UNE&T VIT. 1»AT Salam SU ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ M WEL Roo~ vku e y y~ AUtA 5atm UUSdb la UUk av 3f ouvat MfIR-t Ilium D S a WeIlél mate*a, zohw VSonam..1 b e X& J&m laM ifmmlg s vo aveou uwtable. arit M& orie ime butï Gooda fo"the. mue vot ir ta leva.. p l "P.N ilau- ot aztrthtug Lu ,algmSmea a aiet Cuflb. vo ave evuri lise rom vat a"i wideo ou WF-6&.wc o 0*2.1. 03 00. Buocesser #e Jamea G a s. O)PPOSITElr.r THE ýNEW POST OPFICE. Siam7OF TR MIL SAVW pades and 8hoüels Fence Wire, Caast Bteeli Iron, Horse 8/ions L owest Prices at MoLEINAN & coy 18 Slnwdvware, Coal aid Sinmmtl L1N>'3Y, [LW.YMAY 21, 1Im9 TOWN ANU COUNTYO »A SIegmeHzrE 4 ND TERE. 1iora-Tioih*ail Whte Lauage Car» and laidu rc!lASoream. Tables. (.haLre.Lugs.hd.oad The preMdet and inouibere et WeMtlin", IoL a80. I., ead aria"levtale"ma1 iprxllshmch W acuIpaUP ieni- WoUt: Paul' oburcIt on liunday. Mal 6.,ligc.anm de ehparade hsd om-lIe SUadane~res" I bigih4a.ýut hr graicions M*jtetg QuMnVia toila. Výýiitorri amd mbon efare ftqueeîeltW bcoatt lb.IugeOroou, aid liâks kVo* iww, aas. baIt. tM.MO. we clip te. Lia orcvlrm t»n lji DouroMt siv's tTncle Teiat 0C@o, vital eiblla Lladiay on the evenlug eofDmlmda. 15 lits S$Ivetre fieid havong bona scured feurltheac- dtion OnTuseda4i muta«. lait.»U"i k iuripa Unle Toms Calta C.k. pueome leforre lte kaid"lOesnu aaeelal teg moth paviail e, asau an amui ouireodel te Utnall tans... h1patRiesvau bad sçvareulïBas ,lateWma Itr eulom cplo tevery reuvai .. le T u vasmevam e anordsmm& â= aui -me-u nost s eondi mvs UneS Tam," "Tog<." aeo. Svo endnmlnefas0e, mml fa Triehomerel =ole m"iaBe sie uia h lu la ptsc et ls ugmvos vlevIlex BrlohVeistaa magouà$Sa eau., eta N. RioSIONS, mtflm. fmai.-49 Losla ogLa res Mi. S.S. toi bu upmd&Mterip lai -àol Md pUmoaad5mess iT wee m ful e TRI W 39tMSDlsom abou 0adbtsli bim suietl Nuewmarear rpiWMM&I0 -mmîl tuiase Wet . etMmi Romis. visin leriagous.é mm J 09Vate t la town. as. H.MaLuow, matia lm. -%N.ie dn. Woo.d Mstund Mlait.e cfsaslaNe oremihi me uas due. ta tu 'iig b ilér.Vs. JeiiS ver&;1w 1eIar o liai. »dba dm vîiéleMgeewrork nsatilàe ancSlée" -City.f Steowý«ar fHibSu fo r thé gl et. Mis. Gbriog bt rasebrtlgotvetl Cils' et Bone as of henemdu i fr Iead ApprovL 1rt.g bakilm auts oinu - vsmst gbotti bter. eaeela -Th. sbruin anal ime MrJohommehb hovm WIb4la5oatill to otuNi Dr.DI -' bit. baualmont et inimà attndm ppeas va lew15 efs lie bfr.'e »la as aaspt ostorti ouaymbWnalih eb d t i hen ii l MdaIwoe lai boalu pam caual lIelai Weepase fl auafw em moip e rdvil eiglv l -TuuioetMUM t e 2eitM, a e égoéter m maOmdd» IL a "y<a ".nmVOLa las Z. Teasia a ILs ae pouleu sAtppaWWm W dLe @aneeimg and IL ,pluoealsf mutlav.itu i boaTmna Th lugarlad lmi lt.YLzor- J. WhRgra .DmSlm,3 f«. taleuj ms. W.thais hruN&1 Pte lm waulaesuit emlell Ichmaasam lufi. m erpTil os O. Mand platreeue asifuIr maIa Ia l admMO a sua huitm usutifa ofW e hui u X& eroaiLoue m4«»M MO.