TED GAKA»zsZ rowr LiNDIÂT cgT. I LT ~YUXU 1, 1su. I__________________ JL M tefabecà. i s. -lWMto M1f b i e wM*b.oe. £»V5~ZBK G tlig.tim *u.f M MyU o e. tmhsabenuat oI eW wv. If I.un"S u My luno- @M ~sebuu afaS wMot.s, " &l y *ivertumm.seby the Yeui er t fu sboflus &ab Mn Ta mn aid1dovn. Tm. O. ~ UAIe ~admt havb g b.dt la bauds; thé ou«j-» TUE POC ËsT. I oitk wu n d in ypoka 0 ep Md a .b~s sfound; bulxt th. rw..0.of a oo.fedwea* 10% thsÉOowi""woudaCcount f; hala fur yFm *0 Poat- --:whetberor zMotyoer pu. oud - "àI rn nooeti and thaWs the.eOd et D. 14-' mid Perey. '-1 dont expeot *0poVo - - - z n.ina mi n '.vidaceinau.3theb. ther way. - - . ..... M'. . owsar Sornbody muat have W=iùem lu ..~H C. GESAWout of the P;»« and put il ltumy poobsi; ***** -- as for th. notes, I know notiim. TOU humit *.,...........W Z a My 1 1May have hMa acooederate. If Àwoo...... Zii xcz~-~~.who wusa nor enough to take the notes m hufrm e li e a enoug *0rob the - NNSONAD mui!,; ud if h. oc*ld d tati,1 woold A.ya.~....-....ROD1UioRO roma in *0 b. provedthai h. vas My cou- -..D H EVADP.U. e&erai, or that I knew anythIng abiut ~ooa's ALU... ... .....~... GALOWT hm. U t i tht ld be in my aver Wx.UOSsla gnu work, and U that's againut me v:~~Z~Zru.TnO aNCm. p-.'L.lafaet-, mo it's a b.d lok outi" - .. W~ 1 Rrou. P IL Undoubtedfly t14- la" asnt the in- ATuasL.L...... ..... . ...ADa pctrquiQtly. Th va wu ly oee ... . . ..... ..W. Susit minute% vhen a thief Soul havé taken - ........ . ,. HAEibuTON theoe ý y md lftI the pur. tu your IL Pewvispocket; and that vau vien you vers Wff». -- -..DAID dUES alking to Mn.. l'imitai! and ber back NOU.KTI- .....joDN HARSAW val tured tovarda the . muilIfany ~Oif UN?? -.... ...UO. ASSZ*itone .d beeaner mough *0 put tihe ______________________pu rse.in your pocicet, you could bardly epecta jury to believe that yen would nt have0 notîced hlm." ______ ____ Ircy malntalncd a gloorny silence for __________________a moment; thon hi. expression sudderily LiiiiiDs , RDAJTR ~~ lghtened and ho .zclalmed, "Kow that L.uu«koir lsomeonedld touchmeon JE# thIé'lb an md when 1 tiirned round lie makedme Ih.ilacanewas standing 9gainat thoécounter. perbapoho fvas ~ IlTI~ o~ INS'RN'I pector Indifferently. ______ Perc7sliook bis head. "lie had a dark mustache, I beliove; ho might -have been ByJULIA!? :HAWTHORtNE, Author oëf udr 30, but I fiardly looked at imii1 Une Grcaj, Bank Robberytu" "An couliSif I îhould know hlm uspin." AD~r~anPeuaùlà he inspector streked hi& mustache. _______ "Il...Thlat wilI hardl -soamid he.--Tou have no defense aI all. Tho beet advice (COyli L~ . 