust.- A trial will demon strate that the statements herein. made are absolutely true, and that our values- through- ont are not approached, eliewbere. City Draers and OoXiosN. 29Dob»We Mook, Kent-at..LAndsay. Llmimp. AilS i. lUi' 5 ______________ TN OA.L$IU twtLtmbÂT WID TMT£,1W WÂGOOtWI8 - ~ aJO temakotMissislauetaus.Tbjp- Mui a l-MM «- o meubslviiIsr u aestagC.J. a : "tsibiaioeuim ==r aot@"& dma Seui t Sos-s moud.le etow" Au ufor bitPfl et u eouifn-Mmnchterarmi caatpsspgueleOfam elbu s mllsts Temas letae ues epublatà:m b tepis ee igmahalbllmg lWoi1 planlet tise muIharnais aU us etsthe tismi iuuqmlng a hlaet ups -vhlI fl fas 11W soaV st>&Wlie t meb = teun usa ua ai lt stinbfl uhffmpo * sart se« satflo BM iu- MonWth nue àatinaeaplir *bl eeuMM1 mmms l- a s e istermileam*= reer -' ai Mand 1wi koumma a -M eu# O BMcla motaiet * M. vm om"i v» *0 tonofui gitem trou thé lm s kus OMM: AL D eilm am t2W"i Psluo bu tem mlWa!t1 ~~ir m ef nomu: i lag DEAUNG priséseoftmmrs hanoediarvabilliy am uml pleand ut!Prost t Maoe ho-gete hasthi. -la Cansbrdgs-sLMethodls: obueh RevDr. Willim. recelved Itota huri. 1'fefliehlp th>r taon p*rmocqon cri unday evenlng luc. There wsu a VMr>-tsieunwurfftiozt. Dr. Whllh!me sreeedaim- . .ano suIt.rostiug sermon un -Mrt. B Cmnlleld Joues of Prtmeetai1 hAe logiami &mlna r>. New Jerbey. uW presch ai both services th @t. Andrew's church mext Su*- dég....tla s text*oted thut li-. Jouee uhi e. mia lu charge of thie eencregaîlon unti thes orinaion cetlthe paatorelcet tui thisbtgtuniug -lAie sdjturaedl meetfcr cf St. Paul's veutry won hem lait. Mlnay ae.venivg. RoT. C i1"Mau luths chair. The nilnuti.s at a't mteeting ucre rend auctspproved. lit. Hudmipetb presenîel the finncerepoîrt whievte .~remea enai adegtted. nee t@*a sabmittd effée fs tb = &ikoe t h.echuieb roper tefornew lu wSt-Meyeas. hereport oet be fa Mesiomitte uerenadWadeptaiata * gtseu so.The church vans.. ami fsa. sUes commte. wwe einetracte.i te obtita tha best possible rt. ntal for tbe hurub property by aivrartsmeut or oithurvhse. Tlhe reporg th@ oumiuîMseuenda,buil tg a mot d. 8.Isjdea fldab ate ut e snli ahe. luremett et the Miste Ii~wJa Masi ed. eautes' pot of the YUnU'gMeunaclilauyera sud adoptai. It wva noval iBeaNU*eta hurt>- vote cf thaulte bu isadersi Mi er thsir servicesand the atthntimn ohm abr thua e he -, %ew Mr. Sinmons wiIi vive tw e »e& 1ab m &" Mr. Mmmn. Ewe&I xia. Babn a o f u ii aOI, mi"s Bate1, biis .Jackaon amd Itre sta. i aylryt Wini oing t tPro Pmw% r's wi BACtlu CWM-. bat. -I&Methom atomb SkM NiO.DA -.emItg, MAT 20Mh Tbeketa, 15 cents.- 41-3. IRI MOMMtuant poumae-ub ut pu% aslamaum d8b sn 1 1. SOSI keflh u m« b re* as Ezwnovm's drs UsUiMM Cm $"b u ~To u mP»Ws a" ma NN 8" m e lIi t h ailuu~dueaimesnviii bs aOb"htubpC"eA. uau, 1pm inUr.4 »«»Rn mmeammmasr A. BeoraumeNRaux-c184. m %» dm m Natteu *ma mu a n '1w SI&S Bsi.non Sa heirafvtlua. Ses thon as W Avten Maavb-ut Tisa pai bisi purfierb ulame a1W ait BM ~~a. hiuypsTMvcly. poedstât an a .eS se beW oo-t4. n disoeIIIl %came O 10= &" = , erresaduseem u 1m eeaa tien, nafde ls amphis ur tbue Ctme" auw tTapadu MDW bd"%mlam &W tbaud BM ikde, fieW511. e ta reum iS baud W a hbemsei laa eCo » va i. e Ce osdbonthi ud em cid oWudea>-m Mebso'tatils for w% éaie aNSI t fl M >-OU vsesMm ab inaoua _ i ta rhfls e ustheUreel. aiS stholeisA ue"1 esla fot -Te~ad s wat ed ous tre n ila luw. t4PI arsusil nt Wpill u oeil> bas ean risadBM ils>- Unaie -Terhe cst sd hou Mitea t-aleisili>- aviliu tIR ira ea, Il,&" lites serri uaie srurha*voulu& i rtV- mvise -Ilas verti otwit B W03Dd r..sThSstte ai ilAu n oi or-i7-4. es ai, t l of .ebe Pa, tulouudrt .. orPinons ts wdors dcri"th.emea PtomsBe-eoa.44 -A Palest anaehses eud rrin bu euhlag lusé toa IlG .-lg lLn'e, '11e at PceMd7 -Cernot obI lito e Setid a o piclas -Tis a elua apmblnp.Jt-or Augumir vthe lOUMabout. le at pday tse meneug r>- blatninathiaudl esofuntbeia tadmpera- -antPmadla abk bnamiPat a beauand Cane. _ioel- a sid- goi pplg T.ù j.o . À. e o e oaI'on a 0m ttsls aitsebas f altnreainin prialasoffle,uhere hmbai lted ni) a uomtorg. aile ~~ aesulaueapatron n3tlCho nnu ara' ou Co. --Capi. Lana ethMe Eaiurioe u s bligod te unergo su operation for fcaaee0te ie lama veek. sud le beeleaSnoff-rnlagfreithie st- tSufaiseaver>- evyers eeld uumtnmcted kmat u'- tu.viw= i conflue bim Coth1lirtatfor -Au&Ir 0f dmswu sonaed tram the euat uai WeiuSsis>-ut:nea. but on lnarreetlîon It preved Ce le on i>- a Ubl aze l int. IV. B. Mie arnival et the heu carte by the appltion oc& fou past$oftraiter. -Dit. Wu. Bf. Toomi'scw of tirs Unlvunelty t th CyeewYork mye: 'l!he ump. Mis autremal>- iifetulorgmu ofIhebcd>-." TruatthMe kiir.eps mainos Choe afec t tk!l- 2s>- clau sb>nin ar's Safs C.uns. -Tirs Wardsr lest veek iurluted a aumber of uniras ctatementm.ruCe ugTum Pa i ttr the tus:te aa rpeer 1, mi Tus: Pair vast 'lawsg té-eutfap" suberibe. L(If cusre the publi. If Ittae"s Mr It iM lit àla thir nt- tua. uli kaowuhatishMe -Wae rs m.tmea 'a toCm""sa' baud iii rlea pe e -hensi M>-asau sKss"~an e ae, maklug miai>ugrsa. mi lavebeen ai hSRo*W evealaga an, vek trutu ils viater.. BMdm» doubs Kai.u. u& ie ibrumpisicmn FuMa>- evaslmg -Viluita bave a ei uni euni tthfas' ehmius sn»&i!eusuea ef sum-eg h *Wd unsWh vue amnur>- mook out 1tm ueCthe mmn n dev-Hil von abut th e or.TIu- M bfflâaMd sutitifo t am H oimcyzW MU5.oohsd Wblte.alesiage orm AS A. Ooemu&s-18 3& dowme thm &aZ au tmaithé AlUCTIONX .%aTro7 Taiem Olet at mIRluLIiMat EHrzxoTuniýtâdruLi t to A "MmBIfe triumph.. sure duail 18 o the At PmamWs-4.& '1.Uam au eOmuwBlu""i Rsady.mai Buj' e au ha bai ai atoao A. XILUm, %The Taule.-17*L A. malab.thm la agent 1 laUndsa"F ce okkvt.' Swede, luttons Champ" ki wede, Purpis TOP Main suais, Aberdeen I'urple TopN At A. a'i.S- Osa-Vàtajlasilna Os90 NEL.I'SIt FOU wtut teeth ont abms aae vithout pain or tvJutry. 3Mr. Neelaundi utudisi "bde Dr. Coltuti of N;w Yorét, the ta. Vuater t u i afor extractlns tuath, Who lus iven ll te. un acorté &Badanot a fatl came The megmct ivrIt bY the dpaal.h Studeatie Quintette Club -Menday everîing lutit r. !