%un;t366 mdmbnma m*b mm-m vi. Tilmonana*m ceamiebpkm Kuawa'" imb «pMut Ikp i"omk n, umffau " 1et IOZOIR& ,rp - - -met=- et ' 1 aI < m RIe t1h. tleSt d b" lentaemu or 00Uiml muim dme o*emoue ann "A inmeWSl SMattlrs, taU lotilu-. 18 ue.-11 ta he pcttime fmddlillus* bvMFlbglus alleââ Md ttaevdrilL -tis t ap l leoel ie e* 83B -D.IL A. c inM Winbu OseThuI*ap sveniueta -M 44e, m am=118 amins& h lau-nam a big etm etm bomlu. iva ai fl aup.sW.tlmls Cma Usra, nomils. vllBUolm TId", Mdalamu et loz e, Waia m out &«tn anales et mca shlos ,vii le Sutrlue ai 5yultBbI DOas i.55. s, lWn 'er' al pivadtoemlatfmastal-uI -e wo laumule frmllmmgaium in.plean Irn loheu ai' Duflbe thes stlai loais e lie avébnO lae lalpthes ta md tl tae ana *mto IvOIe su -Th aucomauhe re Lforstli mta Ims vîa touhe u lb m. S . ieom sbate le Aumls wf Miu i t-Cheapais Dof uaelisS4e..gAa Limu Weomlmrlolgas balsmme ata us -D.Cu 3 al.fbdnmiat mw vi le a ffl1, h eo0"ulmtls.Ue mm. 1 -Mdl MMrah vI laveon as big" mashou l urouIWls « te nailnMtme -The tea mne Fl'a o i onev Wmomrs doIe tri on mplait.-nex. oadr -DklyeilamdInd ha fvii.i aXt.L e w.ohi eeli unlonre aeist ft w. puaVa la mauncou tea"t f tellimtallngambiy theis09itce asluhlbg lllber- alIy p Ilo msedsthmcreoLhe omede d. -k oil t î t kmo ett n *laeIl.- I -mcl mivae-&;dWtapoii t Isewâ . lb.m bawlp .,~ia vea u vs i diudrminste tueimeZ ili lslYel mesase na oIa musa. H v Uanit ai a- lr7. lmS. W .olvms os- et mIedammd ed remaladm onme buaeus minu. Ule Bm p moa bua leousmi taml ils ~Ianoa mb Sam 3.5 Ilse"aibie M ISdaU mV fabeu lIuvéIe aeDm<binmsa em li.u* D hmLa~5. UsesL~sub Corn u-iwBles mimoad&.sMTsuehgmm"à anl aul pointé la the Csila8"a nuiom Nov à purilmib bar fimaeuy, Llà~.i. m outm Ml but a dusa Vbldmmad Sln ieun aa umm". *uea t m.. analme. sangm moboes *% . Dunnie k VLAUUEaU. *Wy eveasgmeemngaadthe Smndap altmam -Lamstusaemgfeiu&washeul nma uai arrmea O h JouUU a b a Mduto m d on *0W90fe iowedtaI -lI u éovimg tla a lie t& alsrm miêe oaffet enie b Adl. pus teaie lm a vfKail tmase e> 18 lm avarag et di uimmm tvut M o dmmeif oilmocs, el.isae, at 1M ,Mid" bel bupi evem m un vra&II udiffl Càatoageoftom boOsi »L r ik r em. nov members vetoreWmvýuýe f mie-l- mii Tsar love'lseathmus as avouE -ondes-Nusm«U Delarano mm ..ei ............ Xoooml gmrflm..........._3 Glemaoeandntnrs ............. 29 Ilmi"mmd rtira...... ...... s toau aotum ............. wohm re l tiioete &M oiti nniDOEvO grwba ie e..Tht train frocs Toronto vOl le miade u ot onIes ihepoms.Thom dluit tn-mg oaobt" smatiraumes, curtalmse t&, eaiTo* 10510eaillO tlovtng ot rata.: Matremees,70 emo; imket, Gosaa; Ifq v, il eo or.u The C"& . InPâclfl Ra#waz ,bave arraua for ihieti 9=1 .lcoloulfl ozourmuaimta kle aul poita ta tha prVince ef Ontatlo, Sabl laIe ingElo ma Lr ut idureof, on i»e#thI, leni uRJUIF UtI, NM& lune lUt Imm nti l ul iaiut n . lune i M. rotura