4 Iunhin.md ubIuIe!d, i eau give you, lu to:uko a édean breasi thuhFiýo4 rg.i néwit by the Ammeia Pru .s~~:'io wdi a~&do, IKew Toitof it. Sueli a defense »« Umiha w onm <(!onlnucdProm act wekj Probl)ly yen amr ght; but'I arn lu- '. Suc '~q to taincf vens IAI oent, and I vii!nover uay the con- k trry,"replied the prisoner wl±h a 4ih.- vnouht youg gntlmanwhe tgh "S faas I amn concerned, I dodt care a c a good irSpec'table figWre much what ,bcomes of-, Ài.- I owe 1s tu worl tethe ffic 0~OtOW oney 1 van't pay, and-there are other 94n01tpolcO e"gdua#émT he WL n-thinga.-I1arn sorry for my mother'mmd ipc<rI~<ndto the sto ry, contem plat- ir iter; but I neyer was much good *0 ilig th pri.leiner mad bis accusera dream- them; mand Judge Keteile wil look aller R ll intuanillck; and after it vwu theM, I hope." tuld'i( fe.atfraw Absently- nk«ng "Ta Judgo Ketelle a frlemd of younu?" Ilixw on thcr. l ottng prid in front of h nI"lIe was my, fàther'sè partner, andfi v_*il itup ltor a p)a)r knife. the executor ofIa vil!." nFi* iedyh 1~ up and brlefly re. "Do yoit wls to send for hlm? There qursaî(.t hatt very 9-ip ahou withdaw wiI hbc the quiestion of bail to consider, e.vcpt M4rî. TuîLaI1 and Perey Noie». 5 CI11 tirniaterm" Vdxenél the t lirece ero alune toget.hôr ho 411 suppose thal vil ho the béat thlmg t», 1 TtîtulPU 1ey m can do; I thank you for suggesting it, , 4d Inspeetor." an "II'îw log have you known the pris" "Don't trouble youself to lhnk me OM, until you ibtid out. vhether there Iou e- 1101h, S 3.Yet r or re"caeon for. lt," .returned the chief delso- L1i.,; your hutibanl p. tproved, of. thî tire coldly. Hle touched a. bell, maclea .ci»uictacer n te the 7 officer who entered, and 0111()w J0o iu n?" inquired the PeY vas led Out. lri~, wilc a1duc1î. That boy nover took Ihat money," bis "bu l know what I mca»%, -I think." Wad te. himmeif, vhen h. wua mIe.. il 'nîtlik jy lcuband h é ver 1"Sncb fellcwà as lie donisteal, leoaIof Illtd i'. ii. x"she replicxl, uneaaily. il, from the. voman they're In love vili. * "Cnsiorc hl ralierdutimeta., IAs for her-the lnspector'î face gnew very sten, and lhe brought his band down "ei suppc> ." hcavily on -the table. "5h. lsawfflclng "WVerc' tho prw lier and yeur husband hlm *0 pull vool, over hon husband'u ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~E a1 ieltxad koa* ai~< Eihr INlens îuggestlo a h truc eUr else she Javc'nted the slory to gel id of 1dm. It'î a bad ookout; but 6&Thev cm-kx'whc other scarcely'atm1pý -l hiuiu.11ri:. untà. ?Thero ougt teoave ~>Oreaicon for that! Arc you, prepred W tate to me, Mrs-. Tuns.tall, -in Pervy pre exîce, that younr bus- oem'ttted witlî wh lie, hokxew on -Lsa- pe3Ctt,*iCf I 'rcy Nole#'s relations vvithx graiv flbt 1Mia. '1untali waq unable te * ýmioiiteiindt, ompeueof Iber ceunte- * n.,ee t~,. tamavjedand