±Irad- burm'aOPM touas, under th -iuijpieum ci th@ CiiUoDW baud. wua wkl %worh., of .a îimekei honte, but ne regret tu> eay-tn';,%# wuteziii,eco wuie, sm'nremeion vey or. This wauItialn. ldu oinsufflaient ad% iert'iing end c j t-*f "al et tiekets-and net ta a dlsLuclleaîle m the part et the publie *o.aset tt-e band. Thous pret S Ojoe>YCaitrust. fwi tFe o .uupmay render. sd the pregram annrin;eyd ln : t-à 1,t3e manmer. and the veio'3 r.w&'j'a wore 1otidlf applsuded. % p'a aio il. -$ otch IFartasge,' by Madame Inuah llowtes liirnanttczwith imitation of b.igpipesanîttrrdyle jpmv tsdiat ladrea skilI as a pu;u tom ut vr a !ngte v&- liumeeouas slua- tionc w Very akinst*C;sla!f lahie charao- ter reeltatlcoU' llire. WauimnéFarewell.. The band lI& we under.tand. consldsrbly out 0f peuket s a rumuit et their euterprWu. bet hop" in mmke cudmmeet by mrnsnetoprows-nasts l.twdckiaaOur ma«~Lks Last Tuesday wcok Mr. CharleWilmot, mamâger et i tvr. î'wt 113h hatrh:...y a: Neucuilo arh'edat lutIillo. Mu-ok*,with 100,000 aaimor trout for tL.ô waters Lu that ncigh. boehaul. Tbe yctn tn u ere!4mmedilatc-Iy put on bond thie steainer loreuice and uutie: îîo mupervialonof l"iery 0 I ~ tuinsc'er i bted tu &a*e lay Uenad noatty covdit i.'u un the s eyurai tve!lY shoIa in Falr7, VWrxor - ad PeaimsulaIt'e. *.%r. W'ilmo: loft Newc e4la wlth 100 000 Uahi ait of whcbl were lett oit at Uravenhurst lu chsr<z of 1dm 'usiottent c> b. talcan te Romaeu 181w ojîsteamer.I& leatthe Intention et thie uoverumenst tethaouahly stock *he waterg cf the f.-baci. autttry wîth biflcbas from the Necastle halic!ery. lai the course et a week or two.NMr.,Wl!zret -W lmette the tri; again w" hupwarda aof V Ustebues,wh2c uil bu p!aW.ln theIr ,y ;îtab:e 1t oir =owh. o hope got., 1. ,u! fr :!ay be shown laOËakwater@, whieh h:. vc become morne. what deplate,.. ccl er*auwys~e sheuld mot attend. hui work.- -mmre. 8utztélidosat the erarahquee FrI day eveng. Uay lé". -Gme A. Mita s The TaÏllr. ie gOodm are aU boit qua;ity cou1.- 4 6 -! -Mies U.cCibiiet Port Iholie and Min LiliII Be«I1 y ofI lterb.,ro are viaitiuu friendain toua. Iý-Rai. Father MagnAnt, waa in town for a feu daysIlm weet. on hl.4 wcv hoce trom thieocre. mouioe attendlne bth n' :of aiBi_%hop Deulg 18 Miemse of Hamiliton. -Mrt. M. Dean. surveyor aLi 'civil e, in2er, bas ramrsid tp Lindszy aftri- "prulmgM d th. sacein tha, Northwest. He e a c1, -pari-d hy him son William. 31r. Dezize wlU romain la Lindsay for nmre menithé. -A repart wai current Tueeday a'temroon that it. ri Momoîn J3,»'d waq vcery 10w. Happtly it use au exîrattto. IMv. Ilyd ira talion au untvrsb!c tura but It waq aothing serious, mahih e now verymueirbot*er .. -We note with Pleasure thst Dr. Caultor ht-g me far reeovereai that !is ala to lie arc 'id teun aud fli gtvrecst ,8ft.enit a itatlt>tà...: r- preb- caillru Ott Vtwm. '~i1i,~ traeted ilhieas-bu* hle e w on, a fair u'r en tuil reutura'iuu te is'as 0i.)-i*-' i,!tr. IL.~:.. roësumad duty as madîil Aiuulth office,. -TAie New R#"ekiord. D. T.. New Era of .trl 21, coatalis &h o l.owitng interetitung item: .%. A. Bttemaand witét X eadowlark 8tock Iaru selebrate the acoraidon to uheir houeehold ot a flue lofant danghter. welghlug eleveu na, who arrivai Monday night. Thie New îra *ireacktoaWiudea a. of Havanes faon Mt. hIatemtn ulth w'vicAita ejlobraw the avent, sud cîffere its ongrtutatioue. y. 3L.Q . lA.ffapi. Repoa ati Fairt arc-fl.-Th. Yongm en' Christian As"ela.tlouJbave lauecI tait attamntu