nattA JUIF lth, 18a. Pardtickatetls touother -pointae sInla arm ne tW arrive la Toon aînte osmeeai th5îe 1M30 P. .train-Jume tI. tU Md Nilm par .fou fnormationa"@Wpel * T. C. MÂrcnm, avomoe ~ Aget O. P. IL.; lIds -Hovor*% ibs lemlaaCo. vOlappui la Llnay uhortly. Oueeamnnoncement ln thone coluozn ne week for date mnd further partice -A Iawn tenniule euh an boom egpisoi amonthe gsang m«of et S. Malle omnroa- lion. Rov. Father Brutheton.who liai acoo plmbed plajer and e &troum alvooe f uch aihicilo exerches, bas. hi Ir volunteereal hie amestace T~ nsUu~lm.Piey Win take place on the groundsa ethle oPerm e chooL. -Chlef Bell arrived home Saturday evenlng lmi tram WiluegM-whore ho lad posý e, gasm Doince" lait vo e W brlj ek a youm ai namel A. Ia PisyfatVerulemn, againi whooe a charta e pf-forgsr wuasenteed oib te lib trer. lie vaq breught before Police r L5mry es Mondai. n mthe emi- -a1e ubniAtd vas% o p frtriai. . -lit. Gos. IL Tbompson, for morne Fiers mie weil-hiown. and Poula manager fUr .kit. J. Styla, Iumberman, bu ei anita buahmeeas wl»anmd ýilor merdantitnta eeama eblogh eopaasi *eeoshont.a Portion or Ur. PJ. ýxm eaos alorsaiSsaues ferft he puipoos. ait.Thornpaoa'extensIve buelmese gasmoollo, espeelallg latho norlconuntry. vil! W mobi nuinla aluibe cugtom. The mdvi. viii leofoundeavee -A velIaettendhd convention of teschers et »aM. Victoria vwu hela inLuadui' Tnuudm end hlday luai An luoie.tng buslnme pro- giam vas maome ihional. aleoand iSatrîcive weefolloe b mesn théeopera honmevua a ucouusful an" plesanmîafrar. The prinoipal fearure vau tle lsghakespeom eedngM bv Mr. I. lavis, mi votA kova Toroato autionit. -Iteo m &.e. .Duan dg Co. aga puetuge ouamin Ithelirnetoe<umrr ne»WBti ltta, osnlme Victoria aimlan, mml have a lae m ummlif m et me aork. .laome dmne eg a cosaraci vmsloedyul ka, promneat atome daieroet Taromiafoa, re thouas mma aaet rab. ble or building atone, amm *rnefor ma r de n»W bing ehipel n a s li. ce i v h wiU b kv«* iMnà upefa the cassation 09 the rm o lbM.hem lave a"e expeuimented lanbthe iecilo f lâme. andl6 cuatiti bins ne al ubmitted for approval te urzaln eeGrovIes, Hudmosand- ohera bas boas. promoucel an excellent article foir.on building inuya 1 à Tis rewoi if veuuffl il Toronio vrkme me malid ta ihe bulilding of a large mw bila, la vhlck aS Uiefrom.ilhe qmariyema ho bemumed M an " mepothe --ael. Ur. [iswea oii rmela ite QUM-a et. XethodietchutaI Dmol, Sadw mnim amit avel a lt«,M eiborola l*e afleea. -ThereuarraIr ymeetinget te Cue 271h A ber -I à t tns i0 w a« met wueho mbcde.M tllt u&M =m ieso e iaacgti Iium et ia dtm et Bo at-à mue"e litilp look. Op. LOB* Tfk.t gLsY-O a..ta.