besitated, ni lck icc frst C ee wy and thon an- cli r. Y 7W b posible duit the inspectur. fIn anme icoluprelensil inaner, lad bSzome a'uildwt tho truth? * 'lle-I-îcv(ver asked lifinlice neason eit Ihoinioni," aho fultered at lenglx. * "Iur~ace nany su gtting rid ý i4 almaux "Whc'cx lie ceases eto lie conu- lent',and hocouxes objoctlinable," cou- tlnued l ic «1 icsp(Cetor. "Are. ypn ready. to às id lJUTÇuurue mmd 4takel..your cmli tht yuai it h ctly &L0 i-iru l cieve Ibis iaia gilti ù u-t-çitalng yourpoQcket book? Jlcmcmh?,Mrs. Tuxstall, your ansuonr 1. 'a l:ni~cusof condmning an iAu- nwen. in ac iirrovocable rami" -V so aIdgmne be far te vitbdm*w; eDitflsll'~:dcwrie lk bd ie t 4à wus mot vIthout au luvard * stm,gl(t t1at loft ber p.1lie aud trm lg ualdcct.ud clwperailey, 1Yu, bc h- ILj imu lW.0to0eitr' and Iin Teei derice shows l't-il la mot Ir, 6Thatlsfor helther yen meme to.d&. isimite, Mrs. TunsbaI," ,'ournedli te Inspect',r,«ts*ig... wIInt elu e *s longer now$ you vi! 1binfonmd . uben your sworn teulnogy viii b.e- qlred ieneaftor.u Ami Mnù. Tunsta * The Inplctor rem=ned 1bi s smeansd ad4aressed bhiîuif tt hé nsn 1* 'I as vIllng," h.mui, "forWlte mba cfyour fnmily and trends,*0oghvo yen aiIrlchacetleiwhichy oeaentitled.. gCe a ievery dvantage of lralniug Md education;- but yen have lved a fao!- AWk "ddiulea.,lite, and; this ta lhe remilt StI.Yoniwerefnneedefm.y.alam.. ~edkte aund premuln need ofi; yen had' tnlod cvery way yeu know th sa 1;Yeu 'foqnd thos batik not« e s Ourbia ii * Mnlng, mmd e-on en.e unabis 0 rmua Use. lemptalion lat ý tale Ihbu. From a Seciez Yaa ye itcm4-wbatYeuar -d '~ ls q ---------ii - y --rmi dur"~~imb U1.acîntia ~ HIMT Iheseunu- >: lovard uventa venu occunnngat lie jevelry slop a ud lbe poflIce offic, an ai! air et a dlfentii- -' bu r e vws beng tnansacletathlb * bhouse of Mis Slen. - A coupbe et weelks had p-e in ce Vrleuline . .. . .Marin W alled and ion daugme ten, se tlaI his appeannce .thene.tai day had somèthimg of lb. chanm et nov- elty. Mrs. Nolen, however, va. too mutcix upeet by lier Intervew vti Perc bo bo ahl. te exten lie visiter avwelcome, mmd ft;Iduly letorfe devolved upén1 Pauline. Tho latter, it may heeobuerved,1 badl net heen tnformed of ber brolbn' pecuniany troubles, sud only kheu ibai hon -muther vfrstonmre reaiengre.lly dislreaued. -Six. came doua statanmd. tound Valenln, n le librasy. Jîmdge Kebelle bal proneunced Pauline a beaitiful gil;,and hoaty vus iermost moticeable exbernal qtzahty; but t wua not b.,er cel aim*0dlalluolon among lieue vio baew ber. 01.» vu a ey cï- gauluel sand tralned ln nmIn a.svoilai body, and possesmod a eh&=m eprate from amy phyalcai attractIontwvual liaI uhohevas a learned. yeu9g vam; mie nover embrraad auj oue. by n.t vulàthe b.premneofet me Infoemallm "hn 1miigt , rsonAbly b. suppoeed la belong to ber; but liens va.la ber es- pressiona spitn l Midun tmdt buI pr iile hatever va. delelg lal menal coevysudloe ier lumpera- mont wualm amd. qua beoaime h va. d-oup mmd hmltby; h iii oix"b. mronoema- ave fer adequats cau, but when anoumed It l imbi dait lal pee.This vIde snd vgoousnatc»n v 90ldgoon upenlng aMid blhn #a&- flong at ter cudfnar-Y pe0pb s dry U#, sud dwEgiu d.avay. Paulne cauli o bemnoieauneoranignai beunil. Sa" Sze plcela umm ntup ]fer au lItornbula benqp tmid te ho lb a ua upoèbr Ltba -1~~i5' mk teIt hawves oedsm tIt, au ês& lIema ansIIUa ms "Illm' lmai bu Iaholiha1ve 111 Mm *imi Crumala WaMdla Tmu Ib p mn fila ght murfyafo nM.lI m suqildsooe whle 1 l. cégul. oo de ehaal«C&"o 66tawoese ncI"e dm11ur Dia. w P PI kàIf uMoyii mt, yen d véffl te Mum " a e .Cal Somé thwa.tbt,1 bve înela C" use lMbc.. eameteskis. b thew u o mSneal afll*um à& wu sEt vu lettnIls hme- the italgo mcfwldm. If tcba ma m bob vu mo5WlIatusa "u "Wha doyouxpei vsdo *0dnglIa lalaiiateset l oDoP ]r usa "X ugl* biaForune mmd hpE-n*"M %m e abr nemi, b bltmeIetdMoreth» 10S 4,ha e tthe mtEut4it y are vise; i*aIBM i118mct"a ta110a "Vorya tr ume, in oen; vo cang OC ioommaS LaIsVlewinssvet ai ben or aeanias é e.Bt xri CI *ai bà &ouStn heaUM u5MuDr 4ihavebendont pent ba atWmy aCt brg M vas foer 5e t u Mie msem- i If nlyEt adx'ltuned ntte o mclead ftq mut aont& Ibral sof SUue,m happe or fuamtrangut te, retuWlie; Cmou. Md lS t h mta tolse te é I v sould 1 ezpeupafr . tel w me Billa eRévbo ahw~sdse uisud agilasl tIi LIs b f&Làke Paewia s- manwlii le touht md .1. Ut ahee Dm Crula a. mo le lre our ab a.pn lbhaveitoie haeBut i" lighméeauvtl ve I n "Wol,1h vol trtha vlgr -I ~Cro ula e et lIerImm.aaslvm Ifeodly aftalr; a good miofttla. md e W OfIoit MORt uIh MCIs Upue.an Ofene'. andremin f- or Et,*0e.Fui f Ine UMella e rolâa disp ute v. aar chl efyl.anaMy étraet, elc." l hW t Iam h 1me. a îlmmallosaSbloue "toa t fbumot erutenbi'. fuxl." lundiettehiIiMu'd, autIsIn the ze sis hoi Canàaa .Si e --Iwad e toshnt;the rch irdeno aaict"fàl lbw E î Sm Pe.lwuinac Uglt a ta h bvehto n tlliemBut Dre.iFumCrolioai Ilaute & mon ithe part lie re leuvtyofmck ualbitter ýwVeuda oe mih *0 eu dxi m cter, b ut lenyaofvurand y mutlaayeraMeale =WaîEmam. sorfl afab a .6 l lua ou te od pmmosa Bienue. athentuarem efour ons have iti nove aIleCola ISdisue, Joh ut Acor<il ingtaa""w ercan ue t am04Wh"lta XuoeiMle leule nilsqIe d'hinm, oEt la ne mdtuthe te idrenitoa i iem sb&Oimtiniu tlasstu COUBa Il osletD ran er b. bb. xiiancelen. Ivoul chose051s éte Illseuesavec lalom "I Et verayaete'esftchlee rsape 0 ol ?W b