~.w, oetav.a a~rk A MI8A-KE Ueet 1 W O* .vvolmiimam soeln"rAL- Pais, etiPob f AnP ale m u Vunft oole milmu et .M uriomiS GEORGE B. THOXPBON B46~ ta ,,8,SVUbl ta thé Publi that th.p han ,pemsad ont a Y~ew Stove èa. dia aboyé & 007 limé., oS the WAsoat ide o1 zen t-ereét, ODFQ8CDITrE' EENSODN HQDUSE,, (Tnt Hall of Po i.f. UAghéGR'a ,,o,') s'Aéré 600PefOe f.e uIlthO Flnest Goud knoute thé tra<uuk oeraimgof Méte moing Pi rst- Class Brande: 1j'i S as" à idOIr 181% Mdrhkad I...k b iM&i bu" am . Gderham& ffort' m h!Rye and lait *jj~~lud Mj1 .4L&ots' 7-Iy. DSU&Rn qui P4?. ai:GngrVl AU«« umul e A "1Puhuim o aime HOTEL EEPERONNDàFM0L16 péursepAug< heUM 5.AWe.het m su ..s wum Pe MDda O.ao u,' terne-du faK2YtflY"a 0.1* For Which weDet.plgze LdÛ * ftdidnotmoelime gowriteas uadrfsé*em, and authorized ««The Pot'tacoy oaa qi ar back adzartiasamu, which tMq dW without -aubrnittiag b Ws for approval, and uuftirtuuatl>îit contained théï anmnoinomat thiûz Millinery vais duE wit& wsand that we woudd ar ou tu baance qf ir Milhinery as Cosi wkereas ta ro vapp" t s if.0cms. W.u wr e r subue in Iktiia i" a~t lime ai Del hawa bemanad oreaapr~aut. e tmaw Mi«Par MISS ROBINSON, is rnaking a virat ameSm ol tht, Departmaut, ani agwu uivmasaetia ction. RtMMrrng lu Itaipart whA"ùago t & adiotes "Millinery t Cost," the statèent is inadequata 1tA. (eacta, s va racan4made a apurchas. 0/ 50 do.en Ladies' Hats aasorted Mu aIl the Naeswt and Latea Stylas, at c<rnidarably les t1dan Iudf tke regular whoiaa pi e.,cuqaoe>tiy w/set would b. cost in tMe regular way is eoasiderably h<gher t/sou ourpresaut low prica, and baides9, we pireavou the advantage of ail the 'New S/apaa aamucR larger glsto 1 slat/rom t"angou umuall4yjitd. Régardsing t/s stataunmaucd in "ICarpets," it was entirely tiliong, as tue are ni 1eeping Carpets at preme, azcapt in thélow fines. rlW Do'térget. us whén yoï vaut Stapk andFaner DrJ Goods, illiUieirit, *Mentie or CIot/sing. W. are ' 'im thn és. ?rtnt qoeeai attention and tee knowv *from comparison and actual resuits t/st our Prices, Qualities and Assortmcnt ca»nc>t be duplicated elset/ser. * SOOTHERAN, OATHRO &MARKOV altam V AI1N REGRETS. I Since China Hall opened in Linday a great many people have cal led and priced. our Gooda after having bought elsewhero1 in every instance having' made the diïscoverys 'when too late,f- that they have lost money by not buying directly from us. Do not buy -a dollar':- Worth of Crockery, China,I Glass or Silverware without first seeing our Prices. You will then have no regrets, besides ,béing considerablî CHINA HAL better- off financially. Re- memberwe are the large8t ANI) dealers in the above lunes- between Toronto and Mfon SILYER BAZAÀR. treal, and being direct im- porters we buy our Ooods from 30 to 40 per cent. lesi than Grocers have to pay for i theirs. Our sellinq Price i8 therefore less thanJ wholesa/e cost for them. Our Goods- are- the best,... our Designs ara the newest, our as.sortment the LARGEST, andour Prices by fairthe lIowqst in* L.'idsays %We wffl positively UàNDERSEIL ail other Dealers in Town* * MAOFARLANE WILSON, G.oa S. Thom. paon à cê WikINES inAND LIQUORSf%401.