cges d it ua it bomet eoucm ern miltymroflen kuââ, Pal&;..g Md @Mm M te ta viet lnig reithbutn. Bui. f varietbray sand e-GqasM i saaIstrS]c ou"&in1 s4rmnmo dvu too. moneot. Hoveveratoo IiI.posIOil~la pa îMata,% tles, vr h edrs" Md e sbies ue n oub u Mos.e I ii a for y g Mrveror-be a et Ju»4w Pthe puestue rm uuet thicnIt Clabnldantaet o idery a uOuaam t. if@to&mgtmasra t cove tulrl teb.mIt.a.avbol empTo begiàvEUt, a s fuirdtral. Tho le sactonala. ho aidlb.feudaion f 'y ftu~o l eOR WtetdaETu D.CroNulaION. cont hentagvng estobai wold cllsed md Wo d t e isfoes a. mol in to bea yu educam n yuV'l' mm Oxfrd c Micltiit uP e uto vi etuomin u "NoS fite hanihlp?" lchIeprae cthu baSnVO bonre St vearstom.Wa "Bina. y ceneii! iht rEte otfotuf v.mer i ana vIlI lue efolrsam rulg np debi. u. itroule vEbimea l@ooaiei illI aos vlw &1tcia o act vaaIva slon. ooodfelow.me netlxeent Aot Dr. Nooeutd.Nau outlava.h êome opuandifcje o to u a betu»e iuelu igmd àsn mi ies mrepCatlae. Io l.fl Il; I .ddocuenla a o-tiuce lsreesueth e dfedat» le ta'tenabe thalou."roa.Hoevr àtud chiala s lares aminvagua. Eu vu 1"Dl a ornmenay Sven" l ws Sirmteru eildrve l1t etul arboi et "Tes Whn a oy avaiEtc, lb îl cIsas, aei le ai1mv orulor fellovu r bartin, hem oaci girEU, na pusmo va or h o lIe pst ,woeOdU. bool-so Cmbuel, yen kno>diveouriri d.aI IleesItag wehmIiIs eor or fly b cuIt, dal lai, mow o bas i wlho uaIs va.&drive. s»,raiplmaili lss sue net te soni y edln Iltui ae s as palvleRTel easlies ctent ly aing moba,'a l.callem."avIlleus e ut- e haa~o w U d tly "ieAlpopucar ibraryEol ad"xfr cnted ua' the', mi lIms.oqCulo buit "ois, mmd mIç enov, 1. lb. ppu- boni afcy&edt 10maers a. of Eillsms lsIl.l Iol as .-ni vy i xfrd 05&difflssdarfthIesSage Mi boya 6éNotfor b6kam th cath béisue -e saivu tai n ..o& 4681n Foenorupald up ike nomabu, aor mmi aen ln Ie te da oedi ta l thn gl mbe Mmrkstr ul.fe gu e- va.Tll tepaes wme. touu Ilst aun wu, 1 wf th. b.d ae meIot u1earteluof ami ilialaiWou e dulvme sasîvwu eot oplguar fllm Ilnigton n hae ucke d îrs W2baSvo owoiuf baibalisas doua fte bumI hen; buut i e en orlp hasrmvikoubsiibn 1 le, aniSE fellws ho ike hi eah gvI ls PapIlh*ameiastmalIs alestdrfa au mn aanl bd àUvo ue. as hers, li Crulaeweu.dreu oelalnos ulainuuWp-re mmad citouNo lx uyrednit.tylndo ta o.Md wagloftf int valholsam" a cl wuite s outegr omnata Crole MdIeu of populartl Tou neyeur-r Iasi e ud 'l lai ers. iii doyen god bolngood noed ciapue haiguau*0 suoler vil liewilas, as~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ge Ith.Ibin lm evseAuaykvee mao tm on Mui Is"r officety. ctiwuathegaéiya goet xford, eus aiSel fMmle t0 mi-bbo. , vehai lbe m heoWh. falybier uls eand lme asneoen d Wue bell sa md aisedIre thgo mmcl lia e vs lieaylg erEn oi. ieIm a cliem wlmai linossel gavme vIfhou aemd poun clare maryMi e 5,oi s e drckive-Wlhiismi cifil mmd auo11eigt hae bu Zealn te ar oeu SE Ils nffbad l'I lIn doym to usiness-butitheed The wboiyoumde rte bigES ndlin Il~ ~ ~~lekM va eh llorslpa dmIgh .Iti a I vas ltheozuai.Itsa uns wova. have Etfcure 1wmor tite rebenenato M agals pisail l i. Ilvhelm i' h.a od enbmm N ndof imse saltoith l*0le mu ami b tu ua ofWouer yn pouaùer »ton., CIlt boutsm e, usowu mlrles "Il. VO? nmxifo hz»if heg. o msédiove mrodi AI w1Emi v wleecl l apor-ke'a Sday-le bha out ave sbs um lamoweduff .ebÇalgSsL on 1 wtm hln counitrulb. cobin m, load. teansu mm ecateuals l di. faIten Carlvrgl m un he nmMm.H. sales Il omte hntum aM va.;lie iad -stto(l' m1 a o à" à- àesaa _.ae_.TI nomtye ne ima ena rraunieandi meeeto ut ., The Poucs e ae»W 0anl the loue -hhmoif Au revery. "Timrs . Bbcàasomme risemsainis ssmbm u11ean nimoghher et, Broum'., EBOr Pope, be- IlIImlsis I s.hbom tw-een -nstmad Napier, I Inveeuimy oieuusmi vIeà -a gkv mbag plse mmny li Mu ranch, adromm qd spnlar tesupplhoSho -emssMAY saI. Ai a Sood demI cf amy imne = maIe yu*"le mr to «Ève Il a £de 510uS clb n ow. e teol: asmé ov bàs. t a" e e clu lubc>n Int ucnlmp My".Moifup qusaegt ava s -M shou ose mucm; 1 kepse a cule of race bonus. .lteb 0mIa eisto pré"e U» P"ol aeu and played uanItedboo et lb clu; Mhie diemernts: '=y sheep mmd amy other Avemn.bi 1.1. I-* 1mmleh Itusi b, "J. Biuàmmsa *0 take cme et tbumuelres.Yen CMn e"ai stei a everv mUF »Wos Imagine vi the Md oui vnb, vEtia u. ieaib _ ont aMy lelllng yen. 5%ý" a ~,t~ 8"Mn. Martin 0," sal aue, "yen hava uasii-im s omhha neu lotS ont smeddmngi Tou vWodl l sxb tom vsbaga1 e have Vueoncla tbsvay IlYeu ham a, ts uai. 20--P. 0-legU- "He mbi lit bSid aokod M " aa n»m» etOid allera momeatah. disi,"I dm' Ibu e a ~eloam* yul orsu memn hai YOn aboubi iie i tou bl va Nmm itae a laSmlt.d vua s , m »mylbe T' - euw asv e a g uih S sunutrOM d a lisp ce sMim tS clothes. I pachl e lb S la aMy ratmm-ma »VhSnma C- om- i Inuilefoty of lhelftponds I 1v i thas.Sbomsa ila Brovn *0 uspb ssamrire- f. àd mtt uhlibs ;ani . suaa «lb. pmi cf al titiia h 0ppb1ybr n *0 l weaicé w i u slag1 u la uM ~ Arfm a the dabuvy o. it" u . i i a veasa*Ne sv cf b. uI calme liltg r. i la mth 1 . ,arum 1. te aisoWu te mé in l - l mà 1CDàbý fl iMlvs-lm s. 7 3 DeImbme pcrn-la if Nu be M 0t dh~uo 1 ;M -4 sha VTaT m Ea*oohm.Iso.iuh u'5u' Thém vomi mmmeuave apbeuaiby is of a LyWe cm" esk. ChurmU bwu% e'tuhg Sf, USais, ut m alie .I.u Ul passi. eon lb emat.sal - la rfl-toMd tuahea cul«e Ibroat Md Suq% Mi hi -ailu s- ticm 09lun "msi Oegnu-1a4. Wby do vis unpalmUaloIna viohia of big huglw li h. m ms - Gl Foeun NOIE, papa, âýmu' tisa? W» t. elp usedu.my boau. »W la .09h 115limt eSasu s - bs A o mUette: DLe 1l8l gv 5 à »w ie: lacu- b~hn si i o tird d teà ý u« t .Thlsm"ybeaet ew»n> IIsvo by lis aus ef Dr. RodeVmBuidosk and 5kv. mpruacopomuudt. b pam ç<moli mouD. ilou10-5 Dotor-NVaiauyoui iut'. dine.',i r es1 my la calatuutetlb.e. Wift-iapoeabul elH ummi dranul usAi t eh ilai. Viemis *uas Cii, bsMMt ti C&Mra VIes a" becusaMe%', ms lmgS.CusSai. Mrg. War-Wte la vomi bubacd worklng a'4w 1 mme precicet-He mini vorklug. Ho bua Rot au d- am la "isucttgovramocnl. Nydaqilorvu s gsqly trubla i vtb loruo nIa ta on* tise Il vuia reS iii ouli loue br ulgt es' Samupartllnbas complletsly reatreiber h anmd ber oyez are aU uol, M ever. vlth sol a tras ie etoalu uber ustom.'-m Lat it uer', sawhthe l bnhtIosout la fb- lot or oe voir. 19 minaiS b. dewseli vth red li n mmucilage Am oud pbjiiolas. idrsi hou piasie bar- Ig bi pacei tla ebauds bi, a Mat lIM utmaai Isformu iùs asimple rumtabl iuusii for tie oureset Oownmptlon. Bra- clAtis, Catazb, Ailumsami enla hrme Md LUM gàafeiou& " esa itivs M lcUW Ocre for NoivmousDbmti aMd an l Nvo»a cm- PlidnSaafts iavl taudeS ie vondenfu Our&i ive Péquin la lbcîee t uinues.bas fêml Stglia Suty te mals It kmouE te lia mafflbf lowa AclattdS hi 1hmotive anisà isstr e 0 rell SuS , mal lyai ite»,salR iiipasi W.A.Noisl9 pouerBed Roer6i . T.-IS eou. Miaceilaneo us. V ALUABLE FARMS FORSAE Thbe umirslusifftsts omals lfoiolvs VALUABLU FPARU PIOPITT. PARCEL No. .-Lfil sudM.4 &Salthe 111 Com. et îMe tevaui»et tmal.mi soie& lm ntour soim aiS S. Mr. EnisoS fer o rWmve I»F pescter I)I lft csrsi ani r eltiatis.Aine Uéstan aUet LotI&, lu Osa. 2. Vas, Sm I50acre', about 50 aRes cked iand union cultivsllom. The.&ae. proporiiesvillS le n bloo or iePsrte omtI purclases. Favorable toarns. PARCEL No. IL--es No. S. ai w. je lm Voe. I. sa MSu eot ulm; ms~ i cleuied. AW o. jef 5.keti me. rzla mià Cesmet vWeulm, Woodd. 'leus ue Mols iSmake s lias faim ami vilSl e moIti on bloc. Wol improrsi; iooi buliilas as" orebad. PARCEL Né. Il,-TUe W. î et Ne. :L, M Cem VersEau.100 acris; abot70 eloarei and entSer cnltlvatiom. Pair buUilnge. About 18 sces of broken lo nuae shors ats4 no Ilturgesn la. About 10 acres4 .; re OM 9= ,aso " iare &Ceai be sali re maoaaem;2 e.0& i Thelb. lve propenllsa viil eednd b, Ilte . rSi fUntber panslneuLR> Dusfagl P. O. Duaford. var 18. SNO-31-5f. FIR ST-OLASS FARM FOR SALE . a « Mla Ims RaIOeuemes ef ne TO WNSHIP OP WmRI2'B pleintMg O Ame ofa^, le csl Loa'et» lbSu" sae sausi aMtquwu $@me&sM, lt. ratu 15 a"tsW On lhe prmissiam su eaenli woa.. bWt.lf msriek ldweSitmg 30x40. uiltehe a 26U aS sbaru SlaSI. wib ýsSeahllmyr10 Herse Mdi W0calSle; lIse am aual ness eo uîbtmilu orom huit%, twoe voilasup*twg 11.Iretor 0 vaser. loue gcimsesamin a»Ver aSs spilg. l and asneve rbsaua osb tal lb VISag etEtehua. lnstag lse tan ever oSer orenmapin. bs ai esIh amuani b, a»Yla tlb oaum5. d e amh Ecoai -ias 5cr lepuhaff te Maus iu trm abs MisD. OnifSTON, WhiIbr1JOHN BatDLUY, hi eounlcoitResa -.oritS. cUARLESCOAKWELL.ou Sbepvremisos A UCTION SALE BEMAL ESTÂT]E* Usier amdii ,ruse ut a »evSret mims. t"aals SEscraaSindetue o moutags vita VALUAILI TOWN flOPMIY My. PUBLIC AVCTI@N, saturdeg, the hd dW# of eduts, 4.D. ha-ià I Ea~QV .dicne O0 ___ DR HFODDER'S Burdock -ABD- Comnpeund THE <IREAT SPRINC MEDICINE. COUBES ÂrLL BLOOD IrSEÂSES9 ana msUss We U M al aes. mmm esmi "ewl.A Md asu Oiebummm e etS orna (usaI DR. -HODDER'8 LITTLE LIVER PILLS e-muW« aîftur.Sy. muanaI1 mlata a Uses. Thn Komedi ère Romde4 by E&uy la&"gPhysiclans FOR sALE E AL DEILEI 3ORnSET uposmun orEPT0FPRICE. H@I»DER NmuteICnE COMIPANY. PROPUIUEUOi. TOKONTO. IL D.-rthextoil. 3 cz0 oCDQ0 0 cm Q00 Q00 i Bq 6Orani Dmrs$1.60 aBd UDI:12 LIht WioSaSL 35C. Loch Bd luks i,25c., Coiplet. 4 LUIjhWài vS&ah,45c. Window and Door Frames ai less t/ian factory priées. Pu*re Be8t Mixed Paints, 01.30 per gallon. Paint Oit, White Lead and Colort awai down in price. Glass 8x1O, 25 cents per dozen, all oil7r sizes in proportion. 'Powd(er, Sizot, Cart- ridge and Skellàr i WAolesaté Prices. I -haro a feto Double Barrel S/t Gu ns at $ej. 75, t-iso .360 dozen Pocket àand. Table Knires dire ct front the imanu/atatrers,' She7teZd, and will underseil any lîouse ini toiwîî. 1Oakum, Piteit and Spikes for Boat Jiaildere. Bri.-k and Plagiering Trowe, Cernent, 114iy, Coil, e-fr. Prkrees wll b. made to suit purichasers. SASH iA LA NUE. Re De THEXTON.. Eorz Broa.-Oakwood. WOOL* WOOL. tai if oi4 dt'wo cnts per po'uýn4 extra- mb emhlag. for Gooda. FrSn th. ba mu , "tg# &wiU «tb. aoi4at lowest mii prîcu 4,,,exrcIwsuge for VWooL LÂN» SÂLT A» ILÂND PLÂSTER Botk at th.e Eivctoyr nct Oalcwoo4. Tà:uIRNIP.SEEDS. AU Loe4diVrUeas of Smels an~d W?&U ý;=e n tSk~o7. MAio 8owing RGp, Miliet, N~~ota n hiM IS-na4cggeCor%. -oaHOGQ virBRlm-. OL» NGILISHE TBSTED ami TB E D. BAIN 0O98133IRET WONT 1111KWANT ANIMAL. les min". UBaveum es siUaoera7«» . Wsusv, Vessiesa h«»JUS s'Imm Pue, i. uami Iesm 0 et elle,?M 'laD.~ ~RD M se mafflu" »r Winv* fcx *LOOX» ENIGINàBOTNArM'UG STORRI KetU-a, L4t"daa LimimiWSept. <nu15-L. HOM &P SOn.-kManzoa lWc:>:>QL- WANTrECDf- IIORI & SONSP 'WOOLLEN MILL, Thoe shavial Wog tb kM or Ezehange uhiould Lupeot our w£-I ammre stok oYm& She an sd T1innels of pur' o*a mànùfio- abd y q TarMs vo have over 23 different shadOS tz wewpç tb Ughqt Market Plic for Wool s& Weol ua* up te order. AU.- lots of 25 ià& L.-